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why people hate it so much? I don't understand.
Unironically because of anti-Semitism, just look up SIG's CEO
More of a caliber issue than rifle issue.
Two distinct but interconnected reasons, the concept and Sig. Conceptually it feels like a step back, bigger heavier ammunition with bigger yet shallower mags is a direct regression, theres no reason the smart scope couldnt have been put on and M4. Sig has a lot of baggage with QC, using the customer as beta tester and getting contracts even when they don't meet the requirements. They're basically the Boeing of guns, and to see them getting such massive contracts like the service pistol, rifle and LMG creeps people the fuck out, like you know something is going to go wrong and people are going to die for it.
Pretty much. I'll add on to this that the supposed problems 6.8x51 is supposed to solve have been shown to either be massively overblown in hindsight or have more obvious, cheaper, arguably better solutions.
>But we need to penetrate level IV equivalent armor fielded by peer infantry
When was the last time you saw a drone video featuring Russian KIAs that looked like they had proper PCs, let alone plates to put in them?
>We need a cartridge with greater effective range to suppress mountain hajis with PKs
This isn't really a job for a rifle to begin with. The 240B is showing its age and there are now alternatives on the market that are both easier to carry and deploy at the squad level and offer superior ballistic performance (see the REAPR and MG338, both of which fire .338 and weigh the same or less.

Already the cracks are showing with the whole NGSW scheme, and there are unironic questions arising about whether the entire thing was just a ploy by Sig's army of ex-officer lobbyists to funnel some more money to them. I wouldn't be surprised if by 2030 the Army just says fuck it and standardizes the URG-I.
>why people hate
You mean a few spergs on some backwater website?
I kinda understand where they're coming from because if you think Russia isn't going to completely changed their military after the ukraine shit show you are fucking retarded. This war was just Russia using up their cold war weaponry. If no one attacks Russia after this shit show they're going to go from a paper tiger to a real fucking Mongolian Horde.
They the only country to have experience with real fucking peer to peer warfare
didn't we just have a couple of these generic template xm7 threads recently ? do you people just post these on timers or something?
Theyll need to rebuild... everything. Factories there are largely artisanal, powerplants are crumbling, and without western know how the oil fields have an expiration date. That might all happen eventually, but its gonna be a hard fucking road if they dont cozy up to someone who can hold their leash.
>You see Vanya, whole point of war so far is to get fucked on purpose. That way we know what will work, da? Just another two years and we can replace T-55A with glorious Armata.

Assuming Russia comes out of the conflict as a functional state, can you please explain your rationale for why you believe that any country with the capability of going full Mongolian Horde wouldn't have got their asses in gear by now after 1000 or so days of meat assaults and relying on North Korean hand-me-downs?
Because history is repeating itself and that means decision makers don't learn from mistakes of the past and it'll cost people lives. Literally another battle rifle that has to be proven useless during another cold war, until it's replaced by an assault rifle.
It slaps in Tarkov
Gotta sell my p365 now :/
Because people know it was a poor product that will fail but SIG has a lock on bribing the acquisitions board Give it a few years when these rifles have a High round count and start exploding from the insane chamber pressure A few people will die and be fucked up the Military will limit them to training ammo only and or pull them from service while SIG keeps all the sweet sweet contract money making the rifles that will be destroyed as soon as they are received to "fulfill the contract" or at best they will be retained to fire training only ammo so you will have a fucking heavy rounds limited rifle that is not as good as a 308 AR 10 that cost 5x the price of a M4.

This is the corruption and shit of the government contracting game the F-22 after 20 years and billions finally can be flown without pilots passing out the F-35 is almost there after 10 years late and hundreds of billions over budget.
Military contracts always have at least +50% funds allowed for rework. So making a shitty product prone to failure makes you more money in the "emergency repairs"

Nobody will be held accountable and the generals will get sweet sweet 7 figure jobs and bonuses for pushing this shit on the people that will be hurt by it once again.
China will own them after this war. China will get access to the much needed oil and gas and Russia will get military tech from Chinese manufacturing and credit. China will also get access to young Russian women.
is a a us/china dual citizenship possible without being a pawn to the CCP?
Is an American citizenship possible without being a pawn to the 2 party system?
It's ugly, fat and the scar is better
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>Diarrhea brown
>Absurdly overcomplicated design
>Overpriced wildcat caliber
>Company owned by kikes
>Parts made by street shitters
>Exclusively used by the worst branch of the military
Worst gun ever made 0/10
Russia doesn't have an economy or society capable of rebuilding their military. If they did, they wouldn't have been in this scenario to begin with.
antisemitism aside people hate SIG because they put out half baked designs that can be life threatening, put out 20 stealth patches to those designs without telling anyone, source their parts from places like India(and also Israel), are corrupt and in bed with the MID(although this could have to do with the Jew thing as well), and on top of all of that just put out shit that is of bad design but tell everyone it's peak performance somehow.

now if you ask why people don't buy IWI, 100% it's because we don't like Jews, also I don't like paying my taxes twice since we already fund them. IWI owes me free stuff
I dont disagree, and it seems to be happening but not at the rate their economy is collapsing. Even china has cut them off of the yuan, which is about as sad as it gets because its an internally traded currency that has a value of 50 years of cooked books.
That meme aged like milk
>antisemitism aside people hate SIG because they put out half baked designs that can be life threatening, put out 20 stealth patches to those designs without telling anyone, source their parts from places like India(and also Israel), are corrupt and in bed with the MID(although this could have to do with the Jew thing as well), and on top of all of that just put out shit that is of bad design but tell everyone it's peak performance somehow.

