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Of all those who have faced direct personal conflict (not drone operators/button pushers) has there ever been a more comfy period than the Battle of Britian?

>Beautiful summer
>English countryside
>cutting edge aircaft
>defending your homeland from a clear enemy
>seen as a noble form of warfare
>fairly luxurious living standards compared to other branches
>merlin engine soundtrack
>ends in victory
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>>ends in victory
Ends in victory.
also a high casualty rate btw
As long as you were homosexual, it was pretty good.
>>cutting edge aircaft
The Hurri wasn't that much, tho good for shooting bombers, and good for inexperienced pilots; the Spit was as good as the 109, not better - different pros and cons with each. What was genuinely cutting edge was the early warning network and radars - best air defence system in world at the time.
>Dagga dagga dagga
16%, not terribly high, and you were fairly removed from the violence of it.
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this but the jews purposefully trained you wrong as a joke.
Hitting somebody's hand with your face is not actually a valid fighting technique.
The 109 was shit, even by the Battle of Britain. It was short legged even for the era, undergunned and cramped. The only good thing it had was that it can do a negative g dive due to fuel injection. The Luftwaffe tried to replace the 109 with the Fw-190 but could not make enough 190s to do it.
>cutting edge aircaft
The Hurricane has fabric skin.
Yet Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe.
You are now aware that there's only one remaining pilot from the Battle of Britain that's still alive, and he's 105.
>machine gunning parachuting german aircrews then driving home in a SS 100
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Ah damn that's horrible, how we suffer under the oppression of uhh... Aldi and Volkswagen cars
Seriously wtf is up with non-EU retards trying to equate the Gestapo to cheap groceries? Nobody, except the Greeks I guess, feels "ruled" by Germany today lol. Germany is a very sober, very mild mannered, and very hesitant "Hegemon".
is this nigger serious
I love the aircraft involved on both sides, but my favorite has got to be the Hurricane.
The campaign highlights how effective the RAF's strategy was (small airfields, radar, organized fighter command), and how earlier poor choices came back to bite the Luftwaffe (Fatigue from Norway, short-legged fighters, lack of emphasis on heavy bombers). Hard to say how Germany could have "succeeded" because the entire thing was a precursor to an invasion which was never going to happen.
>unholy trip
>holy based statement
You forgot
>get shot down
>bail out
>land in some nan's garden
>eat tea and crumpets while you wait for someone to come pick you up
>get back in the pilot's seat by the end of the week
Hurricane is overrated desu, not a massively better aircraft than the I-16.
The RAF made do with what they had but the Spitfire was really much better and had much more upgrade potential.
>because the entire thing was a precursor to an invasion which was never going to happen
the entire campaign for britian was poorly planned and very confused

>lets starve britian out over the atlantic
>wait, no lets bomb out britian until they surrender
>wait, the bombs are for an invasion
>nevermind, there is no invasion
>now lets keep bombing them, even though there is no longer any real goal
the smartest thing they did was give up on it to focus on the eastern front, which hitler considered the real prize all along

only to then somehow end up fighting the british, again with no clear goals, in north africa
uhh suez canal dood lmao I don't know just fuckin send Rommel over there he's an annoying cunt
Yeah, after getting neutered so hard that their historically militaristic culture has been turned into a bunch of pacifists. I'd say that's a victory for everyone.
based knower. also, every downed aircraft meant less pilots for germany, but british could be put back into action if they could bail out
>get lynched by some 'rustic' home guard because of your Czech or Polish accent.
And they would be right to do so.
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>Hurricane is overrated desu
Even its forgotten status is overrated. It was never a forgotten aircraft, it's just less glamorous than the Spitfire.
The true forgotten aircraft of the Battle of Britain is the Blenheim.
Then there are the (more or less) rightfully forgotten aircraft in the Whirlwind and Defiant.
Patrician taste Satan
>short-legged fighters
What does this mean?
Based dubs, Satan worshiper.
legs refers to operational range
a lot of german fighters had very short range since they were intended to support frontline tactical operations

