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Some piece of shit threatened me with a pistol over a pick up soccer game.
Is this a good pistol for CC?
I don't care for 9mm since the pistols are usually too big and the mini versions are too small for such a powerful bullet.
Was this gentleman melanated?
No, he must have been a spic. A nigger would have shot him.
It was a weird mix but definitely brown, didn't speak Spanish.
Incredibly unreasonable piece of shit """"person"""".
And I'm not even racist.
You've just started a 9mm Vs .45 thread without knowing it, good luck dude
you dumb nigga Im right here and Im bringin my rifle to the next match
>9mm pistols are too big for OP's purposes
I sure as fuck hope no .45 glue eaters show up
Yeah I don't want 9mm or above, I also didn't want a .22
.380 seems like a happy medium
>he thinks I'm going back to that shitty ass field again
lol nah. I'm going to a proper league.
what about a subnose revolver ? Never jams and won't fire in your pocket (probably)
Is there any benefit of a snub nose compared to the Ruger I posted?
The one I suggested in the OP is cheap and from a decent brand so I thought it was a bargain at sub $200.
Get a compact glock instead.
never shot anything other than a black powder revolver so idk man I'm just larping here I don't want you to get teabagged cause I've no idea what I'm saying
>Some piece of shit threatened me with a pistol over a pick up soccer game.
The absolute state of American mental health, ladies and gents
That's just the turd world mentality. Has nothing to do with muh Amerikkka
I've shot a Glock 43 and didn't like it. Do they make a subcompact Glock in .380?
If so, is it better than the OP gun?
If it is better, is it so much so that it would be worth paying "x" amount more than the pretty cheap Rutger I posted?
I'll pick up a revolver for the range for fun after I buy this.
Yeah, unbelievable.
I had brought highlighter yellow bibs to differentiate the two teams, dude is wearing a generic black shirt and instead of using the bib he has it around his neck. We ask him to put it on because everyone was getting confused and passing him the ball.
He gets all pissy and goes to his bag and pulls out a gun at me.
Fuck that.
Fucking Florida man.
There is the glock 42 which is basically the 43 but 380. I would say it's better than the Ruger in the OP but that doesn't mean the Ruger is trash.
Buy a rifle and wait out in the open for his bitch ass
i have a Ruger LCP, a Ruger LCR, and a Glock 42 (super subcompact in .380)
I've carried them all. The revolver was too big to literally printed like a revolver in my fucking pocket. It was light but impossible to take anywhere. I keep that one in a bag, fanny pack, backpack, or pretty much anywhere off my person.
The LCP has problems. It's trigger is awful and requires a full release to reset and fire again, the shape and position of the mag release makes you drop the mag under recoil, and its very picky with ammo.
The ruger LCP is pretty much the absolute end of sacrificing everything to have the smallest possible handgun. You reduce reliability, ease of use, accuracy, capacity, literally everything, just to have a tiny gun in your pocket.

I currently carry the glock 42 because it cycled all the rounds with no problems and i have the pocket space to carry it comfortably. I just wish i didnt spend the money on the other guns to figure it out.
>glock .380
>kahr 380
all have been made obsolete as of two months ago w/ release of Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 2.0
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Thanks for making me aware of that gun.
Unfortunately, don't think it has any features that commands a $200+ difference to the Rutger.
Though I will say, it's a more aesthetic weapon.
Will keep this on my radar.
Not necessary, but definitely going to start carrying now.
I realized how fucking STUPID it would be to die because some piece of shit, low IQ, retard decides to shoot you.
Sounds like a nigger
Get a .30 super carry :>) but .380 is also good, bodyguard 2.0 or p365 are supposed to be good from what i see but ive never handled them myself
And you didn't call the cops and report him for felony brandishment or anything. Nor did anyone else.
LCP is just fine get the 7 round mags carry 1 in the pipe and you have an 8 shot 380 that fits in any pocket with ease. if you want a bit more a LCP max is fine as well the small pistol will mean you are more likely to carry the entire time vice strapping on all kinds of shit and being the one dude with an over shirt and pants in 90+ degree heat.

