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Dogs and ARs, bc apparently cats will piss on your guns...

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they only piss on AKs

i wanted to get an SKS last week and a new AR upper the week before trump's first attempt. You don't want to know which gun I want to get next
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You already posted this
Get sleeves, THEN get training
Nah get sleeves, then get beard, then get fat.
Mainly these but also the A1 stripped upper, A1 upper completion kit, and plastic furniture. Lowers seem to be out of stock so I'll be stuck with an H&R or something.
Repost from the bump limit thread. I've also been reading a lot on arfcom about painting furniture which seems fun even if bright green furniture wouldn't be correct for A1 parts.
Don't you know? This website is his personal blog.

big if true
ACTUALLY this website is MY personal blog. Tonight I am shitting up a storm about to take my third. What is the best AR15 for bathroom defense?
I've heard the bcgs are shit but maybe the barrels are worth it
I genuinely can't tell what's satire here anymore
I will crush your skull with my hand at the drop of a hat for another ar-15
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Meanwhile this is M16A1 in Russia.
Trip on chairs
That's weird, it's not inside the rectum of a russmutt conscript.
"Trip on, chairs" or "Trip on chairs"?
Not chairs but I tripped on a dumbbell and lost a toenail.
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A Russian kid with an M4, taken from a dead body of a NATO mercenary.
Russia is using child soldiers now? Not surprised.
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Go back to the dozens of containment threads on /k/ and /pol/, bitch ass niggas
You know what I meant chairs
Actually ever since the ukies got ar’s this has been our general. Go back to /akg/, commie
Nice bulge bro. looking thick, solid, tight
What is the tube over the vest? Does it channel your piss to your mouth?
Rip overwhites
It's a stillsuit.
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>ARG is filled with troons
>ARG is filled with NAFO supporters
You know what I meant chairs, You know that I meant chairs, or You know what I meant, chairs?
Have you considered going back?
Go back to /chug/, zigger filth.
What length rail you guys like for a 16" midlength gas barrel?
You know what I peeing poop?
I don't think a 15" rail is truly needed unless you're mounting a front sight on it that you intend to seriously use, and you really can save some front weight by using a shorter rail.
reminder that your 4th amendment rights CAN AND WILL be LEGAL CIRCUMVENTED if you have a "single purpose container" holding your guns
Take the hobopill. I live in a cardboard box so the cops can never search me because I could be using it to hold anything.
what does that mean and what the fuck was the 4th again?
>not having a handy dandy pocket constitution from LaRue to pull out for just such an occasion
legitimately over for (You)
I dont give a fuck about either side. I’m here to talk about ARs you faggots
4th amendment protects you and your affects from unwarranted search and seizure
there's several ways to get around it: your consent, and probable cause are two examples

the "single purpose container" is a retarded ruling from a court that says that a container that very apparently has only one purpose (like a guitar case) that there can be no reasonable expectation of privacy.

