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Lets have a privately made firearm thread with an emphasis on the fcg9. Jstark was a heroic guy and is missed, Ivan has also been doing incredible work. Sorry the nyt doxxed you Ivan.
Reading the articles all implying or outright calling them extremists gave me pause, but giving it some thought they are extremists about the bill of rights. I guess that would be shocking in areas without rights.
Neat. He apparently doesn't live too far from me.
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Vote for his aunt.
When did the nyt dox Ivan?
citizens of Myanmar avoided being genocided thanks the the FGC 9 , yet the media will choose to ignore it.
to hurt him.and the people around him.
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Fucking cunts.
>NYT journalist Thomas Gibbons-Neff, who wrote the article doxxing [Ivan], has to wear a special hat when he watches movies because his brain likes to make his body dance sometimes. His brain damage was so severe that he can only work as a journalist now.
>His brain damage was so severe that he can only work as a journalist now.
Jesus fucking Christ lol
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Would it defeat the purpose of that if I made one out of bar stock rather than plastic?
i don't know why you would, it would be easier to just make any other gun that way
i get making it's parts out of metal, but whole whole thing? might as well be making a cz scorpion out of bar stock while you're at it
You can make a STEN out of literal plumbing, The FGC9 is a meme for apartment dwellers.
Don't kid yourself.
The comments on the article are great
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Maybe a semi mac11, I've been wanting to do a scratch build. Or I could try getting started on a blowbAK again, I cut the flat but got distracted by something. I'm suprised more of those aren't seen, seems like a pretty simple build and the documentation is out there.
I was hoping no one would post an actual link. Here's an archived one so they don't get any revenue from their petty attack.

>Are there any remixes that take a commercial barrel, like for a Glock or whatever?
yeah, plenty
its super modular
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More adapters there too

Ok, well, I'll nuke mine. I didn't realize they even had ads on it, I've got UBlock Origin running and don't see any.
Many thanks! Now if I can just get OrcaSlicer to work somehow. Need those tree supports.
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'preciate it, don't want to drive traffic if we can help it.
>From his (STATE REDACTED) home, he champions guns for all. The Times confirmed his real name and linked the firearm he helped design to terrorists, drug dealers and freedom fighters in at least 15 countries.
>The Times sent an interview request and an article summary to Mr. XXXXX's email address. A reply from an Ivan the Troll account declined to answer questions and said that he did not believe he would be treated fairly.
GEE I WONDER WHY? Name/state redacted because rule 4 and not being a piece of shit.

Sept 10 13:19 works better as it doesn't have the stupid support muh website at the bottom that blocks half the article.
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>claymore mine
Oh yeah man! I love printing those out and handing them to neighborhood kids, it really helps the local community stay vibrant and energetic!
What's going on with that barrel on the AR on the top left? It looks a bit scuffed, like it was homemade.
How dare people give others the means to defend themselves!?! A few times a year the police have to risk their lives taking these killing machines from othwise law abiding people in Europe!
>Name/state redacted because rule 4 and not being a piece of shit.
Fuck Jannies do they not know what a phone book is
It's not like you can un-dox him
hitchhiker on the printer.
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You can't stop it from spreading but you can stop spreading it.
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if I wasn't a retard, I would have posted a picture.
What is the cheapest, easiest gun to make?
Was wondering what you meant, looks like you've got your settings dialled in.
A slamfire shotgun. Honorable mention to a center punch zipgun. Third is a stacked sheetmetal derringer.
Eventually you start needing more than $50-100 worth of tools, or want repeating weapons instead of single-shots that look like hammered ass. Then a 3DP setup is more attractive. Where they come in most handy is when you already have access to a printer and need a halfway-decent gun (especially something simple and well-understood like a Glock clone), or when you need to supply a large number of people with guns with a limited number of machine tools and machinists. Or you're just a shitty machinist and don't have the years it takes to gitgud and fuck up dozens of times before you finally have something that works. Printing and using an ECM jig takes a huge amount of time compared to hand button rifling, but most of that time is unsupervised. So in a garage setup it uses an hour or two of unskilled labor for a completed barrel instead of half an hour of skilled labor with specialized tools. It's pretty much the same way all down the line.

