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>shot down with MANPADS from inflatable boat
How is this tactic called?
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Still not the most embarrassing shootdown of one of those, somehow.
Isn't the Su-27 derived 30 series the most advanced russian fighter in mass production? Embarassing.
On an inflatable boat?!
Why would paratroopers be on an inflatable boat?
There's a VDV-related joke here somewhere
Boys status? Have they melted yet?
It feels like yesterday when russia started losing su34s and ukes were selling bits as keychains
what's the biggest calibre a plane like this would be able to "shrug off"?
Kursk status?
Depends where it hit. Aircraft have survived 20mm cannons and up. Others have been downed by 7.62.
Yeah theyre the UDZ now, under da zea
Boring. Call me when ATACMs start landing on Russian air bases in Russian territory.
Pretty sure they evaced all their shit from those bases already
evacACK'd straight into the afterlife
LMAO I thought this was more advanced than su35. How did zigs manage get shot down.
Im just waiting for one of these to get bonked by an FVP mid-air
I'm guessing things aren't going too great in Pokrovsk.
just clock out brother and enjoy some dhal and prontha.
<3 you indians allthough the only part of your country that is remotely enjoyable is the north west because there is a majority of tibetans building the society.
imagine being part of a "people" who literally EVERYONE on earths twists their lips at full of disgust.
>1 thread
>zigger shill maximum overdrive this morning, bbc posting and all
No? Su-33, Su-35, Su-57? Possibly the Mig-35 as well
>in mass production
did the pilot make it? that's the imporant part here
Nothing is in "mass production", it's a wartime economy in complete isolation
>mass production
come on brother. Just come on, i feel insulted, youre not afraid of your supervisor?
btw indians are really dirty and dishonorful people.
I can not think of any ethnicity in the world which is hated by so many types of women all around the world. maybe thats why they are so salty all the time, cause they dont get laid.
also i know for a fact that statistically indian women will always pick a white man over an indian man and who can blame them?
i mean to be honest indian man are weak, small, ugly and simply disgusting. and this comes just from their genes, if you include things like wealth or personal hygiene it gets even worse.
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You tell us.
>mass production
i am guessing it's so stealth it has never been spotted in ukraine
su-33 isn't any newer than su-30 despite the number, it's actually way older inside because it's a shitpile su-27 adapted for landing on kuznetsov. they lost like one per week when it was last deployed.

su-57 is just lmao and mig-35 is a complete fucking joke

su-35 is just about the only plane that's newer and they're not exactly the same since 35 is supposed to be an air superiority plane while su-30 is a two seat multirole. turns out it sucks at multiple roles very much.
>day 36 of retaking kursk by russia
this post has convinced me that the russian military is not a joke
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The raging homos in the faggy blue striped shirts are in actuality gay porno actors and a part of the Gachimuchi expanded universe.
No one can take a dick up the ass like these dudes can and the songs you hear them sing is about how many miles of dick they can suck in a day.
Russia can roll these off the lines every month no problem!
Looks like the rooster is ready to get pecked
su 30... is kil...
>How is this tactic called?
>shot down with MANPADS from inflatable boat
Again? Or is this the same one that happened a year ago?
O neat
Holy SHIT ruskies, how are you so terrible?
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> Again? Or is this the same one that happened a year ago?

