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i mean those who feel it, who are made of it.
what does its culture, beliefs and values tell about them?
what IS an actual soldier in its soul?
Skiddles in their MRE
Can't tell if brown hands, Asian, or under 18.
soft sensitive hands, guided by dumb naive 2 braincells on coffee. come forth soldier, what motivates you in your darkest hours?

said the real ones
C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me)
>said the real ones
No true scotsman already? That was fast.
Definitely brown russo
there is no philosophy board
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Imagine if those guys ever fucked up the scheduled rituals and the Unknown Soldier got out of its containment tomb
Legitimately I'd drop all the act and just start running.
>Don't wanna let my boys down because they're out here in the suck just like I am

Many people may start off with different motivations when they first join, but it always eventually railroads to the above statement after a while. For God and Country is a nice romantic sentiment but at the end of the day you do what you have to for the guys in your trenchline, because you know they'd do the same for you
Kiddo has a homework assignment due tomarrow.
your battle brothers
keep them alive and they keep you alive
when you throw yourself over someone to save them against a grenade, noone is gonna dangle a dollarbill above your head and the last thing that goes through your mind is: welp, that sucks.
but you do it anyways.
and what exactly is pulverizing someones brain to do such a thing??
>not for god and country
>do it for the brothers in trenchline
how is that no less of romantic sentiment?
its far less practical, than your explination allows.

you do not get to have the guarantee that theyre doing it for you. you dont have a promise to survive or really protect the others eithers.

kindly fuck off and eat yours
It's a practical sentiment taken to extremes. You don't WANT to assault and clear the bunker that's laying down a wall of 7.62- that's fucking scary and could easily get you killed or maimed. But, you do it because that wall of 7.62 is raining down on your buddies and could kill them which could then mean you're in far more danger of being left alone, and it also means you lose respect and status within your little tribe (platoon).
Our brains are hardwired to desire social interaction, status, and acceptance from a small tight knit group of people and the military has exploited that expertly in the way units are structured (fireteam, squad, platoon, company, etc).

Larger concepts like "god and country" aren't as immediately pressing to a single soldier doing his best to keep himself and his friends alive. If you look at Audie Murphy's medal of honor citation for example, it was asked to him why he did what he did. His simple answer was, "they were killing my friends". He did all that shit not because it was his duty to his god or to his country, but because the lizard part of his brain was screaming at him to protect his tribe from danger
I don't care, I try to keep them alive. They 100% are more capable than me, I keep them alive. They keep me alive.
The idea that through an act of absolutely insane and schizophrenic heroism for his friends and at his own expense a man can receive a sliver of redemption in this utterly broken world. That the acknowledgement of how much it sucks and it all ending in death is enough, and in spite of it you keep moving when millions of others never would.
>kindly fuck off and eat yours
You need to be 18 to post on 4chan.
I'm sure this got traction in WW2 or even Afghanistan but I can't imagine this is true at all anymore
maybe not for you
I believe those events, no matter the era, are fucking scary
I'm not leaving a buddy behind.
another evidence that it's the generic term for service member despite the autist telling you "NUUH UH, I'M A MUREEN"
Depends on the service. The Marines absolutely still operate 100% that way.
imma 39yo unadulterated retard, what now.

yes, it is a service

but im fascinated by what kind of devotion that is

how is it possible for the lizzard brain to turn against itself to such extremes? i understand the mere survival instinct, that does not differenciate, but dont you think there is also some kind of locked in mechanism, that is handling a superstructure? and what would that be?
There's definitely got to be a darwinian mechanism that rewards tribes where individuals are willing to sacrifice themselves for the tribe
Guys jump on grenades because Unga jumped in front of mammoth and Unga's sisters and cousins avoided starvation propagating a close duplicate of his genes anyway
>possible for the lizard brain to turn against itself
three hundred thousand years homo sapiens have walked the earth and we've been social creatures since we were monkeys
hell even fish swim in groups
protecting the "tribe" or just others in the group is definitely deeply wired into the lizard brain
plus a healthy dose of environmental factors and i bet anyone would jump on a grenade for a friend
>lizzard brain to turn against itself
pretty gay joe rogan term ,but ill bite. the only way a soldier can do what is necessary is by accepting the fact that he is already dead
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so no other motives, but pure monke brain rewarded by healthy bananas for the sake of more bananas...and a scratch. ookkkeee
i mean i get it. i dont know what i expected.
>i mean i get it.
Clearly not.
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It's still true. You need to stop watching obviously cherrypicked videos of POGs conducting typical POG behavior.
i said a healthy amount of environmental factors too, that includes military training AND living with the men you will probably die with
throw a sociopath raised in an unempathetic household into a squad of randoms one day before a battle and yeah, lizard brain group behaviors will likely be ignored
My take is that conservatives are akin to soldier ants who will unthinkingly follow their monarch as long as he emits the right "pheromones'" -- i.e. racism. The conservative is satisfied by the idea of racial continuity.
ou cranky lil shit. im not a soldier, never been to war. never threw myself on a tank, a splinter of a bullet or a boot, so most clearly i dont get why they keep going back. Howeeever you tiny little fly in the ointment, >>62510419 this anon is onto what i suspected
>accepting the fact that he is already dead
that is the superstructure, this is how it works, you have a blank check that is like a dept: you die anyhow, you better do it for and with your buddies. i think it makes more sense now.

