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Now that Wagner is getting clapped in Mali by jihadists and Ukrainian spooks, will Russia lose influence in the Sahel? Can they afford to replace casualties in Africa with men who would otherwise be in Ukraine?
Huh? Did anything happen again?
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Why did the sahel choose to go full crackpot anyways? I watched a travel video of some basedboy going to Burkina Faso and he mentioned it being the most dangerous country in Africa and the comments were full of Seething BRICS africans saying it isn't dangerous at all or it was Frances fault. Even some literal NOI niggers complaining.
Wagner in Africa was set up by the Ministry of Defense as a revenge for Prigozhin's chimp out.
Wagner was in Africa for years before Prigozhin’s chimpout though
Man imagine fighting in the desert, i wonder how close it is to a simulated environment
One of the reasons Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place was to take their wheat so they could bribe African governments with it.
The sahel is in the limit of the islamic countries and the not-so-islamic sub-saharian countries. Islamists can't stand non-sharia goverments.
Next Syria/Afghanistan IMO.
Why did Russia decide to imitate Dune but as the Harkkonnens?
>next Syria
I think these regimes are in more hot water than Assad ever was. Assad had a strong powerbase but the sahel juntas are illegitimate and have no solution other than just blaming France and the west and everybody else. How long can they realistically do this for?
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Holy shit, it's like the reverse version of the ending of Stalingrad with germans replaced by russians and winter replaced by desert.

>Have you ever been in the desert? It's sickening there. It's so hot that sweat pours down your body all the time. You feel like you melt like a piece of butter. I'll tell you the desert is shit. Except for the stars...they're so close. You know, Hans?

>Have you ever been in the taiga? It's sickening there. It's so cold that shivers go up your spine all the time. You feel like you freeze like a popsicle. I'll tell you the taiga is shit. Except for the stars...they're so close. You know, Dimitri?
There’s also a lot of ethnic strife that’s being fueled by sectarianism. For instance, everyone in West Africa hates the Kotakoli because they’re nomadic cattle herders whose livestock regularly trample people’s crops. The Kotakoli also feel alienated from non-Kotakoli communities and disgruntled because they have no representation in pretty much any West African government. FURTHERMORE, the Kotakoli just happen to be Muslim, so it’s easy for groups like ISIS to convince them to take up arms against corrupt, unpopular, incompetent African governments.

Depends on the region but overall pretty k much this.
Fulani (ISIS) fight vs Fulani (Al Qaeda) sometimes tho
So those billions we're throwing at Ukraine are actually peanuts to what we stand to gain in the future. I think I got it now.

Desert bedouins islamists are few and broke but mobile and decently organized.

Sub Sharan non Islamic nogs are many and have substantial state funds plus aid money but they are corrupt to the core, disorganized and incapable of doing anything strategically or tactically complex without a master's direct guidance.

The Russians won the propaganda war hands down and convinced the nogs that all their problems are because of the french and if they let the Russians control things they can fix everything.

The french being the usual surrender frogs they just surrendered the control of their former colonies to the Russians on a silver platter without even trying to save their democratically elected pro France leaders as Macron was too scared to be called racist if he did anything.

To be fair Wagner did do more than the french military as they have near zero fear of being brought to court for war crimes so they just shot up the Islamic villages from where the rebels come from. Of course that caused many more people to join the rebels since the ethnic cleansing was too half assed and they are taking casualties because they are predictable, skip on proper recon and don't understand that randomly machine gunning bedouins like animal mother in full metal jacket does lead to more of them turning jihadi of you don't get them all.
Not entirely true. Here's a good introduction to the region's complex state of affairs: https://oxfordre.com/africanhistory/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.001.0001/acrefore-9780190277734-e-167
Because they are both lead by guys named Vladimir?
What's not true? Burkina is dangerous and run by dictator retards
Pretty much. The US government doesn’t do anything just for the sake of altruism. It just so happens that the moral thing to do (supporting Ukraine) and the strategic thing to do (neutering Russia and securing a lucrative agricultural trading partner) align in this instance.
Burkina had Peace Corps Volunteers until 2017 iirc. It was pretty safe by third world standards until relatively recently, but yes now it’s very dangerous (especially for Westerners)
>To be fair Wagner did do more than the french military as they have near zero fear of being brought to court for war crimes so they just shot up the Islamic villages from where the rebels come from.
Lmao shut the fuck up retard you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
I do international development work in sub-Saharan West Africa (mostly Francophone countries). He’s right, locals are terrified of Wagner because they beat, rob and kill people without consequence. Local Chiefs who complain about it go “missing”.
Seething slavaboo BRICS monkey spotted. You will never be a white person.
Decaying Russian corpses left abandoned.

