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Japan destroyed every last one of the coolest 5906s on the planet edition.

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Last thread >>62497735
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PPK posting forever!
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post revolvers
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Wish I had one
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you linked to the wrong previous thread
The CSX chads have inherited the Earth
P230 is pretty kino. They are a little bigger but the manual of arms is much improved. It's a better gun in most ways.
I will not stand for this PPK kino erasure!
>Last thread
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Ya but it's not a Walther®™©℠
On a scale of 1-10, how proficient are you with your handguns?
I polished the safety plunger on my Glock. It did smooth the trigger out a noticeable amount and reduce takeup. But afterwards my Glonk, which was tight as a virgin and did not rattle whatsoever when a mag was loaded and it was cocked, has a slight plastic rattle.
Is this something I should be worried about? Did I fuck up the firing pin channel or something?
10 is Ben stoeger, I’m therefore like 3, shooting at speed, shooting while moving, completely different ball game

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>Handgun General #1377

What's the thing at the top of the photo, with the three cylindrical... things?

That's called a case hinge. Did they not give you a free plastic case when you bought your last new handgun?
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Your photo...? You mean... the hinge...? Is this bait?

Damnit Japan.

Reminds me of the Mexican 5906 Jerry did a video review on. I severely regret passing up on a slew of 5906s the were on GB a few years back. They were called "Centurion" models but I've never seen anyone make any reference to such a thing. Regardless, they were going for $400 a pop and I just wasn't in a place at the time to even justify that.

There are people that are glad the 92 won the XM9 trials. Then there are people that wish the P226 won the trials. Then there's the rest of us that wish the 459 had won.
This guy doesn't know what a hinge is
That's OK. I think a lot of people forget that you can appreciate something for what it is without comparing it to something else and the P230 is a really nice gun. I babysat my buddy's when he was out of the country for a while and I loved it. If I wasn't a Bondfag I might have got one instead of the Walther®™©℠
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Glock 19 is 1.004 inches wide
Sro is 1.204
I can confirm it disappears with the enigma
Honestly like a 3 compared to someone who does it for a living.
I wonder if I should get a ligma for the CSX, I've been using a muddy river tactical aiwb thing with a claw.
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>They were called "Centurion" models
No context makes this make sense.

AFAIK they were plain Jane 5906s but had front serrations. No indication of anything special like a PC treatment but also couldn't see if they had cool shit like a barrel bushing all the fancy ones have.

Another pic of the Nip 5906 from someone else
Probably around a 3
I can keep up with my local competition shooters with my edc glock 19 but I’m far from outpacing them and being small doesn’t help with recoil
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I feel your pain anon, I'm chasing one since I saw a Colorado State Patrol 4006 just a couple of days too late, they went for less than 550
I like Beretta as a company more than SIG or S&W so I'm okay with this
Have you had any trouble with the CSX trigger reset? I just started watching some youtube videos and everyone is bitching about it.
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Be a lot cooler if it was picrel
>Glock 19 is 1.004 inches wide
I swear it's wider

maybe hold off on the phlster, it's like 100 bucks.

I have an idea if you use this
as the belt but then buy the https://www.phlsterholsters.com/shop/paracord-leg-leash-kit/
you can get what the enigma does at about half the entry cost. the leash system is important for belt less systems,

mine has the false reset, I just completely let off the trigger, or I try to. There is a fix you can do with a file to fix it + the new manufactured ones fixed the false reset

it's caused by the firing pin block plunger resetting/disengaging as the trigger resets, it's plunger that drops and so that is the source of the tactile feel. somewhere on the fourms there is a fix where you ramp that plunger so it lets off gradually instead of all at once so there is no tactile feel or click. I don't know what the new manufactured ones do to fix it but I wouldn't be surprised they copied that forum post. I've seen people disable the firing pin block and lighten the trigger to like 2 pounds on facebook groups.
>being small doesn’t help with recoil
All the offense in the world intended anon, but meant well:

That is a shitty excuse. There's a ton of female shooters that are probably five foot nothing weighing a buck-ten who could easily outshoot 99% of people out there.

Maria Gishchina for instance placed 6th in a world competition where Ben Stoeger was 1st. Tatiana Gaider is Taran Butler's number one... uh... "friend" and she looks like a strong gust of wind will take her down but her shooting is leagues above most.

>see pic and look at how much extra room she has on that grip; she's tiny
>but her shooting ability...

There's a ton more examples, but this is why Haley emphasizes biomechanics; how to hold a gun, how to stand, how to position arms, shoulders, etc. THOSE mitigate recoil far more effectively than brute force does.

Don't even start, I waffled on the ONG 870s back in the day because I thought it was neat but had an 870 and a bunch of other shotties. Now, if you can find one, they're stupid expensive.

Don't get me wrong, I have a 92FS and I love the shit out of it. Just something about the thought of an alternate reality where people had a Colt 733 with a Smith 459 makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
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You get a PPS
Tbf it’s only 21 oz and remarkably light for its bulk and once cold weather returns I can run it again
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at least this is less cringe than people claiming these clowns could outshoot an average gun owner.
Instead they placed 30th and Turk Chad beat them despite using no equipment. Ginny is even more of a clown since these clowns beat her to qualify.
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>case hinge

Oh! I thought it was some kinda weird attachment for the pistol... durr.
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Oof, I had already forgotten about the Alaskan DLS 4006 I skipped because I didn't know more about third gen Smiths, feels bad man
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Nice PP
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Verification not required
I’m not saying being 125 pounds means I can’t shoot well
I’m saying it means I’m always gonna be a step behind people like stoeger with the body weight to dampen more of the recoil
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the grip was what I was talking about
Guys please
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>Alaskan DLS 4006
I passed on the CHP 4006 TSW which was cool as shit because it had an integral rail (not the bolt on one)

But I knew as a .40S&W I would literally never shoot it and converting it to 9 just didn't feel right.

