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How do you get three choppers this deep into enemy territory to drop off+retrieve soldiers without being detected and shot down??
This is near Masyaf, Syria.
>How do you get three choppers this deep into enemy territory to drop off+retrieve soldiers without being detected and shot down??
Russian air defense system crewed by Arabs.
By having a national average IQ above 70 and experience in military technology and tactics beyond 1980s standard, compared to:
They have a long history of doing this kind of thing. During the 2006 war with Hezbollah they carried out a deep commando raid in the Bekaa Valley. Also raids into Egypt between the '67 and '73 wars during the War of Attrition:

Also a raid on a PFLP headquarters in Beirut as depicted in Munich:
They effectively have no air defenses since Russia started taking all their AD missiles back to light them on fire in Ukraine.
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Israel just flew assault helicopters 125 miles up the coast, all the way past Lebanon, past the Russian naval base in Syria at Tartus, flew inland into Syria completely undetected, took the missile base by surprise, had time to take computers documents and equipment, set charges on critical equipment, blew them up, left, then bombed it from the air with fighter aircraft on the way out, without losing a single aircraft.
>underground factory
>destroyed in a ground raid
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The operation began with an air strike targeting a number of roads leading to the military facility, in addition to a headquarters affiliated with the Syrian military security and the facility’s security points. Israeli military helicopters carrying Israeli special forces assaulted the facility, supported by combat helicopters and drones. Israeli special forces were able to enter the facility, withdraw important equipment and documents, mine the facility from the inside, then destroy it and withdraw under air cover

The facility is directly affiliated with the IRGC and is responsible for developing ballistic missiles and drones and provides logistical support to the Hezbollah in Lebanon. The facility had been operating for more than ten years.

>Israel destroyed reported Iranian underground missile factory in Syria ground raid

>According to the reports, Israeli helicopters circled the area that was attacked and dropped troops using ropes. It is also claimed that Israeli drones destroyed all the vehicles of the Syrian security forces that were there and also cut off all access roads to the place where the troops were dropped.

They might have also captured two Iranians.
Let me tell you, friend, anything can be done in Syria. It is not functioning, it is a wild west, whatever you want, can be done or arranged.
Iranians and their angels would not permit any such daring operation to be performed by the helicopters of the infidel.
wat air defense doin'?
Also degraded over the past year in Israeli strikes that didn't get much attention.
But what about the houthis..
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Allahdamned air defense dayooth...
>How do you get three choppers this deep into enemy territory to drop off+retrieve soldiers without being detected and shot down??
By fighting mudslimes.
The "Global South" is being drained in Eastern Ukraine, Russia is going around collecting all the fancier toys from Iran and Syria to salvage their special military operation.
I get this incredibly uneasy feeling, that you're either a Jordanian snuggler or a former CIA operative enjoying his evening with /k/.

I hope it's true though.
I read this comment in my head with a thick arabian accent
The average Israeli is retarded but their tier 1 units are unironically the best in the world.
This. There's Yanks, Ziggers, Ukies, numerous separatist groups, ISIS, Iran, Turks, all the alphabet agencies from many countries operating there. Effectively, the de jure Syrian government is Afghan/Somalian tier and only exists in some major cities.
This basically explains why Assad is being so careful with Israel. They can literally just drop in and kill him whenever they want lol. Syria is basically under full Israeli domination now
It’s kinda boring that America doesn’t have to resort to raids like this anymore because of overwhelming precision airpower.
Also this is basically the kind of thing the VDV were supposed to do in the glorious three day operation. So Russia can’t do this anymore. This basically means Israel is the only country running these kinds of ops today. Crazy.
>It’s kinda boring that America doesn’t have to resort to raids like this anymore because of overwhelming precision airpower.
The SEALs can suck my nut but the Bin Laden raid was operating kino
oh I already know the cope, they're going to claim it was Americans. they always do.
I guess there’s still room for this kind of operation if somebody needs to be killed for sure in a bunker and you want firsthand guarantees of him being done in. But that’s a crazy set of circumstances that can only come about again of America is toppling a government somewhere
I just don't get where the helicopter waited until they hopped on and got back, do they just land somewhere in the middle of a forest or something?
>a Russian communications center was among the sites targeted as part of the operation


Everybody’s diarrhea shitting on Russia now. Good.
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Syria is a great military power like Russia, they even emulated their armor losses.
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How come Israelie commandos and spies are so good at doing boom booms behind enemy lines compared to others?
What are these pictures of? Specifically one on the right.
Tbf I don't think russia was ever capable of doing this. Every time russian sof did anything they always either fucked up civillians in the process, like with the chechens in the theater and school, or got a lot of themselves killed in the process
Israel is basically a bunch of jews from all over so they have eastern europeans and arabs with less concept of restraint for any red lines and just enough brutality with the combination of western tech and training and unlimited usa money for precise operations.
Why is their security so fucking bad? Even I have a motion detector and camera in my house.

They should have easily detected these guys as they entered the missile factory and responded with a SWAT team.
how many of these iranian missile facilities are there in Syria? There has to be hundreds of them
They probably had signal jammers dude
hundreds of underground precision missile factories built by Iran?

in coordination with Hezbollah and Syria in 2018 after a series of Israeli airstrikes destroyed most of the Iranian missile production infrastructure in Syria, the Iranians decided to build an underground factory inside a mountain in Masyaf the Iranian plan was to produce the precision missiles in this protected facility near the border with Lebanon so that the delivery process to Hezbollah in Lebanon could take place quickly and with less risk of Israeli airstrikes.
Israeli intelligence services discovered the building process and monitored it for more than five years under the code name "Deep Layer". The Israelis realized they would not be able to destroy the facility with an airstrike and would need a ground operation, one of the sources said.

Yeah hundreds of places just like it.
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Reminder muh epic israeli special forces joined by americans failed catastrophically in a hostage rescue operation and had to commit a civilian massacre with artillery to withdraw and had their commander “arnon zamora” killed
That's a lot of T-72s, a respectable number of T-62's and probably what I can only hope and assuming without checking visually confirmed losses from Ukraine even more T-55's that Russia has managed to lose in the last couple years.
Fuck off, thirdie phoneposter. They pulled out every hostage they went in for and only lost one man in the process, while pulling some serious attrition on the horde of Hamas retards who spilled out onto the streets to try and stop them. That's a qualified success in my book.
just fly low, a shithole like syria won't have enough radars to monitor the airspace down to low altitudes without gaps, especially in a mountainous terrain
Lmao they barely got 3
Like a fucking Call of Duty mission
>They should have easily detected these guys as they entered the missile factory and responded with a SWAT team.
The roads in have been cut with an airstrike, the local garrison had been bombed in their barracks, hardline communications would have been cut with air strikes, radio would be jammed.
And there were attack helos to provide air support against any response anyway.
>Like a fucking Call of Duty mission
Not just CoD.

