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AUGbros....even the Austrians themselves think the AUG is a piece of shit. I don't think Steyr will be able to replace the snapped stocks on this one....

>AUG is a pos
Lol, lmao
These military larpers are annoying as shit.
US should have adopted the bullpup so you faggots finally hang yourselves.
>Actual special forces soldier
>Military larper
Why do the Australians need an army anyway. To protect their barbie parties from kangaroos?
I'm talking about the OP.
... please be bait ... please
I really don't get why people who are into guns are so incapable of understanding the role of small arms in a military

As long as a military has small arms that establish a basic level of parity with its potential enemies and can supply them in great enough number, the relative strengths and weaknesses are of little concern, even in SOF contexts

The AR-15 is a proven and dependable platform, as is the AK, as is the FAL, G3, et cetera, et cetera. All of them provide the ability for semi-automatic and (less importantly for a standard combat rifle) automatic fire with cartridges of acceptable ballistic performance at combat ranges that are light enough to carry enough ammunition for most contexts (this point is diminished somewhat with battle rifles)

Until there is another big innovation on the level of the self-loading box-magazine-fed rifle or smokeless propellant (no, caseless or polymer ammo is not on this level), any of these choices work fine even in SOF contexts. SOF, like regular units, have used all of these platforms to similar effect all over the world

There is little reason to adopt an alternative if any of the "standard" platforms are economically/logistically feasible to acquire, produce, and supply. The fact that the AR-15 is so ubiquitous in the western world makes it an obvious choice. This is probably why we are seeing militaries who have adopted nationally-made designs "revert" to AR-15 platforms

When it comes down to it, is there really any difference in most combat environments between the ratio of barrel length to weapon length between an AUG and an AR-15? Having a shorter weapon is nice, having a proven and logistically standardized weapon shared between allied nations is nicer

My layman's guess is that in the absence of a revolution in small arms we will continue to see this regression to the mean of the AR-15 platform in the western world until something replaces it by virtue of mass adoption, perhaps the new US adopted rifles
Crikey mate! This AR is better than the bloody AUG!
>even the Austrians themselves think the AUG is a piece of shit.
Literally within the first two minutes of your gayfag video the bloke says "I mean the AUG is great"
its E-MYUS, ya cunt!
He doesn't say that, ya daft cunt.
By the end of the video it seemed like he was really holding back on just saying that the AR is just outright better
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Get a dog up ya, fucking foreign poofter
Anyone not retarded understands, and then continues having fun. It's the same thing as BMW VS audi, or red VS blue. We know small arms don't matter, stop being mad at us for having fun.
its so over for james.

its aug-er
All special forces around the world LARP as USSOCOM so yes.
>i just
>i need my laser on it
>the gun cant do the laser :(

i hate special education forces
>All these new-fangled attachments, pssshhh
>Nothin' ya need more than irons and a power-packin .45 on your hip
ok gramps back to the retirement home you go
Do Euroids not do humor?
>This is probably why we are seeing militaries who have adopted nationally-made designs "revert" to AR-15 platforms
The soldiers who have the ability to choose (like most SOF units) aren't choosing weapons based on theoretical logistics autism.
They're choosing what's light, accurate, and feels good; and the AR15 is better at that than bullpups.
Of course they do. The AR is a modular (TM) system which means its more flexible in terms of your ability to customize it to your needs. Further, door-kickers don't really need rifle's and will be using carbines so the main strength of the bullpup (a rifle-length barrel in carbine-length chassis) is rendered moot.

Not really a btfo of the bullpup concept.
at the end of your post it seemed like you really wanted to say you suck crazy amounts of dick. you didnt, but I can tell you were thinking it.
Special forces are most likely going to need maximum rail space and not care if their rifle sacrifices ballistic and long range power with short AR barrels because their missions are specialized around a single goal. The average soldier benefits much more from having a 20" barrel rifle the same size as an 11.5" AR.

