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>The Russians are now mounting jammer antennas on their helmets.
Brain tumor status?:
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>Of course, it does not protect against all drones in general in the world, but it gives a decent enough chance
>We tested it all out, of course, it turned out as usual better than we planned
What glowing praise lol
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a decent enough chance he says
How long until we get a compilation of vatniggers wearing these ridiculous things getting atomized?
>Brain tumor status
Useless without brain cells
>every unit just wandering around while blasting RF
don't even need to see them anymore just triangulate and call fire missions
It's not a terrible idea, as long as it's not a dumb jammer, which it inevitably is.
Learn the difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation.
TLDR; Sticking a radio up your butt will not give you cancer.
Yet people keep saying that EW and jammers are the silver bullets against drone threats
can't triangulate a swarm of bees
Soon the boys will melt and hohols will understand
>Brain tumor status?
Disproven by long-term studies in countries which actually care about health, but those helmets may lower the chance of reproduction in those tactical blowjobbers even further. At least as far as fathering sons is concerned.
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Hey at least it's better than what they had planned, whatever that was.
>howler monke troops
that's exactly what big rectalradio would WANT you to think
well managed EW and jammers are effective as fuck. no one trusts russia to manage anything well.
I think HE is a lot worse for your health than RF, anon.
>the trannywaver
We're talking about EW and jammer revealing your location to enemy ELINT and literally guiding fire missions directly onto your ass. But hey, we're at least safe from drones amirite?
>TLDR; Sticking a radio up your butt will not give you cancer
The HF is in the ass and soon the prostate will transmitt everything
Is the future of anti drone technology going to be pic related?
Why helmet mounted though?
>"Ivan? Load the DPICM. Time to swat some bees."
Probably because it is the highest point. Pretty sure we are gonna see Vatnigs attach them to sticks like go-pros in order to "swat" drones away with EW lol.
Based. Less orcs and more Swectlana vvhores for the rest of us.
To increase Its range
big fan of antennae mounted like bayonets (Annet? Bayonetta?) here.
Yeah... I wouldn't trust someone with a face like that to be accurate on any/all statements. I'm going to go with Occam's razor here & predict these helmets will somehow cause an increase in RU casualties due to UA drones.
Yes you can, you just get the swarms centre of mass as your reference point
Use cluster munitions for the strike to ensure maximum casualties
I was wondering whether my warthunder teammates had functioning hands
He atleast has a working monitor
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Not with that attitude.
Watch some of them be just dummies as to boost the confidence of mobniks going in meatwaves.
>Brain tumor status?
5G is perfectly safe you buck broken conspiritard faggot

There are various points in this war that have been poetic.

So the military with the red star motif are responding to the drone threat by going full Marvin the Martian
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that aint no problem. zigroid care only about man ass anyway. Main reason they have so few births (third of the pop refuses to have kids) is because of rampant homosexuality
>Brain tumor status?
Just wear it over your tinfoil hat, problem solved, smekalka wins again.
Honestly same. Either it forces Ukraine to think outside the box or it becomes the new cope cage. I'd be down for Russia blowing a few million USD worth (10% of their GDP now) on another flub.
>Learn the difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation.
ones dangerous, and the others hazardous
you still shouldn't be dicking around with either, a phone is fine, but a box blasting that shit isn't
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Now there's a bullshit I haven't seen in a long time.
That looks suspiciously similar to the Covid detector the IRGC showed off in 2020.
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Beyond the fact that low level RF in those frequencies has to be harmless or we'd all be dead, a dipole puts out a torus/doughnut shaped radiation pattern.
So the safest place to be in directly over or under a dipole. Also the best attack route.
Also definitely saving this as a reaction picrel for the next big vatnoid fuck up.
>Brain tumor status?:
You can't get cancer from non-ionizing radiation retard, should've paid attention in school
>soldiers are now doing [zany homemade thing]!

i dont care. 9 times out of 10 this is purely for boosting the morale of their own troops.
yeah, they are safe
World Of Tanks, premium account at that.
How do you recognise some random video at a glance? What's the difference between premium and normal account? The premium unlocks t14 op imba?

"Your brain tumor is not service related"
>The real arms race in the drone war is between increasingly sillier head gear
So Batman can't pick off his squadmates while abusing Detective Mode.
Paused and took at look at the interface and background. The interface is the WoT one, with the tanks in the bottom, with the "camp" background behind the tank being what you get as a background when on monthly subscription, otherwise it's a rusty garage.
That is unironically based.
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I wonder what range that guy gets now that there are range extender drones
they are

in a proper military you'd have your own assets targeting their ELINT assets

that's why the US Army has characterised the future battle as being one in which enemy supporting assets are targeted first
fuck me
imagine being basket case in the 21st century
you can't even wank
Doesn't the government provide you with free handjobs done by a nurse for life for your service?
anon, he's Russian, he's lucky to get a bag of potatoes.

in any case... a government-issue handjob? have you heard this old joke?

