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Greetings /k/,

I would like to start a knuckleduster general. I've searched the archives and wasn't satisfied with what has been posted so I figure I would fix that.

I've been training with knuckledusters, saps, and knives this year. Tried to find as many weapon manuals as I could on the best way to use the weapons, and seriously analyze what would be a great compliment to my pistol I've carried for over a decade. And I've come to the conclusion that knuckledusters are a superior weapon for both offense and self-defense scenarios in close quarters combat. Figure I'll share some of my research.

Knuckledusters have been legit weapons for a very long time. From the rock in the hand, to the caestus, tekko, Hawaiian Lima Meau Kaua(Shark teeth knuckle duster), Indian indramukti, to the modern versions you saw pop up around the 1800s with the Parisian Apache gangs, American west and Civil War. They were used by Abraham Lincolns personal guards as well as during WW1 and WW2.

When I first started researching and training with this weapon, I found many myths surrounding how to use it. And it's mainly the fault of shitty manufacturing and Hollywood movies.

You absolutely need the palm swell in line with your forearm and in a tight fit. If there is any give or you can't hold it the right way, I wouldn't even bother using that cheap piece of shit. A well made pair of knuckledusters will fit your hand snugly and firmly and you should have zero give and be able to punch at full force into a solid object like a tree with no pain. Which finger knuckles the weapon aligns with doesn't matter as long as the KD is in line with your arm and you have a good palm swell. The leopard punch grip you see alot of old timers talk about is an adaption they did to the paper weights that flooded the market decades ago in order to wield these cheap knockoffs. Just like with knives or pistols, with brass knuckles you get what you pay for quality wise and it makes a big difference.

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Another myth surrounding this weapon(and this IS a weapon) is that it is simply some form of punch enhancer or cheap trick. Make no mistake, this is a serious weapon that I would argue is deadlier and easier to wield than a knife. While a boxing background would help greatly in learning how to use these, if you actually practice with these on dummies you will see that there is a big difference in using these compared to bare fists. Glancing blows are incredibly effective, you don't have to hit as hard to cause great damage, and if it has spikes it can be used to cut and slash. The spikes in my apache icepick as seen in pic greatly increases the pressure per square inch and I have been able to take chunks out of the poor trees I've had to abuse during this research. A strike aimed at the head or temple would end any fight immediately.
The particular model I use is called an Apache Icepick. The model originally was designed by the Parisian Apache gangs and has an icepick that holsters inside the grip via a screw. This allows the weapon to be enhanced with a short icepick that extends the range and can be used to puncture skulls or other key targets.

The right book in my pic listed these advantages to the weapon compared to other types and I agree with some added thoughts.

Concealibility: you can easily hide them in your pants or jacket. Even with the spiked one I have it conceals well when on my hand and I can put it on in my pocket to get ready to strike. You generally can't do this with a knife unless its small and definitely can't do this with a baton. Certain small saps can do this, but it will have a bigger profile sticking from your pants or jacket. As far as summer wear I think nothing can beat the knuckleduster in this regard.

Undectable: KDs can be made of wood, plastic and be concealed in non permissive environments

Stopping power: This is the biggest advantage impact weapons have over blades. The stories I've read on the use of saps and knuckledusters knocking out, breaking limbs, caving in faces, stunning and more is consistent. When in a combative situation, this is a huge advantage. When combined with a highly concealible and fast weapon like the KD, this means one hit KOs or death. The problem with knives is that they lack stopping power. Review cases of people being stabbed(if any anons here have experience with this, please post, would love to hear) and you will see most of the time people don't know they have been cut. Even when arteries or organs have been cut, it takes time for the bleed out to happen.


Minimization of collateral damage and weapon retention: If you train with live knives, you know the paranoia you have on not cutting your hand, especially if there is no guard or you are doing stabbing exercises. There are many cases you can see in video form or testimonies of people cutting themselves or getting disarmed. A properly made KD is virtually impossible to disarm. In addition, in the heat of a altercation, there is no worry on cutting yourself or falling on a blade. You can swing and move as fast as you can without worrying about hurting yourself.

Intuitive movements: One of the first activities a boy does when mimicking batman or whatever superhero is punch. Punching is an instinctual movement a human does in self defense. The problem is hands break easily. Well, add some heavy brass on each end and you now have two metal clubs that whip, contract and pulverize unlike any weapon on the market. I know most cases you are going to use one KD, but this is probably the only case of a melee weapon that any guy with basic experience boxing can dual wield with, extremely fast. You can't do this with knives. I've tried basic combos with the two I have and its incredibly easy to quickly strike over and over with deadly accuracy.

Anyways thanks for reading. Now one caveat.

These things are illegal in many parts of the world. Even if you use them in a legal area, its going to look really bad if you carry one or two of these and kill some scumbag cause you wanted to roll play as a Tekken character. The way the system is setup the type of weapon you use and how it looks is used to make a case against you. You see this bullshit with knives.
Would like to hear thoughts and opinions from you guys. I find this is a weapon that isn't explored much by us weapon guys and I'm on the search for more training material and history on this if you all know of any. Theres almost nothing out there which surprised me. Libre is the only organization I could find that had a "system". Its fun trying to figure out how to use weapons that aren't popular.

I'm not a fan of this guy's channel, but look at the comments. There are thousands of stories from people talking about their experience with them. Interesting read!
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based effortposter, confirming much of what you've said here but also adding that one of the best features of handtanks is that their design can be 'hidden' within other tools, making them uniquely suited for people living in cucked states where pigs don't believe in a right to self-defense for anyone except politicians and their bodyguards.
Raidops makes some of the best designs imho (picrel)
Also gonna' plug this site that I found recently, has some pretty interesting designs alpha-tactical-systems.myshopify.com/collections/all
>Apache Icepick
Interesting idea and cool execution but you'd be shit out of luck if you're trying to pull that out of someone's ribcage mid-brawl.
>Tekko vs KD
The knuckleduster with individual finger holes but little to grip in the palm can result in broken fingers if you try to land a hammerfist on something solid, the iconic kd design is ironically one of the least effective variants
Pretty damn interesting comments section, I always figured they'd hurt to use somewhat if you don't wrap the handle but it seems like.my suspicions were correct and that they will fuck someone up big time if you hit with any kind of force
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Oh I absolutely agree that the icepick would be useless in a brawl. It was pretty much designed to be a mugging and assassination tool. If I used mine in a SD scenario I would just be swinging it.

Thanks for the links! Gonna check them out when I'm done with my walk with the son and wife.

As far as hammer strikes with the finger holes variants, I can see that being an issue. I haven't had that problem with the one I have tho, it just fits perfectly. The raised bump from the pick really makes it easy doing a strike like that as well.

Appreciate the kind words, I've been a knife and gun guy my whole life and love precision shooting but knuckledusters really surprised me when I looked into them. Their history is fucking cool too
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>These things are illegal in many parts of the world. Even if you use them in a legal area, its going to look really bad
This is the main reason I don't want to use/carry knuckle dusters of any construction. Even if no one witnesses you using them and you dispose of them after, I'd think any investigation might reveal their use. It's just not worth being caught carrying a purpose made deadly weapon like that when the penalty for carrying a much more effective firearm is similar.

