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Lying about medical record: GOOD (YMMV)
Lying about criminal record: BAD


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>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
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>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness

For all Army SF info.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS, as well study guides for ASTB-E

Airforce Pilot guide - just do AFROTC, political science major, 4.0 with athletics is auto-acceptance

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole. http://i.imgur.com/FZ0Q9q4.png
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries as your co-workers

>Info on sf86

>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing

>How can I get more college credits while I'm in without signing up for classes
CLEP/DSST information:
Practice for CLEP/DSST:

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Is enlisting into a National Guard SF group as a support POG a good way of coolguy school maxxing?
It wouldn't hurt. Squirrels have to go through quite a few schools and can justify many more with far less pushback. As a regular dude, you'd be hard pressed to explain why you want a jungle and arctic tab, but if you're SF you might get away with it
Why not go active duty? If you are thinking about enlisting straight into SF group, seems like you are being jerked by a guard recruiter.
Threadly reminder that the Navy is the best branch and only branch worth a damn.
Post comparative retention rates.
Why stay when the Navy sets you up for success? Sounds like the best branch to do one contract and then dip
>recently increased the time in service needed for tuition assistance
>currently accepting more waivers then the army

sure Anon.
I stuck my LOG in your DOG
The link in OP's post (dantes linke under CLEP/DSST) doesn't work. Use this instead:

Any ausfags here?

I want to enlist because it's the best way to get into my desired career but have been put off because I assumed I wouldn't pass medical and security clearance requirements.
However I was talking to some people the other day with multiple family members in the military, and they reckon they're so desperate for warm bodies that they'll take pretty much anyone. Worth a try?

My issue is primarily depression (it's pretty stable now but I'm sill on meds).
As for security clearances. Spent a few years living overseas, don't have a lot of good references. Used to have an drinking problem and did and said some pretty stupid stuff whilst on the piss, (nothing too illegal but the kind of embarrassing stuff that I'd prefer know one knows about).
>Overall target numbers are 120,000 Army Recruits, 40,000 Navy Recruits, 30,000 Air Force Recruits, 20,000 Marine Corps recruits, 4,000 Coast Guard recruits, and 500 Space Force recruits
>There is 450,000 people in the Army, 330,000 in the Navy, 320,000 in the Air Force, 172,000 in the Marine Corps, 57,000 in the Coast Guard and 9,000 in the Space Force
If you crunch those numbers, that means the Army expects to lose 26% of its personnel a year, the Navy expects to lose 12%, Air force 9%, Marine Corps 12%, 7% Coast Guard, and Space Force 5%.

There you go anon
Can't you join the American military?
I can take a flight, visit the nearest enlistment office and sign up tomorrow?
You need a green card
Thinking about joining Army Guard, I have a bachelor's so I'm thinking of going the officer route. How does it work after you graduate OCS? Do you go to active guard duty, with the 1 weekend/month 2 weeks/year plan or is it different? And are Officer contracts longer than enlisted or could I do a 4/4 year contract?
Navy is the hardest branch to have a wife and kids in since almost all the jobs require you be away from home more than you're at home.
Also the Navy hates the colorblind more than any other branch which sucks if you want to do anything at all but your eyes are shit.
Can someone explain to me why I have to get a pickup truck if I join the military? I need an in-depth explanation.
I got out the marines a year and a half ago I was an lav crewman at my one year out mark I sighned a one year contract with the guard this drill I want to talk to the command and switch to active and be a 19k does anybody know how rough this process gonna be I’ve been in the guard for about 5 months
>been in the guard for about 5 months
What kind of pickup truck did you have to get?

First, lay off the coke. Second, try utilizing punctuation
I had a 2012 civic si in the Marines now I drive a 2020 civic sport, but you need a tan Tacoma so you go throw your ruck in the bed of your truck.
Hey Goodmorning! I transitioned out of the Marine Corp in 2023 I was an LAV 25 crewman, I loved my job and left the option open to get back in if I so choosed. I’m a machinist in the firearms industry currently but I still wanted to get back in. So I joined the guard and sighned a one year contract to really think about my decision and I’ve always wanted to be a tanker. So I’ve decided that I want to make the switch over to active duty! Do you have any idea of how hard of a process this transition from guard to active especially since I only have about 6 months left on contract. Thanks for the help.
You should probably talk to an American recruiter before you do that
>civic sport
Manual or tragic?
If you've got a year left, you can probably draft a new contract, regardless of branch/MOS. Going from guard to active should also be relatively straight forward, regardless of years left.
Going for a computer science degree while im in the navy. How feasible is this, what school should I pick, and how do I get started?
Euro here. Just moved over for an engineering PhD. Thinking of serving in NG as soon as I can get a greencard, but I'm a bit worried about the age limits (28 now). I read that sometimes, age limits are waived. I assume the waivers are hard to get. Does anyone have more information?
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>Do you think they screamed for Israel's glory before their lives ended?
>What did they die for?
Isn't everyone's age limit (besides the Marines and Naval Officers) 42 now?
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killing ragheads like you is always based and good for humanity.

