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ok /k/ i need your greatest meme energy on this one
I heard somebody say it was an SKS with aftermarket crap on in the other thread, looks like it’s either that or one of those old Saiga hunting rifles
i also had a buddy tell me it looks like an SKS with an AK mag, some have said it looks too small for that . the stock is also a little funky to be an SKS, at least has been sporterized.
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Looks like this.
Ding ding goes the trolley
Is the shooter actually a leftist tranny illegal immigrant democrat or what's the news? The other thread was shit up by /pol/tards.
why not just ask these trannies which one of them is friends with the guy who did it and how often he posted here LOL
Genuinely believe Kamela campaign is paying schizos not in the intent of actually killing him, but to get conservatives against AR15s at this point.
this one was an actual schizo
they have lots of pyscho politics lefty posts on their social media yeah
politics is for retards.
>leftist tranny illegal immigrant democrat
This, but also a converted Haitian who got distracted when a tasty cat walked by
Yeah, they're gonna be doing that for a while. Anyway, it was a legit schizo.
What are those hanging on the fence? Plates?
He was a Trump supporter in 2016 and then became Tulsi guy who reluctantly supported Bernie and then voted for Trump again because Biden "stands for nothing." Then called for a Vivek/Haley unity ticket.

He was also contacting every celebrity in the world to get them to write a peace ballad about Ukraine. He also claimed he was going to raise an army of 50,000 people to defend Gaza from Israel, defend Ukraine from Russia, defend Taiwan from China, and secure Haiti from gangsters. He also spam tweeted pictures and his phone number to a fake Angelina Jolie account (with her name spelled horribly wrong) asking her to come to Ukraine. He set up an office and a bunch of weird Angelina Jolie-themed decorations at his place to entice her to come.

Something weird was going on. Sounds like maybe someone reported him for having a mental health episode, and police were apparently aware of him already and knew he had a gun. They spotted his car and he stuck his rifle through the gate of the golf club. Trump was 1,500 feet away and was on the other side of the building from this guy. He left and then police were waiting for him and pulled him over on the highway.

Allegedly, the guy was found with "two backpacks filled with ceramic tile" he was carrying around. He's a semi-wealthy owner of a shed company with homes in Hawaii and North Carolina. A can-do guy, an ideas man, a real American.
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Still the reigning champion in the US division for 61 years now.
>some piece of shit Saturday night special? Failed
>an AR-15? Failed
>some random slavshit? Failed.
Leftist Ukraine supporter That's been screaming about Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel (On Israel's side against Iran) on Twitter. Also, a bunch of posts that wouldn't look out of place on resetera. He's a 58yo white man from north Carolina.
ceramic tiles and a gopro apparently. wanted to catch the shooting on video
Once they have his shit he's beyond boned. There's no way they won't run forensics a thousand different ways. They'll at least pick up a hair, a skin cell, anything, even if the serial numbers were all filed off. And knowing the kind of bozos who try this, he likely kept the serial numbers on AND has his prints all over it.
>He was a Trump supporter in 2016
Uh, he said he was a trump guy in 2106. Get it right, sweety.
the 2016 trump thing wasnt even true
he has stuff saying he voted bernie in 2016, i never found the trump shit
This just sounds like an apex Floridian, a Floridaman Rex if you will
So, finally we found Florida man.
- Voted for Trump in 2016
- Became a BIG Tulsi guy in 2019
- Wanted Biden to beat Trump in 2020
- Wanted a Vivek-Nikki ticket in 2024
You're all wrong. He said he was a trump guy in 2106. I'm amazed at how poorly terminators can shoot tho.
Man i'm so glad i live in a country where we have FREE STATE provided healthcare and people like this just get institutionalized FOR FREE and they don't bother anyone anymore haha.
florida man being a florida man aside, what about his gun, i have another vote from /pol/ for mini 14 in 762x39
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Worse, a swiftie.
Donald is playing with forces that he can not control
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not that I'm gonna give anyone ideas, but Lee Harvey Oswald was a trained marksman, had a lot of experience with bolt actions, and knew how to shoot. It's a simple bolt-action carbine rifle with a scope (this part is key) firing a bigger more accurate round.
Swifties have even more twisted ideas:
kys commie faggot
Shooter's a /k/ommando... leftist Ukraine supporter and a registered Dem. Literally a /k/ommando personaified.
Get shot by a random schizo nigger lmao
>golffags will demand absolute silence on the course just to shoot +23
At this point it's safe to say that not very many people like Trump, so it's basically a mixed bag at this point. I keep hearing that it was just another schizo but even if it was just some violent Dem I don't see what difference it would've made
Insane NAFO fella.
probably motivated by the recent articles claiming Trump is going to stop supporting Ukraine if he wins.
The faceberg comments are great on this. Trump brings out all the schizo accounts.
Jesus, again?? How close did he get?
>another goofy schizo that is unhelpful to anyones agenda so people just start making shit up about him
>How close did he get?
He didn't. He didn't even fire a single shot apparently. Secret Service spotted him in the bushes and he ran off to his SUV like a pussy.
Hope his daugther gets sodomized to death by a pack of feral nogs.
Not that close, but too close for it not to turn into a huge thing. I'd rate it similar to the dick head that shot at the white house when Obama wasn't even there.
What was schizo about the first one? Actual question, I lost track of whatever they dug up on him.
His last tweet was about recruiting afghans to defend the Peoples Republic of Cat Barbecue so I'd say he was.
Those Carcano scope rigs are notoriously shit. The FBI had to use a shim on Oswald's rifle's rings to replicate the shot.
He was a swiftie, mad at trump for tweeting "I hate Taylor Swift"
the first shooter wasn't an actual schizo but they were one of those 'weird kids' who would wear camo to school.
it's insane how fucking mediocre everything else about the guy was, except for his aim
He was an actual lunatic with no coherent political theory as far as I can tell. There's threats issued against Trump, Putin, Biden, the Clintons and Harris on his social media.
You have to go back
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It's a weirdo schizo anti-white nigger(?) Who makes other people and their kids his profile picture and background on faceberg to epicly troll them from what I can see. Possibly a pajeet.
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>Frog poster
>Retarded opinion
checks out.
IIRC he was probably some kind of schitzo Accellerationist and wanted the fame of bumping off a famous figure.
The shooter was KOPING hard with ukraine. What a schizo. lol
>kys commie faggot
Americans have to kill themselves? The state doesn't provide a taxpayer funded euthanasia option? Sad.
He was also supporting gaza, so more likely a /pol/troon than anything else.
In T2 Arnold couldn't even shoot without his eyes flinching
thats the emergency rifle
I cant believe we're going to loose our gun rights over some guy sperging out over some eaten dogs and a sub par pop singer...
thats basically every actor in 80s movies
Kamala Harris carries a Sig p223 apparently. I think our gun rights are going to be fine
lmao, you're all right eurofag.
her agents walk around with mp7s too, i want my machinegun
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This bizarre neocon position of prolonging suffering in Ukraine would fit right in here on /k/
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>looked up and the account
>seems to be dedicated to getting into weird internet fights with people, calling people "semen skins" and hating whites
>also uses incel slang like Juan/Tyrone
Is this a jeet? A russian bot meant to #divide us?
he was a NAFO or kike SBU operative
Sounds like a specific type of anti establishment lefty. Supporting Ukraine AND Gaza means he isn't part of the West vs East/NATO vs Vatnigger debate, just anti-larger nation attacking smaller nation underdog type of stuff. Explains the Tulsi support which probably soured after 2022.
Personally ordered by zemlinsky, the dude was budanoff in disguise with azog team on standby for extraction.
all these kike disinfo shills posting straight up lies like this confirms to me the shooter was a ukraine SBU asset
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>schizos online are already trying to spread conspiracy theories that he was hired by Democrats to assasinate him
>same schizos also think the elections are rigged anyways
I think it was Ukraine, thank you very much.
A deadly SKS assault rifle.
They used to do that in the US before leftists dismantled the asylum system.
>prolonging suffering
Russia is going to lose, lol. You should learn to deal with this now.
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lmao this nafotard