Am interested in what people think about carrying weights to enhance punches and if anyone has experience striking with them. Using anything that increases the chance of breaking your hand seems like a liability when an escalation of violence is likely to lead to needing a firearm later.
Why the fuck you write a novel, queer. Just make a /kdg/ and let people post without your posts shitting up the first few replies to your gay thread.
Pretty specific for a general. This subject would probably be welcome in the knife general.

BUT, if anyone owns a cold steel chaos dagger, I'd be interested in their thoughts on it.
That's not how you hold knuckledusters.
I think you're largely overcomplicating things. As you mentioned things like this have been a weapon for a very long time. It's basically a fancy fist-load: even holding a rock in your hand or the old classic roll of coins lets you deliver a stronger punch, something that is hard and protects your hand like knuckles is even better. But this doesn't make it a good thing necessarily, it just makes it so obvious that everybody thought of it, sort of like a club.

As for why they aren't more commonly discussed? Eh, I think that's really "begging the question". People do bring them up here and they're very well known. I think they don't get used much as practical weapons because their use case is quite small. They're obviously silly as a weapon of war. They do have uses for self-defense but that is problematic for a few reasons:
1) they're illegal in many places even when other weapons are legal.
2) they can kill easier than many people think
3) if you're willing to resort to lethal force then a gun is a heck of a lot better.
It's difficult to think of a situation where knuckles would be an optimum weapon because of those factors. There are some interesting niche historical examples I can think of though. During WWII British SOE issued solid silver knuckles to commandos operating in the middle east. They were cast from melted-down Maria Theresa thaler coins, which were and still are a currency of the bedouin. The idea was that they could be used as a weapon and if necessary bartered for their precious metal value.

Another interesting historical example. Picrel is Walter Henry Thompson, and he was Winston Churchill's bodyguard. He was known to carry a nasty steel knuckleduster in one pocket and a 1911 in the other.
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forgot my pic like a tard
>about carrying weights to enhance punches and if anyone has experience striking with them.
I got bullied by one particular kid when I was in middle school and one day I had enough of his shit. He used to come fuck with me when I went to my locker after one particular class. I brought a roll of pennies and when he showed up to fuck with me I was ready. He shoved me, then I nailed him straight in the face with 'ol Honest Abe. I don't know if I broke his nose but he sure bled a lot, he kept talking about how he was going to get his friends to beat me up but I didn't receive any more shit from him for the rest of my stay at that school, in fact he didn't even try and fight back right when I hit him, he just ran like a bitch and from then on he kept his distance.
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Wrong. Read my post again. Where the "edge" of the knuckleduster rests is determined where the palm swell fits in your palm. It doesn't matter if the edge is higher up the knuckle as long as it's locked in tight and covers your hand. Mine fits perfectly across my hand and I can punch vertically or horizontally with no pain.

Look at this photo. You want the edge aligned with your wrist and forearm. When its like that, your arm is taking the shock and not your fingers. Thats why I said don't even bother with cheap piece of shit knuckledusters because their palm swell is probably isn't fitted right. Thats why that stupid leopard paw grab became the go to for cheap knockoffs most people have experienced.

I appreciate the comments. How much have you trained with knuckledusters?

Handloads definitely work but honestly I don't want to use my bare fist to hit anyone. Not worth fucking them up. Funny story
>I appreciate the comments. How much have you trained with knuckledusters?
Zero. I just happen to have learned about those historical examples when I was reading about WWII/SOE stuff. There's no doubt in my mind they can be highly lethal weapons with training--hell, they can easily be lethal *without* it. But that's not really saying much as any weapon is effective with training.
Enjoying this thread.
Been thinking about making one from wood, fit exactly to my hand, but as others said, they're highly illegal and actually carrying them will get you buttfucked three ways to sunday if things go wrong.
Nice story you made up
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>3) if you're willing to resort to lethal force then a gun is a heck of a lot better.
People bring this up a lot, yet knuckles were popular carry weapons well after automatic firearms became reliable and common.
>yet knuckles were popular carry weapons
Yes. The question is, if you really need to defend yourself and using a gun is an option, why would you choose knuckles instead? Or if you expect to be in a situation where you honestly expect to need a backup weapon then perhaps there might be better options that are both more effective and aren't as much of a legal concern?

The knife you posted is quite rare and valuable BTW, those were also issued by the Brits to commandos in WWII, they also had the BC-41 knuckle knife.
this dudes right you are holding em wrong
this is not correct at all. this is how a guy who doesnt know how to hold them holds them.
everything your saying proves it. you dont punch with knuckledusters, you invented your own incorrect way of doing things.
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OP here.

So this is my opinion. The one aspect that knuckles really shine is the ambush sucker punch. This means being the aggressor and attacking first. They hide very well when worn even if they aren't in a pocket and they have a dull bronze finish. All the accounts I've read of railroad enforcers during the hobo days, and cops on the beat before they got militarized was that knuckles provided a fast way to ambush someone and knock them out , break bones or take the fight out of them. They fucking hurt when you are hit with one.

No one is going to see it coming if all they see is a guy in the dark walking up with his hands in his pockets or hanging by his side and he gets laid out.

Saps/blackjacks also do this to a lesser lethal(its still dangerous) extent. That Saps Blackjacks, and Slungshots book i showed in the pic makes a fantastic argument for impact weapons and how bizarre it is that saps and knucks became unpopular. Essentially what happened was that mobsters and criminals took to them after the world wars and slowly they got a reputation as criminal weapons. Hoods that know how to use them will tell you the same thing, they love them for the one shot potential they have.

Knives are very deadly, but they are messy and I think they are viewed more as murder weapons than knuckles are, even though a properly made knuckleduster is very dangerous and will kill with just a swing to the head.

Anyways, I think that's why knuckledusters aren't popular among self defense people besides the restrictions in owning them. They shine with a fighter taking the initiative. In todays court that means you go to jail for a long time, unfortunately. Its bullshit that the law can't recognize citizens might need to take the initiative to defend themselves but the government doesn't care about you and it would make things alot more complicated for them in court.

Hoped that helped.
>They shine with a fighter taking the initiative
Yes, obviously. That makes them an aggressor's weapon, not a defensive one. Like you said, they got the reputation as a criminal's weapon which is why they're so commonly illegal, just like saps, blackjacks, slung shots, etc. This is just stating the underlying reasoning for what >>62472161 mentioned about them being illegal in many places even when knives or guns are permitted.
Lmao. Show me your knuckles and show me how you hold them. I have pounded on trees, tires, and heavy dense rubber dummies designed for bullets and I can use raking strikes, jabs, crosses, overhead strikes, corkscrews, hammer strikes, backhand strikes, and uppercuts. Maybe I did create my own thing because it fucking works. Or maybe its because so many Americans over generations have only used cheap piece of shit knuckles and had to develop an inferior technique with their chunks of China made knock off brass.
I'm going to be flying into NYC soon, what's the best item I could buy at a corner store that could be used or easily modified into a weapon?
ideally something that won't get me arrested if I go through metal detectors
Well I guess the usefulness of them depends on what you think the future will bring. Laws and situations may very well change. Maybe even sooner than you think. I view it as useful tool in my toolbox along with the rest of my weapons I train with constantly.
>why would you choose knuckles instead?
Why is it an "instead" question? You can carry multiple things.
Look up ed calderon.

