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Is it actually good?
No not really, the quality control is a bit hit or miss.
But if you want one and don't mind the cost you should get it.

Who else make (new) swords of good quality?
There are quite a few, at a variety of price points.
I’ve had good results with Ronin, and was looking at getting the claymore from Kingston arms.

Thanks anon
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Yes. Cold Steel products are generally good for the price. I'd rather have their Grosse Messer, however. pic related
Go browse around sites like kult of Athena or sword buyers guide, and you’ll find a mix of stuff.
Albion. Be aware, very long wait times.
I love this new gig of René Artois
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fucking hell I saw that goofy looking sword on some knife show and I been thinking about it ever since. I absolutely will be buying one eventually.
I bought one of their SA made machetes and used it to chop up thick tree roots. Very durable.
I've bought a machete from Cold Steel and it's alright.
I have no idea but I fucking love Cold Steel ads. Lynn C is one of the patron saints of /k/.ntgt
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Cold Steel's quality and accuracy gets smaller as the objects get bigger.
their knives are ok, for the price. their machetes are gimmicky but not bad. the small swords are poor, and the full size swords are shit. stuff like their "grosse messer" is a bad joke, especially if you want anything remotely like historical originals - blades which are too thin, not enough distal taper, hilt components which are really cheap and poorly made.

a whole load of chinese and pakistani companies who are mostly bad.
Windlass / Royal Armouries are pretty good.
Valiant Armoury are good.
Albion are the best of the bunch.

Darksword Armory. - really bad quality control
Starfire and Badger Blades. they're glorified crowbars.
Angel Sword - absurdly overpriced crowbars.
he ate that meat later, right
no, they sell it to their friend who makes dog/cat kibble out of it
i'll tell yall right now, the cold steel spetznaz shovel i got like 15 years ago is still perfect
Landsknecht Emporium

They are pretty good.
Every sword is a two handed sword for me because I'm WEAK! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, faggot.
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it's a fun sword
>Arching Basinet
>Black combat jacket
Meta player detected.
There's surely a reason for one handed swords to exist. Like maybe they give you more reach for a shorter length, because you can extend your swinging arm further.
I'd get that knife as a girlfriend present.
According to Shad, this type of sword (a two handed falchion) is actually the ultimate style of sword for any type of sword fight. It has all the pros of a katana and none of the cons. It has an actual cross-guard, a blade that isn't top heavy, spring steel instead of brittle folded steel, and a pommel that can be used for bashing in a clinch.
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I've got 3 of their swords and they're all very good.

If you're worried about QC, buy through kult of athena because they check everything before they ship it.
This dude nailed it, although i've had some good experiences with Darkswoord.

Lutel is good too, in my experience.
they let you ride a horse at the same time
>It has an actual cross-guard, a blade that isn't top heavy, spring steel instead of brittle folded steel, and a pommel that can be used for bashing in a clinch.
Katana has all that + it's longer
>actual crossguard
Katana fails
>spring steel
katana fails
Katana fails

dumb post, sudoku yourself now failed weeb
Is this a cutlass?
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Regenyei, ask for sharp
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this iis a question which takes like a page to answer. you can basically get mass production, semi mass production, mass production but finished and QCd by an artisan, something with a combination of the above, or a complete custom artisan 1 off piece.

you are obviously a poorfag because you are on 4chan so lets rule out hand forged artisan pieces since those start at $5,000. lets be honest you came for the mass produced chink shit since you are sub 25yo and asking about coldsteel. look into hanwei or whatever you see on kultofathena or whatever the latest vendor that anime autists here shill in the $200-$500 price range. anything less than $200 is really going to be dogshit in the best case sscenario or deadly and dangerous to you as it breaks apart on your first swing in the worst case scenario. for about double the price you can get a mass produced machine made piece from albion which is hand fitted by competent people and the designs are fairly accurate to historic pieces.
Well, it's definitely more wieldy than their three-handed greatsword.
And then, hit up Tinker Pierce or Angus Trim and get something nice. :3
lol every skallcuck brings up the Messer, like clockwork
pssshhh, nothing personnel, kid
>you are obviously a poorfag because you are on 4chan
Plenty of rich fags here.
you're def one of those guys that loves to talk about stuff he's never owned.

