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Who would win?
Which one had the best armed forces and equipment during the Cold War?
Which one was the most BASED one?
Literally who the fuck are they?
I know the one thats literally would dissapear off the map in 5 days if us stopped aiding it
And the other one was something like 500 years ago and now only terrorize fish
I still don't understand how the fuck they had aligned interests at that time.
The Portuguese were fucking insane.
if the competition was human rights abuses, kind of a hard number to stick on any of them. They all sort of did some pretty fucking insane stuff
In terms of equipment and personnel it might be South Africa, not a popular pick but they did make the best use of what they had along with Rhodesia in terms of having the right guy with the right guns were you needed them. Israel during the 70's was still sort of a milsurp dumping ground for the UK and US. They had a lot of it but they really only had to tear the arsehole out of inbred arabs and assorted sand vermin with really only Egypt giving them a lot of trouble with some comparatively better soviet shit in some places.
Portugal was no pushover either, he's an angry little swarthy guy but he'd fuck your shit up leave a huge mess when it came down to it. It was never elegant, very funny to look at though!
>Portugal aka the Portuguese Republic (1910 to present). Think Spaniards, but dumber and stinkier.

It's not just the Portuguese Republic.
It's the Estado Novo (New State) era (1933 - 1974)
Portugal was a fascist dictatorship during this time.
They went colonial apeshit on Africa (Angola,, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique) and Asia (East Timor).
They were fighting a bloodier Vietnam war on their own.
Bottom right: Israel
Bottom left: Portugal
Top right: Rhodesia
Top left: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_of_South_Africa
Pretty sure it was because they all had issues with the UN.
Rhodesia is already well known here so I won't waste time on it.
Portugal was still a fascist state in the 70s like Spain. Unlike Spain, they maintained a lot of their overseas colonies and were militant in keeping them. The wars against Portuguese rule were so unpopular internationally that both NATO and the Warsaw pact supported the rebels in nearly all instances. Portugal was gearing up to mobilize nearly their entire country when a coup deposed of the dictator. The propaganda they put out was nuts, like claiming they were just annexing all of their colonies and that now Portugal was the biggest country on earth, but in practice no one in the colonies actually had rights.
The Union of South Africa applied with the UN to incorporate South West Africa but was more or less told to fuck off. I'm not as knowledgable about that.
And then there's Israel. See, at the time the UN Secretary General was an actual ex-SS officer and no one knew until after his death. He spent a LOT of time legislating against and condemning Israel.
And that's how you get Israel trying to sell nukes to South Africa and selling guns to Rhodesia.
>The propaganda they put out was nuts, like claiming they were just annexing all of their colonies and that now Portugal was the biggest country on earth

Brazil's independence in 1822 left a deep scar on Portugal's mental health and self-esteem.
They never recovered.
It was the same thing with the British Raj.
Note the subtle propaganda of glueing Israel that was fighting in self defense to these 3 evil shitholes. Anyway, your anti-American affectations glow like the sun and all I got to say is that I don't give a fuck what CIA did 50 years ago. Your multipolar asshole is the axis of evil now.
>Portugal was still a fascist state in the 70s like Spain.
Just read the wikipedia article, and apart from the colonial autism, they seemed to be doing incredibly well.
Would have been interesting to see what would have happened if they'd (at least partially) decolonized instead of clinging to their empire.
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>UN Secretary General was an actual ex-SS officer

Waldheim wasn't a member of the SS, but of the SA. He did serve as an intelligence officer in the Heer during the occupation of Yugoslavia however and was known to have approved for distribution, propaganda leaflets that explicitly called on Bosnian Muslims to murder Jews.
>Brazil's independence in 1822 left a deep scar on Portugal's mental health and self-esteem.
It would leave a scar on any nation's self-esteem. You know how Brazil left?
>the French invade Portugal despite completely submitting to Napoleon's demands, so Portuguese royal family moves to Brazil and governs from there for a while
>frogs get repulsed but now the military has taken over (peacefully) and instituted a parliamentary government, so the king has to go back and stop them from going too far and ousting him entirely
>leaves his son Pedro as regent over Brazil
>Brazilian revolutionaries have a great idea for Brazil's independence
>they go up to Pedro and ask if he'd rather be the fourth prince of Portugal (not in line to succeed) or the King of Brazil
>Pedro declares himself King of Brazil and tells his dad to go fuck himself
This was Pedro's peak, it only got worse for him from there. Dead at 35 to tuberculosis.
>This was Pedro's peak, it only got worse for him from there. Dead at 35 to tuberculosis.

