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Personally i think that everyone who wants to not be a victim as things get worse and invaders get more spread out should build a kit in this order, or close to it

First, AR with a decent scope. Then, armor vest with IIIA soft armor, like an IMTV or IOTV or one of the many other similar LEO surplus vests. then plates, comtacs, ballistic helmet. Sidearm with a red dot is really good to have too.

While night vision and a thermal filter are incredibly important, most will probably want to save up for those and might want to first have a helmet to mount at least the NVG to. I prefer a thermal that can go from rifle to helmet mount with the push of a button

Of course, as important as all of this is having people in your life who also gear up and train.
Pic rel too. Start with that middle vest, the best of both worlds. Then get a sleek soft armor vest like the right for covert needs. Then, if you want, a slick highspeed vest for the events you need to move quick.
Hard disagree, big vests and overt carriers are mostly a gay larp. In pretty much any shtf scenario, your biggest strength is that you're just some joe blog that nobody cares about, wearing any kind of obvious tactical gear outs you as a combatant; and (regardless of whether your opponent is an angry mob or the state) you're both outnumbered and probably outgunned. Better to have concealed soft armor with pockets for plates, a CC'd pistol and a rifle nearby (most likely boot of your car) with mags that can be carried discreetly under a jacket (be it bandoleer, chest rig or even a hipster shoulder bag, doesnt matter as long as nobody can tell you're carrying several rifle mags on your person). Be it Hurricane Katrina 2.0, race riots, civil war or Weimar Germany, there is never really any benefit to being visibly armed and armored (i realize a lot of nerds think its a deterrent, but being geared up really just shows you've got something worth taking), and whether you're just trying to get by or actively sabotaging infrastructure; I maintain you'll go further in normal clothes with hidden armor than full multicam and high cut helmets.
In general, if you're a guy just trying to go out and get some food then that might be the case, depending on your resources and location.

If you actually plan on making any sort of moves, and you've got a group, then there's a huge advantage to having a full kit. It will be a race war, that is simply how it goes when a country is being invaded/ occupied by people, people who happen to be committing the mass majority of violent crimes and directly connected to all elements of collapse. Id imagine whenever possible, those who are "culling" the invaders will simply be in their vehicles driving around and shooting invaders, or posting up on buildings picking them off. I cant imagine many SF-esque on foot room clearing missions would be worth it when there's so many rats to smash. Generally those who are preparing to actually take advantage of collapse are white nationalists, and if you're not an invader your absolute best bet is to join them rather than be against or distant from them.
Im not gonna try and explain why its worth fighting for your countrymen and the independence of your nation, but for those who plan on being on the side of these good guys, you will absolutely want real gear. If youre just some guy huddled in his house eating beans then sure, lowkey setup might be fine until you inevitably get squashed by any group with resources or determination.

Yet even then, having a serious home defense kit is MUCH better to have and not need than vice versa. It could go a million ways, may be an extremely slow decay into favelas and we never make enough of a stand, but i prepare for all situations.
As always the answers lay on the questions asked.

>What action will you take?
>Will you participate in a war theater?
>Is the full kit going to be useful to you regarding the scenario that you might be in?

And so on. Simple questions, simple answers. It is not science, you just need spare money to get that shiet.
Weapons and armor are nice. But they are not "first". First should be things like good shoes or boots, clothing appropriate for outdoor weather, cash, first aid kit, etc.
Skills are incredibly important, even lowly things that aren't fun to think about like sanitation and cooking. People are incredibly important because really knowlege is more important than things and there's only so much any one person knows.
are things getting worse?
level 3 might stop 9mm IF you wear it when the need arises. plates will stop most things, but only if you're wearing them and only where the plate covers. that said the plate covers your important torso organs (heart, lung, liver, maybe kidneys).

live your life and spend your money how you want. CCW pistol you actually carry and a house gun are your security weapons. hunting weapons are for hunting. the same gun can serve multiple roles, but guns are relatively cheap so you can afford to have lots of them.

I don't care if you train to larp for whatever reason. I hope you enjoy it and I support your right to do so. I'm in favor of restoring gun rights to felons because I'm a second amendment purist.

Hopefully you arent near any cities or areas with heavy invader influx. They are bad enough where a lot of people are opting to just stay inside as much as possible to avoid the constant, constant confrontations or issues.

I could go on and on with the shit thats been happening around me recently
right, i didnt want to list every little item but its worth mentioning how much there is to get, but this should also be basic survivalist common sense.
I think you meant level IIIA, which easily stops non-ap 9mm, up to .44mag and 12g buck. Even slugs, though youll be in a world of hurt. Plus its flexible soft armor Level 2 and even the old IIA soft armor vest also stop 9mm and a few larger threats.

And like you said, plates and side plates will generally stop everything short of .338 lapua if theyre level 4, though level 3 and 3+ are good enough unless you're against the military with their new green tips or ultra high pressure sigs.

Never engage against the US military though, surefire disaster.
>are things getting worse?
You didn't watch Comrade lie last night?
>hur buy soks
Boots are stipulated by common sense, in my book.
worst part is if trump wins were going the exact same direction, albeit with a few temporary QOL tweaks to keep neocons complacent.
>Id imagine whenever possible, those who are "culling" the invaders will simply be in their vehicles driving around and shooting invaders
You saw the videos from South Africa then?

It seems like gearing up, whipping the plate's off your buddy's truck and driving out pumping rounds into anyone who doesn't look like they belong in your neighborhood is the way to go.
And if you're doing that then you'll definitely want a full kit.

Same if you and a few mates are heading over to your local district attorney's house at 0200 to discuss your objection to his behavior in person.
For most, overt full cut armor carriers would only come into play if their home is besieged. We did see that happen during the last chimpout. Otherwise, if you need armor to wear outside then you are better off with concealable armor. Tools are only useful if you bring them with you. I'm personally a fan of keeping emergency kit in the trunk in case something goes down. CCW stays on you at all times but you have a soft vest, medical, radio etc in a bag in the trunk.
There's a flaw with your logic, you don't have to wear full battle rattle at all times, but you should have the option to. Nor do cops and soldiers today encounter looters willing to shoot them for their gear, not without a fight. That won't change in WROL situations. The law may not be around by then, but the consequences of fucking around is always an option for others to find out. Those who do have gear won't gain much by attacking you for yours, and those who don't are easy pickings. You are simply harder to kill and no one should pass that power up.
You are aware the IOTV pictured weighs 28 to 42 pounds depending on size correct?
I didnt see the video, do you have a link? That was just the conclusion i came to, that those who want to reclaim the country would have every reason not to be on foot. Full kit + 3/8" steel lined truck seems like it would have to be something of a miracle for anyone to hit you unless theyre rocking AP rounds or an rpg.