In the sand, not the snow.

Anyway, I thought Wagner were recalled to Kursk. Was that bullshit?
So he's wrong, and the guy you're talking to is right? The story you just told is a completely different one.
I think a company of angry babushkas would fare better in combat than Wagner.
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>The french being the usual surrender frogs they just surrendered the control of their former colonies to the Russians on a silver platter without even trying to save their democratically elected pro France leaders as Macron was too scared to be called racist if he did anything.

>To be fair Wagner did do more than the french military

tell me you are a massive clown without telling me
also you have to be 18+ to post on this board you low IQ mutt
well at least you didn't go with Vietnam, q French shitshow that the Americans were stuck with cleaning up
Is this why France is so hot and bothered to restart their MIC?
You failed to validly refute him.
Nogs cannot into diplomacy, they only respect power, whether real or illusory.
yea sure, an anglo speaking businessman doing intl development in Western Africa has direct contact with locals from bum fuck nowhere Sahel desert villagers
not only you are samefagging, you are also full of shit.
Hello /sp/.
Reminder: the US withdrawal was due to Trump's deal with the Taliban. America would leave and stop supporting Afghan gov, and the Taliban just had to pinky promise they wouldn't help Al-Qaida, which they immediately did. Worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.
There was no winning in Afghanistan. What still blows my mind is that we had The Bear Went Over The Mountain and still made many of the same mistakes.
It's not about gain, retard, it's about cost. If Russia took Ukraine, it does the following

1. Takes the 'bread basket' of Europe (much like the Germans got in WW1 and had it removed when they lost) that leads to them having wheat and grain to blackmail/bribe African and Middle Eastern nations (mostly the likes of Egypt) as well as giving China a nudge in the side and a sly wink (since China consumes a lot of wheat now, as does Japan, where it didn't use to).
2. Takes control of the oil and gas and using the existing infrastructure to supply Europe, as well as selling the excess they've now gained to India and China. They blackmail Europe for cheap gas. Which is one of the reasons the Germans and French were so slow because they assumed Russia would win soon and they didn't want to be 'punished' for helping Ukraine.
3. Russia would control 80% of the worlds supply of xenon gas, a cruicial component in producing computer chips. They would literally have a major stranglehold on everything from consumer electronics to military hardware and if China didn't play ball, well, we'll see to somebody else, so pay up!
4. Gives Russia control of the Black Sea, warm water ports along the coast (not just Sevastopol) and allows them to dominate the region (which itself links into their buddy buddy attitude with Turkey, in the hopes Turkey would leave NATO)

Once Ukraine was taken, Georgia would be next. Then Kazakhstan. Azerbajian and Armenia would likely be worried about them being next, so would look to join Russia 'willingly' and Russia would do it saying they're there to mediate the autism over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. At that point, Russia is now back to near where it was in USSR. All the other -stans start to worry and look to China. China now looks at Russia. So, China and Russia decide to just play nice and cement their partnership.

