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>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous Thread: >>62490163
how much where those turk guns off TI?
prob not cheaper than my squires bingham m16
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This post confirms the eternal superiority of Hoppes9.

Ballistol can tongue my anus.
like 299 I think
Ballistol is for cleaning goddamn horses get that SHIT away from my guns
Ballistol has superior performance, cleaning ability, lubricating ability, and preservation ability than Hoppes, while also being a fraction of the price and European made.
This is untrue someone post the goddamn washer collage I will not tolerate these lies
i wouldnt use it for lubrication or rust prevention, cleaning is fine though
a jury acquitted someone who blasted a guy with a shotgun in his driveway for breaking in to his truck.
Didn't stop the government from giving him 8 years. Third trail's the charm for government "justice".
>Sentence to discourage 'brazen killing of intruders'
clown country
Some nigger on here berated me for suggesting Hoppes awhile ago because supposedly it doesn't hold up when its -40. Well sorry bud, but at those temps I'm usually just trying to stay alive, gnomesaine?
victims have no rights
I don't know, i only use Ballistol for my guns and i shoot corrosive too and never had a problem.
What is anarcho-tyranny
I've used a PCC, SKS, 12 ga shotguns and an X95 in -30C weather and it works just fine.
>i doubt this would sit well with a jury
>a jury acquitted someone for far worse than that
i know, but ok.
>This was Khill's third trial for the killing of Styres. In 2018, a jury acquitted the former reservist, which the Crown appealed. The Supreme Court ordered a new trial in 2021 that began last November but ended in a mistrial.

So they just keep attacking him in court until they can lock him up, fucking insane. All for shooting some piece of shit thief.
what if he didnt report the shooting and just dumped the body in a ditch outside of town somewhere
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He'd be free to live his life as an innocent man. But the government feels it's only right to let chugs rob you and beat you with impunity.
Should've just left his car keys in the ignition. This could have been prevented.
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cafaggots cant even field themselves properly in the wild
they wont be able to quell an armed White insurgency
get fucked zogbots
die in a blizzard pussies
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>tfw better equipped than the military without even trying
Should've recognized that truck was parked on stolen land and acknowledged it while letting Styres rape his wife. This could have been avoided.
lmao even
they would have had better luck buying shit from canadian tire instead of wasting 34 million
we could easily overpower these clowns in guerilla warfare
i dont see how they are even a legitimate force of the so called state when they cant defend it
They're sending all those old Browning Hi Powers to Ukraine, I feel bad for the conscript that has to an hero with one of those.
there's no way they're sending those... source?
I've used my Fatboy in -25C and it keeps my cozy, thing was like $200 from Cabelas. Governments truly are incompetent.

Sleepingbaggate is just another reminder of why you need not fear the government.
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The more I watch our money and resources just being gifted to Ukraine the more I am actually disliking them.
Yeah I started off not giving a fuck about the bumfight until some fagget quebecker suggested taking our AR-15s that were OIC’d and donating them to the ukies.
“When the leaf began to hate…”
Is Double Jeopardy legal in Canuckistan? Or am I misinterpreting this?
Jesus fuck almighty, I kneel.
I didn't believe that they were actually ww2 surplus. Someone corrected me.
I didn't believe we would send them to the bumfight. Someone corrected me.
This Hi-Power saga in so fucking funny to me now.
Is Fair D level IV a scam?
>Pleaded self defence
I'll have "what is burden of proof" for 500, Alex.
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BreakFree masterrace, checking in.
Why no, i do not separate, gum up, or otherwise degrade in freezing temperatures, how did you know?
Been there, only cost me ~$120 though.
lesson learned; do not buy 'cheap' down bags.
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No, but in Canada both sides can appeal a verdict. So if he was found guilty he could appeal it. If he was found not guilty the Crown appeals it and tries to get another chance to lock him up. You're literally fighting your own government for your freedom. They will do this to try to bankrupt people (government has infinite resources, they're using your tax dollars to pay lawyers to lock you up), or hope people will plead guilty and take some plea deal. They will waste citizens' time forcing them to sit on a jury and tell them exactly how to think, sometimes deliberating for days or weeks after a trial that can last weeks or months. All so the government can say "fuck you we don't like what you decided, we want a do-over".

Oh and the government always gets an appeal, whereas citizens do not. Government gets to decide if they want to entertain an appeal from you, it has to be accepted by a higher court of appeals or else they just say fuck off and you're stuck with the decision of the lower court.

