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Should I join the best of the best?
Girl on the left could get it if I was drunk enough
The black one? That's a guy anon
As in any uniformed body, always enter as an officer, not the enlisted. Always. If you aren't qualified, get the required certs/degree first.
Why are they dressed like Parks and Recreation DEI custodians?
Still would
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Meme thread I know, but law enforcement sucks. If you're relatively competent and not a power tripping cocksucker you'll always be the odd man out. Law enforcement of any sort attracts a special type of low functioning sociopath and psychopath dreg of society, and even small town "folksy" police departments have nonsensical policies that exist solely to fuck over the average citizen. Only exception are niche fields such as forensic analysts, cybersecurity, etc which tend to be a bit more passionate about their specific field and try and have a greater quality standard. Your average beat cop and field agent are the lowest rung of society who would have been part of lower class gangs in centuries past.
>if I was drunk enough
Bro you would hit that sober. Don't lie. I know I would.
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I've heard the FAT is looking for people.
Girl in the middle can get it sober
I don't think that's how LE works. I'm pretty sure everyone starts out as "enlisted". My state troopers do have a distinction between Senior NCOs and Commissioned Officers, but I'm honestly not sure how the rank progression works for them.
You're going to see unbelievably fucked up shit.
Car accidents which aftermaths look like a war zone, niggers, ect.
>Should I join the best of the best?
Sure, but why are you asking about a career in law enforcement?
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>mfw go through application process for state police in my country.
>take entrance exam, pass it, submit further application, wait a long ass time, go through physical and mental evaluations
>one morning get an email
>old address on licence doesn't match where I currently live, application denied, try again next year.
>applied as a deputy sheriff in my local county
>place is filled with older white guys and vietnamese younger guys (you can probably guess where this is)
>showed my associate degree in psychology and paralegal studies
>literally the only reason I was hired was because I'm 6'4", 220lbs white guy and competed in college wrestling
>quit 5 years later to manage my granpa's estate who gave it to me on the conditions that I go to business school
Faggot, that is an ubermensch factory if I've ever seen one. Who's got the @ ?
Would them all, except for the one in the Bandana.
Being a cop is a pretty fun job. What kind of agency are you interested in?
That’s not how it works.
Hope business school paid off, your grandpa didn’t want you to waste your potential wresting idiots in front of a gas station
>state police
Why? Do you want to stop cars and work crashes all day?
I love the job but I hate the administration.
Even writing is nice but you get kicked in the gut by the fucking higher ups, women and donothings get promoted easier because some boomer fuck wants to fuck the women and the donothings don't have any negatives in their career because they dodge calls and never do anything.
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>emergency calls go unanswered while Officer Lopez expands her recruitment efforts online
Stop drinking and driving and getting in screaming matches with your neighbors.
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I was a cop for almost 5 years. I would not recommend it.
Spank you for your cervix.
lol that pic, pigs trying to gatekeep a low-skill job full of insecure losers...
Working as an ICE Deportation Officer (colloquially an ICE agent) and it's pretty cool. At least now, DO NOT get roped into the detention side, work enforcement. Same job title and pay and no additional training to do either side but might as well be completely different jobs.
>I would not recommend it.
It probably sucked. Just guessig.
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Long hours, high stress, low pay, high risk.