>Trigger, you'll need to stay below the clouds as you eliminate the SAM sites and clear the way for the helos to insert the ground team
>Once the air defenses are eliminated, you'll take out the bridges to prevent reinforcements reaching the facility
>After, you'll engage any enemy aircraft that respond and cover the exfiltration of the ground team as they evacuate the mission site.
>Don't forget to stay clear of the facility when it explodes
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Imagine how hard your uncircumsized penis must be on the chopper headed towards your drop for a mission like this.
They went in for three, they got three. Mission fucking successful. Did you think Hamas was just going to keep all the hostages in the same place?
> had to commit a civilian massacre with artillery to withdraw

LMAO they didn't have to do shit, that is what they are telling the international press to justify what was in reality a punitive strike intended to send a message to the sand people: "if you take our people hostage and you help hide them anywhere near you, we are going to kill every single person on that area and we are going to convert all your homes into ruble, so the ones that survive starve in the ruins with no power and no water."

Is the same type of "accident" they did when they killed with airstrikes all the extended families of the Hamas leaders hiding in Qatar or all the journalist living in Palestine.

Israel is not the US. They don't give a fuck about civilians, their national philosophy is "I will genocide you first before you genocide me again".

As a response, now the sand people are killing the hostages when the Israelis get anywhere near them and, as a response to that, the Israelis just went an killed 40 people, and wounded 60 in a strike on Mawasi. The Israelis have always had a policy of killing 30 or more for every single 1 of them. It's a way to send the message to their enemies that they are worth 30 times less than them. The 40000 dead Palestinians are not a mistake either, they are keeping the score. That is why is so fucked up to fight against people like them or the Russians that don't give a fuck about human rights. If you fight the Russians you know everybody, men, women, children, are getting gang raped and all the cities are bombed to dust.

That is why human rights are an important concept, but the sand people decided to shit all over it to oppress women, rape and enslave religious minorities like the Yazidi and kill fags and trannies, so tough luck.
But how will that bring back that iranian missile factory?
there is a reason why the US give a fuck about civilians retarded jewGPT
big talk, little action
darfur, south sudan
and there will be more
So when are those lying sheenies sending AA to Ukraine?
is this the power of the arab mind? getting 3/3 is a bad result?
are your parents cousins by any chance?
you should add the holocaust to that list
couple laps of the facility under heavy escort
>or the Russians that don't give a fuck about human rights. If you fight the Russians you know everybody, men, women, children, are getting gang raped and all the cities are bombed to dust.

The difference is the Russians do it genuinely unprovoked, and we should be doing this to them but we flinch because they have nukes
It's simple, have an ally who operates local AA and radar systems (Russia) who won't allert people they supposed to defend (Syria). Making pacts with Russia is a scam.
>darfur, south sudan
Almost all of those weren't the US.
You're blaming the US because other people did shit and the US didn't stop them.
They might be slow to act sometimes and act ineffectually sometimes but they're not guilty of war crimes because of failing to intervene or prevent other people from committing crimes in other places.
Well its not like anyone would rate the Syrian military competent or effective or adequately equipped. So not sure how to rate this on a scale.
CoD mission when?
>The U.S. forces prepared to withdraw from Desert One due to cascading vehicle failures. During operational abort due to too many helicopter failures, one of the remaining helicopters crashed into a transport aircraft that contained both servicemen and jet fuel. The resulting fire destroyed both aircraft and killed eight servicemen.
>It’s kinda boring that America doesn’t have to resort to raids
Dude you what? GWoT was thousands SOF raids to snatch informants and computers/phones to uncover terror networks for future raids and drone strikes. Raid Mike Owen books.
Yeah they were bombed and they thought it is airstrikes as usual, they crawled out of the holes and then fucking out of nowhere fucking SoF.
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>this thread
learn to read. I wasn't blaming the US, I was pointing out the difference between saying they can do something when genocide happens, and the reality of not actually being able to put a stop to it because the risks aren't acceptable.
I wasn't saying the US can stop other countries from committing genocide retard. I'm saying the US knows the importance of avoiding civilian casualties because it's a fucking strategic liability
point taken
>point taken
Ok, cool, anon.
I'm >>62496429 but not the rest of the reply chain.

Other anon's point was about the US trying to avoid forever wars as a result of generational trauma, which Israel and Russia embrace through war crimes etc.
For Russia, see Dagestan.
For Israel, lol
They got 4 hostages actually
Yeah but raiding random terrorist cells isn’t the same as landing choppers in the middle of a hostile nation state
They literally got the hostages out? Do you have any idea how many society hostage rescue operations like this have been carried out in human history??
Syria has a lot of radars for its size/level of competence. It’s like their only thing
It's also important to maintain the country's reputation, which is especially important when your country's military depends on external aid (like israel lmao)
So less missiles for Russia?
What a terrible turn of events, I wonder what all the Russian Jews in Israel thinks about this.
I still think its bullshit. Schizo Syrian report
How many alive, Moshe?
Israel has a terrible track record with recent hostage rescues, including killing 3 who were waving SOS to IDF troops.
>They don't give a fuck about civilians
Neither America, just wait when the real war will start or their enemy will use hide among civilians.
And for sure Russia will also kill civilians when they are fighting terrorist(desu it would be true to everyone)
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>Reminder muh epic israeli special forces joined by americans failed catastrophically in a hostage rescue operation and had to commit a civilian massacre with artillery to withdraw and had their commander “arnon zamora” killed

Do you have evidence for any of these claims?
>we are going to convert all your homes into ruble

>They probably had signal jammers dude

So? Just set up the cameras on a wired connection.
lmaoo America won't kill 40 civilians and aid workers just to get one dude. America won't chimp out like Israel
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>lmaoo America won't kill 40 civilians and aid workers just to get one dude. America won't chimp out like Israel
>burgers killed tens of thousands in Afghanistan to get Bin Laden while he was hiding in Pakistan most of the time
>burgers manufactured a weapons of mass destruction hoax to goad allies into invading Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to unseat Sadam
>Israel is not the US. They don't give a fuck about civilians
What makes you think the US does? Bush invaded Iraq without any justification and turned the country upside down for decades.
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I wonder how was inside besides the troops guarding the place and if any important missile putting together worker people got dead. I bet they took pictures of who they killed. Some said there were a few iranians captured there but it turned out not to be true, or at least denied by israel.
Stay in your other thread
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>Stay in your other thread
kill yourself faggot
>handwringing over Iraq like it's 2008
>I'm an unrelated thread
What a fag
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>>lmaoo America won't kill 40 civilians and aid workers just to get one dude. America won't chimp out like Israel
>>handwringing over Iraq like it's 2008
>>I'm an unrelated thread
Can you present evidence of such incidents happening during the occupation of Iraq?
Not comparable to the incident in question
>since the occupation
Israel isn't occupying Syria yet
Here's 1032 pages of examples on how not to win hearts and minds https://www.iraqbodycount.org/database/incidents/page1032
You're right. In the linked incident, American soldiers weren't trying to accomplish any military objective.
Some marines blew their tops, but this was not the direct result of US command choosing to disregard the possibility of inflicting noncombatant casualties when using heavy weapons. It's a different class of incident.
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What are the vegas odd on Israel taking some of Syria after the dust settles, and keeping it?
>but this was not the direct result of US command choosing to disregard the possibility of inflicting noncombatant casualties when using heavy weapons
You mean like with drone strikes?
>but most of those killed were militants!
Israel claims the same thing.
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>killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to unseat Sadam
The most notorious drone incidents I can remember were actually in Pakistan. They didn't really take off until after Iraq wound down.
>drone strikes
>Iraq War
Israel has always been really creative about covert deep penetration missions