>Same if you and a few mates are heading over to your local district attorney's house at 0200 to discuss your objection to his behavior in person.

I like the way you think, anon
Is that so, Officer Wigger? Brb, joining my local honeypot rn!
The purpose of having a kit, is so it's grab and fucking go. Not sit there and change shit last minute. You have never had to tear kevlar out of an IOTV and it shows. Plate carriers are generally better for small arms stuff. If you are sitting at a fob, or mortar emplacement or something, sure give em the heavy kevlar. Of which the only purpose is to stop shrapnel in essence. It's level 2 rated generally.

That is why even though you might want to be stacked to the 9's in kit, you should keep your kit scalable. If you think you're gonna go do door kicker shit at the end of the world, you'll be one of those that flatlines in the first 6 months after everything falls apart. That's not to say I don't have kit set for door kicker shit, because there is a time and place for that, but it's not every day. What OP said about a covert PC with either soft inserts or higher threat armor is right on the money. Specially if you keep a low profile bag with a rifle caliber PDW and a rig you can don over that ready to go.

Just keep your mission sets in mind when you build out your gear and also keep in mind that if you're engaged in a proper gun fight then other people are already figuring out how your gear fits into their mission sets.
As a civilian I think its an enormous waste of money, mainly the plates. The weight and the training time you need to acclimate well to that weight (and stay acclimated to it) is huge, especially when you factor in that you need more water too. That wouldn't be a problem if body armor was a magical bullet stopper, but its not and if you take serious engagement even with body armor you're often still going to need transport and rear-echelon medical treatment in order to actually stay in a fight (or even survive if you get blown up). For the government its logistically possible and politically expedient to provide the front- and back-end follow on services that make a full plate carrier rig consistently useful, but for a civilian there's just no shot in hell that you're going to take fire, fight off contact, sustain wounds and get medical care reasonably fast enough to not completely take you out of action. You're much better off being lightweight, mobile, and choosing your engagements in any scenario you can imagine as a civ than trying to match the military's capabilities pound for pound as a lone individual.
>You have never had to tear kevlar out of an IOTV and it shows.
No because I use a modern plate carrier with QD buckles. Sounds like you gotta practice donning and doffing gear. Just wear soft at all times, then throw a PC on top if you need it. And thats just for convenience, its not like you're fighting enemy arty anyways
not quite the case. The vest and soft armor is roughly 10 pounds, plates are another 10-16, another ~5 for side plates and another 5-10 if you add soft armor accessories.

So if youre stationary in a car, yeah slap on the full shebang. If youre on foot or expect to be, take just the vest and main plates and be around 20lbs, or ideally have something light like a gen 4 iotv or just a straight plate carrier to swap your plates into.

most cost/ effective is having a full wraparound IOTV style vest for stationary expectations, plus a second cheaper plate carrier to swap plates into when needed. Or compromise and just get a gen 2/ gen 3 IMTV or a gen4 IOTV/ MSV
>exact same direction
Except Pelosi and Obamas won't be the puppet masters.
>The weight and the training time you need to acclimate well to that weight (and stay acclimated to it) is huge

Bro cmon its just basic fitness... If you ever need it as a civilian youre gonna damn well wish you had done the basics. Overall your post is that training is hard and stuff is expensive, and that things could go bad and then you would still be fucked

Yes. Prepare for whatever you can, there is no godmode cheat.

Personally i would never ever face off against the military. In larpland, i would want to be just some guy going around in a truck getting rid of invaders.

And yes, it is a magical bullet stopper. Getting shot center mass with a fuckin M2AP and not popping is magic as fuck lol.
My point exactly. Better spend an extra few hundred and be able to choose between full on iotv or a lighter option, all depends on what you expect. Swapping plates from vest to vest is like 20 seconds.
Unless you expect to be up against mainly nigs with glocks. I would NEVER take my chances against military guys, theyre not the invaders. except for the ones who are, but they hopefully get cannibalized eventually.

im sorry to tell you, but THEIR puppet masters are still in charge no matter what. The uniparty never compromises on israel, its why AOC lost her spotlight and will never make it anywhere significant, much as i hate the donkey latinx.

Its all AIPAC. Always has been.
>not quite the case
>anon's math checks out almost exactly

Putting that aside for a moment, are we also going to ignore the fact that a full coverage IOTV/really any vest with MOLLE is meant to have quite a bit more shit hanging off of it that will inevitably increase weight even further? Now regardless, a 50lb rig for a fit adult man shouldn't be an issue, especially not if he has access to a vehicle and isn't having to ruck everywhere, but it sounds like we're talking about a wider cross section of citizens here so let's go back to the weight problem. Perhaps it's worth considering the "off-meta" (for the 2020s) idea of a slick vest to be worn under a chest rig. Insert plates, side plates, IIIA cummerbund and/or shoulder straps as needed, and any actual LBE can be donned on top strictly as needed.
>if body armor was a magical bullet stopper, but its not
But it is. It stops what it's designed to stop

>sustain wounds and get medical care reasonably fast enough to not completely take you out of action
I never understand why people say this. Medical isn't necessary if your armor stops a bullet. If you sustain wounds, then that's a skill issue. Armor makes that less likely, simple as. There's nothing stopping you from picking your battles and being mobile even with armor.
The new gen 4 iotvs are the tits. I really liked mine. Even with the kevlar inserts it was only like 23 pounds. Without additional gear. Which was great compared to the gen 3 one, which was 29ish pounds without anything. I did swap from medium to light. Also big in terms of weight.