USA + Europe now has to spend billions more every year for basic shit. Tax goes up to increase defence of Baltics etc.
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>You failed to validly refute him.
I don't need to refute him when he didn't provide any plausible argument to his retarded assumption

more wagnerites died in a single jihadist attack last july than frogs during the whole 11 years barkhane operation. let's that sink in.
>semi-stable situation with internation mediation and overwatch
>russia promises to take over security from the French and UN and kill all oponents
>loot, rape and kill
>rebels groups are not happy and become active again
>crountry falls into chaos
>it's the French fault because they didn't exterminate the other group!!
>no winning in Afghanistan
sure there was
it's all about how you define your goals
if the US's goal was strictly to go in and slaughter Taliban until you get Bin Laden guess what?
they got him, mission accomplished, pack it in and go home: that's a win, baby

instead their mindset was
>go to Afghanistan
>overthrow government
>mass scramble out of the country
doesn't look too good to me
if you don't have a tangible goal to meet you can't win
not winning is pretty much losing
I want my low cost blueberries, slav mail-order brides and cheap commie surplus, and I want it NOW.
Putin's retardation makes sense when you look at it this way
Luckily russia cannot into modern warfare.
>more wagnerites died
That is to be expected. Does not invalidate the thought process behind it or that africans only respect shows of force.
the 2nd Iraq war was so successful too that Trump openly denies having ever been a supporter before the invasion
We found bin Laden in Pakistan though
It makes perfect sense and it was an insanely good geopolitical move if he could pull it off. The issue is... Well, he must have been lied to. Or everybody wasn't prepared.
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>WaGnEr DiD mOrE tHaN fRaNce
>that pic
Absolutely based
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>an anglo speaking
I speak French and very rudimentary Ewe
Not in the private sector
>doing intl development in Western Africa has direct contact with locals from bum fuck nowhere
Most international development work takes place in bum fuck nowhere
How did 4 Americans get killed if they weren't even involved?
I think what he means is that the Russian government has been intentionally getting them killed in Africa since Prigo's death convoy.
>If only the Tsar had known
>If only the nefarious Boyars hadn't lied to him!

The problem with all plans like that is the ones crafting them only see themselves as active players and everyone else as NPCs/mobs who will just passively stand there waiting for their turn.
Which I guess makes sense: quietly waiting for their turn to get ass-raped is or willingly getting pushed into becoming a meatwave seems to be the normal thinking of the zigger.
That’d be funny but unwise since their lucrative deals with the local governments are contingent on their ability to suppress the jihadists. If Wagnerites get run through by nomadic African ISIS guys, then those ISIS guys go on to slaughter the local military units, which in turn makes Russia’s newfound allies rethink their deals with Wagner. That’s bad for Putin because Africa is a key trading partner with lots of rare earth minerals and oil that can be stolen, and getting Wagnerites in Africa killed would shrink Russia’s diminishing sphere of influence even more.
surprisingly no. France has basically always wanted their MIC to be domestically-based, independent and tailored to french needs. It's why they have such a hard time cooperating with other european countries on military projects
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>And terrifying locals will help us beat ISIS?
French interventionism in Africa had been questioned for a while. During the last 2 presidential election round, the "what are we trying to accomplish in this corrupt country " had no clear answer except "huh we should help our formers colonies because it's probably our fault they're too retarded do to anything right".
If anything pulling out of Mali was a good thing the only bad part is the loss of "prestige" or however you want to name that as France appear(ed) weak.
aid workers, maybe?
>Once Ukraine was taken, Georgia would be next
Wrong, Georgia is cucked through the pro-russian government that was put in control. Countries like Kazakhstan or Armenia would be just frightened and integrate without military action. The real next attack would be the Baltics.

Yes, they'd attack a NATO country on the assumption of west getting cucked out and not fighting back. And yes, that would most likely work, because both diplomatic, economic and political reasons. Such as Germany being held hostage with gas supplies, such as no major US forces being there, such as everyone being afraid how russians just desertstormed'ed Ukraine (media would put a lot of fire on that flame). All of the schizos, traitors and other types of leftists would come out of the woodwork with their variant of "Why die for Danzig?" shit.

The operation itself would be a Suwalki gap rush to cut off Baltics from land support, then rush to occupy them. Sure, they'd get a bloody nose in the process, but in general there is just no geography or demography rear to fall back to for them, small population, very small countries in size (like one oblast in Ukraine), mostly flat, those bum rushes would fly past any attempt at defense and occupy the capitols. And western countries would be put into a position of needing to do a ground invasion of russia months after that fact (once US forces would finally get deployed and reach the continent), while russia covers everything with mines, AA and blockes the Baltic Sea with shit. No one has the political balls to waste the amount of western lives to do such an operation in 2022. Don't forget how every faggot would whine about muh n00kz and shit.