I'll give you a hint on something I used when I was traveling the middle east. Get a lock and a sock or bandana. Extremely cheap and disposable.
metal waterbottle on a decently strong lanyard/rope. used in the manner of rock in sock or bikelock but more friendly with no justification needed.
thanks, I think I get what your describing. like some kind of weight striking weapon on a short strap. when I Google search it, some felippe faggot shows up. I can probably bring a decent lock into carryon, maybe attach it to a leather bag strap or paracord
I carried a small lock on my belt buckle and practiced pulling it off and using it as a flail. It works. With the sock or bandana you can disassemble it with the lock when you are in danger areas. Ed espouses all non permissive environment weapons having alibis as normal items and being able to disassemble them. Those pioneer woman knives work great too in cardboard folded with tape too. You can throw them away quickly as well and no one bats an eye. Also if you get one in pink or some other lame color it makes you look less worse in court.

Ed also shows how to make a knuckleduster with a carbineer but I think that shits a bad idea and will just break your hand.
>You can carry multiple things.
And those things can be the same thing. If you're carrying a gun as your primary, you're still free to carry another gun, knife, baton, pepper spray, whatever else you want as your secondary. What's the logic for choosing the knuckles over those other options?
I think knives might be out of the question as NYC has some pretty gas knife laws
I think sectional density and velocity is what causes damage, I that regards a brass lock would probably beat out water bottle
>like some kind of weight striking weapon on a short strap.
It's fundamentally a variation of a "slung shot", there are countless ways to improvise such a weapon.

And don't forget picrel.
>doesn't show strangling a nigga with a belt

problem with belt is it could take a few seconds to get out of the loops
>I that regards a brass lock would probably beat out water bottle
true but carrying waterbottles is normalized and accepted
Never seen that before, good one. Saved
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Yep. Just gotta practice and experiment and think it through
Speaking of classic improvised weapons, consider the "Millwall brick". This was a weapon created by English football hooligans who wanted to fight but were screened for weapons entering the stadium. They'd carry a newspaper and have some coins in their pocket. Once they got to their seat they'd take out the paper, fold the coins in the seam in the center and then roll it up really tight. Now you have a metal-weighted club.

>The book Spirit of '69: A Skinhead Bible describes the use of Millwall bricks by British football hooligans in the late 1960s: "Newspapers were rolled up tightly to form the so-called Millwall Brick and another trick was to make a knuckleduster out of pennies held in place by a wrapped around paper. You could hardly be pulled up for having a bit of loose change in your pocket and a Daily Mirror under your arm."
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>What's the logic for choosing the knuckles over those other options?
You can wear them around, so if you're attacked, you instantly have a weapon ready. If you need to transition to another weapon, you don't even need to drop the knuckles. There are pics floating around of guys I think in Vietnam cutting the index finger stall of their knucks. That way they can hold them in the same hand as their handguns while being able to pull the trigger.
brake cleaner is degreaser, grill cleaner is a much stronger chemical that can break down lipids and proteins as well. you need to replace to nozzle from a different can of you want the stream to project out though.

this reminds me in high-school when a grown ass man showed up to fight some kid. He got jumped by 3 teens and was beaten unconscious with belts, nigga will never live that down.
Good to know. Here's another one he posted. I've heard good reviews of that spiked knuck.
Here's the lock example
Flail with pipes and cable
>That's not how you hold knuckledusters.

Came here to post this.
If you disagree, you are dumb as fuck and unable or unwilling to research it.
>noknucks or poorfag who has ill-fitted knucks
its your hands at risk not ours. you are like a guy who has his thumb tucked in his fingers when he makes a fist. everyones saying hey moron you are doing it wrong. you say i punch things all the time and havent broken my thumb. making a fist like this isnt wrong.
I have some Dusters.

I'd love to get ahold of the ice pick knuckles.
This might be a good project to work on and build this winter.
Read the fucking post and my replies. I've explained this over and over. As long as the palm swell fits fine and it's aligned with your wrist and arm you are fine. Its knuck fuddism with the leopard paw grip because of the shitty design of the paperweights that flooded the country the past 50 years that everyone has a shitty technique. Think for yourself and experiment with an actual well made knuckleduster
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If you have a cheap shitty knock off then go ahead and use the leopard paw grip. That's the only way you can use it without breaking your fingers. Get a real pair and be amazed how much better it is.

I love that movie btw

"My face to your foot style, how ya like?"
that's a fucking garrot bro
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OP here, if you want that apache icepick in the image or other high quality models of knuckledusters or knives hit up Muskrat man. They are legit, and they are made to actually fit your fist. You get what you pay for and it's unique.

Ed said they were ghetto nunchucks
You kids are peak cringe!
Just learn how to box and wrestle.
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yeah try that against a knife retard. I'd much rather have something that guarantees a debilitating hit if I have to deal with an enemy trying to seriously injure or kill me
Just carry dagger in addition to your pistol.
>that hand

Get out and do some labor, even if it’s just wrenching on a car.
Post hands
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based thread. lmao at all the people telling OP he is holding it wrong when obviously his method is working perfectly fine for him.
for a while I wanted to get a coin-holding sap but it just seems like extra weight for no real reason.
these weapons are very offensive in nature, and I have no need/desire to attack people that are not attacking me. a gun and maybe a small knife on my back for punching someone with if they are interfering with my draw is all I need
finest pakistani steel, flea market special
OP, I appreciate the effort you've made for this thread.

I have never once considered KD for any real reason; the closest I've ever came to purchasing some was a replica WW1 Trench knife I snagged on sale off of Knife Depot, but my fingers were too big to fit through the knuckle holes comfortably; the knuckle of my middle finger barely made the gap and was almost painful. I'll just end up giving it to my son when he gets old enough I guess.

I carry a knife 99% of the time and a gun 40% of the time so I don't really have a need for something like KD in my carry plan.

I don't have enough experience with them to disagree with any of your points and I would absolutely not want to get blindsided with a right hook by someone wearing them.
speaking of belts, bicycle/bike chains were often used improvised weapons even outside the intended scenario (of using a bike) because you could use them as a belt, thus having it always on hand
It got so popular that i knew more people wearing it for fashion reasons than for the original purpose kek

might as well get a bicycle lock at this point, already in one package
>During WWII British SOE issued solid silver knuckles to commandos operating in the middle east
Going to need some evidence for that. I have seen "white metal" (probably an aluminium alloy) SOE knuckles, which may have then become a myth.. But never silver.
Could this be used safely with the blade closed? If the inside of your finger joints have to rest on the blunt edge of the blade, I wouldn't want to risk punching with it.