if you have a glock pistol box cops can search it without your permission or a warrant or anything
It's supposed to let you get caught jerking off in public 4 times but the cops violate the laws and prosecute people anyway.
You wouldn't be here if you wanted to talk about ARs, how fucking new are you?
rooftop defense gave me a constitution (and ramen) for free but I just tossed that bitch... oops.
oh right ok thanks
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Russian AR15
wait that makes no sense, why would they search it if it's a one purpose container? They can clearly tell from the exterior what it's for then??
I don't care. If they're in my house they already have a warrant
huh that's true.
True that
This is not even an issue. You just want to be outraged for no good reason.
I am sorry that posting AR15s in the AR15 thread triggered you.
it depends what the search warrant covers
I don't get why they are searching you and what they are supposed to be finding.
wait so if the cops have a warrant, but the suspect hides inside of a multi purpose container (and the warrant doesn't cover that), the cops aren't legally allowed to search it???? Makes 0 sense to me.
I didn't make the ruling, I agree that it is stupid
first off it erodes away at the 4th amendment and gives cops more power to be dickheads, so its worth being upset about. Invasion of privacy are often a foot in the door for cops that give them an excuse and a means of finding some other bullshit to get you on
second off it is worth considering getting a not-single purpose container for your firearms when going to the range or doing something outdoors to protect it from an invasion of privacy
ok but provide an example of a multi purpose container for my firearm? I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to be looking for here
I was asking this in another thread and retards just wanted to argue about semantics instead
It's the cardboard box loophole, cops hate it.
it doesnt always cover things what do u want me to say?
its like when you consent to a cop searching your car and they find a locked box they cant force you to open it legally they have to ask you to open it
4th amendment sounds kinda dumb
Oh, you're poor
I mean yeah but I go larp-hiking
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im backtracing your IP addresses as we speak. its over. consequences will never be the same.
oh stop
I am not bringing a fucking cardboard box to the range
cardboard boxes are used to transport items. That is single purpose by definition.
I also sleep in mine.
that's your problem, you're using it wrong. Dumbass.
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the contents of a cardboard box are not a foregone conclusion
If I'm using it wrong then how come I sleep so good?
your back says otherwise
That's entirely subjective.
My back says only I can hear him and you are crazy.
Not for an unmarked cardboard box.
unmarked? Anything inside of a plain cardboard box is literal trash.
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Shit I'm going to need a new box.
Your back is telling you to put it out of its misery. You need to take your meds
I have never received an unmarked cardboard box before. NEVER. There's always a marking.
Um no that's not what he's saying at all.
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Where can I find a diemaco style charging handle without paying retarded prices?
shipping container home Chad's win again
Shipping containers are supposed to hold ships so that is a single use.
buy once cry once
DDbros... Not like this!
The absolute state of mutt manufacturing
you already got an elcan, you're already a sucker anyway, why stop now?
god, I'm just browsing gun.deals, tacswap, gunbroker, and armslist all day... I don't even shoot anymore... I just gunsoom...
I fucking hate these fags selling their USED pieces of shits for the same price as getting it new, or even fucking higher sometimes. The fucking audacity.
You will pay $450 for a salty PRO (no mount) and you will like it.
why the fuck is everyone and their moms selling their staccatos on tacswap? I like mine...
not drop safe
neither are AR-15s, dumb faggot piece of shit.
youtube drama
omg so true sis
Yes they are.
Not they aren't lmao.
Someone sell me their braced 11-12 inch 5.56 xcr for 1500 dollars shipped. NOW. And it better not be in that disgusting OD green.
I touched a Tmag and now im gay
hi :3
>lower receiver problems
Wait, are you guys telling me you don't mill your own? Why the fuck would you retards actually go through an ffl to get your lowers? Are you fags really that incompetent?
Post your amazing 80% work.
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Nice and clean. Based black man.
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That looks stupid. Just buy a scope for fuck's sake.
this one was my favorite. Good times.
kek I only ever heard the one song.
Those take me back.
Why? Regardless of the work, you're just going to cope about it. I know how the game works.
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I wish you could cowitness with that riser. I think it looks sweet.
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luv me RRA
that would be sweet
Does have anyone have a hellion here? Is the pic rail on top just aluminum? Trying to buy scope rings for a PA lpvo to put on it but idk what size rings and if I should get steel rings or aluminum rings.
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I got a chuckle
still should ignore it
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Someone said something about piss and guns?
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pls no
Thats bunni and he is a mentally ill man.
spuhr shit is always too bulky and heavier than most, i don't trust fat designers, they don't intend to move, because they cannot
Imagine wanting to fuck a black tranny. You are part of the problem.
What are you gonna do about it?
Post your rifle so I know which anon is a faggot.
>small PPs are surprisingly viable>>62514640
That's not a rifle or even in this thread.
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that particular mount was built specifically to meet a military weight requirement
I think it looks good with the magnifier down, and is more functional than other options. The only thing I think I would prefer is an ACOG with a reflex on top
r/whoosh is that way ---->
What are you going to do about it?
You should really turn your trip back on trAshley
What are you going to do about it though?
You'll see.
What are you going to do about it?
why are you threatening to kill that anon with your AR-15? The fuck is the matter with you?
Not just a black tranny a fat black tranny. But I'll be honest every one I have seen irl has been quite far from passing.
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Self defense, fafo!
I'm not. I will bully him till he leaves arg and stops being a faggot.
How does AR operate in cold like -20 degrees?
this looks like a threat to me >>62514767
You will be forever bullied until you change your ways.
No I won't.
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Different person you tranny schizo.
Ask that faggot Garand Thumb
Ok then post your rifle.
Anyone can inspect element and edit that. Why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to threaten my life with that gun? Are you stupid? Do you think your actions have no consequences?
I'm not the other 2 dudes, I'm actually just curious. Do you regularly spend your Sunday nights, just coming into gun threads, pretending you want to fuck trannies? You really just get drunk and do this?
What are you going to do about it?
NTA but what's wrong with trannies?
Ok Michelle or Bunni you can think that it's me but it wasn't.
I'm going to finish watching Youtube videos, get into bed, fuck my girlfriend and then wake up tomorrow to go shooting. You're just going to keep doing this every time you get drunk and be alone until you die. I don't need to do anything to you, you've fucked yourself up enough.
It's funny because that dude spent years threatening people on here and the feds that are supposedly lurking around every corner didn't do shit about it. Where were they and why didn't they do something sooner?
And then you woke up
I bet no one actually tried to report them to the ATF/FBI
I haven't gone to sleep yet.
They are mentally ill freaks who groom children and they also committed the last 3 school shootings.
Glowies did the shootings.
You would lose that bet.
Yet you're dreaming. Wake up already.
>a few bad apples and the rest are condemned as well
Tread carefully with that logic
where are the receipts?