Better off just living in a rural area where property crime is very low, and if something does happen there's no one around to see it.
well we sent all our rifles, howitzers, and apcs... why not some beat to shit pistols also
yes i really hope trudeau deploys the CAF
whoever drew that didn't even draw the correct ukrainian saber. lmao.
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kek this, let's see those troon shock troopers do some real damage
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speaking of hi powers, i finally got my safariland holster specifically designed for the inglis
>whoever drew that
60/40 that it was an AI

those niggas make washing machines
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and ww2 machine guns
And washing machines
All evidence seems to point to Yes
Seems like Aratech and MMB remain the only two legitimate distributors of ceramic plates in Canada
Don't start with that shit in cangen
Good. Weak ZOG is good for free men. Remember ottawa?
You retards actually thought the people the feds were arming were the "good guys"? I fuckin hate how retarded you leafs are
i wish there was a showdown between the people and Ottawa
they would get btfo and Canada would be taken by back the White man
ok but do you want a washing machine or a machine gun
nobody here cares about the war, we hope you die in a trench alongside your Ukrainian foes and we get a webm to laugh at
I can't wait for THD.
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You spelled clenzoil wrong. Objectively the best across almost all tests. Don't see any love for g96 though that shit smells like God's cologne
>objectively the best across almost all tests
>failed the freeze test
Clenzoil has 3A's, a B+, and the lowest wear scar size of all. Ohh noooo it can't handle -40 degrees Celsius temperatures, but what can?
Anyone still up? If so wtf are you doing?
>t. drinking
>but what can?
deez nuts
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>but what can?
I clearly see 3 passes there.
Freeze test is obviously the most important considering we live in high arctric tundra.
Wear scar is the next most important, and the others are basically irrelevant by comparison.
Therefore, the winner is obvious.
Watching docu's on North Korea for some reason.
planning out my shtf northern survival convoy

also bareknuckle just ended
>bareknuckle just ended
Absolutely fuckin brutal fights, I ws watxhing it a few nights ago and had to change the channel because my gf was getting horned up over it.
>Pro-tip-Don't watch half naked men beat eachother with your bitch
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Lol, lmao
Certification never ever.
>just two more months goy!

Don't see an NIJ certification, either on their product pages or on the NIJ's site. Can't even find the company either unless they used a different name. Gut says it's rebranded chinesium. Go with Milburn Mountain's certified lv3s, but none of their level 4's are listed. Or this which is listed
Yeah, but check the rest of their scores. The freeze test isn't the most important, it's the cleaning and lubricating ability. Why bother with freeze resistant solvents if it can't clean shit? Yes, wear scar is important, that's why I use clenzoil ',:^)
>he didn't reenact the show with his gf
Missed opportunity
I just finished assembling a Sterling Arms TSR upper. It's not bad, although clearly not as good as a Modern Sporter: even just holding it in your hands, the 6061 Aluminum feels chintzy compared to 7075. Also, BCM MCMR rails are a pain in the ass to get on, but hopefully that means it'll stay on. I'm just glad I was able to get the barrel nut on without chewing up the slots for the torque wrench, because the barrel nuts on those things are softer than you'd expect. The rail itself is pretty nice, but I do wish the barrel nut was made from a stronger material.
Those cheap Turkish shotguns are perfect for building guerrilla style grenade launchers. Che did this with molotovs, Syrians do this with homemade grenades. It either launches a wad or a stick from a shell to launch the grenade. And /cangen/ is perfect for discussing things that trigger US feds and help anti-zionist guerrillas in Canada, Europe, Australia, other zionist occupied Western countries with restricted gun laws.
>The freeze test isn't the most important
nah yuhr ghey.
y’all ever wake up and snap back to the painful and burning feeling of not having an m16 with 30 round mags and a full auto switch and silencer and lvpo/acog
My last gun dream involved me watching one of my neighbours get mauled to death by a group of a half dozen bears, while i struggled with malfunctions and limited mag capacity, as the bears turned on me, i woke up when they closed the distance/
Is it true that not all fish cops have thermals?
Gonna visit the /k/ube later today, my very first pilgrimage to it
Wish me luck!
It's better than them getting outright destroyed; but not nearly as good as living in a decent country where they would be sold as surplus to civilians
Why would they all have gucci shit like that? Fish cops are definitely not on the priority list for the best shit.
Nice reading comprehension
my lubrication, external cleaning, bore cleaning, rust prevention, and greasing are 5 different chemicals. there is no magical product that does everything effectively
7lbs per plate is brutal.
kek I have a genuine ratnik bag Ivan sold on Ebay in 2016. I SWEAT in the thing on a 10 degree night, I am unsure how it was so hard for these fraudsters to make a bag that at least kind of worked as advertised.
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make sure to bring your Gorka, anon.
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I bet you have a shower full of conditioner, shampoo, body wash, facial cleanser, bubble bath and brown sugar body butter scrub.
Would you recommend that particular sleeping bag over what's available to regular 'civilians' in Canadian Tire and whatnot?
Strange kind of pseudo cuckoldry.
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It's cheap for a deep winter bag, I suppose. Inshallah you will never need a -50c bag. The conditions this bag is made for would make for some dogshit camping. Its waterproof so if you dare sleep in it in anything other than near-freezing its like sleeping in a shower curtain. For the 200 bucks it would take to source one you can get a civilian market bag and pair it with a Helikon Swagman to get the same effect.
It is nifty though, I like the removable cotton liner.
To clarify, in Canada and other Anglophone countries you typically cannot appeal on the basis of the facts of the case; you can only appeal on the basis of there having been a legal mistake made, and usually the only person capable of making appealable legal mistakes is the judge. For that reason appeals courts hate granting appeals because it means that they'd be shitting on their own profession.

