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Thinking this or an lcp or lcr. Looking for an easy grab and go pocket carry option. Anyone have any thoughts?
Bodyguard 2.0 shits on any new micro gun
P32 is smallest overall but a weak round and not reliable
Kahr CW380 is smallest 380 and easy to shoot but not reliable
LCP is bigger P32
LCP max and LCR are good big but borderline big for pocketcarry
Bodyguard 2.0 is lcp max/lcr sized but much more shoot able and imo the best option

You also have guns like the jetfire/bobcat/tomcat, NAA mini revolvers, and bond arms derringers, but these are more toys than practical for self defense

t. usually carried shield 9mm but wear athletic shorts a lot in the summer and thus pocket carry a lot too. I’ve looked into this issue a lot and used to carry a cw380 which was perfect except I just couldn’t trust it. Upgraded to bodyguard 2.0 which is a little bigger but still works. There are smaller guys like the seecamp and aforementioned beretta but they are heavy and will pull my shorts down. It’s a shame there aren’t many good options for true pocket guns you can carry in a pair of basketball shorts
I have a Keltec P3-AT (.380 version of the same gun. Clever ain't it?)

It's the biggest piece of shit imaginable. The trigger pull is so long you have to be standing behind yourself to shoot it. the slide serrations are purely cosmetic and it takes 20lbs of force to rack the slide. it doesn't like round-nose ammunition and fails to go into battery 30% of the time. and all that for a plastic pistol with no sights
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the LCP is basically an improved p3at that addresses all these issues. the LCR is leagues better than both. S&W m642 may be better than LCR, but it really comes down to preference. walther ppk is probably the most quality micro 380 on the market. if you're looking for the absolute lightest option then p3at is for you.
>.38 >> .380 >>> .32
Revolvers kinda suck for pants pocket carry IMO, cylinder thickness leaves you with a tumor like bulge on your thigh. Get the LCP 1.0 if you want the smallest you can go but expect it to suck absolute cock in terms of shootability and to eat up your hands. LCP max or bodyguard 2.0 are the two to look at if you aren't a Twink wearing skinny jeans, the bodyguard 2.0 is by far the superior of the two but is a new release with teething issues in some cases
LCP still sucks
LCR is just a cheap j frame
J frames are fine but still too big for pocket carry
>Walther ppk is probably the most quality micro 380 on the market
lol the ppk is neither quality nor micro. It’s bigger than a shield 9mm, recoils more, and has shit reliability and accuracy. Bersa Thunder is an improved version but it’s still basically a 100 year old service pistol, not a micro- or pocket- anything.
LCP by miles and the LCP costs less for 100% better pistol
Isn't the Bodyguard striker fired?

I prefer the DAO trigger pull of the original for something I might be pocket carrying without a holster.
the original bodyguard is dao and has a much better build quality than the lcp, they both shoot about the same though. i carry an lcp most days and its nice out to 7 yards or so. the new bodyguard is getting shilled here hard which makes me think its probably shit, the grip is for sure too long for pocket carry either way.
Don't these regularly break trigger parts and extractors?
the LCP is just completely fucking miserable to shoot. if I had to choose choose between one and a P32, I'd take the slightly less refined version of the same basic design in exchange for half the recoil
>the original bodyguard is dao and has a much better build quality than the lcp
Yeah, that's what I meant. I carry an original Bodyguard and the trigger pull was one of the one of the reasons I picked it over the LCP.
Don't like the fact they changed it it with the new model.
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p32 is fine
you see people say it jams multiple times every mag, and you see people say its never jammed after 1000rds
and before you think "the round is weak", fiocchi 73 grain fmj 32 auto goes through 3ft of gel (using the p32 no less), which sounds perfectly reasonable to me on account of the fact you're not going to get shit like "hydroshocks" out of sub-9mm rounds
the gun is small enough to slip in a pocket without noticing it, and light enough to not be noticed either (it weighs about as much as my phone & wallet together, it evens my pants perfectly)
its also not expensive either, which is nice, so with whatever budget you got, the rest can be spent of ammo & a holster

