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Second Trump assasination attempt fails the left cant meme
Don't bother telling me about it unless he lands in the hospital
damn they really are desperate lol, must be a russian paid actor since they used a saiga LOL
The left cant aim*
also first one was literally the right tho. why are you fags so desperate to white wash that?
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Supposed Shooter if it is true
An AK and Gopro were recovered from the scene.
Well. No. But it would be nice.
Why do trumptards always try to link everything to Ukraine? I bet zelensky funded him too.
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>This is who calls you a zigger on /k/
stupid frogposter lmao
>karol markowicz
>place of birth: USSR

its a nafo tard
first trump shooter was a republican
I mean he may well have been a pro-ukie type, there's a lot of them. The problem is pretending that matters in any way.
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they're not trying to link it to Zelensky, they're trying to link it to mentally ill redditors and literal trannies
>used a saiga
They used a Noriko SKS with some bubba mag.
>NAFO tards are blonde-haired blue-eyed white men
uh-oh /pol/sisters...
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>le clown world
Are you serious ? He had a democrat physique lmao
Looks like a John Oblast type person.
>Post your reply
Fuck off back to twatter.
>aryan brainwashed to serve ZOG
Many such cases!
registered republican and everybody they interviewed who knew him said he was a barely-closted /pol/fag type
>Vivek Ramaswamy supporter
oh nonononono
>mentally ill redditors and literal trannies
Replace trannies with brown people and that's /pol/?
Thats it, time to nuke India
Tulsi Gabbard supporter too. That’s what probably broke his brain.
browns are immune to Jewish propaganda
I thought he was a kamala tranny
This belongs in /pol/, but before you go, let me remind you that kamala is still going to win
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/k/ is still going to pretend it has nothing to do with ookraine
What a fucking retard, Kamala had it in the bag anyways, at least until now
That reads like a /pol/ tier shitpost
>/pol/ now supports Jews when they're helping their narrative
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>browns are immune to Jewish propaganda
>Tulsi Gun Grabber
>Vivek the Vatnik
Totally mindbroken
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Think we're gonna see a third try by November?
/pol/ supports anything even if it's someone that will gladly hang them after their usefulness ends
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I havent read project 2025 goals
too tired to check /pol/ and I really ought to go to bed so keep it short
he needs some eggs.
She still does lol, assassination attempts don't get you sympathy votes if you're an insane tyrant retard. Trumpfags remain in the trash
Never ask women about their age, a man about his salary and /pol/tard about Trump opinions about israel
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Indians are Aryan
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He just had severe OCD and wanted to fix Trump's other ear so they matched again.
Source: it was revealed to me in a dream
I've seen you spamming this shit on twitter, all it proves is that the moron had a screw loose. He also claimed he had 1000 troops ready to be deployed to defend Taiwan.
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Registered Republican due to primaries, ActBlue donor as a student.
Trump brought all the crazies out and now they're all losing their shit at about the same rate he is.
secret service shot at a guy with a gun at the edge of orange man's golf course, who fled and was later apprehended by police
what makes someone able to shoot another man without being provoked or instigated? I might be a full blown racist on the net but i'm pretty mild irl unless you prove to me why racism exists in the first place
They want that money to go to Israel instead
>feelin' fit sar?
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Kamala trannies playing warzone and fortnite to improve aim
beste skizo
So we have disillusioned RINOs and boring centrists taking potshots so far. I'm betting the next ones start to get progressively more ridiculous and politically abstract.
he donated like 10-15 dollars to actblue as an underaged highschool student, then registered as a republican and became a /pol/fag
So, did he ever travel to ukraine?
>not obese
leftie confirmed
>humans have no impetus to kill others
>the only explanation was that he was mind controlled by the shadow government
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>NAFO queer didn't like that Trump isn't 110% behind direct war with roosia
>Got a bubba SKS and some ceramic plates at Lowe's
>Took some shots and missed
Remember when last "shooter" was Ukraine supporter paid by zelensky, until the real identity was revealed him as buckbrocken magatard?
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>browns are immune to Jewish propaganda
Then why are they following for this? Putin's mother was Jewish and thus by Judaism's Matrilenial laws, he is Jewish. By Blood. In fact, he is a higher ranked 'Jew' than Zelensky in the eyes of Israel. Which is why Israel told Ukraine to surrender to Russia and has sent nothing to help them while the second most common nationality in Israel is Russian.

