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Good evening /k/ommandos. Tonight I would like to talk about hard lessons learned and times we've had to use our firearms for something other than target practice.

I'm making this thread to share a couple of hard lessons learned that stem from having to use a firearm for something other than target practice. The events I am going to related are going to be vague in places because I don't want to dox myself. They are also possibly incomplete and somewhat inaccurate because dealing with this kind of crap at 3am and hard adrenaline dumps are not conducive to keeping good/clear memories of events.

Questions welcome. Other /k/ommandos' stories welcome. Let us share lessons and experience.

Since I'm OP and I'm making this thread, I'll start.

Recently :
I wake up about 3am to the sounds of squealing tires and fireworks because the street rats are at their shit again. Not sure where, but I call 311 (the non-emergency number for the police here) and make a report. Feeling bad that I can't pinpoint them for the cops and pissed that they woke me up I get in my vehicle and go looking. I can't find them because the acoustics are all buggery due to numerous large flat buildings that reflect the sound in such a way that it seems the sound is coming from whatever direction you are facing. Give up and go home.
I have literally just laid my head on my pillow, haven't even pulled the covers up yet, when I hear an impact/crash from directly in front of my house. Definitely a motor vehicle accident. Curse and throw on my pajama bottoms to see how bad it is. Poke my head out my front door to see a single vehicle in drive way not mine. Think this is a single vehicle accident at first. Curse again. Go into helper mode : somebody had been in an accident and may need help, maybe even first aid. Quickly remove pajama bottoms and throw on a pair of pants and flip flops. Boots would take too long, this might be an emergency.

Grab my phone and dial 911 on the way out my front door. My neighbors across the street have come out and are yelling towards the crashed vehicle asking if everyone is okay. I hear the driver say he's fine. Okay, cool, but my phone has dropped the 911 call after only being able to tell the operator the location and the fact there's been an accident.

I'm trying to call 911 again while I'm walking up to the crashed vehicle, and on my way I spot the utterly mangled remains of a motorcycle or moped. Aw hell no. Where's the rider? I don't see the rider and I don't hear anyone in pain. Where's the damn rider? My phone drops the 911 call again after a shitty connection to the operator. I get up to the crashed vehicle (a sedan I think, I don't know the make and model) and the driver, ask after him to make sure he's okay and to see if he saw the rider of the motorcycle. Driver is a big black dude. Has a few inches on me and maybe almost twice my mass. I'm 5'10, 160#. This is about to be important. Gonna call him BG from here out. BG says motorcycle rider “took off”. I have doubts, but maybe? I didn't see him... BG is complaining about his missing phone. I offer him mine because he's just been in an accident and I'm in helper mode. Maybe he needs to call his wife or kids or something.
He says he's calling 911 and I tell him good luck my phone keeps dropping the call.

Neighbor calls out and says he found the motorcycle rider in the grass. I come over. Neighbor didn't say he'd found a mangled corpse in the grass. Because that's what this guy is, a mangled corpse. Unpleasant to see, but I've seen enough dead loved ones and mangled dead humans on /gif/ that apparently I'm desensitized at this point. Head back over to BG to get my phone and try 911 one more time. This is when the smell of alcohol and weed becomes noticeable (until then my nostrils had been full of the stink of gasoline from (I assume) the motorcycle's busted tank). Ask for my phone three times and BG isn't handing it over. Okay. I really can't escalate this right now and I'd lose anyway. Neighbor is just behind me. I tell him to watch BG, 'cause BG has my phone. I run back inside my house and grab my pistol (OP pic related). By the time I get back to the wrecked vehicle and where BG should be he's walking halfway down the street, my neighbor still standing there. I yell after BG about my phone and BG says it's on the front seat of his car. Check real fast. Bullshit.

I run after BG just as he's turning between two buildings: the back of a gas station/convenience store/strip mall and another small building that houses a couple businesses. I catch up and draw on him and tell him to give me my fucking phone. Now, this may seem a bit extreme, but right now a) that phone is my life, and b) this drunken/high asshole just killed somebody and is trying to flee the scene. When I say the phone is my life I mean : it has all my contacts (that I don't remember off the top of my head because thank you modern technology for being my external memory), it is the only means by which I have to contact/call anyone, it is currently my only internet access because I'm moving in less than 10 days and I've given my router back to my provider.
I can't call anyone. I can't get on-line. I literally have no friends within 200 miles (which is the reason I'm moving : all my friends have either died or moved away and there is nothing left for me here). BG continues to claim he doesn't have my phone, that it's back in his car. I tell him if that's the case, we're going back to his car to find it so he best get over here and start coming back to his car. He complies. Then, as he gets onto the street, he changes his story and tells me my phone is back between the buildings and points to where it's laying on the ground. I never saw him drop it, but sure enough it's there. I go and retrieve it. BG is standing by the road.

First police cruiser rolls up on the accident scene. Google maps tells me it's about 500 feet from the accident scene to where BG and I are at that point. Car being driven by BG's girlfriend (from here she will be GF) rolls up. I think to myself oh hell no you are not getting in that car and getting away motherfucker. BG goes to get in GF's car. I draw down on him again and tell him not to get in the car. He gets in the car anyway. I cover BG and GF, pistol out, finger on trigger and I am yelling as loudly as my voice will carry it. “Motherfucker you stole my phone, you're drunk, high, and you just killed somebody. You are not fucking leaving! Turn off the car! Now!”