sounds pretty jewish to me...
Its not the m7 yet gaylord.
The ACR is better than the AR desu
We'll see.
>t-two more weeks ARsisters trust the plan!
so when is it ACTUALLY gonna be called the m7? I remember hearing for more than a year that once it started being issued, it would drop the x, but it's still called the xm7 and it's already being fielded. What gibs
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>t-two more weeks NIGsisters trust the plan!
Imagine if he pulled the trigger
It is to give AR fans a coping mechanism so they don't ack themselves
Xm16 was fielded for quite a while by the airforce before its more official wide spread adoption.
There are still rolling updates to these rifles, theyve recently removed the forward assist and I wouldnt be surprised if they get rid of the AR style charging handle, which they should because the side charger is 100% a better choice ergonomics wise than the armalite style charger.
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^This, >>62472485
If I was gonna buy a Kike gun I'd get a Galil as a serious self defense rifle or an Uzi pistol to fuck around with as a range toy (All from the used market of course).
Because ARfags have staked their personalities on the lie that the AR is the perfect rifle that does everything perfectly and there's no reason to consider any other gun. See also how they react to bullpups. As a bullchad it makes me feel good after incessantly hearing "lol bulpups are shit look who's getting rid of them", guess what fuckers you've been replaced too
I like bullpups and ARs, NIGs rifle is dogshit both in design and conceptually.
Am I remembering wrong? I thought he did and it's empty.
Not disagreeing about preferring side chargers but one of the major selling points over the Textron/GD rifle IIRC was that the manual of arms would be totally familiar to anyone who had handled an AR (i.e. everyone who served in the past 60 years). To change it up now would be for Sig and Army procurement to admit that their initial reasoning was a load of shit.
It looks gay, but i mean if it works and all that then whats to hate?
Their entire line of reasoning from the actual program requirements to the blathering from generals mouths has been bullshit.
The major selling point is cost and whos getting what position after retirement, I do believe NGSW niggers that the army was weighting the MG submission for whoever won, and the xm250 is a phenominal machingun, but that is also a violation of the program requirements where they stated that MG and the Rifle would be evaluated separately.
m4s on mars
NGSW? I bet that stands for never gonna switch weapons!
>insane chamber pressure
They've already scaled that back from 80k+ psi to "closer to 70k psi" according to Sig. Supposedly to meet accuracy requirements, but I've also read in a couple of places that shitloads of primed hybrid cases and pulled bullets have been showing up for sale, with speculation that they're failing QC checks at a high rate and getting scrapped for components. So who knows what's actually going on.
bigger boolet is for shooting farther. That's the whole point of the computer scope. That scope would not offer much of an upgrade on 556
Building a rifle around a cartridge around an optic seems like the definition of putting the cart before the horse
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It's just people misunderstanding the concept of a modern military because the American military has spent its mature life fighting guerillas that we were within a hundred yards of or kilometers away from.
This is ESPECIALLY true for light infantry units and large mechanized and well-supplied forces like the 101st and 1st ID. The conflicts that we have found ourself involved with in the past are not the conflicts we WILL be involved with in the future (hopefully).
Leave close combat and clearing buildings to the units that are trained to do it like the Marines and JSOC.
People also dislike it because it was the least unique submission to the program, but the one that checked all of the boxes without being needlessly complex or requiring substantial changes to existing infrastructure or training doctrine (we are not gay Europeans and we will not be using bullpups or switching to caseless ammunition).
The Army keeps changing requirements because the gun is still in the evaluation stages. SIG is having to procure wildly different components and materials and massively change specs on the ammo all the time because of this.
Both of the aircraft projects you mention here are functional technology demonstrators that the government and Lockheed/RTX/L3 are using/used as testbeds for avionics, optical, weapons, and pilot awareness systems that were developed as the projects were in progress so that they could be conceptualized and deployed on later platforms. You have no idea what you are talking about.
The only reason there wasn't this much seethe when the US military adopted the M16 was because the M14 was universally hated. If the M16 and its derivitives were just as hated as the M14 was, then people probably wouldn't be seething so hard about the XM7. Military culture has always been highly conservative and reluctant to change until the DoD tells them to get off their asses.
I don't think so how would you go about holistically designing a new weapons system?
The government knows that nobody wants to fight so they're banking on giving everyone a rifle that hits twice as hard at double the distance reliably which will give an advantage against greater numbers.
They built the wrong rifle around the wrong cartridge and slapped the right optic on top of it.
If there is anything to criticize or that is having serious shortcomings in this project, it's the optic. Legitimately insane that they chose Vortex' submission over L3, the company with a proven track record of cutting edge electrooptical systems.
what's the right bullet?
But anon, you as a private citizen have had to learn the lesson that cheap goods are ultimately more expensive in the long run when you have to replace them or they fail to perform due to being cheap. When you have a literally infinite budget, this is not a concern.
>American military has spent its mature life fighting guerillas that we were within a hundred yards of or kilometers away from.

Yeah except thats wrong retard, one of the programs requirements is for every infantryman to acheive overmatch against a goat fucker with a PKM at its max effective range.
Which of course is retarded.
The nearest thing to a future war we have is ukraine, and no matter their armies shortcomings you can rest assured that any near peer fight without one side having air superiority is inevitably going to turn into a close range trenchfest.
>They the only country to have experience with real fucking peer to peer warfare
The problem here is that their peer to peer is ukraine and the US peer to peer doesn't exist.
Why is that retarded? It's completely feasible, and the LMG, which everyone always forgets to mention when they criticize the NGSW (because it's fantastic), will only make it easier.
The war in Ukraine is a war between to 2nd world armies without air forces or air defense to speak of. The Russian military is using Su-25s with fucking rocket pods in a role comparable to how we would expect to use F-16s with JDAMs. They are equipping troops with rifles without optics, they do not possess third generation night vision devices in any volume (we equip every 11B troop with one, Marines are being issued dual tube night vision), they do not possess advanced, cooled FLIR optics as we do. You cannot in any way compare the American military in a "near-peer" conflict to the war in Ukraine, the only takeaway is there needs to be squad-level countermeasures for drones very soon.
Id like to see some actual use of this optic before praising it.
>ooo ahhh
>look at pvt fuckface mash targets out to 800m at the range with ease

Who gives a shit? How does it perform against an enemy that knows youre there, is taking cover, and is bounding from cover to cover under his squad mates suppressive fire?
If your wizbang optic cant get you a firing solution in less time it takes you to aquire, range, aim and fire before the target is gone at the ranges theyre suggesting then what good is it?
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>Here is squad-level countermeasure tovarisch. You are of having problem? Subverting directives of minister of defense is serious offense.
>why is that retarded
Because presumably you have other weapons, like your own mg, or grenades, or drones or rockets or support from vehicles to engage the target with without also completely specializing every single man with a heavy, low capacity, high recoil weapon with dubious effectiveness at long range and clear disadvantages at close range compared to a true assault rifle.
Keeping the enemy at arms length in this way is a fanasty.