When Ukraine recaptured oil rigs in the sea to strip them of Russian radar systems, they fired a manpad at a Russian jet harassing them. The jet fled and I considered that a win. Now they actually shot one down.
Like another anon pointed out; it depends.
Real life isn't like your vidya. Fighter jets are basically flying computers with tons of delicate parts. A stray AK round could down one if it's hit in the right spot. Unlike vehicles like the Hind it's not meant to be able to withstand any level of fire instead relying on the tried and tested "best armor is not to be hit".
Russians are claiming over 80 dead Ukrainians from this very same operation, and to have repelled all the attacks on the oil refineriers. Which is the real truth?
>Which is the real truth?
certainly not the russian version
>Which is the real truth?
> "Vatniggers say ... "
Tough one. anon. A real chin-scratcher.
Flight status?
they have every reason to lie and spin because they lost a JET in the operation. I didn't even know you could lose a jet to ground forces like that.
This is the same country that lost their flag ship to a country with no Navy, expect any kind of blunder possible
In any battle of "advanced fighter jet" vs. "guys in a rubber dingie", i would have said the Jet would win 100% of the time. but Russia found a way...
SU30 is old, it's really going to depend on the version, (SM2 being the more modern SU35 eqivalent) at least they can build those, unlike the SU57 which has very complex avionics comapred to what Russia is used to and is waiting for it's new AL51 engines (probably even harder to build under sanctions),
>I didn't even know you could lose a jet to ground forces like that.
You don't know it's possible to lose jet to manpads, are you retarded?
How many lost Fullbacks are we on now? 35?
Or is it a Flanker? Fuck, I'm no good at this.
Isnt it funny that you even have to ask?
This cannot be, Aludinov ensures me EVERY DAY that the Ukrainians in Kursk are destroyed.
We have vide of Su-30 allegedly getting shot down
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Akshulli, it wasn't shot down, it's just incompetent pilots (two colonels) and indian maintenance.
t. Fighterporkner
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#SU30Leaks: Kazakhstani specialists maintain #Russian Su-30SM aircraft using #French equipment from Thales and Safran.
All they could find of the plane was an oil slip and bits of debris scattered over a few kms.
He ded.
>Ass status?
>Russia can't into skilled labour
>technical work carried out by imperial subjects.

""even"" the stans do better.
>He ded.
not necessarily.

During their last successful oil rig operation the Ukies lost one man overboard. He was picked up a say later some 50km away. Dehydrated but alive.
Yeah, underneath the boat
Well yes, but the Ukie fell out of a boat and was presumably prepared for such a situation.

The pilot, in the best possible circumstance, would have parachuted out of his burning aircraft unharmed, didn't get tangled up when he hit the sub-zero water and managed to tread water until word got back that he had been shot down and they managed to work out where exactly in the sea he was and get a boat out to him before he died of hypothermia. If that series of events happened, he MAY be alive, but no survivors have been reported and it's been too long now. He either drowned, froze or bled out from his injuries.
>How is this tactic called?
Goofy-Ass Slavic Warfare
>sub zero water
It’s September anon.
>sub-zero water
It is the black sea. There is almost zero current and the upper part of it gets almost tepid compared to every other similarly sized body of water. Although maybe he was taken instead - better for him if he had died.
I am very suspicious of the black sea. Give me a metal hat and call me undermedicated, but it is very weirdly shaped and the only life in it exists along the edges.
>I am very suspicious of the black sea. Give me a metal hat and call me undermedicated, but it is very weirdly shaped and the only life in it exists along the edges
No, no. I'm with you on this.
I've driven around 2/3s of that coast and it's a weird sea.
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Hopefully there will be black sea TZD.
in WWII the SAS switched to jeep-borne attacks in Africa after a massive paradrop fail
I could see a fighter getting shot down by a .22lr if you hit it on approach. Hit a spinning turbine blade with even a tiny piece of lead at ~mach 2, and it could cause a domino effect that shreds the whole engine. More realistically, even a 5.56 getting lucky on a low pass will punch through the skin and mission kill if it hits the right wire harness and shuts off the radar.

