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/k/ - Weapons

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I'm currently away from my normal PC but I wanted to post about this missile launch that managed to hit central Israel
According to the Houthis, the Missile hit Israel 11 minutes after launch, over a distance of 2,000 KMs
>its one of the ballistic missiles based off of the sa-2
Thought they ran out of those, neat.
That'd be cool but can you modify it enough to get that range?
if you don't care about payload and just want to make jews piss themselves in their little panic rooms, sure
>a ballistic missile being shilled as a “hypersonic”
I wish that word would have never entered the lexicon.
israel found out why yemen has no food
A missile of that size would have a fucking worthless payload.
>According to the Houthis
>Xitter thread
Not clicking that shit
Pretty cool. Is there any footage of the impact?
>AI posting
>ai slop response
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Holy shit is this real?
"make them piss themselves" and then you get retaliatory fire and whine about how it's a crime against humanity, right?
You could stick a W80 on it if you really had a mind to.
Super based
>that managed to hit central Israel
What a polite way of saying it had a CEP greater than 1 Tel Aviv.
If you're going to be like that it says more about the iron dome (when there aren't multiple carrier groups and their AA / fighters acting as its alias) interception rate than it does that missile's CEP.
Iron dome isn’t intended to intercept medium range ballistic missiles, and is also the only interception system in history to have a documented interception rate higher than ~20%…
Twas always thus.
One of Iron Dome's features is that it doesn't fire interceptors against incoming missiles unless they're in danger of hitting something.
>If you're going to be like that it says more about the iron dome (when there aren't multiple carrier groups and their AA / fighters acting as its alias) interception rate than it does that missile's CEP.
They're not designed to intercept MRBMs you disingenuous moron.
>houthis make claim without evidence
>this says anything about the iron dome
turdies gotta take what they can get and unless israel wants to escalate to nukes their retaliation won't really faze a country that's already survived a decade of regular ass reamings by soddy f-15s
>One of the poorest countries itw
>Dysfunctional af
>Civil war
>People starving on the streets on masses
>At war with the Saudis, US and UK

>But let's start another war with le dirty juuz occupiers for the ummah!

Life as sub 70IQ must be so freeing
fanaticism is a helluva drug, particularly religious fanaticism
To be fair, they're probably thinking
>we're already fighting four wars, what's one more?
>managed to hit
weird way of saying disintegrated on its own
sending debris to an empty field near Lod
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I remember when the Houthis first declared war on Israel and /k/ said that they'd never be able to hit the country or make any impact.
I remember when /k/ said that the Houthis would never be able to attack shipping with the US on patrol and that airstrikes would destroy them.

I'm not memeing here. There's just a culture on /k/ of grossly underestimating what a group of determined munitions enthusiasts living in caves can do. And it's new, everyone always laughed at Saudis getting btfo.
that would be a gamechanger
>overflew: 2x US ships, 1x French ship in Red Sea
>it went past Israeli long-range radars
>was not picked up by Israeli Arrow/Hetz radar
>it was not picked up by David's Sling radar
>it was picked up by Iron Dome which fired missile at it but it missed since it's incapable of intercepting ballistic missiles
Israel needs to do an audit of their defenses.
>I remember when the Houthis first declared war on Israel and /k/ said that they'd never be able to hit the country or make any impact.
no one ever said this thirdie

>I remember when /k/ said that the Houthis would never be able to attack shipping with the US on patrol and that airstrikes would destroy them.
look at the Red Sea traffic.
20% down last I checked. Inconvenient but hardly anything more than psychological

Do you think any first world country is actually afraid of fucking Yemen, of all countries? What the fuck are you smoking
Why do all these hooti fanboys have anime main character syndrome?
>"heh, nice one Israel. Bet you thought that sort of attack would win this war as it did every war you've ever been in, right?"
>"but you didn't take one thing into account...now they're angry."
>/k/ said that they'd never be able to hit the country or make any impact

I didn't realize /k/ talked to you in your sleep.
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>all of this was real in my mind
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Israelis shot it down. Some debris started a fire in a field.
Nothing to do with Iron Dome. Israel used the Arrow.
The greatest damage seems to have been to an escalator.
Still technically managed to hit Israel
>The missile bypassed american aircraft carriers and destroyers and air defense assets
It probably got picked up but predicted to fall in open field (As it did) so no interception was needed
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>it Israel 11 minutes after launch, over a distance of 2,000 KMs
It´s probably Russian technology. That´s happens when you give long range weapons to Russian enemies.
the Isrealis are a bunch of bronze age tribals too, the conflict needs multiplayer match balancing. I personally support also arming the houthis and palestinians for a while instead of the Israelis just to balance things out and make the whole war to more fun to watch.
that seems exploitable.
no it doesn't really.
I don't think you could with the range they claim. There is a long history of making ghetto surface-to-surface missiles out of SA-2s, and they all had a range of 200-400km (500km claimed but never demonstrated) with a payload of <200kg, including the ones the Houthis made.