Even disregarding the school shootings, they're mentally ill. Gender dysphoria is an actual mental illness in the DSM-5. For the same reason schizos, drug addicts and pedophiles need to be removed from society, so do they.
This is (probably) referring to display cases and other transparent boxes. Search warrants are highly limited.
Let's just say you get your guns taken away because of a drug charge. The cops can't actually run the serial #'s on those guns without getting another warrant, even though the act of possessing the guns and controlled substances is (in this hypothetical) a crime. So if they had no reason to but ran the numbers anyway and (somehow) found they were stolen, you could get those charges dropped because the evidence was gathered improperly and is thus inadmissible.
that's like 90% of 4chan though
And? Are you under the impression that just because we browse the same website, I have some strange parasocial relationship that would exclude them?
so are you going to remove them?
...okay? So they got him arrested. Good.
No, I didn't say that I would. The question is "what's wrong with trannies" and I answered. Are you slow or something?
>>For the same reason schizos, drug addicts and pedophiles need to be removed from society, so do they.
So are you going to remove them?
No, I didn't say that I would. The question is "what's wrong with trannies" and I answered. Are you slow or something?
that is several days short of 2 full years we had to wait
I broke you lol
make fun of you on 4chan for being a troon goon. ewwwww gross look everyone <is pointing at you>
ashcord member shitting up the thread again
Where is that fat anyway?
You just repeated the same thing, so I did as well. It's not that deep, you're just dumb.
ask him on discord
yeah, you're seething lol
Nah he broke you.
Keep being weird, I guess.
Control your temper.
Easy for you to say, you inject estrogen.
Lol calm down.
So ashcord comes in and suddenly it's all tranny talk and shitting up the thread with low tier bants.
and your whining, don't forget about that
Trannies are men who willingly inject themselves with estrogen and play dress up. They're not very smart.
why do trannies live rent free in your head?
What is it with americans and trannies? It's ALWAYS about trannies with you lot for some reason.
We secretly love trannies.
My first post in an hour and a half. Goodnight /arg/.
They're like pakis. Except instead of stabbing school children, they shoot them.
I hope you get nightmares and piss and shit all over your bed lol.
Yep, it's euro hours
finally, no more tranny talk
I think I got everything out already took four shits tonight.
that poor bed...
We got a real jeet over here huh?
The crust doesn't cultivate itself.
yeah you are
Funny you should mention that and nightmares. Last night I had a dream where I stumbled upon some jeets sifting through trash and then I found this weird shrine with a bunch of human skulls and bones.
In a psych ward.
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bunni can really draw
You have to go back
It's been a year since I've taken my AR to the range.
Too expensive to shoot?
Looks like shit
He also admitted that his scout light and eotech are fake.
But enough about LMT
Smart too, huh?
It's a mediocre drawing
Dude has eyehacks si that a double transeigan?
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tfw no gf
I just use my back porch on holidays.
I can see I'm on my way to becoming this guy I found in PSA reviews and I don't know how to stop.
How utterly boring
the weirdest part about that is that nigger stole one from euro optic
Generic 16" ARs are just too cheap not to build. The more you build the more you save!
Where did he say that?
He is a pathological liar.
idk im in his server and theyre one of the nicest people ive met thus far and hes pretty forward his "just as good" shenanigans
Do you have a link to his server?
you have to ask him on twitter for an invite basically or know someone from there
You know he is a tranny, right?
Just leak some messages from it or post an invite in here.
$70 on Aliexpress
Why would anyone want a fake?
pretty sure hes not on estrogen
Why would anyone drop $400 on a fat Swede's mount?
The real one wasn't shitty enough.
That's not what he said on Twitter.
i don’t get it. just don’t drop your guns, fucking retards
Chinese stuff is junk.
Just as good. Unironically.
The sporterized stock looks like it especially sucks but you could get me to pay for the vented handguard. Something about modern touches on vintage weapons or vice-versa always gets me going.
Unfortunately, the mount is designed for use with the long Aimpoint 3XMag, because of the short eye relief you have to move the whole optic with shorter magnifiers, as can be seen in the second picture. Here, unity simply has the advantage that you can choose the position of the magnifier yourself.
Tmagsisters, our response?
He should learn how to treat a lady (male).
Poorly. It has to be lubed correctly, it's a hassle
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Why be this late to the market with something not all that revolutionary ?
the agreement is that you don't shit up the generals and you get to have 50 spam threads otherwise. Furthermore it's been proven endlessly that /akg/ is commies or latent le ebique Russia shills or whatever, that's just your neurotic Mexican brainrot making assumptions because you are noguns. Go back
>what is le tube
how to say you don't own guns without saying you don't own guns. Shit up another board retard, why even come to a weapons board when you don't even know shit about weapons
slaving the magnifier to the optics mount is actually retarded and sucks. It only works here with the aim point 6x because the 6x is so long, otherwise you run into eye relief problems or you have to move your red dot back which is dumb and looks dumb
Plus my magnifier lives in my chest rig 90% of the time. If I don't need the magnification, I don't want the weight on my rifle
Case in point
Instead of buying duplicates of the same shitty guns follow le food group meme, get a pvs14 and train under nods, shoot matches, find other ways to challenge yourself instead of just gunsooming dumb gay shit.
Also, get another hobby
Me? I only have like 4 optics and I don't want to buy more but need to
>I'm a dumb nigger
We can see that
Tranny this
Tranny that
Anon can’t stop gooning to bunni
that mount has a quick release magnifier
>*pushes cnc button in China*
I'm not the anon with the big matching shitrod collection. Mine look different
There is really zero reason to have your magnifier permanently attached in this manner or any at all. Half the point is their quick detach capability because zero retention is a non issue.
Wait I missed this post >>62516224 that mount pictured is QD with the magnifier?
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That's good then. My point still stands but is not relevant to that mount.
this is cool
>running your mouth with out knowing how something even works
Par for the course in this retard filled general.
it's really the only "trying to do too much" mount I've ever liked.
FedEx lost my gun, now what? Do I call the ATF or does he sender call them? Technically not mine yet.
Prepare your butthole for federal prison
>Correct myself
>Still end up being triggered
Par for the course for this transexual filled general.
Contact the seller, let them know that Fedex lost the gun and see if they will help you. Like you said it's not yours yet if you haven't done your 4473 and taken possession.
It was from tacswap, I think I'm fucking fucked. I'll contact them but I'm already writing this off as a loss.
oh you mean the company who's delivery force is made up completely of basketball people? its a wonder how that happened
Isn't that every delivery company here...?
its the sellers responsibility until its delivered to you, also if you call fedex about it and say a Firearm was lost and the ATF will get involved they will start looking for it
No they won't lmao
Hope you saved a couple bucks at least.
don't write gun manufacture names on packages.
order "fragile" or "glass" stickers on Amazon or Temu for shipping
Why are you tell this to the guy who bought the gun?
Educational moment for all those who read this public board
it's for anyone going to sell numb nuts
Wait, so you're saying I should advertise there is a valuable item in a package? WOW, thanks so much for this information!
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Rate my new pickup. Was an older guys safe queen. $650.
>M4 Carbine roll mark lower
>LE prefix SN
>C stamp upper
>C stamp bolt carrier and bolt