had you actually purchased a messer, and done cut tests/durability tests with it like I did, you'd realize that they're really, really well built. they might not have the most "historical' design and they're not the most "polished" either, but they're a tough, well made, sharp and easy to sharpen use ready messer.

my 2 albion blades are absolutely of higher quality when it comes to their fit and finish, etc. they're much nicer for sure, but when you're cutting it doesn't really matter if you sword "looks nice" now does it?

gatekeeper fags are everywhere in HEMA. the coldsteel swords are just fine, and word well. including the warrior katana. if you're looking for a low cost sword to get started, they're hard to beat.

also the coldseel machetes, shovel and kukri are all pretty great. yes I actually own them and have actually used them. took the machete trail blazing and it does exactly what a machete is suppose to do. kept sharp for a long while, and it was easy re-sharpend and do edge repair (if you use a machete for machete things, you WILL end up with dull/chipped blade EVENTUALLY, doesn't matter what steel it is)

I have 3 of the kukri I use them for throwing practice. they're tough as hell. have broken many, many knives throwing over the years. the kukri held up so well to the abuse of hurling it at a log full power that i bought 2 more. not a single bend or fucked up tip yet.

always cracks me up to see faggots with opinions on things they've clearly never owned/used/experienced in real life. >>62493910
I fucking love the shovel. use it for camp tasks when out on the trail (I build animal habitats for a living so a lot of deep woods living/trail blazing). it's made damn well and easy to maintain. light too.
I fucking lost my spetsnaz shovel years ago, and I'm still sad. Carried that shit with me through all my camping and backpacking trips during my boy scout days. Yeah I could buy a new one, but that old one just has too much sentimental value to me.
>according to shad
He's full of shit.
when i was watching Alone with my gf at that time and saw someone brought the shovel i gasped. instantly said yep he wins cuz hes fat and he has that. guy makes pretty good youtube content now after he won, sad his life cheated on him during the show and divorced him instantly once she got the money. zack fowler was his name
I couldn't find a clip of Daniel Tosh breaking one so you'll have to teak my word for it.
Shad is basically the ultimate youtuber historian on things like swords.
Since being sold to GSM Outdoors Cold Steel has been cranking out new overpriced garbage in 4034 steel with awful ergonomics. I can’t say if any of their classic designs have suffered QC issues yet, but it’s only a matter of time
>According to Shad, this type of sword (a two handed falchion)
It's not a two-handed falchion and any two-handed sabre is inherently retarded.
It CAN be dual-wielded for leverage, but that's almost always worse than one-handed it.
>It's not a two-handed falchion
It is, though.
For cheap it’s Lk Chen, Windlass steel, Kingston arms, Balur arms, devils edge,ronin katana, condor and Hanweii (newer models only, do not buy older as they are the Chinese stereotype of absolute dogshit quality) this also goes for cold steel, avoid older models at all costs as they are horrid for the price but new models though not great are really bang for your buck

For higher price range most of the brands like Albion, regenyei. Del Tin, TFW, Swords of Northshire, zombie tools, Sabersmith, battle blades and any blacksmith that knows his salt is worth the 500-1100 price hike for a great
>a messer
Messer is the German word for knife. You're saying you bought a big knife?
You are so sweet
>According to Shad
Come on now
depends how "good" you want your sword which can be hundreds to thousands of $. Here's an "approved" list for Kult of Athena's shop.


I heard Swords of Northshire is also good
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>can't stürzhau
messer goes to garbage
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Just spent the morning marathoning Cold Steel videos bros
sorry to break the news, but Lutel closed up a few years ago.

That's because the CS Grosse messer is shit.

the distal taper profile is completely wrong, its too thin at the cross, and there's not enough distal overall, same problem as their 1792 cavalry sabre. The crossguard is simply a lasercut profile, it doesnt have any of the 3d shaping and form of the real ones. Net result is its mass distribution is all wrong. The grips are pretty crude, and the tang doesnt have proximal taper. lastly, the pommel is oversized and under-shaped (you know those shitty videogame guns where it makes no sense, because the artist did no research? the pommel is like that. its a sort of vague approximation from glancing at a photo once.)