LCP is fine buy with confidence it is affordable enough but beware the magazines are like 45 bucks a piece for extras only get factory ALL others are shit.
"Unfortunately, don't think it has any features that commands a $200+ difference to the Rutger. "
You know what they say? Buy cheap buy twice.
>Get a .30 super carry
Worst advice in this thread.
Yes curious how OP's encounter defused? Ended? How did everyone else react?
.380 put Gandhi and Franz Ferdinand in the dirt.
>turd world
American mental health, as I said
you fucked up by not calling the cops he'd have a warrant out for his arrest right now if you did
>And I'm not even racist.
We did call the cops, problem was that beyond his generic dark facial features we don't have any information on him.
We had never seen him before, and the place we play at doesn't have cameras since the people who come here just want to play soccer and are civilized.
I'm leaning towards the original first gen LCP. Only thing that worries me is no safety feature, but i've heard it has a heavy trigger which sounds good with me.
Fair, but is the Ruger LCP really that bad?
Well this is how it started
Eventually we were just like "woah woah man" and he fucked off.
It started and ended in under 20 seconds.
Thanks for the write up, honestly I'm in Florida so I need a tiny gun. I'd rather have that than have a bigger gun in my drawer at home because it's uncomfortable to carry.
get a 9mm, they get to be as small as most 380's, almost as easy to shoot, are more effective for that one time you need it and the ammo is twice as cheap and 5 times as plentiful even in times of crisis.

Even a 4'11" woman can easily shoot 9mm. I have a hard time thinking of whom a 380 would be a practical choice over the current 9mm subcompacts for most civilians
>Fair, but is the Ruger LCP really that bad?
I never carried one but from my experience shooting my uncles and comparing it to the Glock the Glock just feels more sturdy and is overall nicer. I don't necessarily think the LCP is trash but the Glock is just better.
Yeah, a Ruger LCP is a perfectly decent gun. You'll need to put in a few range trips to shoot it accurately but that's the case for any small gun.
LCP II has a better trigger and the price difference ain't much. S&W M&P Bodyguard 380 is a great option too.

Advantage of snub-nose is that the slide can't be pushed out of battery, this means they're not at risk of failing to fire if you're forced to pull the trigger with the gun still in your pocket or jammed into someone's gut in a clinch.
it's a double action, that is enough to throw it away. a heavy trigger design that sacrifices ease of use for some perceived safety and simplicity.

As big as something like a P365 or Kimber Micro 9 seems compared to an LCP, they are just as easy to hide on ones person, even with summer workout/gym clothes, the pocket of some hurley swim shorts, or a tight Saville-esque suit.
>they get to be as small as most 380's
Nah man. Even a microcompact like the p365 is too big to pocket carry unless you're wearing seriously baggy jeans.
I owned one once upon a time.

It's trash.

It's prone to jamming, 380 loads are all over the place so it's ammo picky, the trigger is not just heavy but gritty to where you have smaller groupings slapping the trigger than applying basic principles.

A striker fire pistol would do better for most people than this and other super-subcompact DAO's would do.
I've carry one with a flush mag in what is beach wear, and under the button down of my "business wear" without a jacket, with no problem.

When you get into the subcompact sizes the concealment issue isn't the gun itself, it the clothes and way you carry yourself combined.

The problem is 90% of you don't know how to dress yourself for it, so it sticks out, just like how 90% of /fa/ don't know how to hide a slight amount of happy pudge on the lower row of their abs and so they think you need cum gutters to pull off most fashion.
It's honestly hard to go wrong with any of the major lines of defense guns nowadays, small arms manufacturing is a solved problem. It all comes down to personal preference. Go to a store and handle them in person. If you have the option, rent a couple and actually shoot them. Decent stores with ranges will credit your ammo/rental cost if you buy the gun from them.