Can understand why you'd want a smaller package for carrying in a pocket, but if the blade needed to be opened first that would lose you all the initiative for a sucker punch.
>not having a bayonet affixed to your carry gun at all times
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Love the look of that. Where is that from?

I'm actually friends with the smith that made mine and was laughing with him showing this thread. I'll post what he said: "Most people have never worn a pair that was actually made to fit properly over the knuckles. Old ones were generally made small to be worn in front of the knuckles to swipe at or "dust" your opponent. Modern techniques are much more viable and inflict much more damage to the target. Of course with them as a force multiplier you dont have to use tons of force unless you want to straight up end someone. They just can't fathom that on a properly made set your fingers never come in contact with the front of the stalls if the brace height is correct for your hand. And with proper grip and brace height the knuckles literally cannot twist or roll in your hand."

I appreciate it man lol. Honestly I think a pistol is all someone would ever need. But whats life without exploring new ideas and history? I'm a former zogbot combat arms guy so weapons have always been my thing. I love training with what I have.
>I'm actually friends with the smith that made mine
Nice shill thread for your 485 dollar knuckleduster, try not to be so obvious with the marketing next time.
Trench knives look really cool.
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I asked him whether or not he would like to be mentioned in this thread and he told me I could if I wanted. Other people mentioned they liked the model I have, so I mentioned where they could get it. Especially if they want a real set that won't break their hands.

So many noknucks faggots in this thread that just want to shit it up
kill yourself faggot
>Its bullshit that the law can't recognize citizens might need to take the initiative to defend themselves
the law recognizes that perfectly fine. there's a case about preemptive self defence that's commonly taught in common law countries to that effect - basically, scary man at bar is making threats that he's going to kill other man. other man leaves bar. outside of bar, as he's leaving, scary man walks up to him. other man kills scary man on the spot before any words are even exchanged - not guilty. this case turns on the fact that the scary man was legit a known violent and unhinged motherfucker and his threats were serious.

the difference between this and the "preemptive self-defence" scenarios you jerk off to is that shooting a nigger walking down the street because you're scared is, in reality, just straight up murder.
This is based af. Best part of /k/ imo.
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Considering that Parisian Apache gangs preceded WWI I suspect they influenced the trench knife design.
I own one, inherited from a relative who was a British WWII militaria collector. It is very similar to those depicted here:
They are most definitely silver: they feel very heavy in the hand for their size, the density of the metal is much too high to be aluminum. They tarnish like silver, they conduct heat fast like silver, and they have hallmarks for silver.
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thanks anon, and agreed, they're fascinating weapons from a design and historical perspective. Knuckledusters and saps are highly underrated, maybe we can have an impact weapons general, eventually. Good thread.
>Why the fuck you write a novel, queer. Just make a /kdg/ and let people post without your posts shitting up the first few replies to your gay thread.
post knuckleduster, then kill yourself
Does anyone have any good resources on how historical caestus looked like?
All I can find is something along the lines of "yeah basically leather bandages with studs or blades n shit".
>Does anyone have any good resources on how historical caestus looked like?
There's tons of depictions of them in Roman artwork. In fact one of the most famous sculptures in the world depicts them.
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From: De Arte Gymnastica Libri Sex by Girolamo Mercuriale, 1573
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Whats pretty cool is that caestus boxers would fight against other gladiators with other weapons. And they did it naked for max speed.

Old school glass cannon build
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>nobody cared who I was until I put on the knucks...
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Deaths Head KD. Made of aluminum so its pretty fast to swing
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Trainer from Libre and a mean gene hot tamale coin purse. The coin purse hits hard when loaded with quarters. You can see the dummy paint from whacking with it
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thoughts on plastic knucks?
Plastic can be okay assuming they are made well. I'd be very cautious about anything FDM printed, if they're not designed or printed correctly they can very easily be fragile and then you'd end up with a bunch of plastic splinters embedded in your hand when you tried to hit something or someone with it. FDM parts are brittle even in the best of circumstances and that's a silly fabrication method for an impact weapon. I have seen some plastic knuckles that were injection molded from strong plastic and there's no doubt those would be effective.
There would be huge potential in polymer ones if they could make them right. Make a nigh unbreakable one that can pass metal detectors, and you can shape it to try and make it not look like a duster. Only thing that would suck is that it would be really light and wouldn't have the oomph brass has. I can't think of anything that would add weight that isn't metallic
>I can't think of anything that would add weight that isn't metallic
sand/clay/fiberglass? Just make a hollow cavity as part of the model?
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Yeah that might do it, but idk how much weight you can add without being conspicuous. I think my bronze one is about 2 pounds. Regardless anything hard is gonna pack a whallop regardless how light it is.

This is the bone tactical "multitool". He claims you can bring it anywhere, even on planes. Obviously you don't have the full surface area of a real knuck, but you can easily do most of the manual of arms with this.
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cool find, reminds me of Kelly Worden's travel wrench but actually useful for punching
>idk how much weight you can add without being conspicuous.
>Regardless anything hard is gonna pack a whallop regardless how light it is.
The equation for energy transfer boils down to mass increasing energy linearly (so more mass = more energy) but velocity causes an exponential increase (energy = (0.5)MV^2) so weight helps things right up until the added inertia reduces your punching speed.
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>idk how much weight you can add without being conspicuous.
The plausibly deniable answer is pocket change
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Yeah pocket change is king for plausible deniability
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Change itself is deniable. But everybody knows exactly what those "coin holders" are for, that isn't fooling anybody.
Found a cool website with quality polymer knucks. And won't break the bank

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Has a copper gouged one that looks slick
Yeah more so to circumvent the law
>Change itself is deniable. But everybody knows exactly what those "coin holders" are for, that isn't fooling anybody.
You can't get arrested for an empty bit of marine hose with rivets in it and some pocket change.
thanks for sharing, any idea what the nonmetallic are made from? Looks like it may be FDM or maybe G10/micarta?
pick one

>thanks for sharing, any idea what the nonmetallic are made from?
It looks like ordinary FDM 3D printing which the person then sanded over to smooth the lines from the FDM, filed some grooves in it to make it look "worn" and then applied some metallic spray paint over the top to fake the metallic look. It's lipstick on a pig.
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I saw this trench knife today at a museum today.
Shitty fuckass knuckles with no counterweight and eyelets (finger holes) too small.
It's a fucking scam my nigger

