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Should he have retreated after opening fire or was it the right call to leave when they returned fire?
>bleeding to death
>girlfriend walks away and leaves you to die
Let this be a lesson to all of you /k/.
I'd say, if he has no training, given the absurdly close distance, I guess it's better to retreat or ambush outside, no use dying to some shitskins in CQC.
The woman or whatever that thing is even left the other one to die/get arrested, these "people" don't deserve to take a life.
Besides, look at what he did just before he ran, did his gun jam perhaps?
I think she made the right call here. He was gonna die anyway and she might as well take all his shit before he dies.
t. Woman
go back to your containment board
Yeah I was thinking gun jam or out of anmo, hard to tell without audio
Probably had a malfunction, and booked it to make distance.
Probably right outside calling police or something.
Other dude is hella dead though. That slow settle onto the floor is the telltale of massive blood pressure drop. He definitely got hit somewhere vital. Heart is likely, as he isn't spraying or pooling from any opened arteries.
This is the kontainment board
no, the insufferable faggot board is /r9k/
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>Those last 2 seconds of the video

Imagine walking in as a customer just to get a snack and you're greeted with a shot up body.
>the lesson: bitches aint shit
Yeah when he stopped and then ran off it looks like it jammed, he has to manually rack it and then it doesnt seem to fire again
Did your boyfriend get shot while committing an armed robbery or something?
Wouldn't think that guys who are willing to commit robberies make for good boyfriends. And I guess it's not surprising that women willing to date guys who commit robberies would do something like that, too.
and you wonder why nobody respects you deranged freaks
revolver frens keep winning
Holy fucking reddit, big ick from me sister
I never said you were a woman, I said you had a boyfriend
>gets told to go back to the insufferable faggot board
nice one
My thought process probably be like
>oh shit
>is that a Halloween prop?
>wait, that's an actual person
>damn dedicated to being a Halloween prop
Then probably hear the death rattle and then realize it's real and freak out
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At 0:41 he accidentally ejects his magazine. There are many cases of this happening, but people still demand inferior button mag releases over the superior paddle.
>And I guess it's not surprising that women willing to date guys who commit robberies would do something like that, too.
Most women have a danger fetish and virtually all women are self-serving in nature.
It's what the majority of women would do in this situation, the rest likely would just scream and panic as women tend to do.
Why do you pretend that bailing on your dead accomplice is not the right move?
>people still demand inferior button mag releases over the superior paddle.
This, I'd like more paddles.
>Let this be a lesson to all of you /k/.
don't throw my lot in with a Brazilian street criminal?
You'd never get anything done in brazil if you left every time someone was bleeding out.
Don’t date a woman who commits crimes?
Look at the bottom of his grip, it suddenly get longer as if he hit the eject button and the magazine dropped but didn't fall free..
Does she give him a coup de grace before walking off? It looks like her hand jerks while pointing to him behind the counter.
either that or yanking the gun out of his hand?
He would have honestly been better off if he had gone by himself.
Because I am not a woman or a nigger.
his gun jammed so yes retreat
>attempt to render aid
>he dies anyway
>get arrested
you're about as dumb as both
pretty much.
Bitches and hoes
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What lesson am I supposed to take away from this? If I'm a violent criminal who disregards human life, I will likely be dating another violent criminal who will disregard my life? Okay, check. Didn't plan on being a robber anyway.
She got the ick after my black ass got shot and the blood loss got me twerking and acting zesty trying to stand back up before fainting.
the smart move was to tackle the gunman robber into the wall at around the 27-second mark, *then* cap him in the head.
>hit dog (bitch) status: hollering
I won't bother asking you to post tits, just gtfo
I heard it was a p320 that jammed, funny if true
I'd retreat (to cover) then open fire. That desk isn't blocking shit but the outer walls of the store might. Then I skedaddle
Holy shit it does look like she pops him. Thanks honey!
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you make it sound so easy...
my experience
>almost late for a date
>step into train station bathroom for a piss
>first thing I see is a bloke in a suit at one of the urinals toppling over backwards like a tree and smashing his head on ghe floor, tons of blood and a seizure
>turn on my heel and leave
hope he made it
>implying /k/ isn't full of insufferable faggots and looney troons
lol, lmao even
Latino divorce?
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>implying that I wouldn't tell her to leave me behind and escape as I hold back my tears
>crazy ex manipulates me into robbing a coke dealer for her
>drags me into a B&E that I nearly get charged for
>manipulates me into breaking into a psychiatric hospital to see her
>tries to trick me into assaulting a guy she imagined insulted her
>break up
>talk, but don't get involved with her for years
>waits until I'm at my lowest point in life
>suddenly wants to start a family with me
>says she's all better now and perfectly stable
>suspicious, but kind of want
>she suddenly gets arrested on a conspiracy charge
>she was plotting to rob a drug dealer
retard enablers like me are the reason these women are allowed to continue their reign of terror
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mollys especially in turd world countries get abused like mad, anon
you think he was a faithful and respectful boyfriend and all that shit?
it's common for mollys to be 3-hole whores for the whole gang, despite putatively belonging to "one" of them
she's pulled trains before, so it's no skin off her nose if the first carriage dies; she'll attach herself to the next one
and still pull trains of the entire gang every now and then