Fun fact for those that aren't too savvy for the Smith autos: they're basically redesigned BHPs with the FCG from a P38
>Beretta 92 also borrowed heavily from the P38 including the locking block
Did you do the maraca test with the same mag both times? Some Glock mags just rattle for some reason.
Guns rattle a little anon
All my glocks do it and I’d be willing to bet my bf’s sig 226 elite rattled a little too
Don't worry about it
Don’t mind my 3x zoom camera trying to escape my phone during this recording
I may be a bit retarded
Verification not required
That’s like the 4th one in a row
>they're basically redesigned BHPs with the FCG from a P38
If you can't do your own homework, might as well copy off the A students.
it's honestly crazy how cheap ammo is still
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imagine not owning cool lingerie for your guns
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This is why I like Chapman stance and PowerPoint. Your feet are positioned to let you take weight in a stance that resembles sword fighting.
I really need to work on my grip and posture. I've seen a bunch of videos but I think I'm still doing one or two things wrong
do you have any 1911 stuff
What is the maraca test?
I just don't want to have fucked up my gun.
And people say autism isn't based
yes but no 1911
Been waiting for a used P30S to pop up locally but that 3 mag rebate from HK sounds worth it enough to buy one new. Should I just go for that at this point?
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PPK chads: is it better to carry condition 2 with the trigger reset or still or in cocked position like >>62504714?
And I mean better for the gun since the trigger already being reset is quicker and one less point of failure in an emergency safety would be on in both cases
Dangerously based
How do you walk around in a gun show and not feel like all the vendors are staring at you wondering when you'll fuck off so they can get back to yapping?
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>G17.3 stock (main)
>G26.3 stock (backup)
Is it everything a man of action needs in his day-to-day life ? Are we fooling ourselves with gen 5s, front serrations and slimliners ?
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Keep some money aside for trigger work. I dumped the L and the reg is going as soon as I can find a decent trade for it. cause I fell for the LEMeme.
they aren't exported anymore and I want to see them.
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Whoever claimed in the last thread that they have a forbidden trick for firing 10mm from a USP without modifying any parts needs to elaborate.
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If you don't get it you don't get it
redpill me on glock clones . I have spare glock 19 gen 3 parts , what do.
Yeah, the gen 3’s are great if the grooves fit your hands
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Obviously I don’t get it Burt, I would not otherwise have asked for an explanation.
Go to thegatalog.com and print a frame
I fingerfondled a USP .45 today for the first time. It felt really great in my hands, loved the slide and trigger. It was only $700 with 2 mags and case. I didn't particularly enjoy that I couldn't hit the paddle mag release with my thumb despite my weird long fingers but I figure if Tom Cruise can get proficient with it, I should be fine. My local range has one for rent so I'm gonna try that before I buy
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The chairmanwon ones are nice but need a $6 reprint after 3k rounds
You are not supposed to use your thumb with the paddle mag release
i feel like a fool :-/
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return to wood and steel white man
I refuse to own any Glock that isn't a really made in Austria
lmao, lawful evil anon got banned for calling mods indians
reminder that blue boards have no tolerance for bigotry
A moment of silence pls
We actually do have a spammers from India problem. You can’t tell because they type weird and spam zig talking points and if you ever ask them to post guns they will refuse even after you post your own
>multiple berettas
what's the fucking point? this is no different than people who buy 10 different ARs
>the super penis penis
have you shot it at all? Always loved how it looked.
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>no FS
>no extended nor ambi controls
>no dot
>no magwell
>not even a light
>700 bucks of used guns top
>absolute reliability
>peak classisism
How did I missed such a simple but efficient buying strategy ? I feel rekt.
who's the old guy?
there's a different between multiple ARs and a 92S, SB, F, FS, 96 centurion, M9A1, etc

also how will I display all my beretta lasers if I don't have multiple berettas
why do you have a circumsized P38?
>doesn't recognize him
/hg/ has fallen, billions must die
The patron saint of Beretta shilling
Who is the patron saint of /hg/?
Don't tell me it's Ben...
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it's cold out ok
>Don't tell me it's Ben...
Sigga, please!
Beretta is probably my favorite firearms manufacturer but I can't scrape together one iota of fuck about Langdon.
Are you not gonna put a front sight on the frame?
nah that's not what god intended
going in blind, all I need is the laser to guide my shot
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wat dis
beretta 92 subcompact
and it's not dogshit like the px4 subcompact!
>and it's not dogshit like the px4 subcompact!
in .40s&w
I own a PX4 SC and this is all very hurtful
>None on gunbroker
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Yeah about 200 rounds, it's about what you'd expect in 9mm Ultra, but I don't want to spend anymore of that rare ammo, I only had a case to start with
How much did that set you back?
A few hundred a few years ago. Looks like they haven't risen much, probably due to ammo
Had a black .357 snubby one. They're imported by EAA. Fit and finish is rough and the grip had a tendency to slide off somewhat easily. Otherwise I never had any issues with it.
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Cant your big PP use makarov ammo? They’re basically the same thing
Also I went deep woods and fired a few shots. The new mag works fine but the old one popped loose. I’m disappointed since it was very concealable.
I guess this means I have to use the grip extension mag
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Can someone tell me why a clone can cost more than the OG?, this is made in a local factory (Bersa) so no extra cost but still cost $200 more than a colt 1911
Those are so beautiful. I appreciate you looking into it but unless it's a unicorn I can't justify buying a gun I essentially can't shoot
God how could Walther fuck up the PPS by making the M2 frame so fucking ugly?? The M1 is so nice, a mini P99 even
Is it like the 45 Super trick, only with a 40S&W USP instead of a 45?
I've been looking for a .357 pocket pistol. How does it shoot?
>serrated front strap
>ambi safety
probably has more work into than a colt. colts are not quality 1911s
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what you want is this
>show boomer fud my small PP, he loves it and asks to touch it
Must be all the bond nostalgia or something
Should I buy now? Is there a risk of price spikes from panic buying?
Why not use Deluge, the free and open source torrent client?
Anyone into Tanfoglio? Local shop has some entry models they want to cycle out. A defiant and a witness I think. Tempted to expand to a hammered 9mm. Are they good?
CZs with the kinks worked out. Better than berettas I feel.
That bish has had more cox run through her than that pistol has had round run through it.
>You wifu is absolutely clapped out
How does it feel to be lastt in line?
>Maria Gishchina for instance placed 6th in a world competition where Ben Stoeger was 1st.https://youtu.be/18PbwYdjsps?si=oFrOyNkOvBSRcwDw
I want to pet that cat, but I'm afraid he'll swat me.
None of those people could win a gun fight they didn't initiate.
Please don't kill my dog.
White grips look fantastic on blued guns.
Only one of them knows how to shoot a gun. They’re air gun competitors and despite jiggling around with 1000$s worth of custom equipment a Turkish chad wearing a 20$ kit with a second hand pistol and a Korean woman utterly destroyed them.