So what would happen? US and EU would do sanctions, they'll say all the good words about "we don't recognize Baltics being a part of russia and never will", just like they did all during the soviet union. That would shatter NATO's credibility and unleash shit in the world.
keep digging. nice pic of Tanzania though.
>you get to control the gold mines
Doesn't sound like a punishment to me. Also they've been at it long before the Prigo kerfuffle.
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Don’t forget
>attempt to blame the French for a war crime
>get caught on video burying the bodies
Anon, decisions are made locally by some random functionary that never considers the big picture
Now that is the type of grade A copium delusion that got Puccia in Ukraine in the first place.
3 days to Berlin vibes
it's only copium because they failed the initial goal, partially because zelensky stayed to fight back and partially because they were too trigger happy in 2014-2015
also because there is no universe in which Russia is strong enough to handle even just the Baltic states on their own, much less all of NATO
>and then the winged hussars arrived
Polacks really want russia to try shit with the baltics
You're thinking about this wrong.
Obviously russia can't take on the whole of NATO (shit, back in the day even USSR would be able to do that), for a whole multitude of reasons (such as Turkey alone being more powerful than them in the Black Sea for example), even russians themselves know this. But they are okay with expanding meat and armor, while western countries are not. Western countries are also fucked by propaganda and public opinions, while russia is not.
The main problem is that the Baltics don't contain the whole of NATO. Most of NATO's military power is in the US, which is a whole ocean away. Some other large chunks of NATO are cucked and will deny the actual fight. Hence if they'd move to invade the Baltics along with a Suwalky gap incursion in 2022, right after a successful invasion of Ukraine, you'd be left with pretty much no willing to fight for Baltics. This is an open secret and why Baltics were kicking and screaming to get some permanent US and other NATO bases inside their territory right after 2014. With their idea is that US won't be able to deny direct military class with russia, because US forced would get fucked up during the Baltics invasion. But even that's doubtful, we've all see how politicians can cuck out and snatch defeat from the hands of victory.
Who would fight russia on the Baltics behalf? Poland? They talk a lot, sure, but recent history showed that they are all bark (e.g. missiles, drones hitting them), let alone if some pidor forces would be placed on their border within occupied Ukraine.
be real, they are too scared to even shoot down missiles and drones that fly into their air space
>Our entire strategy is that the other side will do nothing
>Now rush to kiev

I don't think Russia has the capacity to even take the baltic anymore.
And this is more effective then the french how?
'Yeah uh we bully people and this will defeat terrorists, surely'.
One question I have is what position would Luka take in all of this. Suwalki rush is the dream, but by now would Potato man even play ball with initial attack on the Baltics? I wonder if the likelier angle would be the Latvian/Estonian border
>keep digging
Digging what? Also Tanzania is central Africa, I specifically work in West Africa
it's actually just like afghanistan the first time they went up into that place.
what are you even trying to argue? that wagner doesn’t terrorize innocent locals in africa? are you retarded?
Desertification. Shit's fucked.
Top Kek
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Wagner isn’t more effective than France at fighting terrorists, but they ARE more effective at brutalizing locals on behalf of corrupt, short-sighted governments who think they are trading their natural resources for security. In reality they’re getting robbed blind by Russia while the security situation deteriorates.
Additionally, millions of Ukr refugees would flood Europe.
having a jihadist hotspot in the middle of Africa is very bad news for Europe no matter which angle you look at the issue from
the immigration problem is only going to get worse as these countries fall further into instability (which is most certainly Putin's keikaku all along since the Belarusian border has shown that he has no qualms with weaponizing browns against NATO)
Wagner is a dead company walking. Them dying en-mass in Africa is intentional.
I was referring to the
>Wagner did do more than the french military
part. And since you didn't react to that part, I'm assuming you agree with this, which proves both of you have no idea what you're talking about, again.
>He’s right, locals are terrified of Wagner because they beat, rob and kill people without consequence. Local Chiefs who complain about it go “missing”.
LMAO locals are more angry than afraid. They're joining the jihadis and the Tuareg who want their own state they call Azawad. The Tuareg and islamists have a truce over their commong fight against blacks and Wagner. Worst for Russia, the same Tuareg people are now backed by Algeria, despite this country supposedly being a very close Russia ally. Such a great fucking success.

