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>cant be shot in the prone in your path
>in the prone in your path
In English please?
>Rolling your body in your path
>in the prone (position)
kys reddit nigger tourist
How can one OP be so retarded?
>t.ESL nogunz
>lean rifle over
>crank lever
>return rifle to horizontal
how hard is this for real nigga
Did you mean to agree with me or are you mentally incompetent as well?
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>no YOU'RE the esl!
You're not fooling anyone retard, it should be
"Can't be shot while prone"

Fun little exercise, if you can't fill this fifth grade literacy test out effortlessly you don't know enough english to post here
no, I am calling you an ESL fagola who owns no guns
you are one seething ESL no gunz
the shitpost is that the leveler isn't the issue with shooting prone. the H004 in specific has a fucking retarded stock angle that you literally cannot get a cheek weld and stock on your shoulder while prone
the lever*
I can't wait until the Internet fractures and I never have to interact with foreigners again.
why would you want to be on an indian only internet?
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>i-if i deflect enough maybe people will think two plus two really does equal five!
You couldn't do that literacy test could you? You have sub fifth grade level english, you are essentially a child
We need a reverse great firewall that blocks China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia, and maybe Brazil.
The quality of internet discussions would skyrocket overnight
you seem to be real mad you are a nogunz ESL who doesn't even know what the prone position is.
post your guns (outside) with a timestamp
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this is prone
good post
kek you are one angry nogunz
>stock photo
>retarded words
lol, every time
>no gunz still seething about not know what prone position is
>this is the prone
a i see it now
>He doesn’t know how to shoot from the sideways prone K position behind microterrain
you can shoot it prone and cycle the action sideways, you just can't get completely flat against the ground
the same problem with getting completely flat against the ground also occurs on modern battlefields with modern firearms
soldiers put on plate carriers with racks of mags across the front
then when they need to eat dirt they stick up several inches because of all the shit on the carrier
when it comes time to reload they have to roll over to the side to retrieve a mag
the shitpost is the stock angle on the h004 specifically is ass for shooting prone, not the lever being an issue
In the rare instance this isn’t bait, “(x) in your path” has been a phrase in 4chan’s lexicon for nearly two decades at this point.
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the "in your path" part isnt the issue its the "in the prone" part that people are mocking

jesus christ this whole website has been absolutely flooded with third worlders who cant understand even basic english
>10:16 am in india
>suddenly ESL poster is awake and posting again
very strange
Yes, Yes, do the needful sarr, do not redeem.
Post guns, faggot.
I see you haven't posted any guns my desi no gunz. friend
You know the rules.
So far, you are in fact, the real noguns faggot.
>wakes up at india time
>cant read
>doesn't post guns
>wakes up at india time
>cant read
>doesn't post guns
Indeed, you have surely described yourself to a very high level of accuracy.
nope, that would be you fagola
I have shortish arms and have never had issues shooting my levergat prone. My arms are already at a pretty steep angle from the elbow. Maybe 30-30 and 45-70 lever actions have longer levers or something, but it's not like I've never had enough clearance on flat ground.
It's nothing to do with the lever, ignore the lever. The stock angle/comb height is such that you can't shoot it prone. You physically cannot lay down, put the stock in your shoulder, and then look down the sights.

The original 1860 Henry had the same problem, look at an 1873 Winchester side-by-side with the Henry, they figured this out pretty fast.
you aren’t supposed to put a crescent buttplate on your shoulder retard. the crescent buttplate goes under the armpit and around the top of the bicep and you shoot across your body. there is no real advantage to shooting prone because this shooting position is incredibly stable and if you went prone you would use shooting sticks or some kind of impromptu rest
actual retard posting
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>confirmed no guns
why do you think the comb is so low? flat strap crescent is a shitty inbetween.
I literally have an h004 you nogunz retard
okay now shoot your cheap potmetal rimfire like it was designed to be fired: offhand. theyre woods rifles: there’s a shooting rest at every tree. dont bother posting on /k/ until you’re at least 3 moa offhand at 100 yards
you sure as fuck are seething since you took the op bait hard. and the buttplate on an h004 is nowhere as extreme as the pic you posted
You just rotate the rifle a little bit and just work that action that way.
Post gun, noguns faggot.
you first
what if you hold it upside down
Big brain move.
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>jannies can't read photos
Sounds like a skill issue boah
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