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is the navy okay?

>4 sm-6
>3 aim120
>2 sidewinder
Just not so subtly reminding everybody who really owns the Pacific.
chinese rape machine
>We have AIM-54 at home:
>AIM-54 at home on HGH and steroids
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Anon, you made me laugh.
Have a tomcat.
As for the navy...it's good to remind the chinese that they haven't caught up yet.
Won't a non-stealth aircraft be shot down?
J-20 annihilator.
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My childhood love of the F-14 came from a certain TV show, Gulf War Bombcats and having a scale model F-14D that had synchronized swinging wings, so thanks anon.
F/A-18 is strong girl. Why Australia chose to maintain its fleet.
chinese missiles have to first

1. Lock onto their target
2. properly ignite the motor
3. correctly leave the launch rail
4. not fall apart in flight
5. properly track in flight
6. actually hit their target
Put it on F1 5EX NOW
I like how the US’ move to mog the meteor was to just slap an SM-6 on a bug.
7. explode when they hit their target
Delete this you fucking faggot.
Based. Nothing he can do about it
My guess this is to support the F-35. The F-35 is the main airframe, but this is the support role firing endless missiles in support but never getting anywhere near enemy range.
8. have an actual payload in the explosive warhead
> not sand or oatmeal or dirt
0. be targeted at actual enemy and not chang-on-chang
F-18 is missile truck now.
> F-18 + SM-6 is the missile truck
> F-35 plays the role of Apache Long Bow
Meteor still has a bigger No-Escape-Zone
And yet it has a puny range compared to the CHADM-6. Minuscule really
I could bomb the thread with sage until it 404s, but I am not that petty or have that much free time.
Carry on, faggots.
this loadout would make the fucking thing handle like an Airliner

Weird how the Turbocat had that swivel engine design before the F-35 was even designed.
Fucking swat cats
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Because it goes back to the 60s.
I am not that knowledgeable on planes but I know they can take off with a lot of weight but can't land with the same weight sometimes, would this be the case or would they dump the drop tank?
You now realize that the US Navy can arm their entire Super Hornet fleet with these while your average Chairforce can only afford to arm a couple dozen of jets like that, the rest only get basic bitch AIM-9s or AIM-120s.
In the NATO bombing campaign of Yugoslavia, 1 non-stealth fighter was shot down, while 2 stealth fighters were shot down (well, 1 was shot down, the other was damaged and had to return to base)
USAF is the undisputed king of SEAD, but the US Navy is still better than literally every other country in the world. And they have Top Gun
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>would this be the case
F/A-18E/F bring back weight= 9,000lbs-9,900lbs

AIM-174 - 1,841lbs*4= 7,364lbs
AIM-120D - 358*2= 716 lbs
AIM-9X - 186*2= 372 lbs
IRST21 sensor and processor - 115lbs+69lbs= 184lbs
centerline drop tank (dry (empty))= 310lbs
AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR - 420lbs

TOTAL = 9,366lbs

It's well within the SH's bring back weight - as long as the SH burns the necessary fuel weight. This is the SH's version of A2A beast mode, really just showing off what it's capable of when maxed out.

>or would they dump the drop tank?
They could - if need be. BUT, that drop tank has an integrated IRST in it. So, I doubt they would be willing to freely drop those.
I know they have ways to land with more than their max bring back weight, but, I'm not informed enough on those to elucidate on them.
It’s launching at a range that makes that irrelevant- the Hornet isn’t even going to have the targets on radar, they’ll be detected and data linked by either AWACS, AEGIS or an F-35
With the AIM-174B approaching IOC, now is the time to acknowledge that our ageing LGM-30 air defense missiles are obsolescent, in the process of being replaced, have spent their entire service life in underground storage and should be donated to the Ukrainians to let them use them to protect their skies.
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>LGM-30 air defense missiles
>air defense missiles
They do defend the air, you can shoot them at parts of airspace to clear it.
Anon since we introduced the LGM-30 into service there has only been one (1) successful air attack operation against the continental United States.

Are you telling me that is not effective air defense?
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The US did in the 70s during the SDI push. It was a proposed counter to the Soviet bomber fleet attacking CSGs or CONUS. They called it the Ballistic Intercept Missile (BIM). It was to use the Sandia SWERVE HGV, with a conformal X-band radar array for terminal guidance named LORAINE, that Raytheon got the contract for. They tested this part in the late 80s, but never went any further after the threat died. Though, SWERVE is what the Navy's and Army's HBGV is based off of.
Reminds me how chinks were absolutely flabbergasted that their planes kept blowing up mid air out of nowhere until one day one of their planes came down with an unexploded aim9b lodged into it

Did you know that the A-Wing in starwars is just a chopped up F-14 model?


You do now.
Stop calling the AIM-174B the SM-6. It's based on the SM-6, but it's an all new missile.
You're a fucking retard.
>Why Australia chose to maintain its fleet.
Australia's fleet is past it's life cycle, far too many flight hours and can't be maintained or upgraded significantly so that they are worth it for whatever few hours they have left. Australia couldn't even give them away to Ukraine because they're borderline junk, about to step over the border and become junk.

What might have worked is if *some other country* donated a hundred or so newer, upgraded aircraft and Ukraine could have used the Aussie ones for training and carefully planned, limited missions to keep flight hours off the new ones. In fact, *some other country* might have even offered to help Australia swap out its aged fleet with a generous trade package.

But, nobody listens to me because I'm retarded. Or something.
Pretty clearly you are.

The AIM-174B has a longer range than the F/A-18 radar. It's also got a longer range than any current Chinese missile.

How exactly is the F/A-18 "getting blown up" before getting anywhere close to shooting?