Think of it like basic word-processing software. Sure, you can hand-write and photocopy a book or carve your own printing type, but that's a huge pain in the ass. Or you can get professional software and spend years learning to use it to make a proper, publishable book. The basic word-processing stuff lets you do the writing and get something that looks passable printed without having to go utterly ghetto or pro.
For me it's the classic Bouncing Betty.
this. a slamfire shotgun is super easy to make if youve got a grinder.
1. add a stock to it, it makes it alot better to use
2. add a loop sling onto the the stock so you can let go of the "lower" while you reload
3. make sure you keep the barrel and everything legal lengths
4. in a pinch the barrel can be used as a club, since it is just a metal pipe

i think it's worth making one just to do it and it's a cheap easy project. you could get more elaborate if you want. ive been considering making a "fancy" slamfire, not sure what direction i want to go with it.
>a slamfire shotgun is super easy to make if youve got a grinder.
no part of a slambang needs a grinder.
i guess if you were trying to make furniture but why when there are more useful tools
That's really disrespectful to dox someone like that. I don't know how people can do that and feel good about themselves. I know journalists are the scum of the Earth, but still.
>Sept 10 13:19 works
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Building an FGC9 was probably one of the most fun and satisfying projects I've ever taken on. Truly makes you feel like gonsmiff. The AR is 300 black and desperately needs an optic riser.
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The pipes don't always exactly nest, all I've tried needed work. I sand out the receiver pipe but grinding the barrel pipe is probably easier.
What parts did you use for the 1911? I've been keeping an eye out for a cheap llama kit but they haven't hit my price point yet.
thats cause you cheaped out on the pipe and theres seams in it to file/sand out
It's a BHP but just a mashup of Argentinian slide and barrel and then completion parts from a practical model.
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ECM barrel
holy shit he actually has to wear a retard helmet lmao. he's a real life dent
Has anyone tried printing one of the ring pistols?

Holy shit, nice. Now only if someone could upload the Daisy Beretta conversion video. =(
Any idea what model it was? Was it a blowback? The common $10 springer doesn't look like it has enough moving parts to work.
do it work?
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About as well as you'd expect. It does what it needs to do.
ehh, that's all that really matters for something homemade.
make sure to rub it in all the retards' faces.
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How much are you paying for pipes to build a trash shotgun with?
>Otherwise law abiding people
I mean, "it works" would apply even to a smoothbore barrel if you're talking about indoor or ambush range conditions.
The NYT has a habit of doxxing small leaders in internet microcosms. Unless they're communists, then it's ok to leave them pseudo anonymous

What a buncha faggots.I hope at least one reporter and one intern was dispatched to read /k/ and got lost in a sea of shitposts
Wow those are some clean results. I'd like to try using ECM to hollow surfaces on hardened tools, do you know where I could look up info on how to get started?
Oh no, the fur nigger who larps as the second coming of John Moses Browning, while claiming sole ownership of the work of a deadman, who dropped out of Engineering School halfway into his third semester, got le hekin doxxedarino. Not like Ivan wasn't a fucking idiot who didn't have digital papertrail the blind, deaf, and retarded could track in about 2 hours of searching. After all, the NYT was able to figure it out, so what does that say about him that he failed so utterly?

The worst thing about Ivan the Faggot getting doxxed is that he's now going to be the defacto face of the home gunsmith community, when there's hundreds of autists putting in actual work into furthering the technology. At least in ways that isn't using a fucking scanner on old pistol receivers to throw together fucking god awful CAD models, and steadily increasing the amount of plastic thrown at every single problem you encounter when making a 3D print.
im not a scope expert but why the fuck put on whats presumably 5x to 16x magnifier on a 9mm that has an effective range of maybe 60 yards
What are some names that you think contribute more to d3 printed guns?
Afaik ivan came up with the ecm method for the fgc9, and some of his other projects are more ambitious than another glock frame.

Have you designed anything or are you just hating from the sidelines?
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You people are based and blessed.
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If you can't get a red dot leaving both eyes open on a scope will give you a targeting reticle. Not ideal, but an option if other sights are unavailable, I imagine there are also some edge cases in the jungle where some magnification helps.
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I believe all the info for the ECM barrel rifiling is in the usual places like odd sea.

There is also this German guy developing a DIY EDM cutting machine that you might want to check out.