However, judges almost always make legal mistakes because it's in the nature of the job; they're only human after all. So really the job of the appeals court is to determine whether or not the legal mistake was big enough to warrant an appeal, and in Khill's case the appeals court decided that a minor issue with the jury instructions at the very end of the case was enough to overturn a jury's not guilty verdict, which is nuts but they really wanted to fuck him.

As I recall the legal wrangling over the appeal eventually went as far as the supreme court, where the supreme court judges ruled that the retrial should occur, one of them even suggesting that this was a good thing as it would act as a deterrent against Canadians defending themselves.
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>as it would act as a deterrent against Canadians defending themselves.
they'd think so, wouldn't they?
In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

You do understand that Ukranian symp jannies and mods run this board right?
Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's gun/self care routine.
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I'm pretty sure it's a tripfag discord cabal that takes orders from glowniggers.
tbqh they're one in the same anyway
DId you just buy it or did you have it the whole time? I feel like they were barely worth the original price let alone the 2K people want for them now.
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Ice road truckers guy got caught for ordering pistol rails from the US. What a sad story. That whole thing had to be a setup.


Meanwhile in Vancouver a man abducts a woman at knifepoint and drags her into an alley and the crown declines to charge him.
Link to second incident? (not trucker)
That makes me laugh because I have an old CAF surplus winter sleeping bag and I’ve slept in -30c outside with no issues with it. Sometimes newer isn’t always better.
>we live in high arctic tundra
most of 'we' live beneath the 52nd parallel

Most of those "people" aren't Canadian
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Wow that's fucked up
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just paid 1800 for this vz58 from gunpost, I was skeptical on the high price due to the amount of tacticool attached to it, but he said I can easily find some beaverbarf???

Whats beaverbarf and is it a good deal with 6mags?
Looking for a 30-30 thick bush lever for this deer season as well as cowboy larping. I found a used but unfired recent Winchester 94 and a new Henry side gate. Both around the same price, which should I go with?

winchester, bonus points if its a pre '64
No products in my hair
I only use a carbon soap on crevicesmwdt
This is exactly what we don’t need in this general holy fuck man
Oldest bait on cangen lol
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What in the goddamn
Stick your finger in the front end of a beaver and have a plastic bag ready. Are you new to this? Fucking retards, man.
Was leaning towards the Winchester cuz it holds 7 rounds. It’s not a pre 64 though it’s a brand new modern one that’s never been fired
yeah get it
>wife gets diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
>you decide to 'break bad'
>Get raided by rcmp
>wife dies while your in custody
BTW yesterday news:
>"Ukrainian Jewish community mourns the death of chief rabbi’s son in Donbas
>The funeral commemorated Jewish soldiers killed in a war that Putin has launched to ‘denazify’ the country. The people at the ceremony agreed that if there is a fascist state, it is Russia"
I rinse, apply shampoo to my hair (including head,pits&balls) rinse, apply conditioner to hair (only head) rinse and am done.
For my firearms; Light cleanings can be done entirely with clp, with maybe just a few drops of oil on the sweetspots afterwards.
Heavier cleanings involve using both bore solvent and clp, then finishing with liberal application of oil.
>then finishing with ... oil.
Oh and grease, in some cases.
I can hear the mosquitoes in this picture.
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yeah I will most certainly die an early death due to 30% DEET complications.
I run a hammock with a bug net now.
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why do they say its a 25 round magazine but only holds 20?
redpill me on DEET, I've been staying ignorant by choice. I'm ready to hear how bad it is now.
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>Despite its 60-year history of use by consumers, how exactly deet works to keep bugs at bay still isn’t fully understood.
kinda says it all right there. Its a mild carcinogen, but spray it on your clothing only and permethrin your pant cuffs and you should outlive its possible effects. I refuse to allow the tiny flying jew to ruin my experience of God's kingdom, so it's a risk I am willing to take.
>german shepherd
>runs a hammock
are you me? what did you have out there for bear protection, anon?
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>bear protection
The dog
big Dagger
Can never be too safe in big nigger (grizz/cougar/moose) country.
I will say though, despite its size, sleeping in the hammock with a jewvor on top of you is not very comfy.
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nice anon plz don't judge my guyline its a trucker's hitch and that was my third day in that site so it was a big saggy.
are the 20 rounders better for prone with the Jewvor? whats the story on that muzzle device? what power is the optic? when will you upgrade to cantilever rings for aesthetic purposes?
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>plz don't judge my guyline
Tarping is an underappreciated art, you'll get it.
>20 rounders better for prone with the Jewvor?
Actually haven't tried shooting prone with them, but seeing as they dont stick out past the cutlass, i dont see an issue.
Will have to remember to give it a whirl.
>whats the story on that muzzle device?
S&J linear compensator, bought for 2 reasons;
WA2000 (gen1) is one of my favourite rifles
Copeing for not being allowed suppressors, i like that they look like a mini can.
>what power is the optic?
>when will you upgrade to cantilever rings for aesthetic purposes?
I'd rather replace the optic really, Elcan Spectre is the dream, but i will probably settle for an eokek xps.
don't you know bearspray is all you need.