For me I was in service, so I had to keep every bit and Bob on my kit. Nods pouch, dump pouch if you need that sorta thing, magazines, admin pouch, canteen pouch, plus the extra pouchs you bring for all the other shit you accumulate, or is task dependent.

In terms of a go kit, either level 3 kevlar, or just a plate carrier are fine with 6 mags or whatever you find adequate. Depending on if you know what you are being shot at with.
Well yeah its not the case because you can drop by like 20 pounds if you dont want to wear all the extra crap. Pop out the kevlar and go just plates alone and be at almost the same weight as a PC. Its just more options, theres no requirement to wear the whole door kicker kit.

And yes thats a viable solution, probably best on a budget. Slick concealable vest and wear your plate carrier on top, a lot less comfy from what i understand but totally viable.
>THEIR puppet masters are still in charge no matter what.
Under Biden, yes. That's why Trump.is reviled.
>2 men enter
>1 man leaves
Pick your champion (spoiler, can't be Maz).
i really wish i had served, would be about done with my contract if i had gotten in at 18. Lord knows i havent done shit with the time and i need to figure out how to get trained without spending an insane amount.

Ive heard people shit on the gen 4 but it seems really sweet, ive also got the MSV that gets more praise but it seems right on par with the gen 4 to me.
>but this should also be basic survivalist common sense.
This is true, but it comes from the position of someone with knowledge and experience. The point I'm trying to make is there are a lot of retards who focus on the cool guns and armor like their video games but they don't even bother to think of things like how they will feed themselves, navigate, protect themselves from the elements, etc.

I guarantee you that if you asked a bunch of random /k/ommandoes to show up for some anticipated action you'll get a bunch of retards whose shoes don't even fit and they never bothered to bring any sort of supplies, but they did bring three ARs. Then later that evening they will be shocked to find there are no tendies or pizza being handed out and it's damn cold without a jacket.
>only biden is owned by AIPAC!

You got a bit more research to do my man. Were not voooting our way out of this calculated collapse. Show me the political candidate allowed to run who is anti- israel lobbyism and a constitutional originalist, ill show you a unicorn that shits gold.
>Bro cmon its just basic fitness...
Its really, really not. Kit changes a ton of your body dynamics even when you're acclimated to the weight, you need to stay training in all basic soldier tasks to compensate. Yes anyone with good fitness can just stomp around a dirt field with a 20lb vest on but you're going to be doing much more than that in actual combat (go do 2-5 second rushes in kit with a weapon for a couple minutes it WILL beat your ass if you're not acclimated).
And the point I'm making is that all that prep work means very little when you have no medical or transportation arrangements to actually help you when the armor catches 3 rounds and 2 get past.

>But it is. It stops what it's designed to stop
And the bad guys aren't going to do the polite thing and shoot you in the plates every single time. Plus, spalling, cracked ribs, etc are still a concern.
any time that you think
>I should put on my kit
you should actually think
>how the fuck do I avoid that situation?
anything less is main character syndrome delusions.
>all that prep work means very little when you have no medical or transportation arrangements

Once again youre talking about a hypothetical worst case. If i wear my kit in hypothetical shtf im likely either defending my place or going out in a lightly armored truck to get sum invaders roaming the streets.

Have all the capabilities you could need. Have a group that trains, and yes that involves running around in your vest. Choose what gear, if any, you want to use in any given scenario. The rest is unfortunately broke cope
>how the fuck do I avoid that situation?

If you can tell me how to avoid the invasion of the US thats already 50% complete, and the inevitable collapse that comes with these third worlder genetics, please tell me. And no, running away and letting it burn isnt something im willing to do.
>>only biden is owned by AIPAC
Naw, didn't imply that. Implied
>the lesser of 2 weevils
>The point I'm trying to make is there are a lot of retards who focus on the cool guns and armor like their video games but they don't even bother to think of things like how they will feed themselves, navigate, protect themselves from the elements, etc.
And we agree.
If you have your bases totally covered as far as medical, transportation, etc through planning then yes kit isn't going to hurt you. But most people don't have that level of planning and for them the kit is an extremely marginal benefit.
Of course I'm talking about worst-case scenario for SHTF, why would I assume otherwise? If that isn't your scenario then good on you for having foresight.
lesser since he improves QOL a bit, worse because he keep neocons complacent.

As long as you accept trump will fix no long term issues and you train for the worst case, then yeah sure. Lower gas and food costs for a bit is cool
This is the only vid I've got in webm form and frankly it was probably the one with the least actual shooting or bodies, everything else was twitter links that all got b& as quickly as they appeared.
From the logo on the truck these guys are supposedly a security company but there were a ton of vids at the time and most of them were pretty clearly just random Indians who didn't want their neighborhoods burnt down or looted like the rest of the city.
I really wish I'd been able to save the vid of some wild-haired pajeet priest with a sword riling up a crowd of 50-100 mixed civilians and government security forces as a mob approached from the other end of the street.

Violence of action seemed to be their main defense at the time. Full kit and a steel-lined truck is a great option if it's available but when you're up against a crowd of looters/rioters/peaceful protestors who aren't expecting serious resistance, just being able to roll up at high-speed in a group of 5 or 6 with longarms and plenty of rounds to spare is probably enough. Once the crowd scattered they'd be able to drive around picking them off individually.
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One other benefit of this setup that I'll add:
Some of us have the misfortune of living in giga-cucked states where body armor is verboten. Really, this just means that wearing it openly in public is problematic. So ironically, in any situation where violence is taking place on the streets, it would be LESS problematic to walk around with your IFAK/sustainment gear over your clothes than it would be to walk around with an unadorned armored vest visible to everyone. The exact setup that I described is how I've been coping for years. Actual armor goes on under a shirt/jacket, and anything that I need access to with my hands can stay on something like a WAS 901 or HSGI rig. Since I have to loosen it up a size anyway to accomodate armor underneath, I tend to just keep the straps fastened all the time and I'm able to slip it on/off over my head fairly easily.
>Of course I'm talking about worst-case scenario for SHTF

Youre not just talking about it, you seem to be saying its hardly worth getting as prepared as possible since the worst case is also possible.