>Jordanian snuggler
Big spoon or little spoon?
Opera was just a ballsy strike mission. This sounds like videogame tier spec op craziness. I wonder if they even lost anyone, or the plot armor was that strong.
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plot armor strong, which makes turdies seethe
smooth translation on cuckold
Lol they were each carrying hundreds of pounds of explosives? Who the fuck comes up with this shit.
those missiles were for hezbollah and friends
I want gen II mustangs to race in the desert driven by men wearing burkas and ziptied to the steering wheel. If the cars go to slow they explode like that one movie with the bus. Each mustang has a m40 recoilless rifle mounted on the roof, which single shot can be used to take out another mustang. In addition the cars are equipped with a trunk that can pop open while driving. It is filled with trained racoons wearing explosive vests. They are trained to work as guided mines. The once that survive the initial release will kind of work like the guided turtle shell from mario kart when fired backwards. The winner gets all. Which is the privilege to go home their family.
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>hezbollh higest ranking military member killed in his aparmet in beirut
>haniyeh whacked by the mossad in tehran
>sayret matkal raiding underground sites in syria
we're so back
>It’s kinda boring that America doesn’t have to resort to raids like this anymore because of overwhelming precision airpower
israel also has a fair amount of airpower, and they bombed this site before in prior years. the reason they raided the site with commandos is because it's underground.
what helicopter did they use? CH-53K?
three things mainly, really fucking good pilots, really well equipped helicopters and very good intel

then you plot a route most likely to avoid detection, stay as close to the ground as you dare and fly as quick as you dare, and then if you pull this off heli insert are really hard to stop

its basically what the ukies did to resupply mariupol in secret for so long, which considering they were flying old shitass soviet Mi's its one of the most impressive piloting feats of modern war
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site in question
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each crater cutting of a road looks like this
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they also took out nearby power stations and comms infastructure
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>How do you get three choppers this deep into enemy territory to drop off+retrieve soldiers without being detected and shot down??
Your enemies are Arab morons. Pretty low bar to jump.
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the idf knowns a thing or two about blowing shit up. from what i've seen they useuallly wire together multiple anti-tank mines.
>they were each carrying hundreds of pounds of explosives?
They were dropped off on-site after helos suppressed external defences, so they didn't have to haul the explosives far, just from the helo.

>site in question
I wonder if they considered a couple of strike fighters putting bombs down an air shaft?
more importantly, why would you build missile factories in a shithole when you can keep them onshore? not like Iran is afraid to export missiles to terrorists because it cares about sanctions
>, why would you build missile factories in a shithole when you can keep them onshore

the biggest reason i can think of is that it makes logistics easy. israel routinely bombs weapons supplies to syria from iran
Was the Bin Laden raid really that fucking exceptional?
They crashed their helicopter on insertion and they went up against a couple sleepy guys with AKs.
The truth is they had umpteen opportunities to bag Bin Laden, but they DIDN'T. Then they've spun Bin Laden into some mythical demi-god of stealth, a literal spook ghost story to distract from the sheer incompetence at play.

TL;DR Seals did a good hit, but it was an easy job. They aren't heroes, they were several years too fucking late.
To put this another way, it's like the Uvalde police situation.
The jump out boys are all geared up and ready to go and they know where the threat is, but for some reason they aren't given the go-ahead.
And then they stand around with their thumbs up their asses and play on their phones as American citizens are actively being murdered.
Then they swoop in after all of the damage is done and schwack an elderly Bin Laden who most certainly wasn't as influential as he once was.
israel made it even clearer with threats directly to his life
in the 00s they overflew with fighters over his palace when he was there
once so close to the ground that reportedly windows shattered there
reportedly israeli jets bombed all access roads to there and bombed anyone that tried to get there
nigger, there are images
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>israel made it even clearer with threats directly to his life
i remember when rockets were fired into israel from syria and israel responded by blowing the gate of one of assad's palaces
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>rescue 4 out of 4 hostages
>kill hundreds of araps in the process
>akchually that's a complete failure kaffir
probably black hawks
oh and it's an effective e countermeasure
because from wikileaks, we know assad was pussied out retaliating for operation outside the box
They need to have babies way faster to populate it properly. The sons of Abraham need to form greater Israel and they can’t without more fuckin
I always thought of the big fat early '70s Mustang as 2nd gen, but apparently they are just considered a variant of the 1st gen
meh they were so close to recreating another eagle claw situation.
Israel is really fucking angry about that missile delivery to Russia it seems.
>Israel is really fucking angry about that missile delivery to Russia it seems.
Why would they be? It's that many missiles less that are going to be fired at Israel.
The only thing they are going to be pissed about is whatever Russia gave to Iran.
You cry about it because your country cant do it
Because it means Iran will get paid and get other stuff
the israelis have been planning the mission for years. what could russia possibly give iran that would threaten israel?
that's retarded
You can buy weapons you can’t make with money
no it's retarded to say israel raided the site because russia gave iran money when they have been getting money from russia. you're just reaching for a connection that isn't there
No, Israel did this strike because they knew they could get away with it.
Any arms deal between Russia and Iran is an escalation because it means more weapons pointed at Israel, and Israel's allies.
Russia is buying weapons from Iran, which means Russia is either sharing technology with them, sending over money or granting them state assets.
Ask yourself this; is it in Israel's best interest to let Iran take control of Russia's oil and gas sector?
Iran hasn't stopped blowing Iranians up since the Shah got voted off the island.
>No, Israel did this strike because they knew they could get away with it.
yes. israel has been bombing syria routinely for years of course they knew they could get away with it.

>Any arms deal between Russia and Iran is an escalation because it means more weapons pointed at Israel, and Israel's allies.
nope. not necessarily. iran has been sending drones to russia for years now. what weapons have been pointed at israel because of this?