why would the canadians do this?
Reagan was a leftist?
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Reading the news:
"The shooter used AK-47 semi-auto rifle"
I feel like Ukraine would be better at killing someone.
if this one gets killed in custody like Oswald I'm just going to assume both would be assassins are CIA/Mossad MK Ultra victims.

try again
No, but congress was.
Apparently arrested in 2002 for owning a machine gun illegally. So I’m going with schizo true American libertarian style of mindset

So a prohibited possessor?
was this guy ever actually in Ukraine?
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>shilling faggotry and disinfo to throw people off the trail
try again
how come everyone just says leftist now instead of liberal?
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>A can-do guy, an ideas man, a real American.

i love my gay retarded country
watch his video in ukraine produced by the ukraine sbu >>62512874
because liberals are actually for personal liberty by definition. leftists are by definition anti-liberty and statist. the real question is why did people go trhough a phase incorrectly labeling leftist kikes as "liberal"
Yep. Probably bought bubba’s SKS off Facebook.

Thats a rough 58 years old and he looks like a mystery meat mutt.
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Nikki Haley supporter and pro-Gaza
rolling my eyes fr
this explains a lot, the assassins suck because they're not CIA/Mossad assets, they're Ukrainian KGB or whatever.
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yeah thats not at all what his comment says you well poisoning kike lmao. he literally is a democrat voter and was supporting bernie in 2020 against biden in the primary. he also seems to have liked tulsi probably because he lives in hawaii, until 2022 when ukraine provoked russia to defend its people in western russia and retake its stolen territory. then he turns anti tulsi and goes on rants about her and how we need to nuke russia. the dude is a deranged leftist
He's as white as it gets
CIA cant hire or recruit them directly beause that would be too obvious and the plot would eaisly get discovered. so they have to use proxies to do their dirty work and fortunately for us their proxies are corrupt idiots who probbaly skim all the operational funds at the top then hire some methed out NAFO democrat from hawaii
>proceeds to disprove nothing
Good morning sars!
>I'm a real human!
The more they claim this the less I believe it.
Not a Daniel Defense, lame.

How many attempts is this now? I hope someone's keeping track because it's a lot. There were multiple gun incidents at 2016 rallys. There was a car that tried to launch itself onto the motorcade. The Butler incident and now this.
something like 70% of NAFO are old boomer leftists with alternative lifestyles... just going off their X profiles. And they're all insane.
Come on, this kind people make history fun. Sadly Trump is the lesser of two evils.
Yes Mr. Ryan Wesley Routh we are easy to commence carry out your orders with haste.
Wrong woods.
What's a NAFO?
Terrible bait.
Trump said he heard gunshots, so someone shot.
North Atlantic Fag Organization... a take on NATO but for LGBTQPedo leftists.
Secret service fired shots at the guy
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it was a gay forced meme on twitter of hyper pro nato frog posters. I'm not even sure if stuff like this was made by them unironically or made by people making fun of them.
Yeah the Secret Service shot at him and he fled.
He was constantly posting about how evil russia/putin was. You can’t have it both ways. He was either pro ukraine or /pol/, but not both.
We've seen 70% of those old boomer leftists and they have pretty normal as shit lifestyles to the point that I'm convinced they're all government employees in NATO nations.
Twatters and redditors that self identify as NAFO using doge memes to support NATO. Shockingly effective at making browns seethe, and pretty much mostly old and white with a few old Asians dropped in here and there.
>Didn't rename the file

No roubles for you Vanya
>Come on, this kind people make history fun
This guy is the modern day equivalent of Frederick Townsend Ward, scamming opium merchants into funding his Ever-Victorious-Army and then routing the taipings and the imperial troops just for the hell of it. 200 years ago he'd have carved out a small kingdom. Sadly we live in lame and gay times where swivel eyed maniacs can no longer just gather up some followers and start a private war.
nah, just schizoid
Fuck off kike
He was a loon, he didn't have a consistent position. He was in favor of friendship with North Korea and ending sanctions.
You can still do private wars, just follow tradition and do it in Asia or Africa so real people don't get hurt.
> Shockingly effective at making browns seethe, and pretty much mostly old and white with a few old Asians dropped in here and there.
They also doxxed and forced off the internet quite a few big names in the russian agitprop ecosystem. Including Zoka_200
I think his position was mostly "small guy good, big guy bad"

