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Is it truly an excellent gun or just an overrated and overpriced meme?
main issue i've heard is that it has dogshit sights
Other than the sights, everything is dogshit.
I like how it's a plastic clamshell like an airsoft gun, is straight blowback and has 3 sets of sights.
>stock image
>low effort single sentence inflammatory bait
over and fucking over again with this fucking spam
As much as i think the 5.7 is a meme round, I would fucking love a vz.61 scorpion in 5.7x28.
Was good for it's time and purpose but now is horrifically outdated because FN refuses to make any changes to their firearms at all that aren't military focused and the P90 has already lost it's relevance as a firearm any military would want.
Don't care, still want one.
It was good, Germoids just didn't want to have it adopted as the NATO standard PDW because they didn't make it. They held it up until they developed the MP7 to try and steal the spotlight.
The TDP needs to be leaked for the P90 so goddamn bad, it's a fucking travesty to let it wither and rot in FN's hands.
Loading it is apparently a huge fucking pain in the ass.

Just get an MP5 clone.
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It's truly excellent at blasting the goold
the magazines are prone to cracking
Now that I have a hard use rimfire can I want one for the sole purpose of hosting it. Also through a thermal on theer too for pest control.
>Bullpup SMG with 50 rounds
Not a bad idea really.
also the charging handles are too small so it's easy to slip when grabbing them. there are aftermarket options to replace these
The barrel isn't easily removable which makes SBRing it a pain in the ass unless you want to use an EFFEN90 receiver
it was a cutting edge $500 firearm that was decades ahead of its time. except its its almost 40 years old now and has more in common with airsoft guns than real ones. fabrique nationale still charges $1500 for it even though palmetto state armory and kel-tec sell $500 guns that are better than the p90
the full auto trigger is weird. the super safety is the same but in reverse and is better in every way.
Still the only weapon that does what it does
>50 rounds
>actually fits in a suitcase or holstered out of the way
>can actually kill soft armor
>is actually controllable in full auto
>is actually ambidextrous
Ps90 down to $1000 and five-seven down to $700 would be good
It's a centerfire 22wmr
Yeah with muzzle velocity that isnt shit
made for dual-wielding, to show your were truly tactical
Instead of reloading, just carry a second p90. 100 rounds on demand
It is a brilliant weapon if issued as intended. Only thing it lacks in a hypothetical scenario where 5.7 fully replaces 9mm in the armed forces is the ability to accept Five-Seven magazines as well, through some alternate side-mounted magwell or whatever.
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>the ability to accept Five-Seven magazines
ive got a better idea
It's their most popular product per the director of global sales for FN. He stated this just 4 years ago in a Larry Vickers interview.

You have NO idea what you're talking about.
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It's a tiny, lightweight submachine gun that holds 50 rounds and can be broken down super easily.
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What other gun took over two galaxies?
still want one
Than thats actually worse and means they are just fucking lazy and resting on their laurels.
Oh sorry, I'll make a ukraine twitter thread next time.
Not a good indictment of 5.7
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oh my
Yeah. Unless you pay for a red dot of some sort it's nearly useless.
They mostly produce the Scar.
Then the machine guns.
Guns in 5.7 are really at the bottom.
It's the case in the belgian "military" but the SFG prefers to use Glocks in 9mm anyway. With the MP9 as a SMG that might be replaced with either the stryborg grandpower or the b&t apc9
It's really good beside the weak magasine lips, you have to take good care of them.
the future is now
>bitch about having to use full auto in CQC
>use 5.56 with no regard for overpenetration or control or blasting everyones ears off instead
sights need updating(fixed on later models by just having a rail upper) and it was designed for a purpose that wasn't actually required. could still be useful with some updates to it and it's ammo but the carbinization of rifles should fills a better purpose most of the time. like many FN projects it's full of good ideas that then fail to hit the mark due to inflexibility.
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The aftermarket does more to keep the P90 alive than FN themselves do
That is soulless, fuck off
I've held both a Tokyo Marui P90 and a PS90, they feel exactly the same.