If i ever face against anyone who is white, or the military or any government entity really, i would have failed badly. Hell, if i ever ended up fighting not sitting in my truck, i would have failed.
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>accept trump will fix no long term issues
>nothing new under the sun
I gave up all hope upon entry.
man thats basically exactly what i thought it would be, unfortunate to see its not white guys doing it though. Jeets gotta go too, big time.

Gotta look into this more, had no idea shit was even popping off down there
In the specific case of a full-body plate carrier kit, most people are not going to feel the full benefit of the kit because they are either
A: not going to train on it enough to be able to employ it effectively, or
B: are trained and acclimated with body armor, but don't have the medical/transportation capabilities to rapidly recover from that engagement or
C: DO have all their ducks in a row and still get mail slotted because shit happens
So yes, for the vast majority of civilians they are better off spending the money and time that would go towards learning to effectively use kit learning other relevant skills and prepping, given that we don't all have infinite time and money and some people have very little of either.
"You should be prepared for every capability you could need" is a great mantra, but in reality prioritization is a bitch. Again, if you've already sorted that bitch out for yourself, good on you for being way ahead of the curve.
then die futilely in a gunfight.
the reason soldiers wear plates isn't a reason you can duplicate. you are not rational, however, and likely not even American.
i may be off base here, but i believe the reason is they dont want holes in their chest
They don't want holes in their chest but they MUST fight through contact AND they have the largest military logistics network ever seen behind them for when they do catch rounds to the chest
schizo theead
If you're 100% going to be taking bullets, sure. If you think it's cool and have the spare cash, sure. In most instances, no. Most anons could benefit more from putting that money elsewhere, investing in fitness, and buying equipment based on their actual needs.
Why such a heretic?
Why so unironically rational?
Sensible opinion that unfortunately most larpers won't be able to comprehend with their consummer addicted brain.
>Noooo you don't understand, I NEED 100 different AR15s, a thousand mags and one million rounds, a full military attire and armor
>food, water, medecine? What's that? I'll just raid other people
Combination of being burnt out and sick of marketing. It's easy to spend a ton of money and then have this fuck-all horde of god knows what. Then you have to move it and you realize that it's become an actual boat anchor and you'd rather shoot/upgrade a small number of guns you love over painstaking starting new projects.
We got msvs right before I got out. It's weird. It's not for war fighters. Not in my opinion atleast. There isn't a ton of space to fit stuff on the kit itself. It's neat it can be used as either kevlar, plates or both. But idk, much smaller profile makes the kevlar useless for frag protection.
Modular is always an attractive buzzword but it rarely works out in practice. Nylon carriers are cheap. Would have been better to take the route the marines did with FSBE and just have a family of carriers, PC, full cut and soft carrier that have compatible plates and soft armor and issue the appropriate carrier to the soldiers given their role.
>Mech Infantry?
Full cut armor carrier.
>Artillery crew?
Soft frag vest
Plate Carrier
etc etc
>Should you own a full kit?

1. Do you have a plan?

2. Do you know how to use your kit?

3. Will you train with it regularly?

4. Can you afford it?

If you can't answer yes to all then no.
After an AR15 and good training why not? If smart dont have to spend a fortune.

Your full kit is Full -junk
No. Waste of money. When a psa with psa ammo and chinesium optics can shoot 1.5 moa, wearing plates means you will just die slower. Drones NV, and better/cheaper optics/ammo is so widely available its just a waste of money that could go elsewhere. You need:
>stored calories
>water purification
before you buy overt kit. The new soft armor stops pistol SCP pretty effectively. Soft armor is a much better investment. The most valuable thing to have is location. Where you live. I'm in Florida, and I have absolutely zero concerns about SHTF. People here are used to calamity and work together when bad shit happens. We can wall off the South part of the panhandle and be just fine.
>autistic reeeing
Save it, I've lived here my whole life I know how it be. Get fit. Make friends. Don't be a doomer. You only have one life. Live it.
Yes, you should be ready to become a guerrilla at a moments notice. In fact, you should already be organizing a tight knit militia cell with your friends and like minded individuals.
its because they don't want prompt lethal wounds because they have medics immediately available to stabilize anything except prompt lethal wounds.
do you have medics to do that for you?
because if you don't, you don't change the outcome of the gunfight. You get hit in the arm? out of the fight and your enemies kill you. hit in the leg? out of the fight and your enemies kill you. hit in the gut/side/shoulders/head/neck/pelvis/hips/etc. and you die or your enemies kill you. plates only provide a small percentage of total coverage. hell, you can still get lung-shot from the front wearing properly sized plates. they just don't really provide much utility outside their intended role.
but they make people feel like cawadoody illeet shooter John haloman so people buy them anyway.
I think every real American should have a full kit not for any practical reason, but because it's aligned with the spirit of the nation and is based.
Yes, however if you are besieged would you rather have full kit to defend yourself or no? It's not inconceivable that you get foreknowledge someone is going to bust down your door, every little bit helps when there's a good chance that bullets are going to come your way, and in such a situation as that whether or not you can be conceivably labeled a combatant is irrelevant. Also, and this is important, it looks fucking cool
irrelevant, ur dead
>It's not inconceivable that you get foreknowledge someone is going to bust down your door,
yeah it is. why would you stay home when you know someone is coming to kill you?
>ends sentence with no
Eurotrash detected, opinion discarded
>>stored calories
Fat hands typed this.
whats going on?
>irrelevant, ur dead
By that logic why have a weapon to defend yourself? Are you assuming any attack will kill you???

>yeah it is. why would you stay home when you know someone is coming to kill you?
To defend it, the fuck? Are you sure you're on the right board?
Is this Condor?
>To defend it, the fuck? Are you sure you're on the right board?
are you fucking stupid? How many people do you think you can beat in a gun fight? how bad is your main character syndrome?
>Wearing armour over your chest only protects your chest.
No kidding

Plates might only provide partial coverage but it is coverage over the part of the body that not just full of vital organs but receives a disproportionate number of hits for its proportion of body area. People aim for center mass and that's where they tend to hit.
Even though plates and vests do nothing for rounds that hit the limbs/pelvis/neck, they're still more than worthwhile.
nope, when the plate catches a round they often literally walk it off. Plenty of firsthand accounts where they dont even notice the hit until someone tells them after the fight.