I didn't even know "skalagrim" had commented on it, but I have handled one, despite what >>62498607 assumes.
But I can say its shit.
Incidentally, I have used, or own messers from multiple different manufacturers including custom smiths. Cold Steel (all three models) Landsknecht Emporium - Gustav, Gunther, Karl and Adorian models, Kvetun, Mac Armour, and Albion.

Shad is a fucking moron who has never taken part in a single hema club more than once, who has never handled a single historical original, and whose entire experience is in making up shit instead of actually researching the subjects. He's a clown.
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He transitioned (heh..) to full on "le wokiee culture" engagement farming. He also shuns any form of academic work and historiography, like all armchair retards that talk out of their asses based only on vibes.
Yeah, I bought the Cold Steel barong after reading "Jungle Patrol" and "Swish of the Kris" by Vic Hurley and it is pretty good. The grip is very large, a bit too large for my taste even though I am a 6'3'' guy. Still very comfy.
The dude is a full blown devout Mormon, the kind of person who thinks red Indians are lost Israelite tribes, that the garden of Eden was in the US, and that the native americans somehow had horses before the white man brought them from Europe.
That should tell you all you need to know about the man's actual historical literacy.
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>been practicing Iaido and Kendo for years
>have multiple handmade japanese swords
>theyre all alloy (for iaido) or historic tamahagane
>historic tamahagane kinda blows in all respects other than looks, desperately start wanting a shock steel sword for outdoorsy stuff
>have practiced katana for years, obviously want a katana
>know tons of american and even a few euro companies make modern shock steel katana
>check them out, prices much lower than my current swords, steel quality top notch on paper
>see the fittings
>worst, cheapest possible sheaths the only option anyone offers, genuinely not good enough for a craft fair in japan
>tsubamaki (the grip wrappings) alwasy a total amateur job, either thin ass silk or some polyester crap that will shake loose in a month
>literally none of them use actual ray leather, goddamn plastic used in several cases
It looks like if I want to go to the shock steel route, I’ll have to buy a sword, and then have fittings freaking made for it, but shock steel replicas made outside of Japan aren’t even legal to own there, so I don’t even think I can get a craftsman there to work on it. You really have to understand the extent to which a terrible sheath ruins the experience, it’s like being used to driving a Ferrari with tires from the 60s and then upgrading your tires in exchange for having to switch to a nissan leaf. I get i brought this on myself by choosing the way of the weeaboo over a decade ago but it sucks i have to choose between good steel and good literally everything else.
You're digging your own grave when you insist of this or that specific buzzword steel grade. As long as you avoid the cheap stainless shit it's more about how well the maker can heat treat it than which specific steel he's using. And if this is simply you trying, sub-consciously or not, to make up for the fact that you know "outdoorsy stuff" absolutely ain't what a katana has been designed to do... then just get a fucking machete. Actually, just get a machete or hatchet or something like that regardless. The right tool for the job and all that, you don't want to be the next 1101-1816.
>ultimate youtuber historian
So, shit.
plenty of them have actual rayskin
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That show is a crime against God and man!
Just because I can kill you doesn't mean I won't just beat you to a pulp instead.
I like the Grosse Messer because it looks similar to the KOTOR vibrosword.
you know, that's the best reason I've ever heard to justify the CS messer.
I'd say enjoy your vibrosword.
I didnt bring up the messer. I guess your clock is stopped.
>Lutel is kill
no :'(
I cant remember the exact details, but roughly, Lutel had a falling out between the craftsmen, and management, probably about 5 or 6 years ago.
the craftsmen split and formed a company called Lutel-handicraft, but there were a lot of unfulfilled orders from the "original" Lutel, and confusion over who was who, which rather poisoned the well.
Best I understand, they pretty much closed around or just before the time Covid hit. The original owner of the company was close to 60, and in poor health too, so there's no real chance of a return.
Looks like there's a chink in that armor.
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Nice to see that you are still around the internet with your sword and tape hobby.
If you don't like it, improve it yourself.
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>Browsing Kult of Athena to stare at longswords and stuff again
>Decide to search by manufacturers in case there's cool swords I wouldn't see otherwise
>What the fuck is Lancelot Sword?
>Come across this big chunky fuck
>Description goes on about STOPPIN POWAH like a fudd with a 1911
>Oh hey, George Silver and his seething hatred of rapiers mentioned
>I don't know where I'm going with this greentext

