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Curious about the 8.6 in a semi automatic platform. Is this viable? I'd only seen bolt action 8.6 rifles up until now. I like the XCR-M.
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>It's another jewtoober thread
>eceleb shit
fuck ya
hide thread
problem solved
Uhh, which 8.6 is this? Some cartridge more powerful than typical rifle-caliber for extended ranges. Or is it just something trying to do the whole .300 Blackout thing. So you can shoot subsonic ammo easily and larp as an operator in the woods or something.
Wow, Mike looks like haggard white trash now.
Living his dream.
Admit it you guys are secretly gay for this man.
Subsonic deer hunting reliability out to 400 yards fill a decent niche though
This is a made up niche to sell new calibers
You could say that about every caliber that isn't 5.56, 308 or 9mm though
primarily a military niche. The Mil 8.6 rounds can carry payloads and be subsonic.
Why though? If you are use a suppressor, is firing standard ammo loads really going to be a problem? If someone is missing the deer enough where they're going to be running away from the supersonic "crack" they probably have bigger problems.
>The Mil 8.6 rounds
The what?
No, you really can’t.
I mean, he seems perfectly reasonable and not annoying like most youtubers. I get that some people might be turned off by the try hard aesthetic of it all but that's a really dumb reason to hate something.

like is there drama around him I don't know about? Did he fuck a tranny or something?
It’s crabs in a bucket. 4chan hates anyone who comes from 4chan and gets successful.
>Been wanting to get an XCR for a while in 308
>Now he puts out a video
Stop Mike they're gonna run out before I get one.
It's 8.6 blackout by Q, same as 300.
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>is it viable to shoot bullet out of gun?
Not sure OP.
No. It's another gay meme.

>primarily a military niche
The military absolutely aren't buying this junk. There is no target so far away that .300bo isn't sufficient, yet so close than it's not way less risky to just use a .308/5.56.

Just google .338 razorback to see how fucking bad these sub/super cartridges are designed. They're a complete waste of time and money.
>Curious about the 8.6 in a semi automatic platform.
375 raptor was better and didn't have the meme twist. If you reload there are better options.
>Is this viable?
>188cpr minimum price
If you reload there are better options. If you do not reload it's stupid fucking expensive for what it does. Check back in like 3 more years.
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Holy fuck, kek.
>>primarily a military niche
>The military absolutely aren't buying this junk. There is no target so far away that .300bo isn't sufficient, yet so close than it's not way less risky to just use a .308/5.56.
Correct. Or more to the point, the military would just switch to 300bo supers and be fine for as far as 5.56 is, same as any normal person. Engaging WITH SUBS at over 100yd is a purely civilian niche and tiny even there. 300bo did well because it filled a specific hole that was 99% gudenuf, and it did so with massive compatibility and no downsides with existing stuff. There are a billion 30 cal suppressors and loads and so on across the entire price spectrum.

Honestly it might have made as much "sense" if they'd just paid to standardize 12.7x48 instead and gone directly to the other extreme lol. Then at least anyone buying in would be covered out any conceivable range they wanted to play with, and no stupid meme 1:3 twist either. Also "plenty" of existing wildcat knowledge, tooling, and so on. It'd still be crazy niche but at least would be funny and legit pretty cool if you got to play with one.
buy an ad, negroe
wrong, 30-06, 30-30, and 38 colt
>8.6 blackout


350 legend mogs these

take the 350 legend pill anons, its 9MM super magnum, can also be sub sonic with 270gr pills
link to any of those 270 grain subsonics I want to give them as a gift to my shooting buddy
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>ultra fucking meme round
>subsonic in a large frame rifle
How do these absolutely retarded ideas even get traction?
I want to see a tomahawk missile land on his position.
>350 legend mogs these
If it exists, the ideal subsonic cartridge for the AR would be based on the 350L casehead, but it's not the 350L, it's something shorter.

