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Sup, /k/. I'm Russian and there is an exhibition of captured NATO vehicles and weapons in my city. If I went and make some photos there, would it be a /k/-content? Of course with a timestamp. They have Bradleys, Abrams, M113, different MRAP, rocket launchers, machineguns, rifles etc.
probably but I'm expecting the thread to be a shitshow
It would be /k/ related, but given rumors of less than voluntary conscription, I would personally steer clear off such places if I were you.
You do you.
Oh yeah, this thread is gonna devolve.
post a picture looking down the street outside of the exhibit.
Did you just call Reddit of quality?
The same two that they had a few months ago?Btw. how is kursk?I heard the Ukrainians are advancing again
They openly state there will be an enlistment booth there kkk
Picrelated is a photo I took at another similar event: patches taken from Ukrainians.
I think it would be neat to see but I can't guarantee your thread won't be invaded by shitters.
Of course it is, and it would be very interesting. We don't get much original content any more (other than people showing off how much money they waste to look cool). So long as you aren't trolling you aren't going to get banned. I'm sure the thread will attract trolls and shills but they're always here anyways.
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Is this you?
Another photo from the same even in July, kids playing with guns. Sorry for screenshots, can't download my photos from google storage for some reason.
>Sup, /k/. I'm Russian
When you get drafted, put a red cross on top of your helmet so we can tell it's you being explosively disassembled on the drone footage.
Unkown technology blyat
>Sup, /k/. I'm Russian
my condolences. i'd start learning ukrainian if i were you.
I said it's better quality than what's become of this place
Okay, I'll go tomorrow. If this thread still stays, I'll post here.
I think they roam with the same exhibition across Russia as a part of propaganda efforts.
Nope, I'm not that old kek
I can't be drafted, only mobilized, but in the last wave because I'm of "C" quality tier.
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Дa пoхyй вceм нa твoи гoвнoфoтoчки, пидopaнищe..
Я мoгy тeбe oтпpaвить бaшню oт БMПшки вaшeй.
Cъeби нa двaч oбpaтнo.
Please control your butthurt.
>I'm of "C" quality tier.
How much did that cost in bribes?
do post any really worn down vehicles you find, i like really damaged vehicles.
You're A+ in my book. Know your worth, king.
Never been to Eastern Europe (and likely never will. Scared of flying), but this looks so warm and nice. Also it does not look like the abject shit hole I imagined either. I kinda expected all of Russia to look like down town Houston or Seattle.

I'm a Texas fag near Galveston. We enjoy extreme humidity and being in the literal armpit of Texas. Living south of Houston kinda blows cause you got to drive through to anywhere actually pretty.

What temp is it there? Looks like a nice day OP. Thanks for sharing, hope you enjoy it.
Novosibirsk is one of the bigger cities and pretty developed, since it lies on the trans-siberian railway.
And its in central asia, not eastern europe.
I sure hope a drone kills you :-)
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Now it's cold, 10C or 50F. In July we had like 36C (97F). Here's a photo from an exhibition of old tanks in May of this year.
>patches taken from Ukrainians.
Why do all these patches look brand new if they were captured in combat?
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Im not even Russian, lol.
My country does however have a unique connection to the trans-siberian railway.
Who said they were captured in combat, maybe the Ukrainians were so nice that they gifted them to their Russian bros.
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I wish you and your kin dysentery
t. a Pole
>”C” quality
Is it possible to dodge being mobilized by getting too fat/disabled?
I wouldn't put it that way but yes, he should expect shills.
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Hi look ill be honest with you here. Your countrymen have been shiting up the board for years here how your army is strong and whould beat entire NATO and China at the same time. I'll get that youll want to say im not like them and some other excuse. Yet here you are pushing russia stronk line and shiting up the board like your bretherin and other vatniks and pajeets. So do kindly unalive yourself before heading off to ukraine so that they save a drone on some other poor SOB or better yet you can fuck off from Ukraine and the war will end the next day. Ukies will gladly give your shitpile you call kursk back and they will probably don't expect any reperacions from it due I doubt your broke ass can pay any unless one of oligarchs sells a mansion or a yacht. Just give back the pepole don't matter if they are dead or alive at this point do I doubt it will help with amount of war crimes your faggot ass country has committed and give back the land you destroyed. And just fuck off to your 4th world country
But I'm half-Ukrainian and 1/4 Polish. So you wish yourself dysentery as well :3
Another photo I took this year is from a WW1 exhibition: machineguns.
go ahead, post them
Rent free bitch
How much is there about the Czechoslovak legion I wonder?
Fuck me, you're one dumb motherfucker.
More photos from the WW1 exhibition: Mosins, Russian Winchester and Arisakas.
If you are live amoung monkeys, you are a monkey.
Jesus Christ how horrifying...
It was more about firearms of the war in general, not about specific military units but of course the Czechoslovak Legion is remembered in Siberia.
Remember that russian imperial army was so poorly supplied they had to ask french for help and they sent russians gras rifles
I see.
Wait, are you that rusnigger larper that pretends to be descendant of Polish nobilit. The one that butchers my language whenever he posts
Not really. My Polish is quite limited to profanities like bobr kurwa jebana ja pierdole jakie bydle.