Fighters are flying computers wrapped in a thin sheet of aluminum. The avionics units are somewhat sturdy steel boxes (assumed steel they're fuckin heavy, probably 1/8" thick shell but I never measured) filled with fragile computer components. Get through the aluminum, and any wire is going to cause a really bad issue when hit. Get through any one of probably 90% of the avionics boxes, and the whole plane goes into "oh shit" mode and has to go home. A modern fighter is actually far more fragile to gunfire than one from WW2.
(super)sonic inflation
No. Turbines will keep running with a significant amount of damage. "Shooting a 22 into a jet engine" isn't going to crash any airplane.
I’ve never seen a body of water that’s given me the same bad vibes as the Black Sea, something is not right about it.
It should, emphasis on should, be able to survive a MANPAD hit too…
different one. The previous debacle was when Ukie marines raided an oil rig used as a recon base and fired a stinger at a russian jet. They hit it and did damage but it was reportedly able to RTB after whiffing all its shots. Ukes took no casualties on that op, and they were in 3 rubber PT boats. Fucking unreal
>It should, emphasis on should, be able to survive a MANPAD hit too
Only if you take it on a non-critical area. I'll teach you how to do it when we get back.
supposedly the deep waters are very low in oxygen and preserve things well. spooky.
<"Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" intensifies>
If it wasn’t a puccian plane I’d assume it’s a joke.
By using words in the English language, dumbass ESL.
The words you're looking for is "what".
This is one of the reasons Russia’s air force is so ineffective. Both their weapon’s general accuracy and their targeting systems are clearly subpar. Russian pilots thus need to fly lower and slower to increase accuracy, which makes them fodder for MANPADS.
Why do Russian pilots keep dropping glide bombs on Belgorod? Why do they miss so wildly? It’s because the pilots know that to provide sufficient air support, they will have to fly at basically the range of most air defense systems. It’s a suicide mission.
Meanwhile NATO military aircraft, after doing SEAD missions, would be flying at 20,000 feet with a targeting pod hitting forces outside the range of MANPADS.
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That will show me!
Is this why Erdogan is suddenly “Crimea is Ukrainian”?
>you will be the winner
>plane crashes
>"this is common practice"
>implying a bottom to that pit
they're not drilling for oil in those red regions, ill tell you that for free.
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That ain't oil, son.
The Kerry Special AKA "FUCK MAGES"
They didn’t start SAR ops until like 3 hours post crash. He dead af
Su33 is worse, su35 basically equal to current su30 variants, su57 is produced artisinally, and mig35 is not being built
I mean, it is for Indian pilots. Their mig21
And flogger loss rates were insane
Spell wth me: T-R-I-P-P-L-E R-E-D-U-N-D-A-N-C-Y
Sure, that applies to flight controls and comms, but I've seen radar, weapons systems, RWR, and displays get completely fucked by a single wire getting grounded out. If a wire harness gets blown out, whatever system it's connected to is going to be severely degraded at best.
the blood of the dead gods must flow
Those turbines are designed to keep running after ingesting a whole frozen chicken, a tiny piece of lead wouldnt even be noticed until maintenance checks the engine
Name an avionics component of any size with a steel case. Nothing in your pic has one.

Avionics not critical to flight can be damaged. That's one reason for the many thermal circuit breakers. Miss the redundantly wired flight controls and aircraft can take considerable damage. Engines can ingest a fair bit of debris without flaming out (I've borescoped many Pratt and GE engines on F-16s).
when radar guided long range GBAD first came out, pilots thought they were geniuses for just, flying low

then manpads and radar guided spaag came out

now flying near the ground is incredibly dangerous, actually even more dangerous because when a long range SAM is fired at you you have options, fire a HARM back to suppress it, dodge, simply fly away if you're near the WEZ, use ECM

when someone shoots a manpad at you, you have like 1 second of reaction time and then you're dead.
The steel case was a guess because they feel way heavier than computer components in an aluminum case should. I never got specs on their construction. While the jet CAN fly with a damaged component, it's not going to be mission effective outside of flight controls.
25 of them.
Yeah, NATO reporting names can be a bitch to remember. Most of the Su-27 are Flankers.
Su-27 = Flanker-B
Su-30 = Flanker-C/D/F/G
Su-35 = Flanker-E

The Fullback is the Su-34.
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Everything related to pilot input & controls,
computer-assisted & based flight stability controls, instrument and operational sensors, heck even the central data monitoring, processing and evaluation systems of the avionics packages have to be at least once completely redundant. All of these things that are critical for maintaining controlled flight parameters have to be - by international law - tripple redundant and in addition have to work in automatic and manual mode WITHOUT degrading the function of any other dependent system.

you have not a fucking clue what in the flying fuck you are talking about, kid.

Remember that first Ka-52 that came down in an emergency landing in Ukraine after being hit in the rear near Kiev in March '22?