tl;dr: Islamic terrorism and general mess has never been so high in the Sahel region since the juntas commanded by bizarre Russian-backed black supremacist despots that came to power through coups expelled the French armed forces diplomatically and denounced the defense agreements they had with France for decades.

Any person denying this lives in a fantasy world.

I'm French of celtic descent and white as snow you retarded tourist.
The biggest mistake they made is not researching how jihadis actually think. The West did, that's why they regularly get caught before they even finish planning.
Only way they could garner support and legitimacy is if they could govern the country competently and combat its problems such as the presence of jihadists effectively. Now both those things are very difficult when these juntas are prone to being counter couped by any ambitious army colonel out there so instead of putting competent and motivated people in the right positions of power they’re just gonna put their most loyal yes-men and cronies there and no real progress is ever made while corruption grows steadily. In the end the citizens of these countries get the shit end of the stick, sad!
>randomly machine gunning bedouins like animal mother in full metal jacket
That wasn't Animal Mother, you retard.
That was the Huey door-gunner that lost his shit.
Yeah and I'm Adolf Hitler's celestial avatar coming down from the Hyperborean plane of existence for the sole purpose of shit posting on a tranime cock sucking website. I totally believe that you are in fact not a shitskin, but actually a native of one of the most shitskin infested European countries. Totally.
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>since you didn't react to that part, I'm assuming you agree with this
I don’t
>LMAO locals are more angry than afraid
People can be angry and afraid at the same time, especially when your chef de canton disappeared after he complained to the gendarmes that a bunch of Wagner contractors beat up a shop owner and stole his moto.
>aid workers, maybe?
No it was some SF team, they got ambushed and then hunted down like dogs.
I think most of them got away and most of the bodies were recovered by the French response team.


It was mostly a big deal because there hadn't been any other US losses in a while and most people had no idea that the US was even there.
>Why did Russia decide to imitate Dune but as the Harkkonnens?
I thought it was clear that Harkonnens were based on Russians.
Vladimir is even canonically a pedophile
>an anglo speaking businessman doing intl development in Western Africa has direct contact with locals from bum fuck nowhere Sahel desert villagers
More than you retard
>Yeah and I'm Adolf Hitler's celestial avatar
NTA but what you are is retarded
you know 1 language and it's not even proper english, calm your tits
Did the Opfor try to charge machine gun nests like it was WWI?
>you know 1 language and it's not even proper english
I speak three languages and can get by as a tourist in four or so others.
And English is my first language, retard.

You're arguing from ignorance and with your betters.
>You’re particular take is wrong because you, not me, weren’t there when someone took a shit in the desert.
The fact you haven’t done this (what I do is irrelevant) makes me right and you wrong.
If you call him cringe and retarded maybe you can win this argument
>I speak three languages and can get by as a tourist in four or so others.
trying so hard to prove yourself just make your lies even more blatant

>You're arguing from ignorance and with your betters.
"English is my first language" btw, what you just said is pure gibberish lmao
If your goal was to actually modernize afghanistan you would need 50+ years of Occupation of Japan-tier policy changes alongside some very geneva convention-breaking black ops to shut down all religious leaders even thinking of taking up arms.
TL;DR: To modernize a shithole country you need to go full colonialist.