Not sure if that speaks to the build of the P90 or the quality of jap airsoft replicas.
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You are retarded
Given the real P90 is parts slapped inside an airsoft tier clamshell with a keltec screw pattern, it's not surprising.
Hopefully aftermarket stocks become more popular for it
>I actually know more than the guy whose job it is to know what sells globally
Shut the duck up retard. 5.7 is the GOAT btw.
Gonna be honest that looks like dogshit and ruins the OG silhouette
LOL, the Scar sucks, only the dumbest burgers buy it! Smart burgers just buy AR10's.
FN makes most of their money selling barrels.
>shitty ergos
>shitty sights
>completely unintuitive
>overly complex for what it is
>expensive to feed
There's a firm reason why you never see it
Almost no redeeming factors outside of "it looks cool"
>Is it truly an excellent gun or just an overrated and overpriced meme?
Pure meme, literally no point to it other than that.
Fun meme though.
yeah that must be why so many guns use it huh
I got a ps90 and it's complete trash. FN is fucking retarded and they have yet to design a single good gun.
It's good at what it was made for, which is to be a small, high-capacity personal defense weapon with high-velocity and penetration ammunition.

Handing it to dudes in suits protecting a VIP? Good. Handing it to literally any soldier? Bad.
>can actually kill soft armor
Not without armor piercing rounds, which any SMG can do.
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it was supposed to be a compact bullet firehose, so in regards to full auto, it is not overrated and checks those boxes perfectly - albiet will cost you a mortgage payment to unload a couple full clips.

in semi auto, it is literally the most retarded thing to have ever existed and anyone who owns one is a fool.
Apparently people do. I take the head of global sales word over some random shitpost any day of the week. Maybe Reddit and Wikipedia aren't authoritative and exhaustive works?
>the guy who works for a company says the company is doing great
Bet you thought the Acolyte was gonna have 10 more seasons too huh?
OK name 5
He didn't say that he said it was his best selling product when Larry pointed out it wasn't popular.

Surprising given the MAG and Minimi exist.

LMAO you're absolutely seething. No one cares about the SCAR. The largest user rn is Ukraine and they got them as aid.

You're too stupid to realize FN's M4/M16 contract was larger than the ENTIRE production run of the SCAR this far.

Progressive triggers were seen as "innovative" back in the 90s, the AUG had one too even.
>something about the scar
nigga you're so mad you couldn't even quote the right post
>He didn't say that he said it was his best selling product when Larry pointed out it wasn't popular.

Yes yes, but I'm sure he would have said that regardless of what Larry said was unpopular. No company rep is going to admit to any loss anywhere EVER on record.
It's an excellent survival rifle, that's the only role I can see it excelling over other options in, until the plastic shell cracks.

Any other circumstances I'd take a higher caliber handgun or a short barrel intermediate rifle. The round lacks the mass to be viable, it doesn't meet FBI standards to be a duty round. You come across barriers and windshields it's not going to perform better than 9mm, the bullet is half the weight and mass. Certainly won't outperform a hotter handgun caliber and handguns are more concealable and maneuverable.

Basically it's just cool, if you're not really focused on tactical minmaxing go ahead and get it.
The AUG is from 1977, not the 90s, and it still has one. It's one of the few genuine flaws (as opposed to tradeoffs) of the design that's never really been addressed. The Australian and Irish AUGs have a single shot lockout on the trigger that fixes half the problem (accidentally going full auto when you want single shot) but it doesn't do anything to fix the other half of the problem (needing to go through a single shot to get to full auto, which at absolute best involves snatching the trigger, at worst yields a single shot and no FA in a situation where presumably you really needed FA, and usually lands somewhere in the middle where you get an inconsistent gap between the first and second bullet of a FA string that makes it almost worthlessly inaccurate even at close range).

If you were going to PIP the AUG in 2024, you'd start with the EF88 and you'd do a new trigger mechanism from the ground up. If mechanical then definitely made from non-plastics with better friction properties, but arguably (piezo)electric at this point, and either way a single stage trigger with a mode selector (if mechanical then at the rear in a weird, dogshit, probably not ambi spot, if electric then integrated with the firing circuit in a sane spot). Either way, keep the current safety and fundamentals (bolt, reciever, barrel, gas etc) and iterate on them, but jesus start clean sheet with the trigger mech and produce a completely new trigger pack.
will always hate the mp7 for that
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It's a crippled .221 Fireball.
They hated him because he was right.
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Ammo aside, its form factor lends itself to being one of the best CQC packages you can get. Great for deploying in a vehicle or tight corridors and still being able to shoulder it. And if you are one of those folks who like to fly too close to the sun its easily modified to be full auto if you know how to melt plastic together. Fifty round mags are nice and loading them is easy once you know the tricks.