Soldiers need general purpose weapons that are decent at everything. An AUG can be shoved in any role and do fine from room clearing all the way up to taking shots at 400 meters or more away all with the same length barrel.
>light, accurate, and feels good
But there are guns that are lighter, more accurate, and IS good, rather than feel good. Like bullpups.


You still retain velocity due to longer barrel length, which means more effective terminal ballistics, which matter for CQB. 5.56 doesn't frag at slower speeds
>Results: subjects showed considerable preference toward the conventional weapons
Classic bullpup self-own.
>prefers objectively inferior platform
Classic conventionigger self-own
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>it's not my abstract metrics that are wrong, it's the actual users!
You're in a hole. Stop digging.
>it is clear in terms of basic human stability that the bullpup is the more advantageous configuration
You are hereby diagnosed with ARtism, sorry it's terminal.
Bullpup cope is getting out of hand, fuck off with your shit ergonomics.
>US should have adopted the bullpup
Yes, they should have, but its never going to happen. Countries that do "rifle drills" (that show where they pointlessly spin them around) in parades and shit are never going to adopt bullpup because bullpups are too short for their theatrics.

The US is literally using Pajeet level mentality to never adopt bullpups.
>"But there are guns that are lighter, more accurate, and IS good, rather than feel good. Like bullpups."
>"more accurate"
Hey moron, the only platform lighter than an DI AR-15 is the G36 and those are being melted by shooting 3-5 mags in the desert. Not a single bullpup with the same barrel length as the AR-15 its being compared to has ever been more accurate than the AR-15, the Brits had to compare their 20" barrel L85 to a 14.5" M4 to pretend they are superior.
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Lol this is like the croatian sof dude who said he would pick an AK over a Hellion/VHS
Bullpup fags just cannot compete
My God man you really can't get over it can you?
>G36 and those are being melted by shooting 3-5 mags in the desert.
You dumbass fudd
Hold a 16" AR with a silencer on it one handed and then do the same with an X95. Then wake up from your dream because that's the only place you've ever held a rifle before.
Okay? Am I supposed to change what I like because some SOFqueer says he prefers the alternative?
you should have said exactly this to him in the video james
and yet, Spain, France, and Germany are slowly phasing out their G36 for HK 416. The fudds are right about that junk gun.
Yes it has nothing to do with those guns pushing 30 and needing to be replaced with either new G36s or something similar with better attachnent mounting solutions, retard
>needing to be replaced with either new G36s or something similar with better attachment mounting solutions
Picatinny rail vs picatinny rail. You just proved me right, they could have chosen to buy more G36 if the rifle was any good.
That gay shit is also one of the reasons we went with the M14 instead of the FAL. The military has always been full of faggots prancing around singing stupid songs and slapping their dicks together going back to General von Steuben.
Yes, you should prefer the AR because it's better in niche aspects like being able to attach a bunch of accessories however you like and having readily-available outstanding aftermarket triggers.
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Wrong Aus, mate
>That gay shit is also one of the reasons we went with the M14 instead of the FAL.
Nah, we went with the M14 because the Army ordinance board was corrupt as hell.
The FAL and the M14 are both bad guns, the ways that the FAL were more future proof genuinely weren't on anyone's minds at the time.
holy projection seething bullpup fag.
I like the description one ex SF guy gave that boiled down to something like anything under a belt fed is little more than a personal defense weapon you use to support the belt fed and or fight your way to a crew served weapon. Sort of the Jeff Cooper principle on pistols vs shotgun/rifle scaled up.
>Special forces are most likely going to need maximum rail space
*blocks your path*
that'll be $349.99 plus tip
FAL gas port erosion is fuckin REAL and the M14 doesn't suffer from it in the same way - but they do bend de op rods doe
This. Go watch Modern Tactical Shooting talk about using the MK18 in Afghanistan during his time as a Green Beret.
>we viewed the MK18 as more of a PDW
>worked just fine killing anything that got too close, we really didn't mind the short barrel
>if there was something out of range, we had 240s in the truck, long range rifles in the truck, and a radio in the truck and all 3 can deal with a long range threat
Yes but that picatinny is in LEO compared to where it is on a 416. Also I wouldn't be surprised is HK gives a better deal for 416 sales given that's deeply underway in production where I can't recall when the most recent batch of G36s were produced
Jokes on you fuckass I like heavy and long triggers, my daily carry is a DAO revolver. Call me when someone makes an aftermarket AR trigger that makes it significantly worse than milspec
AR15 once again mogs a rifle, autistic trannies shit their pants and publicly dilate in response (again).