The whole point of the AIM-174 is it can be fired from wayyyyyy back in a safe zone, and guided to target by an AWACS or much closer stealth platform (F-35).

There is basically no danger for the F/A-18 at all.
lol you broke the chinkbot
We've seen more of the AIM-174 in the last week than we've seen of the PL-21 in 5 years.

Not to mention none of what you said somehow discounts the capabilities I laid out. The J-20 radar set isnt capable of picking up an F/A-18 at 120+ miles and even if the PL-21 does exist and is in service, it would ALSO need a "spotter" aircraft feeding it targeting data on the F/A-18 to have even a chance of hitting it.

So if it comes down to stealth "spotters" with extreme long range BVR missiles being lobbed back and forth, the F-35 is going to have no problems sneaking up within 40-50 miles to provide that targeting information whereas china would have to pray their AWACS radars are good enough to provide an accurate target from 150-200+ miles out.
oh yeah, because your post is full of facts and sources
It's a seething thirdie lol, no need to even reply to it. They aren't sentient creatures so you won't get meaningful discourse.
automatically makes you the retard in the room, go say hi to /chug/ for me :3
Do you think by sperging out and screaming paid shills is going to make anyone believe you?

You're the one bringing up the PL-21 which basically doesn't exist outside of a handful of chink press release claims and wumao shilling.
>it spent 20 minutes seething and still couldn't come up with an actual rebuke other than fanfic
Chinkbot this is not your finest hour
The f-35 radar maxes out at about 110 nautical miles. You're telling me the J-20 radar is better than the F-35s?


Lmao even

Also being able to detect SOMETHING is there on radar, and being able to actively guide a missile to that target are two different tasks. You MIGHT see the hint if a fart of the F/A-18 at an extreme range, but you're not getting a target lock over an extended period to guide a missile to it.
look just start posting the chick seethe copy past you do and get the thread over with already please
No, for that you need to mention either Japan dominating them or how chinks are the most muttified race in the world, otherwise the manchurian programming won't trigger.
At least Im not a Chinese mutt
And yet someone who professes to know it all, can't be bothered to explain or provide supporting evidence for your views.

Sad, it's almost like you're purely a chink shill seething.
Uh oh chinkbot moved the goalpost so hard its new explanation now contraindicates its original argument! We have an own goal folks!
think he fucked off
What are the respective ranges?
fuck me and hey got that on camera too, I'd just kms after that
Aerial noobie here: why is there a maximum weight they can return with? Does it have to with the dynamic forces involved in slamming the aircraft onto the deck?
fuel usage Id imagine
Getting it to stop in time without damaging the airframe.
So the max landing weight is gonna be higher when the aircraft has to land on land as opposed to getting on deck, right?
They need F-18F to launch the LRASM since I don't think it's integrated into the F-35 yet
Yes, they have more runway and can land gentler with a long rollout.
My brother, none of what you're claiming is real, you're talking up the maximum theoretical performance on paper (which China has a history of just bullshitting) and claiming it can do all of that and more, while simultaneously implying the US systems which we've seen tested a LOT more than Chinese systems are barely capable of even meeting their paper specs?

Come the fuck on, you're delusional and just come off as a pure shill.
Love how the AIM-174 sends the resident chink shill into a meltdown every times
This time is even worse, because it shows the superbug can carry 4 of them instead of 2, AND 5 other missiles.
did you seriously wait an hour and hope we left?
I'm an American you moron
If America is third world I'd hate to know where you think the first world is.
Ah the mask falls off
to /pol/ with thee turd
what, Serbia you fucking fag?
You don't know how anything in that post actually works do you? It's ok to be ignorant. It is new tech. It's just that the US has been talking about for decades and has been teaching other NATO members of the power of battle link. Shame you can't be bothered to read one of the many papers on the subject. They've been unclassed for some time. And other Chinks like you do read them. It's what they send you shill scripts like this
Let's hear them
Not him but Ghent and Bruges was pretty nice, as was Liege and Antwerp. Fuck Brussels though, second shittiest place I visited after Paris
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That's a lot of pixels
What made you seethe enough to post that, thirdie?
All the European countries that occupy some of the top 10 slots on the HDI. Like most parts of Scandinavia.

Switzerland? #1 on the HDI. If you're not the first in the world, don't call yourself first world, thirdie
>there is only 1 first world country


Lmao even

And what citizenship do you hold?
It's called First World not First Worlds. I live in Canada, a third world nation. What shithole do you come from?
>>62490491 >>62489643
Ugh, Canadian conservatives, almost worse than a republican.

Don't you have an indigenous person to be racist to?
I'm sorry to hear that.
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>Canada, a third world nation
>its thicc schizo again
Probably just a chink living in Canada judging by his defense of China.
There aren't gonna be enough airframes for the F-35 to be the main one. The current procurement plan the Navy is following has something like 12 of them being purchased per carrier air wing. It's gonna be a couple of decades before they make enough of them to be the main component of the naval air wings
So the new aircraft meta is fast stealth jets acting as eyes for missile launching platforms?
I've scratched that off my to do list already

I don't have to be but it is telling what occupies your mind rent free
>post thighs
Did anyone else notice that since the SM6 reveal, the 50 cent army stopped clicking their mandibles about hypersonic missles?
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>I don't have to be
and yet you are, you didn't even try to deny it.