I already removed the Magpul furniture. Going to throw on some basic M4 furniture, a KAC RAS, a tan BFG sling and ACOG. Going to make it a basic bitch USMC POG M4 Carbine clone.
>"glass/fragile!" = "this is very expensive!"
I thought school was back in
It's a gun/10.
>safe queen
>beat to shit
Sorry, I meant shouldn't haha! It was such new helpful info I made a typo! Woweee
I like your build ideas for it going forward, it'll be sick. The RAS will bring it together for sure.
Is therea single delivery company that's worth a damn here?
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The metal was just REALLY dry. I gave it a new wipe down with CLP and let it soak for a few hours, wiped away the excess, looks great.
Looks fine to me, I'd just shoot it, which isn't to say I don't like your ideas for it
>he actually oiled his railscales
It was a meme bro
It's regional and can vary throughout the year. UPS used to be worst but now they are better and USPS is the king. Fedex sucks ass now when they were the best before. Amazon has been smoking crack when they were fairly on point before.
You can mark up a gun all kinds of ways without damaging the finish. Go scrape your fingernail on one of yours.
>USPS is the king
Ironic choice of words
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Am I gmi?
now add a few layers of paint and it's a literal non issue.
I don't care
I don't know where people get the idea that USPS is somehow worse than UPS and FedEx. I sell a lot of shit on eBay. Over the last 3 years I've probably sent over 500 packages USPS and I don't believe I had a single package missing or damaged. I had maybe a dozen that got put on the wrong truck during peak holiday season which added a few days of delivery time but they still made it to the destination.