>Russia is buying weapons from Iran, which means Russia is either sharing technology with them, sending over money or granting them state assets.
last i checked they were giving them gold or money. although i would have to double check that

>Ask yourself this; is it in Israel's best interest to let Iran take control of Russia's oil and gas sector?
won't happen
Typical day in the marine corps, ie completely fucking up every aspect of a joint operation
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>they got their hostages out and killed a bunch of our civilians so we won
Israel was able to fly out to sea for most of the route, then dogleg inland to the site which is only about 15 miles from the coast. What's hilarious is that they flew right over Tartus. You know, where Russia has a Naval base, so if Russia pinged the helo's they either did it too late, failed to detect them or didn't get the message out in time (reports say a russian comm site was hit by israel during the op)
Orthodox jewish families have like ten kids
In this operation, all four were rescued alive. Almost no other country has accomplished this, and only America, Japan, France, Finland plausibly can. Non-white countries need not apply, Ahmed
Syria is a third world country with poor air defense.
America can MOAB a site like this. Israel can’t. That’s the difference
That wasn’t the point. The bin laden raid was exceptional in one important way: it couldn’t be done from the air
maybe . but they also grabbed intel
Who knows. But American probably has all the intro it needs that can be has this kind op desu
>burgers killed tens of thousands in Afghanistan to get Bin Laden while he was hiding in Pakistan most of the time
Eh better than what the Soviets did with over a million civilian casualties in only a decade.
Those shipments get intercepted or bombed regularly, this was in Syria near the border with Lebanon so it didn't have to cross territories controlled by US allies.

Recently the US even stopped a boat with a large Iranian weapons shipment and sent it to Ukraine.
far easier to transfer the knowledge and tooling once to make these rockets than constantly move them while being intercepted constantly
Well tell that to Alon Shamriz, Yotam Haim, and Samer Talalka.
You were doing so well until you mentioned the russians.
>Orthodox jewish families have like ten kids
Don't those kids not go to school, or get conscripted?
>How do you get three choppers this deep into enemy territory to drop off+retrieve soldiers without being detected and shot down??
It's funny, we had a 40k thread the other day and somebody was talking about how ridiculous the idea of stealth space marines was, considering their noisy power armor and large size. I pointed out the fact that real life SOF manage to do raids with loudass helicopters all the time and here we go.
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This is why Texas is going blue this election which means the Supreme Court will be packed, Dems take both the house and senate and all of you will lose your guns, starting next year. Enjoy.
Thank you glavset, I am now polarized and will commence the Civil War as requested.
Actually, the raid was most likely done by the shaldag unit, the IAF premier SF unit, these types of helicopter raids are their bread and butter.
But it won't surprise me if it was preformed alongside matkal or shayetet 13
>drone strikes?
Plot armor for these kinds of missions is kinda baked-in, though, when you think about it.
If you have the capability, training, planning acumen, and well-practiced ability to follow-through on all of the above - which Sayeret Matkal and other Tier 1 units like this definitely have - then the simple act of daring to point that capability at a target and send it means the odds of it working are actually less nebulous than one might initially assume.
Factor in readiness of the personnel at the target objective, and of course any means you could bring to the table to positively orient that in your favor, then the SAS motto starts being less of a brag and more of a real axiom
>Who dares, wins.

Having Big Balls can win out surprisingly often, considering how likely they are to get you killed outright if you lack even one bit of what these kinds of units have.
Because every single "operation" surrounding israel is a psyop to false flag the kikes into conflict. Every time you hear about a missile fired into satanland. It was fired by themselves onto their own people to justify defense.

They are evil
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Because they get nukes in exchange.
I hope we get russian networks exposed for their rabid anti-Israel shilling and I hope every last one of them is caught.
Who is we?
Do you actually believe that every idea that is contrary to what mainstream amerifat news says, is Russian? Do you truly think this is the case that no free thought exists?
>if you care about gun rights you’re a russian!
the ukraine war has completely mindbroken /k/. What if there hasn’t been a single russian on this board and it’s just been random anons fucking with you schizoids.
>died not during a hostage rescue op
>from the air
Actually it could

Per former Sec Def Robert Gate's autobiography "Duty", he goes into detail about how the decision was made.

Per his account, the military and intel parts of the cabinet were pretty split on what they should do, with about equal favor between an air strike on the compound, with Robert himself wanting a little time to think it over. Hillary Clinton was firmly in the Airstrike camp, as she thought there'd be less political fallout from the State Dept side cuz it would piss the pakistanis off less. VP Joe Biden agreed with Hillary and figured it would be best to do this quickly before Osama could possibly move. Obama was under the impression the American people would want firm confirmation that he was dead, and the Director of National Intelligence and Homeland Security Sec thought that the intel gathered from Osama's compound may be worth the risk of a raid. Robert event came around to agree with the raid, but says that Obama had independently come to that decision by the time Robert called back with his recommendation.

Gates would later go on to describe trying to watch the live streamed raid, but they had a lot of connection issues throughout because they were trying to livestream from a compound on the other side of the planet, and there were times where the stream turned into a slide show where they could hear but not see more than 0.1 fps, or they could see but not hear, or a few cases where it just froze entirely. According to him, off the top of my head Biden and Obama didn't say a word the whole time until the end, Hillary gasped a few times.
>Obama was under the impression the American people would want firm confirmation that he was dead
That’s all I meant
NTA but yes. You hit the nail on the head.
Oh my bad

It's an interesting read, it explains a lot of GWOT decisions that were made, like Gates ending the F22 production to get more MRAPs while trying to do the "trade off later to reduce bomb injuries NOW" arguments etc and not being sure if it was the right long term call, but hoping it works out
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>the ukraine war has completely mindbroken /k/. What if there hasn’t been a single russian on this board and it’s just been random anons fucking with you schizoids.
sayeret is always there
Are the russians in the room with us right now anon?
matkal do complex missions that require a lot of rehearsals
the shayetet don't

it's probably matkal
This was a base-behind-the-factories base. It wasn't making the rockets directly they were being made in home or small suburban factories. But it was a critical supplying support to those factories - tools, documentation, examples. Which without it would have been nothing.

Its hard to stand up a large defense on a facility for a long time. I am surprised Syrians/IRGC didn't have "lockdown/arm" mode. They were casual, or maybe it didn't matter so much, or we didn't get told.

