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Say that the Gulf war didn't happen, and Iran and Iraq got into a war again say at 1990 levels of military buildup. Who would win. Iraq had a large army but Iran had the higher quality equipment at the time.
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Saddam was a based retard that didn't realize mountains existed.
Doesn't matter who wins because the United States of America always comes out on top baby
Iran would win a lot of battles over Iraq but Iraq had better political prowess when Saddam Hussein was alive.
Both nations were at their limits back in 1988. They were in talks for the two years before 1990, which is when prisoner exchanges officially began. Much of the global community, such as world powers and all of the middle eastern nations wanted Iran and Iraq to make up. Everyone was tired of fighting and the cold war was coming to an end. Hundreds of thousands of up to even possible a million+ have been killed, many more wounded or disfigured, and tends of thousands were still held as POWs, with the last being exchanged in 2003 (yes really). The civilian populaces have also reached their absolute tolerance for war as many families have had men and boys fight in the war with plenty not having fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, and grandfathers not return. Not to mention many civilians were killed in air raids or dueling SCUD attacks or lost their homes and towns thanks to war, labor/material shortages and sanctions.
This time period also saw Iran and Iraq trying to restructure their simplicity with the world. Iraq had lost much of its good favors with former supporters and was in steep debts. Iran was trying to cozy up to the world again after 10+ years of revolutionary ferver and reclusion. Iran bought billions in weapons and materiel from China and USSR to refurbish its military, even restarting chemical weapon production. Iraq was also modernizing its army and continuing its MIC.
Lastly, this time period, while stuck with some rearmament and diplomacy, also had both sides continued to have small skirmishes border skirmishes, spooks doing spook things, support for insurgent groups on both sides, and more hijinks that Iran is now mostly known for nowadays.
Given all this, Inwoiod say that a new war would be very costly in multiple ways and will bring far more hardships that will result in a short war maybe lasting a few years at most, especially due to staggering debts and end of the cold war.
> Iraq but Iraq had better political prowess when Saddam Hussein was alive
Only when it suited him. When the war started he had support of many nations. When the war ended he was having to keel to foreign opinions thanks to starting an 8 year bloodiest that included human rights abuses, war crimes, chemical weapons, chemical weapon attacks on civilians, and starting the tanker war while also attacking ships that weren’t involved with iranian oil. By the end Saddam had to do what he can to not piss off his benefactors even more, that doesn’t even include his growing cult of personality and totalitarian rules, execution of generals and political dissents, and corruption and mismanagement of economy and trade.
People like to say that Iraq was better under Saddam when in reality it was Saddam that made Iraq worse over time, sacrificing its people, economy, resources, infrastructure, and reputation for his own desires.
The wars were his own doing and the aftermaths for both were the consequences of his couched to start them.
>People like to say that Iraq was better under Saddam
That's not what I'm saying; I'm not praising the dude. I'm stating that he had more clout in the 90s than Iran.
>When the war started he had support of many nations.
We were talking about a hypothetical Iraq vs Iran situation, not Iraq vs NATO
Based and checked.
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This board is so fucking retarded. Every time I come here I get a mixture of pissed off and depressed. The fact that people this fucking stupid have internet access enrages me.

>Iran had the higher quality equipment at the time.
Iran's equipment wasn't any higher in quality that it was in in 1989 you fucking mongoloid retard. You stupid fucking cock gobbling faggot.
Iran was exhausted after the war. They were no longer getting replacement parts for their western equipment, and hadn't been for years. Iraq on the other hand was booming after the war, due largely to U.S. support.

What you're asking is who would win if Iraq at it's strongest fought Iran at arguably it's weakest. When Iraq already came out on top in the Iran-Iraq War.
Fuck you.
>When Iraq already came out on top in the Iran-Iraq war

Lmao what are u talking about? Iraq got shit on. They had all that support and still managed to take 0 territory
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>Iraq on the other hand was booming after the war, due largely to U.S. support.
Iraq was in massive debt and heading for economic collapse. That was the main motivation for invading Kuwait. Saddam thought he might get away with it, probably would have if invasion had not made Saudis extremely nervous about being next target. It would have wiped out the debts to Kuwait and added even more oil to their reserves.
>What you're asking is who would win if Iraq at it's strongest fought Iran at arguably it's weakest. When Iraq already came out on top in the Iran-Iraq War.
One massive reason why Desert Storm was such one sided affair is because Iraqi stockpiles for all kinds of imported high tech weapons were kinda depleted and they got arms embargo due to invading Kuwait. They could never replenish all the ordnance spent against Iran. As result things like SAM batteries had lot less missiles to fire than they would have liked to have.

