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/k/ - Weapons

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Anyone make it to Canada to see the recent exhibit of the murder/k/ube? A friend of mine lives nearby and took some pictures.
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Wtf the /k/ube opens??
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imagine the power of a child conceived in such a holy place
It's cool that it opens and you could theoretically live inside it. On the other hand, it's less cool to know that it's hollow. I thought it was a 10 ton cube of crushed guns.
I heard this will be the last public showing of the /k/ube Is that true? What will happen to it?
I want to go up to that woman and pinch her butt.
It will be melted down into a hyper/k/ube with the murder/k/ubes from the other places.
What happens if you lock yourself inside and meditate, /k/?
You will resonate at the /k/ube's kommand frequency and levitate it. You will be able to fly it using your mind.
supposedly it's moving to a new location but I haven't seen any info where that might be
They told me they are looking for a forever home for it. But the Kube has a troubled history. They made a cool Semi-Truck tent to take it all over and then Covid killed the Kube pilgrimage and its been languishing in the dark since. This is the first time its seen the light since to my knowledge.
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I did and I ate Zippy beans inside it
P.S. FUCK IVAN I don't know if the landmine thing is true but its my own personal "Haitians eat cats" now
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In my shame I forgot about printing out the pregnant Anne Frank picture I'm sorry anon I did let you down
I did give the Murder/k/ube everyone's prayers and wished for success for every /k/ommando's martial endeavours
to what realm will the murder cube transport you to once inisde
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The floor is a bunch of crushed revolvers set in cement
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>the /k/ube in occultation
it is eternal
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Some rich /k/ultist could buy it
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Note it's hollow mostly for disassembly
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I talked to a volunteer lady she said they made a rad customer trailer. The /k/ube went in the middle sides and top open up and then they tent it and they were going to do a /K/ube pilgrimage across all of canada but then the coof came.
I don't know what happened to the Kubetrailer but heres a model of it.
>The dust cover on that FAL
That's a C1A1, you can tell by the cover, it's designed to take clips from the top to load the mag inside.
I think I see a few sights on there from other C1s, truly made of the finest firearms.
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I'm told to share some words.
The /K/ube weights 5 tonnes. Also I talked to the volunteers I may or may not have called it the Kube. They asked where I heard of it. I told them I have an American friend who's obsessed with it who yelled at me it was near me and had me hunting all through Covid. They mentioned "Yes that is a thing were aware of it." They know /k/ they know about you.
Really cute Lil model, shame the /k/ube never made a pilgrimage
There were lots of neat firearms sacrificed to it
A Calico (rifle length) Wartime Walter PPK and P38, a STEN, a Sterling, C1, L1, a Steyr Repeitgewehr, a suppressed MAC-10, a suppressed Beretta 92, a Beretta Tomcat (rare in Leafland because of our laws)
And a lot of 20mm cannon rounds, a bunch of AK pistons. Lots of Chinese AKs
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>tfw accidentally called in the /k/ube within earshot of the artist
It would honestly be more surprising if they had not heard of it
Glorious anons.
Honestly it's not the vehemently anti-gun message I would have assumed it to be; I'm sure the artists lean that way but they really do stick to the "gun-violence" aspect of things instead of going the really sensationalist route the could have. Shows the restraint and dignity with which the subject of violence and its impact should be broached by society; they worked with a lot of Military and police to get the deactivated guns so I imagine they have a bit more general knowledge than your average liberal
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At least now we know where the leaf C1s went...
colt woodsman?
Where in Canada? I was thinking of going there next week.
last day of the exhibit was the 14th
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Edmonton but the exhibit is over and the /k/ube is now... in a mysterious place [spoiler]I know which warehouse its in storage in but I will NOT let you in[/spoiler]
There is nothing else very /k/ here for tourists except... maybe the Alberta Aviation Museum? We have a Mosquito mockup, a Canadair Sabre and a de Havilland Tiger-Moth
Thanks, wrong end of the cunt for me. Oh well. I guess I can't tell the Customs officer at the toolbooth that I'm on a religious pilgrimage.
They can go down to calgayry and they have tons of skeletonized naval guns + a ton of uboat loot, in addition to billions of dioramas.
>the Murdercube was created to encourage you to create works and actions that would contribute to positive change.
Sounds a tiny bit like an euphemism for a killing spree.

Would you give one of your guns to the /k/ube?
>It's not a solid block of crushed guns and bullets
My day is ruined
On the other hand, there's a room for you to fornicate. Imagine; your semen can become infused with the power of Gun, causing you to cry out in victory as your sperm penetrates her eggs at 1280fps
Would it be blasphemous to have sex with your gf in the kube?
Whatever happened to the plans to liberate the kube, to allow it to fulfil its grand purpose?

