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Omg, this is so fun!
90's European car simulator?
Sims are for autists.
t. autist.
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My dad used to be a big fan of the first Delta Force game. It was the first pc game ever that he played in 2000, and he said, "Wow, that's like back then in Afghanistan, you shoot at people and they drop down".
Falcon 4, the original. BMS, in an upcoming update, looks like pic related.
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Only real oldfags remember this gem.
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My two most memorable games growing up were Jane's USNF'97 and 1942: The Pacific Air War.
Lots of good times.

Never did play much Falcon, but i knew about it.
1942: The Pacific Air War also had a "Carrier Battles" RTS mode where you had to plan for your naval and air units, locate the enemy with recon flights and then send yout your slights to attack them, with the option of jumping into the cockpit yourself to lead the attacks.
And then if we go way back there was this.
Thanks, now i feel really old.
god damn anon, thanks for the blast from the past. Was that from Task Force Dagger? I had a few of the Delta Force game trials back when those were a thing. I distinctly remember that level and the one where you insert on a parachute with your dudes and exfil in a helicopter.
>played in 2000
>"back then in Afghanistan"
I never even touched that game but the voxel landscape was so hyped back then that I took one glance at the screenshot and instantly thought "either Comanche or some Comanche-derivative."
Was it the one where you could pit jets against wood&cloth biplanes? Love it back in the day.
no, he just liked killing afghanis
Makes me nostalgic about this one
god the f-16 cockpit is so iconic.
since we're here I have some f-16 flight model questions relating to DCS and BMS both.
is there any difference between flying different blocks and variants? the DCS f-16c is a block 50 which afaik is especially heavier than earlier ones so it's a bit "sluggish" and not that great of a dogfighter for an f-16, how does BMS falcon handle it?
In BMS the F-16A is a bit lighter and more agile but it's not really meant to simulate an F-16A so it's just a xml change basically. But you do notice it. As for DCS, idk, who the fuck knows with that sihtshow.
God bless the BMS devs. Autists who have trailers touting new features like swizzling the air to ground IFF and pilot peepeepoopoo management.
They're hilarious if you check /r/hoggit on reddit too. Absolute dicks and like 80% of the DCS nerds hate them for it, but everything they say is justified. Best one I saw was I-Hawk saying that DCS couldn't afford a BMS dev and that was the reason why DCS was so shit.
Oh I forgot he made it even worse by going literally "we do it for free", so not only do you have the sting of not being able to afford them, you also have the sprinkles on top of them not working for you for free, only at their standard day job rate. Some of the nerds there fucking HATE BMS devs it's hilarious.
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For me it was this, on a 386DX, with only a 16 color EGA card.
Based. I played the shit out of JTF back in the day
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For me it was Hornet 3.0
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Old Novalogic used to put out bangers. I played F22 Lightning 3 endlessly. Releasing nuclear weapons from an F22 never got old.
could be any of the ex Soviet nationalities, there are Ukrainian and Baltic vets from that war
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Jetfighter 2 was silky smooth even on a 286.
Microprose put out some banger sims back in the day
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This was my flight sim nostalgia, iF-16. Seems quite forgotten
I played this! it was AWESOME!
I used to play the shit out of Microprose Dogfight.
f-17 and f-117 was my shit. and battle of britain.

SOOO many missions.

but nothing beats the f-117, sneaking through sam nets to drop bombs or missiles onto targets.