Honestly i'd respect you more if you WERE a chink doing this as at least you'd have clear motivation.

if you're a white conservative Canadian with these opinions you're just as moronic as MAGA trumpers supporting russia.
Well i mean they got humiliated and their new world changing technology beaten without the us even trying. In a face saving culture like insectland its surprising they aren jumping off the rooftops more than normal
A's can target for them, or AWACS, or AEGIS, or ground based sensors, or space based, or etc, etc, etc.
C's and B's should be able to as well.
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I'm sorry to hear sinoids still have zero response to this very obvious, very sound tactic.
I'm not sorry this upsets you lmao
>We've barely seen the AIM-174
Nah, we've seen the AIM-174B now fairly often, and in any event it's not as though the missile's capability is in doubt. That's why wumaos are broken by it, they can't pretend it's vaporware or overhyped, only a retard would try and say the SM-6 is a shit missile lmao
The AIM-174B exists, it is *good*, and the wumaos can't say shit.
>you're fucking retarded if you think a really big and somewhat modern aesa radar can't pick up a fully loaded FA18 (6m2+ target) at 120miles.
You have zero clue what you're talking about if you think simply having an AESA radar=insta win in air combat lmfao wtf?
>you're telling me you're gonna take an f35 40-50 miles from an enemy and guide F18 launches using Link 16???? I think you may be genuinely retarded.
Yes. What they fuck do you think the point of any of this shit was ever for if not literally this?
>"I will invent completely new goalposts"
>"I somehow still lost the argument"
>they'll somehow ''BTFO'' China in the Pacific
No we know exactly how we'll BTFO chinks in the Pacific. You're screeching about only 1 (one) component of it lol.
I find it funny that this missile legitimately makes tankies and wumaos utterly piss and shit themselves.
All America did was tilt a missile sideways and strap it on a Super Bug holy shit
Their only saving grace is knowing how expensive these fuckers are.

We aren't going to lob a $4-5M missile at just anything.
Place your bets, I think it's a subsonic fighter with that loadout.
Almost certainly but functionally it doesn't matter much.
If it was ruskie or chinkshit engines probs, but nah superbug would still be zippy under that load
Even if it were, who gives a shit?

Do you honestly think an F/A-18E/F with 4x AIM-174Bs, 3x AMRAAMs and 2x Sidewinders is going to be concerned about winning a footrace?

Nah, the superbug is pretty slow, the airframe isn't optimized and the canted pylons really hurt aerodynamic performance.
Well, even if it by some miracle manages to get above mach 1 it certainly won't be a fuel efficient mission profile.
But given the AIM-174s it wouldn't need it to help loft missiles in the same way as with AIM-120s.
Wasn't much to worry about. I do notice the 50 shekel army stationed at Eglin AFB gnash their teeth every time there's a plane thread.

lmao even

> On 26 December 2023, the USS Laboon shot down three ASBMs in the Red Sea fired by Houthi rebels with multiple SM-6s. This was its first intercept of a ballistic missile in combat

> On 30 January 2024, the USS Carney shot down an ASBM in the Gulf of Aden fired by Houthi rebels with an SM-6. This was the first combat interception of a ballistic missile by the SM-6 publicly acknowledged by the DoD

Where are the Chinese combat intercepts?
Doesn't have to worry about getting shot down because they'll always be out of range thanks to missile range and F-35 data link.
They're meant to be missile trucks for the F-35, which provides the locks while they stay out range. It's great because F-35 no longer needs to compromise stealth by opening its weapon bay when they can just summon AIM-174s at any time.
>being called a retard broke this shill
Why does one simple missile for the Navy's specific purposes that was developed in only a few years cause them to melty?
We're talking about the F/A-18, not the F-18.
Oh hi helmettard
The F/A-18 doesn't need MADL.

The F-35 doing the "spotting" has MADL, and can provide targeting information to the AIM-174B.

Remember, the AIM-174B is just an air launched SM-6, and the SM-6 has already been fired from a destroyer, and used an F-35 with MADL for targeting.

There is no difference between that and an F/A-18 lobbing an AIM-174B into the distance for an F-35 up ahead providing the targeting data.
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Ask the Chinese that. Where are the SM6 hypersonic intercepts? If initial reports of SM6 indicate anything, it's probably being buried by the 50 shekel golems ITT

Got a new boogeyman?
>+1 post limit
>-1 (You)
I wonder if the chinkfag in this thread is the same one that spams about chink aircraft carriers.
>Where are the SM6 hypersonic intercepts?
Even the "failed" one you posted about had 1 intercept out of 2.

So good job being retarded I guess.

And it's still more than china has EVER shown, so I'm not sure how you think the US showing successes and failures is somehow worse than china which hasn't shown a fucking thing.
>chinese claims
Might as well be hindustan times for all its worth desu
0.5: Not get SEADed by a SEAD capable force
>seething and chinkshit spamming
I see your back from your vacay, still no meds im guessing?
On the flipside, $4-$8 million to destroy any chink capital ship afloat with zero risk to the USN fleet is a pretty good bargain
I'm still a white american, and i have been the whole time. >>62489643
Why don't we just put a few hard points on an AWAC's to launch these bad bois then. It's a bretty big missile leave them for F-15, F-22, EF-18 Growler (better radar + ecm anyway) and AWACs. Not a pound for Air-to-Ground.
These are too big and dumb for multiroles like the F35, F16 and F18.
>helmettard is white
Yeah i dunno, you pretty vehemetly defended turkshit, chinkshit, and ruskie trash. I dunno what flavor of lesser being you are but you arent white

I'm the one calling him out this entire thread.

If you read this post >>62491236 and think I'm SUPPORTING him you're a fucking retard.
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So what are the chances that chinkshill can't read chinese
How did Tim Cruise ever recover from this?
ITT: Riceniggers seething
Superbug is the slowest Fighter aircraft in US service.
We could weaponize several thousand
T-38 Talon trainers into light multiroles and the superbug would still be slower.
>better radar
They've got the same radar

APG-79 has been in service since the mid 2000s and has been actively replacing the older APG-73 in early super hornets.
>Even the "failed" one you posted about had 1 intercept out of 2.
Where do you see that? A pair were fired at a single MRBM surrogate target and there was a failure to intercept. Which means it's 0 for 2 for ol Shit Missile 6.