Why don't you talk about this massacre?
Auto sadly
There are old ass niggas in the guard 28 I think the waivers for age start in like the 40s
Dipshit. These men were killed in the Tongo Tongo ambush.
It is? I thought the age limit for joining was at 35 for all beanches.
Can you mail order a hunting rifle onto base?
Dumb question for this thread, but I was invited to the marine ball by an illuminecent negro family member, she is stationed jordan and I will be visiting at the time of the holiday. I have no idea if this is a good or bad idea. Do I have to rent a suit? Will I have to deal with drunk teenagers?
>t. neverserved
Is there any way to continue to get the experience of being in the military, or some part of the experience anyhow, without being in the military? I'm a grown man with a bachelors and can't serve because medical shit but loved marching and discipline and autistic rules.
You don't have to go full tuxedo but it is meant to be a formally-dressed event, yeah.
And not only will there be drunk teenagers but there will also be drunk NCOs, senior NCOs, and officers. You should go, being a civilian at a military ball lets you get away with acting like a total ass without any real consequences besides possibly tanking your family member's reputation a little by association, at worst.
Your local militia, milsim, airsoft, actual LARPing, maybe CAP, or just going overseas to fight in Ukraine.
oh yeah shit forgot about civil war / revolution reenactment
Changed a few years ago
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so dress shirt and security pants cool? I just dont want to be a horses ass, but I want to only carry on.
Just look up pictures of "us marine's balls" for examples of what to wear.
thank you for your sevice to my question anon.
do wildfire in the summer.can easily get ona veteran crew
Still lurking
covid vaccine still mandatory for AF enlisted?
Good morning sunshine
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I herniated a disc during high school. Hasn’t given me too much trouble aside from some occasional pain. And thats while working in construction.
What issues would this cause if i wanted to enlist?
Air Force POG here.
Two questions:
Can I go to SFAS?
Can I go to Air Force Special Warfare without signing a special warfare contract and potentially being sent to secfo/maintainer niggerhell if I fail?
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>Learned today you must be younger than 33 before starting Army Aviation shool
>Am 33 in a few days
This would cause issues with pretty much every branch as a symptomatic herniated disc is an automatic disqualify. AFAIK Navy allows a waiver if it doesn’t impede movement or have any further complications. I’d try to focus on maybe the Air Force or Navy since they would probably be the most realistic branches for enlistment with your condition.
It’s by far the most fun branch
Bang out all your gen eds through coastline CC and sit on your creds till you get out. Baby your GPA. Retake a class if you have to.

Don’t finish your bachelors till you can go to a real deal brick and mortar university on the GI bill.
Generally officer service obligations are going to be 6-8 years in the reserves/guard. 1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year has been a lie for over 2 decades now. You will do basic training then OCS and then go to BOLC (your job school) after that you drill with your unit every month, usually 4-2 days a month followed by a 3 week AT.
This. You show up to drill once a month, but you will be working to prepare for it all month. The one weekend month/two weeks a year only holds true for junior enlisted and maybe E-5s. Hell my unit is getting activated for the inauguration next year and likely has a deployment next fall.

t. Guard LT
No idea about AFSW but SFAS should be doable. Email an ARSOF recruiter, I know they regularly go the extra mile for people looking to cross branches in order to join.
Sorry Squidward, just because the USMC is in the Department of the Navy doesn't mean you can use us for your own recruiting.
Will I have to switch branches just to go to selection? If I fail do I go needs of the army?
Just for SFAS, I don't believe so, as long as you attend as a TDY.
Really though, just hit up an actual ARSOF recrooter, if you're on a base with Army people you might even have a SORB detachment on post you can talk to.
Thanks anon
Cool, awesome to hear. Hopefully I'll make it there some day.
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I failed selection
Are they sendin your ass to the 82nd?
no im going back to my mechanized unit to do motor pool monday
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Got a certification question, Military Anons. I know IT types will be able to answer my question a little better but please chime in if you know anything:

If I worked on a navy system that was not directly related to the networks everyone else used, but my equipment includes computer based systems that I managed in a way which might fall under one or two of the CISSP domains ("asset security" and "communications and network security"). What I'm getting at is, has anyone successfully leveraged their military experience with integrated systems to meet the experience requirements in the CISSP domains to obtain the CISSP certification without having been a prior IT/CTT?
thats hard as fuck bro
is 33 too old for army OCS?