Pic unrelated.
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I know the slide was removable and it did indeed move and have its rails. I think it must be the 340. He did a little work to get the trigger parts in the frame to fit and the slide too, sure, but he needed the trigger parts, maybe a real mag catch, a .22 Beretta conversion kit (slide, barrel, spring, guide rod), and I think that was it. Watched it once and it was fucking gone the next time I went to look.
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That little tiny piece-a-chinkshit? Probably a 4x and a bad one which won't hold zero at that. Actually not that bad even as close as 25-35 feet but I'd prefer lower magnification if any at such distances.
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I think this is it?
NYT doxxes someone with information from Fedgov, Fedgov uses the "new information" to create charging documents that they were already aware of. Article is already prejudicing the legal system against Ivan. T-minus 6 months to arrest and trial with "new" constructions of the law.
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>ivan came up with the ecm method for the fgc9
Not true. Jeff Rodriguez did the 3d printed ECM method.
The "original" ECM method was done by a small youtuber from Scandinavia or the Baltics or whatever:
He just carved his mandrel from wood instead of 3d printing.
Ivan basically was the American liaison for JStark, who didn't have access to guns in Germany so he could run shit by Ivan if he needed measurements or testing done.
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If you do that with a 1911 bb gun you just need a .22 conversion kit (slide, barrel and mag) then you file the rails to fit the slide. File the bottom of the slots so the slide doesn't ride too high, file off the plunger that extends into the magwell, open the area in front of the magwell up a little to accommodate the barrel and it should work.
>from Scandinavia or the Baltics or whatever:
Judging by his accent he's probably Estonian.
T. Scandi
virtually impossible to get hands on bullets.
I'm fucking with the bow+ broad heads
Do you have access to unloaded brass?
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thx anon

I don't need it for barrel rifling. I'd like to etch a portion of the back of a chisel to make it easier to flatten, the Japanese do it by grinding before the heat treatment and call this the Ura.

On second hand chisels grinding is just too much work, and you have a good chance of ruining the tool by overheating it. I'd try painting on some wax as resist and electro etch it, I've seen people do something similar with welders to sharpen tools but I'm a little worried at the idea of dunking electrodes from a 150amp welder straight into salty water lol.
Ivan, that one guy in this thread is opposed to out of autistic contrarianism, solved that so long as you can get some type of decorative/inert/spent/unfired brass and ramset blanks.

no, not even the stuff to make the powder. People forget how Jstark got caught. He bought stuff online. It's extremely hard to buy it in person.
I think something like picrel is more realistic and way easier to make.
Just carry two of these. That's 4 rounds.
>T-minus 6 months to arrest and trial with "new" constructions of the law.
nothing will happen. stop looking for something to be a victim about.
nvm, I forgot these existed. it's a better alternative. Obviously harder to make.
Is this just meant to be etching, like for decoration? You'd be better off just doing acid etching if that's the case.
99% of humans who ever lived would be considered right wing extremists by modern standards. Don't worry about labels.
I'm having a hard time believing you live somewhere without powder actuated tools but can still browse /k/
Stark was a Kurd expat

The people actually contributing to firearms cad are either people like Hoffman ACTUALLY engineering shit, or the guys at Rack Robotics building wire EDM conversion kits for 3D printers.

Ivan didn't cone up with shit, let alone invent the ECM method for the FGC9 barrel, the Plastikov is literally just throwing plastic bullshit at a problem until it no longer has any problems, same goes for his plastic MP5 project. Everything else he's done has been scans of actual pistol receivers, with parts kits thrown into them.

And yeah, I've designed shit, thing is I'm not trying to build entire fucking guns out of fucking plastic like a retard, because why would I? Plastic fucking sucks as a workable material, especially compared to aluminum and steel.

And when you're building entire fucking ECM rigs for the FGC9, all to shoot fucking 9mm, why not just drop the act and use 3D printing to build an actual fucking rifle? You know, something that will actually put the fear of god into a Stasi and his long nosed handler.
Ivan is in Illinois. Pigster will come up with something to arrest him over.
Rack Robotics made their V1 plans open-source. Not sure if they've opensourced their V2 plans, but they were selling the V2 as of a few months ago. They did the first run of V2 as a big batch, I don't know if they're in continuous production or are just waiting for the order queue to fill before doing another batch of V2.

chill out hater
you don't have to be offended for other people's relative contribution.
>Is this just meant to be etching, like for decoration? You'd be better off just doing acid etching if that's the case.
No, he's looking for an easy way to do a cold hollow grind without accidentally detempering the edge. Which is incredibly easy on a motorized grinding wheel.
>ruining the tool by overheating it.
Get a CBN wheel. The aluminum body of the wheel sucks heat away, making it much easier to remove significant metal without overheating the temper.
What part of
>Ivan has contributed exactly nothing original to the armed civilian movement, has the ego of being the second coming of history's greatest firearms designer, and given his complete and total innane faggotry, him being the face of the armed civilian movement is a fucking disaster
Do you not understand?

Ivan isn't going to fuck you bro. He only catches.
Hi poop
when cody fed them info in an attempt to ruin ivan and get matt disbarred
If you can piss you can make black powder.

