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So the Russian MOD released a recruitment advertisment with 2 zooms on man crotches, a zoom on the mouth of a guy licking ice cream, a Russian soldier with a teddy bear and a guy sucking on banana smoothie.

Yep it's weird and while they try to say that if you don't join the army you are gay the whole add looks extremely closeted.

Also who the fuck thought that asking "would you rather be a vain YouTuber taking selfies with your Ferrari or be a man and join the war in a tank?" would make someone want to join the war?
I don't speak much Russian, but I think the subtext is meant to be
>join the Russian Armed Forces or u gay nigga
>join the Russian army to prove I’m not gay
>get fucked in the ass on day one

Yeah but after the crotch shot, the ice cream licking, the 2 guys on a date sucking on banana shakes the dick zoom on the guy in leather underwear was completely unnecessary,
It's 10 year olds in the playground logic
>nuh uh! if you don't lick the frozen tetherball pole, you're gay!
I honestly refuse to believe this is a real ad. It makes out DEI military ads look relatable by comparison. Which is FUCKING saying something.
Unfortunately, this.
It’s only gay if they consent
Holy shit the homoeroticism levels are off the charts. Did they use the least metrosexual gay Moscow men as examples in this or what?
Well the guys who made the manly recruitment ads have been sent to the cube attacks so they guys who left are trying their best if you don't mind that they are some rich oligarch kids who got drafted but daddy got money so they got this positions and they lived in rotten west for most of their lives
hmm, it is surreal to imagine this airing as a us army ad.
Unironically this.

I really want to rape another dude, but I don't want to be an annoying gay couple or whatever.

I just want to violently bust my load in another man's ass
Nigger, you're gay as fuck.
Time to stop living in denial.
I'm 99% sure that red car is a c7 corvette
what are the chances this was filmed in the US/west?
there can't be that many corvettes inside russia
I don't talk with a lisp

I don't care about fashion, celebrity gossip, or any of that girly stuff.

I just want to empty my balls inside another man
This would work on me.

>It makes out DEI military ads look relatable by comparison. Which is FUCKING saying something.

Came to post this
you'd be surprised.
That's the point tho, gotta tap'em quick before economy crashes and all the zesty patriotic twinks leave to EU. The MoD got dedov'd top to bottom.
>be hasan
>shill for the russians FOR FREE
>get mocked by the people you adore
Even the most masculine gays are still fucking GAY.
It's the man-on-man sex that makes you a faggot, not an effeminate personality.
The people who made this ad are so deep in the closet they're finding Christmas presents.
Nigga you want to fuck a mans ass, not a trap that looks like a woman, not some tranny thats at least trying to pass, you look at a mans hairy smelly ass and want to fuck it, you are gay simple as, couldnt possibly be less ambiguous.
>Captcha: NG4A
>omg why is russia so gay obsessed. are the gays in the room with you right now? cringe. you're the gay one.

I see a nerve has been struck.
I'm pretty gay and the fact they were more flamboyant in the ad and knew how to do it so well means, those niggas are gay as fuck.
It's like having a daycare ad showing pedophiles but really really nailing down the pedophile culture only pedos would know and having a zoom in of their crotch.