>140 GT
>3.6 undergrad GPA
did they give you any feedback?
when did you submit your packet? (like how many years in)
any advice for future Selectionfags of /meg/?
No, cutoff is 42
It happens
>Baby your GPA
What's a good number range?
No joke
Is it hard to get 50% disability? 88M and my back keeps hurting and wondering if I should get it all documented for when I get out.
Is the military still picky about food allergies? I have a peanut/treenut allergy and have to carry epinephrine. I was told I cannot join the air force or army due to it back in 2011. I am 32 now, have my associate and bachelor degree in nursing, work in a trauma ER and surgical ward. Interested in OCS.
Still lurking
I'm 5'5, is there any hope for me as a tanker. I think I'm not fit for infantry and I'm too retarded for the air force.
I genuinely hate people like you. Have you ever seen an infantry unit? Like 80% of people are 5'8 or under. Sack the fuck up, and stop using your height as an excuse for weakness. You make the rest of manlets look bad.

t. 5'5 infantryman
What's the likelihood of me getting medsep'd during BCT for the ARNG if I develop uveitis because I went off my autoimmune medication to enlist and was completely truthful to my recruiter and at MEPS? This is my single biggest barrier to enlistment. In the past before I was put on a TNF inhibitor that put me into remission for the disease, the uveitis was suppressed via steroid eye drops.
>am 32 now, have my associate and bachelor degree in nursing, work in a trauma ER and surgical ward. Interested in OCS.

You would Direct commission as a nurse. Don't fuck yourself by going as a line officer through OCS.
I want to drive a tank for fuck sake, and the niggers that run my third shutter country have a literal pole with a mark on it, I'm at least two palms under that line. And I'm pretty sure that's the bare minimum height requirement for grunts
How much of a joke is the CAP?
My apologies, I didn't realize this was Pajeet demoralization post. Carry on then.
I just want to redeem my tank seat sir, but the blood mother fuckers don't let me. Bloody bloody fuckers, sir please. help me redeem my hope. Sir?
This is why I need to find and speak to a recruiter, kek. I still only have the information in my head from what I was told 10+ years ago. But are food allergies still grounds for exemption?
>But are food allergies still grounds for exemption?

Varies by squadron. But most adult members realize what it is and don't take the whole military thing super seriously. We're all just here to volunteer and fly around in planes and stuff.
Did they give a reason or criticism?
Bros… let’s say I join marines and get an age waiver (29). If I do this, I only want an infantry job. Why would I want 0311 vs 0331? I’m a taller guy. I’m a bit of an ape. Does that mean I’m better suited to 0331? I’m as clueless as they come. What’s the pros and cons of both
How intensive is the cardio and how far do I have to go if I can only 1.5 miles right now
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I got peered out for being autistic
that's not the actual reason they gave but it's basically what happened
cadre told me point blank that I don't have the right personality for special operations
if you guys go you should just stop and think about your actions before you do them, that's literally it, you can physically prepare as much as you want but if you don't get how to work with people under stress you're not getting picked up
I didn't vw or anything but im probably not going back
Need more details, but if you're a guy who isn't proactive, that might be the issue. But if it's because the cohort are just a bunch of lazy niggers, then they're probably not passing either.
sorry to hear brah
how long into your contract did you submit your packet for SFAS?
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im 6 years in
nah it was legitimately just me being autistic and retarded, the guys who got selected deserved it and the guys who didn't also deserved it
don't want to talk details because I did something extremely braindead during team week and if I described it anyone who was there would immediately recognize me
Tank crews are hurting for more people. As long as you do good on your ASVAB it should be easy to get in. Seriously, talk to a recruiter. I don’t even think you need a high ASVAB to get the MOS unless you’re trying to be a tank mechanic.
Will the USMC make me into a tougher, more resilient, more confident person or is that just a bunch of recrooter bs
I'm tired of being a neurotic pussy bros
Bros......I found out today that I did not get selected for Coast Guard OCS this round. My recruiter was already saying I need to re-apply - Which I will!! He said it probably was my officer interview. Any Coasties out there with some advice for a solid interview 2.0?
Does cavalry always wear cowboy hats in formation? Or am I going to get a sunburn on my ears and neck?
Typically only on Fridays or during ceremonies. If you want to wear a boonie, you'll have to go to Fort Bliss or Schofield, since the former has a based garrison commander who did away with the dumb prohibition on wearing the boonie around post and the latter has Jungle School.
>Fort Bliss or Schofield
What about Carson? I'm doing an option 19.
According to regs anyone can wear a boonie, but because of Army autism it's in this retarded grey area where a random passing NCO might decide to rip you for it because your commander/the garrison commander didn't specifically authorize it. Ask about it once you get to your actual unit.
If you're joining as a 19D you can also just do a spur ride and then wear a stetson.
Is there a standard issue one or does anything in OCP fly?
I think there is a standard NSN'd boonie but in practice whatever they sell at your closest PX works as long as it looks roughly the same as what everyone else has.
Either way, this isn't something to worry about until you actually get there. Just wear sunscreen if you're that concerned.
DO NOT JOIN THE MARINE INFANTRY AT 29!! Your peers are gonna be 19 and your senior is gonna be 21 join the army brotha I hear it’s more diverse in age with actual career progression and schools
>prior service so I have to pick from a set list of job slots for the air force
>no cyber.
At least there are plenty of medical jobs.
which branch has more gay furries. The airforce or spaceforce.
How do I explain my self harm scars so I can enlist bros
Any AF avionics guys or at least maintainers in here?
The army and its not even close
Why were you an emo
Nah I'm not like that
I recently ran away from home how do I enlist with no ID or papers
This thread is full of the most sour, dour, and mean people I've ever had the misfortune of knowing are in the armed forces.
Can anyone chime in? Please and thanks friends.
You’re going to be sent to MEPs, and disqualified. Then they’re going to ask you for a psych evaluation from your primary doctor or whatever psychiatrist for them to say that you’re not a harm to yourself or others. Then you’ll have to wait for a waiver for psychological health and re go to MEPs.
Just make an appointment with your provider and talk to him about it, then make another down the line so you have a continuing issue on record. Do this for any significant medical concern you have.
I can't pass them off as something else?
I'm the autistic spaz of my unit. They make fun of me and call my school shooter. I don't even do anything. Like I'm not an actual sperg and I don't freak out. I'm just quiet and mind my shit. But now I just get heckled constantly it sucks ass. I thought I was done with bullying after school was finished
You gotta stop being so prideful and allow yourself to assimilate. The secret to stopping such behaviour being directed towards you is to position yourself mentally in a way that you don't think about such things in the first place. Believe me when I say that if you are the 'autistic spastic' of the unit, you definitely are thinking about such things. Overthinking, even.
I'm not like that at all. I have no pride. I don't overthink stuff.
How… pronounced? Are they
Someone help me God help
You don't. you need papers
Birth Certificate, Social, Draft Number, Diploma, ID card
Can you please give me another option i will literally do anything.
Find a nice older woman/man to marry for the green card, enlist. Heck if you promise to do the full 20 maybe you can make it last.
Why did you run away from home? If it's because of some teenage shit then you're just doing this to yourself. You need your documents to enlist.
I'm an incel
Because I had no choice. I'm 24
Bump re: this. My recruiter doesn't know and I wanted to ask people who might know. Ditto for if I went to MCT through USMC.
Well, something is stopping the rest of the pack from adopting you. Something's missing from the context you're giving us. What kind of unit? What branch? Shitbag POGs? High speed MFers? Who're you with? Help us out retard.
Unfortunately this dude is right. the CORPS is a cult and you're going to get flamed for being the gramps of the unit unless you luck out and a bunch of the other guys are older. The Army is more diverse in terms of age, for... reasons. Also he's right about the career options. Marines have the swag, but the Army has better options for everybody from SF to rear echelon.
Can you go through multiple recruiting processes at once to see which ones say yes/work out? Like RA and NG Army for example?
Kinda but not really. You aren't interviewing for a job where they're trying to weed out people, and some lucky few get hired. The branches will take anyone and everyone who meets the qualifications. You can flirt with the recruiters all you want, but once you go to MEPS and sign a contract you're locked into.