I think it's both cool and retarded. I might buy one if it wasn't a thousand bucks,

Pardon? The Bible is the first Western "historical document", and all others only distinguish themselves from it by being less accurate.
I'm really interested if Swords of Northshire is good because that Anduril replica fucking speaks to me. 3.5lbs is easily the lightest version I've found that isn't just a display piece.
>According to Shad
Tell me more about the hand forged artisane pieces. Any of the smiths do bronze?
But doesn't cold steel unironically make knives navy seals use and stuff?
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Just buy the shovel anon. It’s by far the best thing they make. Can’t you hear it calling to you?
It’s decidedly not a sword, it’s a knoife
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They don't have their knives and swords made to the same standards.
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Neil Burridge is the main one doing bronzes.

here's one jake powning did. yes, this is bronze.
custom order one from Regenyei. the weight and balance will be much more historically accurate, and it will actually stay together.
Is he really still active? His internet channel was a welcome sign of life there for a while, but has been silent for two years now, and bronze-age-swords.com Is some kind of internet casino nowadays, while bronze-age-craft.com appears to be nothing but a big pile of AI gibberish with a bunch of internet Casinos as sponsors.
yes. he was having cancer treatment for the last year. he still uses facebook.
Imagine a wall hanger with a cheap heat treatment and an edge made with an angle grinder by a Chinese slave in a factory who doesn’t even get a respirator.
Praise Jesus, Henry's come to see us!
there's an outfit with a booth at the Ohio Ren Fare called Badger Blades that makes good stuff. I always go by the booth every year and tell myself I don't need to spend a few hundred dollars on a gladius. The use 1095 steel.

Here's their website: https://www.badgerblades.com/
Based slavjank enjoyer.
Nothing coldsteel makes is good lil nigga. That shit is BudK tier.
He gets mogged by Matt Easton and anyone that ACTUALLY uses swords.
You are such a sword-fudd holy crap.
>Badger Blades

crowbars in drag.
Shitty hilt fittings, blades that don't have any proper taper so they handle like shit.
If you want some actually good stuff you should check out krieger armory (kriegerarmory.com). I used be in and out of one of the shops the guy rented space from in Indiana. They really do a really thorough job tempering their blades, and their man guy (shawn) is pretty decent to do business with in general.
Jake Powning existing is basically a glitch. Same with Vince Evans....
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>Swords of Northshire
>sokka's meteor sword
That's actually pretty fuckin neato
Do you guys know of anyone that makes legit spears? Like shit you could take into a battle lmao. I really want to get a spear and shield
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CAS/Hanwei, GDFB, Puma
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Got mine years ago, never tested it(seriously) but did work a semi edge on it. If anything, it makes for a hefty and regal wall hanger, specially if you go the extra mile and add some customizations. Overall Im happy with her and would probably buy another coldsteel product or that hanwei lowlander.
Much like Hanbon forge etc. they seem to bounce back and forth between recommended and stay away lists based on whether the last guy to have an opinion got a good one or a lemon. So probably decent enough swords most of the time, but you're probably not getting any QC to speak of at that price point.
Your analogy is shit since tires are the most important part of a car and the sheath is the least important part of a sword.
awesome, thanks
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basket hilted swords are kino, and I will not be convinced otherwise.
Nigger that's a federschwert you just posted. Not a sharp blade, but a training implement.

>no mention of your need for BULLhorn
>considers his aluminum bladed larp sword to have good fittings and saya
dishonobru display
Skallagrim said it was p good
>historic tamahagane kinda blows in all respects other than looks
Tamahagane is better than you give it credit for. As long as it's the real deal stuff from the NBTHK's tatara (most "tamahagane" on the market is Chinese-made rubbish created from literal factory floor iron shavings) and has been forged and heat treated by somebody who knows what he's doing, a sword made from tamahagane will get the job done.