You are brown
Can't even do it there anymore.
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Association of shitcord pedophiles. Some of them are here right now and have been for the last 2 years, say hi to them.
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>that filename
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a group of trans and other dysgenic reditors who have never worked a day in their life, are infected with cat parasites, and think real life is a marvel disney movie
I know there's plenty of reasons why it wouldn't apply, but I'm still dropping that in my "they're government employees" mental evidence list.
Remember when they doxxed Zoka_200 and forced him off the internet? Funny shit lol.
Didn't Russia used to be good at this?
They're attacking their own kind then considering they're directly mentioning /chug/.
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So that just makes you a pussy bitch?
>Trump dodges another bullet
God damn, he's like an action movie hero; the bad guys can't hit him.
Well in this case the guy didn't fire at him because there was an entire building between him and Trump.
This is what happens when you outsource your propaganda to the third world.
The Lord placed that building infront of him.
/k/amala trannies are on damage control after this

uparokt paath ko kopee karen aur is bhaag ko hata den
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>Democrats are THAT desperate to keep Trump from getting back into office but they keep

1. Fucking up attempts to kill him

2. Boosting his poll numbers by double digits with each attempt

You'd think the smart thing to do would be to have some /pol/tard whack Biden and Kamala some pity votes like LBJ but I suppose extreme desperation leads to extreme retardation. Definition of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>2. Boosting his poll numbers by double digits with each attempt
That didn't happen though.
Republicans are dumb fuckers. Democracts are dumb fuckers that go to uni to become even dumber.
But the true american power is to turn stupid in force so a dumber america is a stronger america
yeah they would at least spare an FPV drone
this time the shooter glows even harder than the previous patsy.

Gary Busey taking his decline into irrelevance hard man.
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Anosn are trying to make it into a left vs. right thing. Others are trying to make it into a normies vs. schizos thing. But we might be dealing with a horrifying new synthesis: the deranged normie from hell.
pretty sure it was the guy in the permits office and the landscape architect
first assassin (would-be) was a Republican
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He's even an animal lover
But NAFO posters have been teeling me he was a Republican?
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>first assassin (would-be) was a Republican

Ask how I know you're retarded
As a great man once said, the pigs eat the flesh of their own.
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>retarded anne poster is retarded
I wouldn't have it any other way. Clearly, someone wants more civil chaos in the US. Buckle up because we're just starting, we're about to hit Tom Clancy levels we shouldn't even be possible
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>What do you mean the second sleeper agent failed?! They're not supposed to fail. Did he at least activate his suicide programming?

nearly every assassin is a self-absorbed, asocial retard with no particular reasoning behind their actions. the only assassins, attempted or successful, i can name off the top of my head that could probably draw a clear line from their intended actions to the desired outcome were the guy who shot abe and john hinkley lol.
did you actually get this from facebook?
you're a fucking idiot
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we->that*. Reminder to all my fellow USbros to ignore the thirdie noise. We're in this together, and it will end well.
Fienstien also carried a pistol. That doesn’t change anything, retard.
>Kamala Harris carries a Sig p223 apparently. I think our gun rights are going to be fine
I generally think "le shills on /k/" is massively overplayed. But then every four years we have an election and I see this shit....
Nice /pol/ thread
>You'd think the smart thing to do would be to have some /pol/tard whack Biden and Kamala some pity votes like LBJ
Two problems with that. One: most /pol/tards are ineligible to own guns. Two: if Biden dies now then Kamala is president for the rest of his term, basically wasting her chance at an actual second term. She's a greedy cunt like that. I could definitely see Biden dying after the election if Trump wins though, just so she can go down in the history books as the first brownoid woman president for a month. She faked a call with Obama and Michelle using AI voices for an ad, she's not above such things.
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truman's puerto rican would be assassins actually had a political goal, even though it was ill-conceived. i think most domestic assassins are just psychos though
So he’s lefty/pol/
seems like a terminally online reactionary nut to me. who flip flops that hard in so short a time
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>Two: if Biden dies now then Kamala is president for the rest of his term, basically wasting her chance at an actual second term.

Vice Presidents are only ineligible to serve two terms as President if they had ascended to the office for two years or longer. If Biden had stroked out in 2022 then yes, Kamala Harris would only be able to elected for her own term as President once. If he strokes out now, she can be elected twice. So in reality, the longest you can theoretically serve as President is just under 10 years.

t. 22nd Amendment
>seems like a terminally online
A common theme that runs through so many issues we face today.
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>She faked a call with Obama and Michelle using AI voices
The call was staged not faked. My apologies for some of the retards on my side of the political spectrum.
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The real assassin was identified as a Russian loli.
Imagine being this dumb.

That's a Shuster MK5
Terminally online schizo mixing up far right and far left nonsense is the impression I'm getting from his shit.
better than the 80 ukraine threads
>Two: if Biden dies now then Kamala is president for the rest of his term, basically wasting her chance at an actual second term
A president can serve no longer than 10 years. There's very few circumstances where that can happen, but Biden dying in office or getting hit with the 25th ammendment wouldn't stop her from running for a second term at this point assuming she wins.
>ukraine thread
>russia thread
off yourself kike
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So how long is this deranged retard going to be used by ziggers as their scrapgoat posterboy for Ukraine supporters?
Every single news site is highlighting his support for Ukraine and ignoring everything else.
Marxist rat detected. Kill yourself, faggot.
I think it's one of those old saiga rifles. It would also make sense he'd have one given that he's kind of a slavaboo

No wonder they're having problems if even their SBU guys are this retarded
>but Russia is also retarded
Yes we know, that's why they aren't winning decisively

>Then called for a Vivek/Haley unity ticket.
So he wants an Indian occupation government too?
Til the end of time, this is the best win glavset has had in years
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>a group of trans
>Attempt shooter #1 votes in republican primary so he can vote against trump despite anti-trump views shared with many people who knew him in school
"oH, wElL hE's A rEgIsTeReD rEpUbLiCaN, cHuDs!"
>brazenly anti-trump, unabashedly leftoid boomer, confirmed unambiguously
"Well...there's so much that doesn't add up. Seems fishy. Looks like he flip flopped a lot, seems like a schizo. Also he was a TRUMP supporter...supposedly."