so german fighters often only had 10-20 minutes of fighting time in british airspace, severely limiting the scope of their bombing missions
which is why its usually accepted that german chances of winning the battle of britian was essentially 0
way too many strategic factors working against them that could ever be fixed with an adjustment of tactics (could germany have won if they kept hitting airfields instead of cities? no)
cue Goering refusing to give droptanks to 109s because he was a retarded subhuman (despite managing to score 130+ on an IQ test)
they didnt trust drop tanks because they were supposedly too leaky
goering was less of an idiot and more just the peter principle in action, he was a talented wing leader and pilot, but he was promoted to a desk position where he might not have been close to competent
>Call British fighter pilots 'The Few'
>There was 1500 of them at peak of BoB
>Luftwaffe never had more than 1200 fighter pilots during BoB (bombers don't count in air supremacy)

If the RAF fighter command was the few then the Luftwaffe was the fewer.
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wow britbongs are pathetic and weak. they should have lost the war. sad!
Its not few relative to the Germans, retard, its few realtive to the population of the UK, where 1500 men is a drop in the bucket. The numbers imbalance on shows how the Nazis desrved to lose becasue they took on a fight they shouldn't have been able to win

>"Never has so much been owed by so many to so few"
-some drunkard Bong
I'm required by law to post this whenever the Battle of Britain is mentioned.
Goering screwing up the fighters effectiveness.
Prior decisions by Udet that made the bombers unsuited to what the mission was.
Overall assholery from Germany that made pilots/crews from multiple nations decide to escape to Britian specifically to continue fighting.
>Anon, I don't know how to tell you this but the jews purposefully trained you wrong as a joke.
>Hitting somebody's hand with your face is not actually a valid fighting technique.
I wish I wouldn't be too lazy to make that a webm.
Woodhouse? Is that you?
>Implying socialists are good people because they are similar to me ethnically
>thanks awfully old chap

Because Hitler, being the drugged out retard he was, legitimately believed the British would surrender and roll over to accept their place as a German vassal.
Actually the implication was that the UK ruined itself with the war. Though Hitler's socialism had little to do with Marx' version of it.
>Because Hitler, being the drugged out retard he was, legitimately believed the British would surrender and roll over to accept their place as a German vassal.
Sounds like you've read literally none of the peace proposals. Hitler wanted Britain to continue ruling the waves and keep its world-spanning empire and even offered German troops to help protect it all over the world when he was in his strongest position to negotiate after conquering France.
Did you just go by British yellow press headlines from 80 years ago?
>I know that I've gone back on literally every single agreement up to this point, but I super pinky swear I won't this time!
>>I know that I've gone back on literally every single agreement up to this point
Man, you're really bringing out all the classic nonsense.
He went back on zero (0) agreements at that point. Barbarossa came later.
>inb4 but what about
No, learn to read.
>but the
No, learn to read.
>He went back on zero (0) agreements at that point.
Ah right I guess the Munich Agreement never happened then.

Your hero doomed Europe to the declining power it is now all because he had to lead the Germans to sperg out [again].
>Ah right I guess the Munich Agreement never happened then.
Try reading it and looking up what he did.
No break detected, nigger.
>Your hero doomed Europe to the declining power it is now
I don't think America and Britain bowing to "frankists" and multiculturalism is Hitler's fault. Rothschild had Britian by the balls before he even came to power.
>lead the Germans to sperg out [again].
>anon actually believes Germany started WWI
holy shit lmao
Iraq was the fucking worst. hot as fuck. southern Iraq outside of basrah and um qasr is a vast nothing shit desert. fucking trash everywhere anyway. ieds in the trash. asshole IP and IA telling them where to put mortar tubes, filling them with ice, then leaving and still getting decent hits on the fob. can't get revenge because they were gone hours ago. pre internet being everywhere so nothing to do. fucking giant box hard drive dies so no porn. shitting in humvee when you can't stop. humid as fuck. . stupid sand nigger detainees raping each other constantly. ran out of food one time. ran out of water bottles another. navstar is closed out of nowhere, new isr too dangerous for supply convoys so easy detainee food (not bad desu). few hot chicks. one hot chick got decapitated by an ied so even less hot chicks now (rip liz, garcia still jerked off to your memorial pic). 300 IP don't show for work. get hit all night by idf. they all show up the next day like nothing happened, no one holds them accountable. find out years later I helped create isis at that fob.