GF is not co operating, but she's not doing anything stupid either. BG is begging her to leave, even tugging on the steering wheel to get her to go. I'm yelling at BG to get the fuck out of the car. GF says she just wants to pull the car off the road, can she please do that? NO YOU FUCKING CAN'T! TURN OFF THE FUCKING CAR! GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR!
There's a million thoughts going through my head.
Please don't try to leave, I don't want to find out if I'm actually going to pull this trigger.
I'm probably going to but please don't make me do that.
Where's the fucking cops?
Can't he hear what's going on over here?
Just turn the fucking car off, please.
I am justified right now? Fuck. Am I justified right now?
Fuck. This guy can't get away. He just killed somebody.
Fuck, where's the cops?
Where's everybody's hands.

Thoughts at about a million miles an hour and me yelling to turn off the car and get out the car and neither BG nor GF complying goes on for maybe 20 seconds. Feels longer of course, but really probably 20 seconds. I think. Maybe. Who the fuck really knows.

But I didn't have to find out if I was actually going to pull the trigger. Cop runs up on the car, opens the passenger door and pulls BG out. Second cruiser comes up, second cop gets out and helps first cop with securing BG. At this point I placed my gun on the ground took a couple steps away and put my hands up even though nobody had said anything of the sort to me. I didn't want misunderstandings and I didn't want to get shot.
The rest of this long story short : after a little bit I asked an officer if I could pick up my pistol and go back inside. He said, yeah, you're good. So I did that, put my gun away. I came back out and talked to the cops because while I am normally inclined not to, lets be real : they know where I live, who I am, and I'm involved. So I talked to the cops. None of them said even word one about me drawing down on the guy. I'm expecting to speak to a detective about the incident in a few days. I received neither admonition nor praise for what I did. I haven't been arrested or charged. I'm not going to say what state this was, but I will say it's more gun friendly than not.

So : lessons learned
1) ALWAYS have your carry piece on you even in a situation where you can't conceive of needing it (a car accident and you're just trying to help)
2) around blacks, never relax
3) keep more than one copy of your contacts around
4) don't let your whole life be dependent upon a single piece of easily stolen/lost technology

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Like and Subscribe.
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Yeah I learned such lessons after a year of living in San Antonio. A lesson I was able to gleam from a recent trip to the woods is always cover your muzzle. Could be with tape or a plastic cap, it doesn't really matter what you cover it with but it seems almost like an inevitability you're going to get a twig or some dirt down the muzzle and that can easily he disastrous if you're not conscious about such things. Also always have your muzzle up, you're going to trip eventually and you really don't want that to be the thing that breaks your fall
No conceivable barrel obstruction will make your gun catastrophically fail, or spit in your face. Twigs and dirt will fly out, dont you worry.
thanks for putting this out here, you recounted what you went through well, it was easy to follow along
sometimes it's good to hear about situations like this, it helps remind everyone that not every gun related happening ends in some protracted legal nightmare
You did well anon. Not sure why this thread doesnt have more traction? Maybe its for the better.
Anyways, my only criticisms are thus:

>put on muscle. Im 5’10 as well but im about 180LBS and im still not particularly intimidating. So put on muscle, as the more you have, the less likely people are to test you
>learn to fight. Might not always have time to run in and get your gun. Sure, always keep it on you, but you also generally cant pull your gun on someone cuz they stole something (you got lucky with cool cops). Sometimes you just gotta beat some ass then get away before the cops arrive.
>around blax, never relax

Anyways i appreciate the story and your willingness to share. Wish i had a story of my own to contribute but i dont
Interesting story, in regards to keeping your info on the iphone/Apple id won’t it sync the contacts and notes and other stuff to your other devices like iPads?
Glad to hear you escaped any trouble that night, as others have said before avoid bad people, bad places at bad times.
barrel obstructions create mustard gas
>it helps remind everyone that not every gun related happening ends in some protracted legal nightmare

It hasn't yet. It could. You never know. I don't think it will though. Even the news coverage hasn't said anything about a citizen involved in apprehending the perp. Then again, this is a big enough city that (unfortunately) this kind of thing is common enough that it doesn't stay in the news for more than a day or two. News did let me find out BG was arrested on an outstanding warrant; que suprise...

>You did well anon.
Thanks. Honestly, this is kind of weighing on me though. The experience has soured my outlook on people. I know next time something like this happens I'll be helper mode, sure; but I'm also going to be treating everyone as a possible criminal. I understand now why police fall into an "us vs. them" mentality and treat everyone as the bad guy automatically. I have a new respect for the police that can maintain their composure and humanity in the face of this kind of shit day after day.

I know how to fight. I know how to fight dirty. I know how to kill a human being with my bare hands. I am willing to gouge out a man's eyes or break their knees or collapse their windpipe with a spear hand. But there is a point where technique and skill is dwarfed by your opponent's mass.

>other devices like iPads?
If I had other devices or was inclined to store anything in "the cloud" sure. I don't and I'm not.

>barrel obstructions create nerve gas
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Hard lesson learned.
When it counts, don't count on Hornady American Gunner.

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