That thing got a direct body hit by a rocket propelled tandem heat charge designed to take out modern tanks. the stream of molten copper travelled through it and exited the other side abolutely shredding its main hydraulics systems and its limited redundant hydraulics system rendering both unoperational instantly. plus its main electric hub got severed, leaving it with a critically damaged secondary electric hub that remained mostly functional even though it was also ventilated by fragments in multiple locations.
The pilots still managed to fly it for a few kilometers, landing so far away from UA troops that they had time to manually destroy the data on the flight computers and the nav. equipment as well as the weapons guidance systems. leaving the UA troops an empty useless husk when they finally got there.

basically they made kilometers of controlled flight and landing in an inherently unstable helicopter without any hydraulics pressure and almost no electrical power. that's just short from being as catastrophic as a shattered main power train or blown off tail. still it did not crash and remained under control for some time.
Yes, very good.

Now tell me how a fighter is supposed to get an air-to-air lock when the radar power supply has a giant hole in ut.
>SAR ops
But did saaars redeem?
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since radar is part of the avionics packet and thus redundant it will simply draw power from the secondary unit you absolute toddler. the pilot wont even know the primary PSU or PTU is out.

m80, your skull is so thick the french would have cemented you somewhere into the Maginot line in the thirties.
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>m80, your skull is so thick the french would have cemented you somewhere into the Maginot line in the thirties.
I'm stealing that.
>secondary unit
Except there is none. There's one part dedicated to the extremely fragile balance of supplying power to the transmitter. It operates at a very specific set of voltages entirely dependent on the power supply, which is a single massive unit only dedicated to the task.

You mentioned borescoping F-16s, so I'm going to assume you're a crew chief and should stop talking about avionics before you embarrass yourself further.
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now you're just combining multiple replies from different anons into one imaginary entity like a shizoid.
if you keep going like that you'll soon be facing a monstrous compound anon of ever multiplying rage, bullying potential and unnatural post rate. in your imagination that is, of course.
I won't claim to be a knower since I was never read on to the compartment for this but I will say that there are certain places around the world which everyone in the know treats very carefully and no one outside that group can tell why. Like, if you ask a direct question along the lines of "how come information about a random area in the middle of the Black Sea is compartmented?" you'll get an uneasy look from most of them and some odd phrases about "things better left alone" if it's someone you have a really good relationship with.
Either way I plan to stay the fuck away from the place, war or no.
>direct body hit by a rocket propelled tandem heat charge designed to take out modern tanks. the stream of molten copper travelled through it and exited the other side abolutely shredding its main hydraulics systems and its limited redundant hydraulics system rendering both unoperational instantly. plus its main electric hub got severed, leaving it with a critically damaged secondary electric hub that remained mostly functional even though it was also ventilated by fragments in multiple locations.
>The pilots still managed to fly it for a few kilometers, landing
that is impressive impressive resilience to damage although i bet a lot of luck was involved as well
What is Russia's long term equipment issue because these losses are unsustainable. I fully expect to see them shift to mostly Chinese made armored and unarmored vehicles around 2026.

>off road atvs
>a lightly armored vehicle
they're heavy because every piece of electronics is surrounded by potting resin to survive shocks and vibrations. All that resin adds up.
That is an extremely odd depth distribution.
Boris Johnson seaside vacation
Lower left is Gs, Lower right cannot be BPM?
>sub-zero water
Sometimes I was retarded. Life just seems easier, when you can say things without knowing anything
>How is this tactic called?
Dying like a chump.
To be fair water may as well be sub-zero considering conduction+convection is going to steal your body heat much faster than in air
>To be fair water may as well be sub-zero considering conduction+convection is going to steal your body heat much faster than in air
25x faster if I remember my SSI exam.
You can generate body heat though and basically need cooler water than body temperature to even survive.
It has to be somewhat cold to be a problem.
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People in Africa usually avoid bodies of still water because of the diseases. People make fun of the villagers who walk kilometers to fetch their daily water but those bodies of water have insects hatching in them that will give you a disease and kill you.

In Benin an ethnicity was constantly targeted by surrounding tribes for taking slaves, and at some point they built their village on a lake to escape it. If you visit your guide will drop you at the boat but refuse to enter the city.

In other regions they have "exploding" lakes, which accumulate dissolved gas over decades or centuries then blow up, suffocating everyone around.

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