This is a plastic firearm using plastic shells and a heated wire for ignition. A similar ignition system was used to kill poor shinzo Abe.

Guns are medieval technology, if you cant make one you're simply not white.
Crossbows are superior, you can get a modern reverse draw compound pistol crossbow that reaches 400 FPS, or a full size that reaches 500 FPS.

The crossbow is superior in a modern context because you can fire from greater cover or from prone or kneeling.
It’s the same guy that shills for Russia when covering Ukraine war, isn’t it?
>Pigster will come up with something to arrest him over.
no they won't. feel free to screenshot this.
NTA, but im from the UK and getting hold of the stuff to make powder is exceedingly difficult. [spoiler] Guncotton, on the other hand... [/spoiler]
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You don't need to make the powder, you buy ramset or hilti blanks for nailguns, then you harvest the powder and primer from them. Or you can make a zipgun that fires a pellet or ball bearing with them as is.

looks good, I'll definitely try to make one.
This please. I don't keep up with 3D printed guns. I remeber Cody Wilson from back in the day when these first came out. I remeber he was arrested for fucking a 17 year old (SICK FUCK!) who he met off some shady sex site who lied about being 18. And I remeber the extremely (based and redpilled) peaceful guy in Europe who made the FGC9 was killed by police a few years ago. That's all I know.
Matt from FuddBusters is an actual lawyer and is suing Cody for stealing designs.
that can't just work with any 1911 bb gun
>Stark was a Kurd expat
Was Jstark featured in the original ECM video that was mentioned >>62505676 in this post you fucking cunt?
No, you need one with a moving slide like a blowback, an open magwell that takes the co2 style mags, preferably metal frame but it can be a bb or airsoft gun as long as the size is correct, people have done both.
so in addition to questionably being a pedo cody has been stealing designs from people who make the designs for free, charging for them, and also DEFCAD has numerous issues with giving away user info to the feds.
It baffles me that so much effort is put into these 3D printed guns that barely work when you can instead use your printer to make casts and make a gun out of metal rather than fucking plastic

The funniest part is that the one real use for 3D printed guns requires you to cast the ammunition since you can't shoot plastic bullets kek
Blanks use flash powder which burns much hotter and faster
Don't use it unless you can to turn your gun into a grenade
You're thinking of theatrical blanks, which use super fast-burning powder to work with minimal confinement.
Nailgun blanks (aka power loads) are another thing entirely, and do use powder in the same range of burn rates as pistol cartridges.
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There's load data in the pdf, if you're zipgunning it you can proof it on a string with reds or purples and be confident greens won't kb your pipe.
https://archive ph/ldHon
Here's an archive ph link which actually loads.
I feel like one of those options is substantially much more work and difficult to do. Good castings is an entirely different skill than 3d printing.
They can all exist, same as the guys sayibg get a mill and lathe, but to deny the different barriers to entry is borderline intellectual fraud.
Is it possible to mirror a cadwg to make a true left hand eject gun without paying Cabot prices?
>I remeber he was arrested for fucking a 17 year old (SICK FUCK!) who he met off some shady sex site who lied about being 18.
>t. She was seventeen years, three hundred sixty-four days, twenty-three hours, and fifty-seven minutes old, YOU PERVERT!!!

Well, akshually the one CW fucked was either 15 or 16, I forget which, but she lied about her age to the website and was prostituting herself anyway, so. . . . It's not like he despoiled the innocence of a three-year-old, people. Make all the arguments you want, the girl was whoring herself out for $300 an hour.
16 is legal in half the US states without any specific exemption such as "romeo and Juliet" laws dependent on the man's age.
>The funniest part is that the one real use for 3D printed guns requires you to cast the ammunition since you can't shoot plastic bullets kek

Plastic case, plastic gun, primerless ignition

3d printed bullets (HDPE, Polypropylene, and delrin are much better, but still)





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Note, you dont ACTUALLY have to make it out of plastic, jackoff, nor do you have to make it an actual pump action.