The best thing that fucker did with his shitty life was having Pedro II as a son.
I feel sorry for Maria Leopoldina.
That poor woman didn't deserved such a deadbeat husband.

Without foreign help south Africa hands down till the 80s
They had great military manufacturing facilities, nuclear weapons, big numbers, massive natural resources and a very experienced and capable military.
Also some very modern pieces of equipment.

With foreign help of course Israel because they effectively control US politicians and can make them do whatever they want including to to war with all their enemies (cough... Iraq, cough... Libya, cough... Syria)

Portuguese empire was already stretched thin before the carnation revolution even assuming they could pull all their forces together they would still not be able to handle south Africa.

Rhodesia is just a substantially weaker version of south Africa, they have no chance.
I never said they weren't, it's just that Portugal and Spain were all each other had really. They were semi-pariahs in the international community because they were literal fascist governments in the aftermath of WW2, and Portugal kept making it worse.
Still better than what came after at least, the faggot government that replaced the fascists willingly handed over their last Chinese holding to the CCP after the British were forced to give up Hong Kong.
>t. Seething commie nigger
Excluding israel they did nothing wrong.
>I never said they weren't
I didn't mean to imply you did, it's just that Salazar seems to have actually been really competent, and that's a very rare trait for a dictator to have.
Wait I fucked up, Pedro actually WAS in line to succeed his father and was the eldest son but forfeited the right to it by taking a foreign crown. He abdicated to put his daughter on the Portuguese throne, which had been taken over by his brother Miguel. He died like one day after restoring Maria II to power.
Also the original plan was for Miguel (the regent, because Maria took the Portuguese throne at like 7) to marry his own fucking niece when she came of age, but he said "fuck that" and just declared himself king after sending her away.
I never said they did it.
But they're pariahs during the 70s.
Also, Israel is the only one doing good today.
U r dumb and also gay
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kek UN standards has always been subpar.
Sometimes I feel not having a colonial empire in the 1800s helped us out in the long run.
t. Italy
>Iraq, Syria and Libya
Im not sure why people associate that with Israel, especially Iraq. Libya was a UN effort that was approved by the security council. Syria was more or less countering Russian interests and also counteracting against Isis and Iran spilling their shit into Iraq.
Saddam was a massive pain in the ass for the Israelis and dropped Scuds on their cities without provocation just to try and force them to attack him during the Gulf War, in an attempt to drag in the other Arab states on his side against Those Dastardly Jews. The Americans had to hold them back.
>gobbles zionist jew cum to spite imaginary commies
This is all the right wing is now.
Pol has some im sure, go there edgy boy
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>white countries that civilised niggers, and were prosperous untill commie niggers like mandela and mugabe took over.
nigger spotted
Are you seething in class or a mud hut?
because israel ordered their lapdogs to fuck over rhodesia, afrikaner's south africa, and portugese angola
Why not both ? Stop being ignorant. It's a class in a mud hut. Kike
So it WAS the kikes up to their tricks once again. OY VEY
>Humanitarian ex-Nazi leading the UN and undermining the League of Israel
The brown is you.
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btw the person repeating "kike" over and over is brown and possibly hook-nosed, as well
>underage and brown
Statistically ngmi
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and yet you shitskins had to lump kikes with 3 most based countries in africa, since you can't stand that they were living proof of not only white superiority over a niggers, but also that communism is a failed ideology for subhuman filth
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remember that commies and niggers hate rhodesia
And Jews loved it for some reason. Say what you really want to say, only brown people hate Israel and we need more laws againt anti-semitic speech. MIGA.
Do they anon? Do they?
I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult at all for you to find several examples of modern jews, some with power and influence, openly praising Rhodesia.
Do you have ever have thoughts unrelated to jews?
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it's funny to see ziggers and zigger-friendly non whites absolutely fuming at the mention of rhodesia or correct policy of apartheid and the last true boer: the groot krokodil
>this is going on my discord saaar

