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>Russia Covering Aircraft With Tires Is About Confusing Image-Matching Missile Seekers U.S. Military Confirms
>Schuyler Moore, U.S. Central Command’s (CENTCOM) first-ever Chief Technology Officer, mentioned the Russian use of tires to disrupt incoming attacks on air bases during a broader live-streamed roundtable talk on artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies that the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) think tank hosted today. Before taking up her current role, Moore had been Chief Strategy Officer for U.S. Naval Forces Central Command’s (NAVCENT) Task Force 59, which is tasked with experimenting with integrating new AI-driven and uncrewed capabilities into day-to-day naval operations in the Middle East.
>A “sort of classic unclassified example that exists is like a picture of a plane from the top, and you’re looking for a plane, and then if you put tires on top of the wings, all of a sudden, a lot of computer vision models have difficulty identifying that that’s a plane,” Moore said as part of a larger discussion about AI models and data sets.
>Russia was first observed using tires to help shield Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers at the Engels-2 Air Base from attack in the fall of 2023. This followed numerous Ukrainian long-range kamikaze drone attacks on the base, which is situated some 300 miles from the border with Ukraine. Images of other types of Russian aircraft covered with tires subsequently emerged.
APOLOGIZE /k/: https://www.twz.com/air/russia-covering-its-aircraft-in-tires-is-about-befuddling-image-matching-seekers-u-s-military-confirms?s=09
Ok and what sort of guidance did the drones use and was it AI guided on its attack run?
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its seems like its been working really well none of their planes have been destroyed on the runways once this technique was implemented.
based AI
Fuck off moron
t. AI
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>Day 933 of American Special Operation to denazify the Quebecois Canucks seeking to kill the ethnic Vermonters
>501st Airborne surrounded and killed by CAF reservists after dropping unsupported onto Kanata, Ontario
>Maple Leafs fanclub becomes a militia and holds St. Catherines for months
>US loses 20 000 troops in a 6 month battle for Leamington, Ontario
>the entire male pro-american population in the 51st and 52nd states of Alberta and Saskatchewan is extinct after being sent into battle with Springfield rifles and steel M1 helmets - US government sends Haitians to repopulate them
>US retreats from Winnipeg after officially annexing Manitoba, demands Manitoba in peace deal despite only holding a patch of blown-out prairie somewhere south of Brandon
>d-day landing at Halifax cancelled due to threat of naval drones launched from Yarmouth
>michigan and upstate new york regularly bombed by US assets
>Travis Haley marches his private army from Detroit to DC city limits only to turn around because of a terse phonecall from the prime minister of Japan.
>american rebels based in New Brunswick conduct regular raids into Maine
>pro-american discord groups seethe endlessly over Adrien Arcand, for some fucking reason
>canadian anglophones, even as far as British Columbia, start speaking French instead of English
>JTF2 actively hunts US servicemen in Germany
>The leaf army advances 15 miles into US territory towards Augusta, capturing several small towns and taking hundreds of National Guard troops prisoner.
>DC Ronald Reagan airport bombarded with cruise missiles.
western "intelligent" defeated by ingenouity smegmalka)))) wectoid work always "on the dollar", never "on the brain")))xaxaxa)))
this but unironically
Nothing than a trannywaver can't fix.
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Did it work? Because I might have missed where they said if it worked.
This post is completely wrong. It's kind of hilarious, also.
The 50 cent army sure loves spamming that image as if it's somehow relevant today. I guess when you have no accomplishments, you'd rather live in a time before you were born.
>Joseph Trevithick
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and they never want to talk about what happened after the events in the video, funny that
Trillion-dollar boondoggle.
>Codename: Rubber Curtain
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> Canada start producing its own drones.
> US AAA shoots down its own helo, gunner calls it an "honest mistake".
> Video leak of one marine giving another one a blowjob before being grenade droned from above.
> MOD denies sexual activities between soldiers, claims it was a marine specific PT exercise for strengthening the neck.
> Rumors of moose mounted cavalry.
Wow. Being THIS fucking wrong. On the Internet. (You) should seriously consider being an hero.
>Rumors of moose mounted cavalry
Oh fucking BASED Canukaduh! I'd pay real shekels to see that.
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oh? then what's all this?
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Patrician joke
>is about fooling ai
>get spotted by sats anywhere
>images get posted online for humiliation
Not fair, everyone was confused by that.
>naive westerners dig deeper into soviet-tier fuckery, finding logic which didn't exist in the first place
This. It seems quite effective, they should keep doing it :^)
You see everything Russians do is secret 63rd dimensional hyperchess
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putin plays chess while wect plays checkers )))
>>Russia Covering Aircraft With Tires Is About Confusing Image-Matching Missile Seekers U.S. Military Confirms