350Legend as a subsonic cartridge is flawed in the same way as the blackouts, but not to the same degree. At the end of the day you just don't need more than a pistol powder supply to achieve pistol speeds, and "dual-speed" cartridges will always suffer under-fill problems in subsonic loadings.
just shove it deeper in the case lmao
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Big fat bullet that is subsonic but is maintains lethality to further ranges relying more on spinning than velocity.
There's more going on due to the twist rate than it first appears. Its a monster of a round. Its a niche round but I like the idea.
Load that bitch with titegroup. Problem solved pleb. next!
-Dale Johnson
The 30 Tompson Center and it's consequences have been a disaster for cartridge development.
subsonic 45-70?
>We want something that is quiet that doesn't suck like the MP5 subsonic
>okay we have 300 blackout, now how do we push it out farther?
>now how do we push it out farther?
But we know how. We've known forever. The whisper series of rounds has been quite popular since their invention and go all the way up to 510whisper, which iirc mad men have pushed out past 700yd.
>At the end of the day you just don't need more than a pistol powder supply to achieve pistol speeds, and "dual-speed" cartridges will always suffer under-fill problems in subsonic loadings.
Hard disagree in this context. If you don't give a shit about market popularity because you're reloading then this entire discussion (and the blackouts) is pointless, you can do whatever and there are better focused options. But if you want a subsonic load for people who don't reload, including cheap off the shelf factory loads, then sure seems like you need to make some compromises for mass adoption. Most people want one gun to do a lot, and 300bo did that pretty well with subs if you want 'em and gudenuf for most ranges, but ability to move right to supers so your easy gun still can go out to 400 in a pinch. And it's thrived, you can basic supersonic stuff in bulk for just 50cpr. Subsonics start at 66cpr. That compares quite favorably to any rifle round not 5.56.

Super min/maxed aggressive stuff just doesn't seem to do that well. Maybe someday the nature of the manufacturing will change that but not right now.
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Hes talking about this
This is the future of pistol cartridge design
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why wouldnt it be
Don't care about him or the turbo meme 8.6. But how are Rob Arms XCRs? I have been on the fence with one of their closeout rifles sinxe they are like $1695 rather than the comical $2k
Didn't GT also do a .300blk vs 5.56mm video and find that 5.56mm is better against flesh?
He dodged deployments, I've heard from military dudes it's especially an impressive achievement during GWOT. He cheated on his wife, divorced her leaving a kid behind. Got a ton of shitty tats and starting doing roids.

>subsonic deer hunting
>reliably out to 400 yards
these two phrases do not go together
Speed kills
>just sticker my armp up senpai!

Least sleeves take some effort.
>Car crashes don't kill people. Speed kills people.
midlife crisis are seriously fucking brutal.
>cheated, did roids, regretted marrying a cow
so he's just like 90% of everybody I've ever met that was in the military?
>He dodged deployments
based, imagine doing something that benefited nobody and taking pride in it.
>haha yes I deployed and killed people who just wanted to be left alone to rape goats because Osama bin Laden was in...uh well he wasn't there. But anyway we went and wasted 20 years trying to teach them about women's rights
lmao. like what was the point? Anybody who knows anything about Afghanistan knew it was pointless. They didn't even fully convert to Islam until the 1800s. They've been successfully fighting off foreign invaders and rejecting foreign ideologies since before Zoroastrianism was created ~3500 years ago, never mind modern western values that were invented ~30 years ago.
There are 8.6BLK AR10s out in the wild everywhere. Faxon sells complete rifles. Its fine, its just a necked up and cut down 308 case.
>ignores the part about leaving a kid behind
>Is this viable?

An AR-10 is cheaper. If you're just doing subs 338 Specter will fit in an AR-15 (and probably could push the twist rate down to 1:1, like they mention in the podcast # 47)

The high twist rate appears to contribute to lower decibels according to Brittingham & co., more energy put into it otherwise wasted.