Thankfully they completely mismanaged and embezzled their military and made no real effort to actually prepare for these ambitions they've embarked upon, and now NATO can verifiably break their spine over Ukraine by donating weapons.
Haven't some fagner boys been spotted in Venezuela? Seems like a cushy position, compared to Africa.
For now. Cartels have been pissed an maduro’s collectivistas, so expect cartel gore videos starring Wagner within a year
That would be the plan should ukraine not absolutely shattered both their capability and the illusion of russian capability. Now GB or frogs could solo russia. Much less poland or finland
the bush administration's first meeting regarding invading iraq was in october of 2000

9/11 and its consequences were an unwanted diversion from the original goal and they slipped the burden as soon as they could
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NTA but one of my high school gf's said she was related to one of mister adolf's relatives up in minnesota. Her mom pulled out some genealogy chart and everything. I always used a rubber on that girl, she was horny and super crazy
Georgia has a token military at best. Even now, as degraded as Russia is, they could take it. Pro-Russian government doesn't really matter. They'll spark a 'revolution' where people try to force out the Pro-Russian government and send in the troops to 'calm the situation' and then never leave. You're right about Russia going for the Baltics because the land corridor to Kaliningrad is vital. I 100% believe NATO could cuck out, yes. It was what I thought they were going to do instead of taking Ukraine. Ukraine was something (after 2014) I didn't think they'd care about. They got what they wanted. Just leave it in a perpetual state. Use your forces to bumrush the Baltics and you could (theoretically) take the stuff so quickly that NATO would back down going 'Whoa it'll take a lot of men, machines and materiel to take the Baltics back, we don't want to do that' so they'd just sanction Russia and wag their finger. Now? Now I assume people would do something about it if they tried it. My guess is Putin really thought the FSB had infiltrated all aspects of the Ukrainian military (even though the FSB said they needed 6-9 months more to do it) enough that they could quickly push through, take it, consolidate and then decide where next. But Georgia makes the most sense, it wouldn't be an 'invasion' it would be a 'peace mission'. It would allow them to PR spin as evil Western backed states trying to undermine democracy as well as securing Georgia. Whether it'd become Russia proper or be in a 'Quad Union' with Belarus and Ukraine, I don't know. Armenia and Azerbaijan would join willingly under 'mediation' offer from Russia, as I said.
>Butchers a bunch of civvies, and acts like they're hot shit
>Jobs to ukraine
>Jobs to jihadis
>Could end up jobbing to cartels
Damn, the only thing they're good at is corralling civilians at this point.
Basically the cultural traditions for getting women in the region are the equivalent of paying rent on an NYC closet, so most young men are pissed off and have turned towards terrorism.
>I don’t
Then why the fuck do you support such a narrative? Again let me quote you:
>The french being the usual surrender frogs they just surrendered the control of their former colonies to the Russians on a silver platter without even trying to save their democratically elected pro France leaders as Macron was too scared to be called racist if he did anything.
>To be fair Wagner did do more than the french military as they have near zero fear of being brought to court for war crimes so they just shot up the Islamic villages from where the rebels come from.
Should have France done the same in your opinion? Should the French Army turn into Wagner with mustache and baguettes in mobiks asses instead of cocks?
If yes, you are retarded.
If no, then why shit on the French operations in the Sahel?
France was entangled ONCE in an event of the sort, in the village of Bounti (yes an African village is called Bounti, you can't make this up) where French, Burkinabés, Nigériens and Malians engaged armed JNIM/GSIM insurgents. 19 civilians were killed in a French guided bomb strike according to some Muslim Peul association of locals who claimed the dead were in fact present for a wedding. The UN then claimed the same in their report.
This single event was and still is used as propaganda material by Russia-backed putschists although back then the Malian state had backed France.
You would have wanted more of this from the French?
Childish post
>what you just said is pure gibberish lmao
NTA but if you think that is gibberish you must have a really weak control of the English language
Funny how accurate and succinct the analysis from the driver in Generation Kill was, lack of pussy really is a destroyer of worlds.
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>The Russians won the propaganda war hands down and convinced the nogs that all their problems are because of the french and if they let the Russians control things they can fix everything.
I usually trust Robert Young Pelton's comments about shitty ballsweat countries in some state of freefall or collapse but he was playing around with creating a Chadian TikTok account to see all the cool guy videos of Putin mixed in with scenes of African dictators arriving in limos. Soon as you change to a U.S. SIM card….poof they are gone. He thinks the UAE is playing a larger role than most of the media is reporting about it, and is throwing out a lot of money, bankrolling Wagner and supporting violent fucktards like Haftar and Sahel coupsters to squat on resources. AFRICOM, DoD and the CIA know that Abu Dhabi hires Wagner but it gets zero engagement and makes people uncomfortable.
this man cannot hold a conversation for shit, my god, yap yap yap
>Who would fight russia on the Baltics behalf?
The NATO forces already stationed in the Baltics.
>weak control of the English language
"controlling a language" btw. another gem right here lads.
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ITT: Pierre gets BTFO and spends his entire afternoon trying to save face
you just got disqualified, Boubakar Petrov
>waaah you disagree with my retarded takes therefore we can't have a discussion waaaaah
The French should have just started killing any Russian they caught in Africa (or anywhere, honestly), sinking any Russian ship they find anywhere, and making it clear to Russia that any Russian found outside of Russia is dead unless Russia fucks off from France's sphere of influence.
>making it clear to Russia that any Russian found outside of Russia is dead
why stop at the border?
>democratically elected pro France leaders
Don't look up Francafrique, or the number of coups backed by France in Africa since the 60s...
That was 50 years ago, most of the people involved are dead, places like South Korea or Taiwan went from poor as dirt dictartoship shitholes to first world economies in the same length of time, with way worse geopolitic positions, why Africa can't?.
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>Again let me quote you
Why waste your time helping those who cannot be helped. Retarded niggers will just destroy everything you build as soon as you turn your back.
That is a normal expression, anon.
I see your point, but desu Macron got caught off-guard regarding the different coups. He has been heavily criticized for it and it has been seen as a big failure from the DGSE to not anticipate it. Now France also has a lot of interests in Russia itself and was the biggest investing country there (maybe they still are, didn't check) even more than China, yes. It's never that simple, and a direct confrontation of France and Russia is very unlikely, it's always throughout proxies. Just like how Wagnerites got killed en masse last July by jihadists with so-called Ukrainian backing, you would be a fool to not think the French are also involved.