It is against radar, not optical guidance. It kind of works too, but at a great weight.
To clarify, it is against satellite synthetic aperture radar.
most satellites are optical anyways so i don't get how effective the russians think it will be
>canadian anglophones, even as far as British Columbia, start speaking French instead of English
Je n'ai jamais eu une érection aussi puissante de ma vie
Le XXIème siècle marquera le retour de la France en Amérique du Nord
Kerch bridge smoke vibes
You guys must despise stand-up comedy shows, huh.
ISAR satellites are far more accurate than you or monki imagine.
They're not getting paid to think.
Hope they implement this as standart.
hands with 8 fingers typed this post
>everyone was confused by that.

Any first world military would have laughed off the idea because of the potential damage having tires sit on combat aircraft could cause over time but if you don’t care about things like stress on the air frame or what it might do to the antiradar paint it’s a fantastic idea.
they will need to find new miscellaneous objects to put on the plane once a month once the planes with tires images update the AI lmao. maybe they will use trash bags next
>what's all this
Not Tu-95s
Why tires though? Wouldn't camouflage netting do the same job?
You must hate being alive, Alenka.
Slavs seems to think in rubber as magic material: better armor than steel, IR stealth
>source: my ass, serbs and multiple examples of smegmalka
does Russia even have enough airfields, for this to matter. AI algorithms require a lot of data and manual hand-holding to be precise.
how long would it take an intern at the Pentagon to just manually go through sat photos of all Russian airfields and count them. Russia simply doesn't have that manu strategic bombers.
Does it matter? USA won't allow any strikes against them anyway.
What's funny to me is that they think the NSA is not aware of the exact location and contents of every single one of their air fields, so much that AI is needed to somehow target them. And that this picture is years old, and just now this retarded fuckup is coming up with an excuse for it, as abhorrent and idiotic as it is.
Every person only has 8 fingers though?
>Digit ≠ finger
>if you put tires on top of the wings, all of a sudden, a lot of computer vision models have difficulty identifying that that’s a plane
Is he talking theoretically or is there a specific example the Russian did that he has in mind? Because the main goal for this sort of approach would be, as for general camouflage, to break down the silhouette of the object. And in the case of planes, wings are indeed the most defining feature to an AI model, so those are what you should primarily aim for. Which is something the Russian did not do at all. "Coloring" inside the lines does nothing to disrupt the overall shape. Hence why even a free, online object detection software had absolutely no problems with it.

Also why would any of this even be relevant for such targets? They're static, fragile and you already have their GPS coordinates. Even if there'd be jamming present, switching to INS provides good enough accuracy for an airburst shrapnel warhead to get the job done.
No I wont appologise, they put those tires on their planes as a quarter assed attempt to mask their IR signature, not to confuse the AI.

This is the same shit like with the copecages, when ukies nicked them "grills" because when the tank burned the cage would collapse and trap the crew inside bbqing the crew. Only for RT after 2 years to come out saying the Russian crews dubbed the cage armor as "grills" due to their appearance.

Or, yaknow, how the copecages akshually weren't made to protect against Javelins but fpv drones. This is revisionism.
Swedes apparently tried, the moose while impressive and able to carry a rider is hard to (impossible) to train for use in active warfare apparently.
Why are these so-called "experts" raising eyebrows if they don't understand everything? Are they in the ass?
No but the gloves are coming off
Geging at all the retards replying to you. Good job anon.
>you see Ivan, when you put tires on a plane Skynet will assume it's a truck not a plane.
>Retard with access to Twitter knows more than US Navy Officer and Harvard graduate
Yeah, nah
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Anon, you're taking this too seriously. We all know it's meant to be armor. All the westerners looking for logical explanations to smekalka are as dumb as the russians practicing smekalka.
The only explanation to smekalka is "were too dumb to figure out a proper cheap solution to a problem and too poor to bruteforce the solutions used by our enemies".
Yes, the could use camo netting to hide the wings, at the very least, and paint the plane in a manner that could cause optical illusions. They could also simply build or dig hangars. Then cover them with nets. And paint the planes. And place decoys. And move them around so that the same planes aren't stationed in the same place for 5 decades. But nah tires it is and idiots assume it's meant to fool the skynet working for us.
Doesn't seem to work really well
>the USS Eisenhower got sunk
the most underrated post on this entire board

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