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>in like half of the shootings I've seen someone accidentally presses the mag release button and dumps their magazine accidentally
>amerimutts still whine and moan about how bad heel and paddle mag releases are and wont buy your gun unless it has a huge easily accessible button
Why are they like this bros??
I saw one reviewer complain about some gun because the designers DARED to try and shield the mag release button with a protective shelf which made the button 5% harder to reach.
heel releases still feel like shit though, especially old stiff ones that got nothing to grab
side releases are fine, just have a stiffer spring, and paddles are fine too
>in like half
When you lead with a preposterous statement it reduces the acceptability of any other points that follow.
It's similarly common as Glocks limpwristing, ie. concerningly common.
And of course neither is reproducible at the shooting range...
We can complain about how guns feel because we're allowed to own them.
As someone who loves HK Paddle releases but competes with button releases (since HK doesn't make an competition gun worth using), the reason you see them dropping mags is because these retards getting in shoot outs don't train at all. They finger fuck their gun everywhere but that's not training. So when shtf they resort to their lowest level of training which is finger fucking the gun. They start pressing every button and lever
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>Dropping mags in like half the videos I have seen
Please provide some examples. No, not just one video. Since it is such a common occurance you should be able to provide at least three.
Why is the UK in the middle being poor when their GDP is higher than France?
the czp10m would have been a fanstastic carry gun if they had went with a euro style heel release instead of the pushbutton

the entire gun is slick slided (no slide release even) then they put a fucking push button mag release on the side? no longer full ambi and it poops the magazine out violently for no reason
>Glocks limpwristing

the only glocks you can limpwrist are .45 glocks
Same reason Italy isn't in the racist bubble
>and it poops the magazine out violently for no reason
Yes because when a magazine is empty it is no longer useful in a fight, so it needs to gtfo asap so you can start feeding problem solvers again. 2h0tr
I really want a VP9 soon but I can’t decide if I want the paddle release or the button. I’ve finger fucked both and they felt about the same.
I personally really like the paddle release on the VP9. I have larger hands and it just seemed really intuitive to me to use the paddle. Plus, I am pretty ambidextrous anyway, and like to shoot with both hands so the ambidextrous controls were nice for me. Also, the trigger for a striker fired gun is quite good and I control the gun really well. I think it’s a solid purchase. There are plenty of offerings now for optics cut slides and I would opt for that versus just a normal slide. If you want to put a red dot on there. The main downside being magazine/holster availability and cost for magazines, which kind of sucks.
All that money's coalesced around the fat cats in the City Of London. The rest of the country's getting fucked, badly.
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Because the image is made by butthurt thirdies
Paddle mag releases are exactly as fast as button mag releases if you don’t suck ass, and the difference in speed reloading means literally nothing in a gun fight even if you do suck ass. I’ve had button mag release handguns drop their mags while holstered before, which was more than enough to convince me to never carry a button mag release handgun again. Now I carry a p2000sk and I like it a lot
Even with an extended paddle mag release it is nearly impossible to accidentally drop your mag
So I guess all the others are normal jams then.
>all cops
Found the problem
we all know you carry a p2000 because you want to call yourself an HK owner
Two of the clips have nogs doing it.
I only like HK’s pistols because they’re the only one that still does paddle mag releases. Their triggers are dogshit out of the box and they’re otherwise unremarkable. I do think my p2000sk shoots really nice for a subcompact though. I’d buy a walther if they still did paddle mag release in their newer models
>specially old stiff ones that got nothing to grab
P38, Browning Medalist.
There is still a surf class
I have a vp9sk with the button and i've never unintentionally hit it. It feels nice to me
Seen a lot of Glock jamming videos, I admit, but I can only remember one video where a cop accidentally hits the mag release. Didn't he do it twice? lol
it's in this very thread.
Cops are fags
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retvrn to tradition
Great. Ive been looking into learning to surf, but I thought it might be too late in the summer now to start
all cops are niggers
anecdotal evidence is the lowest form of evidence.
If you get filtered by paddle mag releases you do not shoot your guns
i've never held a pistol with a paddle mag release, but wouldn't that be just as easy to accidentally drop a magazine with the wrong grip? it feels like if that's an issue you face your only real option is something with a heel release.
You have to use your pointer finger below the trigger guard to push(tilt) the paddle down, it’s practically impossible to do by accident, but fast and comfortable to do when you need to. Button mag releases stick out of the grip in an area that’s easy to accidentally trip with your grip under stress on some guns, made worse with extended mag releases
With a button mag release all it requires is for your to firmly grip the magazine and it drops.
Ive never handled any HK pistol, how does a paddle mag release? Is it like an indent thing in the rear or bottom of the trigger guard you press, or what?
>how does
I meant how does it differ, im a tard and a half forgive me
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It works like the safety on cordless saws, you depress down on the flipper bit. If you choke your grip up with your middle finger it prevents inadvertent release because your middle finger blocks it. When you want to release it you just shift your middle finger.

