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Could a force consisting of 5 A-10 Warhogs defeat the Kido Butai at Pearl Harbor?
Assume that they are teleported 5 miles off Oahu just as the Japanese are finished launching their first wave.
I mean they can outrun Zero's and can carry JDAMs so yeah, probably
depends on how much fuel they have since Jet A was not a thing in 1941 and drop tanks remove ammo load.
>I mean they can outrun Zero's
Fodder for Zeros
The average pilot would dogfight a Mitsubishi
>Jet A
Kerosene is pretty ubiquitous.
Do you think Hawaii which was not even a state in 1941 has a usable several hundred gallon stash of Kerosene that could be mustered with a quickness when people did not even have phone numbers and had a party line shared phone system for their lamp oil.
Bulk kerosene storage back in the day was mainly for home heaters. The Final Countdown concept works because they have a carrier to refuel and rearm.
Just use gasoline with diesel.

Diesel was not common either the trucks tanks and most every engine ran on Gasoline in the USA and USA supplied areas Diesel was a Soviet thing. Post WW2 cold war era was when the US military and allies embraced diesel tech and required most engines to be multifuel engines because diesel was still not common hence the M-35 2.5 ton truck and the Chieftain tank as classic examples of multifuel era military equip. I am not trying to be a dick I would love to see some A10's dunk on the Tojos but want something workable.
There is only one way where it succeeds - load up on laser guided JDAMs and go as high as it lets you. A-10 barely has max altitude above Zero but it should outperform Zero there significantly enough that they can slip past the CAP and anti-air batteries and just drop a PGM on the Japanese carrier group.
An A-10 won't be able to effectively kill enough of the planes, trying to get into a dogfight would be a dead sentence and most of the stuff A-10 can carry wouldn't deal significant damage even to a WW2 capital ship.
If you're in a harbor diesel/fuel oil/lubricants are common.
Most US jets used JP-4 or incredibly wide-cut distillates for decades.

For that kind of aircraft fuel is the least of the concerns, ammo is the problem but you're only hyper-fixated with the fuel and ignoring that for whatever reason you have...
yes ammo is a huge concern but they could function as a command control aircraft when they are Winchester since they have long distance radio and radar so still of massive use as long as they are in the air. since they can fly higher and faster than anything flying at the time.
Are you baiting us right now
A10 can go 10k higher and 100mph faster than a zero plus has radar to spot aircraft and ships so should not be a problem to get around anything the Tojos have in the air.
Why? 1941 there was no radar, no decent radio transmission other than morse code. everything at best was LOS other than morse code off of massive shipborne and land based transmitters. So why would you think that 5 aircraft that are faster higher communicate better and can detect the enemy with "magic" in 1941 would not be a massive value to fighting?
I wouldn't bet on an A-10 being able to actually outclimb a Zero when loaded with multiple 2000 pound bombs.
Speed isn't as big of a concern - the point is to actually engage the planes the A-10s are going to be maneuvering and bleeding that speed and energy like crazy, while the whole reason why Zero was so infamous was that it could turn on a dime and print additional energy whenever it wanted because it was so light.
Effectively speaking the A-10s aren even neccesary, guided bombs are. Japanese carriers came under attack by stuff like B-17s but typically avoided all damage because it's very easy to dodge a very slow bomb from very high up. With PGMs Japs jus die.
If you are using A10's for air to air role you are fighting the wrong battle. You use them to destroy the Jap fleet and then the zeros have no where to land. and use them to vector the US aircraft to fight the zeros.
and how exactly are a10s supposed to destroy the japanese fleet? a couple 1000lb bombs and some 30mm isnt gonna do shit to anything bigger than a dinghy
fuck that load the a-10s clean except for 4 sidewinders each and all the ammo the gun can carry and they'd have smashed the japs especially if all the other air assets for the allies are still in play
Diesel engines were incredibly common in US service.
The Akagi was literally sunk by a single 1000lb bomb retard.
well you see americans have very large, bulbous penis. the japanese penis....very small =[ especially compared to large american penis
Name any common 1941 military, vehicles, craft, or equipment using diesel.
That is exactly how fleets get destroyed in WW2 Bombs and laser guided allow precision guided drops so their small numbers have huge impact. since they will have nearly 100% hit ratio.
4 sidewinders = 4 dead zeros gau8 probably another 4 before they are empty so 40 total dead zeros at A-10 hands pointless number overall the best use is to use the A-10's is for things 1941 militaries can not do.
Locomotives, submarines, a lot of pacific theater tanks used diesel as fuel. Most normal ships could burn diesel (oil burners).
Literally every US fleet submarine had diesel engines before and during WW2. Active-class cutters of the USCG had diesel engines. There were many civilian medium and heavy-duty trucks with diesel engines at this point in time. This doesn't count any stationary diesel engine installations or diesels used as auxiliary engines. You're legitimately delusional if you think it was hard to find diesel in Hawaii in 1941.
>1941 there was no radar.
What is the Opana radar site? For 500.
>Opana radar site
yep that worked out well it spotted planes right before bombs and torpedo's were falling from the sky but how about vectoring aircraft and ships to the Jap fleet? no can do no range or mobility.

no the US trains used coal those tanks were not a thing in 1941 and were not diesel most ships use HFA also called "Bunker" which is more like tar than diesel but are called "oil burners" since they were not coal.