definite stoppage here, you can see him racking the slide
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>failure to appear
>it's common for mollys to be 3-hole whores for the whole gang, despite putatively belonging to "one" of them
Just pointing out how funny this sentence is because "puta" is whore in Portuguese
He got hit in the neck and spine, not the heart.
lesson: dont be a nigger and rob people
You write like a fag
Still pretty vital, retard
>sees two criminals of both genders
>cognitive dissonance so powerful he still manages to make this a parable about wahmen bad
jesus fucking christ, small wonder these brown incels are so easily indoctrinated with the complete absence of critical thinking in them.
>foid doesn't haver her own weapon
>foid doesn't return fire
>foid is too weak to fight back
>foid just takes the money and casually saunters off to find the next ride on the never ending cock carousel that is her life

/k/, let this serve as a reminder about why dating trans women is the superior choice.
ayyy carlos
But then you wouldn’t be assisting in an armed robbery in the first place

You're right hes should have stood there and squared up to that target like on the internet and shot splits and listened to his beard fag try hard range tactical pants 511 cool guy instructor and calmly cleared his 432432 jam and then calmly put rounds down range until empty and then do a tactical omega mag change with retention.
it's what we all expect, we're not ignorant
>I think she made the right call here
It looks like she pulled on his arm as if she was going to try and drag him and then gave up immediately because she couldn't.
You know the rules: Tits or gtfo
Own safety is paramount.
Hnnnnng she looks so crazy and fuckable
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>women willing to date guys who commit robberies
So, all of them? Thugmaxxing is LAW. Uh oh, personality detector broke, tee hee.
Police departments don't hire candidates above a certain IQ. Maybe just don't be a retard?
Tetas ou mete o pé
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>At 0:41 he accidentally ejects his magazine.
did we watch the same video?
Trannies are mentally ill and you're not fooling anybody trying to act like you like dick-girls just because real women are trash. You're just gay
They call you /pol/troon for a reason, tubby.
Or, he told her to take the money and gun and call an ambulance before he BLAGH im ded-ed. But infusing your impotent incel fantasies works better in your head canon.
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Wait, what? They use hair nets in Brazilian food services?
His gum jammed before he ran, you can see him trying to rack the slide. So definitely the right call to run for it, not that he had any reason to stay anyway.
Why wouldn't they, you dumb hick fuck?
Pretty sure it's law.
Should have shot the chick in the face.
Just do a 720 and walk away, nigga
Man. Look at all these white knights simping for women.
She looks like an utter cunt.
im pretty sure she fires a kill shot into that guy. i dont think i have ever noticed that before. looks like the pistol jerks back and he slumps pretty quick.
@ 00:56?
She's taking the gun from him, dumbass.

Disfiguring whores is the best thing you can do to them.

Women butch about rape culture, but they have yet to experience acid attack culture
unmarried retard moment.
>tfw you are getting shot repeatedly in the CNS but it's only 9mm so you just shoot back lmao
bruh, you live for 16 seconds after a shotgun shot to the head. Humans are RIDICULOUSLY hard to kill. A couple off extra millimeter bigger bullets and a little extra powder isn't going to kill someone meaningfully faster.
Customer should have waited outside the door and domed the GF the moment she walked out
Human resilience is a literal coin flip because you can also have your lights turned off forever from one punch.
In an alternate universe where you ain't a bitch
>administer first aid
>call ambulance
>show up to date late covered in blood
>tell her how, being the chad that I am, I saved some dude's life
>"omg, how heroic of you, anon!"
>take her home and fuck
What could have been.
His gun jammed and he wasn't able to clear the malfunction. Thats why he ran.
I’m not a shitskin criminal, so your point is meaningless
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>Let this be a lesson to all of you /k/
Get a boyfriend?
I'm gonna guess it was a Taurus
Of course his plastic POS jams. Considering he had no cover yeah it was an ok decision, probably saved his life.