Figure out what job you want to do, and tell the recruiter. They'll make it happen. If the job you want, isn't available then check with another branch to see if it is, or just wait with that branch until it pops up. You should be able to figure this out before you sign anything. You have all the power when you're first enlisting whether you realize it or not.
Why can't we just enlist? When you read about the 50s and 60s people lied about their age or joined without documents all the time. Now you're just fucked?
Do you like what do you?
Life is far easier than when I was a civilian. It depends on the unit you get but work is feast or famine, and when it's famine you're basically a NEET with extra steps only now you're also getting paid a competitive salary.
its easy to get your documents, wtf your problem
I can't get them
Hello service members, feds, veterans, recrooters, and others. I have a particular career path I am aiming for. I want to be an intelligence officer for the Space Force (applause here). Anyways, I am in college for a biz admin. I am about to finish community college and transfer to a 4 year university in about a year. What are your recommendations? so far I am here: Take the ASVAB. Once school ends, study and take it again then enlist in national guard. Once that is done, does air national guard work for this pathway? finish up my degree, then go full time, enter the officer school, and enter space force. OR go ROTC the remainder of college and enlist, then go officer school and space force? What exactly is the optimal strategy here. Would a recruiter be able to gather a better picture of my next steps? Am I in over my head?
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>...I slowly, deliberately, pull out my America the Beautiful National Parks Military Pass.

>"Afternoon," I say, flipping the pass onto the counter like I'm revealing a winning hand at a high-stakes poker game. The pass gleams in the light, embossed with its deep green and gold. Military version, of course—reserved for a select few, those who earned it.

>The ranger stares at it, mouth slightly agape. I can see the gears in his head turning, probably processing that he's in the presence of someone more than human. His eyes flicker up, meeting mine for just a second, before lowering in deference.

>"Sir, this is... incredible," he stammers. "I've never seen one of these in person."

>"Well, now you have," I say, not unkindly, but with a tone that suggests he should feel honored.