Also, don't break the bank on your first gun and don't over think it. Just get something and shoot it a bunch. You'll find out what you like and dislike so you can make a more informed decision in the future when/if you want to upgrade and can always sell your old gun and recoup most of the cost.
>we don't have any information on him.
Yeah you would have had to get his license plate if you didn't have any other info. unrelated but the LCP is a good gun for defense but it sucks ass to shoot. Feels bad man, you'll never want to practice with it or enjoy shooting it. Get .32 acp if you want enjoyable and fast follow up shots
the ruger is a fine pistol.

I would reccomend getting the lcp2 or lcp max. same size, but both have better sights, better triggers and if you get the lcp max it holds 10 rounds instead of 6.

You can also get the smith and wesson bodyguard if you want double action trigger.

LCP/bodyguard are going to be the easiest 380s to carry since they fit in your pocket and they both have real sights. IF you are going to carry in a holster on the belt and you dont wanna just use a pocket holster, your options open up more, the glock 42 works well, but imo the smith and wesson bodyguard 2 has 10 rounds of capacity and has a very comfortable grip similiar to the 42. While still being small enough to pocket carry.

Ultimately realize a good carry gun is something you can comfortably carry every day in different types of clothing and that you can draw and fire at least 3 rounds in 1.5 seconds into a dessert plate group at 7-10 yards. The reason you want good sights is if you have to shoot out to 15-20 and for getting good confirmation.

IF you carry a 380 carry FMJ from reputable manufacturer or Federal HST, there are no other 380 hollowpoints that meet minimum penetration requirements and expand.
380s are fine
majority of women shoot 22s and are pushed up into 380s, if you practice often at the range I'd honestly say you need a suppressor with a 9mm even with hearing protection since it'll still cause hearing damage long term, but good luck getting one, the waitime can be up to 2 years, you have to pay $200, and the ATF requires your fingerprints and puts you in a registry

Oh yeah, also owning wipes/baffle replacements on hand is illegal and majority of places won't sell them to you, so you're stuck making your own
It’s natural to feel this way, you felt completely powerless when staring down the barrel of a gun and that’s never a good feeling.
But you have to think about how things would’ve gone if you had a gun today. Would you have drawn? Would you have gotten into a gunfight, possibly dying over a soccer game or wounding/killing a bystander? If you had killed him, even if it was self defens, you’d be in jail right now and you’d have a few months or years of headaches ahead of you.
Maybe it’s better that you didn’t have a gun at all. Once you start carrying you’ll have to understand that you usually can’t just jump to pulling a gun out. The guy who drew on you is exactly the kind of retard who shouldn’t be anywhere near guns. You have to be better than that.
>pick up soccer game
You really need to reevaluate your life decisions.
NFA wait times are down to just days now
ATF is still gay tho
Learn to fight first op.
lcp gen 1 is good, the lcp maxes are a little nicer though