You cant 100% extrapolate from Ukraine what a conflict without air superiority would look like, regardless of both Ukraine and Russias many shortcommings elsewhere in their warfighting capability.
But I repeat myself.
Didn't it only win because the MGs from the others were lackluster or nonexistent?
Keeping the enemy at arms length, engaging the enemy at arms length, and fighting in large scale maneuvering warfare with mechanized support is the intended mission of the units that this rifle is being issued to.
Again, this rifle isn't going to the Marines, it's not going to SOCOM, it's going to large infantry forces that are meant to fight for lengthy periods at extended ranges.
I am not extrapolating anything from Ukraine, I am making the point that you cannot apply any lesson learned from that conflict to the American military because we are country miles ahead of them in everything that we have learned matters.
>drone video featuring Russian KIAs that looked like they had proper PCs, let alone plates to put in them?
Survivors bias.
Plates wouldn't be stopping VOGs that explode at your feet and send shrapnel into your cock regardless
Also because it's basically just a beefed-up AR-15 and the US military hates the idea of having to learn an entirely new rifle, even if it's objectively superior.
You just need to take into account that the war footage being spammed constantly isn't average.
>you cannot apply any lesson learned from that conflict to the American military

This is a dangerous mentality to have and is exactly why we got our nose bloodied in vietnam, assuming that these units will never get into close combat, will never be in a firefight where their pitiful 140 round combat load wont run out, will never be without air superiority, that the air superiority will be effective enough to prevent the enemy from closing and inflicting casualties.

Its a foolish way to prepare yourself.
what cartridge should it have been?
A true SCHV intermediate but with a modern bullet design to take advantage of the leaps and bounds made in ballistics in 60 years.
Either a .22 caliber with a long ass bullet for good BC and long tungsten penetrators or a similarly long bullet in 6mm-6.5mm for more mass.
Sounds like it would just over penetrate and do nothing.
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Because Gene Stoner had the last word on infantry small arms 70 years ago.
6.5mm Grendel, 6mm ARC, .224 Valkyrie, 6.5mm Creedmoor

They had so many options for excellent modern assault rifle cartridges, but they HAD to be special and make a new cartridge with some fucked up hybrid case design just to waste as much taxpayer money as possible. Hell, they could have gone with 6.5 PRC if they really wanted the spiciest round they could possibly fit in an AR-10.
I think the Pentagon is more worried about China than Russia. Russia has an economy the size of Italy. China is gearing up to replace American hegemony with a military to match. China is making an effort to modernize every aspect of their military and they are down-sizing but up-gearing their infantry as part of that plan.
EPR bullet design
slightly longer bullet for good BC
plastic neckless case for light weight
result: flatter trajectory and better retained KE for fragmentation in the 400-700m range soldiers cried about in afghanistan when using DMRs and a 7 gram cartridge instead of 12 for carrying more ammo in peer wars.
Optional: high pressures and/or modern powders to boost velocity to 3500 fps from a 12" barrel (the safe mode) or alternatively pressuremaxing and accepting modern barrel steels/coatings or shorter barrel lives for 5500+ fps. The cartridge weight would stay the same.
Then pair it with a machinegun cartridge (which is the actual weight anchor and where range matters) using a 6.5 creed bullet, poly case, poly links for a ~15lb machinegun with ammo weighing about 4lb per 100rnd belt.
Yes but retards want to focus on the rifle and not the MG
Because the xm250 is actually good except for the lack of a qd barrel.
And for the fact they said that the MGs and ARs would be evaluated separately.
>And for the fact they said that the MGs and ARs would be evaluated separately.
It's pointless when they're forced to use the same cartridge in both
if they'd just rename the corporation proper to ZIG
it'd all be above board and people would leave them alone

Continuing to pimp the Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft nameplate is what causes all the ire towards their now-subpar output
You know despite the fact near half the people coming into basic have never owned a rifle.
I didnt write the requirements for the program, youre right it is retarded.
.25 Krag Ackley Improved
New thing bad, old thing good
If it's a fuck you railgun round I'm on board, my only complaint is that the stock looks way too small
.243 so i could actually shoot it
its a shittier AR-10 thats overpriced as fuck with no room for improvements. The round selected is substandard and does nothing to move tech forward. The only reason for its adoption was copious amounts of bribes.
The other options in the trial made massive leaps in technology forward that would have done wonders for firearms technology as a whole. That is why i hate it.
This. There’s some wacky bullshit developed in peacetime. See all the interwar vehicles and aircraft.
It’s not a general purpose rifle. It’s heavy so no one wants to walk around with it and it’s long so it’s hard to maneuver with. Probably fine as a dmr gun or optional if you’re planning to fight in open spaces but otherwise unnecessary.
I heard black rain destroyed true velocity in the Bullpup SOCOM trials
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7.92x41 CETME
Enough of this forced meme.
this guy fucks
What is he on about? Black rain makes some disgusting ass rifles
>Sig IP theft
>greatest ally shenanigans
>the Boeing of guns

The dregs of the USSR and Mao Fetishists are in a Worse position vis-à-vis the US & allies than Saddam was in either Gulf War. What the bioweapon and Ukraine was supposed to do did not remotely come to pass-- then they showed the Kinzhals to be trivial to intercept, and not even bringing THAADs into the SAA picture. This all is already happening The Hard Way for them, and they'll continue to look stupid doing it straight into the historical dustbin regardless. There will be no geostrategic 'suicide by cop' now or in the future, either.

>hybrid case 556
>hybrid case 6.8 SPC
>hybrid case 7mm-08
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7×46mm UIAC
>less ammo
>confused design/purpose
>TWO charging handles
>rail doesn’t hold zero
and most of all
7x45 with the same cartridge dimensions of 300 blackout in a polymer or aluminum banded polymer hybrid case.
or that one but polymer cased
Yeah, 2LT Bubba's pissin' hot 7mm-300 BLK handloads would probably do the same stuff as 7×46mm while allowing the use of existing magazines, etc.
Its gay and retarded
Socom has not had any assault rifle trials in some time, the maymay is there were trials for a bullpup.
Desert Tech did submit their bolt action for their sniper rifle trials.
6.5 sneedmore. the lords caliber btw
It looked like we were going to get 40% weight reduction with superior performance and instead we got the M14.
>the poorest country in Europe is a full on peer to the second army in the world
True, but somewhat grim.
Sounds more like Glock and HK fans seething to me. Having a single manufacture supply nearly all your small arms is a logistical, requisitional, and financial godsend.
>less ammo
Skill issue
>confused design/purpose
Purpose was very clearly laid out, illiterate.
>TWO charging handles
>rail doesn't hold zero
That's a problem with the LT, not the Spear. Again: illiterate.
By what standard?
The Jews will continue to own you, mutt.
Glock is just as corrupt as Sig is.
Post yours fag. Or do you not own one?
from what i understand they made the hybrid case so you can't reload them and that they were going to make the spicy mil ammo illegal for civvies to possess.
Why does the new round have to be as long as 7.62x51 NATO? Can't they just take a tiny cartridge case and stuff it full of bubba's pissing hot loads and put a giant 6.8 in it? Can you even put a fatass 6.8 mag in a 7.62 gun? What's the point of the mag being so fucking big lol
>from what I heard
Classic dipshit tripfag behavior.
Very nigger-brained to dismiss any and all criticism of someone/something as blind bigotry.