Another photo: Aircobra in the streets during winter.
do it, but expect a lot of seething
Yes. But you should be really unhealthy. If they want to get you drafted, they will force you to lose weight. My friend dodged draft by being too skinny. They tried to feed him to gain weight but didn't succeed kek
Kalashnikov museum in Izhevsk, visited in 2022.
Kalashnikov museum. The first AK prototypes.
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this thread was paid for by Tenet Media
Honestly shocked that there aren't a bunch of swastika patches bought from the patch thread here
Very cool thread so far OP.
I look forward to tomorrow.
Just be prepared for the thread to get derailed by rabid war tourists lmao
>rabid war tourists
...and just like that, the troon reveals himself. Nice!
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cool, looks like bubba sks abominations lol
A range day. The legs belong to my wife who was shooting the Dragunov.
wrong pic but whatever
This thread has been pretty neat so far OP, hope there's more. Fuck these screeching retards though, trying to start a shitfit for stupid ass reasons.
I don't like Russians.
Russians were on 4chan before you were born, retard
Yes its /k/ontent but holy shit its gonna devolve into feces flinging contest. Do it
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Just shut the fuck already you autistic sperg. Save your energy against spam ziggers and let me enjoy a thread about guns.
Kalashnikov museum. Other early Soviet assault rifle designs.
Yo how much do they pay you to shill here? How do I apply? I've been coming here for years for nothing, may as well get a side hustle making dogshit posts on k
holy crap, there's even a light assault shovel there! they let kids play with that?

cool pics op, thanks for posting
Find out what the latest enlistment bonus is while you are there.
MP-40. Exhibition in Kaliningrad (former Koenigsberg), the photo taken in 2021.
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Nigger I'm Michiganian, I just want to see the neat pictures without retards REEing over the knowledge that Russians exist
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>ai slop
Nigger lmao
Born and raised here retard, try again. Hint, I've got no russkie blood either
File deleted.
Great thread anon, its cool to see this stuff from actual anons. Ignore the obvious shill sperging, its the heights of faggotry
That top one is kino
Thanks. Picrelated is AS-44 in the same museum, one of the competitors that lost to AK-47.
>ohhh my god a russian hiiiiiiiiiiii i am gonna buuuuuuuuuuuust
It must be sad that you have to hide in a thread like this. Kill yourself.
God I wish I could see these in person, fuck this stupid war denying me the chance. You ever been to that Patriot Park or whatever it's called now?
You are exactly who im talking about
“Anyone who wants to talk about guns instead of Ukraine is a troon!”
Back to Shitter or blebbit or whatever other shithole you crawled out from
Have you considered that nobody actually gives a fuck?
Who are you virtue signaling to? Its an anonymous board.
You could say “I HATE RUSSIANS/UKRAINIANS” or “I LOVE RUSSIANS/UKRAINIANS” all day, and what does it get you? Nothing. Because nobody knows who you are, and nobody gives a fuck what side you support. Youre 16 years old, mexican probably, and live in New Hampshire and dont even own guns
Like i said, rabid.
Of course you posted here just to promote your propaganda.
??? not OP, but what the hell about this is propaganda
>retard posting FACEBOOK screencaps is calling anyone obvious
Geez...I know you were retarded, inbred, and everything else, but not like this.
just start calling out the russniggers and they immediately get hysterical about ukraine kek.
>bobr kurwa jebana ja pierdole jakie bydle
Minister of culure level językowy skill