The Euro posters say they could outshoot anyone but an old divorced angry guy can literally just pick up a gun and outshoot them
My brother once had guests while I was in his house recovering from Covid . One of them tried to pick yellow up and got mauled
schizo poster
Are LOK Grips CZ 75 slim grips any good? Or will I feel buyer's remorse since the CZ rubber factory grips help form ergonomics?
They are better than the stock rubber for sure. The rubber grips suck when you are sweaty or wet.
I'll buy some Standard thickness ones then. The slipperyness when my hands get sweaty is exactly why I'm looking into these.
Is there a recommended pattern? I'm thinking of just going with checkered.
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Based schizo poster then
I switched the spring out for a fresh wolf 32. Eve if I couldn’t install the 380 it should still be fine to shoot a box of buffalo bore, right? I want to see if my gun feeds it since it’s the best for going through windshields for 32
is the sig ROMEOZero optic really that dogshit? never held one and looking for something budget for an extra pistol i have, but ive seen a few comments about how bad it is
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Thoughts on this bad boy? Is it carry friendly?
its fucking polymer. polymer body, plastic lens.

it's dogshit, it's functional but really is just a optic plate cover plate. worth about 50 dollars.
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To the px4 shill: you were right. This OG LTT px4 is the single most FUN gun to shoot for me rn.
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Don't mention it
I got the most aggressive ones. There's a scale of aggressiveness
just shoot it and report back. also, post your safety.
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I mean, you're welcome

now you have to get the small one too
Do you carry the inox versions?
I got rid of it years ago. Honestly, if you get a snubby, shoot .38spl out of it. That short of a barrel for .357 is bonkers. The flash and concussion is enough to hurt both an attacker and yourself.
There’s basically zero risk of damaging the gun from a few shots, right?
It’s within the traditional energy yield of European 32
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I switch between these two, the iron sights make carrying in the summer much easier. While I do have another inox slide with iron sights I carry the one on the left, it’s actually a completely NP3’d slide, barrel, cam block, trigger group gun I found used. I believe it was a Langdon employee gun since it was from the same city as LTT in Arizona.
That's on the upper limit of what I would consider to be a comfortable weight, but carrying it should be doable. It will feel a lot nicer OWB than IWB.
I can't tell you that, but then again it should be said that you shouldn't buy clapped out guns that you plan to run meme rounds through.
You're not worried about it getting confiscated (and lost)? I would hate to lose a cherished gun. I might be autistic, but the inox versions feel special.
Confiscated for what?
Practice makes perfect anon. Keep in mind anything you read/watch are meant to get you into a general area of improvement but it's up to you to fine tune it to your body, style, weapon, etc.

There's also a lot of hooey being taught out there, and not every teacher may be comprehensive in what you need.

One piece of advice I will say that I don't think many people mention is you need to know the right moment to pull a trigger. You can mitigate recoil and provide a lot of stability but we're humans, not robots, so we inherently move our sights around

But once in a while the rear sight, front sight and target all line up, it's the opportunity you get to pull the trigger. That's why trigger control itself is so very important.

Lastly, consider going to a handgun training course with an instructor of repute, they might be able to see and suggest things to you that you'd otherwise never catch.
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I got spares for this reason.

Inox slides are nice, but I just recently had a slide PVD Chrome/Nickel'd and it's very similar in tone and even more shiny.
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Jarvis Custom’s chrome PVD. Was 125 dollars and took 8-12 weeks (lead time was supposed to be 4).
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Impulse buy today. I always wanted a P229 DAK which I was issued and carried for years. Chalk another for the .40 gang. Would like to a P232 some day.

As an old school Sigfag I always wanted one.

Is that a P88 lower left? Is it sweet?

I remember those, always loved the Steel Smiths.
The mismatch in serial numbers wouldn't bother you? I understand I might be a bit autistic for wanting matching serials, but I can't be the only one, right?
NTA but I don't even think about serial numbers unless it's dubs or ending in 69
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Weird, this image won’t load

Serials don’t bother me. I do keep a few guns serial matching though but one of my inox slides came from a parts kit on gunbroker. Some of the PX4 frames I’ve gotten have been beat to shit so I moved the inox slide to a barely used frame.
based. While I don't like Sig, I might give .357 Sig a spin.
I have a preconceived opinion of any woman that stays within Taran's harem but thanks for pointing out the obvious.

You failed to understand the point in why I brought her up in the first place though, I'll repeat it succinctly for the dullards:

>she smol
>but shoot good

Because it reinforces the point that despite also being of small stature she was in a competition of very talented shooters

I feel bad for your caretakers that you need things broken down so much for you, life must be difficult, but keep trying and one day you may even get dressed all by yourself
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If my PPQ SF is similar then the weight doesn't reduce recoil as you'd think

Ya. Not really lol it's a duty pistol through and through with a safety mechanism that detracts from its trigger quality. That said it's built very well
>Serials don’t bother me
Damn, how do I gain this power?
>I do keep a few guns serial matching
oh, sweet. I thought you only had frankensteined Inox PX4s.
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I have several P-Series and one P229 is converted to .357 Sig and will probably do the same to this one. A few months ago I think it was Aim Surplus had great deals on the ammo.

>Overly safe and well made
Classic Germans. I dig the P5 too and would prob spring for that first or maybe the OD P99.

Yeah I’m not trying to die of autism with mismatched s/n’s.
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>Serials don’t bother me
How would you feel about picrel?
>place I bought RMR HD from never sent tracking so I didn't know it was out for delivery today and required signature so now I have to drag my ass to the UPS store to pick it up
I need that glonk
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Spot the problem
>he owns guns without Ulm prooofs
I have no idea. I pulled out my Inox PX4, aside from the cut slide, my PX4 serial starts with a PX instead of a PY.
It's a .40 S&W slide.

The problem is I forgot the decocker before mounting the plate.

