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Magpul TMAGs are in stock at Armsunlimited

That is all.
yeah I love jams and getting myself killed
It’s a magpul, not a lancer
Black pmags (and any polymers) are stronger than colored/transluscent and colored tape/paint is easier to mark/identify different ammo types than holding a magazine up to a light to figure out what it is.
What is the actual function or appeal of these other than the annual fagpul consoomer aesthetic?

Stock more USGI with magpul or updated followers and ignore this garbage.
>arg minmaxxer tranny can't accept something simply being cool
>What is the actual function or appeal of these other than the annual fagpul consoomer aesthetic
Clear mags kick ass. Always have, always will
SL8 mags did it a two decades ago, superior engeenring wins again it seems !
This isnt reddit buddy
Clear mags make it easier to see how many rounds are in the mag, better than windows. Also clear mags have been used for half a century without any issues
>t. AUG enthusiast
The SL8 was designed from the beginning to use plastic mags and as such has a far more generous area on the bottom of the bolt to accommodate thicker reinforced feed lips. The AR15 has very tight geometry because it was designed for steel and then later aluminum mags.

I don't think you realize how difficult it is to make polymer feed lips that will hold up within the dimensional limitations of the AR15 platform. Basically you're fucking stupid and have no idea what you're talking about. Look at an AUG mag and how beefy the feed lips are before you retort something about how the austrians did it in 1977
I already have 35 steel mags I got for $5 a pop, plus some black PMAGs I acquired through friends, some with the window.
>$24 a mag
What fucking mongoloid is paying that much for a mag just because it makes your ammo look like it's in a greasy paper bag?
>No benefit to these mags, just zoomies looking to part with their $NEETbucks ASAP
Pretty much what I thought, carry on, at least you guys never buy out the good stuff.
>$5 a pop
so garbage shitmags with tilt followers and $1 chink springs. Thanks for the input poorfag

>What fucking mongoloid is paying that much for a mag
Gee idk bro like literally anyone that owns an AK, SR25, SCAR, sig P320, 2011 or any number of other firearms that use magazines that aren't shit out by the millions and have appropriate volume pricing. $24 is nothing. Have you looked up prices on vietnam 20 round mags? People are paying $50-70 for those right now even though they are literally trash that only hold 18 rounds reliably.

get your money up and stop bitching about products that are not aimed at you and your abysmally low budget
>so garbage shitmags with tilt followers and $1 chink springs. Thanks for the input poorfag
No, I bought them on a black Friday sale in 2017, back when the dollar actually had some worth. Now they're $13-15 dollars everywhere.
>you have to spend $30+ to get your heckin magarinoos that le work
>yes that means buying a dozen new mags just because a new color was released
>you just gotta get your money up anon
Please kill yourself as soon as possible. Preferably in the most painful way available to you.
These mags fucking suck though. That’s why anyone that actually has to use an AR for their job boys PMAGs
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>Have you looked up prices on vietnam 20 round mags? People are paying $50-70 for those right now even though they are literally trash that only hold 18 rounds reliably.
So, retards buy garbage at way inflated prices all the time, but this isn't the same thing because... it just isn't?
you just blow in from stupid town?
>you're just le poor
yeah, no. I'm just not very interested in buying some mags that cost over double what they should plus shipping. Being easily parted with one's money is how you stay poor. Why don't you post a real gun to prove you're actually in the same income bracket as me.
I can't even bring myself to buy a single one for the collection, Brownells EU is asking 50 bucks for it on special offer...
I wonder if these will drop free better than regular pmags.
Lancers are reliable though. They only got a bad reputation on /k/ the last few years because /arg/ discovered you could make rounds come out by smacking the bottom of the mag with your hand
>Lancers are reliable though. They only got a bad reputation on /k/ the last few years because /arg/ discovered you could make rounds come out by smacking the bottom of the mag with your hand
How can they be reliable when it does the exact same thing if you go prone and your mag hits the ground
I have had that happen before and switched to Magpuls
Why would I get a mag that does that when I can get a mag that doesn’t do that??
This post smells like poor
Anon you will literally never in your entire life use any of the gear or guns you purchased to kill a man. At most, you might drop a crackhead with a Glock in a situation where you could've just gone to a better lit gas station instead.