lol wtf is that piece of shit
Actually, considering i have a dog with me, i wonder if its wise to bring bear spray atall.
Cant really see a situation where i could deploy it without gassing her too, unless shes tied up.
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it's situational, perhaps you're upwind of a curious bear and you don't feel the need to gas him quite yet. A little pffft will sometimes give them the clue to piss off. It's good you have it.
Hopefully a few crates of them will disappear and end up in Poland or some shit and then get brought back into Canada or the US as full guns or parts kits
IIRC a similar thing happened with VZ61s donated to Ukraine
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>/cfg/ keeps telling me the Kel-Tec RDB is shit and I shouldn't buy it
>buy it anyway
This thing is awesome. Tight grouping, no jams in 300 rounds, and it's fun to shoot.
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Based enjoyer.
The biggest issue I saw with them was when there is a jam you basically have to disassemble it because of the ejection port location
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Even BCL's and Wkeks can last that long tho.
It will eventually remind you that its a civvy toy, but i do hope you have fun in the meantime, and learn your lesson without too much hardship.
Anon posted his that had irreperably deformed internals after a few thousand rounds.
should've bought an X95
They're actually back instock right neow, too.
Exactly, only three thousand shekels + tip
mine fuckin imploded spectacularly within 1000 rounds. first was firing pin broken in three pieces then whatever they call the bolt carrier group failed. Sent it in, returned, was still tumbling rounds, so I sent it in again, got it fixed, promptly sold.
hope it works out for you, anon, but they're definetly range toys.
are you suggesting their QC might not be up to snuff?
Our money isn't real.
Convert it into robust and practical things that are real.
Doomsday clock reads 90seconds to midnightght. Closest weve ever been to global collapse.
is the french version of 19-2 worth watching? Tried to watch the English version but every second episode is some kind of interracial sex scene and not police work....
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Don't the french fetishize that shit too?
Maybe try picrel/
The French cast is two white guys whilst the English cast is a black guy with a white wife and a white guy with a polyarmorous black gf (i only got four episodes in before I had to give up) pic related, the french main characters
The English language cast, multiple multi racial characters, white guy with a white wife is of course an alcoholic wifebeater, asian girlboss lesbian who uses her service pistol as a sex toy... what the actual zog is going on
>asian girlboss lesbian who uses her service pistol as a sex toy
apparently it's well received, seeing your post it's no wonder why nobody is talking about the english version
The French version could be completely fucked up as well desu, I just don't know because there's not much online other than it supposedly being better. I only wanted to watch the show (english or french language) because on youtube there's a clip of a school shooting from the series and it looked quite good for a cop show. It seemed quite realistic and tactical and it felt like the main characters could actually get shot and die. I don't mind a multiracial cast (pretty much have to deal with them if you want to watch anything made in the past ten years) but poly relationships and unnecessary sex scenes every episode (interracial or not) and barely any policework made me turn it off.
Grim as fuck. Worst nightmare shit
You’ll sell it for an x95 like the rest of us did lol
full drop-on barrel for those looking to unrestrict their bren2
dlaskarms com/product/dlask-arms-corp-n-r-drop-on-barrel-for-cz-bren-2-ms/
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>school shooting from the series
Mr.20 shot, 1 killed?
Certainly one of the worst days in Canadian history.
I suggest we all surrender our firearms in solidarity.
i bought a tavor for $1600 about 8 years ago
Not too long ago you could get 2litres of sodypop for 67cents.
Safeway brand used to be cheap and awesome, now it's expensive and crap
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Back in my day, bread was a nickle!
"gimme five bees for a quarter, you'd say"
Mine was just over 2k and that was only last year. There are still good deals out there desu
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Oy vey!!
You guys aren't talking about what i think you're talking about, right?!?
The, the, the USED MARKET?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Does it come with used Khazar milkers?
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This is the best PCC available right now.
that doesn't look like a ruger or fx9
Khazar milkers are non-transferable.
Arguably an intermediate rifle, .30carbine has similar muzzle energy to 5.45x39.
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>rifle was used to bully malnourished poor people 50+ years ago
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wtf how do be a proud american company and not handle the bore pressures of a 9mm
keltec is made with cocaine
is a msw tavor trigger pack considered a machine gun?
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Is there a reason FX9s stopped getting imported? Legitimately one of the more normal black guns that are still legal and I haven't seen them on sale in dog's years. I always thought the NR version looked cool with 10/30 mags, even if it's mostly an impractical novelty gun
listen pal, 9mm will blow the lungs out of a deer
They're still around
Well I'll be damned
they still come up all the time?