>Damn, how do I gain this power?
having enough Beretta 92/PX4s you need to start giving them rack numbers
How are people liking the bodyguard 2.0
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>It's a .40 S&W slide.
Ah, I guess that PX serials are for 9mm.
>The problem is I forgot the decocker before mounting the plate.
completely went over my head. I don't have my cut.
>having enough Beretta 92/PX4s you need to start giving them rack numbers
the dream. The PX4 is a nice gun, I keep getting reminded of it each time I pick it up. I should keep an eye out for deals on used ones. Don't own a 92 yet, but Bereli has em for cheap.
I fingerfucked it at the store and it was literally too small so I lost interest the second I held it. Also the trigger safety being curved outwards is weird. I'm sure it doesn't really matter in practical use but... why?
Is that FDE?
Serious question has there ever been a gun that looked better in brown?
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I am of the steadfast belief that it should be illegal to sell pistols in any color combination besides black-stainless ad OD green-black.
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>3 fingered pocket pistol is too small
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I’m gonna do it tomorrow. Other people on the net report using it successfully on their import PPKs
It’s “only” loaded to the same specs as ww2 German ammo.
I’m already using this gun so I better test it.
The basis of comparison is the LCP MAX though, which is even worse.
Yeah, it's too small. I don't like pocket pistols but I thought for the novelty I could check it out. Was not interested.
I think the LCP is gay.
Stainless > OD Green > Black/Dark Grey > FDE > Gimmick color

this fudd runs a booth at the race selling custom 1911's, Henry's, and Vaqueros
Is it really 3 finger? It's hard to believe how it's so small yet looks like a big grip compared to the LCP
I like my plastic turd
Now that the US military is out of the desert and we're going to be fighting the prelude to WW3 in slav land for 30 years do you think the US military will switch from FDE to gray?
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Burt, I finally disassembled and deep cleaned my P229 training pistol (it was filthy inside, I don't think it was ever cleaned). I've never disassembled a pistol this far before, so that was neat.

Having gotten it to this point though, I think I understand exactly what I need to do to make this function with 9mm cartridges, and it's not as impossible as I originally thought.

I have a few questions, and photos to accompany them. But first, here it's all naked and cleaned. It's not in as good of condition as your P226s are (the GB photos were more flattering than it is IRL IMO).
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Burt, my first question is regarding this roll pin(?) that's unique to the training pistols. I got some pliers and tried to just yank that sucker out, but it didn't budge, and just kinda scuffed the pin. At that point, I decided to just leave it alone for the time being.

What is the purpose of this pin? Can I yank it out if I just pull hard enough? How is it in there so good? Can I get some pliers or a dremel and just it off?
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Mounted an acro. Regret it.
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It's like 2.25 finger with the "flush" mag but with the 12 it's easily 3. Compared to an LCP where it's even shorter than 2 fingers with the "flush" mag and even the pinky extendo isn't really 3 fingers


It's there to prevent you from dropping in a regular 9mm locking block, similar to HK's receiver shelf. I guess you could yank it out or cut it flat, I'm surprised it didn't come out honestly, but I found the easier and less permanent solution to be just cutting a notch in the new locking bloc to accommodate the pin, pic related
Is customizing your gun based or cringe?
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Now for the main course - the feed ramp! As discussed previously, this is unfortunately welded to the locking piece. However, now that I have it out and cleaned, I can clearly tell that it's only welded on by 2 spots on either side of the ramp. In fact, when I push directly down on it, there's a little give, and the oil I used to clean it squishes out the sides by where the 3 dots are.

I can also tell that this locking insert is machined and not MIM, based on the that Sig Talk thread you linked to me. Also pictured on my locking insert is a cut out to accommodate the roll pin from my prior photo. None of this really matters though, since these locking inserts for this model of P229 is 100% unobtanium. There's no way I could obtain another, without just buying a whole nother gun and salvaging off of it (and I'm already in way too deep, so no way I'm doing that).

All that is to say, I have to make this locking insert work. I'm pretty sure I need to saw off those 2 weld marks, polish it smooth, and then dremel the feed ramp deeper to make it bigger/more angled to accommodate 9mm cartridges. Is that correct?
you wont know until you do it and then its too late
I know you're a big fan of blue burb, but how easy would it be to scrub that finish away or have it DLC coated over?
So what you're saying is I shouldn't try to stipple a bunch of skulls into the grip of my Glock?
Carry guns are a lot like underwear so as long as you don't go around bragging about your hello kitty briefs nobody cares.
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you could probably buy just about any piece of fiber reinforced nylon and practice first
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lol the mailbox strikes again. Better send it to me for the memes.

I honestly don't know why people keep buying them, high volume shooters say they fail more often than any of the other high end optics, the field of view is awful, price is insulting, nitrogen purge leaks. Yeah they're super clear and distortion free but so are most competition oriented optics


You can put in other locking inserts, you are not limited to just that one, but it may require barrel fitting if you do.

You CAN cut that weld with a little tiny cutoff wheel or something. The locking insert is perfectly normal otherwise. However you would have to take great care not to blemish the center area of the locking piece when cleaning up the remainder of the welds, the area between where the welds are, the part currently covered over by the FX feed ramp is where the barrel slides. Removing material in the center would disrupt the locking surfaces of the gun, possibly leaving the barrel too loose or asymmetrically supported. For that reason I elected not to cut any of my FX feed ramps off and instead bought new locking inserts

It's blue anodizing, so very painful. It would have to be destructively removed as it's part of the aluminum, which would change the dimensions of the part

9x18 Ultra is 9mm in diameter, 9x18 Makarov is actually 9.2mm because lmao communism. They are not interchangeable.
Actually now that I think about it, it's not that critical in that area because that's where the barrel slides when it's OUT of battery, not when it's locked in battery. So strike the part I said about great care lol go at it with a dull beaver and it should still work fine
One of the handguns I've been looking for is a pre-B CZ-75. I stumbled upon a listing (posted below) and it looks pretty good. Apparently it was issued to a police officer in Ostrava and that city has sentimental value for me as I spent a few weeks there a lifetime ago. But, while I was looking at this listing, I also saw this and thought you might be interested:


What's so great about pre-Bs?
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Actually, scratch that very last bit. I don't think I need to dremel the feed ramp to be any bigger/deeper. Judging by the images in Sig Talk thread, this locking piece IS a standard P229 one, just with the simunition ramp welded on top. So get rid of that and I should be G2G.


