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I hardly know 'er!
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I think it looks pretty cool, but really stupid with the proposed turret.
The turret looks fine.
The turret looks fine, but it's out of proportion to the vehicle. It looks a lot less silly on the Eitan.
That's looks great though. Like an actual serious vehicle and not like a tank that's gone under a too-low bridge.
What does it name?
That is a very proportionately correct turret, anon.
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namer with cope cage
I dunno, but I thought the Jews don't like being named
Thirdie scum once again misunderstands the difference between cope cage touted to be effective against javelins and other modern wester ATGMs and anti-drone defenses, whcih are effective against thirdie shit and russians who can't think of anything better.
Why do we have to do this every day?
it's not getting adopted
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i have a love hate relationship with it
almost 5 years that i worked on namers
That looks like it's about to fall off the mover. Don't leave us in suspense, did it fall?
it's not supposed to be on that part of the mover
it didn't fall
but it was a pain to remove it
and it damaged both the trailer and the truck
"its average sized right?"
How'd it get up there, the driver just floor it?
why not?

doesn't Israel have a need for normal IFVs with autocannons?
i don't know why
i assume it's because they didn't find where to fit in doctrinally
if they were actually considering it, it would've been tested in gaza
right now it just serves as a footnote in the IDF internal internet merkava project website
Namer says "Shotgun!"
poor volvo
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IIRC it was foreign customers who this is proposed for. Colombia and Azerbaijan.
i came here to make this joke.

good job anon
Pros and cons?
Mobile Oppression Tower is online.
It names the jew. That shouldn't be surprising, because militaries name their vehicles after things that are scary to them. Germans are scared of big cats and called their tank the "tiger", we call our drones "reaper" and "predator," they call their IFV the "namer".

Is this the 60 ton IFV?
i can't think much of cons beside weight and size
my hate comes from hurting myself a lot working on it
and bad choices made by the engineers that make maintenance more difficult than it needs to be
that's the APC version, but it weighs more than 60
Since when are the Isrealis fighting against a Javelin-equipped force?
that's exactly his point
xbox hueg marder
>esl moment
I love donating my hard-earned money to fund weapons R&D for shit rats in the middle east because I am retarded and gay
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Reminds me of something..
Israeli tank museums have some of the best collections of zoo animals on the planet.
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TL;DR, it's a cope cage no matter the nationality.
It just looks like a cover to try to keep grenades from falling into open hatches. Which is logical since I've personally watched >9000 perfectly nice tanks obliterated by little hand grenades falling from drones into open crew hatches.
American "aid" is actually vouchers for American companies, none of which developed the Namer. So, while you aren't American, you're definitely retarded and gay.
nta, but it's true to about 80% of the money, the rest goes to R&D, especially joint projects, so some of that money maybe did end up in the namer project.
also some of the namer hulls are made in the US, on which the vouchers are definitely used.
together with all sort of parts that the namer uses, like KVH gyroscopes
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jews used these long before russia
maybe that is just sunshade

DESU, well sorted at least optional sun/rain shield should be a given on any MBT or APC/IFV, if nothing else but to keep crew fresher.

Make it big enough to cover driver's hole when turret is forward and strong enough to sleep on or carry rucks, dismounts, etc.
Its not even that. Theyre in the desert, its just a parasol to shelter the hatches from the sun
I love and hate how this thing looks
>touted to be effective against javelins and other modern wester ATGMs
This happened, in your mind.
Mobile panopticon
It’s still a cope cage, don’t read so much into a meme
its not a tank
it has no turret
it's a centurion based APC
Fuck you, the turret is cool.
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Certified conscript moment.
I wish I had quality images of the Nagmachon. It seems like a cool concept, especially being built on a Centurion chassis.
Is this a different Centurion-based APC, or merely a different kind of Nagmachon?
why do israelis crash tanks so often?
How does this happen? Surely driver is drunk or high on drugs?
It absolutely was being said here you disingenuous lying fag.
But I didn't give birth to 'er.
i'm sure it's just because we take more pictures
grunts are always dumb
when you get an APC on one of these
there is a moment you don't see anything but the sky from the periscopes
inexperienced drivers sometimes panic and floor it
resulting in shit like that

unrelated to this case, but a defect in an older version of a piston that regulates air intake for the engine cooling, that's connected mechanically to the gas pedal, can cause the gas pedal to stick
there was a case where a mk3 flipped because of that while trying to get on a trailer
the namer has the same parts
beat me to it
>Since when are the Isrealis fighting against a Javelin-equipped force?