Hey bro, I’m wishing you peace and good luck. Watch your back out there. In wartime, a category C might not save you from anything, just like those poor fucks in Donbabwe. If I had any spare cash, I’d be out of of the country as far as I could get, but I get it—you’ve got family, and deciding to leave isn’t easy.
Hoping you live to see better days for your country.
Jebać Putina i jego szajkę.
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Keep posting OP. Thank god im not a terminally online faggot that can actually enjoy both TZD content and good gun/military content.
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>I'm Russian and there is an exhibition of captured NATO vehicles and weapons in my city.
You tell me
shouldn't you be in ukraine catching drones or something?
And? Its guns and weapons.
So is the other stuff, but then you cry about "war tourists".
You should stuck to /pol/ and /m/ then
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Thanks for kind words. Maybe we'll survive the World War 3.
Unfortunately nope but I think every big city had something similar. Here's a random MiG-29 in Kemerovo.
Da cumrag I live in Texas oblast and can agree russia is pretty and nice and also stronk in the face of nafo tranny aggression.
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The "other stuff" in this case was spamming some AI-generated garbage.
I dont go to warship threads and start posting AI-generated Bob Semple tanks (even though that would be funny and a bit silly.
Double standard? What the fuck are you talking about? Also, you know the “(((notice)))” thing is meant to be used in reference to jews right? So which am i? A Russian shill or a jewish shill?
Fucking retard. Post a single gun you own
Oh wait, youre still in highschool, you cant own guns. Sorry
have you not noticed most of what OP's posted has been Russian guns and/or stuff that's a century old, that's not propaganda you fool.
NIgga why the fuck would I be fighting in Ukraine if I'm in Michigan
Allow me to shit on your schizo theory:
I hate all of you fucking war tourists specifically because i dont give a fuck about either side.
So as someone who doesnt have a folder full of anti-[insert country here] slop:
Eat shit nigger
What the fuck is a war tourist, anyway
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Kek, not been threatening anyone, only expecting the worst.
Picrelated: kids playing with an old T-72 in a park, spring 2023.
Anons are referring to the board tourists that infested k when the slav bumfight kicked off
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are you on crack? is that what this is? are you schizo? stop assuming everyone who disagrees with you is secretly some Russian Shill
i fucking hate this retarded city
>t. konfiarz
Two years isn't a long time lol. Neck yourself nigger
Your tv programs, especially soloviov live, politicians and celebrities has been threatening my country for a long time
A 14 year old mexican dogeposting redditor who comes to 4chan to learn about the goings on on Ukraine
In an effort to signal how pro-Ukraine they are, they take any excuse possible to mention how much they hate Russians, even if the thread has nothing to do with the war itself, or even Russians.
Then, when you tell them that nobody cares, and that theyre insufferable faggots, they accuse you of being a shill, because apparently the Russians have a vested interest in swaying the opinions of… 4channers..? I guess?