The issue with the XM7 (is that what they’re still calling it, been out of the loop for a while) is that it’s a giant, heavy rifle with stout recoil, low mag capacity, and low combat load capacity. Absolute useless full auto, too. The reasoning is long-range capability, so you’d think that such a cartridge with excellent external ballistics would at least be mated to a barrel of appropriate length to exploit this capability, but no, the barrel length is a retarded <13”. It just makes no sense no matter the angle. Apparently we are abandoning the entire concept of the assault rifle and intermediate cartridge, as though the militaries of the entire planet made a 60-year blunder by adopting rifles and cartridges of this type?

Hybrid case is an excellent developement though. Simply cranking up the pressure of a 5.56 and using finer/longer/heavier bullets would have the same trajectory and penetration characteristics, only at half the weight/volume/recoil and from a lighter gun. And it could still retain useful-ish full auto. Lightweight rifle, Constant recoil, quad stack mags, and “5.7mm optimum”, is the winning formula.

Also, The XM7 is ugly IMO
Chinks don't even have plates for all of their soldiers on paper. And their special forces have been spotted using plates with english-text STRIKE FACE on them which means their SF either use cheapo plates made for the US civilian market, or they've somehow acquired limited amounts of western plates and are unable to replicate them domestically
I don't hate it. I'd just take em off your bodies and have em thrown in the stockpile for irregulars, personal defense weapons. Would prefer my little armalite.
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This guy gets it
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>4chan is now 20+ years old
>boomerposting like this starts to happen
thanks I hate it
>Apparently we are abandoning the entire concept of the assault rifle and intermediate cartridge, as though the militaries of the entire planet made a 60-year blunder by adopting rifles and cartridges of this type
He doesnt own guns at all friend.
>they made the hybrid case so you can't reload them
It needs a steel base because the pressures for the combat loads aren't safe for brass. You can purchase normal all brass rounds for them.
I never really paid attention to it after it was announced. It seems like the money would have been much better spent on explosive chink drones.
Yes dude. There is immense value in the super fine CETME/FABRL type bullets. They’ve been slept on for decades now. It’s free BC and SBR optimization! Very rarely do you get to slap newton in his stupid nerd face, but this is one of those times.

7.92 CETME is a bit big though. Just crank 5.56 FABRL up to 80kpsi and load it with ~75 grain bullets. Maybe make the case a bit longer.
>Maybe make the case a bit longer.
they would tumble
Because it's not bulpup
>why people hate it so much? I don't understand.

It's made by americans, so people who have a genetic defect preventing them from understanding gun design.
It's also used by americans, so people who have a genetic defect preventing them from understanding gun design.
This. Seems like another M14.
Cry about it nigger.
>illegal for civvies to possess
Why would they be illegal? You can buy rounds with much more power without any issue.
The real question is why you would want them.
Shit to reload and the full brass has plenty of power.
You're the one crying because you got called out for what you are lol.
My bigotry is rational and measured.
Hey that’s a like-minded anon you’re replying to, not actually me.

But oh no! you called me (us) out! you gonna run to Reddit and tell them the tale of your bravery?

My point is sound by the way, regardless of my choice of words. Blacks do indeed attribute all negative treatment/outcomes and differences between themselves and whites to racism.A black will start shooting at cops and get ventilated, and other blacks will cry racism. They won’t get approved for a loan because of a dogshit credit score, and cry racism. It will rain on a black’s birthday, and he’ll cry racism. It’s silly.

And it’s kind of unbelievable that in 2024 people are still throwing around the words racist and bigot like they mean anything anymore. you overused them and with great frivolity, so now they’ve lost their magic. You need to figure out a new word-game strategy now.
>this entire thread
israelis are mentally ill on state level
We already effectively had that with FN, and diversified sources is better for military shit.
>Whats that gweilo, you say all your small arms come from this one highly flammable factory? Huh, be a shame if something happened while you were in conflict with the PLA.
Being called a bigot does not bother me in the slightest, nigger.

Now run to the jannies like the faggot you are.
It’s my post he was replying to originally, but he thinks you’re me.

the essence of my post went over his head. It was an argument AGAINST blind bigotry (Sharpsighted bigotry is the way). My point was you can’t just say “it’s the Jews” for everything, everywhere you find a Jew. It usually is, but not all the time. “You just hate X!” Is what the blacks and women and trannies etc do - paint with a broad brush every negative experience they have and attribute the cause to raw hatred.
>hybrid case 5.56
Yup. And since you’d want to make it incompatible with legacy actions to prevent them from blowing up or wearing prematurely, you are encouraged to massage around some dimensions and make improvements if you can. So we’re not stuck with the ~2.25 calibers of ogive space.

>hybrid case 6.8 SPC

Non starter. 6.8 SPC is a meme with dogshit bullet design/shape. The case could be a dope standard though for an intermediate AR12.5 though that renders the 15 and 10 redundant. Just a terrible caliber choice. Should’ve been a 6mm or something, since the entire project started out as a way to improve the external ballistics of the AR15.. or even a big bore thumper, Atleast then it would be a cool, SBR optimized, 300 blackoutesque round. But in 6.8 it doesn’t know what it is or what it’s trying to be.

