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/k/ - Weapons

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Can the Indians ever really become a military threat to china?
India is already more military capable than China. More manpower, better fighters, better morale, greater navy. India is where the British Empire was 200 years ago.
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>this kills the poo
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Indian nationalists are funny people
>better fighters, better morale, greater navy.
I can't believe someone would just lie on the internet like this.
This is serious cope
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I used to rile the fuck out of them on /int/ for the lulz, but after the mods started just banning me all the time I found better things to do than bantz the poos
It really hit the peak during 'designated street' period and that basically killed them anyway like holding up a cross to chase away vampires, mostly I just found the fact that they still blame the UK for everything wrong in their lives. Even if you point out that the english left over 80 years ago and that's pretty much enough time to survive damn near anything from a nuclear strike or world war.

Good times though, I regret nothing
it depends entirely on if they can unfuck their people.
they don't have the inherent cultural urge to backstab everyone for short term gains like the chinese.
they are just fucking retarded and compensate with enthusiasm instead.
if they can fix the retardation to any significant degree and maintain that enthusiasm they are in a great position to replace china economically, and from there make enough stuff to threaten them from a military point of view.
>India is where the British Empire was 200 years ago.
but enough about their medicine, hygiene, and technology
>they are just fucking retarded and compensate with enthusiasm instead.
What was that quote about stupid but hard working people actually being the most dangerous to their organisation?
pretty much.
but keep in mind their retardation means they will sometimes be lazy because they don't get the importance in something.
so they aren't always hard working.
they have an interesting rep in the organic chemistry crowd for horrible QC due to Rajish deciding to ignore changing the filters on something to go attend a monthly poo eating festival for three days or something of the like.
This is opposed to the chinks trying to submit obvious photocopies of other peoples work as their own and the like for research papers.
In engineering I found them particularly annoying because they really exist only to justify existing in their job. So they will say anything and do nothing in order to please their boss with no sense of initiative or 'self starting' to fix anything because that will entail taking a personal risk to improve a situation. If someone else tries something and it succeeds they will dog-pile in to say they were helping do the good thing, if it fails then there will be an office with tumbleweeds rolling through it as everyone just urgently needed to go bust a shit somewhere and was nowhere near them.
they are products of the corruption back home lol.
A bigger biowarfare threat.
Your biggest threat is always your closest neighbor. Even though Canada & Mexico are subjectively not a threat to the US, in reality they are objectively the biggest threat & could cause the most damage regardless of their past, present & future military strength versus the US's. China & India are in a whole other ballpark as neighbors - both have huge populations, want economic superiority, & have gown their militaries exponentially. Many would deny it due to the BRICS delusion, but the US benefits the most from India & China being neighbors as the biggest threat to each other compared to anything/anyone else. Both India & China serve as non-official US deterrent to the other. US is truly the global OP when it comes to geographic advantage & it doesn't come close. And frankly given the current state of the world, the US's geography/location is the envy of everyone.
They could easily stop Arab oil from flowing into Chinese ports.
Basically be Yemen on steroids.
Not like anyone could stop them.
But instead they want to get scammed on Russian wonderwaffen and, idk eat each others boogers?
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It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't over a billion of them and they were fleeing to every nation. Britain deserved the blitz and then some.
India has biological warfare cornered pretty hard. Not only is their population completely immune to most modern diseases due to the heavy lack of plumbing and constant public deification it also allows a single Indian man to potentially destroy an entire ecosystem by simply introducing himself there. That, and he’ll rabidly rape anything that moves. How can China compete?
India could blockade Chinese access to the Indian Ocean which would starve it of energy.
Imagine being conquered by a fucking corporation. 8 countries descended on the Qing and they didn't manage to completely colonize them. 1 fucking trading company and India is colonized and they dare claim to be superior to countries like Japan or China.
how are they going to blockade an entire ocean
>block Arab oil
>get your shit pushed in economically because now British and Dutch oil companies are fucked over
>India has its entire service industry crippled overnight
>loses its pharma market overnight too
>literally dragged back to a subsistence agriculture nation because it blocks off China
The only nation that MIGHT accept that is the North Americans, due to tech investments, and I doubt that the US would accept it unless it started shipping oil to China in the meantime while daring India to sink it's shit.
India would be getting stone age'd so fast it'd make them all believe the Kali Yuga was happening and the amount of death would be so amazing that the entire world would recover from the pollution drop.
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equivalent to-
>Germany beats Brazil in 2 world cup battles
>finds itself owned by the Schwarz Group
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Chang-bots before:
>Lolol stupid amerimutt NAFOs ran away from Yemen. lololol
Chang-bots after:
>Uhhhh, you would totally bomb the Indians into the Stone Age for us r-r-right gweilo?