and if you're wondering what holster i'm using & recommend, heres the amazon link, since its not easy to just search for
LCP and recoil are you 8yo or something?
I can shoot my CW380 all day no problem (and mine's been perfectly reliable after the break-in period, with the caveat that I can't feed it Fiocchi), but through some quirk of ergonomics, the LCP beats on the web of my hand harder than most pocket nines I've tried and makes me want to put it down after just a mag or two. is it that bad in absolute terms? no, not really, but next to the competition it's just completely disproportionate for the stupid little round that thing actually fires. it may not kick a lot, but it still kicks way more than it has a right to, and that alone makes it a shit design
I bought the Bodyguard 2.0 and pocket carry it. The handle is not too long for pocket carry in the standard 10 round magazine. I shot it today for the first time and it’s very pleasant to shoot for such a small and light gun. I shot 7 yards and kept them all in the black. One thing you notice when you hold one is how much thinner it is compared to a P365 or other similar guns.
It kicks hard because it weighs nothing. light weight is a good thing in a pocket pistoI have one and it is nothing worse than anything else that size and weight. Now a snub nosed Airweight 357 that is annoying to shoot
my Kahr weighs the same amount of approximate nothing, in a frictionless vacuum or whatever they should recoil more or less identically. but in the real world, one of these pistols is a joy to shoot, while the other concentrates every last bit of recoil into the tiniest possible area of my particular hand
>walther ppk is shit
>bersa is the improved version
Fucking kek you’re retarded. First of all the Bersa is sized after the PP, not the ppk. Second, bersa are junk. I have one. I love it don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun cheap gun to fuck around with. But it’s not a micro carry and shouldn’t even be mentioned in this thread.
>difficult to shoot
Noodle arm Melvin detected. It’s a bit snappy, but yeah it’s a micro. The only real problem is the failure to feed. Mine refuses to feed with the standard 6 round mag. Has no problem with the extra 7 round mag I bought later. Though I’ve only put maybe 50 rounds through it so far.
>walther ppk is best

it jams like fuck and is made by a company that makes airsoft guns. the bersa is far more reliable because the feedramp isnt quite as aggressive.
>its not a micro
neither is the ppk, they are both standard sized .380 pistols; both are single stack and both are easy to tote.
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>Don't like the fact they changed it it with the new model.
I hate that everyone has become so obsessed with Glock-style triggers that they're being forced into guns that shouldn't have it. It's not even a problem inherent to striker-fired actions since they can be made with longer, double action triggers that are better for pocket carry. Buyers seem to have just decided that they're as stupid as the average cop and are unwilling to put any effort into self improvement and learning to shoot anything other than the most basic trigger action out there.
What guns are still in production in .32 acp? All i can think of is
>beretta tomcat
>walther ppk
>kel tec p32
Are there others?
It’s infecting even guns with triggers similar to Glock with a different “style”.
Like the M&P. They went from a perfectly nice hinged design that molds to your finger to the obnoxious little Glock nubbin.
There’s still Seecamp’s .32, I think.
Also it barely counts, but Czechpoint Scorpions in .32 are still a thing.
I religiously carrya kahr mk9 that's striker fired with a long doa style pull. I love it, easily 10/10 hits everytime i do my ccw test. Much more satisfying to shoot compared to my glock.
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This. I’m so tired of muh
>no safety because tactical
>need simple gun because you go retarded in confrontation
>god awful trigger because muh trigger safety
>HAVE to have optics on pistols
I want full metal guns back.
I've been trying to fit a Kahr into my collection for years, but it always slips by. Every time I handle one, I like that the trigger feels like a good revolver DA pull, but I could probably go out to the pawn shops tomorrow and find a K9 for cheap.
I like mine, iirc the k9 was on the approved back up gun list for nypd or something and there are a bunch floating around. while being heavier than the poly counterpart i've got no complains about the mk9, although i got the elite 03 version. The only bad thing is the holster and grip aftermarket selection is pretty poor and the mags and parts are expensive, and you never ever ever want to do a full strip down because of the little retainer spring that holds the slide catch in place. i grant you magic powers to find a little moonie gun for your collection next time your out.
beretta cheetah + allegheny arms .32 barrel, if drop in mods are close enough to count
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the K and MK series were the last truly kino handguns designs this country ever put out
I had the same concern looking at it in pictures. in person its a hair shorter height wise than an LCP max which is on the top end of pocket carrying size but still very doable. The teething issues are legitimately concerning though and i have reservations about the two part feed ramp design.
I like my P32
> It’s a bit snappy, but yeah it’s a micro
This. If you've experience with lightweight .357 snubbies, it's not a big deal.

Check the spring and follower on the 6 round, and thoroughly clean and lube it. The two 6 round mags I have for mine, I had to clean some kind of sticky preservative oil out of them, right out of the package.
>Shaft '99
incredible attention to detail with the firearms choices in this film, it accurately portrayed the mix of 2nd and 3rd gen glocks in service with the NYPD of its time, and after Shaft is forced to turn in his badge and gun for plot reasons, he takes on the bad guys alone with just his personal backup gun, the NYPD-approved Kahr K9

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