>He practically scrambles out of his chair, rushing to open the gate. "Please, drive on through, Mr..."

>"Anon," I cut him off. Names are irrelevant here. It's about power, and right now, I have all of it.

>The kid’s trembling hands wave me through, like he's just parted the Red Sea. I take my time driving past, making sure he gets a full look at the Porsche as it glides forward, engine purring smoothly, almost aristocratic. The world is mine, this park is mine, and they all know it.

>People watch from a distance, in awe. They don't approach, but they feel my presence. I can feel it too: reverence, admiration, fear. I begin walking toward a trail, and someone—a couple in their Patagonia jackets and REI hiking boots—approaches, cautiously. Their movements are hesitant, like they're approaching royalty, unsure whether they're allowed to speak.

>"Excuse me," the woman says, voice almost trembling, "where did you get that pass?"

>"Earned it," I say simply.

Not a direct "Yes", but I used previous warehousing experience for asset security and some other domain, I think security operations. They're pretty lax with the requirements so long as a CISSP vouches for you.
>OR go ROTC the remainder of college and enlist, then go officer school and space force? What exactly is the optimal strategy here
You don't do ROTC and enlist, you commission at the end of ROTC once you get your degree.
If you want to be an officer, do that. Don't enlist to become an officer, that's retarded.
Talk to the AFROTC office at the school you're transferring to ASAP, you don't want to miss the time to get in and then have to gamble with OTS. Also just talk to a space force recruiter ASAP and tell him you want to commission right off the bat so he doesn't try to get you to enlist.
There has to be an option if I don't have documents can anyone help me out
What is your situation, exactly?
There isn't. Get your documents.
I just don't have anything.
I fundamentally cannot. There is zero option to do so
Quit being vague. If you're never going to get your documents you are never enlisting, simple as.
So you're telling me literally no one has ever done this. Right.
I'm genuinely not being vague and don't understand how I am being vague here
Huh, that looks almost just like the fjord by my house in leafistan
I seriously need a way in. I need some way to do this. Is my life seriously just fucked forever now
Like when you said where are the documents. I specifically said they're somewhere where i can't get them. And as for why not, it's because it's impossible. How is that vague.
You're not me dude. My documents are gone. Forever. My parents are useless.
>And as for why not, it's because it's impossible
What the fuck does this mean?
In all honesty you sound mentally ill so you're better off not enlisting anyway. Since you refuse to give any details about your situation I'm gonna assume you're actually a teenager instead of 24 like you claimed. Go flip burgers or something, we can't help you.
...Is that you, Derrick?
Why did you respond to the one post that isn't me...
I'm not mentally ill. I'm not stupid. But I have been fucked over out of my control. If you want details I'll give them but tell me what you even want to know.
Can you stop beating around the bush and specifically say why you do not have access to your documents and why you can't just go home and get them? If not, don't bother replying.
I'm not beating around the bush. I don't understand what you're talking about.
My parents either never got them or lost them or destroyed them. They don't want to talk to me. Going home is not an option and I couldn't find that stuff there if I did.
You're gonna have to grow some balls and call them to find out exactly what happened to these things. If they were actually destroyed you will have to visit your DMV, social security office, and maybe local courthouse to begin getting new copies made, but if you never had an official ID or birth certificate at all then your question is beyond the scope of this thread and you would probably want to contact a lawyer.
No those places don't work. They all require proof in a circular way to get copies. And calling my parents is not an option either
If you never had any documents you never went to school, retard
>Is it hard to get 50% disability?
Yes, 50% with just the back would require unfavorable ankylosis of the entire thoracolumbar spine. The spine would have to be fully or almost fully immobile in an abnormal position. If you can still move fairly well, You're probably looking at a 10-20% rating.
>wondering if I should get it all documented for when I get out
Also yes.
>11X option 4

talk me through this senpais...
keep in mind that for the first two, i'd apply for officer NG afterwards.

ngl 12P is incredibly tempting
Go OCS if you are able, 12P otherwise. Though from all the options you listed it seems like you don't have a clear goal in mind for joining the military, which is no good. If you don't deliberately make choices based on a plan when joining the military, you'll generally have a bad time and/or waste time that could have served you better.
>it seems like you don't have a clear goal in mind for joining the military,
the goal is to become a superior version of my current self...
the "means" is rather flexible...
>They're pretty lax with the requirements so long as a CISSP vouches for you.
Thank you, park pass anon. I must now network myself to find someone willing to vouch for my skillset.
I think he's a troll. There's no way that you could survive until fucking 24 years old without at least one of those documents. That means this motherfucker never had a job, never applied for one, never went or even applied to college, never had a car, or anything. Like what the fuck have you been doing bro.

You're basically an illegal immigrant without some proof of ID lol.
Just tell them it's bowslap from archery.
Do a 15B. Turbines are the future of power generation.