>the games copy protection was the manual which was also a warbook you had to reference
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step aside, plebs
>>the games copy protection was the manual which was also a warbook you had to reference
I remember a submarine sim from the early-mid 90s that did the same, for every mission you had to "authenticate" and decrypt your orders by referencing sectionns of the manual.
>There I was in my _MIG-21_ at _5,000 FEET_ when I was _JUMPED_ by _THREE_ _B-17_.
yep. with f-117 it was like aircraft recognition shit or it was going through the warbook to match outlines to the names of the weapon.
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I was way too old when I learned that not only was there a dedicated air superiority fighter version of the eagle, but also that the strike variant was the weird offshoot
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Anyone remembers Aces over Europe?
I 'member. I remember Aces Of The Pacific and Red Baron, which let you customize your fighter. Green and white were my favored ace colors.
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Based thread.
Ah, memories.
I can't help but notice a distinct lack of pic related ITT.
Also Jetstrike, in no way a simulator and also kinda shit, but gets a honorable mention because of a huge selection of planes (pic related is maybe 20%) getting me interested in some which I hadn't been aware of.
kys zoomer
I knew that game instantly by the lock retical.
Based, that and A-10 Attack! (picrel) were the sim highlights of my childhood.
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My father used to play BF2 for hours on end (when he had the time), then I introduced him to a mod which adds more soldiers to each map, whoo boy.
He was always an anti-tank gunner oddly, never thinking about circumstance.
We once set up a hamachi server with just the two of us on Karkand, me watching sniper tutorial videos of BF2 and WWII... I got his ass quite often, begun to feel so bad I made some whoops mistakes and he got me.

Never beat your heroes. Still think about this to this day.
Heartwarming story bro, thanks for sharing.
Apache vs. Havoc?
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Holy shit all the rest of you guys are in your 40's too, aren't you? All this time I thought I was mostly talking to kids...
One time I was playing the BF2 sandbox mod, and I piled up a pyramid of supply crates, tossed all the C4 I could onto it, and detonated the whole thing. The particle effects of the boxes being destroyed crashed the server.
I haven't checked up on BF2Hub in ages, I could go for some Karkand nade spam for nostalgia's sake.
I happen to be 31 but as a consequence of having an old ass PC as a kid I had to play prior gen games.
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For me, it's T/D.
The depth and AI of the game were insane.
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I used to play the fuck out of the A-10 Cuba! shareware demo as a kid. Always loaded as many TV guided AGM-65 Mavericks as possible and went for trick shots.
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I was going to post that one. Fun fact you can land on the ocean.
>Every single module is guesswork because it's all a secret
Why wouldn't you use BMS? It's free if you already have Falcon 4.0.
DCS has been struggling for years to implement a dynamic campaign while the one for Falcon 4.0 was programmed by some intern.
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Welcome to training Cadet.
I like to think of this lovely place as my home. Now, you wouldn't even think of upsetting me at my home, would you? Of course you wouldn't.
So do what I say, when I say, and I won't get upset! I do bad things when I'm upset.

So, what do you say if we do a little Nav Computer training?
It's an unfair comparison. Falcon 4.0 was essentially coded as an RTS simulation, where you happen to control one of the units in theater. The battle happens with what are essentially "chess pieces" representing groupings of units. The player has a bubble around him that turns the chess pieces into simulated units which can be interacted with. Once the player leaves the units pop out of existence and turn back to a chess piece. Say you attack a tank platoon with 4 tanks and destroy two and RTB. That tank platoon will turn into an abstracted chess piece with 50% health since you took out half the tanks.
DCS doesn't work like that, the units are simulated across the map as individual units. There's no RTS level to abstract the flow of the battle and simplify the outcomes, the AI and engine actually have to shoulder the burden of all the retarded shit that could happen. Falcon 4.0 just switches to Advance Wars while you're away and DCS would have to have AI vs AI War Thunder matches for their shit to work.
For me the first combat flight sim that really got me was: EF 2000 (1995). it was the first combat sim i had seen that actually modeled realistic avionics and aerodynamic effects.
Then came IL-2: Sturmovik (2001) with its 128 Player multiplayer Sim-mode and the games later descendants.
Around the same time i started playing Operation: Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis online really actively.

Those were my entry drugs to (Online) Military-Sims and i have been hooked like an ill-restrained pipe hitting roody-poo every since.
I know everything there is to know about most historic WW2 and some experimental fighter planes by heart, including all their their cockpit functionalities, engine management and mechanization, quirks and dangerously unobvious design-flaws. I am convinced i could just jump into the cockpit of any german WW2 plane that isn't a bomber right now and actually fly it safely in real life - maybe even competitively - including take off and landing.

