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Video of an MQ-9 being shot down over Yemen
This is the 13th shot down overall and the 3rd shot down in the last 2 weeks
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We got a video of the drone wreckage
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Little bit higher quality
But confirms an MQ-9
Oh no! We will notify the drone wife and children and hold a funeral ceremony for the fallen drone. Simpe fee (Air Force).
Are they looking for targets for Israel to blow up after the houthi chimpout?
Iranian made SAM countered Western wundervaffen. Who would've predicted?
america found out why yemen has no food
why are the houthis so much more successful at shooting down drones than hezbollah?
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Sorry OP is a fucking ADD retard who is too stupid to save a webm. Fuck you OP, you dumb, lazy sack of shit
Because Israel took countermeasures that America was unwilling to…
like? seems hezbollah used to have limited success a couple of months ago and now it's been a while since they shot one dow
every time they use a SAM site it's blown to bits
i'm also sure the israelis collect loads of ELINT and destroy radars if they ever get turned on
so if hezbollah wants to keep any anti air capabilities, they have to keep their shit off
Yemen is huge so it's essentially impossible keep track of everything and they're receiving conventional AAM nigger rigged into SAMs.
So it's natural for them to be able to shoot down drones, the interesting thing is that they consider those drones as a worthy target for their not plentiful missiles...
does the 358 even need a radar?
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not everything they use is IR guided
IR guided falls into the first part
but to search for targets, they still might use a radar
Dont Houthis almost exclusively use Iranian MITL missiles? I doubt they have radars since they are massively overmatched in EW
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i know but on occasion israeli drones are easily spotted by eyeball. pic rel are israeli drones flying in formation in south lebanon.

hezbollaj is definitely saving their most advanced shit for an all out war to try and take down israeli jets
i'm pretty sure they also have Sayyad series missiles
read somewhere(some Israeli analyst) that hezbollah is appearing to conserve ammunition
to paraphrase
they stopped using suicide drones on bases near the border, using them to attack deeper higher quality targets
so ye, they're conserving it for an all out war
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also israeli jets fly *really fucking* low to try and bait sams. the thing is though flying lower basically makes you succeptible to MANPADS. but i guess hezbollha are such pussy ass niggers hiding that they don't even get a chance to hit a jet
I mean.
Why risk escalating the war?
No one cares if you blow up a drone
>rent free
in the ground
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What if they actually are plentiful, Iran doesn't seem to stop pumping shit out somehow
why are they invading yemen's airspace?
maybe fuck off and stop with that shit.
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>why are they invading yemen's airspace?
>maybe fuck off and stop with that shit.
Maybe stop lobbing missiles at other people's ships, Khalil, unless you backwards pedo-worshipping death cultists enjoy killing the oceans faster than they're already dying state.gov/houthi-attacks-on-the-sounion-oil-tanker-threaten-becoming-an-environmental-disaster/
Anyway, tactical advantage of shooting Iranian grain ships?
so why have they fired at israeli jets before multiple times?
Lol, nato losing everywhere.

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