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Belarusians in exile created a Belarus Liberation Army uniform.
Gay. Berets are a legacy headwear, if you don't have an existing tradition of wearing them then they look stupid. The whole thing just looks like a costume for a scifi drama.
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>That fucking cuff length
would look better in white/red and with a cap
our glowniggers are not sending their best and brightest here
Looks like they are ready to do their best to fight for the Umbrella Corporation
You could say they inherited it from Ukes, like they have the jacket. It's the Uke uniform in a different colour with different lapels and insignia, and not all the Ukes have berets.
Looks very DDR so I like it.
The last thing you need is them not long enough; aka the bane of my existence.
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>our glowniggers are not sending their best and brightest here
no screeching about airmen today?
Fuck me not bloody lapels, arrrrghh......

take retarded bait in your own thread
Looks good, but also somewhat villainous. Probably just the red on the insignia.
>that pic
They are mad that they are worse at trolling and bants than HATO? Loser mentality.
Yeah. About to say it looks German. Prolly due to the shirt and tie.
Germans always get away with starting global catastrophes because you know whenever they go to war they'll have that shit ON
Why do they have to adopt nazi imagery? sends the wrong message
He looks like Sam Lake (that hack).
Also berets are silly for anyone not French.
I love the collars they are SEXOOOOOO
the stand-and-fall collars are a very classic choice that's not very common in the modern era. Overall they look good, it's a modest but fairly sleek choice of colors and designs, it takes some hints from both eastern and western dress uniform conventions.

The "plain" uniforms look just that, they look modest and professional, like the usual dress uniforms of western armies.
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Show us on the doll where they adopted nazi imagery.
Looks like a Command & Conquer faction.
Gay ass LARP
Luka aint going nowhere
>trying is le BAD
To issue to their nonexistent soldiers? Nobody but like 3 guys at the CIA cares about Belarusian libtards anymore and even when people did it was for a month back in 2020 and now they're all getting killed in ukraine
keep crying
This post strangely reeks of...curry. Fucking yuck.
I would have made the belt white to match the gloves. Otherwise it looks solid, high collar is a nice return to older style.

Oppressive and hellish? Yes. Good looking? Also yes.
>Berets are a legacy headwear
What a stupid comment.
There's roughly 15000 rebels in Belarus in the East who more or less run about 1/4 the country. They will randomly pop up at times if potato man gets to active. He backs down and they go back to running things.
Surely they have better things to do than play dress-up. Besides, aren't these sorts of things just an office in an embassy somewhere, with a bunch of expatriates waiting in the wings in case the target country implodes?
>Nobody but like 3 guys at the CIA cares about Belarusian libtards anymore
>and now they're all getting killed in ukraine
This thread was seriously lacking, retardation-wise
Thanks for remedying this
Reminds me of the Luftwaffe uniform.
My thoughts exactly, looks like they took the DDR uniforms and just swapped out the emblems.
they don't. they only exist for tik tok and twitter donations.
>15k rebels
No there fucking isn't
Do you guys really believe it when you read "Belarusians in exile", because this feels bay of pigs tier
I was going to say Italian fascist, but those uniforms looked darker than black.
That organization is controlled by Luka’s spooks and is not related to actual Belarusian fighters.

Their “uniform” is also pretty bad in terms of design and functionality.

>t. actual Belarusian veteran
Secret police in some near-future dystopia.
I wish.
>tfw you may live to watch holol intel and CIA pull the ultimate goal of overthrowing potato and monke and establish western puppet states in Russia and Belarus, with hopefully ukie militias and right wing russians keeping it based and pro-native populations
>millions of slavs and other europeans move to usa and west and promote more right wing movements
>public opinion or domestic militia action causes the west to finally get uncucked and have billions of whites in now secure overwhelming majorities in demographics and political power
>cia reveals itself to be the neo confederate old boys club that saves thewestern civilization
I wish
It's the taller collar tabs. German ones were angled (and SS ones were almost square)
Well yeah it was probably the Germans idea
Belarussian coup and NATO joining when?
Never,it's a forced meme
>(White) Russians wearing German-inspired uniforms to create a government allied to Germany in (White) Russia
Gone 1944, reborn 2024
Welcome back, RONA.
Damn ukraine is really getting fucked up huh...
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>Damn ukraine is really getting fucked up huh...
yaaaas zister, it's Ukraine getting fucked up in your vodka soaked dreams
At least 15000. There's a bunch of random groups that unified. Hell the young front has at least 1500-2000, bypol has 2000-3000. They quietly run things.
Based and cinematic-pilled. Like european soldiers of a near future cheesy action movie from 2004.
I bet the shills are looking up the numbers. By shill I mean useful idiots (trolls) and actual shills. I doubt anyone on k is paid
so libtards replaced nazi this time?
anyway fuck you and black plague upon your pajeet mother, son of whore
missed opportunity it should have been much darker grey or black for maximum commie seethe
I liked how Putin has tried twice now to redirect Ukrainian forces away from his war by order luc to mobilise his forces near the border.
Excuse me Luka, do you have your own Stargate team? Thought so.

