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New phobia unlocked. I'm never firing an rpg-7 again.
Is he okay?
a bucket of concrete, 5 minutes and he should do ok
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Something similar happened to one of the guys on that Ballistic High Speed Channel, but he lived. It's all thoroughly scared me off the concept of the RPG-7.

That entire situation was so bad that the guy who sold them that felt so horrible that he left the industry
He didn't need his head anyway
Checked and good. If you're selling something that will blow up and kill/maim the user, you shouldn't be doing it.
looks like the shoes are still on
I know this is all caused by 3rd world maintenance and cost cutting importers, but that's all that's available so I'm just gonna say I'll stay away from any and all RPG.
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Thats legit crazy. I didn't think a failure like that was possible.
Where the hell is this and why doesn't the cameraman seem to react?
some jungle asian hellhole where life is cheap.
thats usually a pretty good sign. might be worth trying CPR in that case.
what actually caused this? Also where was it?
You never fired one
Don't be playing with non-standard projectiles and charges.
Friction, improper wiring/fuse in the head of the rocket, a wrong fuel or discharge basis that cause it to spread to the explosive material. There’s so many reasons this could have improperly blown up like a lot explosives that are not safely applied. It looks like it’s in SEA, so it could be an old RPG unit that was intended to be used somewhere in that area 50 to 40 years ago.
I heard that in some SEA country you can pay cash to shoot these things into a berm or at old tractor wheels and shit. I was interested in pursuing this but now...
i think its cambodia and its 500 bucks to shoot a cow
WOW who could have imagined that shoulder fired rocket launchers could be dangerous?
Honestly that's kind of a scam. Neither cows nor warheads cost enough to justify that price tag.
It was chinese
Show me a Western analogue of the RPG7 doing this.
I hear you can go to Vietnam and fire an RPG7 at a cow for $400, or unload a full auto AK on chickens for $50.
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>Perhaps the primary reason RPG-7s are so popular is the low cost—anywhere from $500-2 000 for a launcher and $100-500 per rocket. Upgrade w/bipod and improved PGO-7V3 sight. This is the standard production ATGL version since the late 1990s.

>around $650US a cow
Almost all of these rural families dream to own a cow but the reality is that at around $650US a cow, 80% of families will never be able to afford one.

seems like a fucking good deal to me
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Is he shooting one of those Chinese airburst warheads?
seems to be a correlation between holding it wrong, and it blowing up in your face
Cows ain't cheap.
t. GF's family owns cattle.
Probably shitty video artifact but it looks to me like his head was ripped together with spine still attached to it which is BRUTAL
M72 LAW's had a equal track record and were pulled from service for it in the early 80's that RPG launcher was probably from Vietnam war so who the fuck knows what happened to the metal or propellant charge after living in a jungle environment for 60+ years and the other ones that have made the videos are some people reactivation of a demiled wall hanger and patching the required hole that is cut into the firing chamber. this would be like someone welding the hole shut on the demiled Russian tanks and cranking off the main gun.
>were pulled from service for it in the early 80's
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Nah don't think so. Would be awesome though.
M72s had a track record for being a lackluster at weapon against period armor, not literally blowing your head off lol
You can make an RPG with a pipe, model rockets, and a payload at the front. Lots of ignition methods can work, the simplest being a lighter with a way to reach the fuse.
And you do not necessarily need to use store bought model rockets, you can Hamas some homemade ones with pipes. Even the rocket engine can be made at home unless you want to get flagged for buying too many engines. Lots of compounds can be used but typically black powder or potassium nitrate & powdered sugar are used.
No big deal, certainly not worth losing your head over it.
what exactly happened there? i can't stop scratching my head about it
Can someone explain to me how the fuck does this even happen? Is it shitty materials used to make the launcher and the backblast blowing it apart or what?
Probably a Kyber-rigged propellant charge that blew up instantly rather than shot a sustained jet out the back. Can happen if you mix up compounds and put high explosive powder instead of gunpowder type compounds. I mean that blew his head clean off and it didn't look like the grenade at the end did it, you can see it fall out the end if you slow it down. Something way too powerful was used as the propellant charge.
>I didn't think a failure like that was possible.

Every product has a life cycle, you can't fire that shit unlimited times over decades, even if the product itself was flawless when it was made.