and it's a bit of a meme but they're decent guns, plenty of pootube reviews from our southern neighbours with a few thousand rounds through them with no problems
will a regular tokarev barrel work in a m57?
Your not wrong
Can someone post the pic of all the non restricted semi autos on the market? Need it for my friend who is getting their pal in year
>fed looking to compile ban list
nice try NIGGER
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Don’t show him that list because they’re mostly dogshit
Tell him to buy an x95, a mav 88, and a 10/22.
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>shabbos goy version
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These lists are overwhleming to newfags because they don't explain that half the LE COOL TACTICAL guns like the wk180 are steaming piles of dogshit.
This is the only one to show a nupal.
In the plastic or in the blood of its designers? Rhetorical question, I know
trudeau is about to be overthrown anyway, buying a semi auto now is pointless
I agree entirely - but the point of that list is that these are the guns worth owning now AND in the future. I got my SG-542 before the OIC, for example - it was a great gun then and is a great gun now.
It will still be a great gun when the OIC is gone.
My first advice to people will always be to just wait and buy something good when the OIC goes away (I myself have pretty much everything BUT the receiver for a Stag-10 SR-25 clone) but if someone wants a gun in the mean time (which I understand completely), these are the ones to buy that’ll still be competitive options after the OIC goes away
Bird in the bag is worth two in the bush. “About to be” doesn’t mean shit if the nukes fly next week/month/whatever
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Bros....I want want a g36...its so over...
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whats the hold up
You really think PP is going to let you buy a full auto with unlimited mags?
At best he'll make it possible to buy pistols again, but that's it.
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my g36 is set up for nods use
There's gonna be a flak 88 on every lawn!
TI is getting more in late November I’ve heard
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>.30 Carbine
>pistol caliber


JR Carbine has held up well in all weather for me, I'm just annoyed by the lack of parts availability right now.
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>he doesnt know
the ruger blackhawk would be a little more practical for .30 carbine though
I'm going to argue it's a rifle round, not a pistol round. It was designed for a rifle and is basically known as the M1 Carbine caliber, which is a rifle, not a pistol.
An AR pistol chambered in 5.56 doesn't make 5.56 a pistol cartridge.
why would you even bother with this when .357mag exists, or .38 special
nta, but i like to divide them based on arbitrary muzzle energy numbers
>-1000ftlbs = Pistol
>1000-2000ftlbs = Intermediate
>2000-3500ftlbs = Rifle
>+3500ftlbs = MagnumRifle
Based on this, .30carbine(967ft/lbs) is a pistol round.
Some rounds, like .357magnum, can change categories depending on barrel length (~600ft/lbs fired from a revolver, but up to ~1200ft/lbs fired from a rifle)
personally i believe .30 carbine belongs in the m1 but some might find it neat to shoot it out of handguns
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It's a pistol sized cartridge (less powerful than .357 in equivalent barrel lengths) in a carbine sized rifle.
It might be the first PCC, but I'm usually wrong when I make statements like that because there's so many esoteric guns that autists know about.
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I base my classifications on even more arbitrary criteria, my gut instinct or simple opinion because I say so. It's basically how I've lived my whole life, worked out really well so far. I'm extremely prejudiced btw.
I'm sure it does fine out of some handguns, but I think if the majority of guns that fire it are rifles/carbines then it's a carbine round. Again I'd cite 5.56.
You can shoot .410 from a handgun, doesn't make it a pistol caliber.
>the tremendous blast and flash at the muzzle caused the project to be dropped
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t b h it was probably not an efficient pistol cartridge as that flash is from all the powder burning up outside the barrel, kinda wasteful.
& we lost .357max to alleged "flame cutting of the top strap" tired of these pussy ass biches :(
nothing beats .357MAG in the .30 cal pistol game boyos, many have tried and failed, like those miserable faggots with .357 sig
Yeah but it was probably cool as fuck, which is what matters most with revolvers.
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I can't argue with this logic.