Now, that doesnt mean if you support Ukraine youre a war tourist. I support AZOV because theyre Nazis, but otherwise i couldnt give a fuck less about who wins this senseless war because whats happening basically 2 continents away doesnt interest me
But it sure as shit interests redditors
That cool story made me kek hard.
I was trying to be civil, unlike that other guy, but I see that you're as deranged as him
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>you have to be on either side because... you just have to ok
Yes, especially when one side is sending drones across the borders, while both previous and current government are doing 2 things: jack and shit
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So what, they´ve been threatening my country too (last time today with a made up story about neonazis lmao)
I can still enjoy the pictures OP is providing and not be asperg about it.
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Watching Russian TV programs will give you irreversible brain damage lol
Soloviov is just a tricky Jew that earns money by any possible way. So now being patriotic is trendy and here he is. Next you will tell me you take Medvedev's Telegram posts seriously. Everyone here knows that he writes them drunk as fuck kek
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that explains more than I expected, thanks. Take this antique car as gratitude
looking forward to you screeching about ukrainians flooding the country even more in a few years retard
Not reading that translated shit. Even if Russians are talking shit about your country, why not go insult them on Telegram or whatever other apps they use? Or do it on /b/ or /pol/ if you absolutely insist on doing it on 4chan
But /k/? Not the place.
Another reason why we need post id's on k. As it is I can only assume you are the same guy, or one of his nafo buddies
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Anyway I'll keep /k/-posting: illustrations from my Soviet era military guidebook on firearms.
Very cool. Thank you
No i się zesrał konfiarz
>konfiarz konfiarz konfiarz
is that the only word you mongoloids know? russians belarussians and ukrainians are the exact same thing. if ukraine wins youll be shitting yourself about ukrainians in a few years. if russians win youll be still shitting yourself about russians. but please do enlighten me how the ukrainian horde is good for this country. im sure itll be a laugh.
BMP-1 scale models: 1/43 and 1/72, assembled and painted them for dad's birthday.
dude they are kids, calm down. This is why we should rangeban yuros, they don't even know guns and don't appreciate them
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Forgot the photo.
I know this is futile, since you've already mastered doublethink, but i'll bite. I've been working with many diferent nationalities (robol w januszexie) and Ukrainians cause the least amount of problems. They are quite a solid work force here in Poland, and even then janusze biznesu try to bring other, worse nations like latinx and poojeets to work here. At least you can somewhat understand what Ukies are talking about, and they can bring you menthol cigs.
That's pretty nice, didn't know 1/43 was a thing. Might have to do a BMP as well after my T-55 kit
I despise nafo, still due to me being Polish I do harbor strong dislike toward russians, since you know, they were killing my countrymen, on even greater scale that Ukrainians did.
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Brofist. I bought a B-17 kit when I was watching Masters of the Air but still have no willpower to continue working on it.
what doublethink you turbomoron. yes streetshitters and other browns are even worse than ukrainians but that doesnt make them any less bad.
>Ukrainians cause the least amount of problems
not my experience with working with them and having the misfortune of living amongst them because my residential area is absolutely infested with them now.
Stop thinking about troons.
Well then, both of us have different experiences. Still, even patusy z zawodówek don't want to do jobs that Ukrainians do. As for doublething, i'm refering to braun first shitting on germans and russians and now he acts budddy buddy with AfD and kremlin pawns
>inb4 muh allies
Zachował się jak najzwyklejsza kurwa, a jak się reprezentuje jakieś wartości, to swój honor trzeba mieć
Help, I'm being censored by 4chan jannies. Please save me, Russia!
That ar-10 looks sexy
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Fun fact, in the Soviet Union to depict AR-10 in movies prop guys converted Sturmgewehrs.
braun is an insane retard nobody with half a brain takes him seriously.
>even patusy z zawodówek don't want to do jobs that Ukrainians do
thats an entirely different problem which shouldnt be resolved by importing undesirables. ukrainians are already forming ghettos here and refusing to integrate. same with brownoids and other subhumans.
That one looks ugly
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Yep, but that's a common thing to use what you have. Not much uglier than Puma depicting Hind in that Rambo movie.
Still in comie times AKs were being used as sturmgehwers
It is an interesting question namely that while it would be /k/ related it is somewhat pathetic like the US holding an exhibition of captured Soviet weaponry from Korea
>AKs of the eastern block
>a vz.58
>in the Kalashnikov museum
He must be spinning in his grave at incredible speeds.
It being able to be loaded by striper clips is kino
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Well, I simply find this a unique opportunity to look at stuff I've never seen IRL. Propaganda matters aren't important.
Yep, I cringed too. Here, take some pictures from my Soviet book.
what is mas-49 doing there?
>I despise nafo
Why? Are you seriously allowing yourself to be mind virused by Russians over a highly effective e-war group? Bear in mind that NAFO has chased several of the biggest Russian shills off the internet by doxxing them, people like ZOKA.
Why not? Pictures 108 - Finland, 109 - France, 110 - Czechoslovakia, 111 - Switzerland. In alphabetical order.