Are the Russians trying to recruit homosexuals. If I was a Russian homosexual that would play to me.
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saving this to post later in an unironic manner
>Hate fags
>Make a recruitment ad targeted towards fags
>Fags sign up, get sent to the front line and die
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When is it gonna get through your retarded thin russoid skull that American ads could be full on homo sex-tapes but that won't change the fact that American citizens live like actual people in one of the best countries on earth enjoying freedom, uncorrupted gov, high quality of life , and every other aspect of civilized frst-world country, while you live in.. well, Russia. Where get raped by a metal bar for not supporting Putin.
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Russia is a pretty homoerotic country, I don't think there's a single western country where gay rape is a common, defacto official form of punishment.
The amount of hoops you're jumping through to rationalize your homosexuality would put most show dogs to shame.
everything is according to the plan!
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>If wanting to fuck another guy makes you gay then 90% of the population is gay
I hope you're fucking trolling, because that's not normal.
Regular straights (>90% of the population) have ZERO desire to engage in same-sex relations.
If you want to fuck other men, that makes you gay. End of argument.
Dead ziggers are still dead ziggers. Overall, it's a super net gain for the rest of Earth.
It wouldn't make you any less brown and stinky.
It's still gay if you take it in the ass and if you're a raw recruit you are getting it in the ass.
I fucked my gf in the ass last night. Is that gay?
Holy shit nigga, you gay
Normal people (>90% of the population) are disgusted by the idea of two men getting it on. Even in countries where gays are tolerated, normal people still think they are disgusting, they're just polite enough not to say it.
Why don't the Russians just gun down the chechens? Like honestly, at this point why not pick up your AK and mag dump? Surely dying that way is better than hanging yourself and you get revenge.
Since you were probably thinking of men while doing it, yes.
So how much non-homo corrective dick did you take as a conscript tovarish?
I'd rather dress up like a faggot then get raped constantly by chechens. Not sure why vatniks think anal sex isn't gay but drinking smoothies is.
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>what are our men made out off?
fags and churkas apparently
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How is that gay??
2016 wants its meme format back.
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>it aint gay if I do it!
>That better be 100% vodka smoothie, comrade, Or it's gay, yes?
you are a closet case. there are these special apps for you types. meet up for a fag hook up to fill your homolust and get it out of your system
I'm back. Seems like it. It's playing to gay men who want to butch up. Otherwise you'd have just regular civilians being pussies.
But I'm gay, maybe im looking at the ad like gay guy would. If they aren't gay or marketing to gays I don't know what those faggots are doing.
I'd say 60% are straight, 10 are bisexual, 20 % are bisexual and hiding 10% are gay. Oddly I've lived in Texas, Kansas, California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri. I would say 1/4 of the conservatives there are hidden bisexuals. Texas is probably gayest state but hides it the most. Florida and California are gay but open but the amount of gays/bisexuals in Texas is staggering especially around Houston and Dallas. Between Houston and New Orleans is the "Down Low Belt". All those rednecks, gotta be half the population is gay, bisexual, hidden bisexual or swinging
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A Russian would never harm a member of a higher caste.
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>fags sign up
>immediately bugger the clueless cumniks taking advantage of the confusion
>middle manager handlers see their "manliness"
>promote the fags behind the lines of the meat grinder cumniks
I haven't jerked off in two weeks I am horny. I see man ass as flashlights now

Also look up #DiddyTerrorism. Some men are bred to be bred
>day one
Ugly Betty took a whole day to get fuk and not instantly on the recruitment center casting couch
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they dont get the ammo until they are well in the forward trenches with churkas pointing machine guns behind their backs. Beside mobniks have gotten a little payback: by reporting to the ukranian hotlines where the churka positions are to get them droned/arty/mortar
Most straight dudes have fantasized about other men.

Especially if they are really horny and need to nut

I guess that sucks if you are a natural top

This. Tons of bicurious straight dudes out there.

We still identify as straight because we are nothing like those gay stereotypes
no back before the woke era started obfuscating and amplifying this shit the research on the population was pretty conclusive. Fruit cakes reach max 2% of the population with the subset of perverts in the fraction of percentages. Even in a homosexual dystopia like puccia they never reached 10% even back in vatnik union times were known fags were processed through the system and thus recorded
Austin is not "Texas" though. Not anymore than Portland
How did Chechens go from an oppressed minority to enforcers with a free pass to steal, murder, and rape whoever they pleased? Like imagine if you started seeing fucking kurds do this shit in turkey the English in England.
Kadyrov switched sides
Monke pays off the Chechens to not start a third war.
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Is there any large city in the United States that isn't liberal?
>No roosters at bottom
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its like eastern euros kept telling westerners but oh so wise and experienced retards kept dismissing them
>the more you beat a russian, the more they love you
was true with stalin, is true with monke and in chechen churka case they get special minor aristocracy status because of the chechen wars and how they slaughtered the clueless vatniks there. Never mind that kadyrovs monkeys have nothing in commong with those who actually fought in there. Now they are part of monkes dictator enforcement system as a form of praetorian guard

if you try to be reasonable with them and treat them as humans you only get their disdain and encourage further aggression as they see you as a weak wristed faggot
What's the difference?
>Most straight dudes have fantasized about other men.
Zero basis proof of this claim.
Russia is a gachimuchi country
Kill mass repliers
the proofs is his projection of his own closeted homolust
>then 90% of the population is gay
That's just russia
Stats show otherwise

Remember the Kinsey reports?
It means your reading comprehension skills are shit.
why is it so gay
>There's only two things that come from Russia, mobiks and queers
>And you sure don't look like no 200kg casket!
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>that image

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you wouldn't get just how horny for man ass you get by being the based trad savior of the west
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Okay vatnik.
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>Russia is a country full of degenerate sissy gays
>So join the Russian Army
Monke here. What did they mean by this?
>Muslim Russian soldier
>They're a pig
Monke still here. what did they mean by this also?
Saving this image for when people tell me Russia is a trad christian paradise.
Lol, queen Russians honestly have more honor, valor, and courage than 99% of their population..