On a related note though, when PP gets his big swingin dick into Parliament and liberates handfuns, I'm gettin a Ruger Alaskan.
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I wonder if hunting with 9mm PCC would be better than .22LR. Anyone try it?
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but those have prohib barrel lengths
For rabbits? overkill.
9mm would be fine for shit like yotes, maybe smaller deer if you wanna push it.
22 is the king of small game.
source; my ass
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Maybe silly question, but do doctors actually go digging for bullets in the lungs?
I hear legends, that bullets are usually left in, because the damage of removal would be greater than the damage caused by the bullet or harm of leaving it.
it usually requires a crane to get it out
Fuck the pohleese PP is gonna give us full auto MG42s and anti aircraft guns.
That would be fucked, having a bullet just rattling around in your lungs for the rest of your life. What if you cough really hard and it gets stuck up in your nose.
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Hate this cuntry sofugginmuch sometimes
>gimbe Henry Brig Boy Revolver!!
only avilable with 4" barrel
also frozen
Good lawd those are beautiful guns
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I need that revolver please god
cool terrain. Ont?
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i learn more about the geography of my country through /cfg/ than anywhere else
Can't say I disagree with you there. We need some NWT and Yukon anons posting pictures here. Also nice mountains, BC?
SW BC, yeah. I think CNP bro knows this spot, or maybe it's chicken bro with the falling apart shoes. either way one of them creeped me out by circling this spot in a photo from a different angle
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This is def northern Ontario, kino af
BC niggas are a different breed from what I hear lol
Yea kinda, just north of barrie. I've been to the 'real' northern parts of Ontario a few times and it's truly one of the most remote places ive experienced in this country. Really eerie, especially with the fog hovering over the gorrillion lakes up there, but super pretty, god I love Ontario. Also saw a crawler being up there
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>chicken bro with the falling apart shoes
I'm SE Bc.
Whats it like?
>t. Lower Mainland prisoner
oh fuck i meant SE BC, had a few wobbly pops kek
Uhh guys... did you hear what NATO just approved the hohols to do today??? You guys ready to get drafted?
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I don't care about the bumfight, and I'm too old to be drafted.
>t. xennial
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no one cares about the bumfight gtfo we're talkin about CANADA you commie shitter
its a bullpup bro
Hello fren. I enjoy gun. Ive just got home so I can shoot again after a year off.
What did this retard try to say?
Home from where?
shut the fuck up faggot we told you to get out, this thread is not for discussing the bumfight
I was working in sk. I left my guns at home as I didnt have a fixed address to bring them to.
draft deez nuts
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some SW AB terrain
Ah. I'm assuming you were working in the potash mines in a camp so you couldn't have guns at all, lame.
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Have a friend in the lower mainland. He is basically surrounded by farms, but there was nowhere to shoot.
I have farms on 1 side, but crownland on 3 sides, and i can shoot in my yard, or just wander into the bushes to shoot.
The growing season can be pretty short, and the winters long.
The terrain is harsh, there is very little flat, its almost all hills, mountains.
Lots of clearcutting the forests, unfortunately.
I care that we (canada) have sent over $7billion in aid, to a meat grinder that has nothing to do with us.
Thats about it/
Lemme know when they're going to nuke toronto.
Otherwise, you are in the wrong thread.
>t. retard that thinks we care about either side of a war on the other side of the planet
get back 2 reddit you stupid fuck
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This is not a Ukraine thread, this is a Canadian geography scenery thread. Central AB.
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These old Winchesters hit hard and don't have any padding in the buttstock. My shoulder hurts.
It's ok to be weak.
damn nigga be careful
45-70 govt.

This man
is an imposter.
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>Lots of clearcutting the forests, unfortunately.
The satellite imagery is wild, comparing BC, to Ontario or Quebec, makes you scratch your head a bit.
more cedar in BC
I really like mine, enjoy it. That being said the mag release will need some wearing in before you can use it with the back of your hand. And if you do like the rifle, try and pickup one of those extended bolt releases, I've heard they're really good, though I just use the charging handle instead.
more chinks too
Get a shooting jacket (padded shoulder) or just layer up.
Just holding the gun tighter into your shoulder may help aswell, as it prevents the gun from picking up as much speed/momentum before it strikes you.
Unless you are in honcouver chinks dont seem to be especially common, we are being taken over by poo's, like everyone else.
Good store to buy a Winchester from?
gun store
store that sells guns
firearms palace
weapon emporium
shootbang merchant
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>See best winchester instock on arsenalforce
Levergats are a meme anyways, uncomfortable to use and almost too small to use well. Only one I'd consider is a genuine Marlin 45-70 but those are unobtainium now.
>Levergats are a meme
>uncomfortable to use
>too small
Get off the dope, anon. Levergats are based.
>I'd consider is a genuine Marlin 45-70
Marlins should shoot .444marlin.
45-70 is a meme anyways. Overpriced, uncommon, and often massively underloaded,
>I have over 10 thousand dollars worth of rifles I still want to buy
>I have no room in my safe for more guns
Safes are for legal documents.
Guns go in closet.
Buy a bigger safe retard. Or sell some of them. If you wait until the OIC is lifted you’ll probably be spending less money anyway
surely you can fix that one g36 in there as well
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Russian scum and scum with Russian parents hiding in Canada and in this thread, promoting terrorism and fake separatist front groups, connected with the Russian Imperial Movement and fake veterans groups and nazilarp russian do a terror groups. . They would be safer in jail anyway.Clean them up before someone else does Canada. Fucking filth that needs to be put in the thrash. Hope the SBU collects every single one of you Russian vermin hiding in this thread. Don;t worry you've made the list I'm sure..
Fuck I want a beautiful lever rifle with a fancy gold or silver receiver like that so bad

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) has reported that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) is trying to find and recruit foreigners in Canada who maintain contact with intelligence agencies from around the world.

Source: DIU press service

Quote: "The search for double agents is underway among immigrants from Russia and other countries that were part of the Soviet Union or under its influence.