Average age of big game hunters is well over 50. This sort of shit cutting down on weight makes a difference hauling their lardasses on guided hunts while being soft shooting compared to other options.
>Average age of big game hunters is well over 50
Are big game hunters really using sub-sonic rounds?
> This sort of shit cutting down on weight
What part of a semi-auto rifle and suppressor is cutting down on weight compared to a bolt action rifle in any normal cartridge ever made?
I love this stupid meme round because it has shown how many absolutely brain dead motherfuckers will unquestioningly lap up century old fuddlore if.you dress it up with hypebeast marketing.
>century old fuddlore if.you dress it up with hypebeast marketing.
rotation isn't real, you can actually just grab a lathe, it won't hurt you
If rotation isn't real, why do I have indian burns on my dick after we made love?
Why not simply create a pistol barrel with a 2:1 twist rate and harness the power of the typhoon?
Geeezus Mike cool down on the gear.
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>Engaging WITH SUBS at over 100yd is a purely civilian niche
You sure about that?
The ones with 3 petsl seem to expand wider than those with 4.

Anyways, the benefits of superfast twist is lost on most people. I get that Kevin over-markets it with “Muh rotational energy” (it comprises 5-6% of total energy), but it does have a real and significant effect on how the bullet expands. Instead of the petals peeling back all the way towards the shank, they turn ~90 degrees on their long axis, resist folding, present a cutting edge and smaller sectional area in the direction of travel, and expand super wide like a broadhead. All in all, i like it, and desu I wonder how far you can take this. What about a superheavy .224 in a 1 in 1 or 1.5 twist (1 in 2 would retain the same angular velocity as the 1 in 3 of 8.6), bullet like 7 or 8 calibers long, 3-4 caliber long petals, etc. could we make broadheads with tiny bullets?
This fag is a huge pussy, same with that Reeves faggot.
you just hope they see your post so they can tagteam your bussy, don't lie
No need to project bro, I'm sure they'd love to do that if you just asked them. Though knowing them, you'd probably be the one doing the fucking.
Yeah. Q has videos of them killing big game in Africa with 8.6 out of a 12” barrel. You can run 25 round pmags. A can that increases back pressure and will make the system more reliable.
Shooting a small-ish buffalo multiple times, watching it walk off and stare at you nonchalantly, then cutting the video while the PH finishes it off with a more suitable rifle doesn't exactly inspire confidence lmao
>Did he fuck a tranny or something?
Nah, he's a ranging transphobe. His wife got into some drama with taticalgirlfriend.
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the drama was him having a melt down because he was accidentally nominated for best female guntoober or something, then subsequently removed
Some SOF units have replaced the HK416 with a 6.75” rattler firing 110gr supers and 205gr subs.
Looks like what happens when you shoot something with a crossbow.
It’s always

>girl that likes guns
>oh right it’s a troon because girls hate guns

A cat fight like that must have been affirming for the troon. “Teehee I got into it with one the girls, that means I’m a girl!”

Fuck troons
Sounds like other rounds that are explicitly used for hunting. It depends upon shot placement especially. Some places will drop the animal instantly. Other shot placements they'll get spooked because they were shot, run for 15 seconds and then collapse/sit down to bleed out.
>nu-/k/ hating on GT
Peak crab.
Do not mistake these tourists for anything but, see pic related in post related >>62515064
he seems like:
A. one of us
B. a total fag

these are not mutually exclusive, I don't have to like him just because he's a shitposter
Case in point. Fucking newfag.

8.6 memeout is a solution looking for a problem

If you want to hunt subsonic, get a 45-70 and load it with like 600 fucking grain doe destroyers
>I get that some people might be turned off by the try hard aesthetic of it all but that's a really dumb reason to hate something.
Explain why
They really don't
tWatched a friend get a double-lung shot on a buck at 200 with subsonic .458 socom
We never found the carcass, even with a dog.
Are there 45-70 30 rounders?
>He dodged deployments
who fucking cares
being in the military is embarrassing, the only reason it's not viewed the same as working at mcdonalds is because you get to carry a gun and shoot people
>Nah, he's a ranging transphobe. His wife got into some drama with taticalgirlfriend.
you mean the tranner that wears a mask literally everywhere to hide their slabjaw?
is calling someone a transphobe supposed to be an insult or something?
>Explain why
Its like hating Jeremy Clarkson or Theo Von for being "in character". Like, yeah, entertainers develop a persona for when they are working.
why would you want 30 rounders for hunting? Serious question.
>oh boy I want to make my rifle heavier for no reason!
is the only thing I can think of.