They're still probably chauvinist dickheads but still kek

Though honestly it works either way, lol autocorrect? I thought queer was ok again?!
banana smoothie kek
>banan smoothie

Clearly, somebody's in on the joke.
illuzi e bananano smoozi
All of the above, zigger, what are you gonna do about it, report me for gay propaganda
>banana is gay
monke won't like it
>>join the Russian Armed Forces or u gay nigga
>what are our made of, globohomo orthe good shit?
How old were you when you were molested?
The ass is in the ass
>There's two kinds of russians
>Liberals and fertilizers
Im so glad the gay guy who is projecting his fantasies on everyone is getting his posts deleted
Its actually fucking disgusting projecting your sexuality on people (especially here) that don't want anything to do with what your saying
>I want to rape guys!
>1/3 to 1/2 of all men in a large region of the US are closeted bisexual because... Because I think like that, so they must as well?!?
T. straight guy who crossdresses occasionally
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Holy fuck the levels of COPE. Nigga u GAY
monke wants illusions and banana smoothies
Fair and natural. I think the well has been poisoned regarding this sort of thing by people associating it with Russians, but the Greeks and several other cultures in history have had this practice. I think if you remove all female influences, fucking other men to assert dominance over them is the default mode, that is after all essentially what "prison gay" is. People recoil at this nowadays because they've been so spiritually castrated by women their whole lives that they cant break the conditioning. Are they scared they'll get one smell of cock and immediately become a faggot? Doesn't sound like a very secure sexuality.
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Blud is actually homosex
Is it bad to say that a straightforward offer like this would get me to join?
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Where's this one from?
Anon, homosexuality is when you want to fuck men
It is not speaking with a lisp, celebrity gossip or other gestures to appear nonthreatening, although such signals may be used to signify your sexual interests in a covert way.
But there are also the leathermen, very manly masculine homosexuals who signal homosexuality not through femininity, but masculinity.
that may be more your speed
They're making fun of you Western faggots.
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well the big profile political prisoner exchange did show that the russian liberals are also imperialists. wolves in sheep clothing
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THEY WERE PRAYING OKAY. stop projecting your kinks onto these tradcon orthodox holy warriors
another official war propaganda commercial
Ew anon
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>who signal homosexuality not through femininity, but masculinity.
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Already memoryholed
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Such deeply pious people will never stoop to such vile depravities, inshallah
Google VDV images, especially the ones where they uhhh frolick in a fountain. Yeah. Those were before the SMO too.
P/s. Remember, /k/ is not gay. We just like the Cervidae.
>100 million
You're counting babies, children and old people. Only a smaller percentage is men of military age. Out of this group, an even smaller percentage are fit enough to be good soldiers (rest are HIV, drunk, alcohol deformed, addicts, malnourished, fat). Out of the fit candidates, most have fled to the West because they tend to be the smartest too. You do the math.
Dude they are completely aware, come on this is the most basic bitch-tier homosexual urge they are describing.
>A fucking ramp
Why are you bewildered and confused woman, you have what he did and why he did it in your first fucking paragraph.
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here is the abrdiged version for y'all too lazy to watch the video
but they won't admit to it
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>I'll one up this dude somehow
>I know! I'll fuck him in the ass! That'll show him!
Did /pol/ write up the script for this?
this is great bait if you're just fucking around
When fishing, if you fish all of Fish Type A using Bait 1, then you need to switch to Bait 2 to get Fish Type B that remains. This is all this ad is. They've done everything else.

Also, their subtle jab at the Chechens by going on about 'streams'.
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are you retarded or simply slow?
ask yourself, who is writing /pol/'s script?
Yes, you can joke about it but its unironically true. If you think being forcibly fucked in the ass wouldn't leave a permanent scar on your sense of dignity, then you are either gay or delusional.
you're a gay rapist. maybe you should prowl the streets at night and rape the rapists who usually go after women.
This is proof that Gays need to be banned from military service.

Russians have the gayest fucking army on the planet and look how terrible it is.
Considering the AIDS rates in Russia, the gay(est) ziggers would serve the world better by continuing their activities unhindered.
I am not a white knight. Rapists are heroes

I want to rape a hot straight guy who fucks tons of women.

Nothing makes me want to fuck a guy than a hot guy fucking a woman
Such a bullshit show. Especially when Ice T said invels should just fuck prostitutes
shouldn't they make being a draft dodging twink look less.. glamorous?
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Another recent ad about how diversity and multiculturalism is Russias greatest strength (they proudly call themselves Muslims, Churkas, jews, etc)
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So the russia just went full: we're racing homosexual Jews, Muslims and other diversity mystery meat?
Is there a we're Indian in that rapid admission scene? Or we're American/ British?
This feels like an ad you'd see in fucking GTA or something.
I think it’s supposed to be a bunny based on the ears. I think they used AI
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Family guy did it
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could be way gayer
Why are Russians absolutely fucking OBSESSED with gays and gay sex?