What in the fuck have i done with my life?
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always remember this, anon: you're an obsessed addict amongst countless obsessed addicts. you will always be in good company and that's just fine.
My dad actually worked on some of the very early fully computerised flight sims for millitary and the aviation industry, real fucking crazy, rooms of computers all rendering an individual few frames overnight, people investing stupid amounts of money on 'the next revolution in graphics' for it to either be obsolted within a few months or some dead end technology.
I remember specifically when laserdisc came out they put all of the background and terrain on that as a video and I think he still has some of them in the loft
i was going to post that. doesn't look quite right in color though.
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other anon. The colors are correct. iam looking at a linux port of the very original right now on my N900.

>pic mildly related
i know, but i meant i played it in monochrome back in the day. amber to be precise. i knew it as sopwith camel btw.
real vector graphics. Impressive. very nice.
>someone liked the MiG-23 enough to put it in a video game
Genuinely surprised
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For me it was F22 Lighting II (somehow never played III sadly)

And Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator.
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Can I play too?
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I remember when BF2 came out I was really disappointed. There was something about the engine that pissed me off. The guns were too inaccurate and shitty, and the dudes were too small and ran too fast. It was also stupid as fuck that you could shoot a dude 10 times in the face and his buddy would come up and just shock paddle his ass back to life.

BF1942 with the Desert Combat mod though? Now THAT was a game.

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Some boomer is making this in current year.
Shoot me even once, and I'll turn that beer can you call a mech into scrap.

If you die, try and scream a lot, that way I know I'm on my own.
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It was F-19, and I still own the big box copy I played as a kid
>ibm keyboard overlay
>I am convinced i could just jump into the cockpit of any german WW2 plane that isn't a bomber right now and actually fly it safely in real life
You are delusional.
This anon knows what they're talking about.
i actually do fly small sports aircraft irl i should have added.
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anyone remember this le gem?

>in-depth mission briefs
>mission planning with competent AI teammates
>select invidual operators and split them up into teams
>assign teams rules of engagement
>ability to give teams command in-game even if you gave them differing orders during mission-planning phase
>select loadout for individual operators to include camo pattern, armor, primary/secondary (choose between fmj/jhp), lethal/nonlethal kit etc
>relatively low-key realistic missions that take place in believable locales
>attention to detail in sound design (i.e. gunshots & voiceovers affected by indoor/outdoor acoustics) and visual effects (blood pooling)
>leaning around corners

how did it go so right? will we ever see a major release (not ready or not-esque indie studio goyslop) like this again?
Nice. I think it's cool that 90s kids are turning into boomers and making this stuff.
>BF1942 with the Desert Combat mod though? Now THAT was a game.
You're damn right it was. Lots of ways to get blown up in that one. The most fun one was to get blown into the air while still alive but with near-zero health without enough altitude to release your parachute. Splat.
No, he's a fucking dumbass. There are many levels between the horrendously inefficient "simulation" that DCS does (that results in you being unable to have more than few moving ground units at any given time, to the point 99% of multiplayer servers just have stationary vehicles with smoke effects next to them for you to hit) and what BMS does. In 2024 it is simply not acceptable to do what DCS is doing.
Oh, and have a look at the size of the F-4 and F-14 models on a DCS instance without either having been purchased. Those motherfuckers ship multiple full fidelity large as fuck liveries and models for planes that you'll basically never see unless you're in formation flight, and it takes up several GB THAT HAS TO BE LOADED REGARDLESS. DCS is one of the worst coded games out there and people only simp for it because they're obsessed with graphics and think 64 GB of RAM plus a 4090 is an acceptable minimum for 1440p multiplayer in 2024.
And let's not forget the fact that you could barely load into a multiplayer server for something like 6 months. Lead to the death of Enigma and it is solely ED's fault.
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this thread reminded me of this gem
gotta dust off the '2 tomorrow
Oh fuck me I had Jet Fighter Full Burn, that shit was rad.
>porn voice: "EMCON AUTO FOUR"
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There are precious few left who remember
>Circuit City/Fry's/CompUSA all gone
Before I got into video games at 14, I distinctly remember my dad getting obsessed with this game, bought a joystick and everything, totally immersed.
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hell yeah, bwoi
Did anyone else complete the single player mission which lasted like 4 hours, had no save points (?) and had one wave of 80 or more enemy planes?
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>his game has parachutes

Never got it to run, always had the 640k memory needed issue.

