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Opinions about 30P6 "Kontakt"?
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Let me know when their krokodil infused fantasies works in the real world Ransheed
>krokodil infused fantasies
You will not be laughing so big for many, anglo scum!
I'm sure it works as well as their air defense systems.

• Soviet abandonware
• Claimed to be rebooted in 2023
• Just an ABL, so no technical reason it can't exist. However...
• Fundamentally of little utility w/o a long-range refueling fleet.
• And a headache Russia doesn't need and can't afford (heavy-lift woes).
• And bottlenecked by the same onboard power constraints as US counterparts.

The last point is significant. When the US loses interest in ramping up airborne laser output because the juice isn't worth the squeeze, you can rest assured that the numbers aren't favorable for russia either.


• Scant evidence of existence.
• Known specs and purpose are lackluster.
• Source of the previous is Russia's Army Journal.
• https://desuarchive.org/k/thread/62311528

We currently have no reason to believe that it exists as more than a handful of prototypes. As of this August, we have official (subsequently erased) confirmation of what it is for. It is not a thing of vatnik wet dreams. It is just a dazzler, intended to provide momentary cover for troop and equipment movements – *eventually* as one part of much larger deception campaigns.
It's a nice science fiction story.
>shoot down a few satellites with the few anti-sat weapons you have
>spacex throws replacements into orbit before the week is over and spends less money doing so than you paid to acquire the missiles
>oh and all your neutral and allied countries with any investment in space assets will hate your guts now for making the debris problem worse.
sounds like a really good way of starting a space war you can't win, where the US just starts gently de-orbiting russian satellites.
Peresvet and Sokol are classic russian 'ganda, Comtact has western analogues so maybe it is capable.
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in the same realm as pic rel
>Opinions about 30P6 "Kontakt"?
Late to the game,
Hitting a target int orbit isn't exactly hard past a level.
It's just that no one care to do it. It's essentially a declaration of war to all of Earth and the Chinese aren't going to accept this from their vassalized Russia.

Lasers now that would be a weapon of gentleman, assuming they could.
I'm starting to wonder if the real objective behind the YAL-1 airborn laser was not against cruise-missile, but as an ASAT weapon you can quickly deploy under any low orbit.

>500m high wave
Oh boy, at least try to make it credible.

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