>>What had Iraq to do with israel

The Israeli literally blew up his nuclear reactor even killing some french scientists in the process. The guy hated them with a passion and had the 4th biggest army on the planet. Also he hated them because they secretly armed the Iranians during the Iraq Iran war to make sure he wouldn't win. Jeez I wonder why they wanted their Major threat gone.


Assad family literally invaded Israel and the Israeli blew up his nuclear reactor too.
Check operation orchard on Wikipedia.
He also had a dignified army before the US backed revolution.


Just listen to some of the Gheddafi speeches against Israel at the Arab and African union meetings and you know why they wanted him very much gone. He was a busy bee doing what Iran is doing now arming and supporting anti Israeli groups.

Now they are trying their best to bait Iran into a war where they can drag the US into to finish off the last remaining threat.

Egypt was dealt with by the US with soft power, effectively paying Egypt off after the camp David accords as invading Egypt was just too much effort and nobody wanted to shut down Suez for a long time again. Similar story with Jordan they became friendly with israel thanks to US taxpayers money.

The US has always done literally everything the Israeli asked them to do including breaking the nuclear non proliferation treaties for them. Effectively you can't get elected to the highest offices in the US without supporting Israel since so much of campaign donations is controlled by Jewish or pro Israeli entities.
What? Pajeets love mugabe and mandela and hate Ian Smith and P W Botha due to ther hatered of anglo-saxons
when the schizophrenia hits hard
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Who had the most /fa/ uniform?
For me, it's a tie between the Portuguese Lizard pattern and the Rhodesian Brushstroke.
The SADF Nutria Brown is also iconic.
The Israeli uniform sucks though.
Also, why don't Rhodieboos completely ignore the Black men who fought for Rhodesia against the commies?

Rhodesia was based till they gave up.

They also had a much softer version of apartheid compared to SA

They really got screwed by the west sanctioning them and the Britishers in particular that were butthurt at their independence. If they held power like SA till the Soviet union fell they would likely be much better off today without the Marxist Mugabe rule period. But sadly as seen in SA a few decades of black rule can ruin even the most advanced country
>Also, why Rhodieboos completely ignore the Black men who fought for Rhodesia against the commies?
Here, I fixed it.
There was a lot of Black men fighting Mugabe.
So ALCORA+Israel? As mentioned in a previous thread about the SADF the relationship between Israel and South Africa was one of pure opportunism, neither of them had any love for each other beyond essentially mutual sanctions busting and nuclear cooperation with the RSA providing the material and Israel providing the French-lent knowhow. Knowing that the RSA agreed out of pure necessity doesn't make the fact that they cooperated with Israel any less funny, as South African jews had a very strong involvement in the Anti-Apartheid movement.

I think the cases of South Africa, Rhodesia and Portugal (to a lesser extent) are fascinating tragedies, but i find the fact of the Portuguese continuing to covertly support the RSA a decade after the Carnation revolution particularly interesting, with the Puma sanctions busting case probably being the better known example.