If we're talking anything but hunting sure, but things like
>semi auto
>30 round detachable magazine
actively make a rifle worse for most hunting. Even suppressed arguably, like just wear electronic earpro, you'll hear shit better that way too.
>relying more on spinning than velocity
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>relying more on
Well yes anon, when the entire goal is remaining sub-sonic there is a hard limit to maximum velocity.
ye spinning never hurt anybody
I've never shot one but they're very well made and very well designed. I'm sure if you shell out for one you'll do your own research.

By all rights it should have become the SCAR.
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so hes normal
/k/ will never return to what it was pre 2022
Xcr-m is sex but g.arand t.humb is just satan, he should be killed seriously.
If I were a guntuber I would be totally normal in all my videos but once or thrice for about a few seconds each over the period of a year I would be on camera crossdressing
That way only the people who watched the videos to the end would see it and it would boost my engagement
Its not Nu /k/ you fucking retard. It's because he left his wife and kids years ago. That's the correlation.
It's no small wonder people generally don't like these kinds of people being posted here.
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the only real fact you have is that he had a divorce
you know nothing of his relationship or what actually caused the divorce yet you judge him as if you genuinely know everything
and you just ASOOOM that he doesn't spend time with his kids because he's divorced, despite not knowing shit
who is the retarded asshole in this situation?
Well ive never had a divorce before but how about we assume that the wife didnt initiate the divorce
Even with no evidence suggesting either side there is still a clause to judge his character
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>but how about we assume
>well I assume
I assume you suck cock and are just mad because he gets money and you don't. What now?
>/k/ will never return to what it was pre 2022
I'm still waiting for it to go back to what it was like before 2012.
He's cool in my book because he said my gun was nice
Would secretly consume strips of his flesh while he slept/10
He looks perpetually well-cooked
>Its not Nu /k/
>proceeds to make the most nu-/k/ post imaginable
That would only work if you looked cute otherwise you'd be a failed forced lolcow or something.
>how about we assume
>how about we ignore that the total majority of divorces are initiated by women in real world and assume the opposite happened here
>It was not real, but it was real in my head
Go back.
>It's because he left his wife and kids years ago
So he gets to join the Musk & Linehan club of divorced husbands who shat on trannies too hard their wives left them?
I am probably one of the only people ITT who have fired a rifle in 8.6, and a semi auto at that. It's a neat caliber, basically .300 Blackout but bigger. That being said, it has two big issues.
>inb4 plebbit formatting
First of all, it's not a new idea. Sticking a .338 bullet in a .308 case is nothing new, just ask Federal.
>But it's a 6.5 Creedmoor case!
6.5 Creedmoor is .30 T/C necked down. .30 T/C is a shortened .308 Winchester cae with the goal of matching .30-06 performance for yer durr raifle. So, 8.6 Blackout is just .308 necked up and you can form it from .308 cases (although it needs neck trimming, just like your neckbeard). That is not a new idea, because JD Jones came up with that idea in the 1990s, with the .338 Whisper cartridge. He also trademarked the Whisper name, meaning nobody could copy his designs, or se he thought. Well, turns out you can't reuse the name, but IP protection on geometry (such as chambers and cartridges) is practically impossible and people just called .300 Whisper by other names such as .300 Fireball of .300-221, after it's interim parent case, the .221 Fireball (a child of .223 Remington). Some dude at AAC took the concept, submitted it to SAAMI under the name .300 Blackout, and you all know who that guy is. For 8.6 Blackout, that same guy ripped off the idea for .338 Whisper (#2) and gave it a new name, some better marketing and off course that hypebeast twist.
Second problem is that twist rate. Sure, it doesn't hurt accuracy too badly, but it probides very little advantage. Even if you live in the 1990's and consider energy dump to be a useful model for terminal ballistics, it only adds 10% and there is not really much of a mechanism to dump said energy. Well, how should you add energy then? You listen to JD Jones, because he knew his shit, and you stuff the biggest bullet you can fit into a .308 case while still retaining a shoulder to chamber on. That is a .375 bullet, so .375 Whisper.
Oi if you're done with the old AR platform can you send your old ones to Australia because we've got a problem and no guns.
Australia only has one rifle and some guy took it to new Zealand and lost it, and we don't know where the guy is either.
I haven't shot 8.6, I have shot 375 raptor which is what you're describing basically and like it. But
>muh new
>muh JD
>muh ripoff
Anon you're unironically missing the point. The point of the blackout rounds is to make something for NON-reloaders. Ie, a non-proprietary SAAMI standardized factory produced round with manufacturers onboard. That everything under the sun has been done by wildcatters before is irrelevant. It costs serious money, time, marketing, and social capital to get a round to make the jump into mass production and have it actually work. All the actual technical specifics and comparisons to other wildcats are irrelevant, only how it fits into the mass production market.