I read it as Autistic Special Forces
Austrians, being essentially German in ethnicity and culture, are innately autistic, so you're not wrong.
Any Germans or Austrians offended by this post should learn to take a joke and get back to their games of Forklift Simulator.
>muh AR15s on mars drivel
The AR15 is already being replaced in US service. Only reason other countries are purchasing AR15s is because they are poor, that's it.
The Austrians haven't upgraded their AUGs in fucking forever. Maybe he'd like an Australian model better.
>Euros don't know that different branches of the military exist
>i-its fine that the primary infantry force of the largest user of the AR abandoned it, their coast guard and air force ground personnel still have it in service
You lost the big one, get over it
every single european military is a larp.
From my vast personal experience of interacting with both Germans and Austrians IRL, I think the Austrians are more laxed and laid-back. I found them easier people.
>He STILL doesn't know
>he's STILL huffing the copium
See you in 2 weeks when bullpups become relevant :^)
And I'll see you in a fortnight when the AR is on Mars
Fucking retard
What are they replacing it with
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Nvm, XM7
>short stroke gas piston
Me likey
>20-25 round standard mags
Me no likey
Austrians are also secretly proud of Adolf
Seems like the ar-18 won in the end then
Why are bullpup niggers like this?
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Aussies love their AUGs.
We can larp with fancy equipment knowing you american wagies are paying for our security. We enjoy free healthcare, 3 weeks of paid vacations, 52 weeks of postnatal maternity and paternity leave, etc knowing we don't have to really invest into our defence budget as the US can't afford to lose their influence over Europe. So, thanks wagie
And why would I, or anyone for that matter, give a shit? It's fun to shoot, and gives some variety to my range days.
>56% white man's burden
>captcha: 00H8
They already cost about as little as a medium-quality AR, what's slowing your roll?
you mean the people that don't use bullpups?
>3 weeks of paid vacations
that's not really a lot. only entry level jobs in the US have less.
$1500 is medium quality to you? Okay, Daddy Morebucks lol. Even still, if its only as good as a mid tier ar, they should cost less. I don't wanna pay so much when there are better options. I'd cop one for 1k at most.
A BCM upper and Aero lower is like $1200, plus a few hundo for "not an AR" tax.
those 3 weeks are mandatory by law, you get more from the employer. On top of national holidays, religious holidays and mandatory paid sick days that you're best off using them every year
>only entry level jobs have less
yeah that's an old cope.
>yeah that's an old cope.
it's literally true. also the median American is stupendously wealthy compared to yuropoors. that's why we call you yuropoors.
Now die
>no specific AR models or values listed
>arbitrary and narrow goalposts (bullpup with the same barrel length as the AR-15)
>sweeping generalizations
Come up with a better post and I'll get back to you. I can't even prove you wrong because you gave me nothing to work with.
It's literally cope, what is the point of being wealthier if your living standards are literally lower than any EU country? To afford what I have here in europe for free I would need to earn 200-300k in the US. And have to deal with a country where all the food is poisoned, less than 51% of the people are my own race and where medical insurance have the ABILITY to argue with hospitals on if you really need a certain drug or treatment.
The only thing positive about the US is their open spaces and gun rights.
Face it or cope
>that's why we call you yuropoors.
forgot to reply to this.
No, you call us europoors because you've been indoctrinated by your own TWO PARTY LMAO government propaganda into thinking an average yearly salary of 60k (which drops below western yuro levels when you remove the top 1% and medical insurance expenses) makes you rich. You need to make yourselves feel superiors so that you won't ever have an introspection about your own society; cultureless and Godless. (baptising people in a mtdew waterslide from a billionare cult preacher isn't cutting it)
You cant call yourself a country if you cant defend yourself from subjugation
You really shouldn’t buy an AUG if you just want to larp as the most lethal special forces guy then.
I'll accept that only if you aren't american, considering your not only subjugated by literally RAN by Israel
Im canadian
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Even the Austrians recognize, love their knives even if I prefer the 1911 to the Glock.
Glock knives are some of humanity's greatest tools, I have like 4 and only one is horrendously beat to shit
ching chong
Literally all of Europe exists so America can have a living museum to white history, that's it. You're an expensive amusement park, a massive disneyworld of fake people, made-up streets, and funny hats that we've spent many trillions and lives to protect. You get off the plane and look for the funny sounding guy wearing lederhosen to give you a park map. We create these areas of peace and let you live in them like a little ant farm for us to vacation to. In return literally all we ask is that you defend yourselves on a cultural level, and yet you let tens of millions of shitskins infect your largest cities. Atleast in America we not only have the room, but also no culture to lose. Paris will be speaking Arabic as it's official language by 2030.