He was already facing death. What a firearm offers isn't a sure defende or even the correct decision, but it does give options and places self-determination back in the hands of the victim rather than the perpetrator.
On the other hand the real lesson is to not live, play, or work around mystery meat mutts. FBI stats, while not all inclusive because it's just arrest data, is demonstrative of relative risk of being in proximity to different populations.
>not even racist
I cant even imagine the thought process to that statement
If you get the lcp, make sure you get one that is new. Older ones had a visibly shorter extractor that didn't work as well. For what it's worth, I pocket an LCP2 with the extended magazine and I'm happy with that.
Kel-Tec P32, if you can find one. They're cool.
Do you think the "person" who would threaten someone over fucking soccer and being asked to wear a shirt would've acted in that manner if OP had a gun?
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Get a Walther PPK in the same caliber instead. Looks much cooler and James Bond uses the gun as well.
>I'm not racist, but I sure don't like being victimized by this population that seems to display this patter of behavior globally
Some people will never make the connectiony
American board, get the fuck off yurotard
Sincerely, do not get this piece of garbage. I'm an FFL and in my 6 years of doing this I have not had nor heard of a single good experience with that thing. QC is non existent, Ruger has terrible customer service, and if by some miracle yours works as intended, it will still be a snappy displeasure to shoot, by virtue of its size and weight.
whatever you do, don't get a .380. these guns are so small that they are hard to shoot well and have much greater recoil. get a subcompact 9mm
>And I'm not even racist.
More evidence that /k/ is inundated with /r/liberalgunowners from reddit
You have to go back.
If you're buying something you plan on relying on to save your life then you don't want that cheap piece of shit. Like it's not the worst option out there but they suck ass to shoot and unless you've got the hands of a 4'6" woman by the time you've bumblefucked the draw Jerome will have already magdumped into your ass and be half way to the nearest church's chicken. While 'something is better than nothing' there is just no reason not to get an actual pistol.

"But I print in my skinny jeans"
Then your life wasn't in danger to start with, Jerome just wanted to see if your ass is as loose as his buddies say.
>mini versions are too small for such a powerful bullet.
Once I put the hogue grip on that was a non issue. I also found the p365 had minimal "snappiness". Just admit you're a poorfag. Also PSA had those for $159 recently so, your pic related is overpriced.
For those who do not know the LCP 2 has been discontinued in any thing other than .22 and the LCP 1 is back in production.
LCP is perfectly and utterly fine, but do yourself a favor and get the LCP II.
Well damn nevermind then. What happened there?
Do not know exactly, they just announced it like a year ago with no real explanation. Did not really dig since I like the 1 better.
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Did it cross your mind that you made it out alive because you didn't draw a gun on that asshole?
>And I'm not even racist.
Well now you know why we are.
Get a gold plated desert eagle chambered in .50, next time Juan draws on you, pull it and start yelling like a madman.
That's the only thing they understand, it gets in their head and they immediately think "AYAYAYE GRINGO MEAN BUSINESS, LE PEASHOOTERO NO BUENO COMPARED TO GRINGOS LA MUCHO KABLAMO HANDCANNONERO!" and he'll either panic and miss (at which point you put a dinner plate sized hole in him and continue playing soccer) or he'll fuck off.
I was thinking about the Sig P238, it's apparently actually nice to shoot so you'll actually get some practice in.
Ended up getting a Beretta 3032 (in .32 not .38) instead. Haven't picked up up yet because I live in cuckifornia
Why do I keep seeing this take on /k/?
Please refer to this reply >>62497893
Having a gun on your person / near your vicinity gives you peace of mind. Obviously, don't immediately try to fix issues by grabbing your piece, but knowing you have that option if the other person is a wildebeest is a nice to have.
Florida is a stand your ground state. OP could have shot him and not even been able to be arrested for it.
Otherwise I agree. I don’t think two firearms in this situation would have improved things. One retard on the field was enough.
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Shoot them and take their phone

not a fan of palmetto state, all im saying is this is a good deal
I am that anon, a gun isn't for peace of mind.
If there's a gun pointed at me then I'm trying to figure out how to get away or to shoot the motherfucker without being shot myself since I clearly have more to live for. It's just an extra option.
Why not?
>Why do ppl annoy me with reality? That sucks I wanna go home and watch Ninja Turtles.
Now it's entirely likely that having a firearm makes no difference in OPs case because there's no way to outdraw a gun already aimed at you, but it's better to have it at all.
You can't be certain the PoS that's threatening to kill you won't simply go through with it. By having the option available at all to shoot/shoot back is a net positive even if it wasn't relevant here.

Whether OP had a gun or not has no bearing as to whether he would have been a statistic. It's better to have it.
> And I'm not even racist.
You will be. It’s humanity’s default state. It isn’t bad.