>hybrid case 7mm-08
This is hilarious, because that’s literally what 6.8x51 is, only off by 0.007” in bullet diameter. .277 vs .284
>crank 5.56 FABRL up to 80kpsi
They've found out in extended testing with the XM7 that the megapressure shit is a giant meme. The current loads aren't much hotter than existing rounds because the +P+++ ones were wildly inaccurate.
What makes high pressure rounds inaccurate?
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>guess what fuckers you've been replaced too
Implying AR's won't be deployed on the Venus and Mars colonies in future wars for mineral mining rights or whatever. Implying the SIG Spear once it's various teething issues are fixed (if ever) won't be anything more than a glorified DMR for niche roles.
M4/AR15 is fine
>See also how they react to bullpups. As a bullchad it makes me feel good after incessantly hearing "lol bulpups are shit look who's getting rid of them",
What kinda bullpup Chad are ya? I'm considering getting a Trek 22 for my first 22lr rifle which is literally a Ruger 10/22 in a bullpup chasi, just seems neet and handy.
Maybe make a bullpup that isn’t fugly and doesn’t have retarded weight distribution and isn’t inexplicably heavier than a conventional rifle of equal barrel length, and then we’ll all become bullpupchads.
Weren't the +P+++ loads needed to get the ballistics specified by the NGSW tender out of such a short barrel?
So an AUG with a pencil barrel and a stock made of CFRP instead of 70s plastic?
It's ugly as fuck, made by nu-Sig and babypoop brown, it could be a literal sci-fi lasergun and I'd still hate it.
A Lithgow F90 14.5" is barely half a pound heavier than an M4 already.
Hopefully that queer fled back to his hugbox to cry.
Im keeping my ear to the ground on desert techs latest bullpoop, 7.3 lbs.
Ive learned by lesson about buying their products before letting the beta testers fix them.
.t mdr and mdrx early adopter
Still very hare-brained. A China vs USA war will be very limited boots on the ground, it's all gonna be missile/drone spam, naval engagements, limited cyber warfare, and armored engagements. Small arms will not matter one single bit.
Not that Anon but the chinksects do make their own armor as cheaply as possible:
Just go look up some videos on YouTube of people buying armor from Wish or Temu or Alibaba.
russia wouldnt be russia if they if they werent savages who give zero value to human life. They will not learn, body armor will not improve even if they had the capability to do that
It's ugly and uninnovative.
>meat assault
Opinion discarded.
Not only is the rifle expensive, the ammo is, too.
Same reason poors hate the SCAR. Because they can't afford it.
It was semi-inevitable that, since this place has become main-stream, the fudds from ARFCOM would wind up here in a trickle-down effect.

>sent from my Samsung Note 9 Using Tapatalk
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NTA but what do you call the thing when a literal company sized element is on foot charging through an open, mined field while a couple dudes on motorcycles approach from the road and get exploded.
Sounds like a meat assault to me, considering they all died or turned back. Why do brown people support russia implicitly. You just do it for free or..?
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They all look like like cool scifi/cold war kino. You need to expand your tastes beyond whatever vulnerable age call of duty hit you.
>retarded weight distribution
All of my AUG's weight is sensibly concentrated in the shoulder what are you on about? I can even shoot it pretty well one handed as a fun party trick.
Twink! christ a BR/optic + ammo would kill you people.
yeah, sure. i hate it because it’s a gay jew gun and if you know anything about the military adopting a new gun and the process involved then you would realize that something stinks with how the whole xm7 project went about. especially when it’s basically just a basic AR/SCAR but in a totally new caliber? That utilizes a training round and a separate duty round that packs thrice the felt recoil? all happening without anyone’s knowledge and came out of the blue? none of it makes any sense.

it would’ve unironically been better to rebarrel to 6.5sneedmoar or 6mmcock.
Bullet deformation according to Sig.
It's just bigotry, not blind bigotry. All the things that make nuSIG suck are antisemitic canards for a very good reason.
>why people hate it so much? I don't understand.
You probably don't understnad the timeline behind it.
NGSW began as ICSR in the Iraq War days.
It was an attempt to get big bore boomer bullets back because the fuuds in charge at the time didn't understynad 556 terminal ballistics.
The program was re-worded for range during Afghanistan and then for armor piercing when Afghanistan was about to end. It was tacked on to General Mattis' close combat squads improvement, then Milley pushed it again as the last gasp of boomerism into a new era.

IOW, there's never been any valid reason for it; only varying rationales invented on the spot without regard for tactics, soldiers, or war in any form. It started as ignorance and evolved through several stages of worthless bureaucratic careerism.

If it ends up in soldiers hands' they'll cope as best they can, and probably invent a few rationales of their own, but it's never been a good or even reasonable idea.
6.8SPC would have been infinitely better if it used a .243 vs .270 bullet.
There's a solid theory that a decent chunk of threads/posting here is now just AI to simulate activity that isn't actually there
200gr +p+ .30-06
Unaesthetic proportions. Expensive. Heavy. Fake. Gay.
Better ballistics and better bullet selection. "6mm" bullets tend to have a better ballistic coefficient and will have a flatter trajectory and maintain energy at distances. 6.8SPC's case size and OAL restrictions to stay the same as 5.56 forced it into shorter .270 90gr-110gr bullets which tend to have shitty BC and shed energy and drop significantly at a distance. It's why 6.8SPC is an excellent cartridge up to 200 yards, good to 300 yards, but awful for anything further. It's why, and still is, the 6.8SPC vs 6.5 Grendel shit-flinging but with 6.5 Grendel being the winner in regards to long distance drop and energy, but 6.8SPC was optimized for really short barrels.
damn, they're seething out of their minds lol. Glad they're getting replaced
You'd never say any of this shit to a black man irl. They would knock you out and then knock you up.
>maintain energy at distances
I think the 6.8 can as well, if the shaping is good. The BC should be good either way.

>It's why 6.8SPC is an excellent cartridge up to 200 yards, good to 300 yards, but awful for anything further. It's why, and still is, the 6.8SPC vs 6.5 Grendel shit-flinging but with 6.5 Grendel being the winner in regards to long distance drop and energy, but 6.8SPC was optimized for really short barrels.

But the 6.8 uses a large case doesn't it? That would work to offset the heavier grain and keep barrel wear down with the larger diameter wouldn't it? I'm sure the ballistics would be better with a lighter grain, a higher velocity at least, but I'm not convinced the BC would be better and the barrel wear would be worse.
No, vendor lock-in is bad, rabbi
>killing people is an argument

Are you stoked on niggers because you’re scared of them? I get that they roam in packs and attack people over nothing. That does make them quite formidable.

Maybe the lesson here for the whites is to make themselves scary so they don’t get bullied anymore.
> if the shaping is good

True, but you can only do that if you load it to like 2.5”+ OAL. The 6.8 has just over 2 calibers of available ogive space. It’s hard to give such a bullet a low form factor, even with the fanciest, lowest-drag von karman ogive.