These retards seem like they spend 24 hours a day just thinking about dudes fucking. What is the deal?
Nah, it's Bootleg Piglet from Soviet Winnie the Pooh.
Puccians were raging homos long before the embryonic vatnik union was ever made
Imagine if brovet culture was heavily influenced by prison culture which in turn was somehow even more fixated on ass rape with arcane rules and hierarchies about it and you understand why the average zegroid is the way they are.
>Is there a we're Indian in that rapid admission scene? Or we're American/ British?
Nah, just typical Russian minorities from Islamic shitholes mostly. It does mention Koreans which is bizzare because I can't recall ever hearing about any Koreans fighting for Russia.
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I'm not bothered by the fact that they're fags. What bothers me is them going "xaxaxa gay rape is of being manly))))))))" and pretending that it has nothing to do with wectern homos.
Russia is prison gay but they don't realize it. It's how powerful their brainwashing is upon their serfs
how likely is it that the Ferrari explodes, horribly maiming me and throwing me tens of meters into the air before I smash into the ground?
Which BRICS country are you from?
The Z stands for "zesty"
This adds further weight to my hypothesis that Russia itself is a group psychosis humiliation fetish.
Gayrapeans! Listen! It is not gay when it is punitive!
How does an allegedly straight guy even get hard when looking at a hairy, smelly ass of some other guy?
you've answered your own question
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/m1JiA60QtMc?list=RDMLIeA3ak_ow
I would have suggested "throw that boypussy" desu
No just russophobic, an entirely healthy and natural thing to loathe.
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>ayo them sum zesty ziggers
Bro why are you trying to justify your life to 4chan chud incels literally do whatever you want and fuck whoever you want.
for me it's gotta be
>russians are either soldiers or faggots
Yeah but the soldiers have more gay sex than the other ones.
forgive english, i am Russia. i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss. We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though. I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.
super weapons related thread
/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

>Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.
Yes it is! We're talking about and making fun of Russian MILITARY propaganda. And OP pic related is sanctioned by Russian ministry of defense.
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>Are the Russians trying to recruit homosexuals.
Unironically yes, don't you guys remember a couple of years ago when they ran an ad about how a blowjob under the stars in the front line trenches was an experience you'd remember for as long as you lived?
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>That belt buckle walk
they're saying that Americans are self-absorbed and feminized, which is a fair angle
the subtext is that all russians are faggots untill they join army.
>We are...
>(long list of all the people they conquered and enslaved)
>Gott mit uns

The more I look at this the more I see WW1 Germany.
>Did /pol/ write up the script for this?
Close, more like the other way around.
>they're saying that Americans are self-absorbed and feminized, which is a fair angle
not really no, you don't believe that unless you're actually retarded
because rusnigs are gay, they just can't admit it
>We just like the Cervidae.
sweet sweet deer titties
i mean i'd agree with freedom and higher quality of life, but all goverments are corrupt to some degree.
No government will avoid corruption, but no government in the world is as corrupt as Puccia's.
RIP Trevor
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>maybe you should prowl the streets at night and rape the rapists who usually go after women.
>Especially when Ice T said invels should just fuck prostitutes
Presumably as an alternative to raping and murdering women.
>This man is your FRIEND
>[Questionable Rapist]
>He rapes for JUSTICE
>i dont speak russian
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>I see a nerve has been struck.
They'll tell you you're angry but never tell you you're wrong.
Yeah. Buttsex is gay. Real men jerk off dressed as anime girls
is that rwby?
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friendly reminder
Trips of truth kek
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idk but speaking of rwby
shame that rwby went to shit after monty's death.
It never had good writing DESU, there's moments when it's almost passable but it's never GOOD.
well, monty understood rule of cool, and know how to contextualise fights well enough
norks have slave camps exported up in the far east cutting timber etc
unironically depends on how old it is
old Italian sportscars are a genuine menace
Is he wrong though? Imagine the billions being spent domestically instead of all the Holden Bloodfeasts in Washington DC spending that cash in forever wars.