For now it may be too early, but I would bet a new series of coups happening again, maybe not tomorrow but during the next decade.
A contributing factor is probably desertification. Solid swathes of arable land in the Sahel are slowly but surely being encroached upon by the Sahara due to poor agricultural practices, destroying the living of many farmers in the process. As most countries in the Sahel are primarily agricultural, this has had a considerable impact on their economic and demographic health. Many young men are migrating to the cities from the country as their previous mode of life is becoming unsustainable, but there's just not enough jobs to go around, leading to rampant poverty, and an increase in the political importance of radical ideologies.
Why is Russia sending Wagner to the sandbox while their country is actively being invaded?
>That is a normal expression, anon.
NTA, I'm "gibberish-anon".
We usually talk about Command of a Language.
Apparently now they’re sending guys in Africa to Ukraine. They fumbled their neocolonial ventures with an unnecessary and poorly planned invasion of a neighboring state. Feels good.
What the hell does this have to do with weapons. This thread belongs on International or pol
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>But they are okay with expanding meat and armor, while western countries are not. Western countries are also fucked by propaganda and public opinions, while russia is not.

You don't really need exceptional amount of western people to fight the field-capable population of Russia, especially when it's an all-out modern war.

It's true that cold-war era leftist fearmongering and propaganda have left a mark but even if so, people are not blind and they'll see what living under russian occupation and business "leadership" would be.