Also yes the LCP is good. Although the new LCP max is better, holds more, and isn’t that much heavier or more expensive
Zero reason not to get this instead. It's the florida special
A better deal

Get a snubby revolver. Reason being that you sound like a novice, and semiautomatic pistol are less novice proof. You shouldn't cheap out because you will be spending time and money training. Lots of time. If you aren't willing to immerse yourself in training (most of it can be done at home). don't bother. There is no way around it
Nigs are more likely to shoot, but in sporting context seem to understand "its a game".

Brown manlets will take a minor defeat on The Field of Play as a deadly threat to their always threatened macho image.

always best to avoid both types, of course.z

around 'Frisco there are Chinese Only basketball leagues.
There wasn't a fight. Just a faggot threatening a group of people who wanted him to wear a tie on flag to differentiate teams.
brown hands
I have the P3AT and carry it every day, its not very comfortable to shoot but it is more than enough to defend yourself. Just practice with it to the point that you can rapid fire accurately and its good
LCP is great. I love mine. .380 Auto is meh, so I'd go with Underwood Xtreme Defenders or Penetrators.
You can fire it from within a pocket unlike a semi auto

Useful if some mysterymeat retard is waving a gun around and you don't have the finesse to withdraw it
>also owning wipes/baffle replacements on hand is illegal
Simple. When you purchase your silencer, remove the baffles. Then tell the company that they forgot to install them and have them replace or fix it.
.30 super carry is a dead caliber. Don’t listen to this OP
>dead caliber
>new loads being released this year
based shill
it's great. difficult to learn to shoot it well, but unmatched in firepower/concealability. I've got 2 keltec p3ats and love them. my girlfriend is 5 foot 115lb and it's about the only thing she can 100% conceal and feel confident with.
For what it's worth, the OG LCP is the smallest of its three generations.
Wrong. It was .32 ACP that started WWI. It’s God’s caliber.
> Fair, but is the Ruger LCP really that bad?
No. Ruger has sold millions for a reason. The sights kinda suck, double action only trigger pull is long and hard, but it’s good at being a small, reliable, pocket pistol.
> It's prone to jamming,
Skill issue. You limp wristed
Buy a glock 19 gen 5


Fastest and highest stopping power
So first thing, You need to report shit like this to law enforcement asap. And be dramatic and sounding scared shitless as possible. Even if you knew the guy was just inflating his male power size with a gun and wasn't going to do shit, what happened was a felony punishable for 5-10 years.

That aside,
>9mm powerful bullet.

I shoot 9mm solid core 147 grain ammo out of a subcompact with no issues.
and I'm not hungry... right now.
get the LCP-Max or Bodyguard 2.0 for pocket carry
get a Desert Eagle and fit right in
> waitime can be up to 2 years,
The ATF and the NFA is still gayer than AIDS but wait times are down to like a week or two often less. I got 2 back within 10 days.
You’re a European or California. Either way you’re gay and gunless.
Everything you said except the snappy recoil is a lie
Just use flat nose fmj, it penetrates straighter and deeper than a round nose
They replaced the II with the Max. The Max is basically the same but with 4 more rounds so new purchases will be of that. The gen 1 is slighter lighter, slimmer, is a long DAO that some people prefer for pocket guns, and it’s really cheap.