The Kremlin secret service promotes its calls through Russian-language media in Canada in particular."

Details: DIU reported that in March 2024, the FSB distributed a leaflet that was inserted into a free newspaper distributed in stores selling European products, Russian restaurants, the metro, and some schools, hospitals and residential complexes in Toronto.

Quote: "Interestingly, this publication positions itself as pro-democratic and anti-Putin, but that may be just a cover and a way to divert the attention of local security structures."
What the fuck is going on with that guy's thigh?
Buy a bigger bed to stuff them underneath with. So far my queen size hasn't let me down. Also here's a beaver dam
that some fine slampig
>IIRC a similar thing happened with VZ61s donated to Ukraine
Also happened with a bunch of C1A1s that were sold off to English arms dealers from the Ontario cops prior to the rifle being banned, funniest part is they were sold with the hopes that they wouldn't end up in the civilian market, then the English dealers made a deal with Canadian dealers and reimported them back to Canada, which caused so much seethe in Ottawa that they forced dealers to chose between the fancy new AR-15 and literally every model of FAL for a ban.
>slated for destruction
>will continue to be used to kill communists
At least it's better than what could have happened.
The “sterling” r18 isn’t actually even put together in Canada, it’s literally this Akdas rifle. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h3ta8PIpZPY
The good news there is that the company makes guns for the turkish military so who knows - could be okay
all squats, all day
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>well-maintained, but clearly being used
>Classy brown and gold combo
>matching revolver and lever action
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I've got

But this
has inspired me to brass plate it with a torch and brass wire brush. Has anyone tried this?
Never mind, I figured it out. I didn't look closely enough at his knee area and I thought that shadow under the inner muscle was the kneecap which made the outer muscle look like it was way around on the side of his leg. Not sure if would but he isn't a wouldn't from what I can see either. Keep it up baby ;)
So the sterling r18mk3 is a turkshit mcx clone…
Might buy
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Why would H&K want to serve civilians?
>the /k/ube comes back for two days in Edmonton
>working the two days it's on display
iirc they also opposed some gun control acts in the usa
>Why would H&K want to serve civilians?
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>not taking a day off for religious purposes
We need to reclaim our holy artifact.
Just don't go to work?!?!!?! I know a foreign concept to a good goy like you but, theres always options
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I bet he hasn't taken a sick day in months, either. call in, anon, jfc
Honestly, if it isn't terrible I think I'll get one. It just needs to not have that "made in turkiye" tumor painted on the receiver
Can't wait for the tweets and news articles about scruffy-looking men in their late 20's prostrating themselves in front of an anti-gun art piece.
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They already got butthurt about it in the past.
What exactly holds it together? Those rifles on the outside look pretty intact.
The guns are glued / welded to the surface; it's hollow inside.
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One of many lakes in North Saskatchewan
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it's a giant box
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"Slaves who do not know they are chained, will never seek to be free"