So good job being retarded I guess. America has shown more than China yes, more failures. Whether China is better or worse is yet to be seen.

Nothing will satisfy you

What made you seethe enough to spam first? Namedropping your bumfight tulpas unprompted, tells me that this is a recurring event for you
>Where do you see that? A pair were fired at a single MRBM surrogate target and there was a failure to intercept. Which means it's 0 for 2 for ol Shit Missile 6.
Nope, the 2021 test it's reference is this one

> On 29 May 2021, Flight Test Aegis Weapon System 31 Event 1, a salvo of two SM-6 Dual II missiles failed to intercept two medium-range ballistic missiles; only one MRBM was intercepted.

now kill yourself, chink faggot.
>still no meds
>still nothing but bullshit chink claims
You are both shitskins either way, judging by the shade of pigeon crap on my window. And you dare wear that on your sleeves?

Oh so the target would have still gotten hit? Wonderful. Don't kill yourself, nigger faggot, just go down with the ship with some semblance of honor

Seems you're off yours for you to perseverate like this. Many such cases!
The problem is that in a shooting war with the Implessives, the US land-based airbases are going to get smacked by a shitload of missiles in the opening phase. Any bases in the Philippines and Japan (and probably Osan in SK) are going to get targeted by a fuckin of cruise missiles because the Chinese are gonna try to blow their entire wad to make them useless. Land based fighter aircraft are not going to be able to be relied on in the opening few weeks because of that. There are AWACS that will be available because they can operate from bases much further back, but they won't be able to detect J-20s without also being in range of the PL-15s. Same with AEGIS radars, they're going to need to be within 100-200 miles of J-20s to be able to even see them at all (not including the shorter distance that will be needed to get a targeting track) which is dangerous since presumably the Chinese have the ability to cue their land or air based AShMs based on a more rudimentary form of sensor fusion that the US has right now. The Navy has really fucked up by scaling back F-35 buys, at this point they need to scrap the Constellation class clusterfuck and throw all that funding into buying more F-35s since they're a lot more "self contained" with regards to targeting and survivability when fighting against stealth aircraft than F-18E/Fs + supporting radars.
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>oh so i'm moving the goalposts again?
looks like it
The idea china can do some last second supplies attack against SK/Japan/Taiwan/Philippines simultaneously without the US knowing about it well in advance is a joke.

The idea that a war against china STARTS with ALL allied land-based airbases being craters is a pipe dream china WISHES they could make a reality but realistically never can.
Of course the US will see any preparations long in advance, but the point still stands that there is not going to be a way to intercept the missile spam of an opening salvo. The USAF can move the aircraft stationed there when a buildup is detected, but even if the F-35s do get moved to a safe area further back, I have 0 doubt that the Chinese will use a few dozen runway cratering munitions on those airbases anyway. At that point it's going to take a few weeks to get crews in those areas safely enough to fix up the airfields enough to rebase the F-35As there. I'm sure the Chinese will be sure to send a dozen or two missiles at these bases when the engineering units land to unfuck the damage so it's going to take time to get the F-35As back into action. The opening weeks of this war are going to be decided by naval aircraft on our side at least, and as much as it's probably an overestimation, we have to take the Chinese claims at face value for their J-20s and missile stockpiles because on the 5% chance that they aren't largely bullshitting then we need to prepare for it
>but the point still stands that there is not going to be a way to intercept the missile spam of an opening salvo

You DO remember the rocket forces just had like 40 upper staff purged in the last 2-3 years for corruption and graft?

They are not in a position to unleash 1000s of long range missiles just to start a war they're going to lose
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We witnessed the Iranians attempt that same style of missile spam earlier this year and 95% of it was stopped.
Rapid runway repair is so easy even Iraqis managed it in Desert Storm.
>Just do salvo bro just like my video games
Is this where you tell everyone that china is developing its own secret weapon, Rapid Eagle™
Or that they managed to nigger rig gorillion long range missiles on a J-15. Also read >>62491313
No wonder the A wing was always my favorite Star wars fighter
Are you having a stroke or something? It's basically an sm6 sans launch booster. The SM6 has a published range of greater than 250nm when surface launched. That is to say, 250nm is well below the actual range and when launched from altitude the range is even greater than that
It doesn't have the booster the surface launched version has, but it should roughly equalize from being launched from an airborne platform.

The AIM-174B likely has a slightly reduced, or nearly identical range to the regular SM-6.
>you're out of your depth
>says the man currently throwing one hell of a temper tantrum over observed facts
If you really do know what you're talking about you'd have explained it by now. You're just a fag by any measure
This is the west coast stan-eval squadron (can tell from the livery) out of Pt. Mugu NAS. Hopefully we will spam these and have that kind of inventory eventually but this is a test pilot doing captive carry / EM compatibility / caps & lims testing not an operational fleet squadron.
>Link 16
Surely a learned scholar such as yourself is well aware of CEC by now... Surely...
Yeah, the actual likely loadout is 2x AIM-174B, not 4x.
This is what I'm saying, this is very likely correct, I very much doubt that the Chinese could coordinate this given the inherent corruption of autocratic systems like the CCP. But we have to make the assumption that they CAN because if they manage to stomp out their corruption better than the retard Russians then the outcome will be dangerous for us. If we prepare like they can but in reality they are completely unable to do that, it'll make stomping them even easier. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best
The Iranians did try it, but the Iranian attack was also 50% slow drones. The 150 ballistic + cruise missiles were mostly shot down by Arrow 3, David's Sling and AEGIS interceptors. The problem I see is that China has enough missiles that they can fire off 200-300 missiles at these airbases and unless we have a half dozen Arleigh Burkes stationed around every airbase that we are willing to have expend most of their SM-3s and a lot of their SM-6s. There is also the question of quantity, the navy only procured 166 SM-3s over the last 3 years. They need to get their head out of their ass and increase production by 3-5x
Half of Japan's navy is floating missile interceptors and they're building two dedicated Aegis ships with 128 VLS cells for the early 2030s.