I don't walk past a european country's military base on my way to whatever irrelevant food chain your shanty town has. You, on the other hand, must walk past a US naval base on your way to Starbucks so you can have the energy to buy new Apple Air Pods. Oh, and my house sits on five acres and has air conditioning.
>but muh healthcare
Lack of healthcare is a problem for wagies and only wagies. Those who work for the government or a reputable corp have unlimited healthcare and can go the doctor for anything for nothing but a $40 co-pay.
Do Europeans really think "we may not be allowed to defend our property and family, but at least we can get the stab wounds and prolapsed assholes fixed up for 'free' in return for a 40% tax rate" is a good argument period, let alone on /k/ of all forums?
Love to see how much you guys seethe.
>military base
thanks wagie for paying for our defence budget
>lack of food chain
because we eat real food, unlike americans who eat mcdonald at the fucking white house
>apple slop
Android reign supreme everywhere outside the US
>five acres
rural properties exist here as well
>air conditioning
no idea why americans think poor house insulation and building materials is a flex
>more healthcare cope
yap yap mutt.
>not be allowed to defend our property
We are. believing in dumb /pol/ memes is a choice, considering we even had a fucking naziskin shoot a cop to death thru a door and he didn't do a day of jail and received 134k€ of compensation for moral damages.
>40% tax rate
51% here actually and I still a better life than an american who makes 5 times what I make. funny that huh? All of this thanks to you american wagies paying our bills.
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You know you made the European mad when their English skills dissolve like their daughter's face after a Muslim throws acid on it.
>future proof
>the M14 STILL in service
When 5.56 rifles came around everyone was dropping FAL's like the WW2 pieces of shit that they were.
>free healthcare
>pay x2 in taxes
Lol, lamo.
>paid vacations
Cool, we get those in America too. And we can actually AFFORD to travel.
>maternity and paternity leave
>birth rates EVEN LOWER than the US
Europeons are honestly amazing, they're the equivalent of a spoiled trust fund kid who fucks up everything all the while bragging about how much they can fuck up.
I shouldn't have fucking laughed at this kek.
If we're mutts, what does that make you, the European whose economy and national defense rises and falls on the mutts' whim?
It makes us smart to keep you as paypigs since you can't afford for europe to fall under russian or chinese influence.
>you only have like an inch of space out here by the VFG for accessories
No shit, you've got a 13.8" barrel in it; that's like whining about handguard space on a 7.5" AR. If mounting lasers and shit out there is that important, you can get handguards for the 16.5" barrel that let you do that, and your gun won't be any longer than the 10 or 11" AR you're comparing it to.
Austrian dude praised the AUG highly, seemed to mainly prefer the AR for modularity and ergos which is pretty fair. From what he made it sound like the AUG is NOT a piece of shit, even saying that the components last longer generally.
>From what he made it sound like the AUG is NOT a piece of shit, even saying that the components last longer generally.
It's like it was made for a Bundesheer production of Red Dawn in the Austrian Alps or something. Also why it has a weird mag release that favors retaining mags over fast 1r1 times.
>no idea why americans think poor house insulation and building materials is a flex
Europeans cannot fathom that many parts of the US don't stop seeing 100 degree days until October, while we've also had our first snowfall earlier this month. Some places experience both multiple times per year. Yet Eurofags start dropping like flies and put out emergency health warnings when they get hit by a "heat wave" of 32C once every few years. When it comes to building construction relative to climate change heat, Europeans are completely unprepared for it and it's balls-out dogshit-dinner retarded to think otherwise. But don't worry, in a few years the gulf stream will slow down and stop bringing warm weather and water to a continent that's almost entirely north of Ohio and you guys will get to experience actual cold temperatures that you aren't prepared for either. Luckily you guys only have one major war in a nearby major food producing region so you might still get a wee bit o bread for toast sandwiches to go with your cold beans and period clot porridge
>The entire Australian army needs to larp as spec-ops even when their missions are different, so they should all have the same rifle since it's impossible a non AR-15 design could have benefits more applicable to use among the regular infantry.
Retarded take.
The same cancerous mindset has infected the US Army and USMC badly enough, I'd advise the Australians not to adopt it.