A single shot pipe with the same ignition was able to kill the former prime minister of japan in broad daylight.
Seems like a political smear attack, but he was the one banging hookers.
If we are talking about 1911s it should be possible to mirror the ejector, cut the left side of the slide open and mirror the extractor. If you are good with files and a drill anyway. You'd probably have to fab a left hand ejector but can probably just flip the extractor.
You know this is illegal, right?
Some places. Some places it's illegal to love whoever you want or to practice your religion.
No need to project muhammad
No it's not.
t. rightful emperor of all central banks
Gunsmithing is legal in America and I could give two shits about any other country I hope every country on this planet has a civil war.
One thing I kind of want to do as a project is make my own . 22lr out of these. So far my plan is
> Make mold out of clay and an actual 22 round
> Get lead pellets
> Put 2 pellets in each mold hole, pour wax in, place a 22 blank in to cap it off
Any thoughts on the intelligence or legality of my plan? Ideally I'd like my ruger unexploded and my dog unshot.
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Anon you left the tracking data on your links
just copy paste the fucking link from your browser.
Washington State, Jew York, and Commieforya banned 3d printing guns.
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If everyone in England concealed carried, that would be a lot of White Supremacists. Probably like 95% of the population at least.
Whenever the media ignores an elephant in the room, it's because mega wealthy investors were probably betting (in a literal sense there is investment gambling) on it happening.
I remember a Polish home gunsmith made his own smg and ammo (metal fab not 3D printing) using these. He started with AK blanks, cutting the neck off on the lathe and turning an offset hole at the back of the case. The offset hole put the rim of the blank at the center of the shell, making it centerfire. The more powerful nail gun blanks are about equivalent to 9mm in terms of power.

That's what they like about it.

So far FGC9's have been mostly sold to criminals in Europe. This makes sense since dedicated shooters usually joint clubs and get their guns this way, and edgy kids who browse 4chan never commit. The only people who'd purchase or make a SMG illegally that they can never shoot are the people who were already breaking the law anyway and want to defend themselves from competitors.
should start of my starsector campaign again
I already have a 200mm CBN wheel, unfortunately I can only do one width of chisel or use the edge of the wheel and that wears it down pretty fast. I saw a video of a Spanish guy sharpening a steel wire to a point with a stick welder in salty water and I wonder if it would work using some sort of wax as a resist.
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I have a few thoughts, it should be legal, it is done semi commonly in China where diy ramset rifles are common(not legal there.) .22 airgun bores are a slightly different size than .22 rifle bores. I have heard of people running into trouble superglueing pellets to blanks.

That probably isn't accurately representing the numbers being made, we just see the the ones confiscated by police or groups intentionally being showy. People who want a firearm just to defend themselves in case of emergency are hopefully not posting pics and practicing good opsec.
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>.22 airgun bores are a slightly different size than .22 rifle bores.
the rifling is fine its the chamber thats the issue, you have to ream/drill it out. then a case will fit. on some guns its not really possible to access the barrel/ remove it from the gun. on others theres an air seal if you were to remove material then it would be way to thin to safely contain the case going off.
The diameters are different.
Airguns are .218" while .22lr is .222"
That's just wishful thinking. Europe is much more densely populated than the US and ammunition is scarce here. IIRC the police arrested the people who made these guns and then went for their customers.

Imo the most likely scenario is that someone passionate about 3D printed guns starts making them for fun, eventually succeeds, and when he needs money or just gets greedy he starts selling them. Nobody buys them except for criminals, and there we go.
Bless. Thanks, anon :)
>you can instead use your printer to make casts and make a gun out of metal rather than fucking plastic
>The funniest part is that the one real use for 3D printed guns requires you to cast the ammunition since you can't shoot plastic bullets kek
Do you understand that casting lead can be done in a kitchen stove?
Do you understand that casting is a difficult to control process, as you essentially have to control the flow of liquid metal through the mold as it cools down, with common failures being sand inclusions, voids and shrinkage?
Do you understand that cast gun parts still require a milling machine to finish?
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was america
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There are very few 3d gun arrests outside of North America, that any are dude just liked guns argues very strongly for that original facetious claim.

If they weren't there for drugs or a tipoff about an illegal workshop they'll accuse the maker of terrorism, even if he never even made any.
>Polish dude with AK casings and rimfire blanks
FocusOfDarkness. Too based for Europe.
>shotgun shells
You do realize you can make those out of cardboard right?

Oh that's interesting, kinda suspicious how easy it is though, any issues or is it really just swapping one for the other?

On the one hand I'm experienced with both, on the other hand i've never made a gun, atleast not that kind of gun and my argument is mostly theoretical
Once i finally have my license (europoor) i wanna test it out because there is such a focus on pure 3D-printing when a printer solves the problems with casting in the first place

I might be overestimating the average person, everything you mentioned is "easily" doable for me
I feel kinda sad knowing that most of the people who really need these 3D printed guns think they're a honey pot or they're EuroBrained
>everything you mentioned is "easily" doable for me
I've been deep in the casting rabbit hole.
It's a skill.
You don't get to point the finger at the "average person" because the average person can learn a skill.
You're either bullshitting or you earned a skill and go online to pretend you never had to nerd out and fuck up tons of castings until you gained experience.
I don't know why people do this, it's a motive of pride to learn how to do hard things. But people go on the internet dot com and try to pass everything off as "easy" because it makes them seem better than the average.
I've lost the thread, what are you trying to make?