More like ACKro amirite? :V

Unfortunately P229 feedramps for the first gen P229s are out of production and not for sale anywhere. Truly unbotanium. I think my only real option is dremeling off the simunition piece.
>dull beaver
What's that? A beaner maintenance man stole my dremel this summer when he was repairing the hot water heater. I was thinking about taking the locking piece into one of the gun stores I frequent that has an SOT/does a lot of FA and suppressors and custom paint jobs and such and just batting my lashes and asking them nicely to cut it off and smooth it for me (they've given me free FFL transfers and engravings before, so it's worth a shot). If they won't do it, I'll just buy another dremel and do this myself. For what I'd pay a gunsmith, I might as well just put that money towards replacing my dremel and doing this myself.
I had a P64 awhile ago. I can honestly say it's one of the worst guns. lol
It was really awful. Awful trigger, awful feel, awful to shoot. They LOOK really rad though and I appreciate the Walther connection with Radom

You do not need to polish or alter anything else--just cut the welds off and try to bring them flush with the plane they are on. Don't touch any of the adjoining surfaces

If you have a vise already, do it yourself. If you don't have a vise, maybe an excuse to also buy a vise :)
Wtf I love stippling now!

Yes, understood! I do have a $15 Amazon vice. I wonder if that'd be strong enough. Pic related, it's him. If this is good enough, then I'm going to just get a dremel tomorrow and do this myself.
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PPK chad(s) does this safety look okay?
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That'll do
cringe if you do it off the rip
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yeah this but with skullz sounds BAD ASS
I want a gun from every country I've been to.
Should have made the gun pink. Using it in a DGU would make you a legend.
Poggies. Okay then, I'll do this tomorrow and hopefully get everything reassembled and working okay in time to shoot it before the day is over. I'm honestly a little spooked that I'll do something wrong and the gun will explode in my hand or launch the slide into my face when I test it. Is there anything I should be worried about? There is a guy at the range who said he'd be willing to test fire it for me, but I'd still feel bad it I blew off his fingers or something. He does work tomorrow though...

Damn, that's hella kawaii. I will not rice out my Glock. I will not rice out my Glock. I will not rice out my Glock. I will not rice out my Glock. I will not rice out my Glock.
Not really. The slide is capable of handling it, the 9mm barrel you bought is capable of handling it. I guess once the work is done check that the barrel goes in and out of battery freely and also isn't wiggly
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Burt, would everything that comes with this Dremel suffice? Or do I need to get a specific attachment for the cutting?

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PPK Chad?
>lust provoking image
>time wasting question
I kinda want one only for aesthetics on the P90. It looks clean af. But then I might as well just get the ring scope if I'm aestheticmaxxing

That kit looks decent but make sure you get one with an adjustable speed.
Noted. Thanks!

I think that's the same kit I had that the beaner stole, and if so, yeah it's adjustable. I'm excited!
I looked and it seems that one has a 2 speed control, I meant the variable ones. I'm sure that one is fine but it is convenient if you want to pay a bit more for a variable speed one.
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That small brown cutoff wheel would work. The diameter will make it tricky though, since you need to get very near to that bevel to reach all of the weld but the radius of the wheel will intersect before you get there. You could run the wheel against a piece of scrap metal for awhile until it wears to a small enough diameter to accomplish this. You'd probably want replacement wheels though, they're fragile and break easily
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If you're wanting to get your hands on a RAMI, is there a particular best way of going about it now that they're not in production?
Oh good eye. Looks like I need to get one of the higher levels for like $60 or $80.

Amazing graphic. I was actually thinking of cutting it from the other side, but what you're proposing actually makes more sense. I'll get a packed of brown wheels meant to cut metal. I'll see what the smallest diameter I can get is.
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>new spaghetti
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He bought Acro, serves him right!
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Okay, I ordered a Dremel 4000 and 6 EZ Lock 1-1/2" metal cut-off wheels. I'll pick them up from Home Depot tomorrow morning. I'm so excited, I hope I can sleep! lol

Hunt the local ads, a guy out here had one on the state firearm classifieds website for $400 last winter.
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Were you thinking like this? This would be more apt an attack for a grinder, it's difficult to move those cutoff wheels on a Y axis. They only want to cut on an X or Z axis.

Those little tan stone grinding drums clog up with metal really easily in my experience, I guess you could try though if you don't care about destroying the FX feed ramp
Nah, I was thinking of having the grinder horizontal and just cutting off the weld marks, but I like your first image best. I'll try that first tomorrow.
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rip bozo
idk why that was the last thing I thought of lol. Your idea would work too, sliding the cutting wheel under the FX feed ramp parallel to the barrel
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top right 20
I cant believe anyone buys that shit lol. What a shitty fucking optic. just look at it. Its like you put a condom on a condom.
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and again
not my best day, but that’s what staying up until four AM playing total war does to you
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>tfw lazor beam anons worst day is still better than my best day
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the important thing is to try to be better than your previous self :)

(or just have fun, if that’s more your bag)
So guys has anyone tried ammo from a company called "ammo, inc"?
How does their stuff compare to wincester or federal?
Aimpoint sisters..
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yes, it's worse
only get if it's substantially cheaper than blazer/federal (typically it isn't)
they do make some interesting heavy-for-caliber stuff, but other than that they're pretty forgettable
It's pretty much the worst somehow. It LOOKS shiny and nice but it malfunctions often, supposedly. I've only tried 1 box not enough to see malfunctions
Exactly. Having gone through all the options again, I think this method would be best. I'll report back tomorrow!
Thinking about the Taurus Judge for the meme. Are they decent or just a total piece of shit?
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ODG for the Steyr. I think HK has the best brown. I hate FDE anything.
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I would vote “aye”.
The use case is a meme imo, because .410 is iffy for anything bigger than small game, and .45 LC is awfully expensive for what it is. With that said, the Judge isn’t an incredibly poorly made gun or anything, it’s a typical Taurus revolver in my experience, which is to say it’s a bit worse than Ruger/Smith but still totally serviceable.