Exhibit A: Traditionally forged tamahagane sword tested against an original helmet from the sengoku jidai made by the famous armorer Myochin: https://youtu.be/08Vvs1nK-w4?si=QSCRZdzGsz5FQls-&t=3399

t. guy who owns both a gendaito and a Bizen Osafune katana from the 19th century and cuts with both of them
You can't wear them comfortably.
Skallagrim is fat and refuses to go on a diet. It's simply a matter of eating less but he seems to derive dopamine from food instead of things like exercise.
I like to shop cold steel for factory seconds. Fucking never done me wrong man. They send you DVD's with people fucking shit up. It's kinda fucking cool. Just add your own metal sound track.
Show your friends what you got and they're like what the fuck man that's not reasonable why should anyone have one of these let me play with it!
That fat slob swinging the sword is the epitome of 'mereka
That's false in my experience.
What sword have you worn that seemed to have no way of being worn easily?
Did you try using a baldric?
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I'm simply saying that any sword with a simple handguard is more slim fitting that a sword with a whole basket of a handguard, my Anon.
>Angel Sword - absurdly overpriced crowbars.
Wow, never thought I'd see them mentioned. They used to frequent the local ren fair, but damn those prices, they always lead with the payment plan option.
Tod Cutler is good.
Surely no price is too much for their proprietary, snake oil quenched, fully audited Techno Wootz™?
This your sword?
I carry a saber hilted cutlass like this and occasionally a basket hilted rapier. The shape does not feel different when worn. If I put my peacoat on over them, the bulky appearance is the same. They both have a round shape slightly larger than a man's hand. Can you clarify what sword wearing experience you are basing your assertion off of because it seems to differ from mine own?

I do think you are correct in preferring a handguard that better facilitates ambidextrous use, however.
I have one of those^

lmfao, its a deadly fucking weapon too,
1 baseball bat tier swing and it would take a head clean off
anyway does anyone have any experience with the
for reasons, i want one
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>Tod Cutler is good.
I, for one, like his line of cheaper daggers.
Nah their knives made in Taiwan and Italy are good, but their "historical" swords are all made in China or India, and therefore meant to be more budget-friendly since we all know they're really just meant for dicking around.
>not getting the biggest lulziest MAGNUM TANTO XII they make
You're buying Cold Steel wrong.
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>You're buying Cold Steel wrong.
explain why^

what about in one of their expensive steels?
I need to know scientifically and specifically why I cant have my sawed-off Highlander™ sword.

I dont want to get caught off holyground without one..
My improved cutlass came from India and it's magnificent. Rock solid and no flaws on the blade after all my clumsy cutting. British Proof Test baybee
>explain why^
Because bigger is always better.
>Because bigger is always better.
if i didnt make it clear, i was refering to the MAGNUM tanto (7 1/2)

I specifically want to know about *THAT* model
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India is frankly where i look for euro swords from, although the second nicest piece I have is from China. Craftsmen can come from anywhere.
Shad is a fat retard who doesn't read. Stop getting your opinions from obese Youtubers.
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Fidestisan Claymore, in black. I've chopped through some fruit, and about half-way through a rolled up mat. $140 on Amazon, if you're looking to fuck around. If you're looking to liberate the French from English occupation, maybe look elsewhere
Better picture
>two handed falchion
Fuckin beaut
except for the fact its not a falchion.

But if you ask, you shall receive.
Albion is the gold standard among HEMA practioners who do cutting comps. There are many other brands that make serviceable options too.