Report on how the Air Force is overcoming the recruiting crisis this year
>how the air force is overcoming the recruiting crisis
Because the civilian sector is shit, and the USAF is the closest thing to a civilian job in the military.
actually it seems the biggest factor is they hired more doctors to get around the MHS Genesis shit and lowering health standards because of Genesis
How do you plan to measure that?
A goal would be like, become airborne qualified by 2028
I have a re-entry code 2C with the USAF because of medical fraud. Could I attempt to re-enlist with them or would I be better off going to the army/muhrines
Document everything and get printed hard copies of your med records long before you get out. Working life is short and disability is vital for when old age finishes your back off.
Get in on medical. The US demand will only increase while cyber is trivially easy to replace. Play with computers for fun, do medical for money. Money makes freedom usable.
I was avionics, crosstrained to engines to escape Moody then was merged into the crew chief world. I love technology so it was all good. I'd have stayed avionics on a base I liked but cross training is also fun and a nice break from actual work. Given the choice I'd have crosstrained even more.

I'm not at all sensitive (sensitivity is weakness and inner children belong in a wood chipper) and quite enjoyed it.
Then you're fucked. Become a trucker or some shit. No one needs a docless loser who cannot figure out how to obtain their own docs. Tough shit, get over it, and get used to a life in the twilight of illegal aliens.

Fixate on something attainable. Without docs your whole life is unusable outside crime but if you really have no provable name or origin that can be an advantage. You clearly aren't very bright or you would be able to and already have explained.

Consider suicide. People that fucked up are miserable to work with and you'll spare everyone including yourself having to deal with you.
You are useless. Go to the courthouse of the county you were born. Request your birth certificate. Go online to the SS administration and claim that you lost your card in a house fire or something. Fuck sake. Their offices are designed to help those who do indeed lose everything in freak accidents. Stop being lazy and crush. All you need to enlist is your SS, BC, and address. The Navy takes retards without high school degrees. They will find a way.
I'm not a troll. I went to school and had a normal life but now I don't have them and there's no way to get them
What did I even do to you
No you can't do this. I have tried. They require proof. You need documents to get documents. That is how it works. There is zero service for people with nothing.
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Got some O-tier questions anons
>3 years enlisted in USMC
>adsep for being suicidal
>drink, travel, get useless CNC degree, work wagie jobs
>finally use GI Bill for mechanical engineering, specifically for automation/design
>should finish program by age 35
>get urge to wear uniform again
Would it be retarded to try and reenter the military as an officer instead of working for some civilian company? Would my alcoholic suicidal past or old age prevent me from getting clearance to work for the MIC?
What MOS in what branch would benefit from a BS in ME? All I've found is civil engineering or maintenance related stuff.
Go Natty Guard
email jake.zweig@gmail.com
Took a tour of Patrick SFB today, and noticed everybody is old asf. I don't think I saw a single person under 30 besides the ~25 year old gate guard. Is it like this throughout the USSF? Then again it's the weekend, maybe they were at the beach
I don’t even think the military is good at all, like most wars are pointless and it’s run by dumbasses, but finna join tomorrow
I tried signing you up for grindr but the email was already in use
Based retard. Everything of what you said is correct. Have fun and remember to take photos.
not me dickhead. use google before you talk shit
Join the Foreign Legion.
>go to California
>claim you are an illegal immigrant with no documentation
do what this>>62510964 anon said
cross the border into mexico and cross back over with Mexicans, find out how they get papers b4 you go though
NTA, but I think there might be backlash if my parents find out I'm going to basic. Should I bring my documents with me just to be safe?
For the last time, you can't bring them because it is impossible to get the documents. Stop trying to confuse me.
So now I'm just getting trolled?
What is wrong with you guys. What have I done to offend you? You guys keep posting as me and making fun of me. I don't get it.
>grrrr you made me angry im gonna beat u up irl
Lemme guess. Power bottom?
Good luck passing the ASVAB/psych eval.
I'm not dumb or insane. I did well in school. Its literally just a bad situation outside of my control.
im not trolling. this is a legitimate option. if you arent willing to break the rules and take risks you dont want it bad enough.
>You guys keep posting as me and making fun of me.
Do you not know what NTA means?
no you're just being a dumbass the guy is a public figure
I'm a manlet mech eng major in acceptable-at-best shape, my future is not with the SEALs
Its not an option for me.
I do but others don't
i linked an email in this thread he has good contacts in recruiting who could help you
they are recovering by lowering the recruitment goal
he doesnt recommend the seals to anyone. hes big on aviation and has mentored 300 different guys in all branches of the military. >>62511326
>Its not an option for me.
why is that
You can not join without documents. We can't help you bypass that. Your vague crappy situation where it's impossible to get your documents is your problem.
How are you using the internet right now? How are you paying to be online?
he wants someone to wave a magic wand and fix his problems. not worth our time we helped him enough.
did you even read the article? They've recruited more than last year and are projecting to have more recruits than projections.
They are getting more people than they wanted.
im not drinking the kool aid brother
what cool aid? Official numbers saying the culture war shit is not the problem? The fact everything goes back to normal when the medical stuff loosens back up like it was before 2022?
its progress, but could be short-lived and the number has to still make the quota. if its a long term trend it might mean something, have to wait and see. im not buying it until then, could jsut be a minor surge to do laxed regs , could easily course correct tomorrow.
Because its illegal
Again how am I being vague?
I just need a way in. Is there anyway to meet a recruitment officer who will give me a break on this? I did well on the asvab.
Give me your thoughts.