I worked multiple 30+ hour shifts. You risk getting shot or sued on a regular basis. Mind-numbing boredom followed by moments of pure terror. I still have nightmares about dead kids or dangerous situations I was in.
Have you come to hate drunk drivers, addicts and homeless vagrants?
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Yes. I dealt with a lot of car accidents involving drunk drivers. Several were fatal. The worst one was a 19 year old kid who had been in trouble with the cops since he was about 13. One night I saw him driving erratically and tried to stop him. He took off when he saw me turning around to stop him. I caught up to him right after he crashed. The vehicle was fully engulfed in flames and he was trapped inside. We couldn't get him out. The screams were terrible. Eventually the screaming stopped but I will never forget the smell.
Joining the Police or Military should be on the last of the list before Homelessness or Cranial Resetting.
I got a taste of “fuck you hours” working security. Thought I wouldn’t mind because I was young. Holy shit it sucks. Working every holiday and weekend with not as much as a thank you. I’m sure cops get a bit more money and gratitude, but it can’t be worth being a slave for.
>Mind-numbing boredom followed by moments of pure terror
Sounds exactly like being in the military
He deserved it, would have just been another problem adult.
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When I started as a part-time deputy I made $12 an hour. Full-time I made $21 an hour.
I once spent 22 hours sitting in a morgue guarding a homicide victim's body.
I always held out hope that he would straighten up
Literally everything about being a cop is ass now unless you’re an actual troglodyte or just looking to fuck with every day citizens.
>pay largely sucks for what you’re doing and the only decent bit is muh pension
>the way american police culture as well as society in general is set up now guarantee that only the biggest of toe liners and absolute shitheads stay in because of the police union
>this may sound good for le TND until you realize your career will revolve around being with these said zealous retards who have a not unlikely chance of shooting you out of pure incompetence
>pretty much everyone left right and center hates you now as the previously mentioned shitheads have burned everyone from the darkest of NBA fans to the palest klan members for decades now, all while the shitheads keep getting babied around and either ferried off to another department or put on (((paid leave))) with full bennies
>still going to see fucked up shit assuming beat cop
It seems like the normal duties of police have tripled. They are expected to be mental health experts, speak every language, settle disputes, council victims, and all sorts of other crap that social services should handle
People think the police are obligated to protect them. They're literally too stupid to know that they are responsible for their own safety. These retards don't even realize they live in a fantasy world. The cops won't come save you.
>all sorts of other crap that social services should handle
The police force IS a social service, silly. The food bank's motto is not "To protect and serve."
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which is exactly what the "defund the police" stuff was about, before it got hijacked by screeching retards on both sides of it who thought it meant "cut ALL money from the police".

Stop pouring 10 million into police. Put 5 million into them, yes. but put a million each into mental health care, domestic dispute mediators, social services, resources for youth outreach to stop them becoming the police's problem, and all the other areas which aren't currently funded properly.
>yeah defund police!
>wait, my business got looted and nobody showed up to help wtf
I’m currently a deputy sheriff, at the end of this month I find out if I’ll be made the co response unit and ride around with a counselor to answer mental health calls. >>62525364
>defund the police being about anything other than abolishing police
Doublespeak bullshit.
Protip from the NTSB insixer, side curtain airbags are deployed to cover tbe gore from reporters.
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The Ballad of the Hypocrite.
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Why do I get the feeling that if I were to approach, the fat one with the box would grunt and pull an axe from there, flames would surround us, and a Latin chant will begin to play?
Same for famers and ranchers paying low land tax rates and food.
Wishful thinking?
>best of the best
Yeah. Sure.
What is it with LE pants though? They make the gyatts pop.
>Wishful thinking?
Warranted fear and self-preservation instinct. I am not entering that thing's aggro range, not sure how far I would have to walk before it leashes back. Maybe I can kite it around a raised sidewalk, it cannot climb objects so it will have to go around.
Try joining a Federal Agency
i applied and got denied at the last phase which was a 6 hour psychological test on a computer. they told me they can't tell me why i failed and they never will. i almost didn't sleep that day and made a lot of mistakes on the test part so i don't really know if i'm disqualified because i'm a psychopath or a retard. to this day i don't know if i was better off not passing
>Should I join the best of the best?
the postal service?
Been a city cop for 9 years.
If you can be happy and make money doing literally anything else, do that.
I don't have to worry about money due to family and lifestyle. I only continue doing it because I get a front row seat to shenanigans. You will see the worst, the best, and the absolutely hilarious.

Most people don't make it through the hiring process, the rest quit in two years or less. You have another drop off at five.