And if you increase SD to increase the BC, then you’re lowering muzzle velocity (and energy if it comes at the cost of available case capacity)

>barrel wear

Bore size relative to powder volume and pressure is what contributes to barrel wear. Not just bore size. The characteristics that lend themselves to great long-range performance are actually those that wear barrels down the fastest. I.e. a shitload of powder at super high pressure being squeezed down a relatively tiny bore
4chan has always been this way you dumb fucks
>t. 06 oldfag
Let's not pretend the poorest country in Europe is fighting alone, or with their own weapons.
I'm not saying they're US strength, but they're definitely more than just their own strength.
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Here it is. 6mm WOA. Loaded to around 2.5” OAL. There’s nothing you could chamber it in except for bolt guns cause of the weird OAL, but they did make a new receiver pattern for 6.8SPC, and they have made frankenstein ARs for 6.5 grendel, so who knows. With enough market support, this could have worked. Even just shortening the case .2” to allow it to chamber in AR15s would have made it essentially 6mm ARC. Can use higher pressures too cause of lower bolt face area.
>>But we need to penetrate level IV equivalent armor fielded by peer infantry
>When was the last time you saw a drone video featuring Russian KIAs that looked like they had proper PCs, let alone plates to put in them?
The peer army is domestic militia.
It's true. American civilians probably have more level 4 plates than Russia and China combined.
Ill say whatever to whoever I want and there isnt a thing you can do about it.
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>retarded weight distribution
What the shit are you smoking? The weight distribution is honestly the best part about bullpups, even better than length benefits
The FAMAS's retarded cousin. The trek 22 does seem pretty neat but I'm wary of bullpup conversions of conventional rifles
>why people hate it so much? I don't understand.
Mag over insertion
Except when they're supplying you with a shit system in limited numbers that has literally 20x the ammo cost
Im sorry I was trained on the hk416 and scar 17, weapon balance is a meme.
>leave close combat to JSOC and Marines
Do you think real war is like Warno where you can just call in the unit you need? The notion that mechanized and light infantry can or should avoid urban combat is fantastically retarded.
why do people like this guy?
Okay so when is the x dropped from the designation historically? What's the precedent or is totally arbitrary and they could drop the x now it they wanted?
Except that there is zero video evidence of that. The meta is 1 to 2 BMPs at a time racing from treeline to treeline dropping off troops into towns or treelines that are being contested. You see the success of that the Russians have is where they can hide military assets in commuter cities shuffling them around and then being able to rapidly deploy them as needed. Large concentrated attacks are rare due to fears of drone spotting them and then directing artillary, FPVs, and defences.

The closest thing to what you are talking about is Wagner penal troops that were used pressure Ukrainian positions in Bakhmut by walking into unoccupied positions or to turn back to safety upon resistance, to allow Wagner infiltrators to figure out how to do their job or just target AFU positions with shellings. Were the penal troops dying a lot: yes, but they weren't trying to overwhelm AFU positions.
He's the closest thing left to fill the filthy frank void
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>the xm250 is a phenominal machingun
>no quick-change barrel
Maybe by Russian standards.
It doesn't need a quick change barrel because the standard load is only like 600 rounds
>why people hate it so much?
See >>62489166
>infantry forces that are meant to fight for lengthy periods
With a whopping 140 rounds combat like ad? Are you serious?
>If no one attacks Russia after this shit show they're going to go from a paper tiger to a real fucking Mongolian Horde.
lmfao with what population you fucking retard?
he says the quiet part out loud
>mutt's law on /k/
>if you think Russia isn't going to completely changed their military after the ukraine shit show you are fucking retarded
just like they did after afghanistan? Or chechnya?
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Unironically should've bought picrel
>Reminder that the HCAR fits NGSW requirements
I was fucking around with discreet ballistics rotational energy computer just now and trying out different bullet weights and it occured to me that 8.6 blackout is the perfect candidate for a modern CETME cartridge revival.

100gr VLD modeled after Warner tool’s flatline bullets. ~5 calibers in length, i7 form factor of 0.8. 8.6 blackout has the necessary ogive space. Prob too high an estimate for something mass producible , but still.

This gives it a G7BC of 0.156, slightly higher than m855

At 3000fps this gives 2000ft*lbs of energy. About the same amount of energy contained within the case of existing 8.6 supersonic loads. You might not even have to crank up the pressure.

The one problem is that the twist rate of 1:3 at this velocity produces 720,000rpm in rotation. I doubt any bullet could withstand such violence, so prob dial back the twist rate to like 1 in 5 or so.
That's an even worse problem anon
>retvrn to bar western man
I couldnt really tell you anon, I can find anything really official, its probably whenever the guys in charge of the program decide the weapon can be finalized.
Nig is making them for other countries with a qd barrel, so the option ia there for when the army decides to stop being retarded.
Idk how America could get peer to peer experience unless they go into Syria and fight the Iran proxies while Iran arms them like we are doing to the Ukrainians with Russia rn. Maybe do some cross border action on cartels? Theres not much desu
I think that's a legitimate problem that's faced mankind for most of our history. When an empire grows large enough and becomes successful enough, it finds it has little to no peer adversaries. The few it may have, it's unwilling to fight. It instead ends up getting bogged down by much smaller and less advanced peoples, by all means people who should be so far under its radar as to not care about them, but they do. This tends to come with a slew of societal problems, largely due to institutional rot and corruption rather than external pressures. Then they collapse.
It's why I can't possibly see any one nation ever coming to dominate the world. If it did, it would surely immediately collapse, but none ever get even close to that.
>nigger gets shot
>there's another apening
>Woah you guys ARE the racists
>Now let me call them brutal savages with zero impulse control
Gotta love the being racist while not being racist thing you people pull.
Hey you said it, not me. Racist piece of shit.
Its a shitty rifle. The rail bends the barrel bends the rifle doesn't' hold zero. it uses mim trash parts from india. Its just a piece of shit like all nusig products. its also just a piece of bad engineering.
time to go back

look cuck we don't need you here either why don't you just fuck off back to wherever you came from. In fact if you love niggers so much why not move to africa?
The whole point of 20 years' worth of ammo development programs (LSAT/CTSAS/NGSW) was to lighten the soldier's load, either so that they would be less overburdened or so that they could carry more gadgets and gizmos (like, say, microdrones).

Then, at practically the last second, a handful of generals swoop in and demand that the new weapon provide "muh overmatch" in order for each infantryman to be able to shoot Taliban on the next mountaintop over (never you mind that soldier accuracy at 1500m is garbage while under fire, smart scope or not). This alternated with a stated desire to penetrate Level 4 plates that Russia (lol) and China were supposedly issuing to all infantrymen in the near future.

So, instead of a lightweight carbine and SAW firing lightweight cartridges at "normal" combat ranges (since WWI, the vast majority of infantry combat has occurred within 400m, and the largest chunk of that within 100m), with soldiers freed up to carry guided weapons like drones or small missiles to use against targets at 1500m, we get this big, heavy mess that soldiers will struggle to use in the field. There are clear similarities to the whole M-14 debacle, where generals ignored all of the evidence from WWII and Korea and insisted upon making everyone use a cartridge little different from the .30-06 that had been in service for half a century.