Option 1:
Get PhD in humanities field while enlisted in ARNG (starting at E-4) to clear undergrad loans and get TIS, then go active Army/Marines OCS after degree but older

Option 2:
Leave with MA in said field next summer to enlist active duty Army, probably in 35 series, then mustang it in Army/Marines after said loans are paid off
Recruitment 'officers' can't just sneak you in bro. This isn't Civil War times. It's MEPS or nothin'
>Because its illegal
coward. dont even bother you have no heart boy
I guess I should also have: Option 3: do Army OCS, but then no loans paid off or guaranteed job or even officer status in exchange for higher salary + better initial treatment.
>I just need a way in. Is there anyway to meet a recruitment officer who will give me a break on this? I did well on the asvab.
no fuckoff
Is there anything I can do? What avenue do I have in life at all if not the military?
why the fuck would you enlist with an MA just go officer? id get in contact with someone like zweig for you're situation given the sophistication but dont get too hungup on the perfect choice that you dont act and take a chance.
>Because its illegal
Pretty much everything is illegal in the current year.
>I did well on the asvab.
We all know you haven't taken the ASVAB, stop lying.
we gave you realistic options, you could either listen or stay where you are. thats it brother
I took the asvab in highschool
I can't think of anything worse than ending up in a jail cell right now man. I'm not going to risk that
>I can't think of anything worse than ending up in a jail cell right now man. I'm not going to risk that
i can
thats not a bad idea. get arrested and they'll have to get your records for you. go mug a hooker
Thats not how that works.
>why enlist with an MA
$65,000 in student loans from undergrad.

I do plan to contact Zweig though now.
Highschool ASVAB is only valid for 2 years bud. You need to take it again regardless.
You also need your documents. They won't let you into the MEPS center without them.
I know I need my documents im asking if there's anything left
What can Jake Zweig do for me that I couldn't do for myself?
are you telling me you dont have any id at all. no drivers license.
if you know your SSN you can get your SSS number at least.
provide mentorship using wisdom gained from help 300 guys over 20 years at all different levels in the millitary,put you in contact with great recruiters who actually know what they're talking about and will give a fuck, putting you in contact with guys who are doing what you actually want to. he also has a 100% rate for getting guys into the service academies and has up to date knowledge of all the current selections for sof and special billets.
I already tried. They want proof.

Every single document wants proof of the other document before they give a copy.

If you need X they want Y an Z
If you need Y they want X and Z
If you need Z they want X and Y
This is how the system works.

They are just providing copies. Not substantiation of your existence. They will not help me.
how are you paying for internet with no ID
birth certificate is the easiest to get. if you cant figure it out you're fucked dont waste our time.
why cant you contact your family
All you need is last name, DOB, and SSN on here:

It won't be accepted as a form of ID technically but it could help people trust you even more. But I agree with >>62511626 as well.
I'm not.
No. Birth certificate has the same requirements.
They are abusive people who want nothing to do with me. I have no extended family.
I don't have any knowledge of my SSN. I have never once even seen that card.
the fuck you mean you're not? You're posting online. An internet subscription, a phone, a computer, all costs money. You either are a leech posting several hours a day on someone else's device and dime or you have a bank account
>They are abusive people who want nothing to do with me. I have no extended family.
pretty sure they have legally have to give you that buddy.
I'm with my friends right now using their wifi.
They don't have it
Millions of undocumented immigrants are obtaining papers, but you can't?
Then call the cops on them and say they are unlawfully withholding your documents from you.
Well I'm not a criminal and I have no contact to find that stuff and I'm not a graverobber. I'm no connected o the Mexican underground here. I'm just some white guy on the east coast
They don't have it. There's nothing I can do.
walk into a recruiting office and bother them about it. we cant do anything for you bro
Is there any chance at all of someone making an exception for me
Do your parents physically have any of your documents whatsoever or have they been destroyed?
Unknowable but likely destroyed st this point. They said it themselves
Recruiters probably wouldn't waste the time unless they're absolutely desperate.
so you have a phone? how are you paying for it?
You don't need to pay for service to use home wifi from a phone
Phones cost money to buy
This is such a mess man. I don't laugh at other people's pain but this is getting stupid. So you've got no documents at all, no ID, no idea of your SSN? First step is to get your birth certificate. That varies by state but I think is usually at the county level. Figure out where you were born. Once you have a birth certificate you can apply for a replacement SSN card: https://faq.ssa.gov/en-US/Topic/article/KA-02017 online or in person at an office.
Do you know the county you were born in or the hospital you were born at? If so, you can contact the county courthouse or the records offices there and explain your situation to see if they can help you.
You should contact your congressional representative office and explain that you have no records. Cases like yours have occurred before, but getting from having no records to having records again will take time and be frustrating. According to a quick google search, people with no records ended up needing the testimonies of others who had witnessed their births, given them grade reports in school, that kind of thing. Since you've been to high school you should at least have a diploma - if you don't have a copy, you can contact your school and talk to them about getting one, and if any teachers remember your face they probably won't ask for an ID to prove it's you.
This problem is beyond the scope of any advice random people on 4chan can give you. For now, you should focus on getting the documents needed to live a normal life, before you think about joining the military.
I already had a phone
I can't get the birth certificate
See >>62511847 brother. There's nothing we can do. None of us are sitting congressmen (at least I think so lmao) so this is up to you unfortunately.
this is the funniest troll this thread has had in years
which one of these medical jobs would you say is the best one then?
Im currently leaning towards diagnostics but the others seem good too.
Those are AFSC, you can't pick your job in the air force and medical is small so those almost never open up.
>cyber is trivially easy to replace
Based octogenarian logic.
Yes you can. But since he's prior service he may not be able to. I'd just tell the recruiter thanks but i'll pass to see if he budges.
Okay, time to come clean. I lied about all that stuff before lol.
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Cyber is worthless, will be replaced within 3 years.
There is literally no reason to not do Reserves over active duty. Prove me wrong.
Are you drinking enough water anon?
Pro: Duty stations are temporary.
Con: You're always the new guy.
>he doesn't know
There's quite a few actually.