Somewhat based, but this isn't XW:A.
Played this on PS2, the waypoint overdue call haunts me to this day
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Mid core jet sim hits right home.
Picrel is a hell of fun.
the albatross scourge is real where you're stuck with one thirty cal against the swarm of Gerrys and then you finally get the Sopwith Camel with twice the firepower and the same maneuverability as the Fokker triplane. insane power spike. Airco DH2 is maximum comfy.

crazy how good the Fokker Eindecker is while the Allies monoplane is hot garbage.
Tie Fighter was the first truly excellent space sim, original X-Wing was crap by comparison.
Is this the one where historical aces send you challenges to duel?

Man, imagine a WW1 plane game with the Nemesis-system from the Middle Earth games, with Hermann Göring shittalking you and goading you into a duel, and after shooting someone down, watching them lawndart in a fireball, they reemerge after a while all burned and fucked up demanding a rematch.
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Yes, you do get letters of challenge from enemy aces. You will also find named aces in normal missions in their historical livery. And yes, they die when you kill them, after you land they tell you who you killed. I think they can survive with injuries too, but I'm not sure how that mechanic works.
As far as I can remember the same rules apply to them as to you, and you can die after a shootdown, survive with injuries and spend months in a hospital, walk away without a scratch, or end up in a prison camp for months before you can escape. In those months the world goes on without you, so when you get back into service old planes were retired, aces might have died, etc.

This game had crazy advanced world mechanics for the time.
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>In 2024 it is simply not acceptable to do what DCS is doing
DCS is built on the old ass Lock On base code.
Of course it's not acceptable. There was no benefit of hindsight. It's like all the games optimized for single core performance and giving Intel the edge when AMD was offering a much better bang for the buck. Sorry AMD virgins, but the higher clock and instructions per clock Chad gets the higher FPS. That's gonna be an extra 150 bucks plus tip.
It just so happens that Falcon 4.0 was built from the start in a way that supported a dynamic campaign from the start. Had that groundwork not been done before the flight sim was even built, the BMS devs wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell to add a dynamic campaign to it.
As it stands, ED has DCS as their cash cow. Just making a new engine and porting all the modules would be a nightmarish task and halt their income. So their only option is to dig under the foundation and slip in the systems that can support a dynamic campaign without breaking the entire game. It's easy to paint them as big dummies for taking so long but getting it done faster would mean making a new game from scratch.
needs some wargame:red dragon ground sim with players able to take control of aircraft. RTS where you can possess units are kino.
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What I remember from this game is that compter controlled NPC's will shoot instantly from half a map away with unerring accuracy even after being flash-bnaged and immediately wipe out your team the moment they walk in from a doorway.
Also, that one mission where you raid biolabs and if you take a single scratch to your protective suit, even if the guy survives the mission he will die after it for some super-ebola.

Still a great game.
Never had issues with flashbangs not working. Perhaps you missed. Set your overwatch and coordinate your breaches and don't run and gun because an alerted enemy who is already aiming at the fatal funnel will shoot your dumb ass.
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>be 11 in '98
>Get the CD demo of EAW
>start in a P51D escorting B17's
>all that flak, smoke and long nose 190's

Take me back
why does the gay FAA make part 103 need to weigh less than my motorcycle?
That life or death feeling 1v1ing a complete stranger on Bunkers after 45min of online setup steps and Microsoft Zone bullshit without your 56k connection dropping... Magic.
lads rec me a simple air combat simulator I can play with mouse and keyboard on an office PC