Although 3rd world "quality control" plays a large part here too.
unironically the best way to die
My theory is that one of the fins of the rocket sheared off when the tube failed to contain the pressure and blew outwards, and it guillotined his neck as it went.
Wasn't this some piece of shit welded together back from scrap?
Instant and spectacular. I can only hope to cause such a mess that I will not have to clean.
100% retard take

They fought the Vietnamese in the 80s so why the fuck would they have stock from the early 70s still unused?
a cow is worth more than $500, unless it's a sick or has downs syndrome or something. An RPG costs about $650US stock, but that falls down to $250 surplus and dud rockets are free if you're stupid enough to fire them.
Now with Ukraine I don't know what these are going for, there's really no good reason for the war to have driven up prices it just has
>has downs syndrome or something
Would people feel more or less bad about eating meat if they knew the animals were retarded? That might be a billion dollar idea anon

Did the helmet and armor help him or is it more a matter of angles of blast? His shit exploded outward, the OP kaboom looked less firebally but more angled in the operator's direction.
Holy SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the fuck
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He's alright, he's going to back over a few minutes

I'm from turd world cuntry, it's not that cheap
>were pulled from service for it in the early 80's
Bruh, I just heard a retired e-9 talking about how he planned to launch his issued LAW into a barracks in Operation Uphold Democracy before Cedras's admin capitulated, so I think your timeline may be a bit off here.
Seem like instant death : no pain so no need for fear.
It's no way to get ahead in life, that's for sure.
> Underrated is reddit now
Get off my fucking lawn, you damn kids
wonder what he felt and if he died fast enough to not register any fear or pain
Like 1/20 RPGs just do that out of the factory
>maintenance and cost cutting importers
tje youtuber got a demil'd one that got re-activated. So it got fucked with twice. I think overall with the amounts of these things produced and fired, the track record is very good.
The pain response to the brain can take anywhere from 150-500 ms, this guy probably perceived <100 ms of the malfunction and then it was lights out.
How many times you did fire an RPG-7?
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The head can live without its body for a decent amount of time. Its a fun feature of the human body that no one looks into.

In light of >>62462734
That guy is super lucky. At the time they said the helmet saved his life but I doubted it. I guess it really did.
farcry 2 moment
>Remember how he fired AT-4, holding it wrong,
You're confusing two different media idiots.
took weight off his shoulders so
maybe i guess
Is it just me or did the rocket itself not explode? The explosion within the launcher just pushed it out, you can see it near the end on the upper right.
Yes, combined with dodgy ammo. And luckily for him the weak point, where most of the blast was vented out, was facing away form him.
>a lotta talk and no content
Here it is. Here's the content: standard Soviet RPG-7s have an official barrel life of 250 shots.
I understand the shitty barrel life to keep them light, but at least they should have added a shot counter...
Nothing a few hours and a cement mixer can't fix.
Yeah, he should RMA that RPG
he looks happy
That was a Russian that did that dumbass, not Ballistic High-Speed. Nice try at disinfoing the shit tho, gay ass European teenager
Wrong guy: Alexey Smirnov of "High Caliber Mayhem" is the one you're thinking of.
>But whatabout your inferior mutt weapons
ok ivan
What's fucking hilarious about this is NO ONE in the western world knows who tf Alexey Smirnov is, or know about his shitty YT channel.
So even making that mistake instantly outs you as someone who doesn't belong. Like the three finger raised thing in Inglorious Basterds
Told on his own damn self
>What's fucking hilarious about this is NO ONE in the western world knows who tf Alexey Smirnov is
I had to look up his name and the first article was Business Insider. His channel was otherwise in vodka runes. Dude also fucks up a Javelin launch on a BMP by using it in top attack mode instead of direct before he tries to talk shit about the Javelin... against a RPG.
Russian men everyone lmao, fucking wimp pussies. Started crying because the AT-4 ruined his makeup.
Fortunately, that guy had his head blown off so he definitely didn't have time to register anything other than the feel of the trigger
>look up any pictures related to the dzj-08
>Holding it incorrectly can hurt you