A conundrum.
is that a FAMAS?
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>/pol/niggers and russian shills are still seething at NAFO
Imagine wasting millions of dollar on shilling campaigns only for it to be ruined by a cartoon dog
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>only 2 Americans so far have exercised their SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT.
We're not going to make it, are we? People, I mean.
Nothing wrong with realtree or mossy oak shirts at school or in public. At least here in bama.
>trying to pin this on nafo(despite likely not being associated with them)
>trying to pin this on the SBU(his tweet regarding Ukraine was when the invasion just started, nothing else past that)
He is simply a schizo given his support for known schizo politicians.
you realize the term predates even the birth of marx birth right
The anarchist who shot McKinley might have also had a "death to tyrants" thing going on. I just find this phenomenon of "schizo normies" kind of fascinating, because I had liked to put people into boxes. So if you're a Nikki Haley fan, you're a normie. Well within the mainstream. If you're a schizo or just a freak Hearts of Iron mod community fan who is into extremist politics and you have a Twitter account that you wouldn't show a first date, you join a freaky group and fly that flag. Groypers. Fedposting. Hammers and sickles. Calling other people "comrades" online. All that stuff.

But I was wrong. There are people out there whose revolutionary horizon is a Haley/Vivek unity ticket and they're willing to KILL.
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one schizo managed to permanently damage any sort of support for ukraine among americans
i don't think this is fixable guys
no one cares except people on 4chan and discord.
One schizo is not enough, especially when he hasn’t tweeted hard about it since the invasion started. So a nothing burger.
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>one schizo managed to permanently damage any sort of support for ukraine among americans
>i don't think this is fixable guys
I, John Smith of Alablyatma oblast, am demoralized. Now all good Americanskis must call on czar Biden to cease arming the Nazi Jewish Banderite regime and aid mighty Puccian bear in 2 week, 866 day special needs operation in tiny neighbor with 1/7 the population and no nukes or navy.
you shills sure got mobilized quickly
It's been clear since at least the Patriot Act that America wasn't capable of using 2A for its stated purpose. An interesting thought experiment is what a modern 2A would have to look like to actually work.
>no one cares except people on 4chan and discord.
so /chug/?
Is this the new Russian talking point
Anybody who supports Vivek in some way or form is an actual schizo. The people that support him are more unhinged than your radical maga supporter. Vivek is also a piece of work.
I am trying to be realistic. Most Israel-loving conservacuck boomers in the US have been anti-Ukraine for extremely retarded reasons, and this event just gives them a scapegoat to say "ukraine supporters are anti-American, look what one tried to do!" or some shit like that.
i'm seriously just waiting for someone to try droning someone here. it's going to happen and i'm hoping we get the FPV footage no matter what happens otherwise.
The guy who shot McKinley was a friendless loser who kept getting kicked out of anarchist groups for being so autistic that everyone thought he was an undercover police informant. He only shot the president because he thought that was how he could get his anarchist oneitis waifu to like him.
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>I BET (other side) DID THIS
>NO U!
We should legalize killing all polnigger extremists, that would fix most of this country's problems.
Because they are contrarians trying to find a way to justify their shit. They will switch up immediately if trump decides to switch positions in regards to Ukraine. On another note, Zelenskyy noted that he and trump had a good conversation recently. He also stated that pre election promises are simply pre election promises and shouldn’t be taken as literal
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>Tfw the GRAU index catalogues variations of Kalashnikova
tay tay strikes back
>give them a scapegoat
They will find any reason to justify supporting the opposite thing as the democrats. That’s how terminal contrarianism works.
>if trump decides to switch positions in regards to Ukraine
I am hoping this does happen, but he's been wishy washy on the entire thing for 2 years straight. He's went from "I would've gave them more!" to "Ukraine should just cede some parts to Russia, because I was told Russians were living there."
It also doesn't help that Vance goes out of his way to be more vocally retarded about it as well. If Zelensky said the call went well, then it probably did, but who knows what was exactly said.
it would be irresponsible of zelensky to be anything but obsequious to the potential next president, that's just politics
anything trump doesn't feel strongly about, he does whatever the last person who got in his ear wanted him to do unless he feels they're trying to lead him around by the nose and then he does the opposite

flip a coin
Again, we are not sure what he will do. Because him and Zelenskyy had a good conversation despite the rhetorics he and Vance said in public. Also, Vance just says shit to get elected, but he recently learned to shut his mouth in regards to certain positions. On CNN, he basically said he learned his lesson on a putting words in trumps mouth without even discussing the issue with him about abortion. So overall, it’s all politics and it’s probable that trump may not go through with his promises because even Zelenskyy don’t really believe that’s his actual positioning based on his interactions with trump in private. It’s also consistent with the conversation that Boris Johnson had with trump a few months ago too.
>my elections are free and fair because….THEY JUST ARE OKAY?
>but he's been wishy washy on the entire thing for 2 years straight
He's held literally the exact same position for two years. He even uses the exact same answer whenever asked.
Go ahead and look it up, it's the one where she hold the phone to her face on speaker.
It was fake as fuck, Obama came out and said he was straight up not endorsing her after the ad came out. She used a shitty AI voice to fake an endorsement.
Imagine being paid to shill on 4chan.
Alright fair, I didn't know that.
yeah he's unironically just a schizo. oscillates between various extreme/retarded political beliefs.
Shut the fuck up vlad, Americans are talking.
>FREE STATE provided healthcare
77 million Americans have that and the government spends more per capita on healthcare than most every country on earth. THEN we put about that amount of money on top of it again out of private plans. It is not a funding issue at all. Stop acting like it is.
It's that there is no requirement to take your meds when you are crazy fuck so we free-range our schizos because we cannot find a suitable political solution to wrangling the nutjobs.
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>told he's a retard for thinking that you can't serve a second term if you only served for a few months
>calls other people a shill in response
There's clearly alot you don't know.
>77 million Americans have that
Old people or just disabled. Medicaid and Medicare have strict requirements. Unironically enough, county level government health has a better safety net than state/federal government in regards to healthcare.
You could have specified what you were referring to.
*a lot
Or alternatively you could be less of an autist.
Imagine how much of a autistic, friendless, anti-social fuck up loser to be kicked out of anarchist groups though. You have to be a real fuck up for that to happen, it's like being so screwed up you get kicked out of a prison for the legally insane.
Do you know where we are?
>Czolgosz, despite considerable evidence of mental illness, was convicted of murder and executed.
Yup, Chinese POS Norinco Type 93 SKS
Yes. Not autist daycare.
Again, imagine how mentally ill you have to be to be kicked out of anarchist groups. You gotta be really REALLY mentally ill for that.
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not quite, but the photos were taken by a potato in a dim light
>*a lot
>You could have specified what you were referring to.
*You ought specified that to which you referred.
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Norinco Type 93
ohnoonnono leftist sisters how do we respond? that evil nazi elon needs to wipe the account why doesnt he fall in line like faceberg and instajew and immediately erase the evidence?
He appeared in an AZOV division propaganda video
Most local healthcare initiatives are funded via Medicaid too. They structure their programs to fit the State Plan Amendments that get federal funding.
Point is, the public healthcare money is there. Lots of it. More per capita than all but a small handful of nations. Uncle Sam is just piss poor at managing these programs and they have no clue what to do about crazy people. Shoveling more money into it is not going to fix these problems.
Was it the one where they gangbanged your mother doggy style?
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>tfw even the FBI best crime scene workers are NAFO trannies

so we can basically rule out a legitimate investigation i guess
looks like another "fella" about to snap ^