Mock him for being bald, but he has good points. Remember, Culture!
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you know he got bigger paycheck from kremlin that you vania.
man i love those old louis de funes commedies
>all these anons not knowing the difference between being gay and wanting to fuck men
4chins is disappointing these days
And I thought that Ukraine is the gachimuchi country...
Damn, JD Vance looking slim here
wait there's a series? I thought it was just a lot of pictures of cute girls
like a western touhou
MIC 101:
>go to war
>spend materiel on war
>need to get new war stuff
>spend money to make more war stuff
I would love to see a touhou videogame. One can dream
Russia's deep in the closet it borders Narnia.
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someone say touhou?
remilia is romanian
>if you dont join the gay rape institution you are gay
>like a western touhou
Rape is a weapon.
I used to work with a gay guy. His name was Russ. QED.
The VA for red became a Vtuber using her model and uses it to stream in character, which makes her the most anime anime girl streamer currently available on the internet
>lived in rotten west
they're escaping to the west instead of dying in wave attacks? why would they want that
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>The Western Satire predates the genuine Russian motivational.
Fuck me, intellectualism really died in the 2010's, huh.
Oh there is a series, but you missed the best part, which was shitposting on /co/. The writers aren't quite Russian tier incompetent, but they're close. Just as an example, they made the 2016 presidential election a major plot point in their not-on-earth fantasy series and then went on record saying they had no idea people would consider it political.
Monty had a fantastic understanding of animation, fights, and storytelling. You can see it in his RvB work as well.
As in, it's unreal how utterly cracked he was, when he decided to cook. I've used some of his combos in proper fights and fencing bouts and they've actually held up.
If he didn't accidentally die due to anaphylaxis, I'd bet good money that he'd end up as one of the "greats" of the animation world, like JEJ to voice acting, or CS Lewis to fiction.
Anything that happened post Oum is not fucking cannon, and I refuse to acknowledge it.

the most heterosexual russian male
what causes this tier of mental fuckup
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>this thread
Should have put more cute twinks into the ad instead of random dudes with beards
ok but how will this improve recruiting

use twinks as barrack bunnies to improve morales of manly and trad russian males
>If he didn't accidentally die due to anaphylaxis,
he was cobained by his whore of a wife
kek looks like him but he's not fucking a couch
imagine how manly russia could be if they didn't think about homosexuality so much
If your dick gets hard for a male asshole...nigga i got bad news for you. You gay.
anti lgbt propaganda has been used as an excuse in Russia for everything. Putin uses it to keep the ultra orthodox religious people on his side and to support his indefinite presidency. Now they're using it to tell young Russian men become cannon fodder or everyone around you is going to think you're a faggot for not stepping up. Not surprising at all. What a joke of a country.
Imagine watching that ad and thinking the flamboyant effeminate turbo fags in the city looked cooler than the men with machine guns in tanks out in the woods. Today, OP was quite literally a faggot.
they don't look cooler, but they do look like they're still going to be alive a week from now
there are two types of faggots: the rich bored sheltered guys who are sexually desensitized and crave new kinks, or the poorest or poor desperados willing to fuck anything, even a hole in the ground, to have a shred of comfort.
you're looking at the former, and the former are still smart enough to see that being a faggot in city centre moscow is orders of magnitude better than dying in the mud with your entrails scattered all over the bushland
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That's classic closet gay shit. Pure overcompensating

False dichotomy
Either you are in the army or you are a degenerate homosexual who would be banned from san Francisco for being gay
There's a variety but these Russians are over the top gay. Ive never seen this level of gay even as a joke and I lived key west and I'm gay
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Meanwhile on the russia.
>to keep the ultra orthodox religious people on his side
>ultra orthodox religious people
>indefinite presidency
>due to popular support
>in russia

Russian religiosity is a performative act, a media phantasm; not a belief in god and/or following of doctrine, but a belief in that you are pious and righteous no matter what you do.
Casually break every commandment, never read or even own the bible, believe
in karma, reincarnation, horoscopes, supernatural stuff, visit all kinds of mediums/fortunetellers/sages, clutter the home with pop-feng shui/buddhist talismans, interact with church only for baptism of children/funeral service for the dead and very occasionally visit for easter service or christmas, and proudly proclaim "we are the most pious, godly people on earth, not like those westerners! have you seen their churches? they sit in the church and don't have any icons, can you imagine that?".

And russian homophobia stems not from religion, but entirely from prison culture. To become a "petukh" is to become irreversibly untouchable, and opportunities for that are plenty. That's why they are so neurotic about everything that could be perceived or interpreted as homo.
>orthodox but they break all the rules constantly
yeah thats what I meant

>prison culture only
you can't deny religion plays a part in the homophobia, even if they break all the other rules they cherry pick that one, same as fundamentalist usa Christians
>Imagine the billions being spent domestically instead of all the Holden Bloodfeasts in Washington DC spending that cash in forever wars.
The forever war, as you call it, maintains international trade, which is the source of western wealth.
That's why your talking points are all about isolationism, it's essential to convince USA to self-isolate if you want to bully other nations with impunity.
>Also who the fuck thought that asking "would you rather be a vain YouTuber taking selfies with your Ferrari or be a man and join the war in a tank?" would make someone want to join the war?