Basically they’re going after the 1.5 stack maximizing firepower in a pocket .380 (though the bodyguard seems way better) and the cheapest, lightest option. The LCP II was a middle ground.
Why are you in a goin board when you don’t own guns, hate freedom, and are a giant pussy?
>reality shows that all data confirms a gun is the safest and most effective way of defending yourself
The reality also is if we deported all the spics and other various shades of brown this conversation wouldn’t happen because we’d be in a high trust society where you wouldn’t need a gun. But that’s wayciss according to you.
> new loads being released this year
Which no one is buying
>still only 2 guns in the caliber
>that no one buys
There’s a reason you’re seeing Shields in .30 SC on significant sales. People are trying to move inventory because they say so long. The whole caliber is a solution in search of a problem.
Revolvers also aren't faggots about ammo and you don't have to worry about shitty magazines, either. "Limp wristing" is not a thing with revolvers, either, which sounds like a concern if OP thinks 9mm is powerful.
I love the Original LCP for how slim and small it is.
The Max is better for winter / heavier clothing months.
>Fair, but is the Ruger LCP really that bad?
I've met two people with Ruger LCP. One guy cleaned it, lubed it, and put it in his safe while he carried his revolver and after a week, the LCP slide was full of rust. The other owner has had no problem. Buying an LCP is like gambling from what I've seen. Then again, what I saw was back when the product was new, hopefully they've fixed the QC issues.
I feel like that's an exaggeration, the max is still very small and readily pocket carried in summer clothes
So there are really two versions of the original LCP.
The first did have rust issues as well as the slide lock being too low profile and difficult to engage.
The second version of the original LCP addresses this.
Neato. I love my LCPII tho it's a shame
Your IQ is under 80.
I agree with you. I’m quite fond of my LCP II also and I think it’s a big improvement over the gen 1. I get why they did it though
Did I hit a nerve europoor? Care to explain how OP not having a gun made him safer? Be specific.

At worst he does the exact same thing he did originally, nothing, and everyone goes home fine. What if that didn’t happen? What if Pedro blasted one of his buddies? How does being unarmed help? Since you have a space mentality I know you won’t answer, but that’s why you shouldn’t be commenting in the first place?
don't be a fag.
the more people that get shot being a fag the better.

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Post guns, nigger.
>places self-determination back in the hands of the victim rather than the perpetrator.
no it doesn't.

having your own gun doesn't stop him from pulling the trigger.

you crave control over something that is inherently uncontrollable. you cannot stop someone from shooting you. your gun is like a blanket given to a child. the only thing it is effective against in this situation is your anxiety. only once you understand the limitations of your tools will you be able to use them properly.
Watching that poo get flushed is amazing
Not having a gun doesn’t make you safer either. You are a gunless pussy
it's almost as if one must think outside the boundaries of gun/no gun to truly understand how to be safe in the world, which is the exactly failure of imagination that OP is demonstrating. an emotional support gun is not going to make him safer. but OP doesn't really want to BE safe, he just wants to FEEL powerful.
I repeat, you are a gunless pussy. No one has claimed guns make you invincible. Your fake esoteric knowledge schtick is getting old.
>I'm not even racist
That’s why you’re not gonna make it
Wrong bitch. It was the 380 version of the FN 1910. Look it up.
Well shit I stand corrected
>Numerous previous sources erroneously cited the FN Model 1900 in .32 calibre as being the weapon Princip used.[4] This has led to confusion over the calibre of the pistol actually used
That said .32 is still God’s caliber
If you wanted to get technical you could say that 25, 32, 380, 45, and 50 are gods calibers because they were all invented by John Browning
Nice blogpost
>having your own gun doesn't stop him from pulling the trigger.
Yes it does. You shoot him before he even squeezes. But OP should wear soft armor at least. You sound like a Thinly veiled grabber. You can practice threat avoidance AND carry a gun and armor, you fucking dipshit. These are not mutually exclusive
Who invented .40 caliber? Surely there were loadings back in the day before 10mm, back in the black powder era
anon understand that if you pull that on him you pull it to shoot because he is threatening you with a deadly weapon.
if he runs don't shoot him in the back.
don't wave it about like he did either because all he has to do is cry to the cops.
and if a gun goes off cops probably will get involved.
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Did you learn your lesson? Around blacks, never relax.
This guy gets it
>Verification not required
It was unironically the FBI because their women could not qualify on 10mm
>Care to explain how OP not having a gun made him safer?
refer to >>62495779 and demonstrate that you're capable of thinking further than 5 seconds into the future before I engage with you further.
I’ve carried a Glock 42 with a grip extender for years and it’s my favorite carry gun, OP. Ammo is a little pricier but the 42 has an extremely slim profile and is very easy to learn for such a small gun thanks to low recoil. My dad has a much more expensive P365 and it jammed on the first mag today at the range lol while my Glock running the same ammo was fine all day. He also told me he was going to buy me an AR for my birthday today but then said I was too poor to shoot it regularly so he regifted me a movie poster I got for him last year and I’m kind of upset about it ngl.
The lcp sucks so much ass dude.
>he regifted me a movie poster I got for him last year
If you give movie posters, you deserve to receive them.
hey retarded euro.
all it would have taken was the other guy twitching his finger, getting startled, being just a bit more mad, etc.
why are you trying to put all the blame on OP in your stupid hypotheticals?
OP could have fucking died regardless.
I got it for him randomly, not for a holiday. It was framed on high quality paper and I paid $160 to have it framed.
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>And I'm not even racist.
you aren't welcome here then
literally this
He is a no gun
damn, none of those fire bullets anymore?
Nope, since bringing home the Bodyguard 2.0 my LCP, P-32, P3AT, and DB380 haven't fired any bullets at all.
Is $200 a lot of money for you? Because for $0 you can just apologize to the guy for pissing him off and move on with life.
So that’s a yes on me hitting a nerve and a no on you explaining why having gun makes OP less safe. Got it.