I don't think 8.6bo was a great choice, and not just in terms of "performance" but in terms of objective goals, the super meme twist has in fact directly hurt their standardization efforts since it makes ammo production harder (must use mono or bonded bullets). I'm skeptical it has a real sizable market hole to fill in the same way that 300bo did, and the cost basis is far higher. But whether it succeeds or fails will have nothing to do with whisper series or whatever else that 99% of gun owners have never even heard of.
Most people don’t realize how much we owe to the fudds who couldn’t stop playing with their contenders and, later, encores, and to Thompson center
I’m really glad they’re coming back into production, I’m done with smith forever for what they did to TC
Being so pressure limited in the old contender frames spurred so much min maxxing on down range performance it’s frankly obscene
Your post isn't plebbit formatting so you're fine.
>I haven't shot 8.6, I have shot 375 raptor which is what you're describing basically and like it.
I have shot both and .375 Raptor/Whisper/Whatever is better than 8.6. The marketing hype is actively hurting 8.6, as is the hypebeast twist rate. The market is much smaller than the AR-15 market, and so it will die. For a caliber to survive, it has purpose, originality, and easily accessible components: without this, there is no handloading, and there is only death. For a caliber to thrive, it needs most of these, and then manufacturer support.
it happened many years ago, troon-kun
>The market is much smaller than the AR-15 market, and so it will die
>the market is much smaller than the largest market on planet earth! Dead caliber!
That's retarded anon.
>For a caliber to survive, it has purpose, originality, and easily accessible components
No it doesn't. Those are all good things but it objectively is not necessary. You can still buy and load .30-40 krag a century after it has been so far eclipsed by every other full power cartridge it's absurd.

Fucking zoomer retard. I'm most mad because you're making me tangentially defend 8.6, think about what you've done.
Fucking lmao
Dude absolutely speedran becoming a middle life crisis vetbro in like a year, kinda sad honestly
He’s a 4chan user who became successful and niche famous. It generates a lot of seethe from people who have nothing better going on.
I think he's aware. He openly talks about his steroid use, justifying it by saying that his life is already shortened for some reason.
James is based.
With 550-600gr projectiles, yes.
There isn't an AR10 that exists in 47-70 though is there? Does that rimmed case present an issue?
I don't hate the guy himself but I hate all the faggy dickriders on this board as evident by the replies in this thread
Semi auto weapons in .45-70 are difficult exactly because of the feeding issues which are caused by that rimmed case. .458 SOCOM does almost the same thing, you can load it with 550-600 grain subs as well and it fits in the smaller AR-15 platform. If you want to optimise for the AR-10, you should take a look at .45 Raptor.
Scratch that, .45 Raptor kinda sucks for subs since it uses .451 bullets, so pistol .45. .458 caliber bullets are used in most ".45" rifle calibers and can thus be found with higher weight, making them better for subsonic use.
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>.300 subs vs 5.56 supers out of a carbine length barrel
completely disingenuous comparison.
>take 30-30 bullet
>Put it in a 30 Super Carry case
Is this not the future of whisperoid pistol cartridges?

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