I like them over button releases since the motion feels more natural to me. You swipe at it like on a lot of flip safeties or a slide release. You don't have to bend your thumb or finger then depress into the frame which for me feels weird.
heel releases are shit no matter what

paddles are fine tho
Once you practice and relearn the manual of arms for a paddle release, it’s no slower nor faster than a button. However, I do prefer it after going from an M&P 2.0 Compact to my VP9 for a daily carry. I like being able to drop the mags with my index finger. It’s mostly a preference thing. And like another anon said, H&K is the only ones that do it anymore, even Walther caved to the button on most of their duty and carry guns, at least all the ones I can think of, hence why most proponents for the paddle carry/use H&K.
paddle magazine release master race
Heel releases mean you can't really do a mag change if your other hand is disabled or otherwise unavailable and if you look at high stress/high fatality shootings like Miami Dade, that could be a concern for some rare instances.
Paddle releases seem more or less ok to me, but I haven't practiced with them enough. So when buying a new handgun, I don't want to relearn the manual of arms for that or have to think about which gun I'm carrying and which way the release works.
Is it lazy? Maybe. But I have enough things to think about that I don't want to add any more processing to my Pentium II brain.
This is why thumblets such as myself are simply better fighters
Paddle releases are better, but only the extended ones that are easy to reach without breaking grip. Another thing to consider is the holster blocks the release rather than it being exposed for mags to be accidentally dropped or half seated when carrying. The LAPD version of the FN509 removed the right side mag release because it kept getting bumped and cops were walking around with half ejected mags sticking out. So the paddle release is really rhe only viable way to have an ambidextrous mag release that doesn't eject when carrying, or eject when the user is shitting a purple twinkie in a gunfight. Most people are just stupid and lazy and don't see the benefits.
>guy exits door with gun
>mag dump in the same direction your partner is standing
I don't think the mag release is the issue
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retvrn fvrther
I've only seen a few accidental mag releases compared to a ton of Glockjams. I'm definitely more concerned with Glockjams thus I don't personally own a Glock.

On another note, the gen 3 Glocks still had the release that you can't really reach, and I believe that's why they put them so far away. Most mag releases used to be out of reach from your thumb without breaking grip, then retards demanded ones they can reach and here we are with accidental mag drops. Still a very uncommon issue, again I've only seen it a couple times. I'd use a gun with a button release but sure as shit would NEVER use a Glock, wilfully. Unfortunately I'm issued one by my cheap ass department. The premiere agencies in my area use M&Ps and FNs, luckily it seems we're all going that way once we can budget it. I fucking WISH we could get P30s but that ain't happening.
>not gay
Modern Irish identity is all about being more of a lib than the Brits. They're gay as fuck there.
Paddles are shit, the heel is shit and your justification to shit on the button is hipster contrarianism at best and extreme retardation at worst
notice how your entire post is about things you've heard or saw. that's because you're nigger cattle who isn't allowed to own a gun
Maybe it's because of the faggy thumbs-forward grip that everyone teaches these days.
the UK is a first world city state with a third world nation hanging off its arse
>Glocks are most common police handgun by a factor of like 10
>Has most videos of them jamming
big think
How? I heard the tubes up by dover suck ass and you can't get any good action unless you head for the pacific
Why would the British ever do that?
Ew. You can go back (to tradition but still) for all I care
How many shootings have you gotten into you fucking rangetard?
This is a bullshit glock fanboy cope.
If they really were PERFECTION you wouldn't see them jamming so often no matter if they're the most common one.

Besides, it is easy to demonstrate a GLOCK PERFECTION pistol limpwristing in a scenario where most others function just fine.
>just do tactical mag changes on your 7+1 deep carry gun that you probably dont carry spare mags for
why? this isnt a service weapon

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