>You want a Combat MOS
>You want/need a full-time job and your prospects as a civilian aren't great
>You want to leave your current situation or area
>You actually want to be proficient at your job rather than trying to remember how to basic shit every 30 to 45 days.
>You want the GI Bill/VA Loan as soon as your contract is up without having to the playing the game of waiting for a deployment or hoping for ADOS orders to meet the requirements

I'm a Nasty Girl, and wouldn't do reserves ever but have been considering switching to the Regular Army recently.
Just started the process today I am the dude that that was asking about it earlier in the thread
I didn't read this whole thread so I don't know what you're talking about and I don't care.
>>You want a Combat MOS
But you can have a combat MOS in NG.
>>You want/need a full-time job and your prospects as a civilian aren't great
ADOS covers that, but one must consider >>62517067. Also, an ADOS assignment isn't guaranteed below certain ranks.
>>You actually want to be proficient at your job rather than trying to remember how to basic shit every 30 to 45 days.
ADOS would also cover that, but your duty stations are more limited.
>>You want the GI Bill/VA Loan as soon as your contract is up without having to the playing the game of waiting for a deployment or hoping for ADOS orders to meet the requirements
Same as above.
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>Deradicalization training
This was never a thing when I was in the military. Was talking to a friend who was "I'm getting out after 4." But is the only one still in lmao, he mentioned about this new training; do the power that be really think something is going to happen?

To keep this related was planning on commissioning as an officer after the election is over. I know every branch is hurting right now for people, but which branch would let me commission right on in without too much lag?

Are you commissioning or going back in as enlisted? I want to know for myself.
My bad, didn't read the part where >>62517384 said
>without having to the playing the game of waiting for a deployment or hoping for ADOS orders to meet the requirements
When I was active duty I basically jad to learn new shit every couple of days. I never gained any rank and the only people making rank were lazy as fuck reservists bitchijg about seeing their wives to people who probably have been apart from their families for much longer. They just deploy once to make chief or get benefits faster. After that they are an absolute dishonor to the services and mainly focus on cheating on their partners with e1s out of bootcamp
They also get time to go to school in states like California for free while active duty are probably dying in a hole or some shit and paying taxes too.
When talking about the "reserves" you need to specify when you're talking about the Reserve Component as a whole, or the Army Reserve. I'm in a combat MOS in the NG, so I'm fully aware that the NG has combat MOS.

ADOS orders also aren't guaranteed like you said. ADOS is good when you have a civilian job that allows you to double dip and you have enough rank for an military check to be worth a fuck.
>for free
How do you get free college? Debt forgiveness?
If you're in the Navy, then no one cares about your experience with reservists. Only the Army and Air Force actually utilize Reserve Component troops effectively because they're a more significant proportion of the force. The other branches treat their reservists like third worlders.
I can since I am prior service.
enlisted. I'd commision if I had the full G.I bill and had the time to wait for a degree instead of ship out soon do to personal reasons.
>which branch would let me commission right on in without too much lag?

The Army will let anyone commission.

>Source: they let me do it
I’m not even particularly sure what the navy reserve even does. Maybe anons from states with water could lmk but I have heard a grand total of 0 people ever talk about them on this thread, or IRL
Navy is legitimately always taking new SWOs.

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