Those old Lugers and Mausers always make my peepee hard.
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A bit of SMGs for diversity and inclusivity.
I like how Russian regurgitates English words almost as much as Japanese does.
That’s a child you fucking brainrotted fool
when i'll get back on my feet i'm buying c96 red9
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Some more ww1 stuff.
>c quality
What gets you marked as that? 500 rubles and a blow job?
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Nope, my natural charisma and captivating smile)))

Another portion of ww1 rifles.
>early Soviet assault rifle designs

middle one really looks like its STG44 inspired
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Well, I guess the Kurzpatron inspired everyone.

Pic: selection of shootas to vent out after a hard working week.
>Я мoгy тeбe oтпpaвить
>I can fix you
They truly are all faggots, aren't they?
wtf thats speedo weather not cold
>and likely never will. Scared of flying
Dude, get over it. The riskiest part of flying is driving to the airport. Don't be a faggot and go see the world outside of the US.
>bobr kurwa jebana ja pierdole jakie bydle
No ja pierdole, prawdziwe polak, co nie?
what the fuck is this hand rail?
it looks like some favela-tier equipment
>wtf thats speedo weather not cold
Then what would my usual 104°F summers be? Take-off-your-skin weather?
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Interesting thread and nice pics.
Mines not gun related but still pics I think are cool. Here's an apache trying to be sneaky with me in a training exercise (shot him down)
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It's just a bit worn-out.

Pic: last winter memories
What's the equipment?
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And another helicopter, this one a British wildcat that had an "expedited unplanned landing". Was carrying a colonel, apparently.
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As in, the vehicle? A 2S6 Tunguska, of course.
I remember a story when I worked for a certain company that produced /k/-related stuff, we welcomed a group of Vietnamese top brass that wanted to get acquainted with our "products". First we get them drunk as fuck on vodka and then put them inside one of our "vehicles" and organized some kind of rally. In the end of the ride, those poor guys vomited everywhere lol. But nevertheless we all had fun.
In the early 2000s in my uni guys that participated in ROTC (well, a Russian analog) were trained to use Shilka.
yes. though thats pretty standard where im at anyways too.
Just don't be a fat fuck. 50°F is definitely not warm, unless you have more thermal insulation than my fucking house.
drop it to 25 and maybe you gotta chop some wood to get warm but come on, 50F?
A lot of them are cringy liberals that haven't shown that shitskins, kikes and niggers support russia. Also they could have shown that being a commie tranny corelates to russia's support
Obligatory thread theme: https://youtu.be/A95yLXVgrn4?si=_9qkPWzz7m7Wx9Kl
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My nephew got an AK-12.
>but come on, 50F?
It ain't T-Shirt weather, so it sure as fuck ain't speedo weather
>"C" quality tier
there are already cripple divisions, so you'll fit right in
>put a red cross on top of your helmet so we can tell it's you being explosively disassembled on the drone footage.

misusing the Red Cross/Red Crescent emblem is prohibited under international law, and Perfidy is a war crime. Committing a hostile act under the cover of the protection provided by the distinctive emblem would constitute perfidy.

In all fairness to OP, committing warcrimes is pretty much a daily ocurrance for Ziggy and the Stooges, but lets not encourage them any further.