why are the eyes censored?

seems like both the will to give everything and the bond need equal exchange. but that only works, if there are no other implications, or rewards and that set to zero is the faint acceptence that youre gone anyways.
it is still strange though, all of it.
christ almighty man what the fuck drug are you on i didnt understand a goddamn word you just said
It is still true for many...but that number is shrinking. Many people still believe in community (such as veteran community) it's just that the communities of people we trust is shrinking. Ethics are becoming increasingly pedestrian in the sense that for more and more people ethics is like a shirt they put on for a few hours a day and take off for most of it.

Those people that are worth "showing up" for are shrinking but it doesn't reduce my admiration or my willingness to show up for them any less.
>why are the eyes censored?

I don't want to put my full face on 4chan
You're absolutely right, the bj hoe and taytay told me to tell you that with their nostril singing pheromones.
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>what motivates a soldier?
In peace time, mostly money
In war time, defend your country against the enemy mostly.
it was still true in GWOT. I think it's harder for the general atmosphere of most civilians to understand today, but it'll remain true as long as there are white men on the planet.
There have been some studies that suggest older siblings are overrepresented among Medal of Honor recipients.
I could see that. I'm the oldest of three and I was always getting into fights because my middle brother is kind of a pussy and was getting bullied 24/7. It makes sense older siblings are primed from a younger age to want to protect who they see as their "younger brothers"
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White men are the only demographic that have overwhelmingly stopped enlisting in the US military in the last five years

Although the Pentagon does have theories as to why this is happening; frankly the overall white population has become too poorly educated, too fat and sickly, too drug-addicted and too indoctrinated by alt-right or Russian propaganda (let's face it, they're interchangeable) to be qualified to serve.

I mean, they're not wrong. Look at how asshurt racists got over Fort Liberty.
gayest response ever
>frankly the overall white population has become too poorly educated, too fat and sickly, too drug-addicted
Thats everyone
Imagine renaming a military base because of asshurt darkies, one of which was the first slaveowner in the Americas.
No op but he literally said that seriously knowing the overall quality of la Raza recruits, 80% of which wouldn't qualify for enlistment in their own countries of origin.
I dare you to tell me General Cavazos deserves to have his name dragged through the mud that is Fort Hood. And you call me a fucking racist.
Some folks are born
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i cant help it, i make perfectly sense to me

makes sense. how heavy is your overall gear?
ive noticed in wintertime, with hat, gloves, parka, boots, that my reactions get slower, possibly because of the cold. But did you noticed, some kind of slower reactions for you because of lessened stimuli through fabric?

now that you have experienced both civilian and military, where do you feel better suited and why. can you tell me what deployments you were in?

it is the role more so than the chronological order, but yes, if a clockwork needs that particular cog to work, you step in. that is probably also a feauture of a soldier, their will to close the gap

there is something inherently inspiring but unsettling in the profession of a soldier and i think unlike any other group, it is their will to die.
Darwin and his hypothesis have been a disaster for many things, including an understanding of the psyche.
All is banan, you are monke, goes the dogma.
What I want to know is who is in the box?
>how heavy is your overall gear?