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Fuck off

You have been unmasked.
Last dude was broken by Trump fagging out for Israel. Always wondered how these contradictory beliefs were supposed to fit together on the schizo side of things and it turns out they kinda don't.
just because someone supports ukraine doesn't mean they have a screw loose
Next one is gonna be a skinhead Aryan Brotherhood type or some 80+ left over Soviet sleeper agent. Or an actual alien.
k thanks, I guess it'll be all over the news here come tomorrow so I'll hear about the details then
Your false flag is not fooling anybody vatnigger.
thoughts and prayers, just a fact of life
But how does this tie in to Ian and the WWSD?
wasn't he broken because trump was revealed to be a pedo and he was shoot the local pedo type of retard?
I mean Russia has also created fake BBC and Daily Mail websites with a mix of legit and fake articles to trick retards in the UK (and other retards who take what they say seriously) too. Russia is the most insidious globohomo state around.
Kinda weird that theres been 2 schizos taking potshots, has that happened to any other candidate in history?
Your false flag is not fooling anybody vatnigger.
I've never heard of a /pol/chud wanting to go volunteer to die for Russia
It makes sense, since the UK is currently the world thought leader upholding the rules based order. Russia seethes against the UK like no other, because the UK's influence has outclassed them at every turn. Russia can't even take under control a tiny neighbor, meanwhile the UK tramples entire continents under foot whenever they get bored. It's sad that the first thing Russia did when they setup the NRA was get american gun owners to cry about the UK actually licensing their sport.
Matrilineal. I typed quickly.
This, like the rest of trumps campaign, is indeed unique in modern history.
I'm thinking more like rocking a massive purple fro and saying "sheeeeeyut" unironically but those aren't out of the question either.
I think they'll beef up his security to insane levels.
I heard it was mostly an old /pol/ styled hatred for Israel (no clue what nu/pol/'s position on that is anymore), but Pizza Gate Deluxe sounds like a funny as shit motive.
>supported Tulsi Gabbard
>hates Russia
seems like a confused guy
The 79th Assault Brigade of Ukraine said on telegram that they hoped the job of assassinating Trump would be finished.

Source for either of these claims? Asking honestly, I stopped paying attention to whatever was the deal with the first shooter within a week of it happening. Last I had heard people were saying he didn't publicly talk about politics with anyone and he had been looking for any high profile political target nearby. Did more shit about him surface since then?
could be an enjoyer of stimulants. This is Florida.
Candidates? Don't know, but a lot of POTUS have been shot at or attempted to be assassinated.
Oh no, a person on tg voiced an opinion, that must surely mean they are behind it 100%!
I don't think either of these two guys have any kind of coherent political philosophy. These are just the kind of retard schitzos that the republican party have been fellating for the last 20 or so years and Trump basically hit the Nitro for them and now that his campaign is unravelling they're unravveling with him.
>Ukrainian troops hope a US presidential candidate who has repeatedly shit on their side of the war and implied he would force a ceasefire gets iced
I don't blame them, if I was a Ukrainian I'd want the head of any faggot politician from the West saying they don't need help.
>80+ left over Soviet sleeper agent
That is exactly who this guy is. He reads out exactly like a John Smith from Texas Oblast.
>brigade telegram
>random shitposts with 3000 subscribers
There is literally nothing wrong with a little bit of meth. We need to end the stigma.
They don't have to be behind it.

An official telegram channel of a Ukrainian army brigade voiced support for the assassination of Trump.

Meanwhile Ukraine shills like yourself squeal (using the best words you can, despite your shaken baby syndrome and fetal alcohol), that supporting Ukraine is in our interests.
apparently he
>voted for trump in 2016
>hated biden
>rabidly pro-ukraine
>huge fan of tulsi gabbard
Weird that he is typing in Russian, not Ukrainian. Huh.

Just me noticing things :)
Why would they? That would make it too obvious when their teammates "sneak in" to miss more easy shots.
Lol, the 79th Assault Brigade fucked up so bad that ukraine online shills now have to deny their official telegram channel. Despite it being the one where they posted a bunch of the videos you repost as webm.
Cry about it, vatnigger.
To be frank, thats not an edge-case viewpoint int he world today.
The meth comedown always makes my appendages numb and I don't like it
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Meanwhile their real telegram.
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He does honestly, much more than the last one.
Slav languages all ofs beings the same, da.
this might be the most obvious flaseflag I've ever seen
Brown imbecile with his fake account. Neck yourself.
Is this Rehab Room?

>can't decide whether to say its fake, or to say they agree with it

The absolute state of ukrainian troll farms
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It was a schizo koper.>>62512173
>glavset pidor projects as he breathes
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rutard reading comprehension
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>Kamala and friends drop gorillions of shill bux on advertising after the first assassination attempt to memory hole it
> assassination 2 electric boogaloo
This year's happenings have been pretty good.
Remember when the last shooter was koper and trans and an illegal immigrant too
>The 79th Assault Brigade of Ukraine
>posting in russian
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