>, nothing else past that)
he literally has dozens if not 100 tweets over the past 2 years about ukraine and traveled there himself to do propaganda videos which was already posted above you little kikeshill
>i am not snapping i am not snapping i am not snapping you are
Is this your last resort?

You all need to return to HQ and await new orders. This firing from the hip business is not doing your shilling any favors. >>62514135
he supported Hayley and the pajeet
overdosing on copium
FPV drone footage of a head of state assassination would be peak kino, ngl.
>verification not required
try rereading your shill manual
That’s mostly due to majority of that funding going towards states in order to encourage them to expand on their Medicaid programs. Local county healthcare(in my county) is funded by property taxes and they offer free healthcare for the poor(not as strict of a requirement compared to regular Medicaid and Medicare). Now, you can argue that it’s already been subsidized by the state/Feds, but so far, it’s still funded at the county level because the county at least is able to create their own miniature safety net for the local tax payers/county residents.
>this entire site
>Not autist daycare.
Yeah, you are.
we're just gonna see a succession of dumber and dumber would-be assassins, using shittier and shittier weapons to do the deed, until his luck runs out and he gets done in by a literal sped with a walmart bow and arrow
! nothin wrong with me
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>>trying to pin this on nafo(despite likely not being associated with them)
look at the damage control from these nafo kikes. this is all they do. spread lies and propaganda. literal jews.

he IS literally a nafo tranny though

>he is literally a nafo
Nothing to suggest this. But the behavior that he is describing is definitely OCD. If he has an extreme form of OCD, it will be bad if it goes untreated.
>azov propaganda video
>all it shows is just protest against the siege of Mariupol, which sparked a mass protest across the world
Uh, yea, not sure if this is reaching or not
>I’ve talked to him
If it was early to mid 2022, then this happened before nafo became a huge thing. It’s likely that he was a part of the many volunteers that went to Ukraine for humanitarian efforts.
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>nafokikes kikes kikes kikes kikes
The pot calling the kettle black, Christ...
>Politicians repeating canned lines on the same topic is new and never bin dun befo
Acting like a child doesn't sell your shtick any better, retard.
It's embarrassing there's this many people on 4chan who take red and blue team shit seriously.
If Trump won in 2020 he would be the pro Ukraine one and the Dems would be whining about how we can't afford to help them while there's homeless people in America.
Remember how fast red and blue teams switched on covid? no you don't because you're retarded normiefags who let the media memory hole everything.
God, remember all the shit the blue team pitched when trump wanted travel restrictions to combat ligma?
>I'm 7 years old and think republicucks started this shit
Kids these days don't even remember the boosh years.
>man known for saying whatever pops into his head
>repeats the same position repeatedly over a number of years
literal nafo
he likely posted here many times
Ah yes, I see you know your mental gymnastics well.
>nafo nafo nafo
Not even rent free at this point, these brownoids are paying to have nafo living in their head
The election tourists cries out in pain as he strikes you. But it wasn't just 2016 that brought people like this to the site. Gamergate, Project Chanology, all that stupid shit brought in the biggest bunch of faggot 'activists' the site has ever seen. Some of them even run the site now.
>run computer overnight to get bitcoins back when they were computationally cheap
>this results in being able to buy a website
Cryptobros deserve to control your social media. You should praise them.
>"two backpacks filled with ceramic tile"
Tiles fetish guy finaly lost it.
It’s funny to watch the “fellas” respond every time the word NAFO is posted. Like a bat signal goes out. These people would have been given electric shock therapy in more based times.
When did I insinuate that they started this? All I’m referencing is how boomers/retards act in that particular side.
>All I’m referencing is how boomers/retards act in that particular side.
Has it ever occurred to you that people just have bona fide disagreements with you? Its not contrarianism to have a different political ideology or a different answer to a geopolitical question.

Holy shit you faggots are insufferable.
spammed buzzwords do get pretty annoying
A Ukrainian agent literally just tried to assassinate the front runner in the US presidential election.
>we are easy to commence
what did he mean by this?
My only conclusion is that posts like yours are designed to make us look bad.
How about your own side is what makes you look bad, bunch of queer baits and furries. coo coo for nato puffs
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>A Ukrainian agent literally just tried to assassinate the front runner in the US presidential election.
Which crystal ball gave you this information, or are you having a Pepe Silvia moment?
its a false-flag. Ignore and move on.
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>Kamala is a sigger
Self-assassination when?
objectively, he did work with the ukrainian government and government aligned groups (azov). that's all the evidence says.

i won't draw more conclusions from this, even if the probability is high for some things.
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Typical fellas
>different ideologies
Not even disagreeing there, but it becomes contrarianism if your ideology just becomes “do the opposite of what they are doing”
Why are you a sodomite?
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My chinese cartoons will it so.
>work with the government
Very loose with that term, charity organizations were pretty much common in Ukraine, the video about azov is mainly just about the protest against siege, which were happening in multiple places and it wouldn’t be surprising if a volunteer group advocated for it. The evidence is essentially not there aside from some loose affiliations
You're making an insanely stupid argument considering we live in a country that is famous for its two party system.
you're a retard
Honestly a lot more interesting since he didn't kill anyone.
I got it from here bro.

>CNN chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst John Miller reported Sunday afternoon that Routh's social media accounts have focused on his "self-proclaimed involvement" in the war in Ukraine, including his supposed effort to recruit soldiers to fight in the conflict. Routh also claimed to have fought in Ukraine as it continues to hold off Russia's invasion.