Belarus 1:0 Belarus
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>I bet the shills are looking up the numbers. By shill I mean useful idiots (trolls) and actual shills. I doubt anyone on k is paid
This guy turned up here from /pol/ and he told everyone he was paid.
By that logic everyone has indirectly just been copying the French and Prussians for over 200 years now...

Does the Belarus Liberation Army outside of a few Belarusians serving in the AFU?

Write a complain to Patrushev.
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Guess that Czechs are secretly French.
It's the lighting.
Post passport.
based and white-red-white pilled
the day of peeling is coming
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How about Belgians? Are we allowed to use them as pseudo-frenchies?
>legacy headwear
No such thing. Armies have been adopting other armies hats forever. The tricorn hat, the kepi, the baseball cap.
Sexy uniform, but it's funny how they keep appropriating Lithuanian national symbols, a nation they were conquered by.
When will tricorns make a comeback?
Red alert vibes. I like them.
It's a pretty cool uniform, but I'd change the hat to a baseball command cap instead.
Oh hell no, dont make this mistake of a nation again
I do like to see good ol' big stand-and-fall collars making a comeback but I don't like how those metal collar tabs sit on them.
That looks suspiciously like the flag of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. You're sure these are Belarussians, and not say, Poles?
My hope is that if Ukraine wins the war the pro-nationalist, pro-tradition Azov/RVC/Belarus Volunteer crowds end up significantly contributing to the global political dialectic and spurring similar movements abroad.
Brotherhood of NOD-ass looking motherfuckers.
Belarusian government in exile exists since 1917. First they got cucked by Poles, then by Soviets, then by Germans, Soviets again, and finally by Luka. Their current president is 88 years old babushka. I would get tired of this shit much sooner.

Didn’t know the Belgians used the Arctic Warfare…
>berets are silly for anyone not French

Boinas were Spanish (and Basque) before they were French.
I dig it. The red emblem really pops and combined with the other subtle red accents against the gray makes it look really nice.
very ww1 vibe, I like it
you're on the ball, but this >>62515724 anon is right
Americans don't have a legacy of wearing "BERETS", if you haven't noticed it's a french word, and we adopted them after being schooled by brits, and it's not even theirs to begin with either...
oh fugg, he's got a piece of tin on a ribbon and a new glock, run!
I really like the Traditional patterned shirt under the uniform. Hear me out, they could make it a standard issue undershirt akin to what the russian Airborne did with the french inspired mariner striped shirts. It would look dope.
>Americans don't have a legacy of wearing "BERETS"

Americans should bring back standard issue campaign hats.
Starship Troopers / 10.
>Looks good, but also somewhat villainous. Probably just the red on the insignia
>Oppressive and hellish? Yes. Good looking? Also yes.
>It's the lighting
I think rebels go for edgy badass aesthetics to seem like a credible threat to the regime and also hope to recruit angry guys with an axe to grind.

>Belarus 1:0 Belarus
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damn pseudo-russian faggots stealing our national symbol, bunch of larpers
The type of hat itself is fine, but honestly, anyone who wears a campaign hat in the state trooper / drill sergeant "I have never worn a hat before, I am unsure as to their primary purpose, and I have only recently come into possession of a human face and form" style should just be euthanized.
EU will suppress or force suppression of such organizations because only gays or migrants are allowed
Symbolism matters, but to be entirely fair, the symbol appeared in our Rusian posessions first.

Also, the Vytis obsession is fucking cringe.
>omg, GDL was so based with how it lost every war against Russia after Algirdas, how it had a Ruthenian administration, Polonized the people and eventually crumbled with barely a fight!!!!

Love me nationalist republic modelled after the values of 1848, simple as.
Almost all countries have some berets
>not-really-russians suddenly remembered theyre not russians
took them long enough
Wtf you're not already on front Ivan? Drones are waiting.
>Grey uniforms are le national socialists
You should be beaten with sticks
Their MIC cooperates closely with Nexter
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Not to rag on the Belarussian opposition but this is some Command and Conquer LARP shit.
Prussian blue will return
I don't know, I think the new Command and Conquer game looks good.

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