In short, we were headed in the right direction, only for the entire effort to be turned inside-out and the infantryman's lot made *worse*, instead of *better*. Meanwhile, drones are becoming cheap and prolific enough to be used against individual infantrymen, and the US Army is ignoring the threat to focus on unguided lead as its primary infantry weapon.
6mm polymer CT.
You racist. Did his point go over your head? You can’t call them niggers because if you did that IRL, they would murder you. That means they’re just like us and that racism is irrational. We all bleed red, bigot.

I joke, but the moral of this sort of rhetoric is not one the left wants to send to the right. That a reputation for violence is an invaluable trait for a group of people to have, and that ultimately, violence is the only and strongest argument.

It’s like that stonetoss comic. A gay waving an anal flag. White guy goes “what’s up with that”. Gay goes “you should be proud of who you are”. White guy goes “hmmmm… I should?”
Everyone has eyes and sees the same thing everyone else sees. That blacks are 200 pound toddlers and are (in large part) grossly maladapted to the first world. The leftists and self-proclaimed “anti-racists” have a problem with this - the unfairness of nature affects their sleep - so they do mental gymnastics and invert the hierarchy they perceive to try to even things out. But their true perception of blacks is betrayed by how they treat them - with kid gloves, handing them things, considering them exempt from criticism, etc.. they get bonus points (snifffffff surplus enjoyment) because their explanation of niggerish behavior deriving from the way whites treat them establishes whites as the villain responsible for all this. This give them 1) someone to direct destructive energy towards/kill, which satisfies their imperative to kill In good conscience, and 2) it’s the safest possible group you can criticize because outside of organized warfighting, whites are passive, pacifist cucks that just take it, so there is no personal risk in attacking them (unlike niggers, lmao, they will infact murder you for making the wrong sound)

We, however, don’t have a problem with what we see. We are more pragmatic. “They are feral animals and I don’t want to be around them. To hell with how this makes them feel”. The blackpill here is that everybody is actually on the same page about blacks. You might say this about other protected groups also. advocates of the gays, when seeking to injure you, will call you some verbose newspeak euphemism for “faggot”. They are also disgusted by the taking of dick in the ass and eating of shit. It’s understood that this is a disgusting thing.

>”n-no you, *mean name*”

Like a fucking toddler
China just due to how many soldiers/shitty fpv drones they could field
I’m not white, try again. My race has an ethnostate. Are you saying that, I, a sacred POC, should go extinct? Careful, you’re sounding like Hitler.

Retard. The weapon itself is nothing compared to the absolute batshit insanity of the sack infantry are expected to carry around.
The fact that morons like you focus on the rifle exclusively indicates you don’t even understand the concepts you’re talking about.
nobody needs an FN assault rifle for home defense
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They went full retard when we could've had perfection.
>1:3 at this velocity produces 720,000rpm
jesus fucking christ anon lmao, they're for blasting holes in ziggers and chinks, not opening holes in spacetime
it's literally the dumbest fucking design I've ever seen

>muh 13.7 barrel becuz we need shorter overall length, but no bullpups because just because ok?
>assload of powder from a 277 fury doing massive SAMI spec damage to the frame, ok now we have to make a gigantic ass 7.62 style frame and upper/lower, now the gun is heavy
>heavy gun
>insanely overpowered round to punch through... Russians with macbooks as armor? Chinks with wish.com armor?
>tan/FDE because muh desert, ok, we don't even operate there anymore
>Sig's shitty proprietary muzzle device and suppressors, do worse than flow through like HUXWRX or even traditional systems like Surefire
>folding stock, just because, now we have to have a piston system, which is worse than DI
literally everything about this massive turd is the dumbest shit I've seen in my life. I'd rather use a SCAR or LMT 7.62 or just a KAC or DD 5.56.

The General Dynamics polymer tipped ammo and bullpup was the best design.
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Ahhh, a constant recoil appreciator.

Picrel are 2 posts I made about the ideal service rifle in another thread,

MGX is what happens when Jim Sullivan approachs a constant recoil mag-fed service rifle/psuedo-LMG from scratch.
I've never layed hands on one but right now I can tell you it's disliked because it's "semi automatic" or "fully"
It has a "telescoping stock".
"pistol type grip"
"good lord is that an external magazine?" Why should anyone ever need more shots you missed why did you miss the nazi's I guess we won so that's bad now.
The fore end is etched a fuck ton a times it still is a fuck ton of weight and we're gonna do something twice that and fuck you that's why.
>blasting holes in zingers and chinks

Imagine a fragmenting bullet at that RPM. Hits, BOOM, explodes, shards of bullet radiate out of the bullet’s flight path at 90 degrees and 1000s of fps. “Shoot the guy in the shoulder, bullet comes out his ass” but literally
OP asked why people dislike the XM7. Anti-gunners aren’t people.
I've never heard of an x7. Sometimes I throw grenades and hope I don't end up as mince meat is that some kind of hand grenate?
>Shoot the guy in the shoulder, bullet comes out his ass” but literally
you laugh but that literally happens, esp with animals too. I've seen bullets literally go up their ass and out their face, seen 9mm HPs explode entire lungs everywhere. Imagine a 4000+ fps .277 hitting a chink and his entire body gets cut in half.
Update: I did the math. It’s 1060fps angular velocity. Front 2/3rds of bullet breaks off into 5 equal-sized pieces, 13gr each. That’s 5 bullets radiating outwards at 1060fps. But really it’s more cause they’re still moving forward at 3kfps (net vel. 3150fps). Yo somebody needs to try this
piston driven shitter.
gayest rifle ever conceived or thought of
Supersonic angular velocity sounds like it'd be bad for accuracy.
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It's an unergonomic piece of shit attempting to solve a problem that it can't actually solve (any body armor capable of defeating 7.62 will beat 6.8, and most modern body armor is).


Nigger, Russia is going to cease existing as a country within the next few years at this rate. People talk about how America is on the road to civil war, Russia is ALREADY effectively in a state of low-level civil war AND it's being counter-invaded by Ukraine.

Unless Putin has a Der Untergang-tier meltdown and decides to launch the nukes out of pure spite, Russia isn't going to war with anyone apart from itself anytime soon. I'd be willing to wager China isn't either because they're probably shitting their pants because they built their entire military on the Russian model and now they're fully aware of its deficiencies.
How so? Legit question. idk how trans/supersonic affects accuracy.