The three biggest cons are price, optics, and caliber. There is no reason other than pure greed the guns cost as much as they do. Receiver if rough cast aluminum that doesn't need much in the way of precision machining. Most of the gun is plastic and its blow back operated so the barrel is just a rifled tube of steel. Without adding a modern optic you would be squishing your face low just to use the optic or super crude iron sights. And the caliber, while deadly, isn't going to win any ballistics awards and the P90 is sensitive to non-FN packaged 5.7 ammo due to needing proper cripping and lube to feed and function flawlessly.

If you want a smol package rifle its awesome. If you want a HD gun there are much better and cheaper options.
Who the fuck would ever use a P90 for HD?
Anyone with half a brain. Obviously, you do not meet the requirements.
Brother man, your house is made of drywall. Who the fuck are you doing HD from that would require you to clear your entire house, room by room, with your PDW (and presumably) NODs and other shit. Who is letting you do that in the first place? Unless you're some sort of VIP, a drug dealer, or some shit, I've literally never heard of a home defense situation necessitating even considering a full LARP /k/ommando scenario. Literally all DGU threads start and end with some boomer pulling out his 1911, a Chinese woman running through her house while blasting at nothing with her Glock while home invaders run away, some retards getting blasted through a door, a physical altercation over a gun, or that guy who uses the lady in front of him as cover while he puts holes in the dude who just robbed him. If you can post a single webm of some Gucci'd out retard actually using his shit to stop a home invader, I will go out and sign up for whatever dumb classes Botkin shills.
It's why you want to shoot someone a whole lot with 5.7. 20 rounds for the handgun and 50 rounds for the P90. It's just too bad about the price per round.
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ps90 down to $450 is legitimately the only way it would be a good gun. they could afford to do that, the gun is less complex than the kel-tec cmr30 and has less pieces. the fact that you're willing to compromise and pay $1000 for something that is now sub-standard is exactly why these dipshits still charge $1500 for a gun like this
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the thing is all of this applies to the calico except its in 9mm, they aren't fifteen hundred dollars, nor are they made by fucking belgians.
I unironically think the calico is the best subgun (when they work properly) because on paper they're amazing.
>stupid light (without mag, obviously)
>100rds lmao
>roller delayed like an mp5, zero recoil
>iron sights on the magazine issue can be superseded by a red dot
Only issue is lack of modularity, the rails for optics sit super high and make mag changes very awkward.
Someone on /k/ should take one for the team and start producing clones of them for everyone. Maybe even improve it eventually. I mean how expensive could it be finding some cheap, even pajeet, OEM cast receiver service to make the receivers and then getting someone like Brownells or Rosco to make the barrel and metal bits.
Now imagine if it used >>62521207 instead. 50 rounds of 14.5" AR performance out of a PS90.
>Is it truly an excellent gun or just an overrated and overpriced meme?
>5.7x28 is strong enough to rip through space alien armor
Why haven't we conquered the galaxy yet?
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>Is it truly an excellent gun or just an overrated and overpriced meme?
Good enough for Mr. Gaddafi's security forces, make of that what you will.
They wsre used by Peruvian marines during the Chavin de Huantar operation too, which is the finest counter terrorist CQC breach ever made, even better than the Iranian embassy siege
You'd end up with way too much recoil and problems feeding rounds shaped like that. Balance would also be finicky since the mag is run down the length of the weapon.
Gimmicky SMG firing a subpar round. But not a bad weapon.
>he thinks house clearing works like holding M1 in cowadooty
Ten inch barreled rifles won out over SMGs and PDWs for a reason.
Frankly the best solution to "guys are in a building" is to blow the building up from the outside. Second best is to drop white phosphorous through the roof instead and shoot the choking/burning dudes who stumble out the door.
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What's the problem with the shape? Just the slight taper? Easy enough to fix, just blow it out to a .221 AI. I doubt it weighs much more than 5.7, it's 5mm longer and 1mm bigger around.
Didn't one of the only guys who had a P90 during the raid die by returning gunfire though
Mostly, the .221 is too conical. The base doesn't match the shoulder so it doesn't want to stack in a straight line. Yes, it's only about 15 thous but over 50 rounds it's notable and enough to fuck with an already complicated feed ram. This could create L85 tier reliability problems.