all in all 3/10, can't really recommend. oh and it gets cold as fuck there too. everyone things iraq is always hot. it is. but also gets cold. I hear the north is pretty nice.
>stupid sand nigger detainees raping each other constantly. ran out of food one time. ran out of water bottles another. navstar is closed out of nowhere, new isr too dangerous for supply convoys so easy detainee food (not bad desu). few hot chicks. one hot chick got decapitated by an ied so even less hot chicks now (rip liz, garcia still jerked off to your memorial pic). 300 IP don't show for work. get hit all night by idf. they all show up the next day like nothing happened, no one holds them accountable. find out years later I helped create isis at that fob.
>he hasn't read the Polish Question chapters of Das Kapital
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What's the deal with the German bombers? I think their camouflage colours make them seem more modern than they were at the time (Swedish camo also has this effect imo).
I know what you mean, I really like WW2 German aircraft camo. It's probably not very effective, but it looks kinda modern.
And the spirals painted on the prop spinners are kino.

As a whole those bombers were obsolete by 1940, though.
Twin engine planes were faster than single engined ones for a period in the 30s, and that is when most of the German bombers were designed,
On the other hand, they ended up being used as night fighters, torpedo bombers and lots of otehr roles,, so at least the airframes were verstaile I guess?
He meant Poland and Czechoslovakia, anon.

You know, those countriers Britain abandoned to the Nazis, and then used their fighter pilots to defend itself?
your chill time may be interrupted by a scramble, or worse yet someone try's to trick you into flying a Typhoon
You make do with what you have.

As for mentioned fighters. For some reason the mainstream does not remember the Fw190, but keeps hyping the Bf109.
the valid criticism of the 109 is the short range. It was a miracle that they even had enough range to be bingo fuel over London.

both 109 and 190 killed a lot of pilots on takeoff and landing. the landing gear sucked on both, for different reasons.

spitfire was massively overrated and had little impact outside of the BoB.
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Eye of the beholder and all that, but the 190 just isn't as pretty.
that's because the 190 was the Panther of the air. too little and too late despite it being a competent aircraft that is merely competitive with the new allied aircraft.
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The Fw-190 is a lot prettier IMO.
Me Bf109 is a lot sleeker due to the engine. The front intake of the Fw190 makes it look a bit more archaic, even if it isn't.

Sure, but they were used in massive numbers. You'd expect that to carry over into pop culture a bit.
It was an existential nightmare
>existential nightmare
Do you just repeat words you hear without any concept of what you're saying?
>Sure, but they were used in massive numbers
correct, but late in the war 1938-1942 vs 1942+. the other issue is that to normies they look the same. The 190 is still well known and respected, but it isn't the iconic. Normies know Zero, 109 and maybe Ju88.

meanwhile allies is spitfire and Lancaster, but not hurricane or typhoon. some knowledge of mosquito.

US has Tbolt, P38, P51, B17, B24, B29, Catalina, Wildcat/Hellcat, Corsair. to normies the Wildcat and Hellcat are the same as are the Liberator and Flying Fortress. we're lucky if they know the difference between a thunderbolt and a P51. Airacobra and P40 might as well not exist.
Personally, as >>62522634 says the engine cowl doesn't help it. It looks chunky. The 'jawline' is very square and less sleek than the 109's cowling. The shallower tapering at the floor coupled with the bubble canopy and the 'hunchback' look (similar to the Hurricane, to stay vaguely on thread topic) throws the lines off.
It still has it's own aesthetic, a very rugged, aggressive one. Quite similar to the arguments of 1970's US muscle car vs European GT styling, now I think of it.
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Been to a museum which had a 109 G-2 with gunpods. Gustav's engine is way too big for the fuselage. It looks fine on pics, but IRL it's a little frankenstein's monster

Pic related
Based retard. They were called "The few" because of the Churchill speech where he stated that so many owed so much to so few. Basically saying that all of Britain owed their lives/freedom to a comparatively small portion of the population.
Jesus Christ man you aren't even trying
reading about WW2 is surreal, its hard to imagine these things happening when you have only known of them through books and old images.

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