Just so you know Botha tried rather pathetically to appease the anti-apartheid factions by legalizing miscegenation, which of course didn't do anything but strengthen their resolve to bring the national party down.
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rhodesian light infantry was the most /fa/
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>Portuguese empire was already stretched thin before the carnation revolution even assuming they could pull all their forces together they would still not be able to handle south Africa.
Hadn't they already pretty much won the war in Angola and Mozambique and only Guiné was a stalemate and Goa a lost cause? Or did I fall for poortuguese propaganda?
Because if that was the case then they had already won the war in arguably their most important colonies, if they had lost the rest it wouldn't be THAT terrible and they could easily twist it as a win if the carnation revolution hadn't happened.
The Portuguese government at the time was not fascist. That is a communist lie. It was a corporatist dictatorship, had nothing to do with fascism.
They basically won it, Angola and Mozambique got their independence in 1975 after the carnation revolution.
I don't think you've ever seen how the blind, retarded faggots on /fa/ dress. They unironically dress worse than people who don't try or have given up.
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Portugal's loss of Brazil was much worse their colonial dreams than UK losing the British Raj.
Brazil's independence happened a century earlier and they were the most important colony of Portugal.
The UK still had Australia, Hong Kong and Canada.
this. dumb niggas know fuck all about corporatism.
>They never recovered.
No one here actually cares. Most people I interact on my daily life don't care at all about the country's history or geopolitics and their entire cultural identity is built upon wanting to eat a lot and hating Lisbon.
It's cope, while military activity was reduced in Angola and Mozambique, the troops still needed to be there, lest the place be Afghanistan 2021'd.
>No one here actually cares
That's directly linked with Portugal's national decline.
They don't have anything to be proud of.
the pink map was arguably worse
>Just listen to some of the Gheddafi speeches against Israel at the Arab and African union meetings and you know why they wanted him very much gone.
Gaddafi alienated most African leaders because he threw oil monies and weapons around to start-up warlords like Charles Taylor. He caused a lot of problems. Or there would be some local "king" and other "traditional leaders" who had a beef with their government or wherever else, and he'd sponsor them, which over time alienated him from these other African governments and nobody would take him in. This is while he was calling himself a pan-Africanist and dressing up in robes adorned with maps of Africa on his clothes. But some of these leaders were like.... bro you're not black. But he was acting like he was their king. Even Museveni, a long-time ally who tried to save Gaddafi, feared that Gaddafi wanted to shoot his plane down while flying over international airspace.

Gaddafi seemed like an interesting guy in some ways actually. He didn't really live lavishly, he liked to read a lot, and he kept things pretty informal around himself. His guards and staff would dress casually. People would make fun of him traveling to some summit and sleeping in a Bedouin tent on the grounds outside the summit, but that was pretty modest compared to a lot of leaders. Especially Arab leaders. But he was pretty schizo in how he made decisions would frequently change his mind and was very difficult to work with.
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Here your (you), gonna grab myself a pastel de nata.
The pink map was delusion, the Portuguese crown had no possibility of enforcing those claims
>pastel de nata
not even you care for our national identity of hating Lixoboa
regardless of whether or not it was a feasible claim, the results were far more disastrous
NTA, but while I agree Salazar wasn't a fascist, fascism is in fact explicitly corporatist in nature.
>while military activity was reduced in Angola and Mozambique, the troops still needed to be there
Wasn't that the case since literally the beginning of their colonization? I assume they always had to have some military presence in their colonies to avoid peasant and slave revolts.
Any good English sources on portuguese wars in Africa that arent just surface level? I can barely find anything. I want to learn portuguese but I've been too busy to start any time soon.
If it's good for eating I eat it. Simple as.
>Portugal was still a fascist state in the 70s
Not a 100% your using that term correctly
Settle down Moishe
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Lizard is BASED.
The requirements went from low tens of thousands of border guards and police forces to hundreds of thousands of people involved in a war effort, it's incomparable.
Israel helped ZA get nukes you fucking retard. Apartheid and Herzl-style Zionism are really no different. They were natural allies and they knew it- a well armed and educated colonial minority fighting a brown, communist-oriented indigenous population.
>anyone ITT hating Rhodesia
Gayest shit I've read on this board in awhile, and that's saying something.
I'm not gay.
Actually, I'm really based.
Maybe you're the gay.
nah, you're a commie, nigger, shitskin, zigger or a combination of any and all of the above
I'm literally the guy you dream of becoming.
your failed display of wit was so fucking retarded it almost gave me an aneurysm
Then it's better check your blood pressure, my fat friend.
Get healthy, get sober.