Iraqi economy was heading to very deep depression, Gulf War and sanctions following it didn't cause it, but made it even worse. Much much worse. That impending economic doom was probably something that made Saddam fear possible all out revolution in Iraq and quick patriotic war is sure way to fix such discontent from essentially entire population of Iraq.

Iraq-Iran war turned Iraqi army into hollow shell of a military force and fucking text book example of a paper tiger.

Iraq-Iran War 2: the Electric Swamp Boogaloo in 1990's would have been just few more years of WWI re-enactment with dwindling stockpiles of then modern weaponry.
Shut up ChatGPT
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Post yfw Israel secretly supports Iraq this time around
This anon is right. Iran accepted UN peace resolution because Iraq started pushing back Iran in the southern fronts.
le resources btw
Kill the King, then the rich man. Take the throne, pay for absolution.
if anyone is really interested I recommend reading this book tho you need translation help
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Iraq was economically gigafucked after the war. That was the entire reason they rolled the dice in capturing the Kuwaiti oil fields only to roll snake eyes.

Neither side was in any position to restart hostilities or be in a position of advantage.
Do you not know that the Iran-Iraq war just ended? Neither side could maintain the gains during the offensives they made and it was just attritional warfare.
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Fuck off Iraq was about to capture southern oil fields again but this time Iran couldn't drive them back. Do you guys actually read MENA history?
In the entirety of war Iraq captured 40000 Iranian POWs, 24000 of them were captured in the last year of the war. The territories that Iran took by sacrificing tens of thousands of soldiers were lost in a couple of days. Top ranking Iranian generals(esp Mohesn Rezai) in their letter to Khomeini asked for nuclear weapons and massive military budgets. And this is just tip of the iceberg
no one cares but here is muh source


Iraq's army was already pretty much a shell of its former self by 1991
>Iraq already came out on top in the Iran-Iraq War.

>Iraq had better political prowess when Saddam Hussein was alive.

Except when he turned Iraq into a global pariah and naively believed the the United States wasn’t going to take military action against him, twice.
>naively believed the the United States wasn’t going to take military action against him
Was he naive for thinking the US wouldn't intervene in the gulf war? The US hadn't directly intervened in the middle east until that point, saddam wasn't a commie so the us didn't have much incentive to attack, and they were close with russia who could've vetoed any UN resolutions
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Ambassador April Glaspie told him that the United States had no position on Iraq's disputes with Kuwait and Saddam's retard Arab brain took this as de facto permission to invade.
FYI Iran entirely controls Iraq nowadays
Forgot to add, I'm trans if that matters
Masoud Pezeshkian literally gave an Anschluss speech in Basrah a few days ago.


kek top shia mullah didn't even accept him fuck off retard
What should have Saddam done in order for him has stayed in and be alive in current year /k/?
Khomeini was an idiot for continuously refusing to accept a Status Quo Ante Bellum after Iraq kept offering it numerous times. The Iraqis kept saying they would abide by UN resolutions if Iran did as well, each time Iran scoffed at The Soviet Union (lesser Satan) and US (greater Satan) for endorsing the plan.
Also the shootdown of Iran Air Flight 655, and the lack of international condemnation of the US, made Khomeini finally realize no one was Iran’s friend. He finally accepted the war was a lost cause and accepted UN Resolution 598.
Also the pièce de résistance of the war was MEK (Islamic Socialist) trying a last ditch offensive of their own by capturing the city of Mehran, defeating the Iranians, and then trying an offensive for the city of Kermanshah. It ended up turning into a bloodbath that collapsed their entire paramilitary force and resulted in the collapse of Islamic Socialism in the region.
This is the dumbest war of the 20th century.
No one for the same reason no one won the Iran Iraq War in the first place: neither side had the cultural capacity for modern war, with the fighting amounting to armed thugs with rifles shooting at each other and being somehow less elegent than the American Civil War
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>Also the shootdown of Iran Air Flight 655, and the lack of international condemnation of the US, made Khomeini finally realize no one was Iran’s friend. He finally accepted the war was a lost cause and accepted UN Resolution 598.

WTF, I love the USS Vincennes now

Iran, it had a larger population and time to recover and implement lessons from the first war
Is there anything she hasn't done?
Neither. Same as round one. Same as the Ukraine kerfuffle. Endless trench warfare and senseless destruction with no end in sight is the inevitable outcome of any modern war fought without crushing superiority.

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