Cold steel swords tend to be overbuilt and poorly balanced. Some, like their great sword in particular, are not good even in that quality (fucking tosh.0 managed to break one years ago very easily).
This is The Regent by Albion Swords. It is 2k USD. I have been dreaming about it for months. I've browsed through dozens of sword makers but these guys seem like the most bespoke maker of western blades out there.
The most I've spent on any sword is a few hundred. One day when I get the urge for a real ass sword this is the shape that will dominate my mind. I wonder if anyone here has ever held an Albion sword?
Dang you posted this as I was typing. Thanks for confirming my eye for quality is true.
Did I mention Valiant? If I didn't, let me reiterate that Valiant is REALLY nice.
>indian made swords
You are such an amateur lmfao.
you dont have a poop sword?
I'm just getting into HEMA and I have plenty of money, what Albion(s) should I buy?
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Look, at the end of the day you just need a rod of steel. You don't need an edge, or anything fancy. HEMA is about HEEMing yout opponent by hitting them with a steel rod.
Does anyone remember the what the fancy ratios are for the design of the Alexandra sword, aka the Principe, are?
If you're getting into HEMA you should start with buying your HEMA gear. Mask, gloves, jacket, feder, etc. Then once you have a few months or more of practice behind you you'll start to have some kind of idea what it is you'd actually want out of a sharp, and can pick one accordingly, which may or may not be an Albion.
Dumb nigger award.
this thing is apparently for throwing but kek wtf
>is it actually good
Would Lynn Thompson lie to you?
Is it a lie if he genuinely believes what he says? Lynn is like the patron saint of /k/. He carries at least five knives, two guns, and a sword wherever he goes.
Thank you.
Says right there that it's a great sword.
>brittle folded steel
I hope you're not suggesting that it's the folding that makes it brittle.
Anyone who takes anything shad has to say seriously has probably been dropped on their head as a newborn, so I wouldn't hold out any hope of them not suggesting something that stupid.

(dont tell them that european sword-making also folded the steel, that fact might be too difficult to comprehend.)
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I could take a crowbar with a welded on crossguard to a HEMA contest and do better than someone with a $2K sword. My main sword is just a hunk of steel that I use to bat aside the opponent's sword and follow up with a pommel bash.
Shad knows way more about swords than anyone on /k/.
Sure thing lil bro and your dad is Chuck Norris too.
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Shad is a fat faggot nerd retard who can't fence worth a shit.
did he literally beat the shit out of him near the end?
>dont tell them that european sword-making also folded the steel
The difference being by the time Europeans made contact with Japan, they did not except for decoration. Japan did it because they couldn't into spring steel. No ifs ands or buts about it, European steel of the era was simply better.
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Seems like it.
He's talking about old early medieval swords, they used steel folding among other techniques for removing impurities. Spring steel is a late medieval/rennaissance thing in Europe that became a thing once crucibles got hot enough to melt steel.
You are dumber than a /his/fag when it comes to history holy shit neck yourself already.
>they used steel folding among other techniques for removing impurities
Techically steel continued to be folded all the way into the 18th century when it existed alongside crucuble steel invented by Benjamin Huntsman, which are both done to normalize it and remove impurities. What people usually talk about when they mention japanese swords is layering different types or iron/steel to get a better result, i.e. low carbon steel or wrought iron as the core and hardened high carbon steel along the edges, which makes the sword durable but allows it to hold an edge. Especially in the early middle ages when smiths were often using smaller ingots/blooms from smaller forges they'd use elaborate inlays of pattern welded steel that served as much a decoration as they did the practical purpose of adding uniformity to many small pieces of iron and steel of different grades without wasting much material on forging them together and folding them to uniformity. This technique somewhat died out in the high and late middle ages but remained in use for decorative elements and saw a resurance in the later periods of rennaisance and early modern era.
>Spring steel is a late medieval/rennaissance thing in Europe that became a thing once crucibles got hot enough to melt steel.
Spring steel in the non-modern sense is a method of heat treatment and doesn't involve actually melting it, it's more accurately called "spring tempered steel" and it's typically uniform throughout and evenly heat treated. It was far from the only technique that's been used though since all kinds of smiths were making weapons and unlike the big brand name manufactories they didn't usually have the facilities or skills to make spring tempered steel swords.
Sounds like someone owes Shad an apology.
On top of what that anon said consider that HEMA is not a martial art or a specific club, but an umbrella term that refers to a vast range different historical sources being studied which can go from friendly wrestling to bayonet drills and armored horseback combat (and wrestling too). You probably should explore the things that your club offer for a while to find out the thing(s) that you really like(Longsword, Sword and Buckler, Rapiers, Sabers, armored combat if you are a richfag,etc etc) and want to take it to next level before you start burning money
>According to Shad
steel blades were still being folded by Wilkinson into the 1830's. the Solingen makers were using the same processes till then too.
Spring steel is a very vague term, but it does not care about whether the metal was created with a bloomery or pig iron furnace. And do note that for various reasons the latter steel needed folding to make sword grade steel. Hell, even today the idea of extensive hot forging to refine the quality of steel lives on and sees widespread use in the shot strip mill.