Still, it isn’t supersonic though. It’s 1060fps, same as subsonic cartridges. And will scale at 1/3rd of muzzle velocity. to bring it up by another 50fps to break the sound barrier, muzzle velocity will have to increase by 150fps.
The speed of sound varies based on temperature and pressure, so 1060 fps could be supersonic, say, in winter in the Netherlands. The issue comes from the bullet destabilizing when it drops below the speed of sound and gets wobbled by its own sonic boom—I have no idea if it even would realistically apply in this situation because to the best of my knowledge nobody's spun a bullet that fast before.
The issue with this gun is ultimately the Army's desire for a one size fits all solution and it's simply never going to be possible barring glowfag spacemagic. Infantry fights by volume of fire, pinning an enemy down by superior firepower in order to flank and/or pin them down for bombardment. Low recoil, higher rate of fire intermediate cartridge's with a relatively high amount of carried ammunition facilitate this. For longer range applications, like for DMRs or GPMGs full caliber rounds give you the range and punch to deal with shit beyond what intermediate calibers are effective at, they compliment each other and compensate for each rounds weaknesses. 6.8 and 7.62 don't do that.
You have to be literally retarded to believe Russia doesn't have domestic oil production knowledge
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Terminal case of "designed for the previous war"

And of course this thread instantly devolved into shills seething about Russia, how very predictable.
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heavier (very big deal, they can fuck off)
less ammo (big deal)
more recoil, less controllable (kind of a big deal)
smaller mag capacity (medium big deal)

at the end of the day its a battle rifle again, which we already tried. And they've slapped a crazy optic that gives you a range hold

which is utterly useless because the biggest challenge when shooting isn't knowing your holds, its trigger control, follow through, position, breathing. Like point of aim is ONE of the 5 fundementals of marksmanship so its not worth it to slap a zillion dollar heavy bulky LVPO with a robot ontop

if range holds was the issue everyone would already shoot 40/40 because with a 25 meter zero the m4a1 is center hold out to 300 meters already. womp womp.

next lets talk about doctrine. The rifleman is uniquely, uniquely slotted to jump into trenches, bunkers, buildings, and tree lines and shoot the enemy in the face. every other thing a rifleman can shoot at there is a weapon system that can do it better, more effectively, and more efficiently. A 240B can shoot people at 800m better. a .50, a bradley, a stryker crows, a helicopter, a mortar

the rifle squad has zero business getting in sniper battles at 800m with a super duper robot scope and overpressure ammo. its retarded. dont give people the tools to do the thing they should absolutely NOT be doing. The doctrine for sniper fire is to break contact not to try and bound 900m and squad attack the sniper. dafuq???

now lets talk about the actual design. front heavy, garbage joke of a stock, kept the garbage charging handle from the m4a1, overpressure meme retard round out of a tiny short barrel,. and most of all. Its not even accurate. its another 4moa gun but now they want you to shoot at things 950m away with the robot scope

oh and also the justifications are retarded because a super duper fast 6.8 round is not going through modern body armor. remember when retards would come on here and say its because chiyna controls all the tungsten..????? (not even true btw)

you can shoot a super duper fast steel round out of a 20 inch 7.62 barrel and see that modern armor stops it. armor is advancing much faster than terminal ballistics is, and you can buy plates off ali express that stop .50 BMG right now. the solution to armor is volume of fire, or explosives. not only is the NGSW retarded they also lied to everyones faces about why they needed this new retard battle rifle (and absolutely not because its miley's 5th attempt to get a battle rifle because of afganistan)
>Military could potentially fund a brand new clockwork design
>"The AR knockoff from the company known for pistols is good"
I'm waiting for the civilian variant of the bullpup but probably won't be able to get it once it drops due to moving for work.
Because it would mean that people are not going to larp as the military anymore and spent money on those Gucci ARs for larping for nothing.
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>the solution to armor is [...]explosives
This is it for me, personally
Gonna steal your idea when I become a famous gun designer anon
You have to be at least 18 years old to post here.
>or explosives
This, So much this. Preferably, guided explosives, whether it's a drone, a grenade-launched missile, or a GPS/INS-guided mortar, shell, or artillery rocket. The easiest way to defeat modern body armor is to hit the unarmored parts of the body with lots of fragments. The only response to that is a full, articulated suit of armor, and that doesn't really work unless its powered, at which point guided HEAT or EFP becomes a cost-effective solution.
They don't for the newer fields, particularly in eastern Siberia, which they were never able to open up until Western oil majors came in to do it for them. Those companies are now gone, and Russia is unlikely to be able to do the work without them.
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>this is the second time this comic has pulled the "scary black gun depicted more powerful than elephant gun" angle
I had a chance to shoot it at a SIG event, albeit in .308. It was OK. The SIG man running the range couldn't get the side charging handle to function properly. It wouldn't go back. When taking shots with it, there was a serious amount of backpressure from the can that fucked me up. SIG is stinky and high pressured.
I thought it should be obvious that I was referring to the overall system weight, not just the club of a rifle. The lighter ammo was the whole point of LSAT/CTSAS, and the LSAT test rifles (in 5.56 and 7.62 C-T) being lighter was a nice bonus.
this gun is so gay and retarded and the whole thing (((smells))) being that this was done on a whim out of nowhere which is never what the govt has done when replacing a firearm as established as the AR15

M4s will be on Mars after they decide to trash this shitty gun
Seethe yid, your sacred niggers are hated and killed on an hourly basis. Weapons.
>for an AR variant
Don't forget it being the dinkiest plastic POS stock they could get away with to keep the ginormous weight of the fat fucking barrel from pushing the thing into comically heavy territory
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7.62x51+P with the meme rounds from the new round in the Sigger. That way when you run out of the new meme round you still have literal millions if not billions of rounds. Also they should have just adopted an AR-10 with a free float.
>advocates of the gays, when seeking to injure you, will call you some verbose newspeak euphemism for “faggot”. They are also disgusted by the taking of dick in the ass and eating of shit. It’s understood that this is a disgusting thing.
Kek, Ive seen this. Women do this too.
>Stop acting like a girl reee, quit being a pussy!!
>You just insulted yourself.
>controllable full-auto fire accurate out to 1000 meters
Hybrid case .224 Valkyrie
>retarded weight distribution
Once you strap a suppressor, bipod, VFG, PEQ, optic, and whatever else to it, a typical bullpup will have similar weight distribution to a naked AR.
A 20" AUG with a suppressor, grenade launcher, MFAL, white light, day optic, and red dot (for passive aiming) is probably only about as bad for offhand shooting as an M16A2.

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