How do people on a WEAPONS ENTHOUSIAST BOARD fall for such basic toddler-tier scam?
>felon/europoor general
Yeah how bout no
>How do people on a WEAPONS ENTHOUSIAST BOARD fall for such basic toddler-tier scam?
They haven't actually studied the weapon in question because that would require reading books and that's less fun than watching people stream on twitch or posting dumb memes on social media.
They're unable to discern quality due to being raised in a world of Chinesium throwaway crap.
Mind you this applies to the seller as well, I'm sure he doesn't think of himself as a scammer, he most likely doesn't even realize how shitty his product is. It's the very definition of the blind leading the blind. Idiots selling crap tools to other idiots, but in the end it doesn't matter because they're just going to be used as some cosplay prop for getting attention on the internet.
No offense, but I didn't learn how a brass knuckle should be made from a fucking book
This is like showing a knife guy a knife with a 6 inch blade but a 3 inch handle.
Oh and it's not full tang either.
>This is like showing a knife guy a knife with a 6 inch blade but a 3 inch handle.
>Oh and it's not full tang either.
Yeah, I know. But they don't care because they just want it to look cool.
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OK anon some of us are just trying to be polite when someone shares something we haven't heard of previously, instead of jumping down their throat with criticism that, while valid, might dissuade them from posting in the future.
And while these plastic knucks don't have sizable palm braces, they could be worn like shuko and be viable, so you are also wrong in addition to being an obnoxious pedant.
Nobody here insulted the poster, we're criticizing the product and its seller.
>anon puts in effort
>some queer yells at him for it
Fuck off, he's doing better than most lazy posters.
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If you want a decent "knuckleduster system", I recommend the Libre package for it. You get a 40 min video and a book with a trainer. Some of it is common sense but he has a few neat tricks I haven't seen elsewhere. Gonna have to pay attention when they come back in stock cause they sell like hotcakes


There's an Amazon book too. I don't agree with everything they have in this such as having your knuck in front of your face in the guard(can get knocked into your face) but if gives you some ideas.

I think strength training, conditioning work and practicing striking on the dummy really helps you get that muscle memory down with combos, which is how you wanna use them. Definitely don't get in the typical boxer mindset with these, approach this like you would if you were learning how to use a sword or a mace. Learn the intricacies and flow of your weapon.

Ah its fine, i should have looked closer lol. I saw Libre espouse them so i figured they were good. I'm bias towards my muskrat man duster tho.

Fuck the other faggots in the thread arguing with me about my grip tho

All good dude lol
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Damn forgot the Amazon link

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Realistic brass knuckles injuries in this scene

I like how they transfer the force of the impact to my palm rather than my knuckle (protects our hands), but I don't like how they separate the fingers of the one using them. Try and form a fist without them and you'll see how your fingers are close together, thats the ideal for a fist I think.
>Could this be used safely with the blade closed?
No. When the blade is folded shut, there's no sticking any fingers through the holes. It blocks them.
>Where is that from?
Honestly, no idea. It was fathers.
Get one that makes the fingers closer together. Design is extremely important to a duster.

Thats a cool heirloom
>he doesn't pre-emptively defend himself by strangling potential threats
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You spend 500 dollars on a plastic pistol. If you want a superb close combat weapon unlike anything you can find on the market, you gotta pay. I don't drink, smoke, get high or have other vices. Except maybe the gym

Around blacks never relax
Lets go granny.
Interesting way to make your own

Hey, OP's infos are nice and topic is.a-ok. Calm down anon, wagmi.
Biggest myths of brass knuckles debunked


>one of the best features of handtanks is that their design can be 'hidden'

Trivial for the Prosecutor to prove to the Jury that your totes "hidden" illegal weapon fits the definition of an illegal weapon.
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Brass knuckles legality by state

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That's a lot of nice details about you champ, but no matter how nice they are anything over $150 is insane for a weapon you can't legally use in any civilized part of the world, when you make it sound like that's your intent. If it's a hobby/curiosity piece, how you spend your money is your business, but I'll take the plastic pistol.
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Lol legal for me buddy. Check the map i posted above. Over half the country can use them. If you are in some authoritarian shithole like Britain best of luck.
I wouldn't trust that map and consult your lawyer. It's also very vague, what permit does it mean? Simple possession is generally legal but they are outright banned in several states, using them as a weapon, as far as I'm aware is illegal in every state. Just trying to make sure you don't end up in a cell, I'm sure some DA would love to give you one.
Also love those pieces, very nice.
Are you American? You can get a concealed weapons permit and a large variety of states will recognize it even if you got it in another state.

Obviously if you are gonna travel to various states pay attention to the laws but I know what the laws are where I'm going. I don't go anywhere unarmed and I change what I'm carrying to make sure I always can have something on me.

I've seen enough of the country to not give a shit about traveling though, all I need is the woods at this point.

not legit at all

> TX

> For example in Texas, brass knuckles are lumped in with “prohibited weapons” alongside short-barrel firearms, explosive weapons, machine guns, armor-piercing ammo, zip guns, and tire deflation devices.Simply owning brass knuckles is a misdemeanor. Carrying them on you in public jumps to a felony.
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Looks legal. I don't care to look up Texas though, I don't live there. I know it's legal where I live
this has got the most retarded knuckle duster design i've seen so far.
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In several states the permit is specifically a handgun permit, and just because it is a concealed weapons permit does not mean any weapon. This varies by state and conversing with you is getting boring.
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Yeah and the states that surround me allow me to use brass knuckles with my permit. I don't know what the fucking point you are trying to make with me besides just to argue with me. Look up your fucking states laws and abide by them. Or not, because fuck the government.

I remember seeing his work 10 years ago on the sharperdeals forum. It was good then too.
Hes a great guy. Known him for a few years. He's always trying to make new things and hone his craft. And he has a versatile skillset, can work leather and such too.
Whenever I see these types of gimmicks, the only thing I can think of is that they're not a replacement for martial arts fundamentals. Knuckledusters will fuck somebody up if you actually land a hit, but to be able to efficiently land that hit you still need good striking fundamentals i.e. good sense of distance, timing, technique, etc. Carrying one of these isn't a replacement for knowing how to box.
You see this stuff in street fight videos involving weapons a lot. Guy attacks somebody with a bat, they tank the hit with their arms, weapon gets tangled and now they're just grappling. Don't assume a weapon is an instant fight winner, you still need to know how to fight.
Knifes (any bladed weapons really) are the exceptions. A guy with a knife will fuck you up 95% of the time and there's little you can do about it, even if you know how to fight.
Read the posts and my replies. I address all this
Love the seething knuckledusters bring to the faggots and trolls. You don't see this with guns most of the time
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I own a Boston leather midget sap(pic related). Not bad for $40.
But I want a convoy. Not cheap $20 state fair crap, not exceeding $100.
What do?
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>Look up your fucking states laws and abide by them.

100%, know your state laws cold
mine prohibits most everything but guns (ccw)

looks like a half-sized bucheimer denver
I don't know if people would consider then knuckle dusters, but where can I find a good quality m1917 trench knife repro? I know there's some chink made Ines for $20ish but I want something better
Muskrat man does them. His catalog doesn't list them but just contact him to order one. He can also customize it anyway you like

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He has a wide variety
>Or not, because fuck the government.

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if the boss says you're alright, you're alright
Thanks. How come he doesn't take online payments? Sending cash via mail or money orders is a bit sketch. Saw he also has a spanish navaja which I've been wanting for a bit as well
Hes an off grid guy. He can do money orders too. I actually just hit him up and asked about that model. He said he had an issue with his master pattern and he can't do that one for now. Sorry. He can do other ones though if you want.
>based mob-piller
>How come he doesn't take online payments?

