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China released a teaser of the EMALS tests from their Type 003 carrier
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>cinematic teaser trailer for a boat that's taken well over a decade and still isn't done yet
At least they are not getting spanked by fucking Houthi
Much like a teaser trailer for a videogame, this shows us nothing and exists only to hype up simps and retards
Merely about 40% of the ships so spanked by Allah have been under the red flag of China
A phenomenal victory

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>"new" boat
>teaser showing pieces with considerable wear
Will they navalize the J-20? The J-35 still is vaporware and the J-20 is smaller than the J-15 and it seems designed to be decent at low speed
The JFK was launched back in 2019 and yet it still hasn't left port: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_John_F._Kennedy_(CVN-79)
The Type 003 was launched back in 2023 and It's now conducting Its fourth sea trial...
those are some excessively handsome seamen
china released an EMAIL.

its full of niggers dicking yellow crooked teeth chicks.
come on chang.
>>cinematic teaser trailer for a boat that's taken well over a decade and still isn't done yet

It hasn't been in construction for well over a decade. This ship class is pretty recent.
I'm unironically psyched, as anything remotely resembling success will make Japan get its shit together and start building aircraft carriers, or maybe South Korea.
Reminder this was after paying them the protection money. kek.
Anyone got link to the full video?
Oops! All CGI
I like how they didn't show anything being launched.
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>Oops! All CGI
Cope: https://youtu.be/soEpAprko7w
video looks even more CGI hahaha wtf is this
And how many do you have? How long is it gonna take you to make 9 more of them? Because we have TEN, plus TEN more amphibious assault ships that can launch F-35s.

Maybe if your worthless culture prioritized results instead of propaganda you'd already have caught up. Or perhaps even won a single war in the 20th century.
I'm actually surprised it's not 100% considering what they're doing to Allah's children in China.
>barely 1000 comments

Is it? Because i swear to god i have been hearing about all thats wrong with that aircraft carrier and the emals that definitely works for over a decade
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And it's not nuclear powered, and it's been released just when America unveiled hypersonics/LRASM missiles etc.
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>enjoying tacos every Tuesday as you enjoy watching sandniggers blow up russian ships now qualifies as getting spanked
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china is stronger than your piece of shit country
Man, even the commercials for their military looks cheap
Why does it look CG?
>Laid down March 2015 – February 2016
Yeah, it's only been under construction for 8-9 years.
american ship building is not what it once was, anon
>And how many do you have? How long is it gonna take you to make 9 more of them? Because we have TEN, plus TEN more amphibious assault ships that can launch F-35s.

Project the current chinese rate of carrier construction into the future and you'll see they will have carrier supremacy in the 2030s.
>Is it? Because i swear to god i have been hearing about all thats wrong with that aircraft carrier and the emals that definitely works for over a decade

Boomer, you are just going senile. Chink electric catapult works, its the american that does not work. I think you are confusing chink and american carriers. Chinks use a DC catapult, basically a railgun, while americans use an AC catapult aka coilgun. The DC catapult is very simple, the AC requires fancy switching. American EEs cannot do such complex things any more and the thing doesnt work properly. The chinks started construction on this carrier a couple of years ago.
my country has 11 aircraft carriers with working catapults.
9,000 launch & recoveries for american AC catapult since 2017.
So the one that is operationally deployed and has finished 3 regular (non-shakedown) cruises doesn't work, but the one that has never left port and it's teaser trailer conspicuously features 0 images of it launching literally anything "just werks"
Ok cool thanks for clearing that up
+1 social credits have been awarded for this post.
The Houthis have gotten zero American ships and several Chinese ships so far…
>carrier supremacy in the 2030s
in the Taiwanese straight or in the Pacific? that first island chain is gonna be brutal to get around in a war
What is the smoke from? Roast dog?
>Project the current chinese rate of carrier construction into the future and you'll see they will have carrier supremacy in the 2030s.
>started working on their first carrier in 2002
Remember that the Type 001 is a modded Kuznestov so they towed it there after it'd been sitting around for over a decade, they didn't build it from scratch, it took them 10 years to commission it
>Type 002 is a liscenced Kuznestov built domestically
Laid down in 2013 finished in 2019
>Type 003 the first domestic design
laid down in 2015, launched in 2022 not commissioned yet
>Type 004
I'm not sure we have any evidence of it starting construction yet beyond rumors of metal cutting from 7 years ago now
Even if China laid the keel for the Type 004 tomorrow it would be christened till the mid 2030s so i'm going to doubt this for obvious reasons.
CGI, actual development and the like aside, what's the benefit of having your deck crew in glass-covered, two foot tall boxes barely poking out of the flight deck. Don't people need to be able to see their hand signals or some shit?
You mean the Chinese that refuses to protect its own shipping?
American law dictates 11 supercarriers, they have 11 supercarriers. There is literally no rush.
I find these "haha made in china", "implessive" and other insults to be quite pathetic.

It is in your interest to have something like China challenge your government to be better, to be more efficient, to be more prudent, to be more ambitious.
Just think about the stagnation and rot that has manifested in the West in the last 30 years and then look at the exponential growth we saw in the first 30 years of the first Cold War.

I welcome Cold War 2 with open arms and may the Chinese field another dozen supercarriers by mid century.
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>pathetic brown teenager tries to cope because everyone sees through their third world shill bullshit
Implessive. No yuan for you, repolt to nealest CCP intake facirity
see >>62509153
Post guns with timestamp shitskin
It's the catapult control station retard: https://youtu.be/rE4mxjvMyPU?si=cGGvgKMxutl2l3jn
>American law dictates 11 supercarriers, they have 11 supercarriers. There is literally no rush.
10 of which are about to retire and the replacement carriers are having all sorts of problems and delays (Ford class)
Holy copium lmao. Shitskin turd world teenagers need to be killed unironically.
>He finds raffing at china to be quite pathetic
Why is the USS JFK still stuck at the shipyard after being launched back in 2019? The Chinese Type 003 was launched back in 2022 and is already conducting Sea Trials.
The reality is that the current USN is no longer able to build new ship types (see Constellation class debacle) while also struggling to maintain Its existing aging fleet (see all the queues of ships waiting for repairs)
well within mild mental retardation
Jesus christ chinks suck at propaganda
>Crudely trying to imitate things he's seen others do in the past, not really understanding how they work
Basically china in a single post

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