South Korea is also attempting to follow.
>USAF is king of SEAD
Eh, not really. Not for a long time anyway. The prowler and later the growler have been the DODs only dedicated SEAD/DEAD specialists for longer than almost everyone on here has been alive. USAF ato routinely request Navy EA birds to support strike packages, a prowler going down for maintenance and ACC deciding to send the strike anyway (only one flown without Navy overwatch) is how that F117 was shot down. Air force is way better than the Navy at many things but navair have been the SEAD/DEAD experts for like 30 years at least
>why plan for something that'll never happen?
Ziggers and China deniers are the same people.
Acknowledging that china doesnt have the capabilities it claims is not the same as being unprepared for them, as this thread topic illustrates.
I'm just saying it's retarded to fear monger about a capability they don't have.

Feel free to properly prepare/plan against a Chinese attack, but making up bullshit claims about china's capabilities isn't really helping anything
Salvoing a bunch of cruise missiles 300 miles away with INS corrected by China's GPS ripoff isn't that hard (relatively) other than getting the TELs and land based launchers coordinated. They don't need to hit super accurately/directly because it's all static land based targets they can fire off a shitload of missiles at. Statistically they will hit a lot of what is important just from sheer numbers. They have the time and area to do this because they aren't limited by having to respond to anything, they have the luxury of first strike. I tried translating that document with DeepL but it was kinda nonsensical, something about intercept rates but I couldn't really understand what it was saying.
This is a big advantage of allies for sure, but this is what makes me nervous. It incentivizes the Chinese to attack in the next 10 years because it gets exponentially more difficult the better armed the Japanese and Koreans get. If we can make the first strike untenable until then, then it will get too difficult for them to even attempt it.
Xi isnt gonna do shit now that big daddy russia has shown itself to be pants on head retarded. He knows any attempt at a taiwan invasion is gonna be hyperbloody and was counting on russia to add deterance for us involvement
it already essentially is untennable.

When russia popped off in Ukraine, China started counting their chickens, they started finding BIG graft problems in the rocket forces and elsewhere in their military/government. It's why they fired like two dozen generals and a bunch of colonels. I think when they started their deep dive look into their readiness for an attack on Taiwan in the next ~5 years (in 2021), they realized they had big issues to address first, so they're attempting to address the massive issue of graft, and it's part of their 10 year plan or whatever to curb graft across the government and military.

I think if china didn't find those major issues in 2021/22/23 we might've seen them pop off against Taiwan in 2027, but as it stands today? I don't see china risking it. Too much to lose, too little to gain, and the US carries a big stick.
Who replaced them then? China strategy still depends on Missile spam, you won't help yourself by covering your eyes and expecting it to go away.

>test still failed
Don’t forget GI joe boomer
>SM-6 is 0 for 2
>The test you're talking about was 1 success and 1 miss
>no it wasn't you're wrong
>yes it was, here is the proof

you look more retarded with every post, but I'm happy to keep this up with you, I've already been here since 4am >>62489305, what's another 10-12 hours?
>China strategy still depends on Missile spam, you won't help yourself by covering your eyes and expecting it to go away.
Good thing the us hasnt and has dispersed anti missile batteries in the region, and aegis ships, and friends. Keep on coping about it tho

