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Latvia announced it will deliver to Ukraine an undisclosed amount of FV107 Scimitar, an armoured tracked military reconnaissance vehicle (CVR(T)) equipped with a 30mm gun
Latvia has 123 of those
Ukraine needs first world equipment.
Better than nothing, and considering Latvia's military it's actually considerably good by their standards
The FV was a sort of a weird choice anyway. It was always more of
>the estonians and lithuanians are getting IFV, we better get something too! Oh, we can get this one for cheap
It never fit into any coherent planning or doctrine. Ukraine might grt more out of them since they have the horizontal width to use them in their intended roles.
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Preferable when compared to Ukraines BRDM-2s.

You're not fooling anyone (not that you ever did)
In fairness they were replacing it with the BTR-4
The only tears are yours, considering you haven't stopped posting seethe for years.
They are going to be used as decoys to protect Bradleys.
Do armoured reconnaissance vehicles have a role now that UAV reconnaissance is so common? The Rarden cannon seems ok until you realise it fires in 3 round bursts, no rapid fire. Still, it is British, so that means it does hot drinks - do doubt welcome with winter on the way...
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Is there even a slavic analog to this?

Maybe the BRM-1? BMD-2?
It's more like a beefier BRDM, they're forward observers and recon elements with the added ability to actually kill most vehicles they encounter.
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They will be good for recon in force with drones for long range observation, also good for fire support roles in (relatively) quiet areas. They aren't meant to be an assault vehicle, and as long as it isn't used as such it will be fine.
I wonder if they’ll send FO variants like the US did with the B-FISTs.
It was a panic buy right after 2014, but even then we could have done better
Thank you ChatGPT
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Thank you dumb nigger, what do you think about it? (P.S. you forgot you had ur name on faggot)
not really big on military vehicles, how do these stack up against electric scooters and golf carts wrapped in chicken coop wire
Dedicated recon vehicles are increasingly useless in an age of drone proliferation, especially in largely static warfare where speed is less useful than armor. Ukrainians hated the AMX 10RC because they were tin cans, and they'll hate these too.
They liked the non armed versions because they have good ground pressure for muddy environs. I'm sure they'll like the unarmed version too.
I'm not warriortard, I just like to share and discuss new announcements of arms deliveries to Ukraine
>a Sodom meme
Holy based.
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>Ukrainians hated the AMX 10RC because they were tin cans
Some people keep saying this, but I haven't seen a single source backing it
On the contrary, Ukrainian units using the AMX 10RC seem to like it. Yes, it's lightly armored, but as long as you use it as it should (that is, not in armored spearheads), it's a good vehicle
Ukrainians made a mistake and corrected it, the AMX 10 doesn't deserve to be qualified as "shit". It would be like using a spoon as a fork and then complaining about it's uselessness
Would be very pathetic if you said that and were warriortard, right?
It would, but I'm not, so it isn't
Scimmys are fucking cute and warriortard is a fag
Why would it be pathetic if you were warriortard?
*holds up spork*
t. t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
I dunno, it would be stupid to pretend to not be someone when you obviously are, I guess?
Which is fine, since I am obviously not that someone, but someone else
based and TZD-pilled
The CVR(t) is the other series of vehicles besides the mt-lb that tells the Uke mud season to go fuck itself. I'm very pleased with this news. Ukes need as many cvrt as possible.
How did it feel being 40 years old and typing that?
The Bongs liked them in the Falklands War.
They'll be awesome. As long as Ukes have their eyes on the sky looking out for drones they'll do great.
>it would be stupid to pretend to not be someone when you obviously are
Never stopped the retard.
Hi retard. Did your mom give you special sockies this week?
What the fuck are you talking about? The RARDEN is shit, and its turret is shit, and it has no armour, the only thing it has going for it is decent speed and thermals, but you still stuck with a 50rpm hand loaded 30mm, and no stabliser so you can't even fire on the move lmao.
Now now, let's not be completely retarded.

There's a bit more going on with Latvia's supply than the autocannon, and that's what I care about. Ukes need the whole system, except maybe the scorp. That's the one that gives you cancer iirc.
Pic related.
The only vehicle there worth a fuck is the spartan because it's an APC, and even then that's not better than anything else they have, the CVRT is an outdated shit vehicle family.
Assuming that Ukes maintained their earlier donated fleet of cvrt, they will have close to 250 of them once Latvia's donation comes through.

They started out being used by Azov, I think, so there are likely quite a few losses, Bahkmut being Bahkmut.
So she did give you special sockies? Awwwww. Did they have Sheepy weepie
You know as well as I do that the handloading isn't an inhibitor to ROF, but that won't make you less of a seethebaby when they start being used to kill Russians effectively.
Not at all, it's speed and ability to overcome the Uke mud season makes it fantastic, like an mt-lb but faster and less shit. It can easily be up-armoured, (I don't know what modifications if any the Latvians made, but whatever).