Yes it is weird that Russia has such traditions and probably some sinister capability in some psyops or the psy side of conventional ops - and yet sometimes they stumble like their information projects were planned and excecuted by 16-year-olds. Which alphabet combination is responsible for this shit?
Born to die
world is a fuck
kill 'em all 2022
I am vatnik
600,000 cool dead russian solder
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>>all these anons not knowing the difference between being gay and wanting to fuck men
>Fucking men in the ass to assert "dominance" is totally natural and I'm not a degenerate in the least
>It's even been done before in the past, so it's obviously good!
A window into the thirdie - let's be honest, the Old World (to include Europe and Asia)- mindset.
America's biggest mistake was becoming deeply entangled with the Old World.
>If your dick gets hard for a male asshole...nigga i got bad news for you. You gay
It's not bad news anon, it's just news.
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being sexually abused as a child and/or no father figure.

>but at least I looked cool and wasn't gay
>raped by chechens
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>your an happy guy who enjoys icecream and banana smoothies if you don't want your face blown off by a drone
What did they actually mean by this?
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I feel like I watched an Orangina commercial. They are so deep in the closet that you'd need NVGs to find them.
The Russian army functions on anal rape, so if the ass is of a higher quality it will increase recruitment numbers and improve morale.
>getting raped will make you feel bad
Groundbreaking stuff. It doesn't change the fact that the one getting an erection and maintaining it while fucking another man in the ass is the true homo.
This ad has convinced me that the russian army is not gay, but in fact very heterosexual
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its quite literally tradcon and orthodox to engage in homolust in puccia. Its been recorded for centuries
prison gay is just regular fags. difference between the fruit cakes dancing in the street and the ones behind in bars is that they are in denial about it. Thus the retarded rules and games on what makes someone a fag
Does jerking off make you autosexual?

You are just using another man's ass as a fleshlight
propaganda is a weapon in the military arsenal zigroid
well nobody told you had to get involved with WW2, which was the event that defined burgers position with europe. Beyond defending yourself in the pacific that is. could have gone full "i dont give a fuck" mode like brazil did and be non the wiser
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>the event that defined burgers position with europe
you mean the great patriotic war?
> could have gone full "i dont give a fuck" mode like brazil did and be non the wiser
Anon, you might want to brush up on your history
Important information for western scholars: Russian society practiced atheism on state level for 70 years.
>America's biggest mistake was becoming deeply entangled with the Old World.
America is way more savage compared to Europe though.
Now all they need is the Chemical X.
It's just a wheraboo
What if I was dressed as an anime girl while I was fucking her in the ass?
I have SEVERAL questions.
It's all answered when you see how unironic the US propaganda resembles the gay side, even Fbi CIA ads.
the plan was to make america look gay by portraying gay-looking russian men?
at least the US doesn't try to pretend it's not a bunch of fags. We'll have guys in fur suits proudly fucking each other in the ass as they press the big red button in a nuclear submarine to start WW3.

what makes this so funny and sad is that russia tries to pretend its not a country of closeted homosexuals. Meanwhile they're all fucking each other in the ass in the barracks, in the trenches, in the scooby doo van, in the tank, etc.
I mean
>be rich
>have ferrari
>have wife with giant fake tits
>drink smoothie
>life is good


>be in trench
>have balls blown off by drone shrapnel
>get fucked in the ass by Yuri for morning breakfast
>get fucked in the ass by Chechen for supper
>eventually commit suicide with own gun
>get turned into cube
You all probably won't understand but most of these ads are targeting not men but women who are supposed to push their husbands to join the army for money. It just gives them yet another argument.
Also for mothers with their sonbaskets still living at home
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>It's all answered when you see how unironic the US propaganda resembles the gay side, even Fbi CIA ads.
There is no US recruitment ad that looks as gay as this one
America already is gay. That's the point.

>We'll have guys in fur suits proudly fucking each other in the ass as they press the big red button in a nuclear submarine to start WW3.

You said it, not me.

You have to resort to projecting your own gayness when they're just making fun of you for it.

It's like a game of smear the queer. You got pasted and now you're accusing everyone else of being the queer.
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Sounds normalny to me comrade))
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>only gays want banan
Monke is going to freak
zesty ass puccian, just don't spread aids outside your shithole
>Western military ad
Challenging adventure!