How many Fleet submarines were stationed there in 1941? Hint zero zilch nada
ok retard
I'm not wasting time with your retardation.
5 sec search: https://www.history.navy.mil/research/archives/digital-exhibits-highlights/action-reports/wwii-pearl-harbor-attack/ships-d-l/uss-helena-cl-50-action-report.html
>Ctrl+F: Diesel
>Date: Dec 1941
gtfo and kys
>How many Fleet submarines were stationed there in 1941?
>How many Fleet submarines were stationed there in 1941? Hint zero zilch nada
The number is actually four, not counting any S-boats. There were 55 fleet submarines and 19 S-boats in the Pacific on 7 December 1941, and Pearl Harbor was a major base for them to resupply. Not attacking the submarine base was one of the critical failures of the Japanese.
Cool so you found some diesel now go run and grab some blend it to some ratio mimic a fuel you don't know about and has not been invented yet to refuel some plane you have never seen while bombs are falling. The Pilots could radio in and try and convince someone at the bases to do that possibly.

Personally I would land 2 A-10s' as soon as their ordinance is expended to relay coms and target info to save fuel then once the other 3 are done bombing and spotting the Tojo's they change roles. the 2 that were on the ground go up and continue the job.
Are the GPS satellites also teleported into the past?
Paveway's and GBU-39's laser guided bombs would be a much better loadout for the A-10'
A-10 doesn't have radar
Probably won’t save pearl from getting hit, but if you sink the carriers that severely fucks the nips and wipes out a pretty large contingent of their best trained best motivated pilots.
Short answer: Yes. Easily. Probably get called the Oahu Turkeyshoot or something.
Could a force consisting of 5 A-10 Warhogs defeat the Kido Butai at Pearl Harbor?
Assume that they are teleported 5 miles off Oahu just as the Japanese are finished launching their first wave.

I wouldnt even attack. Maybe launch a few missiles, fire some ammo, but my answer is that I would land my squad down at Pearl.

BOOM, within months the US has advanced X100 in tech.
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wow, very clever anon!! except that wasn't the fucking question now was it
There were 353 aircraft in the japanese fleet. huge level of AAA on the ships.
- Jap AAA was famously worthless
- no radar
- A-10 can fly at 45,000 feet
- Zero can only fly at 33,000 feet

it would be physically impossible for the kido butai to defend itself regardless of numbers.
people dont talk about the fact that a lot of zero had no armor or the fact that their carburetors were not float type. the zeros would choke doing maneuvers
>"Tests carried out at Kunming China. Page 8: 9. c. "The engine will not run under any conditions of negative acceleration, inverted, or in a steep skid. A Zero is unable to follow any airplane which does a sharp pushover unless it rolls and it cannot roll at high speed."

The 5 A-10s are supposed to defeat the fleet. I'm not even going to add in stop the Pearl Harbor attack.
Unladen they have about 90 mph on the Japanese aircraft.
They can carry 8 tons combined of various ordinance max.
They have 1,350 rounds in the gatling gun, fired at 2,100 or 4,200 rpm. The shortest burst firing the least amount of ammo uses 35 rounds. If they killed an aircraft every 1 second burst they can take out 38 aircraft each, 192 in total. From your 45k feet while the Zeros will be in the teen range as they take for fucking ever to get over 20k feet.
But wait. The A-10 is designed to fire to a max of 4,000 feet. After that the rounds are spread too far and the miss rate gets exponential. So at 6X designed range they won't hit shit.
And when they get lower they get swarmed.
>wow, very clever anon!! except that wasn't the fucking question now was it

Yeah, but the Kido Butai will be defeated later though.

With advanced technology.
>drops guided bombs on the Carriers
>returns to base without firing the Gatling Gun
>the Zero's crash into the sea when fuel runs out
Doesn't matter, newer JDAMs also have laser seekers and can hit moving targets.
Nah. The question is whether Superman can defeat Goku...at Pearl Harbor.
Goku would win.
"Save Martha!"

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