>A Semafor report published on March 10, 2023, cited Routh as the head of the International Volunteer Center (IVC) in Ukraine, a private organization that works to "empower volunteers" and other non-profit groups that work to "enhance the distribution of humanitarian aid throughout Ukraine," according to the IVC's website.
>, charity organizations were pretty much common in Ukraine
I'm not weighing in to say if he does/doesn't glow. I'm just saying that NGO's are the governments favorite way to get shit done. Hence why lots of countries that are opposed to us have strict laws about NGO's and hence why the US gov throws a shit fit any time a country cracks down on NGO's
>See: Georgia's new laws and the State Dpt's response.

As for the man in question. Likely too much of a loon to be a glowie, but then again maybe a loon is what the glowies want. Idk.
>Ceramic tile
Holy shit they got tilefucker
>Routh appears to have previously spoken with The New York Times about his effort to recruit Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban to fight in Ukraine. At the time of the report, which was published on March 25, 2023, Routh told the Times that he had spent several months in Ukraine in 2022.
>Routh also claimed to have fought in Ukraine as it continues to hold off Russia's invasion.
>A Semafor report published on March 10, 2023, cited Routh as the head of the International Volunteer Center (IVC) in Ukraine, a private organization that works to "empower volunteers" and other non-profit groups that work to "enhance the distribution of humanitarian aid throughout Ukraine," according to the IVC's website.
Why lie about fighting then? Saying you run a charity for Ukraine is enough to get you goodboy points from mouthbreathers.
He is probably going to become the next Fidel Castro at this point.
This thread glows like a mf. Just misdirection after misdirection after misdirection in here
>Why lie about fighting then?
Because people who are mentally I'll don't think logically you moron
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He seems like an actual loon
Okay. This dude is insane.
>Run a charity
He was trying to recruit volunteers and the taliban for ukraine.
Honestly wouldn't surprise me, she is essentially a former law enforcement. But they seem themselves differently than regular people or even military.
Yeah I guess you're right. It honestly sounds like he's projecting his feeling that he didn't contribute enough to it. I feel bad for him whatever made him do all this, glowie stooge or actual lunatic.
His aim wasn’t exceptional. It was a target of ~7 inches at 88 yards that was slowly moving almost directly away from him and he missed two out of three shots (one hit to the back but missed the head, one to the head, one missed completely. The only thing even mildly impressive is how he hit dick with a scope that wasn’t zeroed, but with some practice you can use Kentucky windage at that distance.
>>Run a charity
This is a code for launder money& avoid taxes
NGO would be the better term then, my mistake.
Yeah state prosecutors especially really have a detached view from the rest of the populace.
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omg stop calling her a "prosecutor". She was an elected official. She was a glorified manager. People act like she was grinding her way up to the top of the DA's office.
that's sensible, though. rogen and franco made that movie about nk which upset kim, and kim is open to "stars" talking to him.
Just do it in the United States in a ghetto, but make sure you don't cross state lines and the FBI can't technically do shit since it's not a federal issue, but a state issue.
Fucks sake why do we keep getting the bargain bin assassins?
Leftists? Ronald Reagan dumped the loonies in the streets and things have been faring worse ever since
Oh noes! Slava guy wants to shoot orange Jesus. It's hillarious, how will /k/ ever recover!
>It's a simple bolt-action carbine rifle with a scope (this part is key)
The scope was shit. Non-adjustable and not even zeroed.
>firing a bigger more accurate round.
The caliber hardly matters at <100 yards. Any centerfire rifle caliber would’ve easily done the job, and the carcano is notorious for shit accuracy, even among milsurp rifles. The only thing to be learned from Oswald is that the ability to get close makes any shot substantially easier. Even if you pick the absolute worst rifle for the job, being close enough makes the shot possible.
I had no fucking idea who this bitch was until Biden chose her as VP, I didn't know.
Florida literally just arrested a man for having a gun. He did not commit any crimes, did he?
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>This thread glows like a mf. Just misdirection after misdirection after misdirection in here
so what schizoid?

He opened fire on the golf course
He was only shot at, and tried to save his life by de-escalating and running away.
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*Infamous for
nta, but they've definitely devolved into sheer contrarianism when you can see right leaning boomers go from being in favor of strong alliances, defense spending, opposing Russian aggression, etc. to start actively support hostile foreign powers, degrading out own alliances, weakening American power aboard, etc. with their only out being "but at least I don't support (ally of those same hostile shitholes) China!" which still isn't much of a thing among the American left outside of tankies like Tulsi Gabbard (who is now firmly in the MAGA camp, ironically enough). Actually "tanky" might be a good way of observing the foreign policies of most of the political right atm; just completely anti-west regardless of (or due to) the damage it'll do to American interests. Hell, they're already trying to chip away at support for Taiwan against China too, and we might see boomers flip to being pro-China within the 2020's; my boomer uncle has kind words for Putin and Kim Jong Un while unironically sporting shit like this to "own the libs", so I'm giving it 5 years tops before Xi is put on their pedestal too (something /pol/ is already doing).
It's true. I distinctly remember there were a few months when the partisan polarization around COVID hadn't figured itself out yet so Kamala Harris was like "I don't trust the Trump vaxx" and it seemed like the libertarians were the only ones taking it seriously.
>and it seemed like the libertarians were the only ones taking it seriously.
That's how you know shit's getting bad. I do remember this as well, although I didn't pay much attention to anything coof related to be honest. Our so called leaders are socipaths.
Sadly the world isn't this kino
Someone is probably whipping up a political compass meme with different quotes / political endorsements from this guy covering all four quadrants.