Casting isn't an ideal manufacturing technique for firearms, unless you want to make a clunky hipoint or ring of fire piece.
Based and Legolas-pilled
Shut up bitch nigga.
Shut up bitch.
More who seem to be otherwise law abiding
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Here's a pic btw
What a dogshit article written by statist journo cuck retards.
Sorry you got doxxed Ivan. They really worked hard on this one specific instance. Its a shame they can't work that hard on anything that is actually productive.
pic unrelated
Who cares

>shotgun shells
First link, dipshit.
According to JStark, the FGC-9 was much more accurate and reliable then any handmade metal gun (like a luty).
9mm belt fed using no firearm parts. Its pretty cool but its still in the testing phase. Even the links are printed.
Its one of the cooler projects ive seeb
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Pic related
Possible in 5.7?
Oh shit, he's in Illinoiggers. I hope this hasn't led to any legal issues for him. That must mean he has a FOID card and the local PD know where he is and could come knocking down his door to find his funs. I always assumed he wasn't in a cucked state to avoid any legal issues that would keep him from doing what he does. Also, the shooting vids never really looked very Midwest foresty, must be near the Missouri border or something where the biome is different.
Aren't Luty's all smoothbore? I guess someone could make one with a barrel blank, but that would be impossible to get in a country in the UK where Luty was. The process of ECM machining for barrels really changed the game to make the FGC9 an actual viable PCC.
No idea, i just started reading the documentation. Theres about a 15kpsi difference between them so ive got no idea how that would change things. Im sure at a minimum the links and barrel/chamber would need to be redone to deal with the taper, probably the belt feeding mechanism too.
Its open so feel free to download and try tweaking it yourself.
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Is there any place where all the new 3d printable gun designs are shown?
I know you can download them on odysee but you have to know about them first
There was an awesome telegram channel where they were posting all the cool stuff but I guess it got deleted

Also not talking about shit like defcad with all this bullshit that doesn't work and you have to make an account before you can download a model of a not functioning grenade

Is there anything cool as the AWCY Scorpion?
r/fosscad is the only centralized place I can think of where most people post new and in progress projects. Even if the designer doesn't post there someone who found the design elsewhere and printed it will post there for approval.
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Seems so as I've seen this pic floating around
I fucking remember this. Someone needs to upload that to Odysee.
I have one of those 340 models
the slide does come off
It looks like there would be enough space to do it inside.
Seems like a fun project, but as a practical matter, the conversion kits are about $300, I never see them as parts kits, and it's uncertain what you need in the way of additional parts. You can get a 1911 conversion kit for $150, don't need any other parts and a bb gun that'll convert is $50-100 depending on how patient you are.
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Probably mostly, but they are made by different people some of whom can manage to button rifle or slap an ersatz rifling tool together
>another ECMchad
based. I've got about 200 through mine. upper cracked but I plastic welded it shut.
Oh, so you're a bitter retard then.
The law is written by bureaucrats and special interest groups. Are you really gonna let your morality be dictated by that?
A home made gun is basically relegated to the realm of ambush, a smoothbore would be fine for that.
Seems like the same guy who made the beltfed 9mm >>62521345
and the gatling >>62523260
Also made the Humphrey drum mega pistol into a working gun

Now I'm not sure what to print first, I want it all!
Well goddamn if I didn't have inspiration to fix the power switch on my printer before, I do now.
SV06+ master race
does the latest version still need welding equipment to make the hammer/firing pin? for euros getting ammo is virtually impossible.
Didn't he have a deferred plea agreement that if he stayed out of legal trouble the case would be dropped?
I think its 2 different guys working together. That ring pistol was originally designed by humphrey wittingstonworth iv, it was modified by nopel to actually work? Work better? Not sure what the original issue was.

The belt fed 9mm posted is primarily done by guttercheese afaik.