Anon- 2024
Do you live there or do you travel up there?
It's so hard to make money in the based locations of Canada
Unironically I’d trust the turkish military industrial complex above canadian manufacturing like wolverine or BCL. Third world military leftovers seem to be the best we can get here at the moment, unfortunately
Is it true we have to register barrels we buy now?
No, they just made some parts require a PAL to buy.
Expect to show your PAL any time you buy a gun part outside of a sling at this point. My LGS moved all their magazines behind the counter whereas before they just hung out in the open on hooks or shelves. They also dropped their in-store stock drastically.
It's really an insane thing to need a PAL, especially when you consider people routinely travel to the USA and buy magazines right off the shelf with no checks or licenses or anything. Not to mention they're whatever capacity the gun holds, not just crimped or pinned to 10 rounds.
This mag license requirement law was just another excuse to make it harder for gun owners to enjoy the hobby, and to keep a paper trail of every single gun thing we buy now. Truly pathetic, libs are grasping at straws.
Thanks anon.
Why would IWI?
Don't molest your Winchester, anon.
If you want brass, solid brass is the way to go, plating will always be kinda gay.
Religeon of lies.
The Bo/k/x is as hollow as the faith of followers.
>Third world military leftovers seem to be the best we can get here
Israel and Germany arent 3rd world., and the retarrds at Sterling can and will find a way to fuck the rifle up.
Go shill your shitrod somewhere else.
>Israel and Germany arent 3rd world
does uhh… does someone want to tell him? or should I?
ive never owned a turkish gun that wasnt shit and ive retardedly bought 7 of them over the years because i thought the low prices made for good value.
i currently only own one which was prohibbed and i will immediately sell to some other chump once the oic is gone
>Why would IWI?
Their insatiable greed outweighs any notion they might be assisting a civilian population.
Thoughts on Long Branch No 4 Mk I's, i've heard they are the best Lee Enfields.
No 4 rifles are just kind of ugly compared to other SMLEs imo
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>ive never owned a turkish gun that wasnt shit and ive retardedly bought 7 of them over the years
sad, many such cases
>go shill your shitrod elsewhere
Nigger saying i’d trust the turkish military industrial complex above canadian gopegat churners is hardly shilling.
I’d trust a fucking butterknife over wolverine or kodiak or BCL because at least a butterknife does what its advertised to do
>germany and israel aren’t third world
My brother in Christ I’ve got some bad news for you…
Used to live there now I travel, yeah your ether in the mines or working retail. Sadly I work an office job but I burn my weekends and vacation days shooting and camping in the North.
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Does Flin Flon still have a Wal Mart? I remember a job up there where I bought a sleeping bag/tent, used it for two weeks, then returned it with receipt kek get fucked
>saying i’d trust the turkish military industrial complex above canadian gopegat churners is hardly shilling.
Fair enough, Bartok. I'm just assuming you are the same person making all the hopeful posts about it >>62509372
Anything even vaguely supportive or hopeful for canadian cuckrods feels entirely forced, inorganic, at this point. Really feels like just 1 random PR guy who shows up every few days to try and shill the latest piece of shit.
"It's litterally a"
"could be okay"
"I think i'll get one"
"I’d trust the turkish"
Yeah absolutly
Tourist get jannie privilege and dont like to read things they dont agree
I got banned 10 time for saying the russia/ukraine war is gay and so is giving them half our gdp
Instead of being intolerant niggers they should go die at the front line so the world would be a better place like they say they would.
anyone know when g4c or tenda has sales? trying to get some good deals on 7.62x25. They try to jew people into buying what they have right now
also how much does a stock tavor trigger go for?
>The Bo/k/x is as hollow as the faith of followers.
I bet you 10$ to say that to a imam
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>trying to get some good deals on 7.62x25
why would you be stacking that, anon? you wouldn't be shooting your b& handfuns, would you?
>how much does a stock tavor trigger go for?
RDSC (usually slightly overpriced) lists the OEM Tar21/X95 triggerpack as $300 (Backordered)
no guns outed himself
>Retard doesn't know that handguns were basically grandfathered in and you can still use them just like normal if you already had them.
2nd'ed, also even if he is a hasguns he's a nohandguns
Lmfao fuck that crippled zogbot nigger. I’m just not a doomer about everything
Not gonna buy one i’m happy with my ATRS c7 cope. I would trust one over a canadian-made coperod but that’s the closest thing to anything good I could say about it. Fuck me for trying to engage though gah damn. I get the paranoia but not everyone is a shill and /cangen/ is way too small a demographic to warrant a paid shill. Far more likely will be people who “shill” shit to make themselves feel better about buying it, like, case in point, turkshit shotties
Cangen doesnt have this problem
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>handguns were basically grandfathered in
I am going to be honest lads, I have stopped regarding the faggots who write the Gazette for some time now, so I don't truly know or care what is going on with "the law", so I am going to choose to believe this because it reaffirms what I was already doing.
thanks anon, i wonder if the MSW trigger packs are still able to be bought somewhere, prob not bc they are FA. not sure how that works
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>Fuck me for trying to engage though gah damn
>I get the paranoia
My apologies, good Sir.
You see, i have deep seeded generational traumas; from watching the savage cycle life of these rifles. The pain they bring my brothers.
Each one brings a wave of false hope, some fall for it, i see the light in their eyes, followed by the inevitable, the crushing defeat. or they simply disappear, too ashamed to admit the mistake they have made. but are left with a chunk of wrought iron not fit for a boat anchor.
Time, and time, and time again.
I feel their pain, because i have been there before, i have seen it with my own eyes.
Fair warning; RDSC Backorder is essentially out of stock, they may never actually be coming back.
>Each one brings a wave of false hope
Yeah I agree entirely. It’s a sad, sad state of affairs. Half of my wants to say “heh we’ll elect pierre next and then no more worries!!” But I know it’s a deeply seated cultural issue in Canada and that we’ll probably never be free from this pain
hoppes is a better lube, i use ballistol as a general clp because it is non-toxic. ballistol breaks down (oxidizes) easy so its not great for rust prevention either. If you feel it in your fingers its like an oil/soap hybrid.
Not him but same here I just use ballistol because I have kids and don’t want them inhaling god knows what’s in the beautiful concoction that is Hoppes #9
I drink ballistol to keep my coat soft, shiny, and luxurious.
I dont wanna go to school tomorrow. I signed up to learn how to make stuff out of metal. We've gotta listen to some morbidly obese women on a mobility scooter teach us how to be good goys and tell us about her dogs and trans kids. I was a krinkov so bad but fun is illegal here.
I've lived in both provinces and Ontario made me want to shoot myself it's so boring. BC is the final frontier.
Try to find ammo before you buy one.
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found what i think is a m1921..?
also what manitoba does to a mf
anon did you find this in the treasure chest at the end of the rainbow?
They still do
if the rainbow lead to a shithole above the 53rd parralel? yeah
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Post more pics. I wanna see a homie try and restore it
a nu
I'm well aware that .303 is $40-$50 a box now. But plenty of places have it in stock.
i will be back

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