Idea is as soon as the guard gets wind they are being attacked they flick a switch then no-one is getting inside for weeks. IEDs armed, entry tunnels blasted, Mines under access roads armed to local triggers, etc. The guard doesn't even have to hang around at that stage they can leave.
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Real proud of yourselves are you?
>Real proud of yourselves are you?
Sandniggers should learn their place, they attacked the yids first and now they're weeping because the yids hit them back. This is just the way of the world and the law of the jungle. He who kills will also be killed one day.
>That was a civilian underground missile factory!
>Non-white countries need not apply
And yet you've listed 4 non-white countries
>And yet you've listed 4 non-white countries
>xaxaxa because not everyone is white in those countries they are non-white, that'll show that kuffar
>oh yeah? Well we're too poor to raise an army before starting a fight
Turdies never change
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>be /pol/estine
>slaughter entire Jewish villages in the 1800’s & early 1900s, before anything resembling occupation
>start 100% of the wars between Israel & Palestine, always targeting civilians
>never make a peace offer, rejected deals or proposals in 1919, ’20, ’22, ’37, ’38, ’47, ’67, ’78, ’94, ’95, 2000, ’01, ’05, ’08, ’09, ’14
>try to overthrow Jordan (Black September)
>start Lebanese Civil War, massacre thousands of Christians
>betray Kuwait & support Saddam's invasion despite being given aid
>turn down Camp David which both Americans & Saudis unanimously concluded was bad faith negotiation by Arafart
>get caught shipping weapons before your 'unplanned' failure at the conference then lie to Bush's face about it, killing your sympathy in the new admin
>respond to 9/11 by dancing in the streets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqZBy09vCVk
>refuse to field uniformed combatants
>refuse to stop using hospitals, mosques, schools, & maternity wards to launch strikes & store munitions
>refuse to abide by any ceasefires
>use little children as suicide bombers
>waste tens of billions in foreign aid enriching corrupt leadership & luxury car dealerships
>commit heinous act of murder & rape on American, French, British, Italian, Thai, Nepalese, Philippine citizens not involved in the conflict
>parade naked women’s corpses around on your vehicles, tortured & beheaded foreign captives, desecrate corpses while streaming it worldwide
>immediately turned around & beg the world for help when the bombs start falling>insist that you’re allowed to rape a man’s wife & murder his children if you run home to hide behind your family
Religion of peace by the way, and if you start asking questions like: 'Why are so many members of a particular ethnoreligious group of 2 billion with 50 countries under their control obsessed with waging holy jihad against a tiny country the size of New Jersey?' you're the colonialist genocider.
so how did assad fall into iran's sphere of influence?
1 Dr. Evil, 50 Hamas commanders and a new shipment of SU-57s were also destroyed during the strike
By having a deal with the local headfigures
Isn't it an act of aggression against a sovereign country?
hasbara bots itt
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Reminder that this is board specific social engineering. The shill is attempting to group together Palestinian supporters with /pol/ users, thus gaining support from /k/ users via polarisation.
Truth is, nobody is as vile and racist on this board as the Israelis(I do not count vatniks as users since they leave after a day or two) and you can easily check this by going to desuarchive and looking at the number of references to the words "brown", "thirdie", "shitskin" and others before and after Oct. 7th.

There are no brown invaders on /k/, except Israelis.
>1 Dr. Evil, 50 Hamas commanders and a new shipment of SU-57s were also destroyed during the strike
The Shadow can only mock, it cannot make, not real things of its own
So was invading Israel and killing a bunch of civvies and IDF, so I guess that covers all bases
I believe he is mocking the tendency of the Israeli government to always claim they killed this "commander" or that "leader" whenever they bomb a hospital, humanitarian aid location or a school.
Nothing "shizo" about that post, except maybe your response.
>I believe he is mocking the tendency of the Israeli government to always claim they killed this "commander" or that "leader" whenever they bomb a hospital, humanitarian aid location or a school.
>Nothing "shizo" about that post, except maybe your response.
The funerals and half hearted whining about revenge from the sandniggers seem to say otherwise. Enough decapitation strikes on a leadership cadre leaves any organization fumbling for what to do next, leave alone terrorists and the gang of mullahs up Tehran way.
Yeah probably but I think Israel and Syria are still technically at war.
No need to reference the entire post, newfag bot.
Also, after this post, you have no right to call anyone "shizo".
>complaining about social engineering by reposting copypasta
You're just upset because you don't have any more red triangle videos to spam. btw, do yourself a favor and don't look up instances of "hasbara".
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>>complaining about social engineering by reposting copypasta
I do wonder what the thought train was here.
>You're just upset because you don't have any more red triangle videos to spam
>anyone who is against us is an arab!!!
Doesn't /chip/ OP regularly state that you are either with peepeestain or a jew?
I believe the phrase "don't start fights you can't win and complain about it later" applies to /pol/estinians as well as it does to anyone else.
Your posts are just "what about arabs!!!!?!!?". Israelis are quite similar to vatniks, indeed.
>Your posts are just "what about arabs!!!!?!!?". Israelis are quite similar to vatniks, indeed.
I'm literally not from Israel, my good man, but keep making up straw men in your head as many times as you like. It's just the way of the world, like I said before. Don't start fights you can't win and crow about firing a bunch of rockets at people if you didn't want to take what was coming in retaliation, that's all.
Greater Israel is accelerating at rapid pace because the rumor is they want Trump to be the hero who finally carries out the Sept 10th war plan and liberate Israel. This has been on the books for a while. The real war right now is the US elites, loyal to the USA, vs the international banking cartel. They use subterfuge and infiltration because the US military is lightyears ahead of everyone else in every capacity. Bibi is shitting the bed. Why do you think he personally visited Trump recently and paid the actual sitting president no mind? 2024-2028 going to be real interesting. Still to this day, it all comes back to 9/11. The prior 100 years of effort to infiltrate and compromise the US was unleashed when America was made attack dog to achieve Israel's strategic goals. Stop thinking politics and start thinking global strategy.
>I'm literally not from Israel, my good man, but keep making up straw men in your head as many times as you like
Given how many time I have seen Israelis pretend they aren't Israelis to talk about Israel in the last year, I do not believe you, categorically.
Also, do not talk about logical fallacies.
This has been going on for a long time. Did you know over 1/3 of Israel's population are shipped straight out of Russia, and a vast number of these so called Jews worked for the KGB? Israel was infiltrated to the highest level by bolsheviks. It's meant to serve as the new governance center for the global order once the USA has been used to carve out Greater Israel and then milked dry for all it's worth.

I have a good friend who was in the IDF and also worked in the tech space. The majority there are wholly incompetent because they cannot for the life of them get technically skilled jews to immigrate en masse. Antisemitism is used as a tool to "scare" them into fleeing to the safe haven of Israel. Again, stop thinking politics and start thinking global strategy.
I could care less what you believe. You talking or not talking about logical fallacies isn't going to change anything. Talk shit, get hit, simple as.
You've read too many Tom Clancy books. Try detoxing from spy and global conspiracy lit for a while.
One of the prime and most simple, clear cut, and devious examples of this infiltration was Heinz Kissinger. The literal right hand of Rothschild, Trillionaire banker that you never seem to hear in the news. Wallstreet protests in 2008-2012 got covered up by every media pundit shouting about Bruce Jenner trannyfying himself and the rest is history. Where did all the V for Vendetta masks standing outside wallstreet go? Their leaders all got arrested quietly. The war is the US vs Bankerz. You've never heard of half of them but they literally own a private central bank in every nation on earth bar a few irrelevant ones. Heinz Kissinger, for his whole tenure, ensured the US had a policy of brutality dealt in blood everywhere it stumbled. Running up casualties in south america, every news outlet screams about it, but nobody wants to talk about bolshevik influence and soviet drug dealing in South America. Because they work for the good old bankers. This is how things work. Israel will continue to cleanse the gaza strip, cleanse Lebanon, and cleanse Syria if need be. Little Bibi Milekowski also happens to be best of friends with Lord Rothschild and Heinz, before Heinz died that is. They look like father and son having the time of their lives in all their photos.
Double digits. Not surprising from your kind.
and if all this is true, now what? What does (((knowing))) any of this, matter to me? Other than knowing that capital protects its own, which is a known fact to everyone on this ball of rock, is there anything else you want to share with the rest of the class?
All wars are BANKERS wars.
And Israel runs cleanup duty.