Fuck off eurofag. You don’t get it. Why even bother commenting?
It's not really the money factor, it has more to do with having excess features that I don't need while being marginally bigger.
I ordered the original LCP and will pick it up wednesday .
Good decision OP
the LCP 2 is 1000x better than the LCP but I guess enjoy the new gat

dont die
The glock 42 is a better gun than the ruger in every way.
The major problem is you're being threatened at gun point, and you're not suppose to shoot people if they turn their attention away from you. Which is really the entire point of a concealed weapon. You're going to get sued and probably shot if you don't fucking drop them. How many people do you want to get sued by, because the person shot has family that will sue you, the state will sue you if they think they can win, the medical places are going to sue you and if you don't get shot someone else is going to sue you on their behalf, likely by a state agency trying to make the representative look good suing you. You're going to get demonized in the media. They're going to go after everyone you're related to no matter how distantly.
I mean dude for real forget those sights like 23 and me someone is going to inform you that there is some kind of criminal case and they're trying to blame you for it. I had no idea I was related to this guy too either. It's like fuck really man?
Get a KelTec P32 if you want a pistol, or a .32 H&R j-frame if you want a revolver.
OP is an idiot. He wants to CC in his manpurse on the sideline? Because he's not going to have fun playing with a cc on his waistband or on a bellyband. So what's he going to do? Run to grab his gun from his bag or car and then shoot the guy in the back after having the ability to flee? OP didn't think this one through...
I don't know why you are coming at me fantasizing over OP's nonexistent manpurse or whatever the fuck
but can you go and do it somewhere else?
The LCP 2 is discontinued while Gen 1 is still being produced, really makes you think.
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>and you're not suppose to shoot people if they turn their attention away from you
i mean there still an active threat there, but it's like a split-second thing, if there far gone into the horizon there's zero reason to shoot, unless you can somewhat argue that you feared for your life
my lcp 2 broke multiple times so ruger sent me a lcp max and I sold it. now for pocket carry I just have a s&w bodyguard 38spl +p revolver
LCP 2 was discontinued because the Max replaced it.
Your example proves his point right. The self defense dude in this incident was arrested and had to defend himself in trial.
you two should have killed each other
"put your gun away Cyrus"
Unfortunately you have to pull your gun out, wait for him to aim, dodge while drawing, and instantly shoot him in the head without hitting any bystanders. Only then will you not go to prison. Better practice your draw, monkey fools.
Yeah it's fine.
9mm suncompacts like glock or sig are fine as well
And did it not also replace the LCP 1?
Begs the question; How come, it's still in production?
Because the LCP is smaller and cheaper. Max is the same size as the LCP 2
anon get a J-frame revolver from ruger, s&w, whatever. It's cheap and is actually used by actual undercover people; detectives, plainclothes cop, off duty cops, air marshal, etc
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>My only .380 is a PPK/S (an old Interarms model, beautiful blued finish with hogue-style grips)
>It's heavy as fuck for what it is and not great for pocket carry
>have a clipdraw on it but it sags down anything without a belt, kinda defeating the point
>Also have an LCP II in .22lr. Wife is very gunshy but will carry the .22 which is better than nothing
>it's so light you can carry it in basketball shorts with a drawstring and forget you have it on
>.22 lr though