Lol. You "frickin" redditors are so mind broken you can't even type a single sentence without giving yourselves away.
stay safe OP.
Surprisingly little seething ITT
Oh my god shut the fuck up can we just have a thread about weapons for once??
OP is posting guns. Thats why were here.
Nobody gives a fat greasy fuck about your stupid gay war
Nobody gives a fuck about Russia
Nobody gives a fuck about Ukraine
We give a fuck about WEAPONS
You stupid fucking nigger faggot retards MUST go back to b or pol or reddit or wherever the fuck
Eat shit
Truly mentally ill.
French, German and Latin words prior to English, you think English is the origin of those words? LMAO.
Russian weapons and exports are shit or vaporware. The fact all they can do is ape history and stifle innovation begets disgust. Even more so when they showcase fallen western technological innovations of generations past as some sort of dead God, wholly unimportant to the greater western psyche.
The Russians don't know how to fight, don't know how to innovate, and most importantly, they don't know how to live. My basic bitch PSA AR is better than whatever weapon Russia is capable of producing now, in the future, or even yesterday.
ignore and report, let's have a nice thread for once without /pol/tards ruining it
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Take your grandpa with you though.
they are CIA dogs who let pedophiles post gore videos as a weapon against 4chan users for some odd reason they also are fond of cheese pizza.
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Based, i want to see those pictures.
You will do nothing polkek
Lol samefag is same
I wish there was a place people could go and just talk about stuff like this. You can't really separate humans from politics and intrigue, but sometimes a change of environment can change the rhetoric up a bit. I'm a TZD advocate since day one, I want the Western powers to lift restrictions on weapons wholesale and I want Putin to actually make good on a threat for once in his life, but I also know that there are Russians that are otherwise fine. I've known Russians that were my friends. I've known Russians, possibly like OP, that are very self aware of the situation. Not just the Ukraine war situation mind you, but the whole "Russia has a lot of serious problems" situation. I wish I could talk to those people too, but they seem not to exist here, in the spaces designed to facilitate it.
try us faggot
That sounds pretty cool Russanon. By all means.
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Youll fit just right in the C-men company.
Too late
I was thinking about like a red X you sperg.
Normal time to mow the lawn weather
Waitaminute, is that an early M88ARV?
Wow, that's probably the most sophisticated recovery vehicle in Russian inventory right now!
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Honestly, I'm surprised this specific tank hasn't been restored and sent off to Ukraine yet. Or at least stripped for parts. Looks like there's a lot to utilize here.

>Now, that doesnt mean if you support Ukraine youre a war tourist. I support AZOV because theyre Nazis, but otherwise i couldnt give a fuck less about who wins this senseless war because whats happening basically 2 continents away doesnt interest me
I support Ukraine because they film all the cool war footage.
>they're all brand new
>Empty tubes and AKs
is of dead hohol ))))))))))
>California Beach Club
>Wild Coast
What the heck?
One of my late grandfathers was sent to Russia to teach mechanics how to work on the Allison V1710.
He had few nice things to say about the USSR, but thought the area he was in "looked a lot like southern Michigan"
can you not read, stupid?
it says "I can send you"
Ahaha you know buddy you're fucked. Russia can't win the war and they'll send every retard to die there. Enjoy starring a drone film.
why are they all literally brand new, and clean like they've just come out of their packaging?
Did this guy just go on ebay and order them all?
You live fucking nowhere and never had to deal with russia. Take your childish kumbaajaa elsewhere.
whatever that fucking image is, dont you ever speak to me or my son telepathically again
if that's the case I'm amazed at the restraint they've shown, there's only one swastika and no sims 3(!)
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Next stall has a green wig and a freshly folded shirt I'm sure.
Are you implying that such complex and noble people like russians would lie? You're a nazi russoracist banderoller.
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Bandoliers made by rolex..? Sounds cool desu.
Please do Russiabro. I'm genuinely curious to see what kind of condition some of this captured equipment is in and what the government thought was valuable enough to display as war trophies. I imagine the people that update those visually confirmed loss databases would appreciate it too.
>why I oughta
>why I oughta
>why I oughta
california is still the wild west, the government is fake and gay
remember than chinatown senator trafficking us mil weapons to criminals in SEA? some fuckboi shrimpchow was involved
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OP here. Will go soon, the day looks nice.
Just don't act like a zigger
Just act like a zigger
hello from the warm sweaty Caribbean, send pictures of cool guns and shit.
Meds. Now
>nooo you can't be interested in other guns because the AR exists!
Prime ARtranny mentality
I have lived right next to Russia way before this shitshow happened and the only problems you had were the vodkanigger truck drivers not having winter tyres and ending up toppling their trucks every winter
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At least we have some semblance of civilization unlike our Eastern neighbors
said something norwegian?
Poland isn't to the east of me, I'm not a mountainigger
>being that invested in a foreign war to where you get butthurt russians exist
Dude seriously stop being this much of a fag. Ukraine's army is a libtard army, don't forget. Also the invasion was warranted as USA didn't stop building military bases around russia. 10% for the big guy.
I think whatever people you are need to go. American Euromutt that only speaks English I'm assuming.
consider using a trip