People who are really boned up to be cops make the absolute worst cops.
God I hate it, I hate these whiny fucking pricks doing this in any country they can
>tfw going postal really was a thing
Kids just don't know.
It looks like axle rose become morbidly obese.
Is corrections a shitty job? They’re offering $63k and that goes a long way in bumfuck egypt.
As long as there is no prison riots, study your takedowns and lift.
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Thanks for the laugh
Tell me more anon
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idk about prisons but being a jailer was miserable, I can’t imagine a prison would be any better. At least if you went to a county jail you could try to get sent to mandate and go to patrol, in a prison you’re stuck.
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You see really weird shit on patrol.
Source, my ass. But I did have a friend who's hubby worked a major prison and he was huge. His takevwas treat the inmates with respect at all times andcsaid thet had told him they would protect him in a riot. I watched an FBI agent pump a guy for info about drugs in prison and the word was clearly, bribe the guards and lastly watched a documentary on the New Mexico prison riot that graphically displayed the gruesom atrocities the inmates did to each other when they ran the wing. I ha e looked for it in the past and it is scrubbed off the internet,
BIll Moyers hosted, iirc.
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*Not* the best of the best, some cool stuff though. Most Fed gigs are what you make of them.
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go ahead pig fucker
I never understand why American cops patrol alone
In my cunt tree they always patrol in at least pairs
Because America is fuckhuge and there's often a lot of ground for cops to cover. Big cities that can afford the staffing will always have you with a partner, but rural areas simply don't have the budget or the labor pool to do that.
What do you think about joining a rural department? I was doing contract work in a place a couple years ago that I love. Had to go to the Sheriff's Office to get some paperwork/fingerprints done for licensure bullshit and they seemed professional without having a stick up their ass. I really want to go back and apply once I get my shit together.
If we ran two deputies to a car at my agency we’d only have three cars patrolling the county at a time. If a violent crime in progress is happening we just have two deputies dispatched to it. We have been having issues with dispatch cadding up violent crimes as “civil disputes” so they only have to send one.
Always thought being a park ranger or something would be much cooler than anything law-enforcement besides MAYBE homicide detectives.
Seems to me that the Nordic/Japanese (possibly more) system of having a central governing body that trains and assigns officers to stations would solve at least some issues.
We’d have even worse staffing issues. People would just quit if they got assigned somewhere far away and had to uproot their lives.
I’m a deputy at a semi rural agency who happens to actually like my job unlike the other cops here. I’ll answer any questions you have.
Decades ago, USFS LEOs were gutted for the Sky Marshal hires.
>gov.gov employee
>LEO qualified
>sit on your ass and ccw onna plane
>vs checking me icans for fishing licenses
Breezy work, if you can get it.
>We have been having issues with dispatch cadding up violent crimes as “civil disputes” so they only have to send one
Vs. California where suicide calls are even responded to.
>I’m a deputy at a semi rural agency who happens to actually like my job unlike the other cops here. I’ll answer any questions you have.
My coworker said NFW her husband would go from PD to Highway or Sheriff's because his backup was only 3-10minutes away vs up to an hour for rural county or hghway work.
"except we aren't obligated to protect and you don't define Serve"
Back up is maybe 30 minutes away in the most remote part of my county. I won’t go to a small PD because they want you to work traffic all day. I may go to a larger PD that has a major crimes unit in the future.
As a cop, you should know what is right and what is wrong and do the right thing, not the wrong thing. Help someone, not gun them down for stealing a Snickers bar or put them in a mental institution for taking a leak. Cops are way out of line these days as bystanders or worse yet, executioners.
If you fell for 'Protect and Serve' you fell for most basic PR campaign.
I assume you never interacted with cops or court system, but if it happens to you, remember - cops exist to ENFORCE THE LAW, not protect and serve.
Is it true that they let in everyone in the police forces acros the us?

t. yuro
No, it’s harder to get into law enforcement than it is the military.
Lmao, no.
Law enforcement degree (associates with a required B.A.S. later), clean very intense background check, 600 people try to fail you out or fire you, every nigger has more rights and will sue... it fucking sucks and it's shocking more people aren't shot.
>People would just quit if they got assigned somewhere far away
Maybe, but in my country at least they try to assign you to a station as close to home as possible. You do have to move to the city with the only academy for the duration of the schooling though so a few years at least
>low pay
That's what happens in suburbs and small towns
>harder to get into law enforcement than it is the military
Well yeah if you can get sent to the marines to serve prison time, obviously
>Is corrections a shitty job?
Sort of, if you stay in shape and have a decent relationship with inmates, it can be easy
No, screening to be a Police Officer is pretty hard
I don’t think you understand how many law enforcement officers the US has or the size of the area served.
Would both of them
If your background isn’t good enough to go directly to road patrol you can start at a Sheriff’s Office as a jailer and try to promote up to patrol. It’s a shitty experience though. Even in the background check is still intense.
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We posting pictures from the road?
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Hell yeah
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Marines who get kicked out for breaking military law get shortlisted for PDs, so it's sort of a reciprocal relationship.
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If you’re kicked out for that you’ll probably be barred from becoming a law enforcement officer.
>Should I join the best of the best?
>If you’re kicked out for that you’ll probably be barred from becoming a law enforcement officer.
Agreed, shows too much intelligence.
Now what kind of chicken fucker would post that?
Italian by any chance? They'll do whatever they can to get kick off people for bullshit like this
Go back to /v/
Are marines stupid?
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>tfw completed IE and awaiting invite to potomac
>any day now
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