They won the main battles but the soviets were constantly funneling more weapons and training more uppity niggers to start more problems and bring the "wonders" of Marxism to Africa. Till the soviets kept getting involved the war would not really end.
Why did Margaret Thatcher supported South Africa even under Apartheid but not Rhodesia?
what? the fuck are yoy blabbering about schizo?
because she wasn't PM back then. from what i got it was labour goverment that put pressure onto rhodesia

You are right, Gheddafi, while being primarily a pain on the arse for Israel as he was bankrolling it's enemies took a lot of selfish decisions that made killing him that much easier.
He slowly pissed off just about everyone so when it was decided to get rid of him he had practically no friends.
He annoyed the African leaders by trying to be the boss of the pan African movement, he annoyed the Arabs trying to be the guy in charge of the Arab league, he annoyed the Russians and other oil producers by often not following OPEC output limits, he annoyed the Brits by sending money to IRA, he annoyed most Europeans with his claims about exclusive fishing rights very far from the coast often holding hostage sailors that did not abide by his decision, he annoyed Israel and the US by not accepting Israel and so on.
His only close friend left was Zimbabwe's Mugabe which actually sent some special forces in Libya to extract some of Gheddafi family members and even had a shootout with the SAS.
Because she was evil.
A different kind of evil.
Probably because SA was technically "in the realm" as part of the Commonwealth, while Rhodesia pulled a USA and unilaterally declared its independence.
You're probably thinking of the one that conquered it's neighbors territory and developed a nuclear deterrent before the US started aiding it
I've heard the whole corporatist thing but the only people I hear that from are communists.

Israel on account of them having the most nukes
not being involved in basically anything personally during the cold war makes shit feel weird here in sweden historically
we were basically just doing spy thriller shit and making retardedly impassable defenses for commies to climb over for 50 years
the most exciting things were unironically the odd soviet fuckup, like them beaching their submarine outside one of our naval bases or maneuver killing their own planes trying to chase viggens
>avoid both world wars
>declare neutrality in the cold war
>still ruin your own country by the 21st century
Le both sides of course.
>Also, why don't Rhodieboos completely ignore the Black men who fought for Rhodesia against the commies?
They weren't from Rhodesia. The Rhodies relied heavily on foreign black mercs from surrounding African nations
What is that negro doing with that spoon?
>Im not sure why people associate that with Israel

my ex gf is only an American citizen because israel took the golan heights.
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By 70's standards I would say South Africa had the more professional, more high tech army, their air force had good jets and their navy had submarines which gave them in edge in power projection. Portugal too would be on par or atleast a solid second because of the sheer size of the Portuguese army at the time. Israel was still in growing phase but had professional experience. Rhodesia got the short end of the stick but had good training behind them, but ultimately were more of a police force than an army.
>Axis of Evil

How was your gf's citizenship affected by a war in Israel 50 years ago?
more the 70s cool dudes gang
You know this board has been completely destroyed by the NAFO libtard filth & feds when Portugal under Salazar, pre-dysfunction SA, and Rhodesia are called "the Axis of Evil"
That's your opinion.
There's nothing morally good about those countries at all.
PAIGC - financed by commies (russian)
MPLA - financed by commies (russian)
ZANU-PF - financed by commies (chinese)
ANC - I have no idea, but I feel free to take a guess

tl;dr: shut the fuck up, asswipe.
That nation doesn't exist.
Spoken like a retard that knows nothing about the history of SA and Rhodesia. There's a reason why white rhodies today hated their gov and the dumb americans that worshipped it
>South African jews had a very strong involvement in the Anti-Apartheid movement.