Ain't much to say, really. Shit's fucked, and it'll have to get way worse before there's even a chance it gets better.
First, this is my war since putin told that "Poland is next on the chopping block"
Second, you repeat rt propaganda a lot.
You never heard about this exibition before? I remember even mainstream news sites picking up the story

I remember they did one previously this year, just didn't know about this one. Though I didn't really pay much attention to it, for whatever reason.
I'm assuming they're parading the same vehicles around the country, unless they captured so many of them that they can have multiple exhibits at the same time.
Appreciate this KV pic. My favorite tank from WW2. I built the Tamiya kit when it first came out. Ignore the haters. Almost every nation in the world needs better people in charge of them. The biggest most powerful ones most of all.
Russia has boomers too, how quant.
that doesnt look anything like a kv-1, its kv-2, your favorite tank
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oh wait it even says so in the picture, how can you not know your favorite tank
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>Based, i want to see those pictures.
>C" quality tier
>posts on /k/
Thanks for the thread
>Bandoliers made by rolex..? Sounds cool desu.
No, a banderoller is like a Niggerwhipper 9000 used by Ukrainians. Or against Ukrainians.
>can you not read, stupid?
Nice assumption everyone should know your pidorian language, zigger.
>B-b-but I'm Ukra-
Did I fucking stutter?
He is ready for the trenches. Mobilize him and off to Ukraine!
Would be very cool.
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>"Take the two nights back"
What on earth did you mean by this?!
Just made it through the thread, thank you very much for all the interesting pictures.
I hope you weren't discouraged from posting more in the future.
Thank you brother.
Based. Westoid subhumans are going to be burnt alive, their skin and organs melt in thermonuclear strikes

Fuck Western subhumans
Never seen those MAC/MAK rifles before... They look cool, do you know if any photos exist?
You there yet?
lol seething
found this online, can't find the M1 carbine looking rifle.
>thousands of small russian children have touched a dragunov before me
hot take but there is literally nothing impressive about the dragunov other than IT LOOK COOL. gun is utterly unexceptional.
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For the people that missed my report, the thread with photos is here >>62502229
It went over the bumplimit and will sink soon.
You likely don’t own guns and weren’t on this board before the war. You’re the tourist who needs to fuck off actually.
>ww2 soviet gas mask
Am i seriously suppose to believe a ukrainian wore that shit?
Cool. Go tommorow yes?
>Ivan, sukha, the destroyed Amerikanski tank looks too intact. Look at it mocking us with its straight and intact barrel. Abase its pride! Posthaste!
>Da, Comrade Commander!
>More bend! It doesn't look limp and sad enough!
In terms of doctrine it was impressive.
>civil defense
>forestry guards
>border guards
>kherson conscription service
>bob markey squad "can't kill the killed (as in cooked)"
cool ebay shit
I find it hilarious that they clearly had to buy so many brand new patches. I mean ffs, it isn't like dead Ukrainian soldiers are impossible to loot, how hard would it have really been to grab actual patches?
English speakers have no right to talk of other languages stealing foreign vocab.

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