I'm not sure Gabbard is pro-China? She seems more pro-India but is cryptic about it. Also very opportunistic and mercenary. She's very pro-Israel as well, anti-Palestinian, and anti-Ukraine. There's some kind of Russia/Israel/India alignment of interests out there with some spooky people involved. I think there's this grouping or faction of people, and some of them are disillusioned Bernie supporters from the left like Jimmy Dore, who are trying to present themselves as some anti-war faction that's beyond the left and right, but they're trying to maneuver that tendency in American society in a particular direction.
>we were robbed of the peak schizokino that a Vivek/RFK ticket would've been
Seems like someone who is most interested in the dissipation of American fighting strength in any way possible for the ultimate purpose of destroying the Capitalist oppressor of le brown people. I support TZD as much as any other moderate, but only insofar as it doesn't compromise TMD, TND, and TCD. This guy screams so loud to send "everything" that it smacks of an "overdone" act. Only a true schizo or a marxist
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If trump won in 2020 there simply wouldnt be a continued war in ukraine. Trump would have advocated heavily for the negotiating table early in the war because he considers himself a dealmaker and we would have ended up with america making mild concessions to russia in return for a new independant nonmilitarized bufferstate of donetzistan while the rest of west ukraine can join nato.
yeah its fucking wild. the real question is where did the plot hatch, in ukraine, or in the cia
pretty sure thats a joke of him making fun of the movie staring both seth rogan and james franco retard
no he was just being a normal violent democrat voter
what about TKD?
>Man known for signature phrases and phraseology
>"You're fired."
>"I have the [superlative] [noun]. The best [noun]. You've never seen/haven't seen/don' see [noun] like mine/ours/this."
>unironically maga
You're being so obtuse that it's obvious.
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the moves to close down the mental institutions were well on their way long before The Gipper got into office. by the mid-70's NYC had completely devolved. the main driver was activists and "experts" who convinced the public that One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest was a documentary and that things could totally be handled out-patient with pills with minimal supervision that caused the situation to devolve. it is also why proposals to reopen mental health institutions to wrangle them cause the shitting of many bricks today.
so how over is it for Ukraine after this stunt?
Literally a nothing burger. Because it’s all connected by loose strings. He is just a looney and him supporting vivek pretty much doesn’t look good for MAGA.
Literally nothing about this will affect the war's direction. He's a far-left nutjob with an obsession about the war, but the former part is what really matters here in the states. It could affect the low-effort concern trolling done here by a certain discord group since one of their brethren tried to kill a presidential candidate, but that's it.
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>Donated to actblue just like crooks
>Tries to assassinate republican candidate
Christ he really is proper mental
How is he far left if he previously voted for Trump and was championing Trump's rivals in the primary? Is supporting Ukraine something only leftists do?
Ngl, with hindsight being 20/20 and all, its clear that this guy had some kinda OCD-tier delusions. Being a Haley/Pooloo fan just cements the point
He donated to actblue, which encourages democrats to vote against Trump in the republican primaries. So there's that.
troons just refuse to accept reality.
>He donated to actblue
Been following this guy's lore pretty closely and haven't seen that yet. I think you made it up
Ukraine Legion had to make a post to state that this person was not affiliated with them a few years back, apparently.
He also supports North Korea(!), called for a Vivek/Gabbard ticket, works for FEMA, has a mile long rap sheet, including being caught with an NFL item
And that's why Trump picked him.
>including being caught with an NFL item
Was it one of those novelty salsa bowls shaped like a helmet?
>Campaign finance records show Routh has made 19 small political donations totalling around $140 (£106) since 2019 to ActBlue, a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates.