>Can explode for no particular reason resulting in being maimed or killed

Pretty sure there are women who've fired AT-4s with no incident
>NO ONE in the western world knows who tf Alexey Smirnov is
He's known on /k/, and perhaps r/NonCredibleDefense, for being the guy who messed up that AT weapon firing.
Dude's just fucking retarded for confusing an American youtuber for that Russian guy.
It wasn't a life cycle issue. The rocket motor grain broke off and plugged the venturi, causing the inside of the motor to burn without venting out the back. Pressure built up and kaboom. Happens a lot with amateur rockets.
The weld honestly saved his life. It acted as a weak spot which vented pressure out the right side and away from his head, sparing him from the worst of the damage. Had the weld been as strong as the base material, the tube would have burst somewhere else and possibly killing him as it pipebombed next to his face.
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Yea it's fine.
Every three or so rpg casualties you have enough parts in the freezer to stitch one back together.
so you're telling me not holding the vertical grip will knock a fag onto the ground?

350$ for shooting it without negotiations.

If you want to shoot several rounds and negotiate like Jewish granny maybe 250$

Cow is extra and pricing depends on the cow. Anyway cow it's a scam. Hard to hit it from the safety distance unless you are really good.
>So even making that mistake instantly outs you as someone who doesn't belong.
Or alternatively, that AT4 webm was widely spammed and mocked on /k/ at the time and the two guys look similar. Not even that guy, but who the fuck is noncredible defense? There are just go many guntubers for any non-virgin to keep track of.
I believe the helmet absolutely helped despite it being blasted away, it still helped stop the intial wave of debris from just hitting him in the head, his comtacts protected his ears too

it fucked up his lower jaw but I think his actual skull and ears were okay.. helmets also work better when they're strapped to your skull lol
>The rocket motor grain broke off and plugged the venturi, causing the inside of the motor to burn without venting out the back.
Not possible.
where are you from, and how much does it cost to shoot an rpg at a cow there.
Not that anon but I saw something similar in Iraq, the rocket just plopping out of the launcher, burning. Nothing happened though, they put out the fire before anything reached the warhead. A lot of panic though of course.

Was actually one of two misfires I witnessed, the second one was a rocket overturning and just hitting a wall, also no explosion that time. Like a fucking boomerang. No idea how that's even possible and what caused it, but i literally saw it with my own eyes. Maybe someone in this thread can explain how that's possible.

I've seen RPG-7s used like 20-25 times, two misfires seems like a relatively high amount of failure. Soviet weaponry isn't as reliable as most people think. Sturdy and simple, but not that reliable.
VA rating 10%
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>by using it in top attack
No, this is literally the only correct way to use a Jav in ideal range circumstances (Neither, you, nor the target, are deep in a treeline or sheltered by a building or whatever).
Top Attack basically just changes the max ordinance the missle actually reaches before the seeker guides it on target, and subsequently how steep that "final approach" is. It's not really less reliable than direct attack (Which has it's own max ordinance, albeit a lot lower than the top attack), it's just telling the missle to hit the target from higher up. It's much more likely that he just fucked up the track-gates, which is really easy to do, especially if it's your first time manipulating them (And you don't really want the Jav to hit anyways)
t. fired a digital missle at a digital tank
Spiked case of rockets courtesy of Vietnam-era CIA.
You saw failures of the launch charge.
There is no physical way for the rocket grain to break off without having sheared the whole thing in half. It's contained within the steel tail.
The idiot blowing himself up with the reactivated launcher was using an RPG2 style round without a rocket motor.
The kind of cow you'd let tourists blow up for money is next to worthless. You're looking at figures for productive animals. They're also not buying rpgs at the market rate like it's a real business. It'll be military surplus bought cheap as fuck.
Man I can't believe that I over paid to shoot one in Cambodia 15 years ago. That thing was so ancient that even the paint was fucked.
I rolled my own as a 12 y.o. No payload. Used electrical igniter.

First test, it flew straight but clipped a small branch and 180'd. Impacted <15 ft from me at high velocity.

There was no test number two. Tossed the launcher and materials straight into the trash and have never even launched a bottle rocket since.

