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How come nothing surpassed it to this day?
So, bribes + a bad product = being found out.

Bribes + A good product = never being found out.

The Herc has such a HUGE fucking footprint around the globe that you can get your aircraft serviced almost anywhere, its not a particularly complex plane (For what it is), its engines last forever, it's not hard to fly and it's "Foreign maintenance tolerant" TL/DR: If Pakistan, India and Philippines can keep it flying, it is a good bet you have a solid product.
Bribes are the norm on the MIC world.

But yea, as you said it can be serviced in any country in the world, including 4th world turboshitholes.
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The Toyota Hilux of airplanes (or perhaps the Hilux is the C-130 of trucks).
complexity of 5/10 and execution of 10/10
>lust provoking image
>time wasting irrelevant ESL question
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Hey guys!

What's going on in this thread?
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The a400 and c390 are both arguably better in some circumstances, but it's close enough that it depends on the specific mission, and there's not any definitive "best".

I'd probably go a400 if I could only have a single transport type, and not separate tactical and strategic airlifters.
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>Hilux is the C-130 of trucks
I fucking love how cute these are and I hope they become huge and somebody licenses them and starts cranking them out in the US and the USAF buys them. Miata of cargo planes.
A400 is an ugly POS. Cross between C17 and C130 with the worst qualities of each.
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Nice C-2 copy.
The C-2 is far larger
The C-390s take off performance at MTOW is 50% longer than the C-130Js, the Atlas is generally better than the Super Herc but obviously more expensive.
The RAAF is currently buying new C-130Js to replace their old C-130Js (and C-27Js) which replaced the C-130Hs which supplemented the C-130Es which replaced the C-130As.
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They took this from you
The ANG airlift wing back in my hometown has been flying Hercs since the 90s and I'm so happy they're getting Super Hercs sometime soon. They're currently training with a Luftwaffe unit for Proptoberfest.
A facelift in the cockpit and that would look incredible.
>exceeds all the requirements and fill a logistic hole
>AkShuAllY We DoN't NeED iT
Isn't it's transmission prone to grenade itself?
The answer is because it's a perfect size, both in footprint, and it how much it can carry. Any bigger and it gets into the C-133 territory where the brass would rather stick in on a proper jet that requires actual pavement and can get across the ocean in a normal amount of time.
"Surpassed" in what way?
Nigger be specific, there's faster cargo aircraft, ones that carry more shit, ones that are cheaper, but no matter what's listed in this thread that trumps the C130 in one area you're gonna go "nuh uh" anyway.

The C130 sits in the same spot as the M4, there's so fucking many of them that replacing them isn't worth it for the marginal improvement other alternatives offer, its not perfect, but its good enough and developed enough that its illogical to replace it with anything but magic if you already have your infrastructure built up for C130s.
C390 is replacing C130 around the world as we speak.
only a handful of Hercs are actually being directly replaced.
>Shits on your "aerodynamics"
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Look at this cute little baby.
Smol herc.
Hey the cargo got there, didn't it?
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remember me?
>2 Engines
4 engined planes are cooler
And 3 engined planes are even cooler
The golden trifecta of defense development
>It works pretty well
>It has gotten continuous upgrades
>America bought a fucking lot of them

If you make something and it gets those three things, it turns out it will be really really successful.
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Take your meds grandpa.

But they're more expensive to operate.
The C-2 is far larger and disproportionately more expensive.
American design engineering was at it' peak.
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>get across the ocean in a normal amount of time
>be on last deployment from Afghanistan
>waiting on flight back home from Kuwait
>flight cancelled because some dependa posted the itinerary on facebook
>BC is a good guy and moves heaven and earth to find a quick flight
>before flight, CSM asks for one volunteer
>raise my hand figuring that they just need help loading the plane
>get told they don't have room for me and that my flight will be tomorrow on a cargo plane
>"fuck yeah, I can string up my hammock and nap the whole flight
>go to airfield the next day and see a C-130
The fucking plane was packed with people on the jump seats, so you're sitting knee-to-knee with the guy across from you. What happened next was the plane flying some retarded, Indiana Jones travel montage, hell flight. Kuwait to Incirlik, to Naples, to Hamburg, to some sheep fuck airfield in Ireland, to Iceland, to Greenland, to Maine. No room to stand, no room to stretch, just sitting in that fuck awful loud tube staring at the other poor, ugly, stupid retard across from you. In case you didn't know, the C-130 is fucking loud enough that you have to wear ear pro in flight. Fucking miserable.

The plane was supposed to go on to Dover, but once we were back in the US, they couldn't keep me on base. I called my commander, told him I was skipping the plane and would get the next commercial flight back to Nashville. Got a suspended article 15 for missing movement when I got home, but at least I didn't have to sit on that shitty, little airplane anymore.
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>worse in every spec than the An-70
The only thing going on with the A-400 is the EU pandering airbus.
Also the A-400 is actually in production instead of perpetually being one or two flying prototypes, that might have something to do with its relative success compared to the An-70. Normal slav things, they say they can build airplanes, some of them might even be decent, but they can't build more than a dozen or so without going bankrupt.
Ukraine is poor af but they had 50% of the soviet aeroindustry, it's obvious that it would end like that, their main client disintegrated.
>C-130 is fucking loud enough that you have to wear ear pro in flight
There is no military cargo airlift plane on earth that is quiet enough to not have to wear earpro in flight.
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It could always be worse.
This has to have been one of the most coked out ideas ever fielded, the thought of landing a herc on a soccer field is nuts, never mind also having it takeoff in the same distance.
a landing is a landing
>good day my embassy patrons
>i'm from the government and i'm here to help
RNZAF just received it's first C130J. They are still flying H variant, the same initial planes they have been flying since the 1960s. But with upgrades glass cockpits and such
Tupolevs are SOVL tho
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>And 3 engined planes are even cooler
Because the laws of physics haven't fundamentally changed since it was designed. All of the recent advances in aircraft design have been around stealth, but the C-130 doesn't need stealth because it's not supposed to be in combat.
It wasn't meant to be piloted by mortal men.
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>the 110 decibel sound inside the cabin cant bother you if anymore if take-off has already ruptured your eardrums.
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C-130 used as an improvised bomber in 1982 by Argentina Air Force
ironically it managed to sink a tanker also named Hercules
Because engine pods for Coanda effect planes are really fucking tedious to maintain/repair.
That's literally it. There's no other drawback apart from fucked up maintenance.
C-390: 9
C-130: 2,500+
C-130J: 500