Also, 5mm of length is pretty significant for a bullet. Only 6mm separate the NATO 5.56x45 to the soviet 7.62x39.
Damn good squirrel& varmint gun
>Easy enough to fix, just blow it out to a .221 AI
Better off just upscaling the 5.7mm to 46.5mm in length. There's less math involved.
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Yes it’s overpriced. Kel-Tec has a good one for $500.
>if you know how to melt plastic togeth
Bullshit. Theyre al neutered now.
Man kave trigger components, new friend.
That doesn't do anything. Gen 1 packs are still neutered.
Seems like a cool weapon to conceal up your sleeves, if robes are your style.
Good luck stripping and cleaning that shit
uh, sweaty, only 1.4mm separate 5.56x45 and 7.62x39. The length of the case itself is practically irrelevant. What matters is the overall length (for fitting in a magazine) and the difference between the overall length and the case length (which determines how long of an ogive your bullet can have)

That wouldn't accomplish anything since it would still only be a 50,000 psi cartridge. You'd need to redesign the webbing at which point it's easier to modify the .221 case. Blowing out a shoulder takes practically zero math, it's by far the most common thing wildcatters do.
takes literally no time at all
Retard alert. Now I'm not going to explain it to you.
I love how iconic and unique it is, but I borrowed my friend's P90 for a range trip and it feels so bad in the hands, the ergonomics are terrible and the safety and cocking handle is terrible. Recoil is .22 mag so that's good. Feels like it was made for Sanghelli hands!
>high pressure bottleneck cartridge
>straight blowback
>High pressure
No, and that's why it's shit. If only they'd used an action that could handle a high pressure cartridge, the P90 and Fiveseven might actually be worth using.
>full-auto is a cqb no-go
>full auto is only an advantage in cqb
Which is it?
Cops are fucking retarded. People who listen to cops' anecdotes uncritically are even more retarded.
Hope this helps.
Doesn't seem like a contradiction to me, last guy is saying basically the same thing as the first guy.
>full auto generally isn't useful
>if you're stuck with a popgun cartridge it helps to be able to dump 50 rounds into a guy and hope one of them gets lucky
The first guy says auto is bad in CQB. The last guy says auto is only good in CQB. It's a direct contradiction.
Since when is 50k not high pressure?
It's not contradictory at all, full auto is bad in CQB because of the chance of random flyers hitting civilians and other sensitive objects when it comes to being a tactical unit. The gun is also only good in CQB because of it being useful only in full auto, which is bad for them.
Extremely ugly stock.
The reload alone makes it impractical as anything but a toy, they could have put the grip nand trigger right at the midddle of the frame so it would balance more like an UZI or MP-9 instead of this too

Nobody makes these anymore
>Nobody makes these anymore
Very true, CQB does not make any sense for application to majority of infantry and combined arms.
It's good in many ways, but considering
>straight blowback
>lots of polymer parts
>34 years old
It really needs a $500 bullpup competitor.
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when the first leaked pictures of the keltec were online and everyone noticed the indent in front of the trigger guard, you thought there was going to be some awesome wild underfolding stock of some sort.
then all they did was a bent rod. totally lame
In fairness there is an aftermarket picatinny rail stock attachment for it so you can attach any stock you want but yeah it is really lame.
I would have rathered just more pic rail going all the way to the trigger guard. I want to put the weird awful space Hera grips on it but the lines are all fucked up without an extended rail.
Is there a side rail for lights/lasers on the PS90? Or does nobody make them?
There are plenty that bolt straight to the side, yes.
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how do you know we haven't? The general population of Earth didn't know shit all the way into SG:U.

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