Had to launder the underwear. I can still briefly see that thing coming back at me.
Do you imagine a short squabble would magically use up EVERY old RPG?
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>AKfags' faces telling everybody how much better than ARs they are while watching literally every single thing from russia be complete shit
The article you linked says the complete fucking opposite of what you said
He returned to his base under his own power, comrade
Yes, and that ironically saved his life.
The reason for explosion was Bubba's civilian fireworks style propellant charge failure to evenly ignite and clogging the launch pipe.
If that RPG tube was perfect factory one, it would grenade and kill him, the weld instead made a weak point that allowed all the pressure to vent off instead of blowing the whole thing.
It is exactly what happened. And it happened because it wasn't military surplus charge, it was civilian fireworks style one.
>why doesn't the cameraman seem to react?

because its a mannequin
He made it, anon.
I had watch duty at the shooting range when some units were firing RPGs. They fired maybe 50 rockets without any failures. Keep in mind, we’re talking about a nonsandnigger army that keeps their equipment semi-maintained and functional
He fired a Javelin at point blank in top attack mode versus direct mode, the trajectory was steep and went through the floor of the BMP from the side. He was jerking off that the RPG (forgot if it was a disposable or some 7V# grenade) going through the side directly had the most spall effects to the insides.
As I was lmao, point blank top attack is also extremely retarded. The minimum distance for a Jav top attack is 160m, and that's not exactly confidential info.
This happened in Burma, but I don't know whether it's the rebs or the junta soldiers.
You can watch him be a tard with it before he disses it much like he took a retard dump on the AT-4.
There's speculation he knowingly used it in TA instead of DA because it'd give shit results but who knows. He might be genuinely retarded given how he fucks up the AT-4 which, again: Speculation he intentionally used wrong to diss it but we're dealing with Russians here.
>1 in a million event
Your fear is unfounded. Don't lose your head over it.
He's fine. He might have some ringing in his ears for a while.
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They say you can never get a head in the military. I found one on the ground over here.
You guys seen the one where he purposely fucks up the NLAW?
Fires it towards a Lada while holding down the PLOS tracker then swerves the launcher right before firing it sending the Missile on a curve missing the target. Then proceeds to bitch about it lol.
Nope didn't watch the NLAW one yet. Saw the one with him fucking around with AT-4s against ERA hung vertically as well as the one with where he shot a T-72 (with an AT-4 I believe) frontally in the hull which made it through the driver hatch/periscope weakened zone unintentionally.
>Simply pretending.
I had a co-worker who told me he built one for shits and giggles back in the early 80's. Used model rocket engines. The first one was to see if it would actually work and surprised him that it flew reasonably straight for a long way. Encouraged by the good ballistics he made a 2nd one with a "warhead" made of powder from a bunch of 12g shotgun shells. They waited one night and drove to the edge of a hill in an industrial section of Calgary overlooking Deerfoot Trail. No other traffic at that hour, they spied a lone semi truck pulling a Wonderbread trailer approaching, took aim, fired. Rocket tracked true and exploded against the trailer startling the hell out of the driver who briefly lost control. He said it was impressively loud and may have left a scorch mark. They ran back to his Duster and took off. Never did that again. He thinks the ejection charge on the engine that's used to pop the chute under normal use, ignited the gun powder a fraction of a second before impact.
looks like it was a splitting headache.
You are not welcome here. Get the fuck out of here and never return.
looks like someone thought they could weld the shit back together and their welds failed
>Maybe someone in this thread can explain how that's possible
Bump for this
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Everyone stay calm! There's no reason to lose our heads.
You little shit
>Paid to shoot at cow.
Nobody does that here, maybe you should go to Africa
I swear you glowie fuckers are the worst, and you scaredy kids are about as bad... I fired hundreds of live PG-7VL's in RPG-7's back in the early 90's shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union.. Many were being fired along with me and I took the opportunity to truly master that system. Nobody went boom. Most likely, since that was the thermobaric TBG-7V, it was an old RPG tube that was poorly maintained in shitskin jungle monkey land. The TBG-7V is one of two of the heaviest of all RPG rounds, coming in just a cunt hair under 10 pounds. So that rocket pushing it is much hotter in power than all of the others. I wouldn't try to lob a damned TGB-7V with an old tube. I'd want a PSRL-1 if I'm going Gucci or an RPG-7V2. In the video it could even be a refurbished RPG-7, certain death pushing a TBG-7V.. So a bad RPG tube pushing a typical PG-7VL will fuck you up like that YouTuber. Had he tried to fire a TBG-7V, he would of been beheaded like in OP. So, if you are gonna fuck around with RPG's, don't use a refurbished formerly demil'ed tube. And don't try to launch either the TBG-7V or the PG-7VR rounds in an old tube.
Fake as fuck. The AT-4 PULLS FORWARD when you fire.