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>shows the reason why euros have no need for AC
>still thinks having an AC is a flex to euros
American education much?
>toast sandwiches to go with your cold beans and period clot porridge
Don't put the UK together with us europeans. All anglos like the UK, US and AU have shit food and never were europeans. And the UK is a indian colony nowadays; just like the US is a south american colony.
>And the UK is a indian colony nowadays; just like the US is a south american colony.
I hope you don't live in a Western or Central European country where the state sucks off Arabic and Turkish muslims daily while letting them hunt the natives for fun daily Eurangutan. it would make you a hypocrite after all
I love the AR but does this even count? Seems like pre-election of the guy who wants to talk to tfbtv of course that dude would prefer the ar15. Gun bros always fall in line with popular shit or what they think is popular and the dude likes tfbtv of all his coworkers.
In my country we are 98% white, our crime is at the lowest in the last 40 years and most of the criminals are slavs (of which we recently passed a law prohibiting them from owning guns race wide) I'll let you figure it out.
Nope, pointing out you shat your pants when I just farted isn't being an hypocrite.
My 16” and 20” Augs are both sub-MOA
t. James. I really like the AUG and was hoping “Benny” would have been less rough on it. He runs both guns like a machine so I defer to him. “Benny” is a good friend of mine and I was aware of what he was going to say, but as a very talented retired professional who has served downrange with both guns, his opinion is more valid than anyone else I’ve interviewed on the subject here. If anyone with significant experience with both guns wants to make a counterpoint, I will travel to them for it. Relatedly, I will be back in Austria to visit Steyr in November and maybe I can speak to them about someone with similar experience and a contradicting opinion appearing for an interview.
For the love of god give Steyr more pushback when you visit them. They still haven't released shit for the US market that they said they were going too. I'm not even saying you have to be a hardass about it but harangue them at least a little so we can get some actual honest answers or information.
>They still haven't released shit for the US market that they said they were going to
Such as?
The AUG swat and the Nato stock that comes with the bolt release. Also the A3 variant with a detachable handguard.
It seems like the AUG has so much potential, but they barely do anything with it
Is it possible for you to try and get in contact with any of the original AUG design team? AFAIK there's no interviews with any of them regarding the development of the AUG and I'd really like to know if they were inspired by guns like the EM-2 or they just so happened to engineer a bullpup without knowing any prior designs
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It’s so hard because of the cultural differences between the US and Austria and Germany. They absolutely despise direct questions.
That’s one of the main reasons I’m going - I get to interview one of the last engineers of the AUG program. Going to be a huge privilege for me.
That sounds really cool. I'll be honest I don't regularly watch your vids but I'll eagerly tune in for that
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>That’s one of the main reasons I’m going - I get to interview one of the last engineers of the AUG program.
Looking forward to it.
>They absolutely despise direct questions.
Weird—autistic people usually strongly prefer direct questions with clear, specific correct answers.
nta, but they teased the .300 conversion kits for like a decade, and only finally released them a year ago because somebody got tired of waiting and started producing barrels themselves.
Poland is a shithole and full of criminals. The words polish and thief go hand in hand.
Even the Austrian spec ops guy admitted that the AR-15 was lighter weight than the AUG and that he preferred the AR-15 in CQB because ergonomics was more important than barrel length. Get fucked, nogunz.
wrong country. How fucking dumb do you have to be to think my country could be a slav country when I just told you we passed a law that prohibits you to get a carry and gun license if you are of slav ancestry?
>my country
Germans are the autistic branch of the Germanic's and are fine with being direct but Austrians are a lot more coy about how they ask questions because they don't want to insult someone.
Understandable, have a great day.
This shit is getting ridiculous. Its not like you can't swap barrels or put rails on an AUG. It has a fore grip too already.
Austrian here.
Austrian who served and has let some boolets thru the aug/stg77 and owns some ars for lego rifle builds.
Stg77 was developed for a small country with lots of mountains, woods and brooks to climb and crawl. so its good to have rifle-wise nothing to big wobble around. plus, during the augs construction we had a cold war doctrine (Raumverteidigungskonzept) where everything was supposed to be done from bunkers, apcs and ifvs.
so we needed a short do it all rifle.
tadaa, bulpub.
it does its job. its there, and the quartermaster has all the periphery.