Cool story bro, but here is what's up. All current planes on the market will compete against the C-130. A few will sell, and a few will entrench. Many will discover that a plane needs maintenance, and ongoing support and development. A few more will fall off and be replaced with C-130s. Then, Whatever replacement the US goverment throws at the world will violently shit on everything, just like the C-130 did, just like it took the better half a century for viable competition to emerge, and the process will begin all over again.

Maybe with some luck our children can banter at each other over the same thing, but regarding next gen blended wing transport and suborbital payload launches.

Maintenance is not cheap and laborious maintenance = excessively expensive sorties.
Damage-prone engine nacelles could easily be a dealbreaker.
Thing is, they're not damage-prone, since they're higher up than regular underslung nacelles, so runway object ingestion % is lower.
The complexity comes from needing some sort of miniature gantry (and the space to deploy it) to remove the pods (since apparently nobody came up with a swivelling hinge for them, so they could fold vertically downwards and forwards), instead of just a modified lifting platform. So extra steps, and larger equipment.
kc-10: lol
We always equated C-130s to motorcycles. Loud as fuck, can't carry much, and have to stop for gas all the time. That being said all those stops probably let them CR more unique places. Also like the other anon said, I don't think there is a mil cargo plane I wouldn't wear ear pro on. I always had ear plugs in from the moment we cranked APU to the time it spooled down. Now I love the way ear plugs feel, can't really describe it.
They need to restart C-17 production back

Make it C-17 Globemaster IV
Next gen concepts are already deeply in development to supplant C-130 and C-17. Look up "Speed Agile". First articles of significant note are from around 2011, and its being mentioned again in 2024. The project goes back to the turn of the millennium.

Boeing's BWB is the "conventional" effort, and will probably replace the C-5 where shit is just too fucking big to hide so there is no point. Boeing right now is a shitshow, but its due for a massive trimming and restructure under government appointed hatchetmen.
> All current planes on the market will compete against the C-130. A few will sell, and a few will entrench. Many will discover that a plane needs maintenance, and ongoing support and development
On a military procurement timescale C390 only just knocked on the door. Embraer has a healthy orderbook with +/-40 more planes to be delivered in the coming years and they have support and development programs going. The C390 uses commercial off the shelf engines for which the support infrastructure has been running for years.
The C130 is an ageing design, and even with development and upgrades, current user are running into structural limitations (including the US). A whole bunch of current C130 users need a replacement in the coming decade, and so far only a few 3d models and concepts hit the internet; first flight is atleast a decade away at the minimum and its introduction will likely take another decade. With the USAF being the prime customer (with a pressing need for replacements) foreign buyers will likely have to wait even longer. Also, we are dealing with Boeing/LM here, who have a very different take on on-time/on-budget delivery.
Let me teach you a little something, when airframes get old and need replacement, if the production line is still open, it's easiest to just buy the same model of plane that just rolled off the production line. If I could go buy a brand new 1992 CRX in Tahitian Green instead of buying a used one from a beaner, I'd be a happy fucking camper. You don't need to buy a 2024 Civic Type R to do the job that's already being fullfilled by your trusty hatchback, you just wish it wasn't a 30 year old car needing every part replaced all the time.
I ain't going
How does it compare to the A400M?
i almost bought a c130 out of canada 5/6 years back. was going to turn it into a flying bimbo factory. flying chics everywhere outside of tsa
Its an strategic lifter, c130 is tactical.
>Look Ma', No Hook
70years in production is admirable, but at some point upgrading an ancient base model doesnt suffice any longer. The USAF will never buy foreign (or risk pissing off a bunch of senators), but other airforces do have the luxury to choose that 2024 Type R which outperforms that 90s CRX in all metrics.
No. No it did not.
Well obviously you've never driven a CRX. I understand your point, and I would say, I wonder how different the C-130H to C-130J ended up. As someone who flies 60s tech, even a brand new jet of the production line is still riddled with the 60s design that should've been tossed long before. Even if LockMart(tm) had the same exterior, a completely gutted and ground up systems redesign would change everything for the better. [spoiler]I fly the MAX[/spoiler]
>They took this from you

...and gave it to them.
I just like how it looks.
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Best NATO reporting name, MiG-15 ain't shit.
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>Look it up
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there's only one known instance of this occurring with c130s--in italy during the late 70s, when to play, you probably had to pay. But by that point, lockheed had probably exported 1000+ of these bad boys. think about the alternatives back then:

- warsaw pact "too big or too small" shit: early IL-76 and AN-27 or AN-32s.

-NATO/asian small shit: CASA c-212, Kawasaki C-1, aeritalia G.222, d'assault falcon 10, or an MD YC-15 (picrel).

you really need a bribe to pick the hercules in the face of that poopoo platter?
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I didn't know that 225 had a baby.
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The OG
That had nothing to do with JATOs

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