RPG hands typed this.
Is this bait
Strange how calm the cameraman is. They set this poor nigga up
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A lot can happen in the 20 years since then, like components going bad from improper storage or additional barrel wear that nobody accounts for because it's someone else's problem.

Don't undersell your life. Buy the PSRL-1 today!
>Like a fucking boomerang. No idea how that's even possible and what caused it
The RPG-7 has rocket nozzles around the perimeter and pop-out fins. Both are slightly angled but I'd guess that the fins failed on one side and the drag caused the rocket to turn as the rocket was firing, making it fly into the direction where the fin failed.
>RPG2 style round without a rocket motor
You managed to explain it to yourself how everyone else was right, and still you fucked it up.
It had a rocket motor. Having a boost charge that kicks the rocket body out is harder than just plopping a motor on the back and treating it as an amateur rocket. Amateur rocketry is better documented than amateur recoilless rifle builds.
A boost charge would have vented the pressure out the back. A rocket grain failure would send a chunk of fuel into the venturi as it burned within the blocked pipe.
Most DIY launchers for firing inert warheads are built to use rocket motors but the motor burns within the tube. There are a few who experiment with rockets that continue burning outside but those aren't typically shoulder launched.
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>gets mad about people for knowing that a subreddit exists
>which betrays the fact he also knows it exists
You absolute fucking retard. I expect you will also exile yourself for knowing there's other websites on the internet other than Tajik embroidery forums.
what sex toy is that?
Over 20lbs of pussy and ass.
I don't know what it's called I just remember the meme.
You're intensely retarded.
You try too hard to look like you belong on this shitpit. Think about that for a few hours.
Don't worry, it's just CGI
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I've been thinking about that spinning rocket every now and then for a very long time, wondering how the fuck it happened. Thank you very much
Yep someone just needs to glue his head back on
That's pretty much what happened, there was a guy selling "remanufactured" RPG's where they'd weld the cutout in deactivated RPG's back in and place a sleeve over the cutout to reinforce it. That coupled with them firing garage built rockets lead to the cutout's welds failing and a catastrophic detonation. The only reason that guy is alive, was because the cutout was facing away from him not inward toward his collar bone.
if they had welded a sleeve over the cutout, it would have been strong enough to do the needful like OP.
the fact it was weak allowed him to live when the rocket motor failed.
M72 is the most widely procured western rocket.
doing better than me
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on that subject
IDF M72 LAWs have a sticker covering the english instructions with hebrew ones
this include the direction of fire
so someone put the sticker the wrong side around, and someone shot a rocket backwards
The trigger of the LAW is beyond retarded and the sight isn't too far.
Grips and triggers have an inherent and easy to understand direction. You can't read that stupid sticker during the night.
damn they spike ammo with nerve gas now?
ye, but if you haven't fired a lot of them you are probably less confident in what you remember compared to what's written on the launcher
>what actually caused this?
Project Eldest Son
Decapitation is not literally instant. Your head survives for up to two minutes.
He Predator’d himself. Impressive!
that's cambodia
If he got killed by a guillotine then sure, but his head was blown open.
>be plinking inna yard
>gun fucking explodes
>barrel banana'd
>soot all over my face
>hear giggling from suspiciously glowing shrubbery
man fps russia fell off
There was no rocket motor. They were using just a BP booster charge. Watch the video where they explain it.
Im going to be mad at you if this is from the javelin training mission in America’s army 2
Yeah. The concussive force from the blast probably mulched his thinkmeats inside his skull, no way he was conscious for any of it.
Ironically enough, the guy probably lived because of that weld failure. If the pressure didn't vent out like it did, that guy probably would have died like in OPs vid.
those rockets have probably been sitting in the sun or a hot warehouse for 40-50 years and the seal separating the propulsion and the grenade was sun damaged and blew up simultaneously. very funny very heartwarming video fuck chinks

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