I most certainly did not make it up.
Sorry, ESL here, I get confused by your TLAs. I, of course, meant an NPR item.
He also voted for Trump in the last presidential, so there's that. The man is all over the spectrum.
>He supported Trump
>Thats why he tried to murder him
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Elon nuking his account is too sus.
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>"previously voted for Trump"
>despite constantly screeching on twitter about how Trump is butt buddies with Putin and has stated multiple times that Moscow needs to be nuked
>supposedly supported Vivek, who's openly stated he wants to let Russia keep everything it's taken from Ukraine in exchange for peace
Also sure, totally-not-a-damage-control-shill anon, a registered Republican who openly and vocally hates Russia and supports Ukraine decided to shoot the Republican candidate mere months before the election and also supports pro-Russian candidates. That totally makes sense, he couldn't be a leftist because leftists are always right, so if he was wrong he couldn't be a leftist. Yep, freedom is slavery and ignorance is truth, thank you for Correcting The Record comrade.
He openly and vocally recruited for the AFU including recruiting Afghans and trying to purchase Pakistani passports for them.
AFU released a statement that he wasn't affiliated with them
>AFU released a statement
No shit retard. He literally tried to assassinate a presidential candidate. What the fuck do you think they were gonna say? Fucking retard.
Sounds legit.
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In June
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He "recruited" by literally just texting them and then flipping the fuck out within ten messages.
I'm pretty sure that if this dude was actually in the foreign legion he was kicked out for the schizo he is
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Dude is Chris-Chan level of attention seeking schitzo
He wasn't. In fact, here's him gloating about Ukraine support being cut.
He's a schizo you retard. In case you haven't noticed, they're not big on consistency or internal logic because... they're nuts. It's almost like real mental illness is actually an illness people have no control over and not just a funny slur word to call people online.
Also see >>62515189
The most interesting part was how he was nafo and also made long trips to Ukraine.
> he was nafo
Those dogs really buckbroke Russia's agitprop system huh? The seething about them is delicious.
>There's no left or right for this guy
>He's just Floridaman on the American-Florida axis
The best part is that lakhta uses all their known methods, so it's so easy to deduce that this "assassin" was baited by FSB.
We're mocking him, dipshit. This trash and his friends have helped make this board completely fucking unusable for at least a year following the war, and they're STILL around not because they give a shit, but because they're using the war as a vehicle to spread political propaganda and make off topic pro-gun control posts.
It's not about Ukraine, it's about these discord turbofaggots in particular. I hope he gets the chair, I'd pay to watch this piece of rotting boomer flesh fry.
>it's so easy to deduce that this "assassin" was baited by FSB.
To what end, dare I ask?
people still believe lee harvey oswald was the shooter in 2024?
To distract from Trump's Swift meltdown, Loomer rumors and his complete fail at the debate.
That's USMC for you.
Crossing my fingers that he's still the Javelin salesman to Ukraine if he wins.
>his complete fail at the debate.
Which was also 5 days before the new assassination attempt. Its just a coincidence though. They wouldnt just assassinate someone who doesnt have a very real chance of winning.
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Yes, it was NAFO that makes a thousand shitposts every time Russia gets a minor win
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Damn that's the second little league ActBlue donor that's gone mad. You think the first guy would have been full loon if he had social media/didn't wipe it if he had it?
What an absolute third-worlder shit to say.
So according to you:
>Trump is a Russian asset, ignore that he's the one who started arming Ukraine in the first place
>the Russians really really really want Trump to win because he'll totally end the war for reals in two more weeks
>a washed up celeb endorses his opponent, which has done literally nothing to the polling numbers
>he also "failed" at the debate, according to brainrotted tiktokers who have only watched clips of it that make Kamala look good
>logically, the only thing left to do is fucking shoot at your supposed ace in the hole, nearly killing him TWICE because...
If you think any of this makes sense, you need to be swallowing clozapine every hour on the hour, because you're just as fucking schizophrenic as Routh.
Feel free to return to /leftypol/, your discord server, or whatever other braindead lefty shithole you crawled out of, please and thank you.
It goes back and forth between them. Just because one is a cancer doesn't automatically make the other one the chemo, it means you have two kinds of cancer.
he was rejected for being shitty and old
>Posting a Russian training video and claiming it's NAFO
It's this shit that pisses people off, /pol/nig.
pol is down that way and to the left
Indeed it is, shove your conspiracytard nonsense up your ass and peddle it to those retards, I'm sure at least half of them will eat it up.
We don’t know if he fired a gun yet, there are conflicting reports. At any rate, going onto private property open carrying a rifle and pointing it at someone is assuredly a felony, especially if intent can be proven.
Did you just reduce the resolution and compress that webm to absurd levels in the hope no one would recognize it as old Russian training footage? This is why people hate you shitters. Go back to your discord and get some convincing material at least.
Right back at you "he was nafo" lakhta jeet.
He was a hobo that went to Ukraine and was immediately deported for trying to recruit Afghans while violating Ukranian laws.
>Le both sides
You faggots really need a new playbook
>"he was nafo" lakhta jeet.
Repeat in English.
>He was a hobo that went to Ukraine and was immediately deported
Sounds about like those discord faggots then. Pretty sure they or reddit (probably the same thing) was responsible for getting a Ukrainian barracks bombed early in the war because at least one of the retards brought their fucking phones with them.
NAFO =/= Ukraine. One is fighting a war, the other is a collection of retarded pedos who want to think they're fighting a war by ruining my hobby space.
Not that it even matters because I'm not that fucking guy in the first place, I simply said that it's actual insanity to claim the Russians would fucking shoot an alleged asset. You could make any number of baseless allegations related to the war, any number of contrived BS that simply isn't true. You expect me to believe Russia can't invade their tiny neighbor but can somehow infiltrate the entire fucking US government and is executing covert ops out of an airport paperback? When their most advanced feat of glowniggery was removing their patches before invading Crimea in 2014?
On this board it's absolutely both of you motherfuckers at times. I still remember the early days of the war, for the first year this board was practically top to bottom nothing but the Ukraine war, and you all refused to condense that shit to a fucking general like you rightly should have. It's mellowed out now but the board was legit unusable for a decent chunk of time, there was zero space to talk about anything outside of the preexisting generals.
>you all refused to condense that shit to a fucking general like you rightly should have
Attempts were made. The jannies purged every one.
Generals are and always have been pure fucking cancer, and this board has been borderline unusable for a decade. We had Sandy Vag, then the /k/lankening, which was cool to watch but attracted a few vatniks feebly trying to spin a narrative, the T14's announcement attracted a hyper persistent shitposter who dramatically reduced the quality of discussion of any vehicle made by any country he was sensitive about (all of them), 2016 doesn't need any explanation, but usually it takes about two years for shit to really settle in, at least that's what I noticed on /b/ back in the day. /b/ didn't die overnight in 2006 or '07, it dropped drastically in post quality initially, and then again in '08 through '09. It's always a one-two punch of shittiness and newfaggotry. So I think 2018 was when the 2016 r*dditfugees really settled in for good, also might have been another round of subr*ddit purges. All the wojak subs started leaking into 4chan starting around then I think. 2020 brought even more retards, but with all the background noise of the previous five waves you can't even tell them apart anymore. Then there was the Afghanistan withdrawal, which REALLY emboldened the /pol/ and /int/ types to the point it seemed like every third thread was >mutt tranny zog tranny jews zogolemclapcelardgolemutt nonsense. Whatever sliver was left of night /k/ was replaced by real >do Americans really r*dd/int/ hours. And 2022 was opened with Comrade-Tsar Putin deciding to rectify the greatest tragedy of the 20th century (in his mind) and get the ol' USSR back together, but with more AIDS, and before the sticky was taken down on /pol/ you had people coordinating on discord and telegram to spam intel slava Z shit.

So I have a really hard time believing people who both claim that >le both sides are equivalent while also acting like this board didn't go to shit ages ago.
at least generals keep the cancer contained. the worst thing about nafo trannies is they had to make a new thread every time they found a webm on telegram. this board was unusable for 2 years until recently.
>h-he’s not nafo!
Chill, nafo is just a fucking twitter movement. It’s not an official affiliation.
>at least a year
>not here for clang
go back
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Another schizo groomed by intelligence agencies to act as their agent. Yay.
>*Obvious*, brazen lefty tries to kill orangeman
>*Obvious*, brazen lefty tries to kill orangeman, the sequel
"Uhhhh, he's just a schizo (we tried and failed miserably to pretend he was a trump supporter but his own son debunked that shit). He wasn't leftwing stop saying that HE WAS ONLY SOME RANDOM SCHIZO"
Funny how the one group of Americans frequently on record voicing legitimate calls for action against "literal hitler," "fascist" orangeman are never at fault for trying to kill him or killing his fans lmao
Yep, FSB influence on the US soil must be stopped immediately.
He's literally a schizo who also supported North Korea and Gaza. I don't know what you want from me here. A cursory look at his posts reveals the guy is genuinely mentally ill.
This, to the nth degree. Shit is so retarded that i'm convinced that's it's mostly bots or shills at this point. That, or normies that drank the direction kool-aid and think the whole world is bound to it.
If Trump was President in 2022 I doubt Putin would have invaded.
I doubt the Afghanistan withdrawal would have been this bad.
And yet in 2024 the D would win in a landslide because inflation still happens.
It’s hard to root for Democracy when people are so fucking stupid and easily gaslighted.
what is this from lmao
The point is that all would-be assassins appear to be leftists. This can be interpreted a number of ways. At least they’re willing to do what they think is necessary to make the change the want.
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>appear to be leftists
>one's a registered republican
>another voted for Trump in 2016
>disabling your brain makes you a liberal atheist
I voted for Obama in 2012 and Trump twice guess Im a Democrat, voting in your enemy's primary to weaken them is a common tactic now, also who did these people vote for in 2020?

John Wilkes Booth was a leftist?
Leftist politics is incredibly schizophrenic now, what do you expect since the liberals shut them the fuck down

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