South Africa's Jews, like most Jews, are strongly Zionist, and don't perceive Israel as an apartheid state (regardless of whether it is or not)

There you go buddy. Eat your nations sorrow away
That was me. I thought I was investing in the movie company I just got the wrong acronym.
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It happens, I thought I was financing Philippino Milfs, turns out I was wrong on what the acronym meant :(
I see what you did there
They all had a vested interest in colonial occupation, but were otherwise pariah states in most of the first world. They were fighting communist rebellions and holding on for dear life.

Portugal and Israel were friendly with the United States, but they still wanted to have their cake and eat it too.
ethnostate for me, but not for thee
Probably for the best desu
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>20% Arab population
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In my experience talking to Jews that's really only a thing among older secular Jews. Younger Jews either view Israel as heckin' problematic or are 'vote Wilders/Le Pen/AFD/Orban' rightists, and they're increasingly the latter especially outside the US.

Fuck, the Israelis congratulated Le Pen on winning the first round of the French Parliamentary elections and doomered when the Left won the second round - something unimaginable ten years ago. I suspect in ten years Israeli leadership will openly be doing tours in European countries to Right wing parties and outright saying they should be ethnostates in return for support from the European Right against the Muslims.
>Also, why don't Rhodieboos completely ignore the Black men who fought for Rhodesia against the commies?
no they don't

American Jews are a massive outlier in how consistently left-wing they vote. Even ex-Soviet states like Russia and Ukraine, Jews regularly visibly support extreme right-wing parties, sometimes even ones with a blatant Neo-Nazi bend to them.
>white countries
>south Africa
Somebody tell him
Rhodesia was a failed state, didn't even outlast their neighbors. So much for the perfidious albinos
Can't hate what isn't real
But Israelis are brown too. Well that explains self-hating jews
The Rhodies were shitskins too, have you forgotten what bird shit looks like? They chimped out innabush so they count as uppity niggers. Guess how I consider their rabid fans to be like.
The question is, all those green states were historically Arab well before Israel was formed post ww2. And formed on the territory of the British Mandate, which was seized by the perfidious albinos of Perfidious Albion from Arab locals, which is a big part of why the Middle East is so geopolitically fucked.
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>Axis of Evil
Why did the west decide to support communist niggers instead of white people?
Commie nigger shitskin detected.
Is Somolia considered Arab?
I completely memoryholed how he died on my 28th birthday.
The Portuguese essentially won in Angola and Mozambique before the coup back home.
The Saffers for all intents and purposes won the border war, maintaining their buffer zone in Angola and retaining actual control of what's now Namibia.
Israel was fighting more traditional wars so I don't really rate them in these insurrectionist conflicts. Despite very little aid.
Rhodies folded after Portugal pulled up stakes and the Saffers wrote them off as a lost cause.

Portugal > South Africa > Rhodesia

Hey that was my wife’s 30th birthday (couldn’t do anything with her because our daughter was born two days before that)
>South Africa
>Axis of Evil

I realize that Neo-Cons are basically Trotskyites skin-walking as American patriots but it's pretty ironic to be a tankie and be literally aping their rhetoric.

>Which one had the best armed forces and equipment during the Cold War?

Israel, their nuclear program was well ahead of even South Africa's and they successfully fought large-scale conventional wars against their Arab neighbors (and occasionally the Soviet Union) multiple times.

>Which one was the most BASED one?


>Top Left

Republic of South Africa from 1928 to 1994, the flag is most commonly associated with the Apartheid Era (1948-1991) though.

>Top Right

Republic of Rhodesia from 1965 to 1979

>Bottom Left

Portugal aka the Portuguese Republic (1910 to present). Think Spaniards, but dumber and stinkier.

>Bottom Right

State of Israel (1948-present)
Israel was helping prop up those evil shitholes.
I also love your conflation of criticizing Israel with being "Anti-American."

What's this a painting of?
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>Axis of evil
>look inside
>no one there is evil
>all those green states were historically Arab
Not before Muhammad's army of rapist bastards left their shithole peninsula.
It's long past time to contain this pest. The entire middle east needs to be wiped clean. Every. Last. One.