The iranians have made a copy of the Israeli fiber optic guided spike missile, it has a similar flight path as javelin but muuuuuch longer range.
Mechanical problems make sense, yeah. I'd guess sometimes those might be a bitch to figure out if there's a chance of operator error.
But, do modern militaries do somekind of "dry training" on loading tanks and other heavy vehicles to flatbeds etc in controlled environment?
I'd figure that would take a high priority even after one accident.
Thanks for informative response, anon.
we do that, also combatants get to use very expensive simulators that simulate everything the vehicle experiences.
it's not like this happens often. but accidents happen.
also specifically this incident happened while this battalion was training to switch to this kind of an APC
This thing is absolutely worthless in war thunder. Heavy as fuck, no armor, turns out spikes are an unreliable meme. It's shit.
>muh vidya
>spikes are a meme
Are you retarded? Like the most tested and used modern weapon in its category. Jesus Christ who are you fucking retards and where did you come from
>we do that, also combatants get to use very expensive simulators that simulate everything the vehicle experiences.
Ah, should've guessed. Our folk do that as well in pretty neat simulators. And yeah, even in perfect conditions whether we like or not, accidents do happen. But holy FUCK does this
>also specifically this incident happened while this battalion was training to switch to this kind of an APC
hit right at the homebase.
I have been exclusively driving toyota hiace's for almost two decades as my work vehicle, no matter what, even not sleeping for 2 days i could operate those bitches like it's no problem.
Then, just recently, company decides anon driving those old ass rustbuckets is bad rep and force me to drive a new volkswagen.
Guess now i know what the older folk felt like when they had to suddenly master teh interwebs.
nope it's absolute fucking hot garbage. Never hits shit. Cope.
it's worse
the APC they used before, the Puma, had a driver hatch
so they would load them on trailers with their head sticking out
at no point you would end up staring at nothing but the sky in those - at least i am pretty sure it's so, i don't have the certification to drive that one
Dude fuck off the fucking thing hits at an angle that's absolutely worthless vs modern tanks. Shit sucks.
there are so many things they got wrong with it in the game
even the side skirts are wrong
don't know if they fixed the gears
but can't do shit about it, because i have no non classified documents that i can post as proof

the spike being bad is just their balancing
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>Dude fuck off the fucking thing hits at an angle that's absolutely worthless vs modern tanks.
the what? why do motherfuckers think they can juust come to the internet and lie?
>didn't destroy the tank
fucking worthless, just like I said. Don't get pissy with me just because your shit stinks.
That'd just be a crit hit in war thunder and then they'd fix themselves or just straight up pen your worthless shit armor and one shot you.
They made them even heavier by around 3 tons recently with no change to engine/armor so now they are even worse than before.
Tell me about it, had a game just now where I launched all of my spikes at an Abrams that was out in the open and it still fucking survived. Had to finish it off with my auto cannon.
Javs were only handed over post-invasion. Russians were rocking the cope cages from the beginning, because there was a report from Syria that said adding slat armor to the top of the vehicle was a good defense against whatever attacks were going on down in Mad Max land. Tank crews were ordered to jerry-rig cages onto the roof of the turret before the invasion, the cope that it could stop Javelins came after everyone started laughing at vatniks for welding a fence to the roof of their tanks.
>Javs were handed over post invasion
No they werent retard. Niether were NLAWs.
>Javs were only handed over post-invasion.
> Russians were rocking the cope cages from the beginning, because there was a report from Syria that said adding slat armor to the top of the vehicle was a good defense against whatever attacks were going on down in Mad Max land.
No it was a desperate attempt to defend against specifically the Javelins the Ukrainians had. Drones weren't widely used in Syria and definitely not to the extent they would add cope cages to thousands of their tanks in response.

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