I've had UPS and FedEx literally loose packages or deliver them to the wrong address. I never use FedEx and I only use UPS for large/heavy items. But now that USPS changed First Class to Ground Advantage and is allowing packages over a pound there are some zones where USPS is cheaper than UPS for large packages.
>jon zherka's on /k/
I'd rather go USPS than UPS or fedex, any day. I see what UPS and fedex do with packages, with tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment in each package. At least they need a warrant to open the package and there's more accountability in general for its whereabouts.
Nice try yt boi but u aint got no daggers on ya hanz.
>micro rig
>put on the wrong truck
So you admit there's a problem, you just don't care about it because you got your money as the seller. Many sellers now refuse to use USPS due to them losing packages or misrouting. This is because they care about their customers.
she'd be in more danger to herself running my gun with those thangs kek
i saw that reddit post too lol
That one gun lawyer's friend who does shit with machine guns recommends USPS in his experience - especially for handguns.
just how fucking stupid are you.
you have the embarrassing kind of dumb.
When it comes to package handling the reality is that all services handle packages pretty rough. A big issue is that people don't understand how to package items properly given their size/weight/fragility. People will use not enough packing material, the wrong type of packing material, shitty boxes, or a box that is not big enough.

One time I shipped a $3000 electronic test device that overseas and it had pretty sensitive ports/plugs. I wrapped the entire thing in anti-static bubble, provided extra bubble where all the ports/connection spots were, and put it in a really rigid box that gave me like 2 inches all around for peanuts. The thing weighed like 40lbs and was about a big as a box a desktop computer case comes in. Made it to Europe without any damage.
If I was gonna send ANYTHING regulated, it would be through USPS. Thousands of drugs get delivered through USPS every single day.
I have a grumpy old mailman and there was a while where he could do extremely petty stuff. He has an assistant now and has mellowed out to the point of being downright pleasant.
There's not enough training in packing in that context, or they simply don't give a fuck, which is usually the case having ran a shipping department. Also, anti static wrapping is good. Where people fuck up with ESD is they wrap it in ESD shielding, then stuff regular bubble wrap, papers or other ESD materials in with the pack. Also see this every single day at work.
USPS, UPS, and FedEx all have problems. I don't think there is a single shipping company that boasts a true 100% accuracy rate.

But UPS and FedEx have WAY MORE problems to the point where for FedEx I would downright call problems common.

USPS > UPS >>>>>>>> FedEx and this isn't even a debate.