Just look at what has happened to some of the countries that were not considered to be “integrated” into the “global community”…

-In 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan. In 2003, Da Afghanistan Bank (who picked that name?) was established by presidential decree. You can find the official website of the bank right here. Now Afghanistan has a modern central bank just like the rest of us.

-In 2003, the United States invaded Iraq. In early 2004, the Central Bank of Iraq was established to manage the Iraqi currency and integrate Iraq into the global financial system. The following comes from the official website of the Central Bank of Iraq…

Following the deposition of Saddam Hussein in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Iraqi Governing Council and the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance began printing more Saddam dinar notes as a stopgap measure to maintain the money supply until new currency could be introduced.
The Banking Law was issued September 19, 2003. The law brings Iraq’s legal framework for banking in line with international standards, and seeks to promote confidence in the banking system by establishing a safe, sound, competitive and accessible banking system.

Between October 15, 2003 and January 15, 2004, the Coalition Provisional Authority issued new Iraqi dinar coins and notes, with the notes printed using modern anti-forgery techniques, to “create a single unified currency that is used throughout all of Iraq and will also make money more convenient to use in people’s everyday lives. Old banknotes were exchanged for new at a one-to-one rate, except for the Swiss dinars, which were exchanged at a rate of 150 new dinars for one Swiss dinar.

The Central Bank of Iraq (Arabic: البنك المركزي العراقي) was established as Iraq’s independent central bank by the Central Bank of Iraq Law of March 6, 2004

-In 2011, the United States bombed the living daylights out of Libya. Before Muammar Gaddafi was even overthrown, the U.S. helped the rebels establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company.

Engage in political action at a LOCAL LEVEL, get off the demoralization internet and inform your local representatives that the USA has been infiltrated by banking interests who transfer technology to Israel, and sell out the country.
>Double digits. Not surprising from your kind.
If you think IQ is anything but a number, you're the retard, not me.
Pattern recognition is probably the most important function of intelligence, outweighing memory or even critical thinking. You would maybe understand that if you were capable of it.
Don't the Jews circumcise themselves too?
Israel and Syria have officially been at war since Israel's independence
You’re brown
Lmao when did the arabs genocide you you child murderer
cope, just a quick "arnon zamora" google search provides plenty of results from israel news sources
israel and syria are in a state of war from the day after israel was founded
but this guy died in a succesful rescue op? they rescued 4 hostages and killed dozens of hamas. dudes a her
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Syria does have an army. It's crippled as a consequence of their civil war, but that's more a function of Assad burning the country and gassing his people after they demanded he step down than Israeli raids on IRGC weapons manufacturing.
The great irony in your post is that Assad had no problem starving Palestinian refugee camps that refused to submit to him, and killed more Arabs in his war than Israel could ever dream of. But in the mind of the jihadis and their thirdie simps, these are just niggling details on the road to liberate Jerusalem. If you want to make a Resistance omelet, gotta break a few eggs, Arab or otherwise.
this was the russian air defense cuckold, i am sure the ruskies just let them pass just as they've always done
This is slowly changing and this change has been catalyzed by the past year's events; the Hasidics realize the Palestinians wouldn't spare them for having merely leeched off (and not contributed to) the Israeli society, and the secular Israelis who do serve and stick their necks out and fund the Hasidics with their taxes have run out of patience.
The majority of the ultra orthodox go to their own schools where they're taught nothing besides the torah.
recently the supreme court here told the government they have to conscript these mouth breathers and that any penguin that doesn't do his service won't get government gibs, so far out of the few thousand that got called up to the conscription office only like 50 of them showed up.
Secular society here is becoming increasingly sick of their freeloading and constant attempts to control our lives
So you are recognizing palestinians murder hostages? Ok, I am listening to you.
>the Russian naval base in Syria at Tartus,
Realistically, how much personnel is even there anymore.
thats just because you use decadent Western criteria for success. A 100% casualty rate of hostages and terrorists still means all the terrorists are dead, so great success. Pump that nerve gas Dmitri.
Pay off the only guy in the region that knows how to maintain, operate, and or interpret the air detection systems
Predator drones, the kind Obama ordered. Not the quadcopters.
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>There are no brown invaders on /k/, except Israelis.
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>There are no brown invaders on /k/, except Israelis.
Nobody's buying it Mohammed, kuffirs know about Taqiyya and Hudna.
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I'm not from there, but I have a weird and somewhat heterodox respect for the combatants on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A lot of people who don't "root" for either side say both sides are bad. Both sides might be bad but I think both sides are kind of good in their own ways too. The Palestinian leadership has definitely fucked up a lot and I think they probably already lost the larger struggle during its most decisive stages, and we're in some long tail at this point, but I respect them. Their whole struggle attitude and fighting spirit and belief in their honor:

But I like the Israelis' zero-fucks-given attitude about what the rest of the world thinks of them. People misunderstand the Israelis, don't care to learn much about them. A lot of judgements about them are wrapped up in ideological constructs and they don't engage with the actual social history of millions of Jewish refugees who built a nation in a bad neighborhood and emancipated themselves. That is also mentally, psychologically. They really don't have a "victim" mentality, like, at all. Their officers lead from the front and they have produced many heroes.
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More brown tricks.
Not falling for it.
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>That is also mentally, psychologically. They really don't have a "victim" mentality, like, at all.
Yeah, because the 'victims' got culled in crusades, pogroms and the holocaust. Can't have a 'victim mentality' if its literally purged out of your tribal genetics by millennia of oppression.
israel 110
this, but unironically.
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Say what you want, Dayan was a real one.
I kinda hate what nu-Israel has become but their history between 1948 and the 80s is nothing short of insane.
>the US elites, loyal to the USA
>the US elites, loyal to the USA,
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>another war involving third worlders chimping out resulted in anons hurling various insults to describe third worlders hundredfold compared to before it
my almonds are certainly activated
I am Israeli, can you please elaborate on nu-Israel? I'm very curious to this development as well. Our transformation to a full capitalist wealthy democracy is a weird contrast to the old Kibbutsnik fighter society of the past
>A terms is thought up at a point in time by some random cunt
>It catches on and people begin to use it it, causing it to spread further
Why does everything have to be a conspiracy with you faggots?
The isrealis have carried out hundreds of terror attacks against Iran over the last couple of years, the way the isrealis describe these is very different to how an onlooker might describe them.