Brokie cope desu.

If you dont have basic survivalist needs you are retarded.

>fuck-all horde of god knows what
Im talking about like 50 pounds of gear maximum lmao. Cope.

this is just one part of preparing. develop the capabilities, develop a group, train and get skills. last part of my post there.
no, its not. Stuff in the picture is decent, although the plates might be a bit underpowered. My personal kit is basically the best gear the military has to offer at the moment
all that stuff, and yes have decent gear. The cope is always the same "dude youll just get insta headshot anyways! Dude my area hasnt collapsed so you dont want to prepare!"

This guy gets it

I am an EMT and one other guy in my small group is, were growing though. Even then, i sure as shit would prefer to have a decent chance of not getting killed if i i get shot rather than certainly get killed. Plate covers vitals, simple as retard.
Every single american is pure european blood, shitskin invader
i think i have a solid chance against quite a few shitskin invaders when ive got thermals, nvg, and a good sized group
>Every single american is pure european blood
This. Even the African-Americans, the Mexican-Americans, the Native-Americans and the Italian-Americans, too. Well, maybe not the Eyetalian ones....
Yes, everyone of you should have a kit, these invaders are getting very bad in fact some are probably living next to or under you as we speak, grab a gun asap and do the lord's work, make sure to always lock and load an open carry every time you leave the house
>dude youll just get insta headshot anyways!
see >>62486012
>Dude my area hasn't collapsed so you dont want to prepare!"
I am prepared. For shit that could actually happen. Not for some apocalyptic scenario where I'm decked out in full battle rattle because that's just not going to happen.
>because that's just not going to happen

Call it off guys, home invasions dont even happen anymore!
>home invasion
In my neighborhood? Muhuhahaah!
Bud, I've got multiple dogs and my interior walls are brick. Anyone forcing their way into my house is fucking dead. They won't even see me They would have to shoot my dogs first then be forced into a choke point in a layout they are completely unfamiliar with. Do you really think in that situation I'm going to don a vest? Have you actually done any CQB training? Of course not, you would be too embarrassed to post such drive Oh, mercy get off the internet.
>In my neighborhood?

Whatever champ. I've currently got a $600 fidget spinner OTF in my pocket, an ammo can full of unobtanium ammo I'll never use, and a rifle hanging on my wall that cost twice as much as it needs to. I like cool shit. I'm not going to make up imaginary scenarios where Ill actually need it. If you want to dress up as a MARSOC operator, go ahead.
I'd say the kit hierarchy goes
>good, dependable knife
>IFAK and some common medicines for common infections
>basic field supplies like a lifestraw and a ferro rod
>good rifle with an optic, sling, and light (supressor optional but encouraged)
The knife really if the linchpin to all this as it's the most primal and basic tool humanity sought to develop. With it you go from squishy fleshbag to an apex predator that can easily reshape the world around him to his needs (compared to the trash tools God built in to us)
Your kit depends on what you expect to be doing in a boogaloo situation. Not all of us have larper fantasies of getting into rifle battles in the woods. Some of us have a brain.
youd never catch me in the woods. I just want to be part of the groups that clear out invaders
>do you have medics to do that for you?
It's not that hard for any reasonably intelligent and well motivated person to train themselves up well enough to fill that role.
>But they'll still die without definitive treatment
Hospitals don't disappear into the ether the moment a civil war breaks out.
I promise to treat any racist militiaman that rolls into my ED without narking to government death squads.
>you subhuman filth
I will eat your cat for that remark.
>I've currently got a $600 fidget spinner OTF in my pocket, an ammo can full of unobtanium ammo I'll never use, and a rifle hanging on my wall that cost twice as much as it needs to
You need to get over to poor fag gen and shit on those turkeys.
>only protects your chest
only protects a portion of your chest from the front.
>decent chance
it's not a decent chance, it's only a reduction in the likelihood of death if the shot lands on the ~15% of your front/back body area covered by the plates. it does nothing for the rest of them
>I am a cawadoody John halo!
maybe one day you'll grow up.
again, you are delusionally thinking that anyone but the cops are going to be there to stand around while you bleed to death after your totally cool, very liked death squad gets gunned down like dogs in the street. stop pretending you have friends.
Your whole plan goes to shit 5 months of the year when it's hot outside and you're wearing a god damn oversized jacket
Yes very sensible opinion you low IQ retard. Depending on where you live in America almost half the year might be T-shirt temperature and here you are "covertly" outside in baggy clothes inappropriate for the weather that are clearly hiding something underneath lmao. Bunch of retards man.
Picrel is HSGI
Invaders get more spread out? Wtf does this even mean? Who is going to invade the US. And bringing me tacos is not an invasion, O and Texas who actually tracks immigrant crime says they do less crime then citizens.
Why come here and lie. Or is this south Africa /k/
Yes yes, the government is invincible.
Bow down and kiss the boot.

Fuck off back to r/gayswithguns, you retarded faggot.
>And the bad guys aren't going to do the polite thing and shoot you in the plates every single time.
If they shoot center mass as they would and should, it should hit the plates just fine. If it doesn't hit a plate you're not wearing enough or taking cover well. And that's a skill issue.

>spalling, cracked ribs
Don't use steel, and take some advil. Most people get minor injuries if at all. Bullets don't even have that much energy, imagine that spread out over a plate
>unironic accelerationigger/spook (but I repeat myself) ITT
Get a new personality or get shot, you're fucking annoying
Just wear more armor chud
Just take more cover chud
Just shoot them first chud
And many more helpful tips
All the people talking shit about having full kit are retarded. Assess the threat, and if there is one, wear protection against it. All the boog retards talking about how you need nods and shit and how you don't have logistics are just future criminals and bandits that have zero chance of survival.

As an upstanding citizen, or even a criminal if society hasn't collapsed, if struck while wearing armor, you're extremely likely to receive medical aid by virtue of ambulance service, and any 'future militia boog squad' is gonna have a medical service of some sort if it wants to function. Armor ensures that all the 'you-die-instantly-or-require-super-surgery' are not at risk, so between a plate vest, collar, groin panel, tourniquet and a gun to eliminate the threat, the worst that can happen to you when it all passes is an infected GSW that broke your femur.

