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Why did it fail
and why did they tease it knowing they will never release it
are bullpups just destined to fail
did black rain kill them off
>pitching a bullpup to the US military
They weren't even trying
>General Dynamics making sure they still have mindshare
No guns Euros don't can't think of firearms being offered to anyone other than the state. Kek
Too different. It was always going to be the closest thing to the M4 that got adopted, and that's what the Sig was.
The question was why it failed, and a new gun in an exotic new round is not commercially viable without state backing. Look at how long it took .300 blk to take off, its been floating around since the 2000s (or 1990 if you consider whisper to be the same thing) but nobody seriously touched it until SOF units started playing with it. Inversely, Grendel and SPC were never adopted and so were relegated to niche meme rounds. Look at how expensive the civilian XM5 is, and that's got economy of scale going for it; no motherfucker would be buying the lonestar gun.
You're not developing a gun with proprietary bullshit ammo for the civilian market retard kun.
Selling to civies is a side gig after the military bankrolls your R&D and production facilities.
>Why did it fail
No belt-fed for the LMG part of the NGSW. Also the trigger is apparently really bad even for a bullpup.
the bullpup can be belt-fed it has an open bolt setting
My personal theory is that the military realized ""overmatch"" made for shit rifles and excellent LMGs and chose accordingly instead of modifying the parameters themselves. Ultimately they should have just continued LSAT development, which is the direction we'll pivot to in a decade anyway.
>You're not developing a gun with proprietary bullshit ammo for the civilian market
lmao, post guns.
> the closest thing to the M4 that got adopted
The army has been avoiding replacing the M4 for decades specifically because every offering did not offer enough of an advantage over the existing M4. Then suddenly they change their mind on this after Sig offers them with enough bribes.
>No belt-fed for the LMG part of the NGSW
But they did, they were going to rebarrel M240s with a lighter receiver and save tax payers a boat load of money in the process.
>Why did it fail
Sig bribery. It won the trial, but they didn't have friends in the right places
SIG bribes
my biggest issue with them not getting the contract was that their cartridge tech is 100% backwards compatible with existing guns and then EVERYONE gets an upgrade to their weapons however slight. giving all the rear line guys like myself polycase M4s and even 240s firing 7.62 polycase would be a huge weight savings and keep guns cooler for longer.
that steel base would make range clean ups so much easier too...
Sig bribery, but for the civilian version they probably calculated that the price to produce and put them out on the market would cost way too much money and be too expensive for the average consumer without the government paying to set up tooling and so quietly cancelled it.
Hey retards. This thread is about the civilian version of the RM277, that they teased months ago. But you faggots wouldn't know a out that seeing as you're noguns Eurotrash. https://www.all4shooters.com/en/shooting/rifles/true-velocity-the-genesis-the-civilian-version-of-the-rm277-ngsw/
Now fuck back off to /int/
>But they did, they were going to rebarrel M240s with a lighter receiver and save tax payers a boat load of money in the process.
Yeah bro, because M240Ls with a fucking *titanium* receiver are such a good way of saving money.
The US Army has sucked at MG development for ages now. Even when there is potential like with the base design of the XM250, they are doing their best to fuck it up with retarded choices. Quick change barrel on a belt fed machine gun? Who needs that?
Retards running everything.
Off topic posts are not allowed.
Sigger has a Jewish CEO so that is an instant win for the Biden administration.
While true, this thread is not about the NGSW program.
This is bordering on fuddlore. The program specifications directly stated belt-feed was not a requirement.
That was a trick question style requirement. If they said it was allowed to submit a rubber ducky, that doesn't mean it's an automatic win.
>Why did it fail
They pitched RPK with 20 rds magazine as machine gun.
Also while recoil reducing tech is cool in semi auto moving barrel and terrible trigger lost in accuracy to the SIG M7.

That's the pity though because TV round with the best. Lost opportunity. I think best course of action was to choose TV round and re-run guns competition with new requirement of the 6.8 TV round use.
>they were going to rebarrel M240s with a lighter receiver
M240 is like twice overweight relative to NGSW-AR weight requirements
They would've forced it into a bullpup competition. Bullpup was the only way TV's round could meet the requirements.
>it into a bullpup competition
Not my problem.
BTW XM250 has 17.5'' barrel, LM277 has 19'' barrel so machine gun can be made in normal layout, and its main thing needs fixing from the GD pitch.
>XM250 has 17.5
More like 16.
no forward assist
are 3d printed ammo casings the future or at least a good business to start?

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