>my cousin was at work
>this guy walked in and started shooting everyone
>they all ran away
>it was an isreali terrorist
>who came to Iran with a foreign passport
>and we let in

Power plants, universities, water treatment, the people who operate these facilities are civilian technician. In the US it would be Boeing workers, civilian defence contractors who are not armed, not engaged in combat, are civilians according to the Geneva convention.

Isreals operations are just terror attacks, isreal has not declared war on Iran, is not targeting Iranian troops, and the mode of these attacks despite what the media claim is actually just a spy walking into an office and gunning down the technicians
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haniyeh isn't coming back

Just like Saddam's WMD, isreal will always claim there was a genuine military target. That's a given. What evidence is there that there was a missile silo there? Zero. Oy vey there were tunnels under the hospital, an arms cache under the apartment, the school was full of insurgents at the time. Oy you must believe us because our Facebook post has the blue tick.

The second point is that counties are allowed to have defence assets, all counties do. Not all countries are at war, in fact very few countries are at war.
What do you call it when one country attacks another, without declaring war? A war crime. Any country can commit a war crime by attacking another at random. If the US bombed Bolivia tomorrow for no reason would that be a successful military operation? No that would be a war crime. And you can take the view that there are no rules, but the functional outcome is that the country who committed war crimes is the victim of war crimes. The Jews persist is carrying out terror attacks and undeclared hostility against all their neibours, but then play victim when the same happens to them. Oy they attacked our music festival and kidnapped civilians, we would never do that goyim we are the good guys. Come on.

The whole reason the world is in the shit is because of Jewish terrorists starting wars between countries that don't want to fight. Drawing the US into wars the US didn't want to fight, dragging the Arab states, Iran, China into wars they will lose. Why would Iran attack us forces? To stop the terror attacks. Why did the US attack Saddam? 911 goyim, it was Saddam's fault
inb4 anon gets b& for 'racism outside of /b/'.
go check desuarchive and look through any israel/palestine thread from before oct 7 2023. you will notice a stark difference in posts
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>spam the board with dogshit AI paragliders for weeks
That's my excuse. Fuck your glorified prison riot and fuck the middle east
I certainly preferred the kibbutsnik fighter society to the one that's funding and shilling for replacement migration into Europe, not gonna lie famalam
faggot, the board gets spammed any time a big war or firearms related event happens (trump assassination attempts), it's not new. again, check desuarchive for posts around the last intifada. a lot of spamming, a lot of justified complaining about spamming, no >GRR KILL ALL AYRABS RAPE ALL PALESTINIANS I'M GLAD THOSE KIDS ARE DEAD
the board is being astroturfed hard and has been for ages
So turns out it was a civilian facility being used by Syrian forces. Indeed staffed by civilians, which makes it a war crime because
A. Isreal attacked Syrians inside Syria without declaring war, undeclared military hostilities
B. Civilian technicians are not active combatants, were unarmed, were simple executed. Executing civilians is a war crime.
C. The facility did not pose a direct threat to isreal, the facility itself was not justification for the attack. A missile launch platform is an active threat, civilians nearby in that context would be collateral. But the facility didn't attack isreal, wasn't engaged in unlawful combat or terrorism, wasn't as a building a valid military target.

Not a single western media even used the word "war crime" or even denied it was a war crime. They are paid specifically not to use those two words in the context of isreal. Isreal doesn't commit war crimes, that's the rule. No media will accuse isreal of this because isreal assassinates journalists, isreal assassinate anyone, anywhere, they assassinate Americans inside America, your media won't call them "assassins" or "spies' or "terrorists" and just pretends a random person decided to try and kill your president for personal reasons.
retard here, are there different 'qualifiers' for war crimes regarding civilians working in wartime manufacturing? is it currently a war crime to bomb, say, a shell factory during working hours?
ITT: Schizo fight between a handful brown and Jew tourists
Lmao, they just walked in a desert and blew up some hole in the sand.
This most likely was one of the many factories that they have for "exported" goods.
you are retarded that is true. if you still ask questions after the fact then you should jump kike shill
Agreed wholeheartedly and also obviously anyone with a humane working brain with humanity should too but /k/ are /kikeshill/ and sucks biden cock while mocking others wanting putin cock. Not to mention day of reckoning is coming and the kettle is nearing the peak of the couldron
>What do you call it when one country attacks another, without declaring war? A war crime.
Indeed. You need to something about Russia quick! Go do it and don't post back until you did it.
kys nigger i was asking a genuine question
google says bombing a munitions factory is not a war crime, machinegunning staff is in a grey zone but since it's israel they'll get away with it and there's nothing you can do about it
i hope you get raped to death by kikes in prison, achmed
There are different types of rules in war, some people follow some, all or none of them.

There is the Geneva convention, which is a globalist document which sets out rules for countries at war, with the main goal being to ensure the war can still actually be fought. That's why it's widely accepted.
A key provision of the Geneva convention and the Naval equivalent is the treatment of civilians in war. But as "civilian" is often contextual they delineate between "combatants" and "non combatants".

Examples of non combatants might be medics, recruits, off duty soldiers, civilian technicians, peasants forces to carry military supplies.
The principal here is that attacking non combatants doesn't really change the outcome of the war and kills a ton of civilians for no good reason. If you shoot their medics, they shoot your medics. You've achieved nothing by violating the convention and if you don't happen to have medics that day you might have a civilian electrician.

And this is why I talk about the facility, because if the people inside it are non combatants, they could be unavoidable collaterals in a legitimate strike to the target. If there's a civilian on a warship and the war ship is the target, you have not deliberately targeted the civilian. In this case the facility is a civilian facility, staffed by civilians, attacked by ground forces during the day specifically to kill the civilians who work there.
The second type of rules are internal military rules, the Rules of engagement. RoE. Often mission specific, usually stricter than the Geneva conventions but potentially in direct breach. A country that didn't accept the Geneva conventions still has its own armies RoE, and two counties at war are likely to adopt RoE in relation to one another. So countries which hate the Geneva conventions might still both decide independently not to shoot medics.

The third type is national law, which becomes relevant when troops kill civilians in their own country, kill civilians when on leave, rape women, essentially someone in uniform committing an ordinary crime.

But this can also be relevant when troops encounter unlawful combatants. Someone who isn't allowed to fight even according to their own counties law. So a farmer who just starts shooting at them, a kid with a hand grenade, a local drug dealer. A strong feature of occupying someone else's county is that all kinds of people are liable to shoot at you.
The problem here is when
A. The person shooting at you claims to be a lawful combatant, is attempting to fight lawfully.
B. Nobody can really say which government makes the laws governing civilians in a region, disputed territory
C. Strong tendency to declare someone an unlawful combatant because you want to commit a war crime against them. Claiming enemy medics are terrorists, because you've decided to shoot medics now.