Downsizing to concealed vest, handgun and tourniquet only slightly increases your odds of death, but its still miniscule compared to blows to unprotected heart, lungs and liver, which would require actual invasive surgery by a skilled doctor. Compare to wound debridement, cast and regiment of antibiotics which could be administered by a much wider number of professionals with much less resources.

Whether or not you'll face any threats is another question, but chances are if you're carrying a handgun, you might come to use it, and some asshole might shoot you in the back over it by mistake or malice, so might as well wear a concealed vest if you carry a concealed piece.
Calm down Paul Revere, the British are no longer coming.

Every single American of pure European blood is, by definition, a shitskin, descended from invaders. Either your skintone is like dogshit, birdshit or something in between. Oh the irony.
Ironic considering the original Americans were exactly as you describe, you inhuman filth. I can even tell which posts ITT are yours based on how much you obnoxiously repeat yourself, like a broken record. Are you a racebaiting fed paid per buzzword or did you really huff your own fumes?
>being a full kit wanker

If you live in the US you don't need this
Seething third worlders never fail to entertain
Aboriginal scalpers didn't have urbanized states and accompanying bureaucracies, moron coper
*throws poisoned meat over fence*
better luck next time whiteboi, maybe you'll wake up in time to shoot impotently at us while we drive off with all your shit
City nogs haven't received the memo and then wonder why everyone treats them like sus ass sketch potential criminals. Its fucking 109 outside at high noon and Jacquan is sagging black joggers and rocking a black hoodie
I got issued that whole kit years and years ago. Still have most of it too.
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>using foodbanks to stockpile
I mean... probably not a bad idea.
Two types of people in these threads: Feds who want armed civilians to openly identify themsleves with overt gear in the event of societal collapse making themselves easy targets for government death squads of brown conscripts. Gun consoomers who need to validate their purchase of plates they will never use by calling other people poor.
you are pretending you can solo untold numbers of individuals. you are so disconnected from reality that your only experience with guns is probably video games. you are mentally a child that thinks pl8s are some sort of forcefield that will make your life into an FPS game on easy.
you are retarded and should stop talking forever.
reminder that it's all for nothing if you don't get in shape first
What's the best surp mask with safe filters? Or are there no surp masks with safe filters and I should just buy a paint mask at Home Depot?
LMAO. Fed-worshipping bootlicker getting nervous. Seethe harder.

Israeli 4A1 civil defense mask or Israeli mil M15.
M40 are cheap but prices jumped during covid and never came down.

3M respirators from Home Depot are a decent option. Any p100 filter will protect against particulates from wildfires or a 9/11 repeat, fallout, viral or bacterial pathogens, and provide some protection against most riot control agents. Hell, an n95 would probably do fine too but the price jump from n95 to p100 is minimal.
Ideally you'll have eye protection too, especially if you're concerned about riot agents, 3M 6800 for example. Alternatively 3M 6000 series half-face respirator + safety goggles with the vents taped or hot-glued shot
Step it up to a particulate+multi-gas filter (3M 60926) if you want protection against inhaled vapors.
Sell me your HPC.....
>safety goggles
And if you do go this route, please get ones with an actual gasket to seal to your face. Don't buy the shitty ones you got in highschool chemistry class to play with water with a couple drops of acid in it.
I can't sit down and relax outside for 5 minutes in this country.
>stop by the river to watch the water on the way home
>get up to go
>giant german shepherd lunges for my throat out of nowhere and I almost have to kill it
>the junkie street trash couple with weak leash hands weren't even apologetic
>hands still bandaged
I experience similar situations where I have to decide whether to break leather at least 1x / month
Most people are totally clueless and pretend it's not happening.
usually middle of the day, otherwise nice parts of town
US urban centers are trash, 254 days left until I can leave for good.
You sound like the brainwashed blind and argumentative retards at the workplace
>toothless streetwalker verbally assaulting and physically harassing a pair of my female workmates outside
>get his attention and walk him off while he threatens my life and chimps out about how puerto rico discovered america or something
>talk to the girls 30 minutes later to see if they're okay
>they don't remember anything ever happening
>seriously, it never happened for them
>twilight zone crazy
I figure it's like two mass can't occupy the same space, but for the most part people are seemingly completely blind to reality, and block it out when it hits.
Nothing screams "shoot me" to gangsters like a white guy dressed in contractor battle rattle. If you are going on a designated raid, where you dismount a vehicle of some sort and rush a target with your buddies, yeah, you should wear the "I'm here to murder yo ass" battle rattle. If you are defending a spot with your buddies, again, being able to take hits and respond with overwhelming force requires heavy armor to survive hits and lots of ammo to throw at attackers. But in most SHTF or localized resulting conflicts of shit going sideways, you want discreet battle rattle. Hidden armor, extra mags quick to grab but not showing easily. Primary and backup weapons discreet. This is where those SBR's come in, especially in .300BO and 7.62X39 shorties. You keep them out of sight in clever ways, but snap them out if needed to punch someone in the nose and/or get their heads down to buy you time to escape. The best way not to get shot is to not be a target. It's also good to intimidate opportunistic bottom feeders. They only attack if they think you are both worth it and easy. Manbun skinny jeans faggot boy starving may think old man Fudd alone in his Carhartt jacket is a better choice than Chad Thundercock and his buddies in Gucci battle rattle to try and rob.. Doesn't mean manbun made a good choice. Old geezer was packing a Cugir 10.5" foldy AK under that Carhartt and is wearing a soft iiiA with level IV SAPI shooters cut under his brush popper shirt.. And he's an old former Delta operator who will drill three into manbuns brainstem before manbun even got a bead on ye olde Fudd.. He might of been better off with Chad, because Chad and his bros have no kills and might of totally fucked the pooch.. Or they'd take one hit or graze and mash up manbun with their cool guy rifles. Experience, skill, luck. That's the REAL gear to take inventory of.
>Seethe harder.
you pay taxes.
Anyone has that infographic of the different stages of gear queer, starts with the mall ninja, goes through the overt kit, the sf-like kit, the gray man, etc..
The only thing I can imagine myself doing that might require a plate carrier is serving on a sheriff's posse after everything has gone to hell. If I'm directing traffic or doing stoop and fetchit stuff, no. If I'm on a roadblock or helping the sheriff stop Bad Things, then hell yes.