Also who said they’d totally block it off?
They could just make cargo ships pay for passage.
Make it a slow squeeze.
The Chinese government already showed it’s willing to roll over and pay the Houthi’s their bribe.
Why wouldn’t they do it for India?
I think they'd have the edge in the war I most want to see them fight, which would be a full scale no-guns-allowed slapfest in the himalayas
Dear God, what or a horrible story.
>"Wee hours"
They will pay the Australian tax if needed
>You filthy yellow cunts made a coof
>fruck you whitey, we no buy coal!
>proceeds to have back to back power outages for 2 years
>has to buy it through middleman, Dodgy Muhammad's Dancing Boys in Pakistan
>India buys the coal and burns it instead
>preese sell coal whitey?
>nah, sold it to someone else, get fucked
To be absolutely fair, Indians hade one of the most complex and efficient water way and irrigation systems on the planet for much of history.
Another very organic and real post that was definitely made by a real Indian.
Well yeah, that's a fairly low bar, though. They could invade and do quite a bit of damage right now if they wanted to, but they would get stomped long term, and the Chinese would not let them forget about it so long as they are able to remind them (potentially very long term, depending on their ability to not implode like most authoritarians). If you're talking about completely conquer one or the other, no, not without some very nasty tactics that will piss off a lot of others.
they're literal arab tier, poor discipline and miltiary tradition. Arabs always ahd problems with clans, where senior officer staff is populated not by competent people, but by someoen who's just a son of a richest clan
now add this to china with bonus caste system\
>they don't have the inherent cultural urge to backstab everyone for short term gains like the chinese.
they're LITERALLY A FUCKING BACKSTABBERS. Guess how brits conquered them so easily? half of it was playing on how they abckstabd each other, but before that brits assured dominance so indians were backstabbing each other just for daddy brit to call them a good boy while giving put some benefits
I bet they were Pakistani trying to make us bharat soldiers bad

They lack the industrial base and energy security. China now has guaranteed energy and grain supplies from Russia as well as massive industrial base and massive shipbuilding capabilities. They also have moderate plane building capacity. India would be dependent on west for weapons and Arabs for energy as china can prevent any energy flow from Russia to India anytime.
The only advantage the indians have is that they produce a lot more children and don't have the "little emperor" issue that many Chinese boys have (very doted on as single children, all the family wealth going towards a single child which they won't be happy to lose in war).
And they never improved it.
Keep buying French weapons Saar anon or else the Chinese are going to win!
The British Empire had conquered the world 200 years ago. At least all of the parts that mattered.
India hasn't been able to adapt proper sanitation or keeping the water on the outside of submarines.
The only thing that India has going fo rit is that Pakistan is much much worse.
>And frankly given the current state of the world, the US's geography/location is the envy of everyone.
I would argue Canada is in a better position, because who the fuck would attack Canada?
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Canada is in the worst position of all
simple geography says neither india nor china will ever be a real threat to each other unless some retard wants to pick a fight in neutral waters or start lobbing nukes over the himalayas. chang understands that this would be bad for business, while ranjeet is liable to hit the big red button if someone insults his favorite cow. from this we can conclude that the greatest military threat to india are the jeets running it
Yes, but they're only lines of contact for ground forces are mountainous as fuck, and I legitimately can't conceive of an armed conflict in that zone being anything other than a completely static meat grinder. The Himalayas would be incredibly retarded to fight a war in.
kek no
But I thought they are alies!
Where do they poo, though?
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Imagine the smell in that sub after a month.
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Normal subs are called 'pig boats' for a reason, its a special place
I guess the indians could open the screen door and let it waft out once in a while
Bharat power saar.
>gets counter blockade
also the fact that they bitch to the british in english of all languages is the cherry on top
you were correct until that last sentence
current year brits are equal to indians, because they're so pathetic now
china is a paper tiger, i've seen the mountain river battles
I know the Indus Valley civilization did but didn't they disappear without a trace 3000 years ago?
only because they stole the sanitation from colonized india
what do you think 200 years ago means retard
They aren't really in a symmetrical position, India is still just a regional power they are just over populated.
If India fights anyone they fight Pakistan, that's been the situation forever. The Chinese aren't going to cross the Himalayas because they'd get invaded through Vietnam again. The Chinese do what the Japanese did and try to punch through the whole of south East Asia to secure resources, try some pearl harbour shit, east coast of China gets deleted by conventional bombers

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