On the contrary, many European blades around such times were made of folded steel and then intentionally polished to hide this since a uniform "bright" blade was seen as more decorative. Pattern welding for looks was more a 19th century thing, though even then extensive folding for practical reasons (shear steel for example) was also very much a thing.

>What people usually talk about when they mention japanese swords is layering different types or iron/steel to get a better result,
Notice the number of folds/layers usually mentioned, often in the thousands. So no, it's the actual folding itself that's refereed to, not the later laminating, unless the person doesn't know the difference/has gotten the two mixed up into one big pile/there was no thought or knowledge at all present past the word "folding"/some such.
As for this lamination process, when actual archeometallurgy gets involved it seems that the reason for it was rather to save on steel than to improve performance (remember, regardless of whether we're talking about beam bending or heavy impacts against sharp edges it's the outside that really matters, while the core does relatively little, and thus the core's properties likewise matter relatively little), and its use is just down to a simply question of metal prices vs labour costs. We also do see some all-steel blades from Japan, in particular smaller ones where there isn't much steel to save by using a bimetal construction.
Kys retarded nigger tripfag no one likes you and you are a dumb wrong faggot.
>He's talking about old early medieval swords
yes, I know. What part of
>The difference being by the time Europeans made contact with Japan, they did not except for decoration. Japan did it because they couldn't into spring steel. No ifs ands or buts about it, European steel of the era was simply better.
the part where you didn't get to go "WELL AKSHUALLY" and have it be relevant?

>You are dumber than a /his/fag when it comes to history holy shit neck yourself already.
You're illiterate and just want to uselessly be contrarian even when not a single thing I said was wrong and more succinctly stated the useless irrelevant knowledge you tried to regurgitate.

I think it's something coming out of his pocket
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All I can hear is the tf2 scout bat bonk sound whenever he hits
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No he doesn't. In Africa maybe, but not CONUS.

That's factually incorrect, I am paid for my knowledge, so I am literally not an amateur at this.

Now, everyone stop saying spring steel. That refers to a temper/heat treatment, not any kind of fucking material composition.
>bloused boots and civies
>other guy has a motard haircut
lmao, fuckin jarheads, you just know this happened right outside of base.
>r. jarhead
Sword anons, who makes a decent executioners sword, let’s say 300ish dollars? Yeah, it’s not gonna be Terminus Est, but I can pretend.
Not much to choose from, http://www.arms-armor.com/products/executioner-s-sword-detail_342 is probably your best bet.
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anyone know where I can get a good anglo-saxon sword? lets say under 1500? the castle keep seems like the only good one
Please don't buy from Rob "I endorse holocaust deniers" Miller.
On the other hand, this is /k/, that's probably a ringing endorsement.

If you're not a piece of shit, don't buy from Miller. Try Paul Binns, or Mick Maxen, Björn Gísli Gylfason, You probably cant afford it, but you can at least look at Owen Bush too. .
>Now, everyone stop saying spring steel. That refers to a temper/heat treatment, not any kind of fucking material composition.
Not really. I wouldn't call 52100, or S7, or H13 spring steels, regardless of heat treatment. I also wouldn't call 1075, 1084, 5160 tool steels.
dubs of irony. imagine giving a fuck about someones political opinion instead of just focusing on the quality of their work
Why do sword fags really always have the chub n tuck?
That looks great. Thanks.
>Rob "I endorse holocaust deniers" Miller
what's a holocaust denier?
>sad his life cheated on him during the show and divorced him instantly once she got the money
Is that what happened?

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