>tfw whites had defacto control of the entire world and could have literally 'free blankets' all the natives and turns the world into hundreds of utopian civilized homogenous colonial states with tens of billions of citizens colonizing the solar system by now.
Imagine a million Elon Musks and what they could accomplish.
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i am not fond of israel
How can it live if it doesn't exist?
Anti-Israel = Anti-US geopolitical interests = Anti-American. Same goes for being Anti-Taiwan.
0/10 Brownish tone ruined it for me, the older greener versions were better.
France and Israel defiantly built stuff with the uranium that came out of the Africa.

This but also Ukraine

I think Navy is the best desu
You say axis of evil...
Its the good guys....

Are you some kind of fucking commie?
The only evil I see is pissrael
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One of these is not like the others.

Non-combloc """""""paraiah"""""" states. Same reason that North Korea, Iran, Venezuela etc. tend to be on the same page with Russia/China etc.
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Based and truthpilled, israel was unfortunately forced to co-operate with them due to excessive antisemtism in the US at the time. Thankfully, Jewish people all around the world helped bring those wretched, horrible shitholes down.
>Doing good
Last I checked, popular support among friendly countries like the US is dwindling, and there's internal issues in israel itself such as a disproportionate birthrate among ultra-orthodox jews and other non-"Normal" israelis.
Reading comprehension my dude
>Excluding israel they did nothing wrong
>Israel did wrong, Rhodesia, ZA, and Portugal didn't do wrong
Most likely realpolitik and/or seethe over Rhodesia unilateraly declaring independence.


Meanwhile le heckin' based Russia was arming and training Zanu PF and ANC guerillas, with modern Russia supporting and being supported by the descendants of said murderous floppies.
>There's a reason why white rhodies today hated their gov and the dumb americans that worshipped it
Please go on.
>The Rhodies were shitskins too, have you forgotten what bird shit looks like? They chimped out innabush so they count as uppity niggers. Guess how I consider their rabid fans to be like.
>I realize that Neo-Cons are basically Trotskyites skin-walking as American patriots but it's pretty ironic to be a tankie and be literally aping their rhetoric.
Yeah modern politics are pretty insane. You see far left and "far right" elements with the same talking points, redditors and WNs on the same side, liberals saying that Dick Cheney's endorsement is a good thing, lots of increasingly deranged 90IQ ideologies, shit would be entertaining if it wasn't depressing.
He probably means the turbocucked Whites in Zimbabwe
based, fuck chuddies
Conditions economically was very poor for the working class what his government did do was simply benefit the ruling class.
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Last time I checked, South Africa was at the brink of a civil war, Portugal was completely irrelevant and Rhodesia became fucking ZIMBABWE.
Have you not heard, isreal invades Morocco every year to smoke hash and avoid military service.
Rhodesia got fucking ZIMBABW'ED
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Could be worse, B-E-L-G-I-A-N-S could visit
Commies get the rope
>Axis of Evil
Yeah because modern day Congo, Angola, Zimbabwe, and South Africa are shining examples of good countries and not total shit holes. Crazy to think that Rhodesia and Suid Afrika were power houses in Africa only to stop because it's not PC, you have to let a black lead the country in Africa.
>lots of increasingly deranged 90IQ ideologies

I'd say we're starting to stray into 70IQ territory.
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>shit would be entertaining if it wasn't depressing
What? We are having lots of fun with these realpolitiks schizocombos.