If I ever had a seller complain that a package took too long and wanted a refund I'd accept it. I usually ship same or next day so I will almost always beat eBay's estimated shipping time because I have a 3 day handling on my listing. And if the package does get lost all the seller has to do is open a case and they get their money back. Then I'll go after USPS for an insurance payout.
People are easy. Talk to them, figure out what they like and surprise them with it. Always did this with the sanitation, mail and other guys because I want my shit taken care of
definitely, but how would you know
American tipping culture is out of hand etc.
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$5 once a year for extra care of your packages/mail is worth it to me, but I'm white so
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I have a mk18, i want to buy a 20" ar, im a eurofag, so no psa out here or ar building.

What do
>diamond back used (300 rounds) witch sling and two mags for 1,2k €.
>anderson brand new for 1,15k€ folding knife gift included.
>DB 1.2k
>Anderson 1.15k
I'd probably just buy an ak
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I second this. USPS is the only one that actually delivers when they estimated and sometimes earlier. UPS is always wrong by a day or so. FedEx is horrible.
>getting my SBRd Draco back form two rivers arms
>thursday, listed as “out for delivery”
>never shows up
>Friday the same
>Saturday the same
>finally shows up on Monday.
>NFA item that needed a signature was tossed on my front steps with the packaging busted and the barrel sticking out the corner of the box.
Fuck FEDex
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Honestly man I just don't feel right recommending either at those prices, though I understand your market dictates it
I'd go anderson. But you're telling me you can't even buy built lowers, anywhere? Absolutely no aftermarket parts? Because you would save a lot and get a better gun if you just piece mealed a rig together than buying those.
No way man, almost impossible.
just go anderson, then. They'll both do the same thing. Can you at least buy furniture, stocks, accessories?
Keep looking, both those options suck ass. Also consider a 14.5 or 16 inch AR instead. Much more handy for very little difference in capability.
>inb4 20gang histrionics
Could you buy a barrel? I would say buy whichever is free floated and then you can at least replace the barrel if it's not good.
imagine what a 14.5 socom rig would run him lol, and it'd probably be 10k rounds used for $2.5k. Love my 10.5", hate 16" ARs in general they are not nearly as fun to shoot as SBRs to me. I can see if my options were 20", just settling for a new gun and making it mine.
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When i buy an ar15 the weapon is the lower ,witch comes with the upper , the barrel and the bcg.
All of those have to be marked and registered with the same serials.
After that you can buy as many uppers as you want. ( not alot of choice)
Furnitures, accessories , mags and silencers are available to purchase without any paperwork.
Nothing at a better pricepoint.

Too much paperwork, not worth it

A super duty brand new is 3k, i allready have my 3k mk18.. yeah i know i get assfucked on the pricing.
>silencers are available to purchase without any paperwork.
I'm glad the rest is difficult and expensive
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That's pretty cool you at least have that available to you. It's unfortunate that so many are unable to build their own. Wish you had cheaper options available to you. You should probably wait for a good deal to come your way, a 14.5 carbine setup or a nicer rig as for that price everybody hates to tell you to buy something when they know what kind of build they could get for $1.3k here.
A 3k super duty is the move 10 times out of 10 over a 1.2K DB or anderson
Yeah, I'm White. I don't get tips for doing my job.
we don't have the choice you guys have, the best one are b&t and ase ..

the sad thing is that those are the deals..

i can't justify so much money on another ar , my mk18 already raped my ass , im just looking for a range toy, im even considering a tipman M4 22lr elite 12" with a silencer for the same pricepoint. (1,1K)
because the people you work for aren't white
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>the sad thing is that those are the deals..
Worse, they're - God forgive me for saying this, liberals (some of them).
im biased i work for FedEx so it might be higher than others but UPS>USPS>FedEx
Yeah I'm just not tipping government employees
Why pay so much for a trash AR? How much would the SG550, Perun, Bren 2 cost?
can you buy scars there?
no fedex is 100 percent by far the worst
nah fedex is dogshit
UPS is probably the best all around since they pay the most.
USPS is government but they at least seem to be fairly competent drivers (for now). I'm sure that will change as all the boomers and Gen Xers retire and it becomes more muttified.
FedEx does some kind of franchise shit in addition to their main operation and uses vans with non CDL drivers so it pays them jack shit and of course only employs people who can't get a job elsewhere.
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Bout 2k for a bren2 , idk about true sig but good luck finding mags.
3.5k for the 5.56 scar
Both platforms are great, but I wouldn't be surprised some faggot with a reddit tier rifle would say this
I dont like it, it insists upon itself

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