Absolute chadette. She still stole the backpack and ripped the gun out of her accomplice's dying hands before fucking off back to the monkey hive.
>bruh, you live for 16 seconds after a shotgun shot to the head
Bro if your brain is paste you are no longer alive, even if your heart is beating until it pumps all the blood out of you.
>I'm gonna guess it was a Taurus
The video is too blurry to tell. All the striker-fired guns look the same at 144-360 pixels
This image always cracks me up, I don't know why.
A couple cases of a guy shooting his face off, leaving his brain mostly intact until he bleeds to death is not evidence of bigger calibers being useless.
>a couple off extra millimeter bigger bullets and a little extra powder isn't going to kill someone meaningfully faster.
Yes it does. That's not how any of this works. 6.8 Common has only 1.3mm of diameter and 6mm of case for powder over 5.56 yet has DOUBLE the energy. If a 9mm hits a human spine it stops, if a 10mm hits a spine it removes that part of your spine from existence then keeps on going. Don't even get me started on magnum revolver cartridges.
You seem extremely insecure. I don't think you should be allowed to own guns.
walk outside
retarded faggot talks out of his ass, whats new
Post bitchtits or stfu.
They told my grandpa he was too smart to join back in the 70s. NTA
Ive got 2 cops in my family and they were both crayon eaters outta high school
Kursk status?
>man shieettt.. i be havin... i be having my own blood spillin? SHIEEEETT....
>yo yo man is you good is you shot multiple times point blank bro is you good is you sleepin
This guy was a Ceará State Military Police soldier shooting the robbers with his own service pistol, a Sig P320. He retreated because the pistol jammed. It was the first time I saw someone having a problem with the P320, this video must be from 2018 or so. He gave a interview later about it and talks about the P320 jamming.

Also /k/ making this video into a bitching about women thread is very hilarious and stereotypical lmao
>/k/ making this video into a bitching about women
its literally one guy and we're all dogpiling him for doing it

your man-hating simpery is just as bad
> oh shit, I am sorry
Oh hey its this faggot again. Hi faggot, how are you today?
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I am more upset the dude lost his backpack in this than anything else that happened.
>crying because you realize your thirdie waifu actually hates you
many such cases.
Probably so he wouldn't survive and name her.

At least you're smart enough to see it.
Stay with 2D women.
Nope, that is a Taurus.
Don't spoil GTA6 for me, please.
There is a reason we do acid attacks
>this video must be from 2018 or so
There is a date in the video.
Retard. You think his boyfriend(s) would have what... carried him on their back to the hospital? Sucked him off one last time?
There are countless videos out there where multiple men rob a store and before the 1st one gets shot all of his accomplices run away so he hits the floor, looks around, and he's alone and he realizes he has been alone the entire time. Even when they were by his side he was alone, they did not have his back, and at the 1st, tiniest, hint of danger they ran away because they were never there to share a burden they were there to share the spoils.
I don't care that this cunt's a cunt. He would've left her too. His boyfriends would've left him and her both.
They're not some SOF unit with camaraderie, esprit and personal bonds. They're not some 'honor among thieves' gang. They're druggies looting NPCs for rupees ao buy their next hit.
Cmon, it's at least a little fucked up she just casually takes the pistol and backpack and leaves. Like, not even a moment of panic or worry for the guy.
Stop guessing, someone else identified it, see >>62510513
projecting much?

>nO mAn LeFt BeHinD

Nobody gives a fucking shit about this stuff you stupid boring cunt
>Calling out women for being the opportunistic, unloyal pieces of shit they are is bitching.
Fuck off, faggot
>thing happens once
>therefore police departments everywhere don't hire people of a certain IQ
reddit brain
my grandpa said that he was too attractive for Hollywood and that's why never became an actor
It's a P320, the Ceará state government bought those in like 2018 or 2019 or so.

Shit, is it really from 2021? I swear I saw it before.

Also I like that my post mentioning its a P320 gets mostly replies about be noticing all the women complaining lol
Wrong, she's yanking the gun away from him
he should have dabbed first before running away
My first time ever at 32 was a non criminal version of that. It's wild that BPDs are textbook - pol might be right about them being demonically possessed.
The simp seethe from this simple post is incredible. /k/ really has been overrun with leftist nafo faggots.
>fly me up an ear, would you?
Why are the criminals always niggers in these videos?
I don't think it was his gf. Women are emotional as fuck especially when regarding their men. The way she just leaves him makes me think they were just partners and she has done this before. There are other videos of men being killed in front of their women and they just go batshit crazy and start screaming. Not the case here.
Damn how bigs his dick?
>Disfiguring whores is the best thing you can do to them
lol, incel alert

>Women butch about rape culture, but they have yet to experience acid attack culture
Maybe they aspire to be neither raped nor disfigured?
>There is a reason we do acid attacks
Because of incel rage?
>it's at least a little fucked up she just casually takes the pistol and backpack and leaves
How many ways do you need to hear that criminals will fuck each over, just like they fuck over everyone else?

There is no honour among thieves.
nigga, this was in brazil, chances are that that "foid" had a bigger dick than the guy that bled to death.
>tranny outs himself instantly by saying stupid shit like “hurr u shouldn’t own guns if you don’t think I’m a real woman!!!!1!1”
Yeah whatever fag, just stay the fuck away from my kids
>Have an extremely high chance that you get murder suicided because your crossdressing boyfriend thinks hes hit twink death
Yeah nah
Some women act like this.
You can see he talking to her and giving her the bag
I think he realized what was happening and told her to GTFO with the loot
It's more convenient on the range. Who cares if it gets you killed in a fight?
>Sucked him off one last time?
A good woman would.

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