If you need a snake gun, you could do worse.
Oh Burt I had one more question for you. Do the mags that come with simunition guns run actually 9mm cartridges? I can test tomorrow I suppose. They look like they do.
They're totally normal 9mm mags (if marked 9mm not .40)
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>double stamp p90
Very nice
Ben Stoeger, who became a Sigger like a week ago, is shitting on the P226 Legion saying the gun is mechanically accurate but has a terrible trigger. Meanwhile the Staccaro has an excellent trigger but is inaccurate.
shooting cheap reman ammo through a PX4 is so weird. the slide constantly moves at different speeds.
>ammo is loaded so horribly inconsistently you can visibly see the difference in slide velocity
>your reaction is "haha that's so weird!" and not "wow I'm going to lose my hand if I keep shooting this shit"
More likely to just fail to cycle.
Just got off the phone with Kathrin Glock, and she confirmed Ben Stoeger is on their payroll.
t. insiderbro
Germany and Austria are just better, so it's fine.
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Based caturday poster, chkd
oh sweet a hi point carbine
buddy had one and broke it by feeding it high velocity ammo or something
Is the 9mm barrel you bought the 228/old 229 style or the 229-1? If it's 229-1 I think you could (maybe even should?) use the 229-1 locking block.
Your safety looks fine. I was just curious about the wear between those two detent slots. Want to see if theres some material missing between those two slots. Post the safety like I have here >>62504387
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When it comes to Hi-Power clones, how would you guys rate FEG's?
I'm an asshole
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Sorry, missed this
>Better than PPQ?
Absolutely, by virtue of it being a DA/SA. Canik can barely get the trigger down themselves as they copy it wholesale but they're about equal to the standard PPQ and PDP if not slightly worse. P99 tops all of them. You should get one lad.
I keep a loaded 9mm handgun in my closet
I keep a 15+1 9mm with a spare magazine and I want to be friends with you
Not that Anon but you've got me sold. I'll keep an eye out for any cheap non-FINAL EDITION ones on GB
>is it better to carry condition 2 with the trigger reset or still or in cocked position like
The PPK should be carried with a round chambered and the safety on. That will safely drop the hammer and hold the firing pin in place.
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Gunbroker or a lucky find at a gun show or in local classifieds, I guess. They are not too common. The pic you posted is actually of the same pistol as the one in the post to which you’re replying. Just a couple years apart with different grips. I loved the green G10 grips but I started wearing the pistol with formal attire and a change to wood seemed the appropriate thing to do.
I don't have as much range time as I used to. I used to be able to go at least twice a month but now it's maybe once a month, once every 2-3 months.
What kind of drills should I be doing to maximize my time? Mozambiques and Bill Drills?
Now I'll keep my eye for a used P99 when I window shop gun stores. Good to know. If it has such a great trigger why did the P99 completely fail to take off? Seems strange to me.
>If it has such a great trigger why did the P99 completely fail to take off?
Because Walther has the shittiest marketing of all time
good morning :-)
How is shooting that woth and without the can? Always wanted to gunsoom a suppressed P90.
I watch guntube videos as I eat my cottage cheese and baked potato before going to the wage cage. Looks like nobody likes the CZ P09 Nocturne.
CZ shill Gentleman Gunner says it has good ergos but has so many other problems with it.
>shitty tiny sights
>optics ready to make up for the shit sights but micro dot only
>11 pound DA even after break-in
>trigger breaks all thr way back and has tons of stacking before the break
>creepy SA with stacking, not what he expected from CZ
>in decocked DA the stacking is immediate so it's even worse
>gun is mechanically accurate but if you shoot any faster than a double tap accuracy plummets because CZs are reliant on fatmaxxing and this is the same weight as a Glock
tl;dr it's over CZsissies
>cottage cheese and baked potato
This is an odd breakfast
RIP. I have always liked CZ, so that’s sad to hear. Particularly the microdot-only thing, how retarded. They absolutely knock it out of the park with certain designs (e.g. pic related, best glock-ish pistol on the market imho) but they can also be totally clueless sometimes. I waited for them to capitalize on the increased popularity of 10mm with a 97 chambered in it for years, and they just didn’t. No, that tiny batch they made like two decades ago does not count. No, I don’t want to buy a spaghetti clone.
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It looks like the safety is supposed to have a trench line or something
I'll let you know, shooting it today. Pretty sure I didn't fuck anything up with the new barrel. The stock barrel is fine but you can't mount anything to it. That makes the gun mostly a waste of money unless you like the looks or its use in TV. Then you gotta spend another like $650 to convert it. Part of that is tools you will need, because the belgians made it complicated for no reason.
you need to dry fire a lot more. Those drills are not going to teach you anything doing it once every 2-3 months. That is a waste of ammo without dryfire. Get some of Stoegers books about dryfire practice.
>babby's first duty-grade DA/SA trigger is too difficult for a competition shooter
I haven't handled the Nocturne yet, but if it's like the normal P-09, the trigger feels about the same as a base model CZ-75. It's not great, not bad, but just average. If the trigger is that much of a bother, a reduced hammer spring comes with the CGW parts you should buy anyways.
>accuracy plummets because CZs are reliant on fatmaxxing and this is the same weight as a Glock
What did you mean by this?
Iron sights on the front of the optics plate?
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>Mental working
What did they mean by this?
Thanks for posting that webm Burt, I lost it in a phone transfer
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Burt, am I fucking this up too much?
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>11 pound DA even after break-in
>trigger breaks all thr way back and has tons of stacking before the break
>creepy SA with stacking, not what he expected from CZ
>in decocked DA the stacking is immediate so it's even worse
Why don’t you get a nagant revolver for your trigger practice?
I’m going to go back to using mine.
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Fuck, I keep eating into the locking piece at this point.
What are you trying to do?
The USP is just special.
>how the slide racks
>utilitarian look
>great grip and feel

It's H&K's first "normal" gun: they wanted military and LE contracts, avoiding "unconventional" design choices (roller-delay, squeeze cocking) just established, simple designs (tilting barrel, DA/SA) and bomb-proof them.

I believe it's also the first polymer-framed, hammer fired pistol.