>Russian military ad
Guilt trip/bullying

Really reflects the cultural spirit.
>be an effeminate muscovite
>be a strong cubik fodder
Pocnnr bros, if you don't enroll you're gay
>t. seething homo
>how to send your husband to work
>to the psychologist
what does "svo" mean? it's mentioned 3 times
Special military op
5 out of 10 are about sending teh husband to war
special military operation.
I don't remember any cupcake cock thrusting in any us army ads.
Cyrillic for SMO

The us military had tasteful cartoon lesbians in the background lmao. That was the extent of its lbgtpbbq gay shit. I can't imagine what Russians are thinking.
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rancijeet, unlike you civilized peoples hands are not hairy, sweaty and covered in shit. You stick your dick in some ass your a fag. Specially so if its a another dudes ass. Trying to claim otherwise is just pure ass cope to deal with the cognitive dissonance of dealing with the homolust
the USSRs collapse really was kind of a shame, at least they were psychotic buttrapists who cared about technological progress instead of turning everything into shit out of spite
>well nobody told you had to get involved with WW2
Hitler did, actually, when he declared war on America on 11 December 1941
This one's going to age really well.
>they tuk r gays
This anon clearly doesn't know russian history.
i mean they did beat us to space. even though we didn't really know we were racing
since none of you faggots have done it yet have a WEBM of the advert for later shitposting
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This is literally some of the gayest shit I have ever seen
Is dangalang time
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improved version
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>but he has good points
>not drones
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you know i never thought about it before but i'm pretty sure i've now seen more zigger suicides on this site than regular anheroes.
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>There's a variety but these Russians are over the top gay. Ive never seen this level of gay even as a joke and I lived key west and I'm gay
Yeah I'm certified gay and was I shocked. It looks like a Charlie XCX/Pabllo Vittar video.

>hmm, it is surreal to imagine this airing as a us army ad.
During the GWOT there were some boomer memes about red states = army, and blue states = fags but they never made it official.

>Even the most masculine gays are still fucking GAY.
I was listening to Adam Friedland's podcast and they were talking about chad gays, but he said he still couldn't be gay because if he was having gay sex he'd think... "this is fucking GAY." Which made me kek.

>Anon, homosexuality is when you want to fuck men
>It is not speaking with a lisp
It's more of a pronounced sibilant. The "s" sound is like a hiss. Mel Brooks made a joke about this in Blazing Saddles.

>They're making fun of you Western faggots.
>they're saying that Americans are self-absorbed and feminized, which is a fair angle
The gays depicted are Russians! Russia is depicted as a decadent society of smoothie-drinking homosexuals! That's what is so crazy about this!

>The us military had tasteful cartoon lesbians in the background lmao ... I can't imagine what Russians are thinking.
I'm not a psychotherapist but I think it's some kind of Freudian thing. Sadomasochism. The ad is saying "be exploited in the army and suffer." It's like wearing restraints in BDSM. The over-the-top fags are meant to inspire rage in the viewer, but it's a mindfuck since what you're doing in the army is basically sucking dick on command. This depends on massively repressed homoerotic fantasies buried deep in the unconscious mind, a camp interest in uniforms, an obsession with flogging and a hatred of everything silky and effeminate. They're really terribly exploited.
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Huh, so that's what he was on about.
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You can have both
>query: how to send (your) husband
>- how to send (your) husband to SMO
>- how to send (your) husband to war
>- how to send (your) husband to a medical labor dispensary (tl note: soviet style prison asylums for drunks and such)
>- how to send (your) husband to paternity leave
>- how to send (your) husband to psych asylum
>- how to send (your) husband to SMO forum
>- how to send (your) husband to SMO if he doesn't want to
>- how to send (your) husband to mobilization
>- how to send (your) husband to work
>- how to send (your) husband to therapist
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I'll say it once, I'll say it again.
Pride makes for a good army.

Russians are cucked in many ways, but one of their ways (like most thirdie militaries) is that they're so caught up on proving they're manly men, not gay, not queers, but REAL TRVE MEN.
Hence how you get >>62504655 and >>62506310 and distinctly, >>62507168.

Thing is, when an army spends time enforcing masculinity, it's wasting time that could be spent on warfare, and soldiers spend energy on fitting in, or making sure they don't say something that's too "out there", instead of their actual job. Moreover, you're only drawing from a portion of the population, and providing a hard "no" to others. This is bad because diversity, for all it's meme'd, is unironically incredibly valuable in a practical sense. That's half the whole reason the US is THE global superpower, despite being basically a brand new country. It had resources, people from all walks of life, and was good at supporting those people to make something of themselves together (and when it stops this, it will cease to be a superpower).

Meanwhile a modern military, you've got some people in gyms in their free time, others are in fursuits and 69ing each other. But they don't give a shit because it's been hammered into each of them that they're all bros.
Sure, if we're being generous, maybe a 'manly man' military might have a more rugged population than a contemporary. But facts are women can press buttons, queens can fly jets (better against AA as they can't fly straight) and some even say chicks tend to make better snipers due to xyz (though personally I think it's pretty even).
So they can bring in people from more walks of life, more perspectives, and these guys and/or girls aren't doing their jobs whilst constantly looking over their shoulders, or only proposing suggestions that they think are "appropriate" or not going to get them lynched for wrongthink because "that plan sounds weird, and I heard you are a homosexual".