Would bet he's been ripped off.
>I think my bronze one is about 2 pounds.
2 POUNDS? Fucking hell, not even my dick is that heavy.
>How do people on a WEAPONS ENTHOUSIAST BOARD fall for such basic toddler-tier scam?
/k/ is the second dumbest board, how can you not know that? Unless you're some newfag of course.
>noknuckz dyel
Brass is dense. It makes the punches hit like a fucking truck if you aren't a weak bitch. Imagine a heavy metal club that is able to be accelerated very quickly, repeatedly, even in close quarters like a car. Nothing else like it. And you don't even need to swing that hard to get a response.
Brass is only slightly more dense than steel, and steel knuckledusters don't weigh even close to one whole kilogram. A regular pistol weighs about two pounds.
I'm pretty dumb, that is why I'm on /k/
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I never weighed it, so you motivated me to do it. Fucking kek I'm terrible at judging weight
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Look up Jack cutting saps on Instagram

Great thread, thanks for all the info. Its a shame these are illegal in my country.
>These things are illegal in many parts of the world. Even if you use them in a legal area, its going to look really bad if you carry one or two of these and kill some scumbag cause you wanted to roll play as a Tekken character. The way the system is setup the type of weapon you use and how it looks is used to make a case against you. You see this bullshit with knives.

What if you just used one that matches the colour of your skin, and has a very lowkey profile so it isn't obvious you're wearing it, especially in low-light conditions?
Hypothetically I mean, for the sake of intellectual exercise
They look decent but I see nothing but flat saps
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Bronze kinda naturally does this if you ate white with a slight tan depending on the finish
Thanks anon, my pleasure
Has anyone made a knuckleduster yet from a cast after a shape molded specifically to their own hand?
What I mean is using wax or something like that and just form something (with the necessary considerations regarding fit of the finger holes and such). The main focus would be on the palm segment that should, in theory, perfectly fit the hand.
Then cast that thing in brass and have a, probably not that pretty, but perfectly fitting piece of punch enhancer.
Would be a great covert knuckleduster lol. Idk how heavy it would be tho
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Who's the best fictional depiction of a fister who uses knuckledusters? I think Brick from borderlands
>Would like to hear thoughts and opinions from you guys.
illegal in my area.

Ironically the karambit has a knuckle with the ring around your index and a talon blade below which has a lot of defensive use in grappling or making space. on top of that it is a competent carpet knife for basic box opening or cutting lengths of cord.
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Man I've had like two Karambits and I fucking hated them. I'm used to the typical knife manual of arms you get with systems in the military. I always viewed them as call of duty hypebeast toys that teenagers think are some super secret assassin weapon. I just need a pair of hand clubbers to smash skulls
What do you all think of bladed gloves?
>poor penetration
>still exposes hand to force from punching
>blades likely move
absolutely dumb
this, a katar does everything that thing does, but better.
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Figure I'll post some of the moves I've found in the books
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Another one
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Other page
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High grip debate
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Punch defense
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More cranks
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Chain punch
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Bear hug escape
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Rear choke
lmao what mcdojo kind of shit is this
Lol ik. This is the Amazon book
They're good, but I feel they have an issue in that they're awkward and unwieldy.

For example, if it was just a knife, you could swap between ice-pick and pig-sticker pretty easily, but with this you can't. Nor can you exactly discard it quickly, if it fits you well.
While you can just operate under the assumption that you won't need to swap grip or ever ditch it, some people (like myself) prefer the chance at versatility.

I imagine there's also some issues in punch alignment depending on what you're using. The leopard punch accounts for this, but for a proper strike with proper knuckles, you do have an extra joint point and the thought of those dusters pressing up between my knuckles from a poorly aligned strike is painful.

Personally, I feel a more effective method than the loops, as well as something that isn't incriminating, is either hand wraps (you bind the individually twiggy carpel bones together to make a mighty faggot fist) and/or you find something to clench your fist around to add structure (chapstick is best).

>Stopping power.
A bit of a myth imho. You can smack a bitch, but if you can chop or beat, you can probably cut or flick them at a further range, and with a sharp weapon the need for actual power to cause injury goes down.
It's like comparing, say, Sabre to Kali (the most overrated martial art imo), where the latter teaches you to chop with a power grip. You will sever a wrist instead of just cutting the tendons, sure. But a sabreist with a precision grip can do it faster, at range, and more safely. This lets you avoid follow-up far more easily, as well as use less effort to avoid exhausting yourself as, after all, it's easier to stab a man than beat him to death.
If you really need to knock them back, you can still use your fists/knees/elbows/shoulder/feet there, but they'll probably realize they've been stabbed after a few seconds, unless they're on drugs.
It's always fat fucks who care about this shit. Go for a run once in your life, baldy.
This reminds me, y'all ever play Edward 40-hands?
The book is written by a bunch of minority fat cops kek
Thats the quintessential barracks game
Illegal in my state I am afraid, maybe someday Washington will be be down with knuckledusters.
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Insane how a melee weapon is illegal in so many places and a handgun is not. Some people will say its because of alarmist laws over exaggerated claims but I claim its because they know how effective of a weapon it is and don't want the common man using them. They are the short barrel rifle of concealed carry melee tools.
>Insane how a melee weapon is illegal in so many places and a handgun is not.
If the constitution was interpreted correctly, then many illegal weapons would be legal (knuckledusters, daggers, shuriken, swords, etc.), but they misinterpret the 2A to claim it only talks about firearms as opposed to all arms/weapons (slowly but surely many states have been returning our knife rights back, but they shouldn't have restricted those in the first place). On the other hand, if the 2A didn't exist, then the people who banned knuckledusters would ban guns as well; it's not that knuckledusters are too effective, it's that lawmakers are constantly looking to disarm us.
>say its because of alarmist laws over exaggerated claims but I claim its because they know how effective of a weapon it is and don't want the common man using them. They are the short barrel rifle of concealed carry melee tools.
It’s because we allow literally anyone to elect morons who aren’t even fit to clean to toilets to make laws
So, how much truth is there to its namesake? Are you as likely to break your fingers as you are to cave someone's skull in?
>Are you as likely to break your fingers as you are to cave someone's skull in?
If you're using a knuckleduster properly, then your finger shouldn't be absorbing the shock, your palm will instead. The whole point if to protect your hand's weak finger bones from your opponent's strong skull.
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I've taken to EDC'ing a decently sized 18650 pocket flashlight pic related. More lumens for blinding aside, I thought that it will make an innocent-looking but still effective fist load reminiscent to a roll of quarters compared to the tiny AA flashlights I carried before. Anyone here do this too? Can anyone point me to any decent resources on using these as impact weapons?
>decent resources on using these as impact weapons?
dont try to use it like a kuboton or other impact weapon
just hold it in your fist when you punch
people using a roll of quarters arent actually hitting people with the quarters.
Why not? Yeah its too short and blunt to be really used as a kubotan, but stabs and hammerfists with the aluminum bezels should still be damaging. Punching with it normally is a no brainer, but if I have more options then yay
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The true fisters weapon is brass knuckles with tactical knuckle gloves with knife resistant material.
I do the same. I carry 18650 Olight. It has sort of a striking surface, but I don't have high expectations for it to be useful for self defense so it's mostly the fist weight and blinding (but hey, it's still a great flashlight so I actually carry it around).