I think cody is a piece of shit but not because he visited prostitites. A lot of "sex work is real work" people hate on him for that but its not like im going to card someone i hire for sex. Its unfortunate she was underage but unless something comes out he had every reason to believe she was a consenting adult.
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For ammo, you make it out of dummy rounds and ramset blanks, which most europeans should be able to source.
Instructions here

I thought I saw a no weld bolt, but can't find what I remembered, it may have been a post for the nonbolt some euros were selling 8 months ago but the website is down. There is this untested option
And I think the partisan mk2 still in beta has a bolt you don't need to weld.
I heard the trigger/sear in humps release didn't function and it needed other fine tuning he originally did once it was printed. One that works out of the box should be available any day now.
Strike that, up as of four days ago.
WTF, this is science-fiction badassery.
>Blanks use flash powder which burns much hotter and faster
that's false, I have personally tested it and the long reds are equivalent to a 9mm
Bunch of people have videos on youtube about that, push the pellets to 2550fps with the yellow blanks.

Here's one made with threaded rod instead of welding
I haven't looked too closely at the design but whenever I don't want to weld I tap and thread, works most of the time.
>for euros getting ammo is virtually impossible.
I don't know about the specific country laws but there is something I noticed here in Germany regarding ammo
I often visit a shooting range with a shop next to it and when you buy ammo in the shop, they ask you if you want to shoot it on the range, and if you do so, you don't have to show them your WBK or anything, you just take your ammo to the range.
They sell you 500 shots of 9mm or whatever and just look if you go to the range with it or to your car
Nobody controls if you shot all 500 shots or you take home 300of them.

I have a license for nearly anything but haven't been asked for a license for years now
I was just thinking it should be easy to find some ammo if you visit a shooting range
>printed PPSH
That's awesome, where do I get it?
I had a Martin longbow that looked like that
Make a musket or crossbow if you're too lazy to jump through all the hoops for a rifle license.
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nevar forget
How do these work?
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Recoil rotates the drum
Similar to this
A small pin hits an impact sensitive explosive, setting off a powdered explosive in a metal container which opens to a long metal tube on one side, forcing a piece of metal a similar diameter to the tube to accelerate away from the chamber at high speed.
fuck off
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Maybe it was bait to keep the thread bumped? that's my hope.
I mean obviously it's bait, "tax this dick" when their whole raisin d'etre is about either cutting dicks off or making a fake one out of arm meat.
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Hah, that reminds me of the kit gun AD I found in an old Popular Mechanics.
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>not a firearm
I'm fairly new, made some ergonomic grips for a Buckmarque in translucent PETG and I love the look.

The engraved look is sick. I want to try it with TPU but I'm not sure what method to use for applying a texture to an STL. Ideamaker doesn't have Bambu support so I guess I should learn CAD and make myself useful.

You need a repeating crossbow pistol.

The birds head grip shotgaxe plz

Big pp time

I've been printing a bunch of iron sights and haven't found a quality folding set yet, anyone know of any that don't use an exposed rubber band?

Can't wait until someone makes a 3d printable Whitney Wolverine
Shit, Ivan got doxxed? When?
The Future is now.
>Brass knuckles
>3d printable Whitney Wolverine
Fun thought, but good luck finding the parts for it. I'd be more interested in a look-alike that someone could actually build rather than trying to source the bits and pieces of such an uncommon gun.
Sept 10th, unless you're of the camp that blames cody, then it happened earlier.
Maybe someone could make it mostly plastic like the .22 desert eagle copy.
Lack of a better weapon to put it on
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That trigger looks like it wouldn't work
The perfect society
You understand that the name is Fuck Gun Control right?
whats wrong with it?
it looks fine
You can use match heads as a substitute for gunpowder. It's not ideal (lower pressure than even good BP, but leaves less fouling) but it works. You cut them off of the match sticks, crush them up in a mortar and pestel, use a strainer to separate any remaining cardboard or wood splinters, then you have a working gunpowder. You can make a priming compound by mixing that powder with a powder acquired ftom the strike surface on the match boxes/books, which you get by sanding.
Yo! Its the benadryl trip guy!
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It's totally fine. Any time anyone shares any kind of trigger design anywhere online someone else will pipe up and say "I don't think that will work." I don't really know why, but it's consistent, it feels like an internet rule at this point. Here, post this image anywhere and say something like "I'm cutting this out of sheet metal for my hardware-store 22" or some shit, and watch how many armchair internet gunsmifs tell you it's not right and can't work, unaware that it's been in production for 65 years.
Too much forward force for that sear to retain, if it's pulling forward it doesn't look like the return spring and the geometry are enough to hold it back.
The draw weight would push the end down, self-actuating itself.
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Are you on a phone or something? You are wrong, it will work just fine.
I've tried to make a trigger like that, it doesn't hold the bolt.
You fucked the geometry up, because the design is perfectly fine and will hold the bolt.
Wouldn’t it be easier to use a blank gun
Might be, depends what you have access to, what tools you have, what you know how to do. They do keep making the blank guns harder to do and the slides have a tendency to burst though.
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I wonder if a Beretta U22 kit would work with some tweaking.