It will go a long way to maintain an offensive through difficult seasons, and having 200+ of them is excellent news, as the Uke mic can invest properly in their own adaptations. Third assault is huge now, they need this stuff.
It's fast and lightly armored, its decent for the terrain and the civilian engines are easily replaceable by generic car engines. The thermals should be relatively OK, and the gun is a decent 30mm for such a small tank that can hide in places where others can't. You don't get this level of seethe on weasel threads, but we know what you are, so this isn't a surprise.

Outdated is relative, go somewhere else if all you want to do is seethe.
Did you enjoy the last ban by the way
It’s a good alternative for the BRDM-2 and it’s unfortunately necessary inorder to give mechanized brigades that run MRAPs and APCs the fire support they need to suppress enemy positions. Its kind of a reproduction of the new French doctrine but via necessity rather than choice.
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>You know as well as I do that the handloading isn't an inhibitor to ROF, but that won't make you less of a seethebaby when they start being used to kill Russians effectively.
its limited to 50RPM no matter how fast you handload it, but hand loading an autocannon is fucking retarded, especially because the commander has to do it, which inhibits his ability to spot targets
>It will go a long way to maintain an offensive through difficult seasons
You're not spearheading an offensive with a 7t RARDEN armed box, that doesn't carry infantry.
>the gun is a decent 30mm
The RARDEN is outdated as fuck, it's literally an early 70s autocannon that is worse in everyway than every other autocannon of the time, the RARDEN was specifically developed because of british MoD budgetary constraints, it was already in production so they started using it, if the Russians weren't retarded and actually made APFSDS for the 2A42/2A72 like the Chinese did it'd blow it out of the water.
>everyone who criticises British vehicles is a Schizo that I don't like
I am literally British, I saw the thread on the front page of the site and clicked it because our shit vehicles are infuriating .
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>74 Peace keeping in Cyprus
>82 Fucks up some Argentinians
>91 Gulf, kills loads of Iraqi Armor
>92 Bosnia
>98 Kosovo
>01 Afganistan, shooting Afganis
>03 Iraq pt2, kills some Iraqi Tanks

Scimitar has a decent track record and was loved by the Brits that used them. The FV107mk2 thats just been retired would be even better.

Ukraine made a turret for the FV107 similar to the BTR4s marketed for Jordan, that looked good.
scatvia is the worst in baldicks
Funny how real life experiences always contradict what autistic internet experts type...
>BTR4 turret
put that shit on everything
>Iraq pt2, kills some Iraqi Tanks
never happened, the RARDEN physically cannot penetrate the front armour of any MBT, the anecdote was never sourced, and there's no round the RARDEN has that reaches even 80mm of RHA penetration at point blank range
speak to real life warrior crew, they fucking hate it.
>He paid some random bong on fiver again
>frontal pen
Doubt. There was an apfsds round available at the time though.
>was never sourced
There are multiple sources including the diaries of the blues and royals knocking out T62/55s with Scimitars in both Gulf 1 and 2.
80-90rpm, obviously its shit and definately isnt a bush master but having an accurate cannon that can pen almost everything on the battlefield that comes default with a decent thermal sight trumps any 2a42 wobbly gun any day.
>warrior crew
I know still serving lads that used scimitars there whole careers, no one "fucking hated" it you tard.
>Doubt. There was an apfsds round available at the time though.
never adopted
>There are multiple sources including the diaries of the blues and royals knocking out T62/55s with Scimitars in both Gulf 1 and 2.
The thing I'm talking about is a claim that an Iraqi T-62 was frontally knocked out by a scimitar which is physically impossible, side penning is possible at very close range, but there is only "trust me" reports claiming that it happened.
>having an accurate cannon that can pen almost everything on the battlefield
The rarden is no more accurate than any other auto cannon available and the low RPM wouldn't make it worth the trade off, the wobble of the 2a42 comes from using it on high RPM mode, it is much more accurate on lower RPM, and again, accuracy doesn't matter that much on an auto cannon.
>Preferable when compared to Ukraine's [really niche vehicle that has seen less combat than US humvees in Ukraine]
>Never adopted
Over 200,000 rounds were purchased before the Gulf War.
>"trust me"
You can literally read the books/diaries online. Both instances resulted in medals being awarded which you can also check online...
>is much more accurate on lower RPM
>accuracy doesn't matter that much on an auto cannon.
Check the youtube videos of the Finnish or Czech BMPs firing on slow rpm at 300ms and the ridiculous spread created. Also the gun fumes will kill you if you fire it with the hatches shut for any prolonged period of time.

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