>chinese tests never fail because they wont test to failure
lol the chinkbot really got so broken it's applauding own goals like a victory. You can tell that one really got to them too when they try to copy it like a seething little child :)
Maybe you're right, I guess it depends on how confident they feel they can unfuck whatever clusterfuck of corruption was left behind in their rocket and Air forces after they fired those guys. I guess we won't know if they basically have given up on invading because I can't see them overtly saying it so it makes sense to keep rapidly increasing production now. I just wish the USN could stop shitting the bed in every single goddamn procurement they make
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They used the T3c2 threat representative (DF-17) target test missile to test said SM-6 against. As you can see, it has a winged/blended lifting body under that cover. It's also why they blur out the RV on the C-17 air launched MRBMs/IRBMs.
>It's literally called the PL21
>in testing
ror rmao ewen
>The problem I see is that China has enough missiles that they can fire off 200-300 missiles at these airbases
Proof? And before the launch vehicles get blown up? What good is a reload when your launcher is a smoldering mess?
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>they can fire off a shitload of missiles
With what platform?
>They have the time and area
No they don't
>Implying the china war will be fought with fog of war turned on
Anyway that paper is from china weird wargame that started chink shill screeching how they can just spam missiles with absolute confidentiality, and it has bunch of bullshit
>It assumes their missiles has 80% reliability to hit the target
>It assumes SM-6 are not capable to intercept ballistic missiles, only the SM-3
>It assumes all the planes they launched from six different airbases went smoothly without the US knowing
>it assumes the carrier is doing nothing
>180km engagement range from the coast
The funniest part is probably the fact that they used CMO to wargame and they need to mod the game so their hypersonic missiles won't get intercepted so easily
An annoying number of people in this thread haven't read the CSIS report on how China's rocket artillery forces are going to be used. The correct position is:
>China has a large stockpile of surface-lunched missiles
>This stockpile contains AShBMs, MRBMs, SRBMs, IRBMs, cruise missiles, and long range SAMs
>the United States is capable of intercepting all of these threats
>it is possible America's AD umbrella can be overwhelmed by these threats
>this is not a reason to abandon Taiwan; it is a reason to invest even more heavily in its defense
>stuffing as many SM-6s onto aerial shooters as possible is a very effective part of that investment
>Called a boomer
Fuck me even that's too old for me and I watched the old Scooby Doo cartoons on TV.
>Always thought of it as the F-16 (nimble fighter)
>Find out it was a glued together F-14 fuselage
>Can't unsee
My scenario still stands
I honestly love that the standard for the US is so high that the SM-6 not having a 100% success rate against ballistic missiles is held up a huge failing, when the SM-6 is the Navy's general purpose surface-to-air missile and not an actual ABM missile.
I wonder what China uses for their own test targets.
ror rmao ewen
>2 AIM-9s
>2 AIM-120s
>2 AIM-174s
>2 Makos (pending)
Pair that with an F35 up ahead and it's like Poseidon himself watching the waves
Why the fuck did they build the thermal sensor into the drop tank? What happens if you drop the tank?
Now give that F-35 a JATM or two carried internally
God I loved SwatCats. What was their jet called again? So fucking cool man.
You lose the sensor. What happens when a missile explodes?
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That's so stupid.
I used to have a webm where some anime girls in jets were fighting a giant monster with a single eye. The monster attacked them by shooting its eye at them like a frog's tongue. Was that SwatCats?
no one has fired a hypersonic at an SM6 equipped target
the Russians did fire a hypersonic at a PATRIOT, and it got shot down, so we can at least use that to predict what is going to happen if a much more capable missile is used for interception instead
Hyperbolics are for women and faggots. Which one are you?
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Rather give it an AARGM-ER to knock out the Ship's radar first before it sends the targeting data back to the F/A-18's so they can destroy it without worrying about missile defense. OR, the F-35 can just hack into the networked radar system (IADS) with SUTER and take control of the system, allowing it to be hit.
You don't drop the tank. Experience has shown that a centerline tank on the F/A-18E/F is never dropped in any combat situations, besides dire ones, and at that point, who gives a fuck? You AIM-9X and radar still work.
Well, if I throw a baseball to you at 100mph, you could catch it easily. But if I throw it 2m over your head, you can't catch it. The point is, intercepting a missile of any speed is easy if the missile is heading to the location of your intercepting launcher. This is why we put the SAMs right next to the sites they protect from missiles.
Don't you mean histrionics?
your mistake is assuming Xi is a rational actor
He's recently bought into the same "colour revolution" conspiracy theory that sent Putin into Ukraine and is steadily removing all the generals and advisors who were telling him that starting a war with America is a bad idea
But having a drop tank limits an f-18 to just 5G turns.
the thing is not every fighter plane is a stealth fighter, on both sides, so a non-stealth plane has a very high chance of fighting another non-stealth plane
and they just have a lot of legacy planes lying around, so its more additive to their fleet of stealth fighters than a replacement of one
having 2 planes beats having 1 plane, even if the additional plane is older
No pilot is going to be doing more than 5 gs sustained. Instantaneous G's aren't going to be a problem in a wartime scenario, either, as airframe life isn't the main concern at that point, surviving and killing the enemy is.

Where are you getting 5 Gs for an F/A-18E/F with a centerline drop tank equipped?
I got it from Google. No reason to disagree with it.
Can you link the source? I found some forum member mention 5 Gs when fully loaded with from tanks - which means wing stations with at least two tanks and a centerline tank.
I think I used the same source. If the wing pylons can't take more than 5G when holding a drop tank, I see no reason why the center pylon should be any different.
It's not that they can't, it that at that point - depending on fuel load inside the drop tank - it starts to stress the hard points and airframe structure beyond the wear limit allotted during peace time to maximize air frame life. 5 Gs is a safe limit the Navy deems acceptable in terms of airframe wear.
>continue dreaming about the F18 networking with an F35 that gets undetected within 40 miles of an enemy stealth interceptor to guide the F18's wunderwaffe payload
wait a second, do you somehow actually not know about this?
they used the same system to turn JDAM into a actively guided PGM a few years back, its literally the backbone behind NATOs entire IADS
we've reached a point now where not just F35's, but other planes, drones or even soldiers on the ground can cue off missiles from any launch platform that happens to be in range - like the Ukies with their uber arty but for everything instead of just artillery shells
the fact that he said Canadian is a dead given way
he is a chink, he just calls himself "white" because he has paler skin than a nigger
You don't have to intercept them all, just the ones heading for stuff that isn't easy to repair or replace
So, for example, runway cratering missiles will be ignored while the ones heading for capital radar installations will get intercepted
I want to see some surfwar intern get tasked with launching these out of a Virginia VLS for meme shots that blast AWACS when there are no carriers anywhere nearby

With inert missiles? Don't think that's scaring anyone.
Anon, the inert missiles are used to test/prove what is possible

If they're flying with 4 inert testing objects, that means they are thinking about flying with 4 real missiles too.

> tests are always successful
> We also have an infinite supply of whatever weapon we need

Okay. China is now doomed and the Navy will be sailing nuclear carriers up the Yangtze.
>China is now doomed
Two threads up, *piles* of copium and bitter seething, and the wumaos and tankie faggots STILL have can't figure out a solid cope against the AIM-174B lmao
>accidental self-own
>If the wing pylons can't take more than 5G when holding a drop tank, I see no reason why the center pylon should be any different.
Very compelling evidence anon.
There is also limits on some drop tanks while feeding from them, but in those cases it's more a fuel system pump limitation rather than a pylon issue.
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>Just Google everything I said
Google is telling you to take your meds
>If the wing pylons can't take more than 5G when holding a drop tank, I see no reason why the center pylon should be any different.
You don't see a single reason why a pylon on the main fuselage of the aircraft would be stronger than ones on the wings?
Why would they put all of this armament on a single aircraft? Is this just a test/photo OP?
Likely a max load test to see how much fuel they'd need to dump before being able to land with that kind of loadout.