I didn't find any resources for using a flashlight as a weapon outside of the large US police baton-like monster of flashlight either. I would just learn hand to hand combat and how to hit with this thing in hand without breaking ones fingers.

Interestingly enough, I've ran into Wuben T4 some time ago. While the "tactical" ring looks made of plastic (as it's intended for use with a gun and glass strikes) if made a bit sturdier it cold be a decent brass knuckles while still maintaining the "not a weapon" look and utility of a flashlight.


Alternatively, attach a longer lanyard to hit with like a padlocks on a rope. Those are apparently very effective.
>The true fisters weapon
ur gay lol
I saw one of these some guy was selling at a yard sale, except it was a bowie with a bunch of cut outs. too .mall ninja for me
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Make your own?
What a fat donger. Can really dick slap someone with that
8 oz lead sinker is a real attitude adjuster
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Texas anon here, brass knuckles are legal.
They have been legal since September 1st of 2019.
However, it is very important to understand that dusters are considered deadly weapons.
This is why its important to know when and where you can carry them, and when you can use them. Using them in a fist fight that was semi-mutual ("Meet me out back" type situation) would be a bad look. Get jumped by melanin enriched folks and you've already had the dusters on the whole time and you smash their faces in? A-okay, same as if you shot them (this obviously varies by what DA you have in your area).
Think how cool you would be saying to a defeated pavement ape after one shooting him "You just got fisted".
Oh, and if you don't believe the Tribune or a law blog, read it from the horse's mouth:
Based Texas anon setting the faggots straight
You sound like someone who says things like "I blue myself"
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"I blue your ass wide open after giving you a white man's fisting"
You sound like a homosexual zoomer nono cap fr
Is that FlashlightEDCAnon?

That nigga has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him blue in a Boca Raton Air BnB. That shit had to be the tightest, blackest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had FlashlightEDCAnon screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga was fisted until he came all on the floor , I had to return the favor. That nigga FlashlightEDCAnon and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" FlashlightEDCAnon, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick, with your fists until his asshole is blue. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, fists large. And his bronze knuckles thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That nigga FlashlightEDCAnon stole my heart and drank my seed. And his asshole blue.
tacticlol bezels are only good as a pain compliance tool and that's never something to rely on. the pocket flashlight's best utility as a weapon will always be as a good ol fistload, to break your opponent's bones and/or bouce his brain off the inside of his skull hard enough to stop the fight
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/thread also TLDR OP its illegal everywhere you wasted all that time 100%
>another noknuckz tranny faggot that doesn't realize OP doesn't care about the law
I will say that every serious EDC man should have a bright ass tactical flashlight. One of the most useful items to have, makes you popular among your friends when you get lost in the dark and its good for stunning someone in the flash with the light. Bonus points if it has a rough edge to bump heads with
Just get a Maglite, like a normal person. Or are they also advertising their stuff as "tactical" now?
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You stupid boomer nigger you can get a cheap, high quality one from streamlight. I know you don't pay attention to any new gear developments since you are still living in the 70s you fluoridated mutt cunt
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my melee gear
Based like that homemade flail
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Fuck are you me? Other anon is right tho nice flail
Based same knife chads. Are those smith and wessons? I got a cheap dagger from them 10 years ago
ty ty
I spent 1.25 on a roll of paracord and grabbed some loose nuts from the tool shed. very satisfying to smack boxes and shit.
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Hell yea brudder, s&w make some pretty solid budget toys
Kek based, love it. I sharpened the other side too. Got it when I got out of the marines
Does your SOG say "Mechanic" on it, or nothing?
Are you familiar with the Saca tripas? Used for gutting sheep.
And other warm blooded animals.
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Never heard it before until you mentioned it. Looked it up and found this
>Never heard it before until you mentioned it.

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>But I want a convoy. Not cheap $20 state fair crap, not exceeding $100.
D3 Protection
Looks like a dildo
Oh very nice.

Lol all blackjacks do buddy. If you don't want that, get a sap.

Saps have the advantage of being easier to hide cause they are flat and they can be used to "cut" due to it having an edge if its built right. Can really enhance a strike on the head and other critical areas
Based opening scene of the shankings kek. Thanks for linking this, I've heard of this one before but never saw it. I'll watch it later fren
M1917 or M1918? I had a.chance to buy an original 1917 the other day for $300. They're not popular like the 1918s.
>I find this is a weapon that isn't explored much by us weapon guys and I'm on the search for more training material and
You literally took photos of books about his piece of shit.
In reality it is as outdated as a sword or a flail..
Ffs if you are so scared of other people carry a flail with yoi or a morning star.

Yoi weapon autists piss me off
>In reality it is as outdated as a sword or a flail..
This. Anyone who doesn't carry a Glawk brand Glawk and a gucci'd out AR-15 has no business on this board.
>le heckin punch a nazi!!!!
Go back to sucking dicks faggot. This topic apparently interests all of us. And I for one am happy to have something different and informative.
They're totally legal to carry and use in Tennessee. Pretty much our self-defense laws amount to FAFO.
>another noknuckz tranny faggot triggered by the mere presence of a knuck general


I trained with almost every type of weapon except sniper rifles when I was a zogbot. I trained with my g17 exclusively for years after I got out before I moved on to melee weapons. When you train with melee weapons you begin to see the advantages they bring. Especially when you are strong as fuck and have good conditioning. You can move blindingly fast in close quarters. I honestly think melee weapons still have a place in the self defense/prepper sphere due to how silent and indiscreet they can be. Especially impact weapons.

As far as the shitty McDojo book, its one of only two knuckleduster manual of arms I could find. The Libre stuff is much better imo and he doesn't espouse power ranger crap. Too bad the video he gives is most of the info, the book is just a brief reference or I would share it.
Well fuck meant to tag you in my post. Whatever fuck phone posting
w2b a set of knucky
I want to know to. How do we shop for knucks and have it be the right size? I've always found them to fit weird because I have smol feminine hands.

Thanks OP for making this thread, I've always thought that these were an old gimmicky relic of the past. But they look cool to me now
six six six is about to discover the bloodiest movie ever. I feel blessed here today.
careful OP. I caught 2 years probation and about $4k in fines just for having brass knucks in my truck cup holder (cop was a real aggot). I had no priors, not even traffic violations. I also had a concealed carry permit at the time. Tried arguing that they were for defense, "if i was truly gonna harm someone id just use my gun", etc. No dice, they threw the book at me.

i miss my knucks, had them since i was 17.
Reread the post and the replies, you want the brace in the palm to sit firm and not move at all. The problem with knucks that don't fit is that they have a brace that doesn't sit well in the palm or its too small, and the fingers get pushed in and break. You can get a smaller brace if you want but you have to use a leopard paw grip. Cheers buddy, they are a fun weapon to learn and train with. Look up muskratman if you want a good quality one.