i'm your fuckin dad
I remember learning how to install computer components and building basic rigs for multiple old bangers. The original delta force made me upgrade from the pentium pro because the game required MMX tech to run. Original Rainbow six had me throwing in a Voodoo 2 GPU to run well. Modding the original R6 with all those hundreds of modded guns and taking it online to that airport level was something else.
Multiplayer for this and Joint Operations was so fucking cool. 150 players in a single server, giant maps, tanks, boats, heli's...good times.
Hi dad.
Nothing will ever recapture those feels, anon. Original R6 to original Ghost Recon were a magical time. There may even be equally or more impressive games to come along, but we'll never appreciate it like we did back then.
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If you were one of the elite few to even make it this far, you remember
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millions more must f-16 for two more decades
Original Ghost Recon was the shit. I remember we played it with my pal in my little Siberian village and found it cool that the Russians were the enemies in a video game.
>BMS devs wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell to add a dynamic campaign to it.
Stop eating the literal ED propaganda that dynamic campaign is physically impossible, holy shit. They can't even pull off an IL-2 style mission generator and IL-2 had that years ago.
For someone reason I was actually good at this game, which given how much I suck at FPS in general is a little strange.
I liked the black ops sniper mission against the high ranking guy. 2 man team. Had to sneak behind enemy lines. Take a shot. Then make it to exfil past patrols. The m1 tank missions were cool too. Great game.
I remember that cunting mission set in the balkans in Rogue Spear, with that fucking nigger serb in the clock tower wiping my team again and again.
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this was my all time favorite game. they gave you a map editor with the game. we had our own clan for years. Ran our own server. Great times. SOUL Soldiers of United Liberty
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classic sims are cool i guess, i have a couple
Please share.
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check back in a little bit, will post link. i included a full profile and setup files for seamless PS5 (dualsense) controls on Fa-18e, very comfy and 100% functional.
Make it a torrent.
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free shit, take it or leave it. :^)
For those who just want Falcon 4.0 to be able to install BMS, here's a torrent:
dude i was only after the falcon 4.0, but i got 400gb's of child prono?
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absolutely hilarious, but even if it was, i'm cross seeding on i2p so you can download anonymously
any WW1 sims that do VR and scratch that Sierra's Red Baron itch?

I know about IL's flying circus.
what emulator?