The Queen of England is taking a tour of an American hospital. She opens a ward door, and sees a patient furiously masturbating.
Her Majesty: "What's going on here? This is absolutely appalling."
Nurse: "Actually, Your Highness, it's for medical purposes. This patient has a very serious condition, and if he doesn't orgasm at least once every eight hours, his testicles will swell and cause fatal clotting."
Her Majesty: "Poor man. Very well, carry on."
The Queen opens the next war door, and sees a beautiful blonde nurse giving another patient a blowjob.
Her Majesty: "Now what's this?"
Nurse: "He's suffering from the same condition as that other patient, but this man has much better health insurance."
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Tungsten rain, some stay dry and others feel the pain
I bet it feels pretty toasty in the winter duct taping a microwave oven magnetron to your skull
Tactical cat ears when?
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Kursk is really falling, huh?
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call sign: Garfield
tungsten rain
those damn russians leak from holes again
**I move away from the mic to breathe in
inb4 the "non-ionizing radiation" retards claim it won't hurt them (put your head in a microwave oven and see what happens)
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>>Brain tumor status
>Useless without brain cells
>what blew up in ukraine now?
Today you mean?
1170 ziggers
6 tanks
20 AFVs
23 artillery pieces
and 1 AA system
I wonder what the radius of protection is on one of these? 10 meters should be enough to give you a reasonable chance at survival from a small FPV drone.
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>ok...what blew up in ukraine now?))
Forget Ukraine. What's blowing up in Puccia?
> Better than we planned

"Here's our Nuclear command post! Fear our NOOOKS!" -Ruskies

If anyone thinks their nukes are functional, they are delusional. They can't even get the electical systems working.
Some Ukrainian clever enough to figure out the right kind of Home On Jammer algorithm has the chance to do the funniest thing ever
>Learn the difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation.
Put your head before a radar, faggot, then tell everyone how safe it is.
Can't have a tumor if there's no brain
>as usual better than we planned

Peak brainlet posing as midwit
>ones dangerous, and the others hazardous
>tfw there are hazardous rays of non ionizing radiation relaying this information to my from my monitor
Five-year plan in three years, as always.
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Callsign: Schrödinger
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ungay vesion
This isn't Hollywood man. You don't need a huge multi-screen command post with the latest technology to launch a ballistic missile. It's actually a relatively simple process targets are predetermined the turn of a key and press of a button is all it takes. There's no reason to watch on a screen as the warheads impact in real time.
>That's it, it's all beauty from here on.
>As usual, better than we planned.
Ah, so it's just one one of those morale-boosters for the next couple of UURRRAAAAs.
>he doesn't want live instant full-colour 4k uhd BDA

also, the screens are for presenting information
>brain tumor
Non-existent. Just like these jammers
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there's an irony here.
King of keks
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Why is a downy giving the presentation?
Depends if the jammers emit at ionizing range.
most Puccians are the result of FAS in any case
>as usual better than we expected
How you know he's full of shit.
He might not be. If he expected the jammer to instantly fry everyone in a 20m radius and it only gave the wearer an aggressive brain tumor, that counts as "better than expected".
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I'm sure there's a command post somewhere with what you want but it's just not needed here. These are grunts that flip the switches and turn the dials that launch the missiles. Analog gauges can display any information they need to perform their tasks and probably with more reliability.
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>Brain tumor status?:
it's unlikely to give you a tumor but it will slowly cook your brain.
this said the us army does this too
Okay most of them, I was thinking they'd hand plastic cases with blinking LEDs that connect to the antenna before giving it to some but not all of the meatwave troops while keeping the actual ones back in Moscow and to whatever officers could embezzle them.
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>tfw it as usual turned out better than planned
Veterans wounded in the SMO get the luxury of choosing between that or a bag of lentils.
>TLDR; Sticking a radio up your butt will not give you cancer.
The radio is painted with lead-based paint.
>Analog gauges can display any information they need to perform their tasks and probably with more reliability.
sounds like poorfag cope for not having a smartphone
Japan has government issued handjobs for downies and the like
Or maybe some nurses got the hots to get down with the downs
Did he lose his limbs operating these jagged ass sharp steel edges?
Anon, in Russia you get nothing.
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>in Russia you get nothing
Do they also carry a bottle of watah and dip the antenna into it to achieve the maximum effectiveness?

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