I'm thinking the Bodyguard 2.0 may be my next gun purchase. Best of both worlds, and it has a safety unlike the LCP Max
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> Over a soccer game
Law dogs can correct me if I'm wrong about the GFSZA, but if this is a school sporting event and you get busted for carrying, that's a federal felony, in addition to any state/local charges that may also apply. That means being tried in a federal court, which makes the already shitty process a super shitty one.
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Still legendary
Except by being larger and weighing 40% more. That weight makes it worse for gym shorts. It’s very noticeable.
>you're not suppose to shoot people if they turn their attention away from you.
Not exactly true. If he still had a gun out but turned to another person that’s still a very visible and active threat. If he put it away and has his back turned that’s different. That’s also why you call him a nigger so he turns back around and gets angry and then you shoot him. And yes calling a spic a nigger still gets the desired result
OP couldn't ID the guy.
"Spic-Nigger" isn't enough description for them.
It’s cheaper and very slightly smaller and lighter. They’d have all the gen 1 tooling set up. The gen 2 to max uses the same slide and only has new sights. The internals are mostly the same. It’s easier to convert gen 2 into max production and that’s cheaper for Ruger.

If Gen 1 LCPs are selling for $200 normally with $180 sales being common it has to cost Ruger like $120 tops to keep making those. It’s a why not proposition.
>And I'm not even racist.
The LCP series aren't exactly beginner guns - they have small grips and sights, and recoil sharply due to their tiny size. Most people can't shoot them well because they don't enjoy practicing with them. I carry one because it's nearly invisible, not because it's the most effective tool available.

A compact 9mm is superior in every sense, except concealability. There are many good, low-cost choices in this category.
It's also much fatter making it far far more comfortable to hold
Spot on.
t. Went with the LCP over the 42 for this very reason
I’m convinced the G42 shills don’t actually own one. I have no doubt it’s a softer shooter than a LCP, but no shit it’s bigger. The point of pocket pistols are to be as small and light as possible.

A G42 is closer to a Hellcat than it is a LCP.
>pick up soccer
like rocket league?
You can conceal carry almost any gun only faggots with no real life gun experience buy a "CC" gun
It's the balance of how often you will actually carry it. You can CC an FN minimi if you want to be duffel bag guy.

You wear your CC every day and may never even need to use it, guys who choose convenience are more committed to actually carrying the thing.

And sometimes the limitation of a cc isn't when worn, for example does it fit in your cars centre console, does it fit in your kyacks bung hole, I sail fresh water and need a cc that fits in by sail bag along with the sail in case I need to shot a water snake on the boat.

And if you're just limp wristed better admit it and hit someone with 38 then miss them with 10mm auto
Post your CC. Post your belly fatass. Trying exercising with a full sized, 2lb pistol, and keep it concealed.
>the mini versions are too small for such a powerful bullet.
The straight blowback .380 you posted will have more recoil than a 9mm subcompact.
>And I'm not even racist.
what a loser
Maybe stop playing soccer like a fucking retard.

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