The war in Ukraine really broke geopolitics didn't it?
Puccian vatnigger detected.
I meant doing well in general, not explicitly compared to those countries. Hopefully if there's a civil war in ZA the Boers will be able to carve out a homeland for themselves.
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I guess SA and Rhodesia weren't racist because they had blacks
>Is afraid of being cucked by the chinese of all people
It's fucking nuts seeing the quasi-nazi types of the world idolizing a guy who married his daughter off to a Jew and seems to be having an affair with another Jew himself, while the far left have gone full "death to Israel" and simp for people who stone gays to death and don't let women outside without a male chaperone.
>It's fucking nuts seeing the quasi-nazi types of the world idolizing a guy who married his daughter off to a Jew and seems to be having an affair with another Jew himself
Well to be fair as someone who may or may not move in those circles, there are a significant amount of "alt right" types who see through the Russian Federation's heckin' based trad LARP, doubly so among people who are actually serious about identitarian ideology instead of just being in it for memes and edgelord points.
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Got lost on your way to r/NCD?
>The shitskin has made himself known by randomly mentioning reddit
Go back to where you came from

fucking zoomer
Britain wasn't willing to diplomatically grant a colony independence without said colony having majority rule
South Africa played ball while Rhodesia said "lol fuck them niggers" until they gave in to the diplomatic pressure and embargos
In retrospect were they wrong?
I like the irregularity of lizard camo. I did a bunch of them for arma and really liked how lizard looked (Even if I made them too dark, since some of the refs I saw were sweaty/rain-soaked).

I don't like nutria. I like light khaki, but dark nutria just doesn't fit in my existing mindset. Khaki feels colonial, dark brown is ????? No 'archtype'. IDF uniform is that kind of hideous brownish-green. And brush stroke is wonderful.

As to your question, it is in the interests of ideologues to try and ignore the blurred lines. Anti-colonialists need the narrative to be black vs white or it is less of a manichean struggle, pro-whites need it to be white vs black instead of more of a white and black vs black (and sometimes brown cuban)
not at all
but in the face of economic collapse from embargos and being against the world they didn't have much of an option bar pulling some of the highest tier political jewry you've ever seen to usurp the country back after getting granted diplomatic independence
I recognize the images of Trump and Putin from a Rodina poster. That was a sham Russian party that would adopt right-wing populist politics but use communist aesthetics like red stars and Pioneer salutes. Apparently the idea was to leech votes from the Communist Party. One of the products of Kremlin political technologists.
>He's a shitskin because he hates anti white communists
What the fuck? Ukraine war tourists aren't the brightest bunch
Fair enough, mistakes were made.


Possibly a bot of some sort.
Yes Anon they were, turns out trying to build a colony in the heart of darkness and treating the locals like absolute shit is terrible for political optics when you want support. It says a lot that the majority of the Whites in Rhodesia didn't support their Gov.
>rusnigger deflecting
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The fag tweeting this is a Trump-hating Jewish leftist who fully endorses Russia. He says there was election interference in 2016, but that it was Israel who meddled with the votes. He hates Israel too, if you couldn't tell.

I fully support depriving Russian Jews of their property and their lives. Just because they're Russian.
I've heard a Catholic apologist claim that as well, i guess it's horseshoe theory at work
Probably. I'm also an unashamed Catholic apologist, but I recognize that Catholics are often varied with their politics, and there's also internal Church politics too. So it could be anything. Could also be that they think fascist sounds bad (I don't think so, it's long lost the overwhelmingly negative connotation since the left went insane and began branding everyone to the right of Marx as one) so they went with corporatist to explain Portugal.
Or I could simply be wrong, but I'd always heard they were fascist in a similar vein to Franco's Spain (which was objectively correct, fuck letting communists take power), which made them both international pariahs of sorts.
>treating the locals like absolute shit
IIRC a majority of the Rhodesian armed forces were blacks, and they certainly did a better job at running the place than Mugabe.

>It says a lot that the majority of the Whites in Rhodesia didn't support their Gov.
Sauce on that?
You couldn't be more delusional if you tried
fuck off antisemite
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>IDF veterans and Chechen ISIS fighting vatniks together
Please someone help me get off Monkey's wild ride
Seriously why do thirdies always prop their collars up like that? It looks so fucking stupid.
>IIRC a majority of the Rhodesian armed forces were blacks
That's not true at all. The few images of blacks in the rhodie army were foreign mercs
>He didn't really live lavishly

He still had a shitload of palaces and a literal battalion of supermodel bodyguards he and his inner circle would frequently abuse

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