Isreal is probably the only country in the world which accepts no rules whatsoever, and why isreal is often called a terrorist state.
>So turns out it was a civilian facility being used by Syrian forces.

it's an IRGC project. israel has bombed it multiple times before in previous years. only difference is it's hard to bomb shit that's deep underground so they decided to do a raid. there's nothing civilian about it

>A. Isreal attacked Syrians inside Syria without declaring war, undeclared military hostilities
israel has been at war with syria since like the 40s. israel bombs syria a shitton and sometimes syria doesn't the same. so this is a null point

>B. Civilian technicians are not active combatants, were unarmed, were simple executed. Executing civilians is a war crime.
every one operating in a military fasciliity is a legimate target. just because you were a janitor at an army base it doesn''t mean you were not a legimate target when you die along with those in the military. also there's no proof that anyone was "executed" unless you mean died in aistrikes

>C. The facility did not pose a direct threat to isreal,
the fascility makes missiles and chemicals weapons which mostly go to hezbollah which is directly on the border with israel. it's a huge threat. which is why it has been bombed so many times before

>A missile launch platform is an active threat, civilians nearby in that context would be collater
sites making missiles that will target you are rightful targets
They died waving white flags and speaking Hebrew.
The crayon readers in the IDF shit themselves over this and started shooting wildly at them.
Imagine you have a table with one soldier from every county in the world, you forgot the law and just spoke about respect.

Which soldier respects a soldier who kills medics? Fucking nobody. Maybe around that table someone had shot a medic, they're probably really sorry, it was probably an accident.

Which pilot bombs someone's house? Flies over the enemies country, can't find anything, decides to bomb a random person's house, kills a cat, kills a child, blows up someone's vegetable garden. No pilot respects that, pilots go to lengths not to even jettison bombs over populated areas. Or at least all jettison them in the same place, or drop them at the wrong altitude, really anything to avoid accidentally bombing a random person's house.

Which sailor shells a fishing boat? It's the same thing. Before the war you were a fisherman, after the war you'll go back to fishing.

Pilots don't bomb fishing boats, sailors don't shoot down civilian aircraft, soldiers don't shoot at pilots who bail out.
The depth of respect is incredible and stands up in histories bloodiest conflicts to the largest extent. Even if everyone else is doing it one pilot will just say "that's not me" and miss on purpose.

And only when you understand that respect do you come to understand why the Jews are SO hated. They are the only soldiers, sailors and pilots I know with a total disregard for human life (because I do know them), who's armed forces have a total disregard for human life, and who violate the Geneva convention as if they get points for it.
I'm using the term civilian in the context of its validity as a military target so don't take me out of context.
The facility did not "attack" isreal in peace time, so there's no excuse. The staff are civilian defence technicians, like Boeing staff. In a bombing they would be collateral but in a ground offensive they've been executed. Someone pointed their gun at an unarmed guy with a clip board and shot him. A non combatant is never a valid military target.

It's not a moot point that the two countries are not at war, isreali characteristic disregard for international laws and norms compounds. It doesn't become less of a war crime the more you do it.

The argument that the facility is linked to unlawful rocket attacks is entirely propergandic, only jew shills even know that this is the talking point line.

The isrealis have a well established policy of executing their own troops to avoid hostage taking. Because hostage taking is a strong feature of Arab warfare, for thousands of years the Arabs, the Greeks, have maintained peace through hostage taking rather than the western method of proxy government.

In this case hammas was raping the hostages but my point is that killing their own people is the rule with the IDF not the exception. If you're taken hostage they would rather kill you to deprive the enemy of a bargaining chip, because isreal doesn't want peace, they don't want bargaining, they don't want any grounds for bargaining. The isrealis often execute pows because they don't want anyone in isreal trying to bargain for peace either, it's a strong feature of the left/ right/ orthodox divide in isreal that the IDF hijacks isreali foreign policy
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>latter half of this bread
>The facility did not "attack" isreal in peace time, so there's no excuse

ok you are just retarded. something doesn't have to attack you to be a military target. as you can see in pic rel. a military target is one that offers a direct military advantange to an enemy whose capture and or total or partial destruction would offer a military advantage to the attack. this is why weapons factories are fair game during war. the only question is a question of proportionality. israel attacked at like 3 am. you're a retard if you think there were civilians at that time and if there were they deserved it.

>The staff are civilian defence technicians, like Boeing staff. In a bombing they would be collateral but in a ground offensive they've been executed.

israel did large airstrikes before the raid started. most of the people that died were killed in airstrikes preceding the raid. besides not showing that there were any civilians there, you have no evidence that anyone was "executed" on the ground.
>It's not a moot point that the two countries are not at war, isreali characteristic disregard for international laws and norms compounds. It doesn't become less of a war crime the more you do it.
israel is at war with syria. they have been since the '40s. i don't know how many times this has to be said to you retards
>The argument that the facility is linked to unlawful rocket attacks is entirely propergandic, only jew shills even know that this is the talking point line.
it's not just linked to rockets. it produces precision missiles and chemicals weapons. if you don't believe if that's your thing. i am sure the israeils used their intelligence and resources for the lols
Ah see now I know that your are actually a Jewish shill not just a supporter.
You have made three poor faith arguments in a row now, things that while technically true you wouldn't even believe yourself as you are obviously familiar with the subject.
You are not here to trick me, you are here to trick anyone else reading.

Isreal has engaged in unprovoked military hostilities again 4 different counties this year alone, arguable those counties back terrorists but here is isreal just assuming the role of a terrorist state.

And you can take quotes out of context like a jew lawyer but I have read these documents myself. And you can pretend isrealis doctrine is common or accepted, but I don't accept it, and I don't think anyone else will accept it either.

You say you are being attacked by rockets, that is your justification to everything. You don't want to stop the rocket attacks, you want war, you want to claim the people firing the rockets are terrorists not soldiers, but that when you bomb them you are a soldier not a terrorist. And you say the Arabs who attack you do so in peace time, now here you say that you are at war.

Tomorrow you will be here pretending you have no memory of what was said today, with new lies, new tricks.
No posts from youare accepted until you do this.
Don't bother to post before.
Might want to keep an eye on Israel, today the Shin Bet claims that Hezbollah attempted to assassinate a former Chief of Staff and there are reportedly extremely intensive discussions going on right now in the security cabinet.
notice how you didn't make any argument or say anything substantive to respond to my points. not suprising. maybe go back to whatever echo chamber you came from
Literally no strategic reason for the Israeli to be doing that, you think we want a majority muslim EU because we "resent the whites" so much? Our revenge is through being successful and building our own country, while Euros don't have kids and are in austerity mode all the time
>crazy that hezbollah is so incompetent. this is like their second attempt
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right on cue
"Scientific Studies and Research Center" gives off the same vibes as "Studies and Observation Group".

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