You'd think there would be no shortage of sweet 22 plinkers with kino looks. Aesthetically these are the other two (clearly non-functioning) STLs I've found that are even in the same vein:


I have a Walther PPS M2 and Springfield 911, both in 9mm. What can I make from them?
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SoundShock Neos, currently in beta testing.
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This makes the BIG PP holy shit

H-ha ha... :'(
so virtually everything 9mm is just fit/tested for Glock barrels or AR-9? Again, I'm retarded, but I can't even find a guide on how I could go about modifying a Glock build into a non-Glock build.
What? Are you trying to do a caliber conversion?
Kit on sale right now

It's not clear what you want
Thank you, sorry. I'd like to keep them 9mm but make them into something easy to shoot with high capacity. Whether that's a full size pistol or an smg or something like a Recession Ruger, I'm open. Just want to know what's possible, guidance very much appreciated.
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That webm cracks me up, thanks for posting Anon.
Doesn't seem like there has been much work done for those guns. Parts kits are pretty cheap if you want to find a design and go from there, rather than starting with a gun. That or fire up the cad software.
>The AR is 300 black and desperately needs an optic riser.
P...print one? B-baka
PLAss knuckles didn't get approved by the media globohomo manager
get this nigga a Harvard scholarship
''Daddy gave me his 1911 from ww2 when he died... But I'm not my daddy and I'm scared I'll turn into him, so I carbined it."
What is the point of this print?
oh i get it
your dumbass tried to have the sear lock directly to the bolt
and the bolt didnt have a correctly angled catch on it.
meanwhile that design has a block
Verry little knowledge and basically my first time on weapons. Which printer could you guys recommend? Not that I'm planning on printing one soon. But I want to learn more and maybe one day I'll print a hand gun.
why don't they go to "combat" over the companies that make giant bombs and jets that drop those bombs?
everything is financially fucking motivated in this place, isn't it?
> claymore

Imma be honest, if someone can manufacture enough plastic explosives to make a functional claymore, you don't need the 3d-printed housing.....
IIRC they're only like a kilo of HE, the vast majority of their effectiveness comes from the shape plus the shrapnel design, so yea the body is important
Yes, the effectiveness of the claymore itself comes from the shrapnel / ball bearings rather than the case / shape, but you can make a body out of a damn coffee can or bulk can which is infinitely less suspicious or traceable than a 3d printer. Hell, the US IED manual is available online for free, so it's not like there aren't literal instruction manuals available.

My point here is that the claymore is there entirely for fear-mongering. The 3d printed aspect of the body is superfluous.
It really comes down to how much you want to spend. You used to be able to get an Ender 3 for $100 at Microcenter, and they can work but sometimes take a lot of tuning and repairing and upgrading before they put out acceptable quality stuff. I don't think they're discounted that deeply any more.

Or you could spend $1500 on a prebuilt Prusa and get a printer of about the same size that works perfectly right out of the box. Prusa's reputation has declined because of a couple of debacles, though.

Right now the hotness seems to be Bambu Labs, but they got caught paying shitloads to get people to shill their products, so I'm not sure how real their support is.

Then you have RatRig for kits, and Voron which aren't even kits but just plan templates for which you source all the parts from random suppliers.

I'm looking at getting a RatRig right now, about $1000 to $1200 for build volumes ranging from the upper end of normal to sodding enormous, including IDEX for either multimaterial (PVA supports) or dual-color. I'm kind of burned out on my CR-10S, I haven't been able to get it to work properly in months, which is partly my own fault but also I just can't deal with the constant "why isn't it working now?!"
a lot of the modern offerings are just plug and play. you don't really need to be good at printing anymore to print good stuff. I guess that's a good thing, but I'm not going to pretend that it's worth your money to buy an ender 3 of any flavor when the market and offerings are like they are now. if you buy a printer that advertises speed, however, I recommend cutting the base print speed in half before printing any guns. almost all of them grossly outrun their hotend and give bad layer adhesion at their speed settings.
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the only good thing to do with a Journo from NYT is to meet up and put a bullet in the fuckers head
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Making it hammer fired puts it on the approved list?
>high capacity
>6 rounds
commiefornia needs to sink already

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