delta force 1 & 2 are available on Steam for a few bucks
windows noob
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Used to play the Hell out of pic related until I got DF:BHD for Christmas.
Sniping was mechanics were GOAT in both. BHD had absolutely insane custom map editor.
you can get the GoG installer for free all over the web as well. idk why but i prefer my old games to be standalone, steam gets weird with that shit.
Please I want to play attack squadron again.
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you'd probably like the OG sniper elite, one of my all time favorites. easily my first choice for sniper gameplay.
i was able to get it running in windows 10 but i think a lot of people dualboot XP sp3 for these games, or just use an old machine. these games run on windows, no emulator.
meant for
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please forgive me im a drunken bum today, ive made a mess of these responses.
Anon, stop being a fat retard.
Dynamic campaigns are not impossible. You just have to build the game to support them from the start. MicroProse did that over two decades ago. The Benchmark Sims devs weren't tasked with adding a dynamic campaign by digging into the source code.
Taking a photo of the screen instead of screenshotting is an advanced boomer joke.
Best classic flight sims for noobies?
Microsoft combat flight simulator
Never played but has been on my list for years.
For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ky6hgbRtZc
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F/A-18 Korea here
The Blitzkrieg mission where you take off from Saudi Arabia, fly through Yemen, sink some Russian aircraft carriers in the Red Sea and go all the way through Eritrea and Sudan to end up in Egypt? I did it a few times. If I remembered correctly, your ammo would refill after 10 mintues or so.
>doesn't look quite right in color though.
Yeah, that's some kind of newfangled nonsense.
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I hope I'm not the only remaining anon alive who played Hellcats Over the Pacific
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For me? Warbirds.
I think my dad had the demo of this on our imac. There was a single island and I played that shit constantly
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totally fucking based my dude, I loved A-10 Cuba when I was young and still love it to be honest... it was so cool
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id check it out as soon as you can, real fun one.
the o.g. is pretty cool
Il-2 Sturmovik 1946. Don't let the name fool you, there are fuckton of WW2 planes.
Do download the patches. They add stuff.
There are also mod packs that add even more fuckton of stuff, but try them later if you want.
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Close, but I think there's a typo in your title
based, i have like 100gb of IL2 shit.
I like you. You have good taste.
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forgot img
>how did it go so right?
little to no market research, developers made the game they thought was good, and it simply was. Contrast that to the modern audience, modern games. As disgusting as it sounds, todays games are actually "good" for the audience, which is why we will never have actual good games again.
Agreed. Played BF1942 and BF Vietnam to bits, never could get into BF2, something was just "off".
>Where you happen to control one of the units
Reminds me of the MP mode of C&C:Renegade or BF2 as Commander (a RTS where none of your units follow your directions). Still playing that one on Weekend Warriors.
>Dat Russian midi song
>Figuring out how to use my Thrustmaster Fox-2 with it
>Getting a third-hand 3dfx card that plugged in the video card of the old 166 just to get bilinear filtering.
>The manual full of infos on IRL jets
I need to find properly cracked ISOs for that.
That doesn't look like an SVT
Hell yeah
They jettison the pod before landing I assume?
This one will always be the best one.
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>They jettison the pod before landing
Did you think they attach the pod in mid-air?
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I remember buying PS2 that was bundled with SOCOM during the Christmas season of 2003 after getting back from Iraq. I thought it was so cool being able to play as a cool high speed operator and how realistic the graphics were.
My favorite as well. They are coming out with a new bastardized futuristic version. Don't look it up.
No, but there is a marked difference between take off and the possible suspension bottoming shock of landing.
I played BHD on my gf's brothers Xbox once and it sucked balls compared to PC.
For me it's:
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I still have this one.
F4 Falcon
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Got this to work again recently, still pretty damn fun
Zoomer kino, along with Nuclear Option
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>tell myself i'll get into DCS properly when they add multithreading
>tell myself i'll get into DCS properly when the phantom releases
>will probably do the same when the dynamic campaign releases
i'm fuckin your dad
holy fuck i always had nintendo but my best friend had a megadrive and we played the shit out of that. possibly the first real "simISH" flight sim i ever played
Fuck YES anon. I used to play that multiplayer on fucking dial up and somehow it worked and felt fun.
Fuck yeah. My school in the late 1990s was a little noteworth around my town because we had laptops, we weren't allowed games on them but of course every fucker did anyway, I swapped Z and Worms for that game and an MPS F1 game, laplinked it via a parallel cable during lunch because all of them were too big to fit on floppies.
>I know about IL's flying circus.
Then you know about the only WW1 VR game. The career mode can feel a little Red Baronish but you can't paint your aircraft the way you could in it and the aces encounters don't feel the same.
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Falcon BMS with friends is among the most fun I have had in a video game.
Even just hopping on solo and doing DEAD missions is a blast, I just find I'm too lazy to get my HOTAS out.
>you are now remembering figuring out how to take off
>you are now remembering dive bombing Japanese bunkers and the little *plik* *plik* *plik* sound as you strafed the soldiers running for cover
>you are now remembering lighting up zeroes as they tried to take off so you didn't have to fight them fairly
>you are now remembering thinking you has the landing lined up perfectly only to slam into the stern of the ship because the game was so zoomed in at low altitude you had like a nanosecond to react
At least I hope one of you 'members
>Nobody's mentioned Secret Weapons Over Normandy
>Nobody's mentioned Conflict: Desert Storm

I am disappoint

There’s a sequel under development that looks absolutely tits. Looks like it’ll scratch the battlefield itch
>Conflict: Desert Storm
Me and my brother played the hell out of that series on PS2, especially the first two. We'd even challenge ourselves and play as much of the game as possible with just him as Connors and Me as Foley, only using the other two if shit hit the fan or we needed Jones' AT stuff.
Shame they killed off Foley at the end of two and replaced him with some girlboss though.
Not the original R6 but I played Rogue Spear competitively with LeC clan. Can't even find any record on the internet these days but we were top 5 on whatever the main ranking ladder was in those days.
I was waiting for someone to bring this up. Legitimately one of my favorite soundtracks of all time. I have it on PC, PS2, and I'm debating emulating it on Xbox to try the DLC
I just played through that again a month ago. Second only to ace combat 4 in how fun it was!
I used to play this with my dad too, I'd spot baddies for him
Fucking brilliant game. The level in delta force 2 where there are 2 hinds right at the start was the bane of my life
My dad did, the level he hated most was the bill clinton one
>no full spectrum warrior post
luv green
luv sarge
'ate tans
'ate flamethrowers
simple as