Literally all gun ownership other than your CCW is consumerism or for sport/collecting. Who the fuck cares.
>and getting myself killed
You'll never be in a gunfight
Don't crush a man's dreams, anon.
>Black pmags (and any polymers) are stronger than colored/transluscent
Who fucking cares? Mags are consumables, you use them until they break then throw them out and buy more. The entire point of pmags is that they aren't some $100+/mag proprietary miracle iridium hand made by italian elves bullshit, they're gudenuf cheap plastic. When they break you know it which is the actual important thing.

The TMags passed all the normal DOD tests for drops and everything, and they're like $24. They'll last long enough to be an extra 1cpr effectively which is fine, if you really care about something that let's you squeeze out another fraction of a cent sure but few of us do.
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>TrannyMags are back in stock!
>How can they be reliable when it does the exact same thing if you go prone and your mag hits the ground
Because this doesn't happen. You need to forcefully hit the bottom of the mag on a hard surface to make a sometimes round come out. It can't happen when the mag is either in the gun or in a mag pouch unless you dive and land on it so hard you break the mag open.
>I have had that happen before and switched to magpuls
You wasted your money
>Why would I get a mag that does that when I can get a mag that doesn’t do that?
Because they look better and function the same as long as you dont smack the bottom of the mag with your hand while its upside down. This is like complaining about pmags not being durable because you can crush the feed lips with pliers while you cant do that to lancers. It's a meaningless measure of function.
but it CAN happen though, retard. Thats the fucking problem. Theyre less durable, hold magazines less securely, are more expensive, and are gay. No positives except looks and if you want some flat range LARPers to tug on your dick
as well as cost lancers have metal lips which are also bad
>thinking a 45 AARP FN is some kind of flex...
I actually can't believe people are seething as hard as they are in this thread lmao. I literally don't understand it. They're $25 who gives a fuck
as soon as they see their favorite goytoober rocking one they'll be slurping all of them up again, because people no longer individually build or customize shit to their liking (with precision and quality in mind, at least). They buy what other people tell them to instead of running something themselves and seeing how it works
Buy a fucking ad nigger
Sure it "can" happen, just like you can dive on the ground and find all your pmag feed lips got cracked in your carrier. In real life it doesn't happen though. If anything, Lancers are more durable but not in any way that matters with normal use.
>as well as cost lancers have metal lips which are also bad
It's not really good or bad unless you're a weight min maxer and you think the extra couple grams of steel will weigh you down too much. "Muh cracked feed lips tell you if it werks"
No they don't. I've had Pmags that had cracked feed lips that worked fine until the plastic broke off and then they failed.
>You wasted your money
Several jams with Lancers, none whatsoever with magpuls
Total Magpul victory
2nd part meant for >>62505729
>Several jams with Lancers, none whatsoever with magpuls
Same but the opposite.
I bought some steel E-Landers the other day, I have them for my Beowulf and they are slick.
>look at top of magazine
>can see case and tip of bullet
>not protecting your ammo from dust, dings, and harmful UV rays
heh, you're funeral kid
I’m late to the Magpul party but I def like the cozy feeling of hearing the click.
>"Muh cracked feed lips tell you if it werks"
That's not it, it's
>"Muh cracked feedlips tell you it's going to fail completely in the very near future, but will work fine right up until the minute it fails completely, and since it costs literally $9 just throw it out now and you don't have to think about it"

>No they don't.
Yeah, they do, as you illustrate.
>I've had Pmags that had cracked feed lips that worked fine until the plastic broke off and then they failed.
OK so if you're so poverty you have to squeeze an extra few uses out of a $9 item you've put hundreds of dollars in ammo through fine, but at least you know and have a choice there. If you're about to go on an innawoods trip you can opt to go with a fresh one instead.

The point here anon vs metal isn't about ultimate durability or whatever, it's about SURPRISE. Messed up metal lips can mostly work... except when they don't. And it's not always immediately clear that the source of trouble in your gun when you go to shoot it is the mag. Plastic lips are binary. They either work, or they're fucked.
Any brick and mortar stores that sell quality metal mags in Arizon
Not sure why you're posting a FNP45. Those mags are like $50 each and they're undersized and jam up with ammo over 1.260 COAL

> post a real gun
its not even a tactical
I cant even buy a mag with more than 10 rounds.

"They're not coming for your guns" liteally dont need to. Good thing i already bought a shit ton.

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