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You have been hired to plan the U.S. and allied lighting invasion of Hainan island, to be put into effect as soon as the PRC attempts its naval landings against Taiwan. How do you proceed, anon?
The US could never land troops on Chinese soil and the Chinese could never land troops on American soil. A Sino-American war would be fought exclusively on Taiwan and in the Pacific.
army corp consisting of 3rd and 4th marine division supported by 3rd ranger battalion lands southeast of sanya and takes the city.1st division, 2nd division, 2nd batt, and elements of the 82nd airbone land in the leizhou penninsula to close the channel cutting off existing chinese troops on the island and preventing addiional supplies and reinforcment.
I brap, good and hard. Any tips on writing a cover letter for Frank LaRose at the Ohio Secretary of State? I'm applying for a Compliance Analyst position and I'm always terrible at these. Have a background in qualitative research, as a campaign assistant, and in other client-facing roles.
Hold up there cowboy. How do you deal with the large Chinese submarine presence in the area and extensive SAM network?
Why would you invade Hainan? It's basically their Florida keys where there's a bunch of timeshare scams and shitty Potemkin resorts for money laundering.
These threads would be more fun if I knew what resources and assets I had at my disposal

Because otherwise my answer is nuke
Write one and show us what you've got so far, anonymized of course
>Important enough China is willing to negotiate over it/divert resources towards it
>Not important enough that China panic lobs nukes
Ask me how I know that you're retarded.
fuck you im drunk
How do you know he's retarded?
tell me how im wrong step by step
>What virile Yankee soldiers see upon landing on Hainan
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>Send Chinese-American soldiers in PLA uniforms to Hainan island to sow confusion ahead of the main invasion force
>Actually, there is no main force.
>Actually, there are no Chinese-American infiltrators either
>We just started a rumor about it on weibo
>Watch as the Chinese kill one another for days on end.
I am writing to express my interest in bringing my talents to the Secretary of State’s office as a Compliance Analyst with the Election Integrity Unit. With varied experience in qualitative research, public-facing administrative and management roles, as well as my education in political science and extracurricular experience, I believe I would be a strong asset to the Secretary of State in upholding the integrity of the electoral process.
As a researcher with the Research Society, I was also the coordinator for the written reports of my team, which demanded skill in compiling our research for briefings to senior leadership on our conclusions and anticipated developments within our field(s) of study. With the Candidate campaign, my role as his campaign assistant encompassed many duties in addition to the leadership of his volunteer base within District S-and-So. These included assisting him in the day-to-day operations of his campaign and public outreach via serving as his liaison with other candidates (particularly So-and-So, with whose campaign I successfully coordinated joint events), acting as his point-of-contact for public communications and survey design/records management, and handling scheduling and memoranda. These professional experiences are enhanced by some of my extracurriculars in the College Republicans which saw me implementing and overseeing the alumni email outreach program and drafting policy documents, executives’ speeches, and other necessities for the organization’s administrative functions. Personal adaptability to unexpected aspects of my roles, organizational skills, and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment have all greatly characterized my prior work.

I'm midway through this and want to toss the last bit. They want research skills, presentation skills, and proof that you can handle client-facing work.
the chinese will be so busy shooting down their own planes and entangling their own subs in their own anti-submarine nets that it won't be a problem
that's not the kind of bikini you'll actually see in China
The only things landing there will be JDAM-ERs, JASSMs and Tomahawks.
Shit like that happened in WW1 and it wasn't even on the part of Entente but because Germany has regional sub-dialects/accents.
>Be a random German traveler
>Have something like a Swabian accent
>Go through the wrong region
>Get lynched as a supposed spy for speaking German funny
>Fellow Swabian Germans feel offended at this treasonous betrayal
>They pay back in kind to another random German traveler going past their region
Given how many sub-dialects and regional accents of those sub-dialects exist in China (dude lmao mandarin unity is a meme only the written language is unified) I expect that to happen on its own given how Chinese history is filled with moments of hysteria driven cannibalism and mass killings.
roc doesn't have enough troops for this to be a plausible outcome
It's good but you need to be selling it more. Exude confidence, experience, and enthusiasm. Here's my edits:

>in bringing my talents
in bringing my skills (talents can be showboaty to some)

>administrative and management roles
administration and management (concise, and own your skills)

>as well as my education in political science and extracurricular experience
alongside my comprehensive education in Political Science and extracurricular work with the College Republicans (comprehensive sells more, namedrop may be better than just saying "extracurriculars")

>I believe
I am confident that (confidence)

>As a researcher with the Research Society, I was also the coordinator for the written reports of my team which demanded skill in compiling our research for briefings to senior leadership on our conclusions and anticipated developments within our field(s) of study.

As a researcher and coordinator with the Research Society, I skillfully compiled my team's research for briefings with senior leadership and anticipated developments within our fields of study, which enabled Yada-Yada Blah-Blah Achievements Outcomes Stuff (give yourself more credit and be more concise)

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I'm getting lazy so abridge these as necessary or just take what you need. The point is to let the resume get into the details of specific skills and the day-to-day.
As Candidate's campaign assistant, I undertook several duties while simultaneously leading his volunteer base in District So-And-So. These duties included campaign management, communications direction, and public outreach through serving as his liaison with other candidates, such as So-and-So. Blahblahblah highlight what successes these were

These professional experiences have been strengthened by my extracurricular involvement with the College Republicans, which saw me implementing and overseeing the alumni email outreach program and drafting policy documents, executives' speeches and other administrative necessities to ensure the organization's success.

My prior work has enabled me to adapt to unexpected situations, effectively organize resources (or whatever word best fits), and to thrive in fast-paced environments. Above all, it has fueled my enthusiasm for public service and to further hone my existing skills to the benefit of the Secretary of State.
Thanks, very helpful. Used most of that. Wish me luck! Could actually be a good job opportunity.
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Good luck have fun.
where would you stage shit from, thailand and the philippines? wouldn't you have to neutralize the SCS islands and the paracels first?
taiwan or Okinawa
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>How do you proceed, anon?
that depends, what the fuck are we doing on Hainan in the first place? in order to produce a plan you first need an objective.
>in order to produce a plan you first need an objective.
Tactical objective: Fuck around
Strategic objective: Find out
>Land on the peninsula
>Instead of just blowing up the tunnel
seems like you'r just sending those guys to die since China can just meat wave them admittedly letting China slam their face into dug in troops could fix that issue a bit.
>3rd and 4th Marine division by name
Why were these two chosen by name? How are you going to ready the 4th Marine Division for an immediate deployment when it's a reservist organization?

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