They really dislike having to drop munitions if they can avoid it.
>There is also limits on some drop tanks while feeding from them, but in those cases it's more a fuel system pump limitation rather than a pylon issue.
IIRC the F-16 can suffer from fuel starvation if you're running two wing tanks in max afterburner for a prolonged period of time, as the engine is capable of pulling something like 50,000 lb per hour while the pumps from the wing tanks to the center tanks are only capable of putting out 25,000 lb per hour. If you stay in AB for long enough you'll run the internal tanks dry, the wing tanks won't be able to pump enough fuel and you flame out. If you were to do the exact same thing in max military power the wing tanks would refill the internal tanks just fine and all you'd notice is the expected behavior, the wing tanks emptying while all other tanks stay full.

Plenty of dumb little restrictions like that.
>What happens to angular momentum when the radius is expanded dozens of feet and the same torque applied?
Same reason you can stand in the hub of a merry go round and be fine, or stand at the rim of one and get thrown off.
no. australia's politicians are fuckheads. the airforce had been asking for forever for f22's. or new manufacture F15-_'s at least.

the politicans gave them... 2nd hand hornets and upgrade plans to super hornet.
To be fair, export restrictions likely would've stopped Australia (or anyone else) from getting Raptors, but yeah Aussie Eagles would've been nice.
but hey they are getting a nuke sub (without nukes) sometime 2040 (if there are no more delays in US shipyards)
this. australia suffers for having totally JUNK gear hat NEVER EVER gets replaced with new stuff at least.

jesus fucking christ, when the army got sent to afghanistan they had exactly 15 minutes of ammunition for the entire army sent there. the army armourers had to use this godawful toxic ass chemical slurry barrel cement shit, pour it into the ancient steyr barrels worn SMOOTHBORE by so much use, wait for the gunk to dry and then HAND redrill the barrels with augurs to put new fake rifling in the barrels.

which all wore out in a few thousand rounds because the slurry was of course, just some crap that degraded far far faster than BUYING NEW BARRELS.

just because the fucking assclown bean counters who decided to buy the steyr for the ADF decided at the time to NOT BUY A BUNCH OF EXTRA SPARE BARRELS on the rifle explicitly designed to have a pathetically easy hot-swap barrel.

THAT is the level of ligitimate bean-counter retardation you're dealing with in the ADF. ALL their gar is cheap and fucking broken worn out SHIT. it IS JUNK.
which is stupid since we were OFFERED an entire maritime industry MIC base built here, employing australians trained by all the euro's to build a very, very quiet diesel, fitted out with the best gear.

instead, the politicians are going to buy ORIGINAL design and fit out hand me down yank nuke subs.

its the fucking ASW destroyer debacle all over again.

FIRST, the navy asks for current to next gen euro hulls, and current to next gen US fittout.

sooo the ADF are given... Last gen us hulls and last gen euro fittout.

and JUST to rub MORE fucktardation into the wounds, the first ones are built for anti air, so all the big noisy crap like engines etc are built into the keel. and half way through building them the navy gets told to have them built as sub hunters. so now all the sensitive gear they have is RIGHT next to all the noisy crap.
the NEXT round of boats, to go with this sub hunting, are built with their noisy shit right at the top near the deck...
AND HALFWAY THROUGH they're told to finish them as Anti air! so all the radars and crap installed are right next to all the noisy heavy machiner and crap.

so not only where they NEVER going to be VERY GOOD anyway. but every single boat is built exactly ASS BACKWARDS to how it is supposed to, in order to do its damn fucking job.

the sub program was going to cost Australia 35 B initially and leave us with ongoing maintenance and refit and an industry to build boats for our regional partners, meaning the costs after all the taxers and flow on economic returns from the employment etc.. the entire program was going to end up only costing us a few B.

INSTEAD the politicians chose the retarded MORE expensive option.
You're retarded if you think the Virginia/AUKUS-class deal is ANYTHING but a gift for Australia.

You're still getting the industry moron, the only industry you're NOT getting is the reactor portion, as they'll be provided to you in a sealed box and you plug and play.

Australia is still going to be able to build and maintain their own subs. Hell one of the biggest reasons the US and the UK want this deal is so that THEY can use the new Australian sub facilities for maintenance on their subs so they don't have to trudge all the way back to the west coast or to the UK just for basic repairs.
>Aussies fell for the just-in-time six sigma meme.
You’d think of all people the aussies wouldn’t be the ones who fall for japanese bullshito.
australia fell for nothing. the politicians KNEW they were gimping and assfucking the ADF and just didn't CARE. because MYSTERIOUSLY the cheapass retardway of doing things alwaysworked out almost as much as the NOT retarded way... and the difference between how much cheaper it was SUPPOSED to be and how much it ended up being...

always happened to land millions of dollars in the politicians pockets and their friends.