I wouldn't be surprised if these "2000km" missiles have no payload at all.
Wasn't Isreal saying something about Russia giving tech to Iran? Something like that 'changing the dynamic' of things and being 'bad'. If the missile tech eventually made its way into Houthi hands, I can see how this would make Isreal change their tune about Ukraine and Russia and bring them closer to NATO. I can also see how both Isreali and American leaders might think it's in their best interest to let the Houthi's shoot such a missile into Isreal, make a show of failing to shoot it down, then doomposting about >muh hypersonics and >le axis of evil. It's very possible that this will be used an excuse to get Isreali aid sent to Ukraine, to further lump Iran and Russia together (they're obviously already our enemies and close as is), and maybe to send another round of aid to Zelensky and friends. Maybe now the US rethinks its no Russia strikes policy.

Regardless of 5D chess theories, in the end we're seeing an increasingly obvious and overt West versus Anti-West split, with both sides increasingly dragging in third parties and fucning around in random places and spreading the conflict. Like Wagner fucking with France in the Sahel, and increased logistical cooperation between Iran/NK/Russia beginning tovspill over into other conflicts like Iran vs Isreal proxy war. Hopefully the civilized world is eventually forced to purge the thirdie menace with burning hot nuclear fire and we can be done with playing these stupid games.
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The hasbara hysterics really didn't like this one.
In casual conversation their pundits conflate the two but you're right I should have listed Arrow in what I put in parenthesis.
Isn't an armed and primed W80 luggable by one strong guy? It has to be under 200kg.
Good bot.
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will they finally use ""indigenous"" munitions to Houthi or the usual American JDAMs ?

Do you know why the Houtis support LGBT movement?

Because they think it means
Let's Go Bomb TelAviv
>The hasbara hysterics really didn't like this one.
>everyone laughing at how pathetic I am is a hasbara
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I remember when the Houthis said the Red Sea would be the US Navy's grave
holy based
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>holy based
>killed chink ship.
>killed Russian ship.
>killed egypt ship.
>killed greek ship.
Yeah, they did a good job lmao.
At this point the world economy has probably mitigated the effects from the blockade well enough that a serious military campaign just isn't worth the investment.
Its called martyrdom. They don't care, they just want to die fighting the Jew like in the old times.
+ That drug they always use low their IQ a lot.
You're completely hysteric.
The Iranians put them up to it in exchange for more munitions.
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>and is also the only interception system in history to have a documented interception rate higher than ~20%
All the seething replies are because you’re speaking truthfully.
The international coalition to stop these attacks has been pretty abysmal, considering
> The number of vessels transiting the Suez canal in May also dropped to 1,111, which is lower than 2,396 ships that crossed during a similar period last year. As a result of reduced ship traffic, the cargo volume passing through the Suez Canal dropped by 68.5% last month to about 44.9 million tonnes. In May 2023, the total cargo tonnage was 142.9 million tonnes.
The Houthis succeeded in reducing shipping, and creating logistical delays and added costs, thereby exasperating Covid logistics issues and inflation pressures. The long play by the Iranians is to exhaust the West with sandnigger fatigue, worsen the cost-of-living crisis, and assist populists by disrupting the international order. So far Biden, Macron, Sunak/Starmer, and EU bureaucrats have done nothing to stop it.
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>The Houthis succeeded in reducing shipping
Cool, cool, can you screenshot on this livemap of Red Sea traffic where the blockade is actually in effect?
>So far Biden, Macron, Sunak/Starmer, and EU bureaucrats have done nothing to stop it.
>Chinese & Iranian shipping getting mogged by their proxy
Perhaps you're familiar with the Art of War: 'Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake.' So what is the tactical advantage of your proxies sinking ships with grain destined for your ports apnews.com/article/yemen-houthi-rebels-red-sea-attacks-iran-503de70230fba0cd7c992558e2d1b83a
Livemap https://www.marinevesseltraffic.com/RED-SEA/ship-traffic-tracker
>thirdie makes post
>gets laughed at by a bunch of anons
>many hours later, a thirdie, possibly the poster of mocked post, declares victory while nobody is watching.
if a thirdie says you're seething in the middle of the woods, did the seethe really happen?
I mean, they're winning against the Brits, just look at London, Birmingham, etc
I'm not him just coming onto this thread but god damn do I hate you little faggot so fucking much its just thirdie thirdie thirdie seethe seethe seethe like HOLY FUCK SHUT THE FUCK UP

Unbelievable it's gotta be some CIA bot if not legitimately Chris Chan tier autism I just can't make sense of how its so common. Is it just a single guy that posts alot of do all of you really act like this
Uh oh thirdie having a melty
There is no such thing at the houthis, it's like ISIS, a branding western groups apply to whoever they feel like.

US navy is getting libertied by isreali backed elements of non aligned forces, the launch site is meaningless because these are single missile launches and this is also why the US seems unable to actually identify a culprit, or produce evidence Iran did it, which you'd assume would abound. Not even johnny nocksville would be so dumb as a raggedy separatist to attack a US Naval group.

The rockets fired at isreal cause little damage because of their size and lack of guidance, I think one petrol station was hit, three people died, sum and total of all rocket attacks is probably about 50, it's not significant at least from a military point of view. Hammas fires them as a community activity, like Americans have a barbecue. Isreal acts like they're about to be destroyed and has to fine people who refuse to take shelter. A lot of isrealis don't care, don't take shelter, and think the whole thing is a scam. So they get fines.

If isreal takes serious attacks it will be derivatives of the new Turkish drones fired long range around golan, but EW is a weak point in the region so it's unlikely. And gaza is now totally destroyed, so that's not going to happen
It's nice watching evil shitholes bombing each other

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