in the last world war less than 5% of all losses were due to infantry small arms btw.
it doesnt matter as long as it goes bang, drops a man at 100m and is reliable. plus, it supports our economy. so why change? because of the special snowflakes in sf? they always want gucci gear for niche tasks.
and it should tell that apart from fosters-austrians and some dune coons only sf in other countries use the aug. while their infantry uses ars.


go ask the ukis how much of an advantage an ar has over an ak in the trench. exactly the same a mauser has over an enfield. none. IT DOESNT MATTER.

exept when watching gayass influencer infotainment on yt (most propably paid shills included) of course.

btw. if thats a real austrian sf, he might get some trouble due to the very tight nda these guys have.
calling fake.
reach out to James Reeves Esq. for an interview >>62509925
You have to remember half this board now are europeans who just got here. You have to forgive them they don’t know we settled this debate ages ago.
Someone at his former unit watches the videos before I publish them. As mentioned, I have known "Benny" for years and he's a personal friend of mine.
If you want to spew this autism on camera, I will meet you in person this November if you can meet me in Vienna. However, my experience with anonymous online internet posters is when they can be identified and held accountable for their opinions, they tend to vanish into the ether.
Because everyone just copies what Big Brother America does since they assume we spend the most time, effort, and money studying military technology. Battle rifles fell out of favor because they were retardedly long and heavy with range that was overkill for infantry engagements at the time. Now that optical technology is better, the US is moving back toward something with more reach than 5.56, while still trying to maintain a similar weight and length to the M4.
>The words polish and thief go hand in hand.
Poland =/= Romania.
>so why change?
This is a bit of a strawman; the SF guy was not advocating for the AUG to be replaced. He mentioned how he loved it. All he did was mention how his personal preference in CQB was the AR due to the ergonomics, he liked where the safety selector and mag release is on the AR more. He also mentioned that he loved how easy it is to clear a jam with the AUG.
polish car thief stereotype is also a thing

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