No, but there would be a significant chance that she'd end up giving birth to a litter of Makarovs; and no, you would not be the father.
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That thing is so cool. Imagine if that was a gun safe
There is also that place where they have original Arrow blueprints that got saved.
Only good for fans of old CBC documentaries
I wish the arrow wasn't cancelled and also mediocre because it sure looked cool
With hindsight, the cancellation of Sparrow 2 and Iroquois is the worst shame. Imagine a FBW Avro Canada Phantom with both of those.
These still some in war stores in Quebec.
We should take it. Our holy artifacts shouldnt be in the hands of heathens.
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I wish it were true
Every CAFfag I've spoken to thinks they've all been destroyed
Im an ex leafbot its true. They did destroy the last of the enfields though.
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>anon thinks of ritual sex babies ensorcelled with the power of countless conflicts
such is the power of the kube, it's chaotic psyker powers try to will anon into helping it manifest a corporeal form
/k/ommandos you must resist the taint
>In my shame I forgot about printing out the pregnant Anne Frank picture I'm sorry anon I did let you down
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If I'm being perfectly honest I damn near missed the whole viewing
too sleepy
clearly the /k/ube is a manifestation of the machine god not chaos
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the /k/ube will be made whole
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feed me ziggers
Based Siegeposter
The Kube, you opened it, we came!
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Wakey wakey silly
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>Actual antique muzzle loading Belgian shotgun from the 1800s (BTW these are like $100-200 and bretty cool)
>Ithaca Auto Burglar (?!)
>weird LAPD stenciled lower
>Daewoo K2
>Mossberg 500 factory Bullpup conversion
>A no shit original Thompson
>Large pin (?) Colt Sporter
>Original Calico
Is that a fucking Swedish K or the S&W clone?

I was kinda thinking something similar but a gun display in the style of the /k/ube with an insanely large mix of impractical rifle mounts/racks to get all the different angles where to get to one gun you'll inevitably need to remove 5+ other guns.

>the floor is a bunch of REAL (S&W?) revolvers in cement
>it isn't a print on vinyl like I always thought
holy fuck
>Large pin (?) Colt Sporter
Only way to find out is to visit and make an offering of hammer/trigger pins.
> think of it like leaving a prayer written on paper in the Wailing Wall
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>They know /k/ they know about you.
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I wanted to post this you pinhead!
Jesus, dude, she's like barely 7 yo
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>Is that a fucking Swedish K or the S&W clone?
It's the S&W.
The Kpist has wooden grips, a very different end-cap, rear sights further forward, different sling mounts, more rivets and so on. Also green.
I see it as a representation of power that fire arms bring. The numerous diverse guns represent the vast amounts of people who can tap into that shared authority of violence; their motive irrelevent. They are one. United by the monolith of true power and freedom.
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Big fire, you say?
Who has the komplete Skripture? Preferably the John Moses Browning version.
What you think this is, a wisdom /k/ube?
It has many guns which is very wise
It kept telling me to kill John Lennon. I tried to tell It that he was dead, but It refused to believe me.
>there's a fucking Armscor M1600 on the /k/ube
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Someone have tried this, but the result was far from what they expected.
Maybe you should try and find him to make sure.
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>denying the Omnissiah
I see 3 M40 recoilless rifles, and also a cooling shroud from an M2HB. Not going to lie, seeing a Thompson stuck in there hurt a little along with Daewoo and the Colt sporter w/ the third pin
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"Third pin" in this pic >>62514239 is an autosear blocked sporter from the 80s/90s (?); note the offset and oversized pin. It is a slabside lower though, fugggg. I do wonder what the fuck that huge mag in the carbine to the left of the reddish circular plate in >>62514213 is though. It looks almost blued.
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Another view from another site.
Some poor fucker in that museum is going to have an aneurysm wondering why the /k/ube is constantly surrounded by Pop-tart crumbs.
Wish I could have gone
Sometime along the line someone somewhere will clone her and bring her back to life

Based. Loved the ova.
Is there a way to leave a comment with “all hail the cube” for its creator?
(Read the board behind)
I'm still wondering wtf that huge hunk of steel is. I suppose it could be a receiver for something but what?
I have a colt with the block and the hole is way larger than the one in the pic
/k/ommandos have visited in the past and prayed before it on their knees.
I doubt they would easily forget
I prefer to see it as the inevitability of violence. All that lives will be in conflict, be it against other beasts, themselves, the world, even against the immutable laws of physics that bind this reality together. And the guns, much like our attempts at destroying our innate desire for conflict, ignore destruction and still persist mostly intact, made stronger through trying to rid ourselves of them. We shouldn't fear violence, because for as monolithic as it is it's merely another facet of being alive
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They have a couple variations. Some have large pins, some are offset forward, some back, etc. Just a big fuggin' mess of sear block designs and variations on how it's drilled and pinned in. The one in >>62538273 is larger.
yeah I see that now, thanks
I always imagined it contained the Stone Caine used to slay Abel
anon, this is a "murder /k/ube" thread, not a "cube of murders" thread
> subtle but important difference
What the fuck is up with the gloves, i assume the bag is meant to catch the brass?
Ovum is kill then life
How do you think /k/oko was made
This Cambodian statue is also all made out of guns and is far more impressive than the kube

The /K/obra
looks like it has handles. perhaps the rear receiver for some kind of mounted machinegun

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