Helmet carries battery pack, NODS, and mounted earpro.
On my plate carrier I have 5 mags, usually a smoke grenade, star cluster, PRC-163 radio, fast roping gloves, 2 TQ's, some small admin shit like an extra radio battery, extra batteries for my optics/NODs/IR laser, cleaning kit, pen/notepad, a slice of a VS-17 panel, 1-2L of water, knife, and gerber.
On the belt I keep another rifle mag, 1 pistol mag, IFAK, dump pouch, a heli lanyard, TQ, and a frag pouch (usually holds a dip can because we rarely get frags)
Shit gets pretty heavy especially with plates. I'd estimate like 30ish pounds with full magazines and pyro
You got a better idea besides "God just made us that way"?
Theology is a lot more complex than that, despite what Ricky Gervais and Family Guy say. More that man does it to himself, really.
To get a CIB/CAB/CMB
>there is something inherently inspiring but unsettling in the profession of a soldier and i think unlike any other group, it is their will to die.
Eh, even in an Earth of world peace the people who enlist to be soldiers would be sticking their necks out into danger. They'd just be doing disaster relief, exploring extreme environments, firefighting...
"The true soldier fights not because what he hates is in front of him but because he loves what is behind him." -- GK Chesterton
what is this?

had to look up all of them, and most i didnt even find. that is heavy indeed. do you like your job?

on the mechanical level it is unfortunately not wrong, its like the parachute. but it is also bad, that we perceive ourselvves and others more than that and then we have to combine it.

id like to know.

still a massive difference to go to war, and the military has its own culture, values, that are highly impersonal in contrast to the others you meantioned and i think the tomb (not box) is just the symbol for it. and i do not mean the individual, but the idea of the soldier that is so unnatural. even if they are defending the group, they ultimately do something contrary of that, taking themselves out of it, depersonalized, with extreme measures.

love for loyality perhaps
I've said it a million times if I've said it once, the post 2nd European 30 years war (14' to 45') expeditionary nature of America's military and international policy is nothing short of mercenary. The very idea that we even have such a thing as "Veterans of Foreign Wars" posts would be anathema to any founder before Lincoln. Nobody in this bank run, NorthEast poofter aristocratatized nation has fought for anything "they've loved behind them" since before 1865 and I'm getting really sick and tired of the repeated political abuse of what is likely the most destructive force for the preservation of individual human rights in history by sending it every other decade to a heaping sandbox that its own historical occupants use as a giant landfill when they're not beating their wives.

Not one more donkeyfucking, thousand-year warring tribal soul in any other dysfunctional shithole is worthy of another drop of my countrymen's blood. If the rest of the world wants to use America's army as a mercenary force to clean up their fuckups they can pay through the nose just like any middle-age European potenate recruiting Landsknechts in Swabia...through the fucking nose. It's time for them to bankrupt their economies and currencies, not ours. Show me the money. I know these camel worshippers are holding.

Enough is enough.
>he doesn't know
The demographic of whites which stopped enlisting is mostly leftists. The GWOT ended so people who simply want to fight aren't going to get that anymore. They'll start a business.

>-t. person incapable of motivating soldiers
At least promise money and benefits. If you can't at least match the State you're dead to me.
Think about it. You say the government sucks boo hoo. Yet you can't beat them. Not even peacefully through their own avenues. You are the untermench you claim to fight.
id say the u.s soldiers who fought in the pacific against the nip menace did. every anti war america first isolationist supported that war. Korea intervention was also justified and we should have pushed all the way into Manchuria and permanently crippled the Chinese.
It's always nice to meet an American expeditionarist in person online. So tell me, Mr. American-policy-is-to-make-the-entire-world-Los-Angeles", after you're done expending what's left of America's original stock and half of the incoming migrant diaspora in your quest for world domination what overwhelming small pittance would you be satisfied with as your share after they've gobbled up enough to conquer Antarctica from the penguin menace and given Shaneequa and her 8 kids from queens their 10%?
if you think the country now and the country between 1941-1955 are the same you are retard. are you a Japanese nationalist or a ccp sympathizer? see how retarded it is to make blanket assumptions? i hate all zipperheads that murder white people thats my philosophy
>do you like your job?

I'd prefer this to sitting in a cubicle 100%
The opportunities to get away with rapes
Intrinsic motivations (overcoming challenges, competition, sense of responsibility, desire for experiences)
Extrinsic motivations (money, benefits, social status)
It wouldn’t be that bad, remember that he can’t go more than ~7 miles from Washington’s Obelisk. Probably reinterred within 60 hours
Just trying to not fuck up and get yelled at.
And what this dude said >>62509533
I hate all white people that "murder" anything.
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Socialism, public healthcare and scholarship fund.
yo we made basically negative dollars an hr. Nobody joins for money. Poor people are less represented in the US mil per capita even. Honestly if they really thought it through more would join. As it does give access to lots of middle class opportunities.

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