Opinions change.
Exile because of Prigozhin
Mmmmm copium
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I’ve worked with a lot of smart and determined individuals throughout the MENA region who genuinely want to improve their communities and we have the tools and expertise to help them accomplish their goals. Open, normalized corruption is a huge hindrance to development in these areas, but a thorough vetting process and regular monitoring and evaluation follow ups ensure that the programs we support are usually successful. How does this tie into /k/ and national security? Well, young men are a lot less likely to join militant groups if they have legitimate job opportunities and access to basic education (things that corrupt local governments are unable or unwilling to provide). Improving food security through agricultural programs also reduces tension that can flare up into armed conflict (or fuel previously existing conflicts) over food and water access. Plus the travel and adventure are cool perks imo. Same reason why I joined the Navy over a decade ago. You have to deal with a lot of bullshit but it beats sitting in front of a desk all day.
It's a scary idea that niggers could emerge from the bushes at any time, unannounced.
lmao sucks to suck
Shit, new jersey has 2 out 3 in abundance. Just import more croats and albanians to seaside to round it out.
>Why is Russia sending Wagner to the sandbox while their country is actively being invaded?
The usual stuff.
Money, control of resources, geopolitical influence.
makes sense even if you don't understand your own post after typing it yourself

think, why would some soi cuck know anything about africa in a way where he could accurately judge and rank burkina faso as the most dangerous country in africa if it's the only experience he has

don't get mad at the messenger, my /k/ brainlet filter is full tonight
Most of my friends say they wouldn't fight. Should I shoot them and steal their snacks when the war starts?
Find better friends
ESL or low iq?
>Should I shoot them and steal their snacks
And this is what you plan for your friends?
everyone says that before the war starts

turns out wars usually start for pretty persuasive reasons
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Do the Russians even really have that much influence in Mali? Seems like these niggers are just taking Ivan for a ride and will throw him under the wheels as soon as someone bothers to offer a bigger bribe.


Off-topic, but Stalingrad is in my opinion, one of the greatest World War II films of all time, specifically because of its ending. Virtually everyone (except maybe Rollo) dies, and their deaths are as utterly senseless as they are horrific. That's exactly how most of the 6th Army died, freezing, starving, wasting away from illness, and all of it for nothing. You'd never find a portrayal of that particular war like that in extremely self-indulgent Russian or even American cinema.

Soundtrack is top-tier too


Based France
>some guy casually traveling in super-dangerous African shithole for fun
You can only choose one

my Arrakis, my Dune…
Sounds like the Kaotokli are the assholes.
>penitent crusade
The statewide 40K LARP continues
crying about the perfidious anglo as they rebuild their culture in the image of british toy slop
You're thinking of command of a language, esl kun
You mean extort
You just wait. The Russians will bring out the Sahelanthropus soon.
idk man, looks like ivan got btfo in this specific instance
>germany not responding to german army personal being killed by russians
>germany being held hostage because of le gas
[clownface emoji]
meanwhile the current war started to denazify Ukraine
oops, I meant to destroy american biolabs in Ukraine
oops, I meant to bleed NATO dry
oops, I meant to liberate Donbass
oops, I meant to secure vital natural resources
oops, I meant to restore the historical borders of Russia like in this cool map (don't ask what it looked like earlier tho)
oops, I meant to end the Anglo-Saxon world order
oops, I meant there is no war, it's just minor skirmishes
In short, having a good reason the public accepts to go to war is strictly optional, and this applies even in democracies (Iraq '03 being the best recent example). Of course, there might be a shitshow AFTER the war if your war was pointless. The Russians are applying the same strategy to this that they apply to all informational spaces, in that they flood the marketplace with ten different narratives at once and hope each individual person finds one of them convincing, or is just so confused they tune out because it all seems really complicated. Same as MH17, same as the Salisbury poisonings, same as Crimea 2014, etc.
the bigger prize is that a toothless Russian military can't keep doing chimpouts and making the rest of us bump up military spending
stopping them now is cheaper than stopping them in Poland or whatever
personally I think going all-in on allowing Ukraine to win back in the first year of the war was a worthwhile gambit (so giving them ATACMs, Western fighter jets, a far larger vehicle fleet, more HIMARS, etc.) even if it would destroy less total Russian equipment, because even the Russians would have to consider maybe trying out something other than a dictatorship for once in their goddamn history if they were decisively beaten in the Summer of 2023. But muh noooooooks I guess. Current Western strategy appears to be for Ukraine to lose slowly, so Putin holds onto power but has no army left to cause any further damage with afterwards - low-risk, low-reward.

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