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/k/ - Weapons

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thoughs, k?
It says iraq dipshit
Your link says Iraq.
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Can you guys think for a moment?

Iraq is basically Iran proxy rn and they will get their hands on the technology either by using sleeper cells or backroom deal with iraqi military themselves
>being this delusional

Firstly, Iran already have access to S400 they don't need gook S400 copy

Secondly the decision to acquire KM-SAM were made as a compromise as Iraq didn't want to anger the US with getting S400 or chinese HQ-22 and they didn't want to anger Iran with getting Patriot missile so korean missile it is.
Calling Iraq an Iranian proxy is a pretty interesting take, considering the US installed government, US military bases, and that apparently Iranian generals can’t even visit without getting slap chopped.

They are an ally so they need something,
but they definitely aren’t a trustworthy ally, better that they get a Korean copy of Russian junk than patriots
>No you guiys you Don't Understand!! You have to entertain my concern trolling about Iran!! THINK use your NOGGIN what happens to any military technology in Iraq???

You get the amount of consideration worthy of someone who posts [sic]
>thoughs, k?

>b-but iran will get it!!
Who cares, everyone involved approved the ITAR restrictions. You are not privy to the details of the arrangement, including any limitations placed on monkey models. Your job to get fucked, not to protest or troll about the deal.

>b-but it's practically a flippin S400!!!!
Iraq is next to Iran. Iran likes to fire big boy missiles at things nearby. You cannot concern troll about the vulnerability of Iraq to Iranian influence while they are making deals to equip themselves against iranian weapons.
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>Can you guys think for a moment?
>Iraq is basically Iran proxy
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound trying to do anything more complicated than breathe?
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That's a weird take given how they hate each others guts.
But they don't.
They are though. Before the Gulf War 2, Iraq was Sunni controlled despite being Shiaa majority. Now their leaders are Shiaa and will always bow to the Iranian Imams. Notice there hasn't been any border disputes between Iraq and Iran since Saddam was deposed. The best thing to have happened to Iran is the Gulf Wars.
Saddam and his cronies already long dead
But they are.
>Notice there hasn't been any border disputes between Iraq and Iran since Saddam was deposed
Have you considered the possibility that this might be a result of the United States providing Iraq with a security guarantee?
>Now their leaders are Shiaa and will always bow to the Iranian Imams
That's not how they work you fucking retard. Right now, their parliament work like Bosnia. They have Kurd as President, a shiite as PM and Congress full of Sunni and this is fixed. Actually I don't remember which is which but this is pretty much how they work. Basically minority control the leadership but don't actually control everything. While majority control everything but not the leadership. Saying they become Iranian proxy because their president is a shiite is fucking retard because they is no way congress controlled sunni will allow it.
Stop spamming this board, Moshe.
They might not be a Iranian proxy, but what they aren't is actively working against Iranian influence like Saddams Iraq did.

The US fucking around in the region just kicked one anti-iranian regime out and the wonder why the Iranians have gotten more bold.
>oy vey if you aint dying for us then you are our enemy
They are mad because it’s true. If Iraq wasn’t closely aligned with iran they wouldn’t have let iran move tons of men and material across their borders in the past month.
Typical /k/uck /k/ope.
Most sane hasbara shill.
You are free to go back to your brown containment board.
He was not a reliable deterrent. He pissed off so many people including Saudi, Syria, Kurd, Kuwait and Israel and even his own people, that his downfall was inevitable. If anything not removing him sooner will make him do absolutely retarded shit like arming Wahabbi in Saudi which was exactly he's trying to do.
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>Now their leaders are Shiaa and will always bow to the Iranian Imams.
That's not how that works, minority sectarian leadership doesn't somehow change the fact that 60-80% of a country hold different beliefs and will not suddenly realign with those imams.
You might also remember a little scuffle between the two called the Iran Iraq War? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_War
>Notice there hasn't been any border disputes between Iraq and Iran since Saddam was deposed.
>"Notice how the primary aggressor in the region getting hanged ended the conflict"
Thoughtful and insightful analysis, anon, your talent is wasted in the dedovshchina pits of Moscow.
>They are mad because it’s true. If Iraq wasn’t closely aligned with iran they wouldn’t have let iran move tons of men and material across their borders in the past month.
source? Why wouldn't a saner assumption be that it's incompetence or local corruption rather than collaboration?
Why don't hasbara mods mop up this mess of a subversion attempt?
Ive read the same news like 5 months ago
and? does not mean everybody forgot the near decade old war
that good
peope don't just wake up one day and spend billions on an anti air defence system.
man you could have just said it was a fucking typo and not outed yourself as a retard.
lmao at retards seething in the replies when iranian allied groups literally control the Iraqi military
But Israel proved the iron dome stuff doesn't work. Literally useless.
Their are Shia militias that launch missiles at US bases and injure active duty personnel while Biden does nothing.
Iraq is the launch site of attacks against Israel as well.
Cope more.
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anti... AIR.
Anti syria air air air anti air, two for my buttercup.
Missiles. Air. Elongated item. Anti air.
Billions and billions.
I think I'll have breakfast.
Air syria. Anti air. anti. FUCK.
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>Their are Shia militias that launch missiles at US bases and injure active duty personnel while Biden does nothing.
Korean S400?
Why is this garbage thread still up.
I'm going to reply to this thread every so often just to people like you
Why do they need 5 months to still consider acquiring instead of just doing it tho?
threadly reminder to keep this thread alive just to spite this particular anon
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>North Korean
Verification not required
threadly reminder to keep this thread alive just to spite this particular anon
Because they're doing it for free.
Environmental and LGB-BLT studies.
threadly reminder to keep this thread alive just to spite this particular anon
threadly reminder to keep this thread alive just to spite this particular anon
What part of 'South Korea' in that link do you not get?
>The Iraqi Army Command revealed details of a deal to purchase an air defence system from South Korea
>But Israel proved the iron dome stuff doesn't work. Literally useless.
The iron cope was owned recently by some crazy long range hypersonic missile.
>Why is this garbage thread still up.
because /k/ is a slow board, and it´s getting slower with the time. You know why.
Iraq fucking hates Iran what are you on about
>because /k/ is a slow board, and it´s getting slower
The shills/rats are leaving the sinking ship.
Russians can leave sinking ships now?
Stop samefagging your shit stillborn thread, retard faggot OP.

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