Reiterating the point on mag release:
>use your middle finger
>you won't accidentally drop a mag
>if you have to shift grip for button you may not for paddle
Hit it with your off-hand thumb.
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I think that's okay. It might even be sufficient as-is. The green surfaces are the critical ones, the red surface doesn't really matter. Get the barrel and center it on the locking block where it sits in your vise, the diamond shaped lug under the chamber drops into the hole. Drag the feed ramp back and forth on the surfaces pictured, up and down the ramp. Does the feed ramp touch on what remains of those welds? If not, it's fine. If so, it's probably still fine but personally I would give it a kiss more attention until the welds are shy of that plane
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Okay, it's not as pretty as I had envisioned, but it's all smooth to the touch, so I think this should function properly. I'll grab my barrel and test that now. I wonder if I'll need to cerakote this or something since the raw metal could corrode...

Love and support my simunition-to-9mm (St9) P229 by providing the mechanically necessary treatment for it to be its authentic self.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.
why not just get a new locking block?
Out of production and 100% unobtainium.
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There you go, don't forget to cold blue that or at least douse it in oil! Could even paint it for rust prevention since it's not a wear surface, if you don't have Coom Brand® Nano© Gold Guard™

Now you get to see if you still need to fit the barrel after all this :D
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What's cold blue Coom Brand® Nano© Gold Guard™? I'm not familiar with this kind of work, so idk about products. I do reckon, I need something coating the raw metal.

>Now you get to see if you still need to fit the barrel after all this :D
You mentioned this before, but I didn't really understand. Now that all the parts basically in spec, shouldn't it work fine? How will I know if the barrel needs fitting? Just dry racking it a few times once assembled?

Speaking of, I'm going to start reassembly. I suspect this will take me a while.
hey, not a /k/ommando, just popping in to ask if anyone happen to have a webm of someone fanning the hammer on a revolver on hand right now? having trouble finding one on my own and i wanted to use it for something.
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Wait 3 weeks for the next autistic episode of barn rusting, some fanboys going to be mad next time
Your favorite polymer framed striker fired pistol (other than a glock)?
i got cold blue and would test it that autumn in outdoor tests, not a big fan of it but it might be a very good improvment when its holding a layer of protectant. I think very mild salt and a citric acid solution (not mixed) and natural outosdr storage in a barn should give a result. Its what everyone got so its worth to spend alot of steel on it to learn out of it
I like my masada
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Any Figgers in here?
Arguing with a friend. I say cleaning your gun by hand after use is better and faster. She says it's better to use the dishwasher and claims it does a better job at cleaning
Tell the diahwasher to shut up
Probably the Walther PDP. My buddy just got one and I've put a few magazines through it and it's very nice.
Do you also wash your gun out in your kitchen sink?
The only ones I've fired are Glock and Glock & Wesson; I preferred the Glock.
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You'll know if the gun stops just out of battery when you go to reassemble it, or if the slide won't go all the way on because the feed ramp hits the locking block instead of going overtop of it

Gold Guard is a rust preventative from lubeanon, cold blue is an acid solution you can get in hardware stores or gun suppliers that produces a quick black finish with poor durability but which helps retain oil longer than naked metal would

Smith&Wesson M&P M&2.0 9&mm

Oh damn nice we got another P210oid! Nice pic
It's so nice that avatarfags don't want Glocks.
You don't?
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I like a Glock. They shoot real nice
M&P sisters...
jewish, i wouldn't trust it
I've never shot a glonk
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Based colored glonk enjoyer. Need to get a shot of my backplate.
Wait, where's your rear sights?
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That's right, forgot about those. Still have the Leupold in my Amazon cart.
Ok it was pretty nice with a flow through. Some gas comes back at you but it's not too bad. It's fun but keep in mind the P90 is tying up a pretty big chunk of money in a PCC where a rifle or handgun would probably be more ideal.

M&P wit tha new trigger
Boy do I love heavy metals like lead, mercury, in my dishwasher
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I keep myself from buying glocks so I don't end up with every single glock in existence. You wouldn't hear the end of my Glock 30 w/ RMR cut I would have.
If you could have any handgun but every inch is chrome, what would it be
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> report back
Buffalo bore did not blow up my pre ban PPK, and had reasonable accuracy but what amazed me was that the screw bullets underwood makes had no jams and were amazingly accurate

This is the result of one mag of underwood twink drilled into the head
PPU bullets were utter shit in the PPK tho and you all will laugh at the pattern I got with them and fiocchi

I want to get underwood “+p” (really just euro spec) 32 screw bullets since this gun could be a monster with them
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Best current WML for handguns? I have been waiting on Cloud Defensive to release theirs, but it doesn't appear that's not happening.
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Suresneed X300 turbo
>Suresneed X300 turbo
I have seen that recommend on normie articles sites, but also there is an ultra, which one is the latest and gayest, so I can use?
For G19-sized guns, either the TLR7A or HL-X
For G17-sized guns, either the X300U or T depending on if you want more flood or throw, or the TLR1 if you want different switches (whether HL model or not)
I really dig your collection but seeing the Wilson Combat on the grip always looks off to me.
Is that a femboy on your glock
Turbo. They decided mogging every other light on the market with lumens wasn't enough and went after candela too which means the throw is much farther.
tlr-1. No I WILL NOT voluntarily blind myself in a home invasion scenario
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ASSEMBLED!!! It looks stunning and brave if I do say so myself. It feeds snapcaps and all function checks check out. Heading to the range now to shoot it.
I'm avoiding Streamlight too many fucking letters and symbols is like looking at a billboard, I prefer more minimalist.
Lol. Anyways they asked what the best was, not which one won't blind you. If you're blinded standing behind it just think about how the other guy is doing. Lumenlets won't understand.

The surefire also looks way better, so it sounds like it's settled then.
Off yourself with it...
Wilson Combat 1911, .45 ACP, Commander Sized with Stan Chen magwell (huge opening), 6 mags

less than 2k. personally I would buy it now since I just watched this auction roll over with no bids and then he lowered the price and added a buy it now. As soon as you bid some fucking jackass is going to bid too.
My top three choices so far to put on my USP would be: Surefire, Modlite (owner kinda cuckoo), and Cloud defensive (In my dreams). It seems the Surefire is the only one with a good track record.
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He lost a bet and had to put a thot (male) on gun
Or so he says
Cope, seethe, then dial 8, chuddie (^:
Why do USP fags buy the gun then insist on mounting a light on it?
Any better HK (P30, P2000, HK45) and it would all work natively and you could probably even get a holster.
>Mary Tucker
Wood nut in cider
How are you niggas always apparently accidently turning yours own? Dare I say
>Skill issue
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Sorry anon, I'm not getting any copeium wannabe USP.
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The new Surefire with the extra candela. I guess they're called Turbo?