But 99% of plate carriers are abominations that break every rule of load and heat management there is. I'd want one of the Israeli models from Marom Dolphin with the supporting waist belt and the lightest level 3+ poly plates I could find.
>Nothing screams "shoot me" to gangsters like a white guy
You could have just stopped there. In SHTF your skin is your uniform.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with buying plates and shit NOW even if you don’t have time to train with it because it’s possible that one day they won’t be available (look at body armor bans in NY) and if/when things start to get bad enough you can start training then. Always work on fitness though
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My gf is a spic can I still be friends with you guys? I actually know several illegal immigrant women and they’re all pretty hot, some are even white (Argentinian with blue eyes). Why would you guys try to deport hot women…
M855 is increasingly common, and will go through polyethylene plates like no tomorrow. Almost anything with a steel core will, even certain pistol ammunition. I'd advise dropping the polyethylene plates and sticking with a good ceramic SRT, like a Hesco L211. They're thinner and can handle all forms of garden variety 5.56 / 7.62x39. No good against .308, however. If you need .308 protection, step up to a III+ ceramic. The Highcom 3S9M basically handles 99% of all realistic CONUS threats.
If you're dead set on polyethylene, Dayton Armor manufactures a 1.7lb RF1 standalone plate. It's not directly sold to civilians, however, and the company doesn't have an established track record.
It's a good idea to buy plates now, and then re-evaluate if things don't go to pot a few years from now. There's a new upcoming armor standard, NIJ 0101.07, and a lot of projected new models from the large manufacturers. Now would be a bad time to blow $2,000 on go-fast plates, especially from Hesco or LTC. The former is supposed to be replacing the flagship 4800 with the 4801, for example.
> If you're dead set on polyethylene, Dayton Armor manufactures a 1.7lb RF1 standalone plate. It's not directly sold to civilians, however, and the company doesn't have an established track record.
lmao, never even been tested at a real lab. No reports, no video, and it's like 50% thinner than a regular RF1 plate. You'd have to be extra retarded to trust it.
AND the actual weight is 2.04 pounds for a SAPI M, so they're misrepresenting its weight by like 15%.
> https://nelsonuniform.com/shop/dayton-armor-rf1-level-iii-stand-alone-rifle-plate-12118
Hence why I mentioned the lack of a track record. I expect there will be a reckoning once 0101.07 is finalized and people start questioning why the small manufacturers aren't getting certified.
It'd be one thing if they had a report from NTS or OBL with no weird discrepancies, or even a Buffman video on that model, but to have nothing at all is legit weird.
Agreed. There's a lot of smaller manufacturers that pop up every so often who try to pull stuff like that. American Blast Systems is infamous for selling a 4.5lb Level IV plate for $175 a piece. It obviously has a massive cheat ring. Stuff like that and Dayton makes it hard to trust industry newcomers. Hence why I'm, for instance, apprehensive about Adept Armor and their $640 Colossus that outperforms LTC plates twice the price.
That American Blast Systems plate was tested by Buffman and failed on the first shot vs M2AP. He pulled the video after they threatened to sue him, lol
Dayton is similarly shady, for sure.
>I'd want one of the Israeli models from Marom Dolphin with the supporting waist belt
Are those available anywhere? I saw some pics and they look cool
That's an interesting piece of news. Buffman should have held his ground. They have nothing to sue him over if the test was conducted fairly. They'd immediately lose the case and Buffman would get a huge PR spike. Did he mention any other reason why he pulled the video?

Good luck getting anything delivered on time until the present unpleasantness is well over, though.
The thing is, even when you are right if you are just some dude its easy for a company like that to weaponize the legal system to ruin you financially. It just isn't worth it.
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Based trips.
The carriers look pretty good, too. Know of any legit reviews on their stuff?
True. I wonder if he was worried other stuff would come up in discovery. If ABS is that aggressive that they would sue over a single video, I'd be worried about other forms of retaliation as well.
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Forgot to mention, does it seem shady to you that ABS' address is a repurposed motel? 3101 Villa Way, Newport Beach, CA 92663.
You really don't need them, but if you want to have them you should.
Totally normal for tactical gear companies, lol
A lot of them are registered in UPS stores, mom's basement, garages.
What's so special about these carriers? They don't look revolutionary.
They could use the information from discovery to harass buffman further or potentially get information on competitors.
Trick is, they claim to be manufacturing their stuff. Unless they're hot-pressing strike faces in room 105 and pressing the backers in 103, I think they're importing the plates and helmets.
I could understand a reseller like Apex running out of a basement since they're just doing shipping and receiving work, but a manufacturer needs to have an actual facility.
I'd think the former more than the latter. I can't think of any dirt they could dig up on competitors like RMA or Adept from Buffman, aside from communications since he's often sent plates from the manufacturers.
> I could understand a reseller like Apex running out of a basement since they're just doing shipping and receiving work
I think Apex doesn't even do that, just places orders with manufacturers and gets them to ship directly to his customers. It's definitely a mom's basement tier operation.
This is interesting desu
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHXiNrhg8oE
Guys like this are gonna get merc'd by a hunter with a $300 bolt action rifle, so you'd better hope you're on their side. I think there's becoming a schism between /k/ tranny tacticool types and real red blooded Americans. You lean more toward the military and federalism/imperialism than localized governance.
That would explain the long shipping, although it's hard to keep stock since the big manufacturers prioritize gov contracts over civie sales. If police department A needs 2,500 Hesco 4601's (total hypo), they're getting priority over the little guy who needs four.
they just need someone to make decisions for them.
Fact of the matter is that the moment Cleetus gets his hands on M993 bullets, he's going to reload them into a .300 Winmag hot enough to bust XSAPIs at 50 yards.
This scenario always seemed contrived. Not because it couldn't happen, but why is the hunter roaming around killing people?
I think it's more the hunter dude is waiting on his property and ambushing overtly geared-up tactical guys. If he invests $2,000 in a good weapon-mounted thermal (used Pulsar Trail 2 maybe?) and puts it on a $300-500 .300 Winmag with AP reloads, then shit's gonna be real nasty.
Because cityshits have been starving a while and enough have ventured onto his land in search of food that he knows no one is friendly. Any mouth that wanders onto his land is a mouth wanting to eat his and his family's food. A lone wanderer isn't even going to make it that far innawoods or onto rural farmlands anyway. You either need to look very nonthreatening or be in a group.
What constitutes a FULL KIT?
Lay it out for me.
>Weimar Germany
Famous greymen, the Freikorps.
There’s applications where both make sense which is why you should ideally have both.
>they must fight through contact
What is breaking contact
>and blah blah
How’d that work out in Tongo Tongo
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'Reviews'? Yeah. They're a military contractor for the IDF. Every goddam Israeli reservist and commando wears a Marom Dolphin plate carrier.