This army that spends none of its time and energy on policing itself for tactically or strategically irrelevant criteria will always outperform a similar army that does. They will have a greater recruit pool, have a greater range of perspectives among officers and nco's, have more focus to think about war. And that's not even considering H&M, between a corps in a city that cares deeply about establishing masculinity, vs a corps that is fine with all walks of life.
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Yeah something like that. The underlying psychology here is some Harkonnen we-love-our-slavery shit
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>double cheeked up on a thursday afternoon
hair and makeup?
Or to put it another way, I'm reminded of that Ukrainian officer who was interviewing a Russian prisoner. I can't remember how it went but the Russian prisoner said something like "I might suck Putin's dick but you suck American dick," and the Ukrainian officer said "have you tried not sucking any dick." I doubt the Ukrainian approved of any dick-sucking but there's a difference between dick-sucking being allowed but optional and it being mandatory but psychologically repressed. The ad reflects a kind of doublethink and so it looks completely crazy to us.
That chick can get it bruh. I wanna see them sweater puppies bounce while she rides me. Sucks about her dead son tho
pretty good ad desu
I'm a deeply closeted gay man and it worked on me even tho I'm not gay
This advert would appear to be promoting homosexuality as the way to to get a higher quality and more fun life if you're Russian.
Hearts and minds. Get the civilians in the area on your side, or at least ambivalent to your presence.
What the US failed to do in their war in the Middle East.
And currently what Russia is failing to do in their occupied territories in Ukraine, and Ukraine is doing pretty well.

If you're being occupied by a troop of "HVRD MILITARV MVN" who live their day to day as a constant pecking competition to see who's top cock and who's bottom bitch, they're going to be awful to put up with because they'll have indoctrinated themselves into a specific caricature of a cunt, they'll feel they have to keep up appearances with you, and anyone feeling stressed out by their constant squabbling (ie, all of them that don't get to buttfuck someone beneath them) are way more likely to start taking it out on you.

Moving armies through villages during Napoleonic times was famously bad for the locals, as many armies had awful internal conduct, and without provosts or the knowledge that these were your fellow countrymen, rape and looting were incredibly common. Especially if this was a city siege.
Hell, compare WWII US to Russian held territory in Germany. There are two separate Sabaton songs I know of, both about how Germans fought hard and glorious military actions against the Russians, who were famously awful even back then, so they could surrender, civilians and military alike, to the Americans.
the US is only recruiting trannies to weaponize their autism for logistics.
>t. spess ferce
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>even in their propaganda, they are STILL riding ontop of their IFVs
Why are they like this?
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WWII themed death cult.
Their (braver, more honorable) ancestors (that failed to pass on their genes, instead being replaced by communist subanimals and churkas) rode on tanks because they had very few APCs or even trucks. They emulate this behavior in the hopes of being liberated from the pain of being russian like the desanti before them.
Why was he big mad at a porn game again?
because he's bald
The reason its so insane to the Russian mind is that their entire society is built around being someone's slave/bitch. There are even bitches who have bitches. Their entire gulaghomo society is built around the slave mentality of "whose dick am I going to have to suck (sometimes literally) now?"
They cannot fathom a society that doesn't work that way. Its been this way in Russia for hundreds of years at this point.
Fucking kek
America is profoundly gay, mostly because of puritanism. You got niggers seriously scared of wearing shorts above the knee in case they suddenly start sucking cock, so they walk around in 100 degree heat wearing 3/4 shorts, because exposing the knee is basically a sexual invitation. Still its no big deal, your corny repressed mode of thinking is dying out, since zoomers are all bi.
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>Why are they like this?

The BMP-2's fuel tanks are located on the passenger compartment doors. Yes, Communists are that stupid.

>Their entire gulaghomo society is built around the slave mentality of "whose dick am I going to have to suck (sometimes literally) now?"
>They cannot fathom a society that doesn't work that way. Its been this way in Russia for hundreds of years at this point.

Now you understand what Western civilization is up against. An Asiatic race whose not only biology and spirituality, but entire worldview, is alien and diametrically opposed to ours on a fundamental level.
Why is he so bald?
played too much xbawks
>Shoigu gets the twink bois into the (rape) yard
It's unironically safer and more comfortable. And is an image ingrained in them since Afghanistan, so it's not controversial even if it's a lowkey acknowledgment that their APCs and IFVs are tracked coffins turned crematoriums at the slightness hit because the seats and exit doors double as fuel tanks as if being cramped and hard to exit from wasn't enough.
>ilusions and banan

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