Not with a TLR-1 you won't, you're correct

I don't know what it "is," it's a catgirl waifu some trip in /arg/ was avatarfagging with for years

Nice man! Give the barrel a wiggle test just to be sure. Hold the slide (not the frame) and stick your finger in the muzzle, wiggle it around. Then hold the slide and grab the barrel hood with two fingers and try wiggling, rotating and sliding it around. Then hold the whole gun around the slide and dust cover and push the barrel hood down like it would when unlocking. It should stay firmly in place. It might move microscopically in some of these tests but shouldn't be loose or rattly

>no springs were replaced
This is a lie. idk who that blogger is but that is NOT what Federal said, they said there were no parts breakages. There is no way that gun made it even past 30,000 rounds without spring changes let alone 200,000
>This is a lie. idk who that blogger is but that is NOT what Federal said, they said there were no parts breakages. There is no way that gun made it even past 30,000 rounds without spring changes let alone 200,000
Also the "Federal USP" was ~300,000 rounds allegedly.

Which the Federal USP never had documentation, the source was hearsay of someone else having a phone call with someone else - nobody involved was the source, I think it's complete fabrication by some faggot on HKpro.
There were two USPs touted and I think both of them were Federal test guns, the 300,000 one was .45 the 200,000 was bestmilimeter. There's no official story no, but HK did put the .45 in some kind of display case at some kind of gun show, I recall seeing it being shown off on a big pile of spent brass with an HK logo. So that's secondary confirmation I guess, I'd like to think they're not just doing that based on a forum post but from actual communication with Federal.

I believe it, but I also believe other guns will do the same, they've just never been pushed that far. Beretta 92s for instance can easily surpass 100,000 rounds and I see no reason why your typical strikerslop like Glock and M&P wouldn't be able to survive either
I think HK was really cool in the 80s and 90s but modern HK is fucking lame
We need a pro shooter who burns through 100k rounds a year and notoriously can't be bothered with maintenance to put this myth to the test.
There's nothing they could realistically make at HK USA that I'd be interested in buying. Maybe a 320 to fiddle with at my desk, but they're not gonna make grenade launchers for the commercial market and if they did they'd be priced to compete with LMT M203s, which are disgustingly overpriced.
Some gun range claims to have a Glock Gen 1 17 that has over a million, they bought the gun when it first came out knowing that people were going to want to try it out. They did maintenance cleaning and shit.

There was also that M&P a competitive shooter estimates to have 100k+ rounds through it without cleaning and it looks like it did.

I seriously doubt super high round counts without cleaning since the extractor is going to get gummed up at some point. Maybe they only clean that spot.

>USP .45
>tight tolerances
>full length guide rod
Not a soldier's gun
Apparently the tweet is by Honkler & Kek
That's a shame, that reduces credibility of the claim by including the lie of not replacing springs

Too bad he switches guns so often, he's only gotten his Berettas up that high

Good point, I bet Battlefield Vegas has a bunch of handguns with super high round counts like that
Also, I've seen tests of the HK45 and the P30 where they claim those guns are the most reliable guns they've ever tested. And those were only like 50k and 90k round tests. I doubt the USP is that reliable since if the USP was that reliable the testers would claim the USP is more reliable than HK's newer offerings, which they don't.
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Bought a used GP 100, there's a bit of metal missing from inside the trigger, I can see the white parts where its cracked off and worn. The gun seems to dryfire okay, haven't taken it to the range yet. Will this affect anything? Could I get Ruger to fix this under warranty?
That's a significant hazard. That thing is fucked bro. DO NOT shoot it if you value your fingers...sorry anon.
that part always falls off. its normal
> it's a catgirl waifu some trip in /arg/ was avatarfagging with for years
I'm sorry for your blindness anon, it must be difficult
I mean do you have more pictures
What is a polymer gun you wish was steel and vice versa
Hell no lol

Go look him up he was always posting those

Laugo Ayy
>wish was steel
none of them, steel is heavy and I can't think of a single polymer gun that would benefit from weighing and costing more. No matter what you do it's not going to compete with a 1911 in terms of trigger so why bother turning into a range toy that gets mogged by a gun from a hundred years ago at being a range toy?
>wish was poly
there's like, two good steel frame pistols ever made. They're also generally all very old and not particularly suited for carry, so wouldn't benefit from a poly frame. The only one I can think that maybe would be good is the CZ75 and that already exists and basically nobody buys them. I've literally never seen a CZ p07 or p09 that someone has actually owned.

The 1911 exists and it should just stay steel frame. The various flavors of striker fired polymer framed pistol exist and should stay as they are.
PX4 -> steel

pretty much any of the polymer bullpups, if they were made of aluminum/steel they'd be cooler
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Polymerchads stay winning
The steel virgin weeps
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Based. I think you lads will enjoy them very much.
Fucking for real. I guess they thought it popping up in the Brosnan films would be enough and stopped pushing it at all.
I have nothing against polymer pistols I just prefer older handguns aesthetically.

I'm the Anon that is actually on the fence about buying a used PPK/S for conceal carry but I'm also interested in the P99. I got my hands on a PPS the other day and I was not a fan. Walther does need better marketing.
CZ P-10
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The Anti Stress mode is confusing for normies. They don't know you can just ignore it. People see "striker" and "DA/SA" and their brains melt.
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After trying out the 32 version I can say it’s the best thing ever
Also buffalo bore and underwood ammo run surprisingly well in the pre ban guns so a modern could handle them for sure
>no manual safety polymer slop
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>all brown
Like almost half are white police officers
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New thread >>62512534
Nah, not gonna post in a thread with the 1903fag in it. See you folks in the thread after.
make a new thread, it doesn't have to be /hg/. otherwise I was going to abstain from the next too.

like general handgun thread and pretend /hg/ doesn't exist for one edition
It's such a nothing feature, too. Takes almost no force to pull it to the wall in that mode. But golly is the break so fucking C R I S P
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Make AHG or stop being triggly
Captcha >AGAY
I'm new to guns please be nice.

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