Lol I didn't even notice the satan trips lmao

What state were you in? They are legal where I'm at
>You can get a smaller brace if you want but you have to use a leopard paw grip.
By smaller you mean in which direction? Like, less wide or less "long"

wooops well then i better worry about my FA subgun collection

Both. You want it to be tall enough to go back in your palm, and wide enough to go across the hand. Some of the braces you see are neither of those and don't support the hand
Just carry a newspaper and make a Milwall brick.
Someone else mentioned it
Shit missed it. Getting into a thread when it's already 150+ posts is always bound to have you miss something.
Why doesn't OP just post the books? Is it a stealth advertising thread?
I did post them. And don't be stupid, ones on Amazon and ones on libres website. Why would they pay me to shill them, the book on Amazon is old af from 2017
You posted pictures of and from the books, not the books. Numsayn?

Yeah I did, look at the titles in the pics and the links

I'm not gonna fucking scan the whole books and host it somewhere. I'm lazy and don't care to learn how to do it. The Libre packages main meat and potatoes is the video they send you. The book is a reference
Ah, so this IS an advertising thread, after all.
Shame, it was fun until now :^(
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You are one of those autistic faggots that would never train or do anything in the books. I bet you don't own any knucks or impact weapons. You just shit up threads like all the rest of the noknuckz trannies that have shitted up my thread.

You will never be a woman, kys
>I bet you don't own any knucks or impact weapons
NTA, but no, because I have guns and am not a faggot high schooler.
pls do it anon, I tried looking up that history book on libgen, its not there
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Its not a history book
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>someone points out that mallninja shit is mallninja
>n-nuh uh! k-kill yourself, tranny!
Who makes that duster? looks nice
>Handloads definitely work but honestly I don't want to use my bare fist to hit anyone. Not worth fucking them up. Funny story
Are you homosexual? How the fuck are you an adult male without having been in a handful of real fistfights. You sound ghey and unlived.
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flung shot
Jesus Christ, next you're showing us your nunchucks or what?
>Jesus Christ, next you're showing us your nunchucks or what?
Nah You've stuffed them up your arse along with all the other shit you seethe and moan and piss about like a bitch..If you don't like weapons try another board.
Nigga you posted razors, like it was some kind of edgy weapon that a nihilistic, wicked Joker like you would use.... while normal people use them for shaving. That is, if you can even already grow a beard. With the gay-ass Boker knives and the balisongs and the single switchblade and amateurishly made monkey fist, I can only assume that you're 17 at most.
We used to call people like you "mallninjas".
>all the other shit you seethe and moan and piss about like a bitch
You really don;t know the straight razors history as a weapon? OK them.
Kek, mallninja still seething.
They're knives with no locking mechanism. Just because someone used it when they couldn't conceal anything better doesn't mean that they are ideal. The others calling you a Mall Ninja are right.
You don't need to reply to all of your posts, just the previous one.



Razors as preferred criminal weapon: 1927–1930
"After handguns were criminalised in New South Wales, razors became the weapon of choice amongst Sydney gangsters. Shortly after the Pistol Licensing Act 1927 was passed, a visiting sailor used a cutthroat razor to defend himself from attackers.[5] As a result, razors became a default weapon due to its ease of purchase from barbers shops for a few pence, its ease of concealment (hidden inside a piece of cork), and its use as an instrument of intimidation and threatened or actual mutilation, physical impairment or murder against one's adversaries, prey or hostile spouses. It has been estimated that there were over five hundred slashings within Sydney during the heyday of intensive razor gang criminal activity."

This is not for your benefit its for people interested in weapons and their history. Razors were perhaps the predominant criminal street gang weapon worldwide following WW1. Razor gangs, in Northern England and Australia competed to control betting and cocaine as well as many other nations. In the USA they are associated primarily with Blacks and were widely used by blacks styling themselves as ;'bluesmen'. Puma, is a partoicularly special maker of this era, established 1876
Ribbed for your pleasure.
You're still a mallninja faggot.
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>widely used by blacks styling themselves as ;'bluesmen'
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>widely used by blacks styling themselves as ;'bluesmen'
>widely used by blacks styling themselves as ;'bluesmen'.
>idely used by blacks styling themselves as ;'bluesmen'

American Old Time Song Lyrics: 26 Coon Dat Carried De Razor
Theater, Music-Hall, Nostalgic, Irish & Historic Old Songs, Volume 26

Went to a ball de oder night,
At Susie Simkin's hut;
Whar de coons all cany razors,
And how dem niggers cut.
Horace Jinks got in a row
With slow-foot Jimmy Frazier;
"Take care! " squealed out old Sallie Gum,
"Dat coon has got a razor."

De coons did fly, de gals did cry
For poor old Johnny Frazier;
Dey nearly cut dat coon to death,
Dat coon dat had de razor.

Dey cut poor Johnny's coat-tail off,
Dey carved him to de fat;
Dey chopped his ear clean off his head,
Den cut his beaver hat.
Aunt Hannah said: "For gracious sake,
You'll kill poor Johnny Frazier;"
But he never noticed her at all,
But slashed 'round wid dat razor.-Chorus.

Coon come flying down de stairs,
Gals all hollered murder;
Johnny Frazier he fell down,
He couldn't fall no further.
Horace he rushed for de mokes,
And old policeman Hazier
Said: "I ain't gwine to take dat coon,
For he has got a razor. " -Chorus.
>posts the same gay youtube link again
Yeah nigger, you are.
Anybody that owns this
kind of shit is a mallninja.
> I am wrong, tarded and seething

These are called 'knuckledusters'. Its a thread on 'knuckledusters' do keep up.
>you're a faggot
>yes you are
>> I am wrong, tarded and seething
Reading comprehension, mallninja. It does a person good.
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>NOOOO you can't just use horse stirrups
Consider speaking with your doctor about haloperidol, thorazine, and lithium immediately, or alternatively, consider taking a long walk off a short pier
>Consider speaking with your doctor about haloperidol, thorazine, and lithium immediately, or alternatively, consider taking a long walk off a short pier
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>n-n-no, don't call me a mallninja for being a mallninja! k-k-kill yourself!
17-year-old mallninja, 35-year-old mallninja, or felon?
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26 yo karate-do, do you have any hobbies besides annoying strangers and sucking horse cock?
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You think about horse cock a lot?
so I mentioned, "Just because someone used it when they couldn't conceal anything better doesn't mean that they are ideal" and you decided to post links that prove me right. Thank you.

Apply this to yourself, dumbass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QPJoRWz8Sc
>Shortly after the Pistol Licensing Act 1927 was passed
>razors became a default weapon due to its ease of purchase from barbers shops for a few pence.
Look, your own source proves that, "they couldn't conceal anything better doesn't mean that they are ideal." was in fact right.
So 26yo mall ninja lmao

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