>What's so special about these carriers?
They're made to be comfy and one-size fits-all, from an 18 year old girl to a paunchy 40 year old guy. Also, the inner belt makes it less like a torture device design by the American Chiropractor Association and more like wearing an armored Levi jacket, by all accounts. Although they just recently remodeled their web site and I don't see the belt offered for sale yet. Also, the Amran PC (see pic) only takes hueg oversized proprietary plates, so don't order one and then be disappointed when your SAPI plates fall out.
Yeah, but that's more for rucking things. The IDF issue inner belt sits on the inside of the PC and attaches with a couple of velcro flaps.
The most outwardly racist guy I know is dating a spic. We're talking Mein Kampf and the collected works of Evola on his bookshelf, one dead nigger to his name and a handful of haddjis, and some pretty concrete preps for the "coming race war".
On the other hand, she's not much better. Has all sorts of Spanish slurs for anyone who didn't come here legally or has darker skin than she does (which probably includes most of the Iberian peninsula t b h).
If I remember right, those plates measure 15x16" front and 16x15" rear. They're intended to provide extended coverage across the whole torso (or most of it, anyway). Tencate and a few other Euro manufacturers make plates in that cut too. It's styled primarily after the chicken plates of Vietnam vintage.
One thousand rounds of ammo. All of it the latest plutonium alloy AP only the CIA can get. Fifteen grenades and plates on top of plates to defeat incoming depleted uranium .338 Lapua and save the Mayor's nephew from the rising tide of a 2011 Nissan Sentra with bald tires in the mall parking lot.
Because poorfags need their way to cope, it's always been some flavor of "ur gear won't save u becuz I'll just kill u". See also the classic "if I use a flashlight or a flare your night vision breaks". They can't just accept that dumbass guccifags wasted money on dumb shit, no they're also going to beat then in the hypothetical Civil War that's also basically PUBG
>Nothing screams "shoot me" to gangsters like a white guy dressed in contractor battle rattle
You mean a cop? You retarded anti-gun shills say the dumbest shit possible. Niggers are AFRAID of cops, they'll flee instead of attacking them.
niggers kill more cops than whites.
Cops are the agents you pretend to train to kill.
That's false by any metric, you just refuse to admit that you're an armchair commando who has no idea about anything. Life isn't a videogame and niggers don't rush out of their homes with guns the second they see a white-man in kit (a cop).
why are you fetishizing being a cop?
I never said anything remotely like that, I just said that you're a retard who doesn't know anything and that being a white man in kit doesn't scream "shoot me", it screams "a police officer" to a nigger. Stop coping.
Barring the fed posting in this thread, anyone know of any good retailers that sell SHTF medical supplies? I'm not talking about stuff with brand names like "freedom patriot survivalist boog med pack", just somewhere where I can buy some first aid kits that are not shit.
North American Rescue. Complete a Stop The Bleed and MARCH course, this will give you knowledge on what to pack in Kit 1 (self-use) and Kit 2 (for buddy to use on you) and how to use it. Then polish with Kit 3 where you put in OTC drugs, boo-boo plasters, bandages, mini-splints and such, you should have common knowledge on what to put in Kit 3 based on your history of being sick with cold and other illnesses, bruising and cutting yourself, etc.

You will not find a commercial offering with all 3 pre-packaged for you to buy.
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a blueberry pancake recipe.
North American Rescue
Blue Force Gear (look for the trauma kit now)
SOARescue (look for their med mags)

Adventure Medical (hiking/booboo kits)
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Attached is the /gq/ military surplus plate guide. The original black SAPIs are still very workable under CONUS conditions. M193, M855, M80, all covered. M855A1 will require ESAPI, along with steel-core .308 / 7.62x54R APs. XSAPI is in an awkward catch-22 spot. It's overkill for typical AP threats, and the M993 protection is too weak to handle modern APs.
>no radio
so why are you larping like this?
>Personally i think that everyone who wants to not be a victim as things get worse and invaders get more spread out
Look I love playing with kit and optics and firearms as much as man man, but what the fuck are you dribbling on about you retard. Get fucking help before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Im making homemade body armor
I got most ingredians
But im missing the glass fiber glass fabric, do you know what stores sell them?
You can easily buy it on Amazon.
> https://www.amazon.com/Fiberglass-0-85oz-0-03mm-Surfboard-Repair/dp/B0CL379YM4/
Who do you retards think you're going to talk to?
only if you are a nationalist in a western european or american country and rightwing conservative
Which guide are you using?
Who ya gonna call?
does your IOTV have an extra pouch on it?
Spend the money on professional training courses before you go buying less useful shit. Proper training will actually help you survive.
But we're Americans. Medicating our worries with gadgets is our national pastime.
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>Should you own a full kit?
All the other patriots and stuff. So we can coordinate our operations. No lefties allowed on frequency.
I find that Latinos are of 1 of 2 modes
>abloo bloo bloo stupid gringos not letting mis hermanos y abuela across the fake border. Mexico will retake the southwest and your kids will be brown
>fuck those wetbacks, keep that shithole and its shitty people outta here
Interestingly both flavors hate the title of "latinx", only the """hispanics""" that are about as Mexican as taco bell think its fine
There's a guy, LIBAanon, who hangs around /gq/ making his own armor. Made a sample plate that could stop tungsten core rounds. He could probably give you some pointers.

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