PLEASE do not think of australia as a first world, western 'democracy'. we are EXACTLY as corrupt and shitty a place as the fucking HONDURAS when it comes to white collar crime and police and government corruption.
American pixels are small and effeminate. Chinese pixels are large and strong.
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>Just not so subtly reminding everybody who really owns the Pacific.
this is objectively WORSE than like 90% of "thirdie" military's on the planet

like turkey and greece and like brazil, singapore lol saudi arabia, you name it.. could dog walk any (insert eu nation)'s military, and it wouldnt even be close

even poland is just untrained tard conscripts, and not even a "real" military
meanwhile, singapore of all places currently operates f35's

lol what is actually going on in the world military wise, geopolitically in the 'west'
>rcs of not stealth
>has to get well within range to lock on fa18
>while getting spotted by actual stealth jets
Probably also spotted by an E-2D
And sat when it took off
That's because Australia doesn't actually make anything. Their a resource extraction cow for real countries.
>inb4 some kangaroo starts moaning about how they used to bolt together holdens so dogshit that not even they wanted to buy them
fuck off.
Feel bad for china, japan is looking to put up its own sat network that can do high-quality monitoring of the entire Asian region 24/7.
unfortunately ford and holden should have been a wake up call to australians. it was massive government overeach of retarded taxes, regulations and auditing that ford and holden both had to pay for. which made the cars shittier and unprofitable. then the government gave some of the money they stole at gunpoint from everyone back by subsidising the two companies they had grabbed by the balls and squeezed until they cried uncle.

the australian government is like, a really retarded gangster. they stoodover the only shop in a one horse town and broke the shopkeepers legs so he couldn't work anymore. then got mad when the shopkeeper went bankrupt.
Yeah, between that and so ko getting it together, vietnam fucking hating them, taiwan stepping it up and the ever present us AND russia fucking up a gimme invasion using shit their stuff is based on, china seething for the next 20 years in impotence is a certainty
>Australia's fleet is past it's life cycle, far too many flight hours and can't be maintained or upgraded significantly so that they are worth it for whatever few hours they have left. Australia couldn't even give them away to Ukraine because they're borderline junk, about to step over the border and become junk.
You're conflating two different things. The F/A-18As have been retired for several years now and replaced with F-35s. The "fleet we're maintaining," is two squadrons of F/A-18Fs that were bought as an interim stopgap replacement when the F-111 was retired and a handful of F/A-18G Growlers that were bought as a supplemental EW capability. Australia has not flown its "classic" F/A-18As in some years now. There is no debate around life cycle.
>since we were OFFERED an entire maritime industry MIC base built here, employing australians
That's still happening fucking moron

> The Royal Australian Navy will acquire five SSN-AUKUS class boats that will be built at the Osborne Naval Shipyard in South Australia. A new submarine construction yard will be constructed at Osborne to be known as the Submarine Construction Yard. The Royal Australian Navy boats will be built by a joint venture between ASC, who constructed and maintain the Collins class, and BAE Systems.

Stop being a whiny fear-mongering bitch.
Hot fuck usa just casually makes a targets to match the unstoppable "hypersonic". Need to cut the transatlantic cables so the thirdies really have nothing.
No moron. The reason the F117 was shot down was because they kept the same routine and didn't keep very good OPSEC around the base.
You can probably mount AIM-174Bs to E-8s anyway.
Oh, would you like to explain why a drop tank on the wing pylon would have any less of a G rating than a center pylon tank? This ought to be good.

I bet you they're the same.
Russia still hasn't wiped out Ukraine's airbase 3 years in. It borders the country and can attack it from 3 directions.

China must strike well defended bases spread across thousands of miles; it's incapable of such a complex attack.
Okay? The only time it would need to do that is dodging a missile. So it would have to drop the tank anyways.
>see no reason why the center pylon should be any different.
Torque is a function of both applied force AND distance from the point of rotation
we ace combat now
What happens to the wings of an aircraft under high G loading? How would attaching tanks with several hundred gallons of fuel affect the mechanics at play?
Why would the wings fail before the pylon?
>What happens to the wings of an aircraft under high G loading?
They get pushed up. If anything the fuel tanks would be trying to counter that with centrifugal force, which would help the wings.
>2 stealth aircraft were shot down
Serb spotted. Only one F-117 was lost. If a second one was shot down that shit would be on display in Belgrade like the other one.
NTA, but US sources do seem to confirm it.

> American sources state that a second F-117 was targeted and damaged during the campaign, allegedly on 30 April 1999. The aircraft returned to Spangdahlem Air Base, but it supposedly never flew again.
Not exactly what I would call being 'shot down' but sure.
>Stealth aircraft work up fixes on jets
>Absolute wall of AIM-174Bs from beyond standoff range depart their F-18s
>Changs get all of the real world parachute testing data they could ever ask for
>Angry internet posts about how the US is crumbling and their military is full of DEI trannies accelerates
well you could read his post fully i guess? He explains exactly what he means just after that.

>2 stealth fighters were shot down (well, 1 was shot down, the other was damaged and had to return to base)
I am phone posting and it was cutoff. Plus I zone out with walls of text on this site since most of the time its someone on an incoherent rant.
>he guis Russia and China are the same country, right? If Russia can't fix a pothole then surely China can't? I mean, the Chinese must even be worse because they're not white!

I mean it recieved combat damage that prevented it from taking off ever again. I dunno what else you would call that
>it's called first world not first world's

Confirmed ESL
Did they paint it yellow because the enemy would not expect a banana?
gotta save face after they ran away from yemen lol
I was looking into this recently and my fried brain couldn't really wrap my head around how the increase in bring back weight works between the Super Hornet and the regular Hornet. An empty F/A-18C is something like 25,000 lbs and has a max trap of 34,000 with some restrictions. I'm also aware that at least in the Hornet, tanker fuel state was 3,000 lbs and you had to be on the ball with tanker fuel state + 2 passes worth of fuel (500 a pass CASE I and 1000 a pass for CASE III).

From what I can see about the Super Hornet, it weighs about 31,500 lbs empty and has a max trap of 44,000. I was under the impression bring back weight included the weight of the fuel aswell but now that I look over all this I think the answer was just right in front of me and that it DOESN'T include fuel. The math should work out given that the number I've heard quoted for bring back weight on the legacy Hornet is 4,000 lbs
not a very realistic show, but a fun one
I see you're well-informed

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