Extremely Based
forgot the screenshot
also rip in peace 3DO
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>haha, me and my dad used to have so much fun playing these games!
tfw my dad would just call me a faggot and would threaten to throw my head through a fucking wall if I ever dared said anything against his drunken rants and insults usually thrown at my crying mother. Damn...
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Step aside plebs, true operators die on mission. And Rainbow keeps throwing meat in.
>no skins
>no drop crates
>no xp bonuses
>no power ups
>no view models
gtfo with your shit game boomer

TAW was the bee's knees. It had a very interesting dynamic campaign system you could influence (more than just doing your fighter missions) by flying AWACS and redirecting shit / creating missions.
All great games. I wish I could go back in time to be absolutely mindblown again.
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>Frys died recently
>Microcenters aren't common enough
Tears in the rain
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too soon
I didn't have good internet as a kid so i used to play this against bots for hours and hours.
I think i got it on CD together with the first joystick i bought.
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I could never EVER land in this fucking cunt
(In my defense I was 7 y/o, didn't speak English and it was a pirated copy that didn't come with anything in the way of a manual.)
>this screen
>F-19 strealth fighter
I hope it's a bait...
Yeah my bad it's the Retaliator, I mislabeled it
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Bow to the king.

>that unidentified contact, d’ya think it’s a civie?
>eh, could be a Mig with AShM, fuck it
>ope, that was a 747, my bad.
I played literally thousands of hours of this from ages 10 onwards. this and the original super mario bros are the only games I ever truly mastered

I have my original CD around here somewhere, I should pull it out and enjoy the pixels
I loved to play that game until I started overhauling player flight models during covid. Tweaking them was an absolute pain because horsepower to torque conversion and propeller area calculation are complete ass.Sure, fixing these made things easier, but I had to start everything over because now I also had to do AI models as well >:(
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here we go
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Since we're going that far back...
The game was way too complex for me to play at the time, I mostly read the unit descriptions.
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Played this one for like 15 hours straight when I was 12
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>luv me combat flight sims, simple as
>see TV commercial for Aces High in the blessed year of 2000
>"Wow a flight combat game that's multiplayer and free to download, that sounds amazing!"
>spend most of a day downloading it
>pc can barely run it even though it has no problem running other games with same or better graphics
>even if it could the lag was so bad it was borderline unplayable
Oh well, back to Combat Flight Simulator 1 & 2 .

Loved it, but the only thing that annoyed me was that in the 2D version of the cockpit view with better reading gauges, the gunsight wasn't aligned.
>BF1942 with the Desert Combat mod though? Now THAT was a game
Fuck yeah. Remember the durka durka music that played when you were driving the technicals around? Shit was kino. The WWII realism mod was cool too, can't remember the original name but I know it became XWWII later.

Exact same situation here. I'm not sure if I ever even had BF2 and then I ended up dropping the whole series because school/work made me switch to Mac and didn't get back into it until BF4.
Land based fighters do gentle touchdowns unlike their carrier cousins that are unironic deck slampigs. The plane is less laden with fuel and munitions afterwards so the suspension doesn't have to deal with as much weight anyways.
Holy fucking shit MSN gaming zone. Rogue Spear and AoE2 players unite.
What the FUCK anon, I have tried remembering for literally DECADES what fucking game it was, and that image just triggered something long lost in my brain. I do remember indeed, and I never figured out how to take off consistently. I wonder where I could find it?
>war thunder works in VR
>enemy aircraft don't render until they're 100m away
feels so bad
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Zoomers forgot proper etiquette these days
DCS is the one game that gave us confidence seeking missiles.
Just a few years before my time sadly. Picrel was my first /k/ game. It amazes me looking back that I could even figure out how to launch the thing in DOS as a 6 year old.
I think this was the first video game I ever played
Desert Storm was based but Vietnam was the best in the series.
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>M4 Sherman looked in the wrong direction and is burning
>Recon team attempting to assault a Sturmgrenadier section backed up with MG42 team
>Half track HMG team can't drive over a shrub


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